HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-07-17, Page 6oeseteetatoesseetwwwwanametisiwe 1a /gr n Nie s Record $1.50 a Yoar-,.el.25 to advina;c. Tt,aMet 4ity /Mite iestts rrr ktrtosines enL8-'uPtr a'¢uA. S�W.txr, niLtlre ntenn relnnt of Nolo York. Weduesdnty', Jt1Iy I7tlI, ISS9. UNCLE JOE 51111 STER'S RI DE. TEMPERANCE STORY: wall AN OLD TOPER'S PLEDGE AT TILE END OF "I s'pose that the saddeueat and most laetiug,caye of turutug :over a leaf in the natter of tarrying too long at the wine cup was that 'of• Uncle Joe Shoestor, a jolly old Pennsylvania Dutch farmer who lives up our way," said John New• berger, of Berks county. "Uncle Joe had been for forty years chiefly conspicuous as a eitizep through his perennial conviviality. A robust bachelor, with plenty of money, he had been able to maintain an al - moat uninterrupted jog for twoscore years, without having to carry with it a single care, either financial, physical, or mental—a condition, iu the estimation of many of hie fellow citizens. so entirely blissful as hardly to be classed among things of the earth earthy. There were few nights in the week when "Toe's faithful bay mare Betsey could not be Been tied to the tavern hitching post in the village near which old Joe's farm lay, waiting patiently for the coming of her master, when his libations with an always willing collection of loungers in the bar room had produced a certain con .clition of booziness in Uncle Joe that made ]hien no longer agreeable profitable company, at tyhich.state he was always conducted to his 'horse and helped upon her back. 'Uncle Joe never had much control of his mental•faculties at such times so , long as he was afoot, but the moment he was in the saddle on Betsey's back he strai hten d out like a major, and was it ariably delivered safe. and sound at his farm house door. As soon as Joe would become settled in his saddle 'and the bridle reins placed in his bands Betsey would start homeward like a shot. s "An artist iu wood cuyiug re- ceived his order ono day from a harness dealer in Reading to chop out a life size bay horse, which the morcbaut wanted td stand outside his store as a sign. The horse was to bo be built standing at rest, in an easy, horse -like pose, and to be mounted on four large, easy •runuiug casters, so that it,could be moved in and out of the store with the least possible wear and tear ou the clerk 'v order was exocnted in a Inan- t:rr that aroused the enthusiasm and wonder of all twho saw it. It was SO u -aural, conic declared, that if the wooden horse had neighed it wouldn't have surprised 'them. Tho wooden horse was stored in a shed to await the pleasure of the Reading merchant. Land up alyd do WAX O@; horse's logs awl thea etclainted. "4 She iss tet. ,,My. olt il'e:tsoly iss tat, ,elhtiir win atilt in her shoostt. yor hole, whore y,er itelotlgl"' anti,`. Ise _ truck, friar across thefoe with: a bridle he .wee e,til;cying smell 9, tap lair tits Nr01114 ha Marluist waled the: scar fot tno.utliss". sit 1 1:Tddeytvice, to stitches has, herr alrutty 1" "Joe's alarm over the strange 1 situation sobered " him somewhat, He started back toward the tavern. Anticipating this, Joe'a mate had been returltdd to }ter place at the., hiyching great.' I'resoutly Uncle Joe appeared there, puffing from his hurried pull up the hill, Be- fore he could report the astounding discovery he had made. Betsey greeted him with a whiney of recognition. Joe stopped • short,• auto for a full ►ninute stared at the phare with bulging eyes. 'Then ho' sank down ou the tavern steps and threw his hands iu the air. • '• ` My alt Petsey ahtitf tet in to holler, ah'etty 1' he uluaued ; 'au' my alt Petsey alife unt vinuerin' here on ter hill, yit ! Te vitches sure hass my alt Petsey !' "While Uncle Joe was bemoan- ing the capture of his mare by witches, the wooden horse was wheeled from the hollow, As it was run up in front of the tavern, one of the boys said : "'.Ve11, I knew that wooden horse was as natural as life, but didn't think it was natural enough to try and run away 1' "Uncle Joe rose slowly from the tavern .steps. He looked at the wooden horse a moment. Then he unhitched Betsey. "Ven I git me •so I don'd ken tell my Petsey front a bainted hobby horse„ yit,' he exclaitned, 'ten I sign de bletch, py shing 1' "He mounted Betsey, and away they the t in the old-titne fashion. But they didn't go straight home. Uncle Joe -rode to the justice of peace for the township, and, routing him out of bed, made him draw up a stiff and strong teetotal affidavit. Joe signed it there and then, and he has never touched a drop since." ,4" THE LORD'S PRAYER(. "About that time Uncle Joe 5heester tied bis mare Betsey to the tavern hitching post one night, and took his usual•placo in the bar room to woo conviviality. While he was thus engaged, some of the boys were seized with the idea that they thought •promised brilliant results. They surreptitiously re- moved the wooden horse from the shed, and put a saddle and bridle upon it, and taking Uncle Joe's Betsey from the tavern hitching post, tied -the counterfeit ;horse in her place. lietsey 'they " safely housed in the shed.`. The night was very dark, and about ten o'clock Joe carne out of the tavern with one of his largest cargoes aboard. • Some of the boys -helped him on the horse, and placed the reins iu his hands. Joe bad submitted mechan- ically, but when be straightened up in the saddle, and Belsey did not dash away as was her wont, he sat for a moment, evidently speechless with astonishment, and then slap- ping his leg with his band, exclaim ed, iu a tone of maudlin despair ; "' My alt Petsey isa paltry mit mo, py 'shing 1' " '1Veit, Uncle Joe,' said one of the fellowe who were in the joke, `I'11 lead Betsey a ways; then aho'11 be all right." • ' r " ` "Tho load from the tavern was wide and smooth, and had a steep straight:descent for 2007,feet or more. At the bottom of the hill there was a level stretch of a few yards, when the road ,made steep.ascent tp.the level country bbydnd a Thai wooden horse was pulled ttlttn �' until if Was well -started iratvn the" hill and then loft to itself. It kept right on, and as it increased its speed Uncle Joe gave a whoop of delight. Two or three of the boys ran after the horse to note the result of the joke when the clmax came. The effigy sped down the steep, hard hill, scooted across the level space at the bottom, and started up the ascent on the other side. There its speed, of conrse, '•soon decreased. The horse finally came to a standstill, and thou backed down the hill and stopped on the level at the bottom. Uncle Joe, npparently dumfounded, sat still for a moment, and scrambled out of the saddle. He passed his It is all very well to pretend that the tampering with the Lord'sprayer of which i1lr. Ross has been guilty is merely the substitution of the revised version for the King James version. That wouldbe a very good explanation were it true ; but it 'is not true. Any person who will look at the revised and expur. gated Bible readings provided by Mr. Roa9 will find the prayer Which is substituted for the Lord's prayer. As the Ross bible wart made at the dictation of Archbishop .Finch awl in such a manner as pot to ens danger the faith or morals of pupils attending the public schools, so the ame"de,l prayer --the improvement upon the. Lord's prayer—is especi ally constructed so as not to offend children of Roman Catholic parents. t There are people in Ontario who believe that the Bible and the whole Bible is a book good enough to be placed in the hands of children, and that not only does it not need ex- purgation or improvement, but thr• it is sacrilege to attempt to expur gate and improve it. So there are people who believe the Lord's prayer to be one which can hurt nobody and which is not suscept- iute of improvement. The Roman Catholic authorities thought dif- ferently. They believe the public school system to be "an unqualified evil," and they proposed to destroy it. That cannot be done at once, however, and, in the meantime, they dem„uded changes which would snake it as little -dangerous to•the church as posible. Mr. Ross bowed to their commands and made " as many changes as he dared stake: The hope of the hierarchy is that the •present excitement will blow over, and that it will then be puss sible to make further demands. The prayer aubestituteel by Mr. Ross for the Lord's prayer is a very good one. Nobody will be the worse who earnestly and reverently u: -es it. That is not the point, how ever. The outrage is that anybody should set tip a human substitute for the hallowed words. of divine origin, which have come down through nearly nineteen centuries, and which haye . satisfied the spiritual needs of so many milli"ua of earnest souls. The substitution Of ;this.nt,.b prayer is sal' invHetion of the ri+ligioura liberfibd of 'the isCo1j,le compared with which the grant of $400,000 to the Jesuits and Rnmaii Catholic hierarchy of Quehee is the veriest trifle. A B10 WNtEKl. A big strike -was mak., when Powell do Pavia issued their (Extract of areap- Arilia' and Burdock. It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful.i,tood purifier in the mar, kett It ie; used with the greatest success in ill diseases arising from a debilitated conditoa of the system, and everyone geeds, and sho_kLld use a bottle pr two at this.seesea of the year, of P9aeell's Ex - ;rat of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind pne• 60,c. bottle •co,ltainr more solid medicine than moetdetlar ao.ealled Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 60e. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311v ---A clothier has excited public curiosity by having a large app,e painted on hie sign. When asked for an explanation, he replied : "If itAtadai't been for an apple, where would the ready -wade clothing atones be lo -day I" A BIG SUCCESS. For summer complaints and diar- rhoea I can truly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, as I have used it in my family with great euocess and would not be th- out it. JOHN H. Havex1, urr. Never travel without it. —Perhaps it was jocosely that a pastor remarked that the Roman Catholic church was fortunate • in having one infallible pope. In his Church, he said, he had nine deacons, and every one of them thought him- self infallible. r i; ONE WAY TO LAY 4 fl{ ST " Bill Skimmins buried his father in a most unhandsome way very near his barn,', said the man at the other end of the stable. " The neighbors thought it was a shame, and made a good deal of talk about it. One of them thought he would punish Bill by scaring him, and laid in wait for him near his father's grave on a,dark night. " As Bill went by on his .vay from the barn the man rose up as if from the tomb and exclaimed in a ghostly voice, " I'm y o'er father, 13111 I" Who said you warn't I" Bill answered. .'Gil, down thar inter NATIONAL PILLS are sugar goat ed, mild but thorough, and are the best Stomach and Liver Pills in use. —The Brooklyn 'I'itu,.a doesn't like the English bahit of omitting the article " the '' before the Raffled of yachts named after women. The omisaiou does seem uufortuaste when it makes such• stateItleuts as these possible : -"Cora proved slow in her stays," "Gracie ran her nose in the mut]," and "Alice careened and staggered under her heavy load," GET 'T IIE BEST. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry is the best, most prompt and safest cure for cholera morbus, dys- entery, sick stomach, champs, colic, diarrhoea and cholera infantum that has ever been discovered. Its popularity increases each year. All medicine dealers sell it. —"I don't say marriage is a fail- ure," said -Adana' candidly, as he sat down ou 'a log just: outside the Garden of Eden .and looked liungri- ly at the fruit on the other side of the wall, "but it' I had remained single this woulclu't have happen- ed." CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED, TOTIIE EDITOR Please inform your readers that I hove a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my re- medy rites to any of your readers who have consumption if they will -send Me their Express and P. 0., ad- dress, Respectfully, DR. T. Ar. SLOCUM, 164 Voest Adelaide st ,'Toronto, Ont -At last we know why "uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." A newly arrived chiropodist from the old country announces himself as late coru doctor to the court of Germany, and tolls us he has. re- moved corns from several of the crowned heads of Europe. A FAMILY AFFAIR. We have used Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in our family of six persons during twelve years, and in all cases of diarrh ua, summer comlplaint,ete,,.i,t..never fitils-to-cure. This valuable medicine should. be op hand in every family. ' MRs. ANNA ALLEN, Harley, Ont. COSII'MPT1O I' 1 IlitBly, An old pliysieisu, ret'iled trout.wrestlers, Kevink }fad plated ill bis hands by an East Wits rnissiouary the formula of u ehnple vegetable remedy for the speedy surf ,permanent cure of Q0,flfemetien, Bre eehitis, Catwalk, Asthma and all throat and Lens affections, also a positive earl rattled' care for t eivous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after leaving test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of cases, has telt it las ditty to make it known to his suffering follows. Actua- te,] by this motive and e, desire to relieve human suffering. I will, serol ,free of charge, to all who desire it', this recipe, in Getman, French or English, with fall tlireeti ns for preparing and ming. Beet by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. /gums, 140 Power's $lock, Roehes'et e ' tiQ%:eow.' —An Irish judge tried two notorious fellows for highway rob. bery. To the astonishment of the Court the jurymen found them not guilty. As they were being remov• Ed from thv bar the Judge, address - iii the jailer, said, 't1r. Murphey you v oul'fOrttatly ease my mind you would keaag�p these rerpectatt,,ilh gentle'n,en urftii Ralf:past i,evet o'tIlokc; fo"r...I'iiteau,to'set out for Dublin at five „'clock, and I should like at least to have two hours' start of them.' —If a fool knows a secret, he tells it because h6 is a fool ; if a knave knows one, he tells it when- ever it is his interest to tell it. But women and young men are very apt •to tell what secrets they know from the vanity of having been trusted. Trust none of these whenever you can help it. A CONFIRMED ElRUMBLEIll r Is gtinereilly so because of confirmed' dyspepsiaor indigestion, caused by eating too rapidly, bolting food with- out chewing it euffciently, overload, ing the 'stomach, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyspbpsia and all kindred diseases. ---There is only the ditreroieu of an "s" between woman's weakness and man's weakness. One is gos- sip and the other is.gosip. THE H10[JEST PRAISE. I used a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters for my dyspepsia and it proved a perfect cure, and I was blessed the day I not it. I would not he without it now for a good lot. It is worth its weight in gold. Mus. W. J. SMITH', Haley Station, Ont. —An Irishman having been told that the price of bread had been lowered, exclaimed : "This is the first time I ever rejoiced in the fall of my beat friend." ADVICE TO Morusas.—Are you die - tubed at night and broken of your rest b a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor itltle sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Ditirrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone ane energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, And is for Bale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. abottle. lie sure andnsk for "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. —A health journal is telling people "how to lie when asleep." If it could persuade then] to tell the truth when awake, it would he do- ing better service. QTRAY STOCK ADVER TISEMENTS inserted In Tun Nsws RRCoaD at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock II you want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call en Tews-Record. THIS YEAR'S AVL -Y-1=?, CUTiland PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. SEM -I\ BRONZE ON - EACH PLUG and PACKAGE, 517.y CLOTHING. ABRAHAM SMITH, Market Square, GODERICH. WEST OF ENGLAND' SU1'1- INGS & TROUSERINGS, SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS & TROUSERLNGS,' • FRENCH AND ENGLISII WOR- STED CLOTHS, Made up in Best Style and Work- manship at AbrahLetttl. Smith's. owe Pairtting, ; Plain and : Reparative: Paper 'Hanging Now in stock one of the cht'Ltl,e- anti heat stocks of WINT.ER CLOTHING AND CLOTHS. :A. Full L ire of GENTS' PUR NQS INGS always in stook. ,=p • 11 will pay you to call on AICAHAM SMITH T9TH114111 A WONDERFUL LAKE;' E WATER DOETN GOOD LI E A MEDIC t'mabtCAL LAKE FiEME)IES o`y�P apt PN° P:cti.Ar- ` A TRY NATURES REMEDY PUREPE',E'RLESS- POTENT SOLO BY ALL pRU(GtSTS. TOTEMOF71EALTNCO1ONDOIV ONT. K,AISONINING and. FRESCOJNO. S.1."^""'1` 1 Shop nest Kennedy's Hotel, .Q.lbert! Street, Fa' CLINTON, ONTARIO, OHARLES•'F, -SPOONER i NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BL.O "K, - CL,INTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general 'Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Pieture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JUS. CIIIDIAEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store. fixe PRINTING tttost THE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading :; Conservativo ::Paper OF THE COUNTY, HAS:ONE OF THE -h• i Best Equipped Job Rooms •- - - + - _ . - - IN WESTERN ONTARIO. 0 The FJoh Prinilnij! EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. e STOCKMEN would do well to call on TILE NEws•RECOR!) before placing tirir orders for Route Bilis, Fedigrees Folders, Cards, 86e. 0 0 COLORED PRINTING! EQUAI. (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK. 0 BILL HEADS, NOTEHEADS,� LETTER HEADS. 0 �qe ci,:pulaton Talks to TousaiIs. 0 Advortise in The News -Record A DOUBLE CIRCULATION ITN THEICOUNTY,OF HURON.!