The Huron News-Record, 1889-07-03, Page 7P
sho .Huron News-I?ecorc/
$li.eQ a Year -41.2e to Advance.
The nl((11 dt.etl outdo iwitioe to hie bntlid,ee
xeftw spends tees id nth, 'Wino than ho (toes in
rent. --A, T. Srrweur. Utemillionaire nterohant
(f Naw York,
WedUestitus Jetty 33rd, 1883-
"My lord," eaid the prisoner,
with a slight tremor in his t•,
"that woman is my wife !"
A buzz of anrpriee followed the
announcement, and the woman
turned her head away from the
"I would like to say a few
words, my lord," cotitintled the
"I have no objection, your lord-
ship," said Mr. Poland.
"The court will hear you," acid
Mr. Justice HIawkins.
"Conte into the Central Criminal "Thank you. wy lord" said the
(wort for a few ininntes," said a legal prisoner, no longer betraying any
friend of mine, as we were passing emotion, but speaking in clear firm
the locality of this famous London tones, "In Illinois (about Rockford) tbe
'are nottribunal- "You can easily amuse "1 have served seven year's on a chinchs hug has doanderingtedl . The
wheat }' S'
—Juhuatown hysicians say that
yuutsalf fJ' a shun tllnd white I srtlltlal' charas to that now preferred raisins,' impossible,and the only grains not less than 10,000 people pet kited
speak to Mr. l'oland." against the. If 1 ant convicted, grown are corn and oats. Bog the flood, -We went in. The business was you will give inc lit least ono•antl- raising used to be a staple industry,
evidently very dull. The trial twenty years, and. that will end +ny but bog cholera has put a stop to AN OLD TIME FAVORITE.
liwuu going on was clearly nut aensa life. Before you do so I should that. One farmer told Mr. Morrison i'iii season of green fruits and
Bohol, !'here were only very feta like you to know the whole truth of 175 hogsthat a ein or nedao stanother 100;land summer drinks isthe(time whey
spectators. The judge was leaning this affair. I married young. My so on.The hogs died durinThe anet worst
f cota forms of hoieramoAsua
luck with a languid air. Mr. J. wife uuexttectedly showed extrava- winter and were stacked up like zlaints eil
Lice Hawkins was the judge. The gout tastes and retsafeguard, Dr.Fowler's Extract of
very expensive cordwood. One farmer tried to
,jury were just beginning to consult habits. I was very fond of her, and burn them, but the fat and flesh had Wild Strawberry should be kept athand• For 30 years it has been the
as to their verdict. In the dock did all I could to content her, gone and the bones did not burn host reliable remedy.
A farmer and ex -reeve of Raleigh
township, Kent county, Mr, J. R.
Morrison, has lately returned from a
visit to Illinois. Ile went there
thirty-three years ago on a prospect-
ing tour,butfrom what he then saw he
was induced to take land instead in
Raleigh, where he prospered well.
On his second visit to Illinois, a short
time ago, Mr. Morrison was not
enamored of the land or its belong-
ings. Though great progress has
been made there within the time
mentioned, there is nothing which
would tempt him to pnll up stakes in
Canada and exchange bis lot. To a
reporter of the Chathan, Planet Mr.
Morrison said :
An old physician, retired from pruetieo,
having had placed in bb. Innate b an
East India tnissiotrary the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy
and perutaueut cure of Consumption,'
llrunchitis, Catarrh, Asthmd and all
threat and Lung affections, also a positive
and radium eine for Nervous Debility and
all Nervous COM plaints, after Lav ing teat -
ed its wonderful curative powers iu thous -
tools et t'a+(•d, slits telt it his duty to make
it known to his sufferitig fellows. Aetna -
bed by this motive and a desire to relieve
human suffering. 1 will septi free of
('iuw' e, to ail who desire it, this recipe, in
German, French or English, with full
directions for preparing and using. Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp, miming
this paper. W. A. NuIus, 34t1 PGwe/''s
Black Roches'erN. Y. Loi euw,
stood a straight, well built fellow of Honestly,
one tl ,desires,I could not keep pace well. The the styleofs
vets especislovenally
about five -and thirty. lie was aand we took to ly. They plow around their fields --'trite winter wheat in Ilti110ia is
fair Ulan, and pale. He looked coining. She was with me in all beginning at the outside, and con, estimated at thirteen bushels per
anxiously round the court for a my operations, aided in the work, tinue in that way until the earth, (wire.
moment as my friend began speak. assisted in passing the money. often covers the third rail' of the
ing to Mr. Poland, the counsel who When we were taken, the evidence fence. The farm horses are tar be'. " NATIONAL PILLS are sug'tr coat.
had been conducting the prosecution was just as strong against her as hind ours, and so are their Rattle; ed, mild but thorough, and aro the
against the prisoner. against me. In answer to questions they don't begin to compare with best `ztocuach and Liver Pills in use,
"My lord," 'suddenly said the psis -
put to my counsel, I was told them- 'There is near Rockford a -
p that if I pleaded guilty, and said I bettecolonr than the generality of ex -Canadians who are of their —Cyclones and rain storms t'layed
one'', I should like to say a few
words," had compelled her to help me, she neighbors. 1'hA land is of a gravelly ha%oe it' al is;•ou'i, Illinois, Itelituna
It was a very earnest application, would get off. I did so and she nature and rolling, something like and Arkatesaw States last; week,
was acquitted. I was ti3A-cato d the country above Buck 'torn, and Considerable loco of lifu as well as.
There was something peculiarly int- seu
,pressive iu the tone of the man's seven years penal �ervi�udo. bad farmin g and washouts have property was the result,
ruined it. 'The Canadians whom he
voice—so touch so that the ur I served my full time, and came
y back to London,determined to lead met would have been much better ADVICE TO Moruaaa.-Are you dis-
suddenly ceased. their suppressed off here. The very best farms are urbed at night and broken of your rest
talking, and looked first at the an honest life, and so rector my valued at $50 to $60, but Mr. b a sick chit(' suffering and crying with
prisoner And then at the judge, wife to an honest home. . It was Morrison says he would not give 25 pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at
some time before I found her; but I acres of one of his Raleigh farms once and get a bottle of "Airs Winslow's
"Yon had an opportunity of ad- had obtained work at 308 a week, I for the best 100 ares he saw Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething.
dressing the court ; the case is now had only one wish—to make a new there. Mr. Morrison was fre' Its value is incalculable. It will relieve
closed," said the judge. home for my wife. Eventually, I quently asked about the prospects the poor itttiesutferer immediately De.
"May I ask one question, my found hor. She was living with had heard more there in ten minutes take about it. It cures Dysentery and
for annexation, and replied that he pend upon it, mothers; there is no mie-
lord—oly ono 1" said tbe prisoner. a man named Foster. Sho told sue on:the subject than in a week in Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and
"It isout of order," answered the that she had been obliged to accept Canada. There seems to be a great Bows, cures
Colic, ssoftens he
,ju'1`go, "but it'--_ his assistance, or sho would have ignorance of the products and cepa- Gums, tone ono energy to the whole .system,
Mlord said .ler. Poland, ris- starved. Foster was a fellow -work- bilines of the Dominion. Mr. Mor
�luw's . u i'
uta .r � nip" r
ing in response to a glance from the of mine. r was willing to 8 visit more than ever convim edit wen teetbit,,; is plct(3d�t ltyliitf lisle
judge, t`I have no objections what believe all she said, and to forgive ted him of the superiority of Canada and is the pre;crlption nfoue of the eldest
her. It was a bitter strum as a place to live in, and best female physicians and nurses in
curer." ' bole, but i
did it. 'Come home,' I said to her • the United States, and is for sale by all
and let bygones, be bygones.' She A SOLID P'AC'T. druggists throughout the world. Price
said she could not corns immediate 25c. a bottle Ise yore ar dusk for 'lits
l.y. It would take a little time to
off with Foster;b'lt she would
do it. I waited and every week as
I received my wages, I took .£1 to
her, and -gave it her, that sho might
have money without asking Foster
for any.. At last sho appoin'ed a
night when she declared she tr'ould
leave Foster. I was to meet her at
the corner of Rathbone Place. I
did so, She said Foster had come
out with her, and was a street or so
off, but that she would go and tell
him now that she had made up her
mind to leave him. 'I' love you
still,' oho aai(l, batter than any
other Ulan Ill the world, and would
never have left you of my own free
will; hold this until I come back; I
shall only be a few minutes.' I
waited, and almost iminediately a
policeman came and took me into
custody. I `did not know what the
packet contained;it turned out to be
false silver coinage !"
The learned connsei spoke as one,
who, knowing that the prisoner
Mould do ne ithor good nor berm—
the evidence hiving already convict-
ed him—did not wish to appear un-
generous, • The ,j try resumed their
"`Your question 1" said the judge.
"it is the policeman to whom 1
wish to but a lunation," said the
prisoner, with a sort of strange calm
nese, as if he had had a struggle
with himself before ad-
dress the court,
The evidenceu'pou which he was
to be convicted 'vas that of- the
l air• :rate. n:,ti the`` sentence was
1'O.�I t0 la; Leavy, as previous
cenvietiou had already been proved
against him—a previous conviction
for coining... ft was for the grave
011'ence of coining that Ile now stood
at the bar." Policeman, stand forwanl,"
said the jau%gc.
An ell}cr:r stere al into ti;,: wit-
ness-box.Iso paused, and there was consid-
" What is your question 1 You orable sensation in the court, every -
may put it through me," said the body being convinced of the truth
judge. of„the man'a statement, and im-
"I wish °to ask him,” said the pressed by its simple but dramatic
prisoner, "upon whose information force.
ho al'i•'sted 111P 7" "I 101t1;,:d after oar,Is," said La
. Poland objected, Tho ons- "that when she left 0:3 elle I iut 0.; to
wor might lead to a revelation of tho•firet policeman sho mot, told hien
police secrets, which belong to where I stood, that I was.a returned
Sc01.1a1 3 Yard, and not to the pub. convict, a coiner of a lot of bad
tic. There was a brief discussion money she knew it,she said,becastso I
upon this point, and the judge had tried to p09 me of it upon
overruled the objection. • her.
" May I put the queatiarilu an- That is my story, my lord."
other c±•?'r
hap,asited the prisoner. You codf'i'sh have heard a pin drop
- " It nay save time." while th`o prisoner was making his
(` Was it a woman who gave you statement. The court listened with
Coe iltfortnation upon which you almost breathless interest. When
a.rt.ete(i me 1" he had finished, a sort of half -con-
trolled expression of wonder'' and
indignation went round, and the
jury looked up at the judge in a
bewildered and puzzled way.
"Policeman." said the judge.
"My lord." responded the ofreer.
"Did this woman speak to you, as
the prisoner said 7"
"Yes, my lord."
"Was the packet of spurious
silver in his hand, as he said."
"It was, my lord."
Again counsel objected. Scot-
land Yard bad its own methods of
hunting down criminals, and bow
the police obtained information as
to the movements of persons like
the prisoner' was not necessarily of
importance to the court or tho
public, while it was of great moment
that the police should not be called
upon to expose the detective secrets
of the force. The prisoner had
been taken with spurious money
in his possession, and had been
previously convicted of coining,
and had undergone sevon years
penal servitude for the offence.
Released from prison, he had gone
back to his former criminal habits;
it was an old story, and so on,
But again the judge ruled that he
should permit the question to bo
"Was it a woman who gave you
the information 7"
The policeman hesitated.
"Answer," commanded the judge.
"It was," said the officer.
`Do you see hor in cqult 1" salted
the prisoner.
The officer looked about vaguely.
"Is that the woman 1" asked the
prisoner. pointing to a rather show-
ily.dressed woman, with handsome
feat.ut'es. but a cold disdainful
oxpreshion of face.
"It lis," replied the officer.
Upon the direction of the judge,
the prisoner was acquitted, and my
friend started a subscription for
him. We raised abont.£70for him
and hope to see him get over his
troubles. His story has been void
fled in every detail. T. F.
—It is reported that constable
Black, of A rkona, has received a
telegram from some point in South
America that a person fully answer-
ing to the description of Albert
Wilson, the murderer of Miss Mar-
shall, of 'Warwick, has been arrest-
ed there, and would he held until
111010118 were taken to identifiy him.
It is understood that a communica-
tion is now in progress with that
may destroy the children. Free-
man's Worm Powders destroy and
expell all kinds of worms.
THREE years ago 1 hadjliver com- welsluw•'ssoothing Syrup," and take no
plaint, and indigestion. Nothing other kind.
did .me any good until I tried Bur- -----.-. .. _...-. .
dock Blood Bittersthree bottles of
— A (laughter ofJustice Tasclsere,
which cured me, I shall use B.B.B. an and niece of Cardinal '1'asehereao
as my medicine. John Floyd, Barns-
ville, N. B. B, B, B. regulates the has;itrarriotl a protestant. Wuetlier
liver. this ir. COI0U14.r4•d a ronish or ptotest-
aht victory w Lace 1,01. yet 1, arned.
—A greet•nialt is happiest whet;
he ran sit down and write his A BURN OR CUT will heal quickly
memoirs ewd forget ell the meals and leave less scar it Victoria Car -
things he know, about hi:rim:if, bolic Salve is applied at once.
QUEBEC. 1 have,been troubled
with indigestion for the past two
years and have tried many medicines
without avail. I tried Burdock
Blood Bitters and can say there is
nothing equal to it. Thomas O'Brien.
B.B.B. cures dyspepsia, biliousne:,s
and constipation.
- A home dispatch cava that
Archbishop Feehan, of Chicago,
having matte a lohg report .to the
vatican through Cardinal Stiu ons
on the criminal acts of thA Clan'•na'.
Cleat, the Pope has given instruc•
tions that the,v be granted he
archbishop to take whatever
measures he may deem opportune t0
declare the Clan-na•Gaet in opposi•
'tion to the church.
'Scott's • E,nulaion is unequalled.
See what Dr. C.A. Black, of Amherst,
N. S., says t "I have been acquaint,
ed with Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil, with Hypopbospbites, for
years, and consider it one, of the
finest preparations now before the
public. Its pleasant flavor makes it
the great favorite for children, and I
do highly recommend it for alt wast-
ing diseases of children and adults.
Sold by Druggists, 50c. and 11.0'1
—Several people were killed and
Louses wreekt-d by a ,cyclone at
Albany, 110.
MR. Wat. )3/1ANY, of Ottawa, Ont.,
writes : I have used Dr, Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry In
family with the very beat results. I
recommend it to my friends and
think it the beat medicine in use for
all summer complaints, diarrbma,
dysentery, etc.
—The wife of Samuel Terbutt, of
the M. C. R. shops, St Thomas, Ont.
gave birth to a bale last week whit It
has Haven toile on each foot and to o
t.imid's on each hand.
A big strike was make when Powell
& Davis issued their Extract of arsap-
tritla and Burdock. "It has met with
great success, and it must, for it is the
most powerful blood purifier in the mar-
ket. Itis used with the greatest success
in all diseases arising from a debilitated
conditon of the system, and everyone
needs, and should use a bottle or two at
this season of the year, of Powell's Ex-
tract ofSarsaperilla and Burdock. Bear
in mind one 50c, bottle contains more
solid medicine than most dollar so-called
Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember
that It is sold to Clinton by all druggists,
ptiea 50e. a bottle. Sold by alt drug-
gists and medicine dealers everywhere.
stsssa; t1TRA•k STOCK. MOVER,'
1>,. y - �.... TISEJIIISTS insur!,,d in Tux
New's linens at Ion' rates. The law
makes it eu(a t
dsury to t'
,td ErLiae . rn,
p ,( stunk
It yu^,t',nrt �';� Yip l'n .rltw•!king you' not
1' 1,,,tter than vat' "u + .;ws•ltc.aeerd.
Glazing and Graining,
Plain : and ; Decorative
Shop next Kennedy's Hotel,
,•=7, Albert Street,
and FIIESfQJNfre
1 22\1—Iro
JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.
Cal/ at the New Store and see the stock of
Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs,
Mattresses, etc., and General Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very
best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description.
JOS. CI1ID1.EI', one door West of Dickson's Book Store.
tiro- trod+
heading;: Collsorvativo:: Payee
Best Equipped Job Rooms
Te Finest Job Printing
Ti ^:•t.�asx�
For Horses, Cattle, Shoop, Dogs, Hogs,
(fOOPage Q d ChaTreatmentt efAuimnlg
CORMS Fevers Congestions, Infammntions
Spinal Meningitis. Fovea.. Strans,Iamness, Rheumatism.
C.C.-.Dletemper, Nasal Discharges.
P.U. --hots or Grubs, Worms.
E.-.('ougl,s, Reaves, Pneumonia.
tt''.Er.-.Colic or Gripes, Bellyache.
li.f.--illtecarriage, Hemorrhages.
H.H.ssitrinary and Kidney Diseases.
,I. --Eruptive Diseases, Mango.
3.K. --Diseases of Digestion.
Stable Cnso, with specifics, Manual,
Witch Hazel 011 and Medicator, $1.00
Price, Single nottto (over 50 doses), - (,
.5. red by Druggists; or sent Prepaid anywhere
and in arty quantity on Receipt of Price.
Humphreys', Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y.
nee 80 year. Theo eoceesfnl remedy for
Nervous Debility,"Vital Weakness`
and Prostration, from over-workor other cause,.
*I poi vIel or 5 vials and largo vial pow15.
SOLD for 5.
SOLDIIY bauaar5T, o: sent postnnstd on reooiptof
pries.-natastreeserisiurnno Co., SOD Fulton a4, A. L
0� pPapvilt• PGPes so.
r• •
t'-" wt 4-
Cl�:Q15 45Q a,at to,9
S -TS.
$-OL OY At '•.ORiJGC�,1
s 4 ` 41 HCOLONdONONT.
would do well to cal! oto Tee Noivs Room) before i feting tL+ir
orders for
Route Bilis, Pedigrees
Cards, &e.
TIN Double Circulation
e* Talks to Ttousart1s.
kd-vertise in The Nows-Roeord