HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-07-10, Page 6• The Huron News -Record •1.50 a Year -_$1.25 in Advance. B 17.•' n.an tine4 not dorttatioe to hie btebiaese ,oho .tl, nda teen in adotretai,/ than he does in re,.t.--A. T. STaw.ntl', d«• ,uiritionuire merchant of New 1'e,k. Wednesday. July lOtlh, 1339. ;1 RICKING NEWSPAPER. w'5...('1•i7R\ ED1TO1i1.L LIFE II AS ITS 112 1.1. SHARE OF UPS AND DOWNS. 11' t . <trnct the following itouta ''r Flu tite last issue of the Arizona K Hier i' he La:t Strew.—Fur the last six mo"ths 11ajur Davis, of this but gh, has Inst no opportunity of abusing us and boastiug of what h,e wuul 1 leu if we did not step softly, The reason for this conduct lies in tilt; fact, that the Bicker not only called him a horse thief, but proved him a bigamist besides. Last Satur- day the major, who has no more right to that title than a mule has t0 that, of professor, borrowed a •phot gun, and gave out that be had camped un our trail and meant to riddle our system with buckshot on sight. Word was brought to us, and, although we were very busy at the time superinteuding our com• bined weekly newspaper, harness shop, g)•ucety, bazar and gun store •(all under (tue root', and the largest retail establishment in Arizona), we laid aside our work and went ovor to Sny'der's saloon in search of the major. We found him, and we gave him such a whipping as no man iu this town ever got before. He lies a broken and stranded wreck on the shores of time, so to speak, and the doctor seys'•it will be six weeks before he will find ,more trails -Ur do any more camp- • tug Slipped a Cog.—Iu • company with the elite of this neighborhood we were invited to the adobe of Judge Graham last Thursday even- ing to witness the marriage of 4Jouut: Clerk Dan Scott to the beaut.l:ut ;lr;ibella Johnson, only ileu titer (rf the aristocratic Widow Johns'ou, Bay horse heights. The w•i(.low had Made a spread worthy of the days of Cleupatra, and Dan had on a new shit keit by express • from Omelet fur the occasion. Everything pasged off pleasantly until eight 'Yeti k, at which hour the bride was discovered to bo nriss- % iug, and investigation soon brought out the fact that she had gone dead '::eek on Sam and skipped the tra-la, whatever that is, with a bold cow- boy named French Jim: Sho left a 1neisage to the effect, that she mould never, never love a man with a cataiact iu his left eye, and that meted. Dan, There was a feast, but no wedding, and Daniel will have tr tty lgaim. i:.• sanatory, - As sove d velsious :' incident tied occurred in our ether:: on Saturday night are flying u u't d 10")) and have probably been teleg'-aphed all over the world, wo deem it hill right to givo the particnlline as they occurred : crd• .r 01 l; t:i !Oriel .hunt writing s ic.tdel ,011 the cure• scan eitnat!utl, iyhru a +•O,.;' ,lisle ;.n(wn to and `uw It "Mike the Slayer" called in. As.we uover had word will, the `dual! we SUS• peeled no CIVIL As a matter of fact we reached fur our subscription boot:, supposing, of course, that he. .:anS-d the lie:' weekly in. America i'or e. your, I't: .Slayer then r.u• nouuced that lie had conte to slay us, not because we had ever done :lin: 11I1rin, but because 1110 influence of ',:o pleas MIS driving out the good old tittles and customs. We retreated towat•ds the dour of not harness department. TTo pursued us with a drawn knife. then felt it our duty to draw ( et, 111111 fln1 let SIX streaks of day- ng,llhis body, and as he ,vent down, wo stopped to the door and sent a boy for the coroner. It was a cleat qu of self-dofenso, and the inquest was a there formality. Wo lament the sad occurrence, but no one can blame us, We paid bis burial expenses, 111111 in another sten n will be found his obituary, •eriee 11 1n our best vein' and with out regard to space. No other Arieoua editor has ever done half i,1 much, No Harm Lone.—The boys got a'tet t )tuuig(.i the othci cveniug, wire was pointed. ant as a hinge thief, and tau him all ovor town with the object of' pulling him up to a limb. In some manner he gave them the slip, and in their zeal they got hold of Judge Downey awl bold Lim up to a limb for over a minute before the error was dis- covered. The judge is gu-guying around with a sore throat and stiff need:, and thieateus to bring about fifty damage suits. Take a friend's advice,,judge, and hush up. You got off powerful (sly considering 3 ten' geeeral cl ar• actor. While it was. 11 mistek ), the llcys \vete not far wrong kilter ail, We wish such mistakes would 0)cur oftener. We Bide Our Time.—While rolling Mrs. ('nl. Prescott four po•.inds of prunes for half a dollar the uth.er day Constsblo 1Button entered and asked us to stop across the street to the office of Squiro Williams. We obeyed the request, and were at once served with a warrant charging us with keeping bales of hay on the sidewalk in front of the Kicker office to the detriment of pedestrians. As is well known, we run a grocery, feed store, harness shop, bazar and music house in connection with the Kick- er, and the hay was out for a sign. We were tried, convicted and fined $9—the grossest outrage ever per- petrated in the name of law. We shall bide our time, That is, wa shall begin next week and show Squiro Williams up as a drunkard, deadbeat, absconder, embezzler and perjurer, and if wo can't drive him out of the country in six weeks we will forfeit a lung. The man who glade the complaint did it. to get even with us for refusiug to lend Lim tour ouly button -behind shirt. From this out 11e is a marked man. We will begin on hien next week, and we'll het tett to one ho hangs himself inside of a Mouth. HER HAIR TURNED WHITE. A young lady iu whose face n look of perfect happiness always beams, and whose voice is always wonderfully kind, has been for some time a sort of sight and won- der of the world among those who have been associated with her in Minneapolis, and have heard the strange story which she tells. Mar- velous it is, and many who have heard it believ there is something supernatural about it. She is twenty years of age and her Hair is as white as (now, silky, and so long that it falls in a braid well down toward the ground. Her name is Wendela Johanson, and she has been in Minneapolis for some months, living with friends, and, tis they say; when not at work is " go- ing'abeut doing good." Like the prisoner of Chilton, she can truly say : "My hair is gray, hut not with ac But that whiteness -came not from long years of mural and bodily augulet, as did that of the one of whom the poet sang. It turned white in a single night while she slept and saw a vision, so she says. She believes that her snowy hair is the `nark of Christ upon her and the seal of her own redonlptiou, 'J'he story, as Wendela Johanson toile it herself, is full of interest and passing strange.. She was born in Sweden, and when fifteen years old she had a dream one night. She thought she was taken by a guide, who was an old )man homely in a11earance and hateful' to her .sight, to the very brink of hell. All was • darkness, more profound than she had ever known before, and there were sounds of the damn- ed that filled her ears and frighten- ed her so fleet she was dumb and ready tc fall. It was as real as life to het. • she ,'gull hear the moans and shrieks ;,; the lost ones coming up from the bottomless pit. Some cried and cursed theinselves and tftoir• Maker ; others sent fearful shrieks up from the darkness, and some wailed as in utter woe. The noise was most terrifying, and as the de earner thought she was about to be 1illur ed down with the ;rest she surieked. "I was St/Mail-1,7 within ,just three step9 cf the brink," she said, stand my guide -stood beside 50e in the darkness." Tent she was not deemed to entoii title (Lek abode even in her dreams, fur soon there came the form of an old mall, bent, and with flowing white hair and beard. Ho stood beside her, and the ugly one who had led her there fled at his ap- proach. In gentle tones the white haired man asked her if she would not go with him and look at the abudo of titer blessed, and she went gladly.. Tu her dream, she stood Within the. city, "whose'walis are set with precious stones," the new Jorsua- lent. She saw the redeemed about the groat white throne, and heard their songs in a tongue that was not her own. The light, she says, was not like that of the sun. It was a pure white light, that fell on everything with an effect that she could not describe. She heard little children singing praises. andsaw angels of old saints falling down before the great white throun. Ili the dream, her white-haired guide led her to the Savior, and he said to her : "My child, do you want to dwell forever in this place 1" "I was so happy," said Miss Johanson, " to get away from the dark place I had seen that I said I would be willing to endure any- thing if I might be allowed to stay there," ,She said that the radiant figure before her said to her that he would put a mark upon her that she might bo known of all who saw her for his own, Anil then ho stretch- ed out his han(l and placed it on 1 , Ler 1 a 1, r•ay n1g that her hair should over bo a. white as snow. Then her drown faded from her mind and she slept naturally until morning. When she awoke' her hair was as it is now --like snow, as she had dreamed it was to be. "When my mother saw me that morning," said Miss Johanson,"she did not know me. My hair had always been brawn before. When I spoke to her and she knew my voice she thought I must have beau sick, but I had not. I felt perfectly well. 1 told my mother my dream, and at first she cried, but eftol a while elle stopped crying and Was glad, be cause she said she knew thou that I should always be a good girl, Sho was glad, and always believed that my hair turned white hec..use 1 was marked for one, of t;luist'.< U w u." This is the story of i1[iss Juhau- sun's visiuu. She told it iu a plaiu, Ina;nral way. and as if slie firmly !edit -veil that she bore the maik of Inc, Savior uu her hair. She has, , all ,sly 11 111 know her, led a spot - life. JUST FOR FUN'. —Willie i4I., an Ayrarirrlfaruler, wee, somewhat rritiss Ili atten<tit•g divine service, and hitt parish uiiu inter, 011 OHO of his pastoral visits, took occasion to refer to it in rattler a pointed manner. Willie excused himself on the sure of ativaucing yenta, but his spiritual guide w'uuld not condone the ofleece on that _round. "That will scarcely do, William, for I observe you are very regular in your attendance at market every Friday." "Oh, ay, sir," re- plied Willie, "but that's easy ex- plained. You see, when we gang tae the coon we can get what we like, but when we gang tan the kirk we hae just to tak, what thou Vett to give us." --The conductor of the way pees. enger and freight trait from Wood- stock, on Monday evening last, had a very unpleasant experience. Four tramps boarded the train at 'Wood- stock determined to get a lift east. The train hands put •them off once or twice when the train was stopped at ststions between there and Ayr, but each time when the train start- ed they got on again. When Ayr was reached the conductor determin- ed to put them off' finally, and se- cordingly stationed a brakeman at each door of the car they were in and then tt bearded the lion in his den " by walking in alnoltget then) with his revolver and telling them to get off and stay off or he shot, and 1ie wasn't particul it as to which course• they decided on, However, they got ,•fl' : 1 • train was troubled no more. A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell & Davie issued their Extract of arsap- arilla and Burdock. It has met with great success, and it must, for: it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used withthe greatest success, in all diseases arising from a debrlitrted conditon of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this season of tie year, of Puwell's Ex- tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50e. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50c. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 443#ly • —The last sensation in high quarters is the betrothal of Priteress Louise Victoria Alexandra Degu,ar of Wales, the eldest dance,ter of the Prince and Princess of \Vales, t,) Earl Fife. The Queen frrn1n11' gave cement to the 1)01011, MALARIAL FEVER AND CHILLS are beat broken up and prevented by using Milburu'e Aromatic Quinine Wine. —Mr. Justice McGuire; of the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories, le in Ottawa. He stated that the Northwest country is looking well and that the crops will he heavy. Speaking of the administration of jnstice,he said that the offences committed were few and 'chiefly of a trivial character, The Indians were well behaved and give little trouble. The Half-breetla he found a well-disposed people, open to excitement but naturally quiet. They have now no leader, Gabriel Dumont not being rtigertled as one. DESTROY TIIE WORMS or they may destroy the children. Free- man's Worm Powders destroy and expell all kinds ofworms. - —A gentleman in broadcloth with a hieh hat and Roman collar did not act in a very gentlemanly way at 13unaventure station, Aion- treat, and was found to be very much intoxicated. Ile was taken to the police station, where papers were found on him, one purporting to be a traveling card from the Roman Catholic , archbishop of Philadelphia to one of hie priests. The "reverend gentleman" was given a bed in the station and when he was sobered up he was dispatched home at his own request. He was tired of Canada, he said. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To THE EDITOR:— Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By ite timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured, I shall -be glad to send two bottles of my re- medy FOSE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. ad- dress, Respectfully, Dn. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 West Adelaide st., Toronto, Ont ,.0 CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, 15tirutl linen practice, having had placed lei his bands by. an East India missionary y the formula of a simple vegetable reulcily frir the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma am' all throat and Lung aitvetiousl ul,u a positive and latlieal etre for Net volts Debility and all Nervous Complaints, alter having test- ed its wonderful ctuntive powers in thous- ands of cases, has telt it his ,duty to Make it known to his sutr:ring fellows. Actua- ted by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send tree of charge, to all who desire it, tide recipe, in I:erutaii, Wrench or English, with full dircrtione for preparing and using. Sent 1) u(ltd by a,idressing with stlrnp, naming this pal•r. W. A. Nov':., 1 IS P51555'3 Block, Rorhesieo N. Y. 507 cow. —Seventy lisp eat t quake shocks have been felt at Sosenetll,', Gee, within the pas! t wo weeks. Some of thein have been set, rt. AN OLD '['IME FAVORITE. THE season of green fruits and summer drinks is the itime when the worst forms of cholera morbus and bowel complaints prevail. As a safeguard, Dr. Fowler's Extract of !Wild Strawberry should be kept at hand. Per 30 years it has been the most reliable remedy. —The voting on the repeal of the Scott Act inDrunnnoud, Quebec, last week, resulted in the Act being maintained by 158 NATIONAL PILLS a re sugar coat- ed, mild hut thorough, and aro the best Stoinacb and Liver Pills in use. — vv. J. Young, M. D., formerly of \Vltlgltain, has "struck it rich" iu British Columbia, having received the appointment. of Surgeon to the Union mice nt Comex, Vancouver Island, B. C. THE ANCIENT CA PITAL. QUEBEC. 1 have been troubled with indigestion for the past two years and have tried many medicines without avail. I tried Burdock Blood Bitters and can say there is nothing equal to it. Thomas O'Brien. B.B.B. cures dyspepsia, biliougness and constipation. � re o1 Ar)yens TO AfnTlretaa,A y t-, dis- urbed at night and broken of your rest .b a sick child suffering and crying with pain of. Cutting 'Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of 'Mrs Winslow's 'Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor Ride sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone anti energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for. children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and -purses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. lie sure and tisk fur "Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. —For winning $ 1,°0C one a 'Methodist minister in 0 game of faro, George B. Doan, the "light - t ing calculator" was on Monday at New York convicted of grated tate ceny in the first degree. A BURN 0R CUT will heal quickly and leave less scar it Victoria Car- bolic Salve is applied at once. —Rev. 1.. T, 111011), Deputy 11n -y i' 5Li•r of Kinestee, 11a., been foutd In have nlir•t<apprnprisled d', of savings bank (leposits. Wendell guilty and w'ac senfl'nced to five years in the penitentiary, .1 11 tblD FACT TiIREE years ago 1 hadhiver coon plaint and indigestion. Nothing did me any good until I tried Bur- dock l3Iood Bitters, three bottles of which cured me. 1 shall use B.B.B. as my medicine. John Floyd, Barns- ville, N. B. B. B, B. regulates the liver. QTRAIHP:NYFNSTOCK ertni ADVtoETnR'a jf t...l Tina News Raman ar low rate.. The law snakes it" compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want un) kind of advertising Yves will not do better than canon 'etvs•ttoocord. THIS YEAR'S H CUT and PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. SEE az 13_ -IN nhig1Nz,51 ON - EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 517-y Totrirelf 'tj�i r rfG tl*lit! , g t lV. o MEDICAL,LAKE REMEDIES Pmt 500'4_040.o yo aNE e c �r � TRY NATURES R,EMEDY PURE -PEERLESS -POTENT $OLD BY A'CL:Dtti.ICG -r S. TO T(MO/HEAITT/10, ION8ON, ONr • •1 House Painting, CoD Glazing and Graining, 2 Plain : and : Decorative Paper Hanging KALSOMINING and FRESCOING. Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, CLINTON, - ONTARIO. CHARLES T. SPOONER P' TT IR, mei°'Tr22TT ,=_ NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door Nest of Dieksou s Book Store. SOB PRINTING 0)rxe " urn frw-ot'iI, THE ACKNOWLEDGED )A Leading:: Collsorvativo :: Fapor % OF THE COUNTY, H AS:ONE OF THE Best Equipped Job Rooms - - - + - _ - - + -1- IN IN \VES'1ERN ONTARIO. 0 The FIriBst -Job Feinting ENECUT'l;T) 0\ 'I'IrE SHORTEST NOTICE. would do well to call 011 1'ii N E\VS Recoup before placing their orders for Route Bills, Pedigrees, Folders, Cards, &c. COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY teASEti SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK. U BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 Tfte Double Circulation Talks to TtNusagds. 0 Advortise' in The NowsReeord THE ONLY PAPER WITIi A DOUBLE CIRCULATION IN THEICOUNTYLOF HURON,