HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-06-26, Page 6Me Karon News -"Record $1.50 a Year -4L 5 In Advance. qac l'he wan doea notd4 Jtftctieo to hie busiueaa also spends teas to advertiairuyr than he dues in rent. -A. T. STEWWART, the llattiunaire merchant of New York, Wednesday, Judo 261,11, 11889• TMULE O.BEING BORROWED. " Speaking of hose thieves,' said the old farmer as he leaned back with a chuckle, "but l've sad two or three funny experiences with there. About five years ago I had a valuable hose, and 1 had to h k all kinds of tricks to prevent is being stolen. One day a seller carne along a buggy, pretending he wanted to boy a farm, and he made two or three moves around the stable which satisfied me that he • was spotting, the boss. I wasn't feeling well and couldn't stay up all night to act as guard, an' so I put my boss in a neighbor's barn and brought his mule over ter 'my stable. That mule was the worst kicker on top o' the 'earth. On the fourth morning I went out to find the would -bo purchaser of my farm lying under a shed iu the barnyard with .a broken leg and a scalp wound. " `hello !' says 1 ; 'what's happen- ed?' "' Robbers,' says he. ' They attacked me juat fit your gate, and I think I'm badly hurt.' " `But you did't holler.' " Oh no. I didn't want to dis- turb your rest.' "'T)id they hit you ?' " Yes. They strusk sand club.' "' \Vas the club stuffed with. hair'"' says I, as I plucked a tuft of mule's hair off bis shirt front.' filo CANADIAN NEWS NOTES. -Mr, Wm.fur ws, of Nassag- aweya, has a mare 24 years old - which dropped her first colt on Sun day, 9th inst. -The oldest man in St. John, New 13runewick, died on Friday last week. Cornelius Driscoll was Born in Baltimore county, Cork, Boland, m 17+34, was, therefore, 105 years old. -The Manitoba crop bulletin, of June let, shows that a large acreage of wheat was sown this year. The seeding was unusually early, but the season has not boen altogether favorable for growth. with a "'I think not,' says he, cool as a cucumber. `I think I got that off the beast in there,' "'But what were you doing in my stable?' "'I thought I'd borrow your horse and try to get to a surgeon's without disturbing you, bat as ryahee objected to being borrowed I a up the idea. Now, my friend, here's $10 fettle trouble I'm going to be to you. Please hitch up and drive me to town, where I esu bo takeu care of," "And you slid it? " Sartinly. I alms like to oblige, and them $10 paid all my taxes." What became of the man?" " Lay ou his back in town for a couple of months, and was then the day m ,5 t' do ffe east; I et see lt B1]i' C pp before he went, and asked him if he calkeflated ou hunting down the highwaymen who had attacked hilt that night in flout of my house. afeareid I couldn't identify 'stn, even if we got the guilty parties,' he answered, as he handed over another ten, and sort o' dodged as it' expectiu' that old mule to let ily again." -Besides the incidental expenses of nearly as much more in investi- gating the case of ltev. T. W. Jeffery at Toronto, the lawyers fees amount to about $1,500. There was a hick in the Conference about the costs of the prosecution coming out of counexioual funds. -A good many Public School teachers are lamenting the fact that owing to the way the month of July enters they will only have seven weeks' holidays this year in- stead of eight. The sante thing'will also occur next year. -Lumber operations on the river Moira, north of Belleville, this sea. son will be the greatest ever known Already 300,000 pieces have passed through the' hap bor boom, and there is a drive of `'270,0.00 pieces (a por- tiou of whiuh has been laid up for three years) now on the way down. There is Still another drive of 140,. 000 pieces, which will reach helle- ville•ru]d he sorted this season. -June 20th, a young luau named Frank Barr, about 23 years of age, was sittiug with his girl on the steps of the Exhibition ground at Chatham about 9 o'clock p' re. when two other young men passed and made some comments. Barr ordered them to move, our when one of the men, Augustan Park, aged 20, stabbed Barr to the heart, killing' him al- most instantly. Park surrendered hinieelf to the police. -Arthur Pambruru was sawning wood at his father's sawmill at Chineville, Quebec, when a log struck him in the lege, npsottiu•g and causing hint to fall with his neck ou a circular saw. The unfor- tunate man's head was severed from the body and thrown a distance of twenty feet. -One morning a severe stabbing COISIJIIIPTION C1711ED. Au old physieian, retired from practice, having had placed to his hands by an East India • missionary the formula of a simple vegetable tewetly tar the speedy and permanent cure of Ceusumptiou, Rronellitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical elite for Nei volts Debility and all Nervous Corplaiuts, after having test- ed its wonderful curative boners in thous- ands of east's, has felt it his duty to stake it known tg tris suffering fellows. Actua- alTray occurred about a mile soot i tel by this motive and a desire to Behave of Danville, in which Thos Grills i human sutl'eriug. 1 will scud free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, its German, French or En<glisli, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by until by addressing with stamp, naming this,aper. W. A. No's' Es, 149 Pacer's Block, Ruches'etN. Y. 507;eow. stabbed Wm. Barry, a neighbor. It appears that Mr. Grill's horses broke into Mr. Barry's field of grain and next morning while he and a hired mau were driving them out they were joined by Grills, who is a sickly man, when, after a heated conversation, both men drew their knives and clinched. Barry, who seems to have been the coolest, closed his kuife before takiug bold of his opponent, when ho received two cuts in the back, which, although serious, are not considered fatal. Grills has been arrested. LOW'S SULPHUR SOAP is an elegant toilet article, an and purifies the skin most effectu- ally. A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell & Davis issued their Extract of arsap- arilla and Burdock, It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success in all diseases arising from a debilitated conditon of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this seam., of the year, of Powell's Ex tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50c. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50C, a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers every 4heRs -A 1'etrulea girl has been hridesuutstl 00 nine different occas- ions anti thinks that it IS fibula time aotnohotly else was her* bridesmaid. ' PICTUU PENCILLINGS. d cleanses -Wednesday evening, near the village of Langton, a bov named Daris,.aged 14, shot and inatautly. killed John Rohrer,aged 12. There had been an old grudge between the boys, and Davie, on meeting Rohrer, said, "Stand back or I will shoot you." and 1nuuediatoly tired, the ball passing through the temple. Davin will be artetstetl. [Langton, the scene of the clime, is a vilinge iti Norfolk County, about 13 miles front 'rilsoitburg]. -Three deaths of old residents ou Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and three funerals on Monday, Tuesday and \Vedncsday, last week, took place at:Ayr. The first of these • e has been \lathe son whe Sandy , �t a resident of Ayr einco 18.46. 'rho uext was Mrs. James Kingsburgh, of South Dumfries, at the ripe age of 84 -years, and the third was Sylvanus F. Wrigley, formerly of Sprague's road, but for the past few years residing iu Ayr. THE SANCTIFIED. Here, in twenty particulars, is William Seeker's description char- acteristic of sanctified rnen and women : 1. Sanctified Christians do much goad and spike but little noise. 2. They bring up the bottotn of their life to the top of their light. 3. They prefer the duty they owe to God to the danger they fear from man. 4. They seek the public good of ood of others above the private o themselves. 5. They have the: most beautiful conversation amoug the blackest. persons. 6. They chose the worst sorrow rather than commit the least sin. 7. They become as fathers to all iu charity, and as servants to alt in humility. 8. They mourn most before God for their lusts which appear least be- fore men. 9. They keep their hearts lowest when Got raises their estates high• est. 10. Thoy seek to be butter in- wardly in their substance than out• wardty in appearance. 11. They are grieved more at the distress of the church that affected at their own happiness. 12, Thoy render the greatest good for the greatest evil. 13. They take those reproofs best which they need most. 14. Thoy take up duty in point of performance and lay it down in point of independence. 15. Thoy take up their content- ment in God's appointment. 16. They are more in love with the employment of ` holiness than with the employment of happiness. 17. Thoy are more employed in serching their own hearts than in censoring other Wren's estates. 18. Thoy sot out for God at. the beginning, and holdout with him to the end. 19. They take all the shame for their sins to themselves, and give all the glory of their services to Christ. 20. Thoy valets a heavenly re- version above an earthly possession. -Frank Armstrong, Middle - march, has baen arrested on a warrant charging him with aggra- vated assault upon Edward Webb of Southwold. It appears that there is bad blood between the two arising out of Armstrong's desire to pay attention to a young lady. It• is charged that Armstrong hit Webb on the forehead with a stone, pummelled him severely, and chewed both his thumbs in brutal manner, A doctor atte”..ed to Webb's injuries There was a large cut in his forehead, one eye was closed, his face was bruised and his thumbs badly torn. Armstrong was admiitted on bail. .-In the Humboldt (Kan.) die triol the flood has ruined 10,000 acres of wheat.. ENRICH THE BLOOD by the use of Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine, which supplies the necessary blood building material. -During a dance at Dry wood, Wis., Saturday night, Jan Medley was shot and killed by William Nolan. CONSCMP1'IUN CAN BE CURED. By proper, healthful exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and llypophosphites, which contain the dealing and strengthening virtues of these two valuable specifics in their fullest form. Dr. D. 'D. McDonald, Petit- codiac, N. B., says :-"I have been prescribing Scott's Emulsion with good results. It is especially useful in persons of consumptive t,pnden les." Sold by Druggists, 50e. ami 1.00 Mr. llazen F. Murray, of Pictou, N. S. writes "I: was affected with dyspepsia and nervous detility, and tried many remedies without avail, but one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters much improved me snit two more made me a well man." House Painting, Glazing and Graining, Plain : and : Decorative Paper Hanging --A writ hag been issued against the Rev, Geo. Fuller of Brantford, to recover alimony. It was done at the instance of hie wife, who has left him. MANY THANKS. • "My age is 58, and 2) years I have suffered from kidney complaint,rheu- matism and lame back, and would have been a dead woman if it had not been {or Burdock Blood Bitters, of. which .two bottles restored me to health and strength." n the Miss. Maggie liendsby, Halt Tsland,Cove. N. S. -The .June flood." have worked disaster to the fat 'nets of Southern Indiana who h,n•e crabs in the bottom hands. • cett ( KALSO ININ6 land FRESCOING. Shop next Kennedy's Hotel, Albert Street, CLINTON, - ONTARIO. CHARLES T. SPOONER TT:imoi'IT' TT ..1..e., NEW STOOK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON, JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of, • Bedroom and Parlor Stts, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattt•asses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best manufacturers. Picture Frances and Mouldings of every description. JOS. fillIDLE1, one door West. of Dickson's Book Store., Aevit-s To MOTHERS -Are you dis- urbed at eight and broken of your rest b it sick child suffering. and eryiug with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so scud at once and get ,t bottle of ")Kid Wiaslow's •SoothingSyrup't;.-for Children Teething. ITS value is incalculable. It will reltese the poor 'title sufferer immediately. De- per.d upon it, tnothets; there is no mis- take about it. ft cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, tures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Ctrs Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pre?criptinn of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. tie sure andask for "Mrs, It irstow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. -Mis. Chas. R. White, of Har- leony, Ontario co., while engaged in hanging curtains fell from a step- ladder and recilived injuries which resulted in death. OCCASIONAL DOSES of a good cathartic like Burdock l'ills are necessary to keep the blood' pure and the body healthy. IN 10 DAYS TIME. "Was troubled with headache, bad blood and loss of appetite, and tried all sorts of medicines without success, I then tried one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters and found relief in 10 days."'A. J. Meindle, Mattawa, Ont • Rutledge, sentenced at Brampton by Judge Scott to four years in Kingston Penitentiary for burglary, made a murderous attack upon Turnkey Taggert. As the officer was going through 'the corridor Rutledge struck him on the back of the head with a stick of firewood, which rendered him senseless for a few moments.' Rutledge made an attempt to unlock the doors and escape, but Taggert recovered and called for assistance. The Governor of the gaol soou overpowered the prisoner. The gaol surgeon dressed the ugly cut on Guard '1'aggert's head, which, though not dangerous, is very painful. Rutledge is a mere boy, and comes from Streetsville. -A rather cute but heartless robbery occurred at the G. T. R. station on Saturday night. A daugh- ter -was visiting her. father, who lives in town. She had her little child with her, and the proud grand- father took out his wallet and pres- ented his daughter with a $1 bill for the youngster. The daughter asked hien to allow her to count the con• tents of his pocket -book, and, al- though he knew she had been guilty of pilfering his hard-earned savings before, he allowed her to do so. When he again opened it ho found that six $10 bills had been replaced by six $1 bills. She had substitut- ed the , oue for the other while counting the money. It was a heartless trick for auy daughter to play on her fatboii and is particular- ly hard in this instance. For the ,old man's sake, as bis grief and shame aro already poignant, the names are omitted. -Dundas Stan- dard. -Mr. Robert McGowan, Tucker.. smith, has a cow which gives 57 pounds of milk per day. When t8sted it makes' sixteen pounds of butter in the space of seven days. Advices from Ceutied Southern I)akotl-west of Sioux Fulls --state that the wheat crop is almost, a total fitiltrrr, ;ltd that other crops are suffering fur %sant of rein. JOBPRINTING VER • AD SF.R r' l 1 fi' 'OCT rIt :1k 1 THE •I [ ell •IH - ` "E.1f h. hist nt IJ Tib • '.:.� \r.e's linens at lute rates. 't9te tan• makes it compulsory to advertise s:ra; stoc1 1f gnu want any kind of advertising Sou Will not do better 11l:u: earths: 'em's Reoeord. MO `jiW- TI-JE ACKNOWLEDGED card, Leading:: 011SBFYatiYO : : PapeF NERVE TOR,'PURED. "I suffered from neuralgia and obtained no relief until 1 used Hag. yards Yellow Oil. Since then I have also found it an invaluable remedy for all painul burns and cute, rheumatism and sore'throat." Mrs. E. Cameron, 137 Richmond, Street West, Toronto, Ont. -The condition of the glowing crops in North Dakota is reported as follows : spring wheat, 88 ; corn, 78 ; oats, 87 ; rye, 91 ; barley, 89 ; flax, 92 ; wild hay, 75 ; tante hay, 79 ; potatoes, 88. • H U M P H R E Y S' OF THE COUNTY, FiAS:ONE OF THE x x = x + - Best Equipped Job Rooms PR. fly prepared rscrptions fused for many ynd ears prep yyearsfuarsusepped bythe people.with sucecery,,I for thirty leSpe- cific is a specter cure for the o,na mcd• These Specifics cure without out gig.�1erg_ Ing or reducing the system, and era In fee and deed the sovereign remediesoftheWorid. W1 I7OversratseCongestion, NOS. htflarfuuation•.. 25 I Fevers, 6' 2 Worms Worm Fever, Worm Colic.. Cra'1a ColicorTcethingofinfants , iil Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.... Dysenter Griping, Bilious Colic...• 2 Cholera Morbus, Vomiting........ 2 7 Congas, Cold, Bronchitis acheL Sick Seat ache, acrtlgo 1 ys re ssel tittle a nful, i 11 „yyrussed or palatal Periods'2 Frpdelcheg, O0 1 „ 2, UU�' l SJ GIVES INSTANT RELIEF. "I have been troubled with asthma and a bad cough for years. I get nothing to hell" me like lingyard's Pectoral Balsam, and would rem), mend it to others as it gives instant relief." Extract from letter from Walter McAuley, Ventnor, Ont. --The United States wheat markets coutiuue very firm, the July option iu Chicago selling at one time on growing Saturday at tut r 9 o. Reports of then g 1 are lees satisfactory. A CONFECTIoNEIt'S CONi .!. DENCE. • "I can plainly state' that I can fintl nothing better than Ilagyardrs Yellow Oil. I •have'rheum:ytism oc- castonally, and Yellow Oil does me great good. You can use my name if you wish. Yours truly, 11. Dick. inson, Confectioner, St. 'Phomas, Ont. • t Profuse Periosts 12Wt'es, o0 (,roiipp, Cough. Dlf Citlt Breathing y1�3{ $alt-Itbenm, Erysipelas, Erupptions'. 15 Rheuntatisin, Rheumatic Pumas.... 16 Fever and Ague, Chills, Malaria.... 1Piles, Wind Influenza, ColdhitbeDead 19 (: iscie ph, '20 W neral li Cough Violent alWcalmesCoughs. ¢¢ General hehfllty.PfiYelcalweaknene 5 b '2I Kidney Disease 1 000 0Sp DebilityNervouDebilityb 0 i rronry Weakness, Wetting Bed0 :L Diseases of tbeHenrt,Palpiuttlon 1 00 Bold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Da. HUMPHREYS' MANUAL, 044 pages) perysi.iro'usHuumheMedCin Corttoet free. 1N WESTERN ONTARIO. 0 The + FIIiBSt Job Pfintinu l EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 STOCKMEN would do well to call on Tun News RECORD before placing their orders for Route Bills, Pedigrees, Folders, Cards, &e. PECI Fi CS. WELLS & RICIIAR DSON CO. Agents, MONTREAL. VIATH Tog A WO DERFUL LAKE OSE WATER DOM 00011 LI C MIMIC 147 Maki E01::.<i,'ES �v0ptPst`9,rpa 60' SO 'Yci:Ait TRY NAT IIRE.5 REMEDY PtfRE:PEERLEss POTENT SOLD iBY':A, L.,1 RUGGISTS TOTEMOFf1; fir, �.,.0_•Q RON,,r ag1� 0 0 COLORED PRINTING! EQ1JO L (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK. 0 BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. The DouMe iroulation Talks to TflausaRt1S1 Advertise in The ews-Reoord THE ONLY PAPER WITH A DOUBLE CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTYIOF HURON.