HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-06-26, Page 8t.1
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vette,. A marvel of purity,:
, strength and whuliutouteuess. More economical
. than the ordumrr kinds, and ettlinnt Le sold in..
competition with the multitude of low test;
dphort weight, alum or phosphate powders. Set
nits in cans. IlovAt, IMaINO Powuaa CO., 100
Wall St., N. Y.
The Huron News-Recor
51.50 a Year -51.26 in Advance.
rv. The man doe. not do justice to his Lass
who wends less in adve.tisio„ thou he doe
rent.—A T. STBwAIt'r, the millionaire stere
of New Turk.
Wednesday, June 'e6th,; 1889
BOY WANTED—TO learn the art
of printing. 'Apply at this office.
Don't bay IS:thy Carriages or
Wall Panel• until you have seen the
magnificent NEW STOCK . at
DICKSON'S Book Store, Clinton.
A strawberry, Festival with a
Hatless w.ill be held at Joint Kitty's on
Dionday, July 8,' at 5 u't1nek p. in. Violin
music by IN1r. Bailey and others. Entrance
40 cents a couple, 25 rents single.
:More Li,tlt.—'Po the strides of
science there sterno to be no end. One of
the most practical ways in which she has
been advancing is it; 1..rauslbrnling itanse-
arc, Maui al products arty iota beautiful hnnd-
eiabts t., lt,•n;ehold dnntt.tlie: economy,
A marked inntane. „f rills is the scientific
discovery of .\h \1illuu, ' Nittsedge & Co.,
ofl'etrolea, by wlet;e method an illuminat-
ing oil called Perri rosins, made from crude
Canadian petroleum has been placed upon
the market. 'Phis article is positively
free from oflr 1 ive odnr.whether in burn•
ing wit 11 high or low flume anti does not
cloud 111c.e'hiten...V:. The firm have ap-
pointed 11.cssrs. 1Lulaud sires. and' S.
Davis to handle this fine oil in Clinton.
bfellillnn.' blittredge & Co. still nuiun-
facture and supply Lei• the Italie their
celebrated "Sterling" brand of•illuminat-
iug and lubriea1iug oils.
A alousteer Picnic.—Will be held
Dy St. Peter's Catholic church on July 1st,
at iiaeelteler's Falls, four utiles from God-
erich, in a beautiful grove on the banks
of the 1I.aitland, tem aining 15 acres. On
the grounds thert• will be refreshment
booths, a largo table for meals, ice cream,
forty swutg,, athletic sports and Calis-
thenics sit starch by forty little children
Barnett, andSiwene, the renowned acrobats,
and aerial monatths, will give an exhibi-
tion of their dating double trapeze act, and
St t toe, the !lying man bis perilous per•
tocinauce on the flying rings. On the
grand stand there will be a first class
tluaeh•ilf and stria,,; band to furnish music
from 11 a. m. to 8 11. in. Frorn Goderieh
to the grounds ants 1eturn a free tide will
he given to all who attend the picnic.
Gu•riege3 will leave the square in Goderieh
every half hour for the picnic grounds.
Adtttissicn 28cts, Diuncr 15cts, Supper
Nets. All are invited. The bills will
contain the nature of the games. En-
trance to the Mettle will he from P,enmiller
and the Goderieh IIuron Roads.
In and (round the "Hub."
Town Zu11;.
MR, LAWRENCE of Lucl:uow was
in town Saturday.
Mn. RENTGEN engineer of street
improvements is laid up by a par-
alytic strock
MR. KEYS of Stanley is buying
large quantities of eggs in this vic-
inity for ehiptnent east.
enough to be out for a drive
r r on Saturday.
BERT JOHNSTON, a typo of the
Expositor office, Seaforth, broke
One of his fingers the other day
playing ball.
JAS. A. BROWN, a graduate of
Listowel High School and who at
one time taught school in Howick
township died recently at Chilli-
twhack B. C.
Council of Lambton have fallen in
line with progressive, humanitarian
and .econonic principles and con-
cluded to erect a house of refuge or
—Tho Conservative Association of
South Huron passed a. resolution of
condolence with the relatives of the
late George Case and'ordered a copy
of same to be sent to Mr. Francis
underwent a. dangerous surgical
operation -just a week ago and was
relieved of an immense tumor, is,
progressing as favorably as could bo
looked for or desired under the
LAST THURSDAY Mr. Postmaster.
Farr lett fur a trip to the land of
brown health and shaggy wood and
stalwart glen and bonnie lassies.
Ban Voyage.
Ma. MAHAFFEY of the Port Albert
flour and lumber mills was in town
one day last week. He is still of
the opinion that the Port is left
out in the cold in the matter of
needed harbor improvements.
Dia. JOHN L. STURDY, who some-
time ago purchased the stock and
business of Mr. Walt Coats at
Brussels, will return to Hal•riston
and resume charge' of his former
hotel business.
WE clip the following from one
of our exchanges:—Rev. J. Fergu-
son leaves next Wednesday for
Loudesboro', circuit. \Vo wish him
well. He leaves many warm friends
II behind hits.
turned home from the North, Satur-
day morning, and returned again in
the evening' and will take in Ford-
wich, etc. and complete hie present
tont. of inspection this week.
A PRINCESS is born unto " Indian
Queen," the well bred mare of
Arthur Cooke. The little one is a
dandy and will no doubt in time give
a good account of its royal lineage.
Being sired by"Al Slip " it com-
mingles in its veins a large share of
the beet racing blood with that of
the best standard trotting strains on
the continent.
Ma. JENKINS, of, the defunct
Brussels Budget, is after blood.
He has entered suit against the
Post for libel for publishing . an
alleged defamatory letter on October
12, 1888. Mr. L. E. Dancey of
Seaforth is his lawyer and he has
retained the eminent Q. C., B.
B. Osler. The Post Tuan cries out
cone on Macduff, let hint Who will
first cry enough.
I3unLs, used in making veneers
for organs, furniture etc., with re-
marable eccentricities of grain, are
excreatences that grow upon vari•
ous trees, such as the walnut, rose
wood mahogany, oak, and ash.
They weigh from 1,000 to 6,000
pounds, and tho largest and best
come from Persia and Circassia, and
cost in the rough from 15 to 40
cents a pound.
Cool, COMFORT. — Christopher
Plumb gives notice, through the
is:/apit'rr, "that we will have another
cold wave on the 27th 28th or 29th
inst. In many places the tempera-
ture will drop below freezing, al-
though not as severe as last month.
Fanners and gardeners should ar-
range to cloud their fields with
smoke; , as is successfully practiced
on European fields and vineyards,
and has been to some extent in the
North west. After that there will
be no more frosts or danger to
crops, even in the North-west."
shortly be an election for school
trustees for St. Andrews ward,
necessitated bo the continued ab-
sence from town and meetings of
the Board of Mr. Jas. Thompson.
The taxpayers. have about 200, more
or less, eligible residents in the
ward to choose from. Subject to
correction on appeal to the names
on tho assessment roll, we may,
without singling out invidiously
any one who would slake a better
trustee than another, mention the
names of Brown, Jones, Robinson,
Smith, Nokos, Styles, Doe and Roe.
gress : At a special meeting of the
council, held on the 6th inst., a by-
law was passed respecting transient
traders, with whom our village has
of late been overrun. The fee for
these gentry was fixed at $50 which
will entitle them to sell for five
years, and which will be credited to
such trader on his assessment,
should he remain in the villagesuffi-
cient time for taxes to be come due.
The fruits of the by-law (in the
shape of $50) were depusited with
treasurer on Wednesdoy by Mr.,
James Pinder, of ,Galt, who has
been running an auction sale this
curious case came up befor Jude
Elliott in the London Divtslon
Court. A man living on South
street had a girl working for him
named Kate McSween. When her
time was up she was paid her wages
in full. That was on Saturday and
she was nut to go to a new place
until Tuesday. The mistress of the
house invited her to stay there until
Tuesday, which she did. On Mon-
day the butcher caste with his bill,
and the master borrowed $3 from
the servant to pay it. She never
succeeded in getting the money
back, and sued for it. The defend-
ant put in an offset for three days
board at $1 a day, but the judge
would not Allow it, and gave the
girl her $3.' In another wages cairn
a person living on Fullerton street
was sued by a domestic for $96.
He set off a bill for clothes, medical
attendance., etc., showing that the
girl owed him $3. On the side of
the bill was marked one cent a Sun-
day for Sunday school, but this
amount was not included in the
offset. The judge gave the girl
tar Prices Much Tower than Last Year
Twelve different kinds in stock. We also have a fine
stock of
Suitable for Baby Carriages.
Chris. Dickson, Dickson, Clinton
MR. HEnRIOTT of St. Mary's, who
j.spent several weeks here a short
time ago in the hope of benelitting
phis health has gone to Manitoba with
khe same object in view.
, Ma. CHAS MASON, the Voted horse
'breeder of Tuckerswith, has again
gone to the old country to purchase
another lot of horses. Doubtloes
hja selection will be• first class as
;receut tweeting iu Exeter of the
South Huron Liberal Conservaiive
Association, are following testi-
mony to departed worth and sym-
pathy for the living was tendered :
—7'o Mrs. D: H. Ritchie:
HE DARED HER.—"But if you
don't love him, Clara, why are you
going to marry hint !" '`Because he
dared me to, mamma. He knew
my high-spirited nature, too: Oh,
I'll make him sorry enough for it—
don't you be afraid."
man sought of a father the hand of
his daughter 'in marriage. "Can
you support a family," asked the
solicitous father. "I don't know,
I only wanted Sarah," replied the
youth. and the old man withdrew
advising the young man to consider
the platter.
LIEUT. COL. COLEMAN of the 33rd
was in town on Friday in connec-
tion with the salt business. He re-
ported the "boys" of the 33rd in
brigade camp to be about as all
round a good lot as is to be found on
the ground. The Colonel was afraid
ho would not be able to put iu much
of his time in camp owing to his
engagements as valuator in the
immense sales of American salt
property now going ou. to English
capital ists:
TIANS.—The editor of the Brussels
Postwho was a member of the
recent Methodist Conference held
in St. Mary's thus writes of the
laymen's 'convention held there.
"The Laymen's Convention and
platform did not .amount td much
and before the Conference closed
the laymen Voted the proposed
amendments down. The whole
thing was looked upon as the ''get
up" of one or two men and the
decision goes to show that the lay-
men of' the Guelph Conference do
not think they have or are suffering
at the hands of their ministerial
brethren." This is in striking con-
trast to the sage utterances ,of our
local cotem about the discipline
buggies with male and female
occupants were leaving the Ratten-
bury hostelry, intent on following
the leading rig which . contained a
happy young couple who a fess
hours previously had been,united in
marriage's merry bonds, when two of
the rigs collided, upsetting one and
spilling the young lady and gentle-
man on the cold, cold ground. The
young man held on to the, lines and
the young lady tilted up the buggy
with lightning rapidity. The only
harm done was a bent axle and the
disappointment of the young couple
013 not being able to continue their
journey with the wedding party.
DEAR MADAM :—At a mooting of
the Liberal Conservative Association
of the South Riding of the County
of Huron, held in the village of
Exeter on the 10th day ofJune, the
following resolution waso passed
unanimously:—That whereas, since
our last annual meeting, it has !slim-
ed the Almighty to remove from
earth your late esteemed husband, a
member and ex -President of this
Association, and always a staunch
supporter of and energetic worker in
the great cause of Conservatism, and
who was alike beloved and respected
owing to his genial, excellent and
superior qualities in and out of
office ; be it resolved that the heart-
felt sympathy of this Association be
tendered to yourself and relatives in
you said breavemont. We, the
members of the Association, while
submitting to the will of God,
deeply sympathize with you and
pray that in this, the hour of your
afflietion, by the sustaining • evil
comfoiting power of God, you mays
realize his precious promise to be yell
husband to the widosto and a joy in
the tima of sorrow. Signed in be-
half of Association. Michael Eaerett,
M. J. White, L. H. Dickson.
LITTLE daughter of lir. Peter
le died Sunday last. lIer age
ten years. Mr. Cole has but
r ' ntly returned from -Manitoba.
les Struthers, a teacher in the
Model School,is temporarily ill and
was iucapacitated from attending to
her duties during a part of this week.
MAYOR'S COURT.—Two young
men, William and Robert Fleming,
I were brought before Mayor White-
head and W.W. Ferran Esq.,J.P.
on Tuesday charged with stealing a
heifer from A. J. Courtice God-
erieh township. Wm Fleming was
also charged with stealing a Iamb the
property of H. J. Hibbs. Prispn-
ers pleaded gujlty on all the
charges and were committed for
trial at the next court of competent
jurisdiction. After the two former
had been committed a young pian'
named Moffat was arrested and com-
mitted far being concerned in the
stealing of the lamb. All three•
were taken up to Goderich jail
Tuesday evening in 'charge of con-
stable Paisley and Tedford.
Tuesday forenoon, took a dose of
Paris green with apparent suicidal
i ntent. A physician was summoned
and the poison- pumped out before
serious injury was done. No cause
assigned far the rash act, but it may
be stated that a few minutes before
the occurrence the misguided man
had a talk with a John A. Mac-
donald conservative on tho Jesuit
question and was told tho truth
about the agitation. Whether his
horror at the enormous quantity of:
Anti -Macdonald lies he had boon
induced to swallow had anything
to do with his thinking that "life
was worth not living" deponent
saith not. Since writing the above
the unfortunate man had died front
the effects of the poison, in the town
hall.. His name is McCloy and
some years ago he was employed in
the woollen factory here. It is not
likely au inquest will be held.
LIA13ILITY.—A lean recently was
heavily fined for scuding false news
to a local newspaper. The magia-
trate, before whom the caso came,
pointed out how much the proprie-
tor of a newspaper depended upon
the good faith of his informants ilia'
localities where he might have not
personal knowledge to guide hini'
'rhe practical joker or malicious;':
falsifier who may think it rather a`
clover thing to take in a, nowspapet!
in this way will for the future be
wise in remembering that it is a
dangerous game to play, even if
the editor is neither pugnacious nor
a good shot.
a peculiarity about retailers that
but few of them attach any impor-
tance to the use of good office
stationery. We have had occasion
to notice that during the course of
many years' contact with trade.
The ordinary counter bill -head,
printed for the most part on a very
poor quality of paper, and without
any pretension to typographical
neatness, serves the purpose not
only for a bill -head, but in most
cases takes the place of a letter -head
and business card. What better
introduction—so far as first irn-
pressions are concerned—to a
wholesaler or manufacturer than en
attractive business card. The pro-
gress of time requires that retail
merchants should be further ad-
vanced in attention to these matters,
which though small in themselves,
frequently exert a marked influence
upon outsiders. --N. Y, Trade Re -
MUST PAY UP.—Several non -
prying recipients of papers wore
sued by the proprietor of the
Dundee Standard at the Division
Court. In one caso the man sued
sworn that the former owner of the
paper had told him he was going to
send the paper, had done so, that
the paper had been taken by him
from the post -office over since, but
that ho did not consider he was
liable for the amount of the sub-
scription price. Judge Muir Meld
distinctly that the man having
taken the paper from the poet -office
and used it, had received the value
and was liable for the full amount
of the subscription. If he had at
first refused to take the passer from
the office the postmaster would have
notified the newspaper proprietor
and the paper would have been
stopped. It is a simple matter to
have a paper stopped lawfully, but
payment of arrearagos must precede
Men's Furnishing Goods.
We show an immense range of
en's Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Braces,
fi Underclothing, Hosiery, Belts, Umbrellas,
Night Shirts,- Gloves, &cr
A Magnificent Range of TIES at 126 Cents.
Unlaundried WHITE SHIRTS at 6Oc., Mc,, U.
A Fine Line of MEN'S HOSIERY at 16 Cents.
A Great Line of Braves at 26 Cents.
We show the lamest and finest stock of HATS AND
CAPS in the County.
See Our Great 50e Hat
Mn H.W.C. Moyer, of \Vingham,
has been appointed:honorary solici-
tor to the Board of Trade of that
marked a Clinton lad tho other
day to his mate with whom he had
been discussing tho supremacy of
the Queen after the manner of his
seniors. The words were caught by
a farmer who lives in a low-lying
section of IIullett, and he waxed
wroth thereat and expressed the
hope that if she rained much longer
she would drown the young rascal.
with deep regret that wo chronicle
the death of G I•I.M ,of
,New York. He passed
away on Monday morning, March
25th, after an illness of little more
than three days We had been
acquainted for five years. We be-
gan in'the poultry business at the
same time, both buying Wyandotte
eggs of the sante man. The writer
soon gave up the breed and kept
only Langshans. But George kept
his Wyandottes, bought only the
best, bred carefully ; and though we
have seen many fine birds, we know
of few which lay more and larger
eggs or breed finer chicks than his
do. We have had many fowls and
eggs of him, and would as quick
trust }tint as ourself to ship eggs or
to select stock."—Froin Editor's
Drawer, in Harper's Magazine for
CONNELL—DALE.—By the Rev. .T. S.
Fisher, at the residence of the bride's
father, Hullett,on June 19, Wm. D.
Connell of Goderieh Township to
Adeline Dale.
—St. Thomas has a Rev. Mr.
Whiskers. Would it he out of
place to remark that he should be a
good man to tickle a tea-sleeting
—Clement's grist mill at Hee.
peler is to be removed to Birtle,
Manitoba, a bonus of $10,000 being
given by that municipality to him.
(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.)
Flour $5 00 to 5 50
Fall Wheat, new & old 1 00 to 1 03
Spring Wheat.... 1 00 to 1 03
Barley ..'C 40 to 0 48
Oats ..'0 28 to 0 28
Peas 0 54 to 0'64
Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50
Potatoes . 0 86 to 0 40
Butter,• . 0 12lto 0 13
Eggs . 0 10 to 0 11
Hay 800to900
Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00
Beef ..0001o000
Wool 0 20 to 0 25
Pork 6 50 to 6 70
ac1t1 Torreoproultne
• Ilnllett. •
Misses E. and J. -McFarlane of '
Stanley returned home on Monday?
after a few days' visit among friends,,`'
on the 13th.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ballantyne of
Huron Tp. Bruce Co. wore among
old friends on the occasion of the
ttlarriage of Mrs. 1.1's. sister Miss
Elliott. ,
The annual pie nit of S. S. No. 7
is to be held in the usual place in
Mr. J. Briglianl's bush on Friday
of this week. As usual prizes are
to be given for athletic sports and a
musical programme is being pre-
pared for those not athletically in-
clined. Other amusements such as
croquet, quoits, foot -ball and abund-
ance of swings are also to to be pro-
vided. A good +time is' expected.
A collection will be taken up to
defray expenses. Come and bring
your basket.
A pleasant -.affair tock place at
the residence of Mr. Jas. Elliott of
the 13th 011 Thursday of last week
when Miss Ellen Elliott was united
in the bonds of matrimony to Mr.
N. Moore of Muskoka. The nup-
tipal knot was tied by the Rev. Mr•
Ramsay of Londesboro in the pres-
ence of a goodly number of the
friends of the contracting parties
who were supported by Miss Cum -
ince' and Mr. Jas. Moore respective)
After making a farewell tour amo
their friends in this vicinity the
happy couple left on Tuesday for
their future home. Your scribe joins
with their large circle of friends in
wishing them a happy and prosper -
our future.
Private Sale of HOUSEHOLD
Previous to removing from Clinton, I will offer
at private sale, at the residence opposite the
Foundry, a desirable lot of Household Furniture
—Bedroom Suites, Sideboard, Sto®es, ere., and
other useful articles. Goods will be sold reason-
able and can be seen any time atter Tuesday,
June llth. Terms cash.
A note made by the undersigned In favor of
Ferran R Tiedall, Clinton, payable in June, 1880,
has been lost or mislaid. Alllparties are there-
fore cautioned against negotiating the same, as
payment has been stopped.
Clinton, June 11111, 1880. 652..41