HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-07-03, Page 1'T<`BRI118:•-31.60 per Auounit $1.25 to itch -once. --
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TNVFJP1:Nd)I:NI IN 444 TIE,f410tS,
:IfVF.7ii,4 fi ,TN JQTIa11Yti
°VOL. X. --NO. 29.
'Total Ta3l'rcO}3tYt1dence
Ofik1X c orregpt lta cili'C.
The Congregation of St. Peters, i One of our well known residents
Held a picnic at 1 eehlers'a farm, was last week a very pretty, bride.
Maitland Falls, ou 1)oniiuioll Day. Captain Babb had a calliteeu at
Ou accouut of the big bit! of fare the Brigade Camp at Landon. ,
provided in town, \;'e were unable Reenter meeting of the Mission
to accept a .l;,ind iuvit.atiun to be
?recent. 71• .
Sto1I c NQ;<1417,-The govern -
11 -1444.44'
overn-utt31lfi 4b Prr44e0t},,.d.redge Obctllelt,le
aA4,.0ows lefts thi's port on 'Thursday
for Ktncl r,4liltrl..• 'rho fishiug tug
O,•eadia brooglist the whole of our
fisheemetl employed up the lake to
enable them to pr•rticipato in the
celebration of our National Day.—
The Beatty line boat 'Cant/watt was
in port on Wednesday, and lauded
passengers and freight including a
largeageeptity of wheat for the big
mill.—The kr. Empire was in port
on Wednesday on her upward trip.
--The Camparta arrived in harbor
on Saturday morning. After land-
ing and taking on passengers and
freight she left for Like Superior.
--The tug Oreadia left•for Wiarton
on Tuesday morning.
The eogulur monthly meeting of
the Public Sboot Board was held
,on Frilay evening, Mr...C. Crabb,
presiding. Present Trustees, Ache-
son, Ball, • Chrystal, Swanson, In -
specter Tom and Prinnipal Park
The ,Minutes of previous sheeting
having been confirmed, the Prin-
cipais report for June showing an
average attendance of 607 pupils,
313 boys and 294 girls, was receiv-
ed and filed. An account from Jas.
Wilkinson for $12.50 was ordered
to be paid. Tenders for painting
Central school fence were received
from Messes Mayne, Elliott and
Stevens. Tho first named being the
lowest was awarded the work.
Tenders for putting in water services
at several schools were received
• from Jas. Sanders & Son and Wil-
son Salkeld. After some discussion
the matter was left in the hands of
the special committee. Needed re-
pairs to the several schools, and a
now black board for Miss Sharman's
room Were referred to contingent
committee with power to a The CC
roseating of the principal's room was
referred to achooi unulagomout com-
mittee to report at next meeting.
Advertising for au - assistant to
the Principal for Modelite• term,
and two .lady teachers was
for one week + nendia
on answer front the teacher of
the junior division to a request that
she would continue in charge of her
At the open meeting of the 1•Iigh
School Literary Society ou Friday
evening the following programme
was presented :=Chorus, Glee Club;
readiug,• Miss Crozier; solo,• Mise
• McKenzie; recitation. Mr. Sallows;
solo, :Arias Strachan; chorus, Glee
Club; selections, Mr. Harvey; goad-
ing, Mr. Boyd; recitation, Miss
Potter; valedictory, Mr. Mahaffy;
chorus, Glee Club; criticisms, Mr.
Moore Jr.; address, Mr. H. I,Strang.
The following valedictory was read
by Mr. Mahaffy :--Wo the mem-
bers of the graduating classes in
Goderich High School beg leave in
this valedictory to express to Mr.
Xttfilll (E>arreoy3oltt kl g0(, Xor>ilt. T.ax'tt011till
TwVI71.•eXI *IY « ''opp, Irr'rrz»Alh4ftr''
\V HO. Et % 65 •
Coder WI. , Blyth.Weecstiug Camp Notes.
At the last regular meeting of 1 The stone work of Slater & Si , ms The toots of Military Diatrfet No.
Huron Ledge No. 62, 1, O. 0. F,, brick block is almost completed. + 1 ~yore 1'titched on Carling's TIeights,
the following members were pleated' Our town fathers had a special 4 Landon, on Juatkl8th.
officers for the current terra :—Bros, meeting on Friday evening -in In• The 3`3rd I3atgaliun colnpri. ed 9
3'. Straiten, J. P. 0., lire. Proud- dustry Hail. companlea, and tie aggregate nuul-
foot N. G., Geo, II. Nairn V. Gr, Our band has been engaged to bar of moi was probably greater
accompany the members of I,. U. L. than any other battalion. Thero
Band last Saturday. IGeo. Fraser R. See.,Goo. Stiveus P,
The High School closed on Fri-' Sec., (3. A. Nairn Treas., P. Holt
day, •
The Central and Ward schools
will close for the summer holidays
ou Friday:
Tho 1. O. U. F. District meeting
will b. held in Clinton on Tuesday
next tha 9th inst.
Regular meeting of Huron En-
campment No. 28, I. O. O. F. next
Monday evening.
Regular meeting of Maitland
Lodge No. 33, A. F. and A. M.
next Tuesday evening. '
Mr. John Grant was appointed
corporal at the recent organization
of the Goderich Company.
Rev, Austin Potter preached his
farewell sermon in the Victoria
Street Methodist chu. on Sunday
The High School entrance exa-
winartions will continence to -day, be
continued tomorrow, and conclude
on Friday. A rather barge class will
try to.digest the July papers.
On Frisby evening the Wanzer
cook was in operation at the store
of Mr. Thompson. There was a
large attendance to sample the food
cooked by the new apparatus,
Mr, Robert Porter addressed a
meeting of the electors of the Rid-
ing in llonmiller on Thursday even-
ing. Mr, William Vanstono was
chairman and the hall was fair::y'-
filled. The hest of order prevailed
throughout, aud the meeting broke
up with three cheeas for the Queiln
after listening to an interesting qt-
i -dross of an hour and thirty
minutes duration. s:
PERSONALS.—hiss McGarva E of
Clinton is visiting relatives in
town,—Miss Sibly \Vileon of '4ea-
forth is the guest of the Mises
Campbell.—Miss Maud Wilso of
Seaforth is the guest of the Mi sos
Polley.-11Irs.•Gaalhle,neo• Ifo ,
of British Columbia arrived iu town
on Saturday. ---Mr. Robert Logan of
the Circ. lar•
Clinton lintOtl holidayed in
town,—Messrs Percy and Arthur
Andrews spent the holidays at he
patorilnl residence.—Mr. Kylie of
' ediu
town o
Sot ' 1'Unt
'Lo Y i
day.—Mr. Charles Heels) was 11041e
for the holidays.—Mr. Hilt4n
Holmes arrived in town from Toro
to last week.—Miss Radcliffe h
retuined from the Queen city.—Mr.
Harry Clucas \was preFent at Our
Dominion day celebration,—Mr.
Ed, Passmore is in town after a
years absence.—Mr. 3. Berry of
Lncknow was in town for the
holidays: ---Mr. A. Bingham was
visiting in Toronto last week.-
Mrs. Blake was in the Queen city
last Wednesday.– Mrs. R. B. and
Miss Smith wore present at the
Gilmore Band •concert in Loudon
on Thursday.—Mr. Gilbert Finlay
of Hamilton and Messrs R. de
Mauritz aud J. W. B. 1\'alsh of
Guelph were last week visiting in
the circular town.—Mr., Mrs. and
Miss Lawrence visited the Forest
city last wool: to be present at the
concert given by the Gilmore band.
.—Miss, Mabel McGregor of Port
Huron is visiting in town.—Mr.
Jno, A. Doyle of Sault St. Marie
was in town for a few days the past
week.—Mr. Radcliffe, visited the
Queen city last week to be present
at the marriage of his niece Miss
Mary Alicia Radcliffe,—Mies Cook
left for home last Saturday.—Mr.
Bedford Richardson was present at
tllr Gilmore Band concert.—Dr.
and Mrs. Fraser and infant, of
Michigan, are in town on a ten
days visit to relatives. The Dr.
and family aro residing at the
maternal residence on Waterloo
street.—Miss Newcombe arrived in
town from 'Toronto last week on a
short visit.—Miss Wilkinson of
Galt was at the old homestead this
week.—Mr. Percy 'Walton arrived
in town from Loudon on Saturday.
—Mrs. and. Miss Toms have." re-
turned from their visit to Sirncoe.—
Miss Marks of Brucefield was in
town on Dominion day.—Mr. Jno.
Welsh and son of Stratford spent
the holidays with their relatives Mr.
and Mrs. W.T. Welsh,—Mr. J. Mc-
Pherson of Detroit is the guest of Mr
C. G. Newton.—Messrs J. and R.
McKay were home for Dominion
day celebration. --Mr. Geo. B. Cox
was in London visiting the volun-
teer camp.—Miss Berry of Lucknow
was the guest of Miss' Nicholson
this week.—Mrs. Rattenbury and
Miss Logan of Clinton holidayed
in town on the first4-Mr. S. Davis
of the ,hub spent Monday in the
circular town.—Rev. Goo. and Mrs.
Richardson have returned ,from
their Lake Superior trip.
and C. A. Nairn representatives to
Grand Lodge.
Dominion Day was fitly celebrat-
ed. In the early morning the chil-
dren's games drew a large crowd
aud created great exciteineu,t Thos
oalithumpian parade was not impose
ing, though what there was of it
created considerable laughter. The
town band in white stove pipes,
and the Kazoo band in black ones
paraded round town early in the
day, and then marched to the station
to meet the Doherty baud and the
excursionists. The launch of the
new boat did not take place in the
morning, but she was safely and
gloriously dropped into the harbor
about five, o'clock. Miss Williams
was the fairy godmother, and ap-
propriately named Mr. dlarlton'sr
latest contribution to our marinf
architecture, "The Sophie." Tl
gymnastic performance ou the pa
grounds was meritorious, but t o
thunderstorm marred the attendarco
somewhat. The fireworks display in
the evening was a brilliant tor.mina-
t•ion to n great day's fun. During
the day Goderich and Exeter base
balled, the visitors scoring 19 to the
home team's one. A lacrosse match
between Seaforth aud-Goderich re-
sulted in a,..viotory for the (4th,
team )0 thio straights.
963 to Winghlan on the 12th.
The regular meeting of our town
council was held on Monday eve-
ning in Iuduatry hall. •
Mr. James McGill moved into his
now brick house on Dinsley St. this
.week. 1\'e hope he may live many
years to enjoy it.
The union picnic of the S. S. of
Presbyterian and Methodist church•
.es is to he held in the grove -south
-of the village.
No service in the English Church
uu Sunday lest there being no
apeceosor - to Rey. Mr. Thomas as
• Our boys in red returned holue
froth camp on Satirday, clothed in
ititary appearance as well as in
0(r Majesty's uniform.
The carpenters have commenced
putting the rafters on the new
Methodist church. 4r. E. Sherritt
and his men expect to be through
with the brick work on Thursday.
A heavy thunder and lightning'
storm, acco!panied by a fine shower
of rain, passed over this burg on
Monday afte'uoon without doing
any damage,
Dominion. day was quietly oh -
served here, business being entirely
suspended, most of our citizens tak-
ing in the ,sports at Goderich aud
Ebenezer picnic.
Our village painter, John 'How-
ard, has been busy for some time
past renovating with the brush
deputy -reeve C, Howe's residence
in Morris. Charley knows who to
get to have a first class job done.
A goodly number of the members
of the I. O. T. here joined with.
brethren of other lodges at the
grand picnic at Westfield on the
1st. 'flay report having• enjoyed
thentsetves immensely notwit11
standing the thunde'atorm marred
it somewhat.
Quito a number of our citizens
attended -.the picnic_ at Brighaln's,
Grove in Hullott ou Friday. i Lyth
Land was in attendance and treated
the picnic with some choice seleo•
tions during the. afternoon. Some
• al talent of l'
beet 4UC
present and gave some of their.
favorite pieces at intervals, to the
apparent enjoyment and apprecia-
tion of those present,
On Saturday afternoon Ida, the
youngest daughter of :\Ira, 11.
Brownlee, met with a serious acci-
dent \vheu playing eloipiet with
some of her playmates, by the ,head
of the mallet of ono of the players
coming off and striking her in the
forehead inflicting a serious cut
which necessitated the calling in of
Dr, W. J. Milue who had •to put
iu several stitches. \\'e hope Ida
will soon be able to crow U K; oll
korrect again.
« On Saturday evening a large
percentage of our sports went to
the park to witness an interesting
race for a purse at 200 yards, be-
tween George McElroy of this town
and \V. Mason near Bolgrave. At
the stated time they wore at their
posts' in running costumes. The
starter soon had then in position.
The Blythito coming in at the win-
ning post a few feet ahead of his
opponent. 1 tell you What you
ought to have seen Geordie move.
Ou Sunday Mr. Jas. Mains, of
Hullett, and one of his daughters
were driving out to Morris to visit
friends and when near Mason's on t ``e officers' mess 9111 proved him
Strang, head: master, and to his
colleagues Messrs. Moore, IIalls and
Kaiser, our high appreciation of,
and gratitude for their kind and
faithful attention to us during the
past year. Now that the term is
about to close we most heartily say
that our teachers in the past year
have ever manifested a. devoted
interest in our studies ; that they
have been Untiring in seeking to
advance us; that they have been un-
ceasing in their attention. The
University class would especially
extend their most sincere thanks to
Mr. Strang, aud also to Mr. Moore
for the many hours of gratuitous
teaching which they have given
thorn, after regular school hours,
and we all join in hoping that bo-
re long—before the physical body
rfA, have refused to support a too
wt ,(Mind—the authorities will
give another assistant to our head
master. We shall all leave this
school satisfied that whatever may
have beon our own shortcomings,
our teachers have faithfully die -
charged their respective duties, and
that any failure which may be re-
corded after the corning examina-
tion, cannot be attributed to any
neglect of' duty on their cart. 'We
are{proud of being identified with a
scl(ool which .has hitherto main-
tained such a high standing among
similar educational institutions of
the ProvinCe,and which has ex -pupils
in almost every quarter of the globe
who by their high attainments, give'
evidence of; the excellence of the
early training which they received
while in Goderich High School.
We hope for the future success of
that school; and that kind Provid-
ence will long continue to support
its teachers with health and strength
in the performance of their duties.
Mr. Louis W. Diehl of Huron
College, London, occupied the pul-
pit in St. Johns church last Sab-
bath evening.
I Rev. R. :\IcUosh, of 1'utrolca, a
former pastor here, paid some of
his old friends Aflying visit last
week •
M .G. Stewart, sr., of Kinburn, a
formtr resident of this village, has
been visiting his son Mr. George
Stewart .aud llis • molly other old
friends during the past week.
,a1 it' otlt�t gO1211
Clinton company. is 45 strong is
still Nailer proof.
. `Lte 33rd onjoy'ed .the two weeks •
camp, and all east -fled to regret the
termination on Salul day.
Ihe D. A. G. cotuplinteuted Col.
Colemau very highly on the general
appearance and work of the 3S+'d.
were five battalions in camp -24,
25, 28, 30, 33.
Lieut. -Col. Coleman, Major Wil-
son, Adjutaut- Collins, aud Major
Baine were in command of the 33rd.
Sergeant.Major Burnham, of North-
west rebellion note, was attached to
the 3$rd'and merited and received
the hearty recognition of the officers
and men. '
Tho nine companies were com-
manded as follows : No.1, Goderich,
Capt. Crockett and• Lieuts. Holmes
and Wella ; No. 2, Wingham, Capt.
Williams and Lieut. Ritchie ; No.
3, Seaforth, Capt. Roberts and Lieut.
'Wilson',; No. 4, Clinton, Capt. Todd
and Lieuts. Combe and Rance: No.
5, Brussels, Capt. Hays and Lieut.
Shaw ; No. 6, Exeter, Capt. And-
•ews and Lieuts. Dickson and 13111-
ngs ; No. 7, Porter's Hill, Capt.
°Donald and Lieuts, Pollock and
Courtice ; No. 8, Gorrie, Capt. Keine
and Lieut. Keine ; Na. 9, Dungan-
non, Capt. Varcoe and Lieut Young.
Copts. Koine and McDonald deserve
special mention as old veterans.
Messrs. harry B. and Louis W.
Diehl have roturned from Huron,
College, London. moth of these
inalien have succeeded in
young 0
obtaining flee certificates entitling
them to a 'year's t'r'ee tuition,'
They are warmly congratulated,'
around here by their many friends,;
on their suocess in college.
• -- 'stunt i'"ii .
The young people, of Ebenezer
church intend holding a festival
on the e6eiing of Thursday July
9th at the residence of Mrs Filleps
Maitland con. Goderich Tp. :l1)-
freshmenta consisting of strawberries
ice-cream etc will bo served. A
good programme of choice music,
recitations otc• will bo given. The
proceeds will ho used to purchase a
new library Situdey school.
Let there bo a ont.
Port Albert.
Domtxtos Dar.—Several 1
left this morning for the circu ar
town to see the launch of the w
boat, while others took in Ki ,ail
sports. Prof. J. R. Hawkin of
Staffa is visiting friends in he
Hobert Porter and lion. A- M.
Ross attended the Kingsbidge
picnic last week. Crops in' this
neighborhood are looking a Ilittle
better this week after the heavy
rain but as a general thing 4hey
look shaky , 'the prospect is door ;
thd' fact is most farmers are in the
blues. '.
The daily routine of drill we;
from 635 to 7.30 a.m., from 10 to
12 noon, and front 2.30 to 4,30
p.m. '
The Clinton coup:toy were com-
plimented by many tor thei • clean
appearance .aud gentleman -y be-
haviour—in fact the whole of the
33rd seethed to aim at that end. It
is intended that No. 4 shall be one
of the best drilled, equipped and
model companies in, camp two years.
hence. Clinton has the material,
and the 'officers and men have every
reason to feel proud of their success
in 1889.
A special Meeting of No. 4 cons -
pony will be held at the Armory 011
Friday evening at 7 o'clock sharp.
A full attendance is requested.
Doirrxtac DAY ` in Clinton, was
quieter than usual. Many of -our--
citizens took a respite from the
carps of business and enjoyed re•
lief from the eternal hula of indus-
try in the hub by visiting some of
the adjacent towns and'villagea.
THE HURON C 'l L Lrk113,1;.'
• The 33rd marched to the butts oft
the 20th for rifle practice. Each
man was allowed '20 rounds -5 each
at 200, 400,and 600 yards. Louis
Desmond made the largest score in
NO. 4 company ; McVittie, Ross,
Ward, the Smiths, Carter and others
made good shooting.
The review and march out was on
Thursday, 27th, and the 33rd was
as usual much admired, probably
more than any other. No. 4 com-
pany were particularly remarked for
theirsoldierly bearing and evenness
of AstepSh.
• place in the
3 battle toot � }
vicinity' of • Hellmuth College on
Friday. Nos. 3 and 4 cornpanios
made a gallant charge on the double
•avidh fixed bayonets and wore on
the winning side. As No. 4 sent
volley after volley into the ranks of
the enemy with great precision and
certain deadly effect, the strong
voice of Col. Coleman \vas heard
"Well done, No. 4."
- —i-^ �f
lalitor A'eu•s-Recorcd.•
D>,Ai Srtt,—In a few days the canvassers -
'lppointed by our Board of Directors will
call upon our townspeople and the friends
in the 'neighboring township to solicit
membership tees anis subset iptions in• be-
half of the 11.0)0(1 Central, and 1n orde
that the response maybe a very general
end liberal one, 1 ask a little space to :
show what we are doing and what we pur-
pose to do in order to .Merit the luosr
generous pat00ltate•
1, A lung felt want is about to be met
in the erection of a large number of shed:
for the acconnuodation of horses and
cattle. The Board his authorizrd erec-
tion at mme,' .
2. The prize hot has been thoroughly
ams carefully revised and enlarged. In'
thf,classes covering horses, cattle, sheep,
etc., the amount of prize money has been
nearly troubled, because the Directors re-
alized that these departments largely •
t I
1tt 01
•, Exhibition,
� ll t D
1 1,
specciallyttlirected to the • horse depart-
11.•11elieveing that much more atten-
tion will in the -future: be devoted to
Ilortic«Iture, that department has been,
enlarged and greater space will be given to
Clinton scut as honorable a 00111-
piny as there was in camp—not a
member of No. 4 having the slight-
est charge preferred against him.
Sunday at camp was observed by
religious worship under the direc-
tion of Rev-. Canon Richardson.
The Catholic portion were marched
to the Catholic cathedral.
Quarter master Bock looked after
the interests of the 33rd with a keen
eye, iIo had extra blankets issued
to the men and officer's and looked
after their welfare in a manner thet
\\ill make him live. loug in the
Memories of the men. IIe has been
in the service many years.
Paymaster Jordan, like our old
friend Beck, was always affable and
had everltthing in apple-pie order.
His duties are burdensome, still he
istivery popular and his long service
htis not lessened his popularity with
the officers and men.
'Ourgeon Holmes and assistaut
Shannon were in camp and always
rely to relieve the suffering. Their
duties wore light.
t.Sorgeant Youill was in charge of
4. In order t0(, avoid misapprehension
c membership ticket
admit the
holder as often
as he pleases during the
Exhibition, but it is not transferrable and
can only be u.eetl by ole person.
1. To popularize our Exhibition the
entrance fee hes been lowered, anti wi11 be
only 11 emits for adults and 10 cents for
children. -
ti. An invitation has been extended to
I t.,IL John Carling, 'Minister of Agriculture
for the Doininiou, to often the Exhibition.
7. T sic dates soleeted are Sept. 24t1t,25th
aud 2f1t11 and the attractions will be more
numerous aud attractive than ever before.
'l'hey will be duly annonneed in our ;n'iz+'
lists and advertisements.
Tours, etc., A. 11, 13E aN(Nu.
the gravel between here and Bel -
grave, the horse shied at a pile of
wood along the roadside, throwing
the occupants out, causing Mr.
Mains to receive some severe bruises
PERSONALS.—Mr. J. Shaw of
Wingham was in town last week—
Mr. Thos Owens has returned from
Algoma—Mr. W. Campbell of Blyth
was in town Saturday—Mr. V. Van
Norman has had a new roof put on
his blacksmith shop—A large num-
ber from this locality "took in" the
celebration at Brussels on Dominion
Day—Mr. P. McCasey is erecting a
a fine barn on his premises south of
the village—A base -ball match with
the sixth line is expected V. .take
place next Saturday. '
It is truly pitiable to think "tre
aro young mon out in the country
too bashful to enter a house where-
in the attractions are so groat that
they peas their own gate on the way
from base -ball practice in order to
take if poseibje one longing glance
through the window, or serenade
the fair onss with vocal and instru-
mental music. Boys, you must re-
member though it is fun to you it
May be death to those on whom you
so fondly lavish your afTectiona.
se, f, as usual, to be an excellent
cgterer. '
Capt. Babb ran the 33rd canteen
in a very satisfactory manner.
and to he badly shaken up. For- At the band tournament the 28th
tunately the lady escaped without ' took first prize and the 33rd a good
auy.•injury. We hope, Jur waver, to,Lsecond.
hoar that James is not so seriously The bread and meat supplies were
hurt as reported. of as fine quality as Clinton could
PEn80\A(.B.—A. Murdock, of the produce, and that means A 1.
circular town, spent a day or two A lying paragraph has been cis -
this week amongst -old friends
.and associates,. ---R. Howard, sr., ro- 3urad d in
nitheion was l cpress
inmud. the
calved a kick from a ]corse which The Camp was located on high,
laid him up for a couple of days I a s
t sandy ground, well sodded over,
Satuurddaayy much improved from
SaeDoherty returnedon and the statement (lie) is ono of the
most false ever made. We can �
Hamilton, where he had been spend- speak false
East �V'awanoslt.
Mr, Jas. hath, jr., has returned
home after spending a few weeks
in Loudon and vicinity. ..-_Mr. Jas.
McCallum has gone to Algoma on
business.—Mr Alex Dey, black-
smith, is working for Mr. T,L,Jobb,
Wo are sorry to learn that the
players on the 4th have been' van-
quished by Blyth boys ; perhaps it
would be bettor for thein to try a
match with the 6th before playing
Rev J. Ferguson preached
introductory sormor • •Londe -
and Kinburn on Sr
Mr, John Medd
farin in the north.
and wife have been t
burg. :
If the old rule of "more rain
more rest" holds good, what a soft
snap the hired Man must be having
of late.
ing a couple of weeks recuperating.
—Rev.S.Fisher, recently of Holmes -
villa, now of Arthur, was in town
on Monday._ Mesdames Em,iglt and
Bell were visiting friends in Clinton
on Monday.—N.Irs. James Hearn, of
Cliuton, is the guest of Mrs. E.
Watson at present. -'-T.• F. Johnson
is visiting the' "hub" .this week.—
Miss Radcliffe, of Lakelet, formerly
teacher in our school, is the guest
of Mrs. S. Herrington.—W0 are
glad to 'learn that James l{efferon
has recovered from his racenl;-fll-
ness. •
ppersonallyfor No. 4 company
and others of the 33rd, and we
know that Huron Battalion resents
the slander. It is about as truthful
as the statement that there was no
enthusiasm over the volunteers in
Clinton, The hundreds of citizens
on the square -to• see the red coats
parade, the hundreds of loyal citi-
zens who marched to the station to
see the "boys" off and wish these
god-apeed, gives the lie to the state-
ment and is strong proof 'that mili-
tary enthusiasm in Clinton is still
at a high ebb --and the fact that
"If I was e man of the world as
I once was I would give him a
sound thrashing." What a comfort
to think he is not.(I) Martin
—Wm. Reid, a young man work- „
ing at the Goderich lumber clocks,
burst a blood vessel one afternoon and
died a few minutes after. He came
from Kincardine, and had only been
at work at Goderich for two weeks.
His remains were taken to Kin-
H,\sl,i v.—In Goderielt township, on
Pune--, the wife of Mr. Robert
Hanley, of a daughter.
A n\r8li1 onAtodre Andrews, of July st
, the
wife of M, 8.a son
(stiff born).