HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-07-17, Page 5HAY FI ARVE; Has commenced and is GOOD. THE WHEAT HARVEST will soon be on and LOOKS GRAND. _o Get some of s vory Cheap Goods WE OFFER — For The Next Thirty Days. –r— O We are bound PRICE will not keel.) you from buying. ea. E. Pav & Co. THE LOW-PRICED STOKE. sneuecealaanamontasivaminbuimutsace ThnR0JacKson Sr. •P a t ' ,t. s, < .. t.. The Finet Clot/ ng Cutter in' 4fte ;DQmInron, has returned to the ranks ofthe Profession, And bowl to announce to the people of Cliniou :�ntlFrnt inee.of OnAnrio that he has Bought the Stock of C. C. Rana WONDERFULLY CHEAP and will condbet the FINE TAILORING TRADE at this Old Stand, Huron -St. IMMENSE BARGAINS W1LL BE GIVEN IN F/NE.ORDE/?EL2 OLOT///NG and prices quoted for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS that will astonish the closest buyers. 0 "Cheapside" Stock.e _sl y We shall -commence THURSDAY, JUNE 6TH to clear out all our Dress Goods in every line, Laces, Embroid- eries, Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Grey ' and White Cons, Table Linens, Oil Cloths and Carpets, Men's, Boy s and Girl's Straw Hats, Lace Curtains and Curtain Net, at prices Far Below the original Cost. l— Everything will be sold Without Resesve. a' We will commence this Sale Thursday morning. Established • 1855. J. BIDDLECOMBE. Watches, Cloche, Jewolry,Silverware Repairing in all branches. Opp, the Market, CLINTON. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. aotIee is hereby given that all persons having chiiuis against the estate of the late Neleon Olew, of the town of Clinton, are hereby required to send or deliver to the undersigned at Clinton, ' full particulars of their claims on or before the 20th July, 1889; and those Indebted to the said estatearo required to pay up on or befo.e the said .20thJuly. Dated at Clinton this 14th day of Juno, 1880. CHARLES SP'OONIER, ROBERT PEACOCK. 4t. Executors. .1. E. BLACK ALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseaeea of all domestic animals on the most modern and scientific principloe. ti Carle attended to night or day. Office jmmedittelywest of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Reeidence— Albert atreot, Clinton. 519—Sin NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. A contract will bo let at Holmeevllle bridge, oederich Township, on Monday, the 22nd day of July, present year, at ono o'clock P. M., for letting the building of a bridge about one hun. Bred feet long in same place. Plan and specifi- cation will be given on the grounds at the time of letting the contract. 555•td JOHN cox, Reeve. NOTE LOST. A note made by the undersigned In favor of Farran d• Tiedall, Clinton, payable In Juno, 1889, has been lost or mislaid. All parties are there. lore cautioned against negotiating the sante, as payment has been stopped. JOHN SCOUTON. E. DINSLEY. Clinton. June llth, 1880. 552..48 OR SALE. The prop,?: y at prevent occupied by the undersigned .is a residence on the Huron Road, in th Town of goderich, consisting of one half of n n acre of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some goad fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. Poi further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, 542.81 Barrister, Godoreh. AS KETS. A now line of Ladiea'Fancy Baskets just arrived from Germany. Styles new, Prices low. FANS_ Hand painted on satin at prices that will astonish you. W. Cooper & Co GIRL WANTED. At once , small family ; general housework light. Apply at THE NEWS•RECORD OFFICE. A NICE HOME AT A BAROAIN.—Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice ap to trees ; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining Oode. rich township. Apply to B. . DYLE, dodo• rich. 5264f THE ESTATE LATE JOHN HCC ENS Offer the balance of their Large Stock of Summer Goods at a Big Reduction. BARGAINS in Prints, Ohambrays, Muslins, Lawns, Embroideries, &c. Immense Stock of Gloves, Hosiery, &c., to choose from, at close prices. Parasols at Cost. COAL. COAL. AM prepared to deliver to consumers In Clinton any quantity of the very beat grades of coal nt the lowest living prkea. Bee mo be. fore you place your order. 48 WM. WHEATLF.Y, Clinton. JOHN WISEMAN, MANAGER. 0 Estate cf. Hodgens DEBR,c)s.. Have the finest assortment of HOUSEHQLD »-: FURNITURE in the county, Parlor Suites, Lounges, Easy Chdirs and Mattresses, all of 'our own manufactory, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Extension Te1lra, Dining Chairs, Reed and Rattan Furniture—the very Lest finality at. the lowest prices. UNDERTAKING a Specialty. `KEITH BROS., FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND UPHOLSTERERS, CLINTON`_ _ H r 9,N H W 0 JOHNSON & ARMOUR, ---PRACTICAL-- Harness --PRAC'f•ICAL---- Harness and Collar bakers. 0 Having bought the Business and Stock of Geo. Ai. 4flarmatl, we aro prepared to fill all orders 111 our line nt the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. We are both practical workmen and 0)111 guars. 1tce a superior class of work at moderate rates, The material will al trays be Ibnuil of the best,. and by strict attention to business and honest dealing we home to be favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid line of SINGLE HARNESS, which for material, workmanship and price, cannot be surpassed. Null Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON ex -ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. 1 manse BIG EVERY ■ ■ 'T I i E Barais DAY.. Leading :-: Grocery and Crockery :-:. House. Jr W. IRWIN, - Cooper's Old Stand, Clinton, Wall Paper! Wall Paper! 0 SELLING OFF AT COST ! 0 The undersigned will sell off AT COST his well assorted stock of WALL PAPER AND DECORATIONS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. ,. This sale will probably continue without change until the whole stock is sold. A. WORTHINGTON. Clinton, 28tH April, 1889. P Big Bankrupt Stock OF HARDWARE. 0 The large and extensive stock of Hardware of the Estate of k' M. Race is beiAg rapidly pushed off. Call early and secure a BAIGAI . We can giye you Bargains in any line of Hardware from a needle to an anchor. —0— Harland Bros., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Stoves and Tinware, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON. PON'T FORGET TO ATTEND 7ETF,0& & CO'S GREAT OLE RING SALE. N. ROBSON ST!LL TO THE FROM', TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, CANNED COOPS, AT BOTTOM PRICES. Having bought a largo stock of SUGARS before the re- cent advance iii price, I offer SPECIAL INDUCEMEN'T'S to put-. chasers. CROCKERY, CI{INA and GLASSWARE' Cheap,. SEEDS, BEDS. SEEDS. Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, Timothy CIover, Alsike, Lucerne, Orchard, Kentucky and I;llue Lawn Grass, -&c., &c. • Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. , N. ROBSON Wall Paper and Decorations • • NMI • • RICES THAT LEASE THE OCI4:ETS OF THE EOPLE. •• • • SELLIIAG FOR HARP CASH TIMULATES MALL PROFITS. •. gam • • 0 Since we have been handling WALL PAPER our business has greatly increased. We are this year better prepared than ever to 611 the wants of the Public. 1t will cost you nothing to look over our stock and get prices of our Special Designs in Gilts, Glimmers, Flats, Tapestries, de. ,1 ,Our Gilts will not rub off, tarnish, or stain with paste. Our prices range from 5c.' 0J -upwards. Get our Prices, complete for Decorating and Paper Hanging, -11.1%. Agiralso fur Painting, Graining, Sign Writing, Gilding, etc.'llik COPP e LOGAN, City Paint Shop, Isaac Street, Clinton OUT HATS 0 STIFF HATS. --All the Leading Styles, bought from the best manufacturers. SOFT FELTS. —The best and cheapest goods in theemarket. STR.�TT HATS_ Our stock of Straw Huts is well worth seeing, excellent quality and AWAY DOWN in price. Close buyers should not fail to call and see them. The low prices and good quality are selling them very fast. tom' GENT'S FURNISHINGS AND FINE TAILORING. `tom F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADING TAILOR. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING. THE HUB GROCERY —0�—�0-0-0---0--- Have you tried my Blend of BLACK TEA ?—very fine. AIso my JAPANS at prices to suit you. COFFEE—A 1, everyone who has tried it says so. A very fine RAW SUGAR, low. Glassware, Printed and Plain Tea Setts, .Brooms, Brushes, and Wooden Ware. See my New Steel Wire Hoop Pails—no dropping off of hoops or falling to pieces. A fresh lot of 2 BROOMS for 25c. Choice FLAX SEED for sale. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. 0 Geo. Swallow, Clinton