The Huron News-Record, 1889-06-26, Page 3tel O� )moo CAN TALK f +� A Everybody has beard of a "horse laugh. but who has ever seen an equine gifted with the power of speech? Such an animal would pronounced a andmthe telephone a hundred years ago. Why, even very re- cently a cure for consumption, which is universally acknowledged to be scrofula affecting the lunge, would have been looked upon as miraculous. but now people are be- ginning to realize that the disease is not In- curable. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery will cure it, if taken in time and given a fair trial. This world-renowned remedy will not make new lungs but it will restore diseased odes to a healthy state 'when other means have failed. Thousands gratefully testify to this. It is the most potent tonic; or strength -restorer, altera- tive. or• blood-eleanser and nutritive, or flesh -builder, known to medical science. For Weak Lunge Spittingof Blood, Bron - an tL� gering Cubit its in tan Read. eequtoed remedy. In derangements of the stomach. liver and bowels, as Indigestion, or Dys- pepsia. Biliousness, or "'Liver Complaint," Chronlo Diarrhea, and kindred ailments, it is a sovereiggn� remedy. "Golden Medical Discovery "Is the only drtne of its class, 'guarantee,bfront the under a printed manufoct111•ers, that it will benefit or Dore in every case of disease for which it is rec- ommended, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. ONLY: AN INDIAN WOMAN. TiHrl, ie au account ot the brave deed of au ()toddle, New York, In - then woman, whose poursge seems only equaled by her pride of race. Driving into the ileitis the other ,lay wt're her husband and others were at work she eucouutered it log lying across the road dim such a way that she could not Pass. As there was no one near to help her, and the log was beyond her strength to move, she proceeded to cut it in two with am axe she had in the wagon. To her surprise she found she had dihturbed a mother bear and her family of cubs, The bear, more frightened than angry, took to the woods, and the woman walked in hearth of the uleu and their firearwb. 1i iudiug them, she conducted her re- lief party quickly back to the los, to lied that the Lear had also returuud. When all were stationed ready for action she again used her axe et, the log, and the bear etude her 51.colid appearance, this time awry and vengeful. The tuan who stood ready for just this emergency missed Lis aim, dropped the gun, and with all hie other masculine oompauions took to his heels. Left alone with the infuriated beast, with only an axe for defense, this Lathan wulllatl coolly waited until the Lear came near enough, and, letting the axe fall with all her might upon its heed, killed it with that one strokes. Jus. ' FOL" . h u l a of u s i n s t r t r t 1 H ft a e 0 n o r h t i 1 1 n 1 n i e tt t t Um t r 1 n O 1 —Gratit &.glen tatty �e au alltedl luvien 1n his view's tee resp''cts women, but ho is sound as a net when be rays that "life owes its origin to the chetnfaallY separati\e action of ethereal ut dulations on thee cooled seryace the earth." We have always thought so, but never titrnok on the right words to express it. Copyrtght,1888, by WORLD'S Drs. MED. ASS'$. SOOOOFFERED by the maneaotur- Incurable case of Catarrh in thedfead. au The Huron News -Record :tl.bn . 1 •:st--?L'ei• t!, :\,malt,,•. fiti 'Iyer ,nh.t d es no! do i,trti':a to h �s 7"+et+K'crt tent a/+c:+rb' (Cis i+, !Mee/11141.g than he dues iu rr,d. , 1. :'t'n;,Aar, the rtu((iu itis uu+cirtutt o% Nets 1brk, 14'cfittrstl.t>. .1t)(1e Z'rlttt, 1459 N1 1-iiIt TABS .\ 1'taC" .� LADY'S aJtll. "Te.e. 4.vle..ttiOn 1<„lten Put t,1 u,r,•, hai•.i 'a ,'idly' w,1 mitt opinion iu ""Young matt," aid the riot, member of the church to the new pastor, "you ought tohaye been a pngilist1 instead of a preacher." "Why 9 T don't understand you, sir," replied the minister who was naturally' shocked and pained. "The explaiiatinll i simple ; it is very desirable in a Pugilist to he • long \, in'lHtl. —A batik pres ident. in Southwest Texas made away with all the funds under his charge, and then posted on the door of his institution: "Bank Susi-settled," That delft he was interviewed by a number of doposi, tore, who left him hanging to a tree with this notice pinned to his breast: "Bank President Suspended." The Hahne weapon applied to three of the little orphans effectively pre - vetoed their ever realizing their loss, anti the other site kindly adopted and carried home with her. Reachittr; ltet' home she found her ltustanf, son and others assembled there, anxiously Ppeculating as to what could have Leen the result of the encounter they had failed to see ruled. Standing before therm, with the cub in her arnns, site Hi -irefully surveyed them front heath to foot and exclaimed : "Cowaris, you have ito Indian blood in your veins." A CHANCE TO GET AT TILE ONIONS'. • IOW Is of etititt••tte 1,s tv11..11' min - pot, tit, \\ het t:'•r• it i.ee e\' r p' r- ,Lti..a, { to li ko a yt,ung Ltd) 5 arm to t,Uttl'V 115 live rt¢ttlt after night - fall. i,Ynheretteieee% told per,.'tup- tinily,. me Net atter utghlfull nor t+t dd\ tigIl, iter tit. any tot iter Au in viola 105)' lean upon a young woman's ars:; a tottitdfatber,if he 151 infirm uoty :avail tllmiht•{t tit a sitmi- Iar snpp'urI, heel a Broad's poliee- tert Sorties to have acquired the . tieitt tit "'rope•) his emerge.. iu l,t'tti• 1 colts across the tllt,r01,,*'tttfhrH 'y grump 0 Ott the armi,- lint these ere the only stale persons so privileged. For an acquaintance, u trienii, or one who aspir'8 to a still nearer place, to take the arm of e young woman when wslkiug.with her ou • a puhliu highway is iu''Xeu'able. You may Le, sure nothing will uo quickly offend her good taste, thou;:•h she :�mty' lack the social &'kill to resent diel avoid it. Arid the: spectacle it, itself i; most unpleasant. To tee. a young woman pushed ale:tg, a little in front of her escort, by hit, clutch uIou her arms is neither suitable. nor picturesque. It reverses ell precomceived ideas of gallantry. 'Lite fair should lean upon the brave'. Virus strength ought ever n support feminine fraibtsts. Offer tier your erns, young llla[l, every time; and never 'under any circumstances commit the familiarity tied offence of taking hers." —The Sunday school teacher bad been telling the class how honesty was better than royal birth, and to test the force of her remarks, in'. quired : "Now, J hny, what is better than to he a king'!" Johny was silent. "T k ow," said the new pupil. ``Well, you nifty tell." "The right bower." tE:r OCQ:ii Is Published Every Day of the Year, and is the LEADING REPUBLICAN PAPER OF TUE NORTIIWEST. postpaid$8.00 per Year Price. exclusive of Sunday, by mail, 8.00 per year Price, Sunday Included, by mail, TL -11 SEMI-eittasPGLY IPIT1 1 Op`11AN. Is pttbliahed on MONDAY'S and THURSDAYS, and beables the uowe condensed front the ated that they can not Daily, ure the DailY every dee. Titof11 nda1 iesue contains the sertnonseatures of great value to tlitase so tprinted in The Daily Inter Ocean ot the same date. • TH1lt WEEPCLY Il.1TE12 OCEAN. Ie the Moat Popular Fatally Newspaper published I,Yest of the Allerzhathy Mount. ales. It owes its popularity to the 8 t110 EST LITERARY CHARACTER cofnt any at, it IWestern EPublication. It is CL11 . 4 aST EDITED and has the nd DEAS and people. whits it ite able s broad in its philant of nthropy, hr Py it is EOR4IPLES dear to the AhiERLCA- AGA N•i'1 Tit people. WORLD, and broadly claims that the bust survive that can be done FOR DIAN1iINA _ 1, TO INCREASE Coneoient 010Eervice in this patriotic tC linn PROSPERITY has OF it OUR t uu'huti1 REPUBLIC. hold nyonthe American People. Basldos, no paper excels it as a nissemiuutor of tt..t,,,. TILE MARKET REI'ORrs NU RELIABLE AND COMPLETE. THE NEWS Or THE WORLD is found condensed in its columns. and the very 1 ' : t stories and litararY:Vroduotions THAT MONEY CAN Pt11res CHASE n re are tho e r ca'tt'y dire.` in its columns. Among the special family FARM AND HOME, IyOMAN'S 'KINGDOM, and OUR CURIOSITY ly Irl rSH wlt.tOn'ht',e whole. It 19 A MODEL AMISRICAN NEWSPAPER, and TILE LARGEST C IRCULATIGN of. any publication of the kind to Am'r'ea. It it t:.c best paper for the home and for the workshop. < t is i per yeti, The price of The Weekly_ is__ .. -......... 01 ((0 p' The price of The Semi -Weekly is For the accommodation of its patrons the management of THE INTP:KOCEA': n�,s made arrangements to club both these editions with THAT BRILLIANT AND, tt' • CESSFUL PUBLICATION. to SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE, the of the lderMeatLttcranillonthlies in tioo an al literary,matnterior', and ht'h`rflE 1RICE0t°':'ill•.'t)&MAGI- the older Magazines bu nes in illustrations ZINE ISo3,but we will send forTHI,1 WEEKLY 'PUREE DOLLA NT1B'oth pub11N truth for Mc tett 5 of one. T\TE, both one y of one. THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTEK OCN:AN and liCltlllNErt'S DLA(.<<:l:• =" both one year, for FOUR DOLLAUS. In the Do llgrE ol1' ROTECTIONthat ended nl'RINCIPLthe electionl S, ,,o paper 1 ad "more lt•.t true ore. and TSE INTER OCEAN. P thin TIM INTERUCEAN. It has been first, last. and aNvuys Republican, and t;ur' u: the ING REPUBLICAN WEST.7!twill maintain rthis position. ecognized as tand winhe give special attention t g i+r'nm0�tu 1 a'i }: political affairs. • Romittanoesmay be made at our risk, either by draft, express, postolt'n•e order, eIt les' owlets. orroaiatered letter. —"1 think 1 me the unluckiest man ever lived," remarked a travels lag -entail to a frith 1. '"You're not, aH unlucky as 1 Rile, ['tu pOsitivo. lv glad that I wasn't Boss with a silver xenon in my mouth." "Why!" "'Because 1 feel certain that it would ha re strangled nee" --A travelling show r,'eently ex• 'tilri;'_'1 ca 11alte'14 kin,•to tvticleethe foltowiig iftterelI Ing legend watt attached : ''Skin of the serpent that tempted Even the Garden of Eden. It was kited hy Adam the day after the Full. Adam hit it with a club the, ti ':'s of which ere still left,. This wide was part of the inheritance -of Ad m, and ees pre•. served in his family in Asia. The genuinc'Ieee is attested by doctors of dlviittty, whose Nerds ere attached. It is as for married couples to quarrel and bring themselves to the point of a.div'oree," said a well'. known New Yorker yesterday. After I had been (tarried thtee telltale: I came sadly home one night to tell my wife that business \%0111(1 kee p 11144 away for the next twenty four hours. Safe was very - gtrlish, awl by way of a reply she stave herself a little hug, with a little wiiggle of .her body thrown in anti expressed her feelings in en exclamation of unmistakable joy. Deeply pained, I said to her that I had never snpposeil she desired my absence enough to gurgle with joy at the mere ,proposal of it. Many a titan would have gone off angry or darkly suspicious. Instead I ques toned her. `Why, you goose,' said she, ` when you said you Were going away one thing popped .into my heed to the exciueion of everything eke. 'Chat was' Now he's going away and I can eat Home raw an• ions with salt and vinegar. That was all. I have been dying for raw onions ever Hiltee our wedding. Address THE INTER OCEAN. Chicago. F/?E8H-:-AND -:-RELIABLE. When I say CU1t1Lt de not mean merely tt Fop them for a time, and then have them IGe. gum have imudethe disease e ta4i+ 13U FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING' SICKNESS, .life long stud. E wJt11& rrnayremedyta CURE the worstcases, Deeause others ),a1 failedisuoreason for not now recelvin a cure Bend at oneater a treatiseanderFEE : BOrnm of my_ INFALLIBLE llEMTDY. 'rive Express nd Yost Office. It coats you.nothtng Ior 8 tris' audit will Cure you. Address , Dr H. as li,Qt)T. 87 Tonga ate Toroate, Ont. REMOVED 4 REMOVED ! (hie Dom' North. fyf Young's Bakery, Albert Street —They were 1 newly -mar tied Irish couple, tld, the. '`t,etter half tieing ill, the huHl and did the cook- ing. Said flirt ey--'Och, Biddy dear, I've boiled a nice pot of prative 1 But [' m afeared there's sotnethittg the matter wid 'int Whin 1 put them iron the wutther they had heantift I whoite eyes, an' now that they're out they're black ene5 !' Said Biddy in bed, enjoy- ing I3urney's dile tms--'Barney, ye haven't put enough vel t in the watther to kill 'm, they've been w at another 1' fif,htiu tt•id INTERESTING NEWS. NOTES. R JUST FOR FUN. —A Texas paper remarks, pro- bably as the result of long observa- tion, that new wheat never ruirted as many men as old rye. —A Yattkee, describing an opponent, says :--'I tell you what sir, that man don't amount to a sum in arithmetic -add him up and there i'& nothing to carry. A HUMAN PIN•CUSI[ION. A case of brutality to a young woman cattle to light in Carthage, Illimnis• flannel, Heitlentl has 144'•1, w•olkiug for her brother's ttitni y in Quincy. A few days ago slue left the house amd walked to her home in 1'ioga, same country, a disttunce of twee ty-tiro or thirty utile:', Site is said to have shown sytnptems of insanity, and her parents, together with a number of other ignorant Germans of that v'ieinit•y, one of whom it is said is a preacher, came to the conclusion that the was possetsed of an evil spirit. It le alleged that tht-se people are believers iu spookss-and —Person (returning from church, to small boy with a pole)—Do you know w', -re the little boys go who go fish"' , on the Sabbath'1 Small hny (wit It pride end animation) You just '.•'t 1 do, and I ain'tn goin' to give tl s- snap away, either —Thr el her day a couple of little girls cavo"', to a physician's office to be vaccinated. One of tTiein under took to speak for the other, and said 'Doctor, this is my sister. She is too young to know her left arm from her right, so maa,naa washed only the one she wanted vaccinated. —"If that is your final answer, Miss Robinson," the young man said, with ill -concealed ,chagrin, as he picked up hie hat and turned to en, "I can do nothing but submit. Yet has it never occurred' treyou that when a lady passes the age of 37 she is not' likely to find herself as much sought•after by desirable young men as she once was'?" "It occurred to nie with sudden and painful dies tinctness when you offered yourself just now," she replied. "Good night' 141r. Jones." —A Pittsburg, Pa., doctor says he can diagnose aliments by examin- ing a single hair of the patient. Two young men, as a joke, took a hair from a bay horse. The doctor gravely wrote a prescription, and said his fee was $25, as the case was precarious. They were stag- gered, hut pelt( the fee, and after they got out laughed all the way to the apothecary's. The latter took the prescription and read in amaze. meet : "One bushel of oats, four quarts of water, stir well, and give three times a day—and turn the snimal out t6 grass 1" Then the 1 jokers stopped laughing.a:.re+ 1` cs and Provision, for spring and N11117n,nr aro ver) rwnplstP iatid Our stuck of Fresh will be. haunt Fresh and Reliable, embracing every line of Goods thoLO be Possible Price, ust- Class Grocery. .We aim to give the Best Possible Goo's atr and to economical buyers wu offer Maury advantages. PRODUCE TAKEN. CANTELON BROS.Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. ,ese ooh+._...._._.�-----"' • Ruhelt McElheran, of Loudon,, b;tggage master ou tho Grand Tunits, has been studying scripture to such en extent lately that, his mind became affected., One morn- ing a doctor was scut for, but he chased hint out of the house with a knife. The police were sent for, and when they reached McElheran's house they - found he had taken up a position in a door leading to the kitchen, where he could glud both front and back approaches, • anti stood there armed with a large, CURRENT TOPIC'S. fort:r.ti• 0, - . tieetro,t,r 14. • -.s- AIIOU't' 'rltE SIZE 01? I'1'. Ottawa Citizen:—The London Free Press puts the maim purpose of ;qr. John Cheriton's anti Jesnit speech in that city a few e.veuiufs ago in a nutshell whet. it. "sayH:— ""Tho object of tate speaker to [Hake capital against Sir John Mac- donald, While screemiug his owe political astiociates as much as pee- sihle,w'as So plain th'tt at; to cast a chill over the au'.lielie'." 'There is not a Grit taking part iti the agita- tion who does not feel titore interest H<1 Itt st'ettriltg the defeat. of the Gov, • sharp•poinjec# carving kuifo with a ernutent than in the disalliwttuce of —The mayor of Belfast, Iielatld has sent to $3,500 the Johnstown sufferers asap instalment on amount to braised by the citizen, of Bel- fast. e —A small green bug has appeared iu Marion cuuuty, ludiuna, which is destroying the grain crops and creating consternation aiuoug tate farmers. —It has rained every day for two weeks in the region of Bloomington, I)1., and much of the country is under water. In low pieties the corn has become yellow. —Tho fifth amendment to the constitution of Rhode Island, the prohibitory amendment, was , last week repealed by a vote of5,4G9more than the three-fifths of tho total necessary to carry the amendment. spirits. They held a sort of an incantation over the girl, and iu smiler to restore her to reason tor- tured her by sticking pins into her person. The gill became nearly unconscious ani on Monday she was 'mum! hand and foot, gt,ggo I, and plash in a farm wagon with no etovering from the inlenae heat. In thie manner she was brought to Carthage, a dietetic() of thirty miles. From noon yeeterdey until midnight she lily in the wagon in a fouletnell- ing livery "stable until found by a physician and otherH. She was taken to the eounty ,jail, where site lies ilt a precarious condition, An examination ofher person revetllet.l pins 'sticking in her limbo and• other portions of the body, The physician hopes to save ber life, hut the case is doubtful, blade alsout eight inches long. ' the Jesuits' Estates Act. The detectives tried to reason with him, but his only reply was that if they camp near hila he wouldshed their blood. Every time they ap- proached from either direction he flourishe 1 hie knife in the most threateuiug manner. Finally the officers procured lung poles and altogether attacked hitt in front. As they closed with him he turned and dashed out through the back door and over a fence. The officers followed as fast as possible, and as ItIcElheran got over the fence a young man who was with them seized him by the arm, Turning suddenly the maniac made a des- perate lunge at him with the knife which the young men barely suc- ceeded in Avoiding. The interrup• lion, however, was sufficient to allots 0110 ttf the detectives to spring in, wee MoElheran from behind '-ansa throw him down, when he was soon secured arid the knife take from him. —J• J. Millar, formerly. of Tor. —A Philadelphia despatch says : Returns from 44 out of the 67 coun- ties of Pennsylvania show a majority against the prohibition amendment of 169,454. ,_Full returns from the whole State will probably raise the figures to nearly 200,000. —Joltn Lewes, of Elmira, N. Y., the phenomenal fat man, who weigh. ed 640 pounds, died at hie home June 18 from erysiplas. He was born in England and was about 40 years old. He was a blacksmith and worked at his trade up to 1886. At that time he weighed but little more than 200 pounds, but began to gain in flesh at the rate of five pounds per week until he became a veritable mountain of fat. Every remedy know to medical science was tried ill his case in vain. v. BILL HEADS, NOTE Heads, Letter Reads, flags, Statenteats, Circular$, Business Conte, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc., prints.' in In workniau like manner and at low rates. a TOLE NEWS -RECORD 011100. • CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, Cornet• 1larmt anti Orange Streets, Clinton. FIRST - CL A SS MATERIAL and CNt;Cltl'ASSEE IRON WORE, Repairing and Repointing. t2 AI.L WORE WARRI8't':I7,"S,R 51_1-y TO THE FARMERS, Study vont ran interest and go H fere . can get Reliable Narllnss. i manufacture none hat toe IttshT 01, Sines. Bflet tore of live.xger ho col mhat eiCsetprires.hrahave rdent by 10(811 promply attended to • e/OHN T. CARTEa. I'r IS SO I:VEV 1F I'r AiN'T SO I wIMAN SAYS IT IS. • Ajr. Erastus Winhan is a double barreled sort of wan. At Brant', font, Ontario, the other day, he said: "I can't Hee for the life of Ise what there is in commercial union that looks toward annexation," (Cheers from tho Brantford Grits). A. day or tw'o later, before the United State „enete committee, the "same Ras Wintan 14 tore that he favored commercial union with °enada because it was "a Alert cut to "annexation." NEWSPAPER LAWS We call the special attention of Post nesters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws :- 1—A postmaster is required to give notice BY LETTER (returning a paper does 0 of answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and state the reason for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for paymtnt. a,tto, Wt tit to Se'aforth abont a year ago awl embarked in a gents' ferns ishing and dry goods business there. A couple of weeks' ago Ilii• heaviest creditors, who are Toronto whole• sale mere, forced Millar to assign to the sheriff. Later t1,e estate was taken out of the hands of the sheriff and placed with a firm of Toroeto trustees for liquidation. Immedi- ately after the sheriff's meeting of creditors, and before the trustees had time to take possession, a chattel mortgage, which was held by a friend of the bailiff in possession, was foreclosed, and the inortgage seized $1,100 worth of goods to satisfy his claim. The trustees then sued 'to set aside the mortgage, but the action was dismissed. One of the largest creditors issued a espies for his arrest, but before 1t could be executed Mr. Millar, it is stater!, went to Chicago. There are barely enough aesets to pay the ex- penses of winding up the estate and the numerous creditors.will receive no dividends. —A train carrying a Methodist Sunday School excursion from Armagh to Warren Point, June 12, was wrecked by collision and up- wards of 70 persons killed. The excursion party left Armagh that morning in two trains. The acci- dent occurred at a point where the two trains had to ascend a grade on a bank fifty feet high. The first train ascended the grade without trouble. The second section attempt- ed to run the ascent, but the weight of the traineproved too great for the engine. Several care were de- tached and allowed to run back towards the leveletrack, but before they reached it they canto in collision with an ordinary tl'ain from Armagh, t —If any person orders his paper dis- zontimted, ho ""just pay all arroarvges, 01 the publisher May continuo to send it Instil payment is made, and collect tltt whole amount, whether it bo taken fron the office or not. There can be ./o legal discontinuance until the payment 1s made. 3—Any person who takes a paper from the post.ottice, whether oirected to hit name or another, or whether he has sub. scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4—If a subscriber ortlers his paper to be stopper" at a certain time, and the publish er continues to send, it the subscriber I bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post -office. This proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he use* 1tARNI:SS EMPORIUM, Rt,l'T31, BUSINESS QDNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub - scribe's. We avid tt food corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to sc•tol us RnLIABLE 1141108. tiENS(' ItIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or . thr,mph their local post ores will confer a favor b' reporting at this office at once. Smbscrttlt607t may commence n.h any time. ADVERTISERS. Adver'iiserswill please bear inmind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should he handed in not later than MONDAY smote of each week. Canada Pacific Railway and Steamship Line. Tickets issued by Whitely and Todd, News -Record office, Clinton, for all points in Manitoba and Northwest; Vancouver ll, C, and Yokohama and Hong Kong, Maps ot Manitoba and the Canadian Northwest, with descriptive matter and where to obtain free grants and pre•emptlons fur. nishcd 011 application to WHITILLY Rt TODD IAgente at Clinton! 111OrIn the Division Court in Goderich at the November sitting a newspaper put- ltshor sued for pay of paper. The defend • stat objected paying on the ground that he had ordered a former proprietor of the paper to discontinue it. The Judge held that that was not a valid defence. The plaintiff, the present proprietor, had no notile to discontinue and consequently could collect, although Bewail not denied that defendant had notified former pro- prietor to discontinue. In any event dofcnant was bound to pay for the time lie had received the paper and until bo had paid all arrears due for subscription. New Blacksmith Shop, Q'IItC'•llLATION. . THE NEWS -RECORD has t6 larger circulation than art;/ other paper in this section, and as an allrertisirtg medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open • to those who mean business. GEORGE TROWITiLL has opened out a gen- eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied hy Mr. Oautoy, north of carriage tlla ksmitlt andnit works, Albert k in alli tsbrunch s ; Rom -Shoeing promptly atten led to and eatis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in ,the above Naos. 4– 9711 GEORGE TROWRILi, .IOI6 I'i[1NTiNG. The Job Department of this jour- nal is one of the hest equipped in Western Ontario, and cz superior clues of work is guaranteed at ecru loom prices '� 14 J BCY YOI:R TICKETS from TIM Nava-RtleoRD C.P.R. TICKET AGENCY (i)0 O C O 3 a p4 cnM 0 i'" • l~ 'fl Pet w ¢+ ^'� a › • 4 Y-ro . ar v L gt. -4 ccs c.) O ca aV Id 4