HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-07-17, Page 8POWRER
AbsollateIy iire4
This powder never varies. A marvel ot purity,
strength and wholesomeness. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
competition with the multitude ot low test,
short weight alma or phosphate powders. Sold
only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWORR CO., 100
WalllSt., N. Y.
The Huron News -Record
$1.50 a Year -81.25 In Advance. a
sr�' The man dais net dd justice to his Mari cos
!to spends less in attoertisi,i than he doe in
rent.—A T. STEWART, the millionaire nwrq ant
of New York.
Wednesday. July 17th. 1989
-Don't buy Baby Carriages or
Wall Paper until you have seen the
magnificent NEW STOCK at
DICKSON'S Book Store, Clinton.
500 Tabs of Dairy Butter
wanted, for which the highest market
price in cash or .trade will be paid. J.
W. IRWIN, Cooper's old stand, Clinton.
WANTEn.—A good general servant.
Apply to Mrs. W. McGee, Ontario St.,
C,%u•rlON,—I hereby forbid all persons
giving, goods on my account, to my son:
George, aged ah, 12 years, as I will not
pay any debts contracted by him. Wm
Ili and rttlound the "Hub."
`(t� tttt'lt
City, California; is the guest of her
aunt, Mrs, Wm. Muir.
int; militia appointments have been
rtazot.ted :-33rd (EIuron) Battalion,
No. 4, Company, Clintsu—To be-
lieutenant provisionally, Private
Hugh Barry Combe; vice Edward
Costello Coleman, resignation ac+
cepted. To be 2nd lieutenant pro-
visionally, Flsrvv Torr Ranee, vine
James Young. The two new officers
are popular young meu and ma4e
many friends at last camp.
ing s riot, among laborers atDuluth`;\
week ago last Satnrday, Thomas
F itz-iii mons, aced 18, grandsop of
s'.;e date 31r. S. I?itzgimmons of this
sown, was killed by a stray shot,
',n an inquest held over the body
the jsiry found that "he .-net his
death at this hands of persons un-
ltno'.; n, nnri that he took no part in
the riot," There are six of the
rioters now in gaol who will gut
penitentiary. The body was bror.ght
to Clinton and interred here last
EQUAL RIGIITS.—Mr. J. L. iiughes
of Toronto,, -was invited by the
Orange brethren of Clinton to give
an address here on the evening of
the llth, A. temporary platform
was arranged on the market square
and Mr, Hughes addressed the
audience therefrom. Mr. Floody
presided. The speaker found fault
with both Dominion and Ontario
Governments in trenchant terms for
their favoritism towards Roman ism,
He created considerable .enthusiasm
and was londly applauded at times.
M'• Hughes left next morning for
nf4..JOuNtt ie reopvortog from •
her regent illness, , •
CLINTON Fife and Drum Baud
took first prize at the Exeter Orange
CelanIgR WmetN, painter and
Endes, tonsorial artist, have returned
to town from Man.itpbe.
THE Pickering Nears says :—Mise
Acheson, o Goderich, is visiting
friends iu this village for a couple
of weeks.
sentenced William Fleming and
Robert Fleming to nine and• six
mouths, respectively, iu the Central
Prison, for sheep stealing.- They
were committed from Clinton.
RI: was not present at Exeter. The
deputy master of the Grand Black
Chapter of British America, Sir W.
H. illnrney ofGado.rich, was among
the brethren at Exeter.
REEVES Mc MURouiE and Manning
and councillor Cantelon have
returned from the city of London
and several towns whither they
went to acquire information regard-
ing electric light. They will likely
unbosom themselves at next meet-
ing of Council. �.
MRS. D. M. MALLooR and W.
0. Malloch are taking a summer
outing at the pleasant little town of
Meaford. \V. 0. will shortly take
another trip with H. B. Proudfoot
through the wilds of Muskoka, sur-
veying. They will be veritable
kings for the time being—monarchs
of all they survey.
Empire reporter, in referring to
Mr. F. W. Johnston .a:l being one
of the speakers at the. 'Orange cele-
bration at Exeter, calla hini the
"Rev." Mr. Jolinston, ']'lie clerical
appearance of F. W. would mis-
lead almost any oue as to his
SOME excitement occurred Sun-
day afternoon at Knox Church
Sunday school, St. Thomas, •by a
tour -year old lad nameds Johnny.
Pearce swallowing a two -cent
Atuer'icnn coin. There was some
talk of putting the boy in the
missionary box in order to be sure
and get the coin to its destination.
ONE DAY last .week when Mr.
McQuair was haying just south of
the town a cloud apparently not
,much bigger than a man's hand
came iu his• direction from Clinton.
It proved to be a swarm- of bees.
They continued on their way and
appoared to settle in the bush on'
the ruar of \lr. Weir's dairy •farm.
Should they cause the milts from
the farm to keep sweet',this hot
wi anher Mr. Wier's patrons will
have no cause to.regret the honeyetf:.
One of the nicest social gatherin-:
of the season was that at Mr. Jo
Kilty's, Huliett, a short dista,;
from town, on the evening of J
8th. It was a real, royal, rnsJio
enjoyable affair. There werestri;
berries and other delicacies in pro-
fusion. Violin music by Mr. 13rf, yr
ley and others, to which the votarces
of Terpsichore reepdnded wif(li
nimbleness of Mot'tnd graceful
pees of motion that WO quite plea%
ing to even the inoaE Staid " walla
fower." Mr. Kilty is -deserving of
much p.raiee for affording our ypung
people and others the opportunity
of indulging,jn such enjoyable '(and
innoeen,.G ra'criaation. ¢ ; , v
gentletha t residing in the vicinity
of Clinton in the course of business
called at the house of one of our
popular ministers without knowing
who resided there. The wife of the
parson was the person whom he saw
and he liked the appearance of the
lady so .much that lee invited 'her
and her .husband to a danco that
was to Cottle off a few evenings
hence at his place. The lady in
declining the invitation remarked,
apologetically as the inviter thought:
"I must remind you I am a minis-
ter's wife." "Never mind that,"
replied the liberal -minded gentle-
man, " you will he welcome all the
Prices \'1uch Low,'r than Last Year
different kind* iu stock. We also have a fine
Mock of
Suitable fair Baby Carriages.
Chris. Dickson, Clinton
12TH JULY, 1889.
God Speaking, Fine Weather.
,r The turnout at Exeter, in which
South Huron participated, was a
large one. R. Tichbourne, of Gode-
rich, was chief marshal. There were
about 35 lodges in all, among them
being 262, Saltford, Jaynes Wells
W.M:; 182, Goderich, R. Tichbourne
W.M.; 308, Hills Green, Joseph
Foster, W.M.; 24, Bnyfield. John
Pollock W.M.; 710, Clinton, W. G.
Smith W.M.; Jubilee Preceptory
161, Clinton, A. M. Todd W.P.;
Victoria Preceptory 315, Goderich;
153, Colborne, A. Millilrn W.M.;
1035, Varna, Wm. Rathwetl W.M.;
31, Bayfield Young Britons, Yin.
Howard W.M. There were Life and
drum bands with the majority of
the lodges, the Cliutou one beiug
composed of 12 members. At the
grove County Master Floody intro
duced W. W. Fitzgerald, G.• M. of
Ontario \Vest, as the chairman.
Revs. Robinson, of Exeter, Rural
Dean Cooper, of Bruce, and F. W.
Johnston, of Goderich, and J. L,
Hughes, of Toronto, gave excellent
There Wight he souse philanthropic
Jesuits, but there were far more of
them who served Gal with the help
ot, the devil—they advanced what
tG y called the kingdom of God by
am means in their power, whether
goad or otherwise. The Roman
CLINTON NEST.—The general
feeling is that Clinton should have
the next 12th July celebration.
Initiatory steps will likely be taken
in, a short time to have a monster
demonstration here in 1890.
Seventy lodges and friends, .possi-•
bly 18,000 people, cau bo brought
to Clinton if the promoters receive
proper encouragement and our
citizens and business anew take
hold of the matter.
SUBSCRIBE .Nair.—That sincere
and amiable end -of -the -world man,
the Rev. Mr. Baxter, of England,
has revised the date for the great
smashup. Ile now declares that it
will occur on the llth of April,
1891, with no postponement on
any account. $2.20 will pay for
THE :NEWS -RECORD from now until
that slate. \Vith what an easy con-
science would the investment of
a paltry $2.20 enable those paying
iu advance now to welcome the
'rack of doom.
morning between forty and fifty
brethren and knights of the town,
headed by the 'Orange band, pro
seeded from their lodge i'oom. to the
station. Drum Major Carling was
in bis best triol, and the march go
the station presented a very impos-
ing appearance. Tho Clinton Lodge
and friends went to Exeter. At
that place the fine marching and
military heating of the band, officers
and brethren was the talk of the
immense slathering. Clinton has
an Orange Lodge that many of itslit
citizens are proud of. The remark'
was general that the brethren eis-
;`turned worthy Orangemen. t"
A HORSE, said to belong to
Thornton Wallace, invested itself
with the freedom of the town lost
Thursday. The animal had been
attached to a buckboard and left
Stapleton with that vehicle and
without a driver, e)tereising its own
free will as to its rate of locomotion to
Clinton.' When coming down the
incline at James Smith's residence,
the downward acceleration of speed
was such as to cause the vehicle to
make better time than the animal
and it leaped over the horse's back.
In this acrobatic movement it dis
engaged itself from the shafta and
the horse with pendant shafts
came townward swooping around,
Combe'a and Couch's corners and
was brought up -at the postoff,ce
without any other damage than the
breaking of the shafts' connecting
..11 N. AIWA ai.
holic Church had countenanced
e Jesuits in the past, stud it was
r as unscrupulous'as ever. He
sught Sir John was right when he
laintained that these Jesuits were.
Bot outlawed under the Ecclesiastical
Titles Bill, but the government
should put a stop to all sectarian
grants in the future. When Mr.
Charlton was going around the
country with his pitiable tale about
how the Reformers had been duped
by Sir John, he felt like taking an
onion in his pocket to .one' of those
meetings so that he might weep
tears of sympathy for him. (Laugh,
ter.) If the Orangemen left Sir
John, to whore could they go 1 Not
to the "Thirteen," for they could
never agree upon a platform. Mr.
-Charlton would want annexation,
'and another one something else, and
so on. Not to Mr. Laurier, with
his little musket. The only third
party which would succeed would
he one formed by the ladies.
(Cheers.) He enumerated the many
privileges being granted to the Cath•
olics by Mr. Mowat which were de-
nied to Protestants, and closed a
splendid speech with a short eulogy
of the Orange Order.
J. L. HUGHES :—After speaking
of the Orange Order, he said he
didn't believe in any third party,
but in purifying politics the way the
people of Boston did last December,
when Democrats and Republicans
united to stop Romish aggression.
Ut)less he was very much mistaken,
eVcry one of the 188 in Ontario,
iridluding Sir John and the Hon.
Sward Blake, would not be nom-
om•in ted by their present constituents.
10 defended the constitution of the
Ceange Association. It was a secret
tfeiety in so far as its meetings were
trivate, but they never met to plot
reason. (Hear, hoar.) He spoke
strongly against the Separuete School
system and the use of French as a
legal language, and would do every-
thing in his power to have these
evils obliterated from Canada. Pro-
testants had already defeated Oath•
ohcs with the sword, and now they
nivat beat them with a corporate
vote. In concluding, he said there
were breaches in our constitution,
and the mighty flood of Ronianism
was rushing in, and he called upon
all to repair them by their votes.
and prayers to God.
at St. Mary's :-He found fault
with a number of • the speeches of
the day, especially that of Mr. Mon-
teith, as being foreign to the cause
of Orangeien. They partook more
of the ring of the disappointed poli-
tician than of the celebration of a
victory that had done so much for
mankind. Through the ignorance,
or something worse, of some of the
speakers, the Dominion Government
was blamed as if it had originated
acid passed the Jesuit hill, whereas
the fact was that it had been passed
by the Legislature of tire. Province
of Quebec. What satisfaction would
it have given to Orangemen if Col.
O'Brien's motion bad been earned,
when evvey,one who knew anything
about parliamentary practice knows
full well that had this taken place
Sir John would have been compelled
to resign, and Laurier, of shoot•the-
volunteers notoriety, would have
been called upon to take hie place.
To his (the speaker's) wind the Pro-
vince of Quebec acted entirely with-
in its constitutional powers when it
passed the bill. It was all very
well to harp about equal rights, but
surely Orangemen were liberal
enough to allow any province of the
Dominion, no natter what its re.
ligion war, the full privilege to ex-
ercise the rights conferred upon it
by the British North America Act.
Whether the Jesuits were a good or
had society in.,the minds of the peo-
ple of Ontario was a question entire-
ly foreign to tile present issue. To
endeavor to create dissensions was
not the way to build up a great
GRAND MASTER of British Amer-
ica, N. Clark Wallace at Lindeay:
The previous speaker told you that
a few Assets can accomplish great
things. Twelve men he • said,
had christianized the world.,
And we recollect that 200 years ago
thirteen 'prentice boys in the city
of Derry shut the gate upon the
advancing Popish hosts, for which
they will have an immortal memory.
They will be held in remembrance
for their courageous act in closing
the gates upon the advancing foe.
I think our duty here to day is to
emulate the spirit of our forefathers
in this respect and show that we as
Protestants and Orangemen will
of the Popish hierarchy either in
the Dominion or in this Province of
Ontario. (Cheers.) • Now we aro
tolyl by a certain paper the other
day that Orangemen Karl better
look out for the eyes of the people
of the country wore upon them,
I ;believe that is true. (Cheers.)
The paper then proceeds to give
advice to the Orangemen as to what
they should do in the premises.
And it also tells us it would look
with pleasure len the destruction of
the Orange order. Now, I do not
think it is safe fur any man to take
advice from his enemies. I think
we are strong enough in ourselves,
that we have sufficient intelligence
ourselves fo map out our own
course, and it is not very p difficult
course if we take the honest and
straightforward way of proceeding
.in this crisis. The Orangemen have
a duty to perform in connection
with this Jesuit question which is
now agitating the country. It is a
qeestion which interests the Orange:
men: but it is not an Orange ques-
tion. It interests every Protestant
in Canada, whether he is an Orange -
until or not, and, therefore, it is not
an Orange question. It is a quer,
tion of the whole of the Protestants
of Canada against tlleencroachments
of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
Ma. G. TAYLOR, M. P. at Ganen-
oque :—The next speaker was Mr.
G. Taylor, M. P., who, it was claim,
ed, would get a warm reception on
account of. his vote in the House on
the Jesuit'question. At the outset
ha was interrupted by one or two
in the crowd, principally by
Mr. Hyssop, but as he pre.
seeded he was frequently cheered.
When he arose the hand played
"Loyal Orange Lily." He plated
out that he had been an Orangeman
for31 years, and intended to remain
one. He bad celebrated every
Twelfth since Ire joined the order.
After pointing out that he had
been told to confine his remarks to
nonpolitical matters, he said he
bad not prepared remarks on the
Jesuit question, it having been
dragged into politics. However, he
wonld say something regarding it.
He was glad to be one of the 188
members of the House, because his
vote proved that he was loyal to
the Queen and constitution. Had
he voted with the 13 he would
have voted censure on tyre Gover-
nor-General, • who had aigne the
bill, and who is the Queen's reproe
eentative. There was no power
that could make him sign it if he
did not with to do so. • The speaker
then contradicted a statement made
by Rev. Mr. Gallagher, that the
Jesuits were incorporated and
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Children's Knee Pants 85o
'Orangemen were not, pointing out
that in Manitoba, Nova Scotia and
New Brunswick Orangemen were
incorporated. While he did not
approve of the Jesuits being in,
etrporated, he admitted the right •
of Quebec to incorporate them just
the same as those provinces had
incorporated theOrange body, He
was in favor of having the matter
submitted to the courts, and was
sure if such were done the Oranges
men would be the first to submit to
their interpretation of the constitu-
tion, let it he what it may.
(Cheers.) After remarking that if
he had voted for O'Brien's resolu-
tion Ise would have voted censure,
on the representative of her Majes.j
ty, Ise said if lie had the vote t
cast over again ire would cast it n
the same way. He called on all to
read the Orange Sentinel, which
recomniended,the Jesuit question to
the courts, when some one cried,
"We'll take the Mail." Mr. Taylor
replied with, "That paper, that is
published in American interests;
that wants Canada annexed to the
United States that is not in
accord with Orangemen's loyal
principles I" (Cheers.) The speak-
er then showed that• the result, if
the majority had voted for disallow.
ance, would have been the ousting
of Sir John and making Mr. Laurier
Premier. Cries of "That's worse,"
"He's a pritne Jesuit," "He'll never
be Premier." Mr. Taylor next'
seid be was prepared to discuss the
Jesuit question in, any hall, saying
he did not vote for the Act, but
voted that it was constitutional for
the Quebec Legislature to pass it.
He was a true Orangeman and
would never submit ,to a vote of
censure being passed on the Queen.
(Cheers.) He pointed out that
eight of the thirteen patriots had
said they had to vote "yea" to save
their seats. There was not much
independence in that. (Laughter.)
He never bed pandered for Roman
Catholic votes and never would.
0. Y. B's. FOR CLINTON.-There
is seine talk of organizing an Orange
Young Briton Lodge in Clinton.
There should be plenty of room for
such a society here. Early training
is just as important in society as it
is iu church iiiattels.
A Salem (Ore.) newspaper recently
printed the following personal:—
"If John Jones,. who. twenty years
ago deserted his wife and babe, will
return, said babe will lick the
stu{iin' out of him.
/ GEORGE GLASGOW, John Gib -;t
'biugs and John Jackson were:
nominated, last Thursday, for the
position of School :Trustee for St.
Andrew's ward to fill the term for
which James Thompson was elected.
Election Thursday tine 18th.
A Rumor is current that Treas-
nror Ross, of the Ontario Goverh-
meut, is likely soon to retire; and
that Mr. Ross, the Minister of
Education, will succeed pini, Mr.
Gibson, the Provincial Secretary,
taking the department of education,
And Mr. Thos. Gibson, of North
Iturou, taking the place of his
namesake as Pr'ooincial Secretary.
SOME 50 candidates wrote at the
Entrance Examination at Wingham
last week. Inspector Malloch prig
sided. f'
MRS. WM. CANTELON, her ma y
friends will be pleased to learn •is
still improving. It is expel d
that she will be able to sit up in: a
few days.
Hovey's residence Tuesday of las 7i,,
week was a ploasant and successful
social affair. About $35 were rea-
flized for the improvement of St.
Paul's church.
was a very large gathering of
Orangemen and their friends at
Wingham on the I2th—from
10,000 to 15,000 persona in all,
W. H. Clegg, C. M. presided, Rev.
W. F. Wilson ("move on"), and
Rev. Jas. Livingstone of Clinton
were among the speakers. There
was a good r•epreseutation,fi'om this
laet month the Black Order was
founded in. Clinton. Since the
opening.snd up to the present time
the Preceptor, has grade good pro-
gress. At the last tweeting a mem-
ber from L. 0. L. 306, Bayfield
Line, was initiated. It is expected
that there will be two more brethren
knighted at the August meeting.
The Orange and Black Orders fn
the town of Clinton are bound to
the advantage of the cheapness of
real estate skyward and put an
additional story to his nicely
located building on Ontario St.,
and Mr. Plumateel's brick veneer-
ing and extension of liis residence
adjoining will not only enhance
the value and • comfort of those
residences but pleasingly improve
the appearance of that portion of
lite east end of the hub.
—The debt of the Dominion de-
creased $904,987 during June.