HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-06-12, Page 8POWDER
Absolutely Pure.
This powder !lever varies. A marvel ot purity,
strength and wholesomeness. More economical
than the ordlnary kiude,iced cannot boson in
competition with the multitude of low test,
shortiweight ilium or phosphate powders. Sold
only in cans. ROYAL ',KISO POWDER Co., 108
Wall St., N. Y.
The Huron News -Record
$1.50 a Year -31,25 In Advance,
J. The marl dee... rot de justice to his business
who spend.. less is nleertieing than he does in
rent.—A T. STEWART, the ul1tlir.naire merchant
of New York.
Wednesday, June 122t1l, 1889
Losr.—On Friday, a purse containing
seventeen dollars and twenty three cents.
Tho purse bears name of owner. Finder
will he suitably rewarded by leaving sante
at—ROnEirl' ?.'s (1 ItEAT CAsir S•ronE,
- Don't buy itaay Carriages or
Wall @':apernull. you have seen the
maj nifwetit r•:. t '.,:J' i=IT1`CfR at
DICKSO.\'s 11,(..k Stom, Clinton.
BOY WA NTED—TOlearn th'e , art
of printing. Apply at this office.
it "'mss'
Canall,l 3::a;1lvaay and
Steilnl5>..ia1 Tiest•t, i(,,-ued by
,Whitely (1.1.1'f,'•1.1 e 'tu's•lic'uitl office,
Clinton, for all points in illaoitoba
fluff . V.
and Y.,kntta:u l .111(1 I ii: Kong. Mops ill
Manitoba 0,111 opt ;.'..u:uii;u, No( th'est,
with d,'-,-i+,1v, 1.1( ttr rani wifely to
obtain ft:•y :;rafts an l tel-eroieu n, fur-
nished en ,(1y,11,•atl„t YIP
WHITELY &'1'01)I)
:Agents at Clinton.
For Cueper'. New
Block, suitable -for Hall' or Offices. 552
In and Aron:1:' t! e ”?!ltb '•
i+, 0 flit T 1t' l%
L. O. L. 710 devilled on :Monday
evening last to' celebrate the
12th at Exeter. A special degree.
and Royal .tocl! mooting will he
held next lionilay. evening. All
brethren invited.
Mn. JamEs Sly '-r, of Manning
& Scott. town, is attending the
session of the f enteral Assembly of
the Presbyterian Chtirch,at Toronto,
in the capacity of delegate, as one
of the elders of Willie Church,
THERE WILL be a Vdwan 1 i11 tii,s
Brussels postoffice after the Is:, of
August, i\Ir. Grant the present P.
M. having sent in his rosignatiou
•to take effect on that date. Mr.
Thos. Farrow ex -M. P. for North
Huron is spoken of as a possible
appointee. Should Mr. Farrow
desire the position we fancy that
ho would get it. One thing we do
know that there is on man in the
Riding who merits it more or who
would more faithfully perform the
Jurire t PLCV1CS has been in the
ascendant fur the last three weeks.
And we have had rain and yet
more rain. Coutiuunig after the
frost of two weeks ago this con
tinuous w+nt weather bar, doubtless,
to some extent ooniralizod the
harm done to the fruit Croft, which
has not been so nearly annihilated
as was at ono time thought. it would
be. The hay crop will be °nor -
mous. As pluvial nature in the
ordinary routine of' things must he
taken to have about exhausted
. itself, we may expect dry weather
shortly, and if we get it soon there is
yet a good show for an average
yield of cereals.
nual session of the General Assem-
bly of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada meets in Toronto to -day
(Wednesday). Trio delegates from
thia section are : Presbytery of
Huron—Revs. J. A. McConnell,
Wm. 111 Martin, Ti. D., Robt. Ure,
D. D., J. IL Simpson, Peter 1\tus-
grave. Elders --A rob. McNell, J as.
Scott, Robt. Scott, Chas. Simons,
Geo. Anderson. Presbytery of'
Maitland—l;•Ava. Adam 1t'. Mac-
Queen, A, Y. Hartley, Angus Mc-
Kay, Finlay A. McLennan, John
McFarlane. Elders—Messrs. Hugh
Chamber°, Gilbert Macf'ollum, Jno,
Stewart, James Smillio, James Mc-
Mil, Joz x S11FrI,tITT, the 1st pl'i0
and pioneer shoemaker of Blyth,
"was in Clinton on Monday.
MR. A. M. TODD of that newsy
paper Tug NEWS 1I,EoORD, Clinton,
called on us ou Monday.—Wood
stock Times.
Mayor Whitehead, presently travel-
ling for a Montreal, wholesale drug
house, spent Sunday, iu Cliutuu.
MRs. LANDING, foLmerly Miss
edmond, whose people lived near
Varna and many of whose friends
sti11 live there died recently in
JUDGE DOYLE is urging the town
authorities of \Yinghaln to furnish
better accommodation fur the hold
ing of Division Court in that burg.
No doubt the auihdriLies there will
comply with the Judge's reason-
able request as has been done iu
other places.
MR, J. Ross ROBERTSON, pro-
prietor of the Toronto Telegram,
was a caller at THE HURON NEWS -
RECORD offiuo Friday morning.
The gentleman was returning front
Goderieh where he delivered au
interesting address the previous
evening to the Masons. •
McDonagh has been elected presi },
dent of the London Conference for
the ensuing year. Rev. J. E.
Howell has been elected presidon
of the Guelph Conference. Messr +
Livingstone and Edge, the two po
ular pastors in Clinton for the p t
year, will remain here for anothek
year. •
A MAN in town,- not a Roman
Catholic either, publicly expressed
Iris private opinion about Orange-
men, that they were "descended
from Satan." Another citizen
doubted the truth of the aforesaid
statement, and the utterer of the
libel not being able to make his
statement good, was cooly informed
he had mistaken tho pedigree of
Orangemen for his own and that hp'
was a 1 -i -a -r.
of the officers of the 33rd 13attalion
was hold at the Eatteubury [louse
on Thursday. The attendance was
large. Lieut. -Col. Coleman occupi-
ed the chair. A great amount of
business was transacted relative to
the 1580 drill. The County Coun-
cil beta dodo the correct thing this
year, granting 25c. a man in addi-
tion to thr• (.('.ornment pay. The
mon 'l. .. :'C five this year
75c. a day and rations, which is
equal to $1.25. The 33rd will go
to camp June 18th. A number of
eligible u,et,: .ire %ranted for No. 4
Company, Clinton ; applications
shopld be made to Capt. A. M. Todd.
MAYOR'S COURT Saturday Morn- I
n g was largely attended by persons
anxious to 111.41- tLu rosult'of a case
bro.tgitt by 11f u. Corbett agaiust Mr.
Smithsou, for using abusing lan.
guago. Four• witnesses wore ex-
amined, '1'Ite most abusive language
proved to have been used by Mr.
Smithson WA4 you're a big lump,"
which cost him $1.00 and costs, or
$4.50 in all. The occasion of the
little difficulty arose out of an
alleged obstruction of the sidewalk
by' Mr. Smithson while running a
drain from the 13aptist church pro
perty across the sidewalk, necessita-
ting the taking up of a portion of
the planks, which impeded Mr. Cor-
bett's locomotion on the " Queen's
\\rttAT Lu rut: uwi: 1--Subscri•
bars who chaug:) :1eir residence
should give us the narne of their
old post office as well as their new
One, in order to prevent mistakes.
With the system of printed ad-
dresses, each subscriber will fiud
after his name the date to which his
subscription is• paid. A. IA %vlien we
receive subscriptious, they will no
be ackuowledg'..1 through frost, b t
by altering the date upou the pri ; l-
ed label. We particularly req est
subscribers cnrcf'i'.ly to examine he
printed labels up�L thuit pa rs,
and if there is uuy error, eitho in
the address or the date to w e ich
credit is given for payment, at , co
to advice u9, Also to remit t.eir
subscriptions a•s they fall due, i d
save us the trouble and postage<iu
sending Endesa. Examine the
label and if yea t.rt: behind let us
hear front you,
the examinations in the University
of Toronto whose results were made
known lief %veep: the following
students auu ex -students of the
Clinton Collegiate institute paseed:
In the fourth year --William floss
with honors in Natural Science.
,John A. (Jroil was unable through
sickness to write un all the sabjeets
but will receive hie degree 011 pose-
ing a eupplemeutal examination Ili
honors in Philosophy and Logic.
In the second year—J. W. Tre-
leaven with honors in Classics, \V.
J. O. Malloch with honors in Tlie-
tory, .1. M. txottlrey with houore iu
History, French, Political Economy,
English Constitutional History, nod
Canadian Constitutional History.
In the first year—J. H. Coruyn
with honors in English, French,
German and History. 1'. Murray
with honors in Mathematics. 'W.
McQuarrie, .T, Stanbury and John
A. Cooper. Ten in all, with thir-
teen honors.
E. Prices IVLuch Lower than Lag Year
Twelve different • kinds in stock. We also have a tine
J{ stock of
E, 'IR U G S\-- N{,....,:eq,--;,v—
Suitable for Ruby Carriages.,
Chris, Dickson, Clinton
R. B. P. No. 161 mettle this
(Wednesday) evening.
Clinton Is all "bush."
THERE will be no December
meeting of the Huron County Coun-
cil this year.
REEVE MCMuneitis and Depu
Manning returned on Saturday fr
their labors at the County Coon
t Goderieh.
MR. EDWARD MASON, father r{f'
Mr. Chita Mason of Tuckersmith,
died last Wednesday and was bur-
ied in Clinton cemetery on the 7th
June, a large number attending the
.funeral. Deceased was 81 years of,
the request of Col. Coleman to sup-
plement the government pay of 50c
per day to tho volunteers by an
additional sum of 25c per day,
while in camp. Col. Coleman in a
few well chosen words thanked the
council for so doing.
111n. ,Hoairn S. COI/PER hes so-
cur'ed a good situation in Chicago.
Mrs. Cooper will likely remove
there, and offers at private sale her
household furniturt,,,,,.1:., tit jos:,
which: ehoehl secure' buyers; The
goods can bo seen on�`Ilnd aft•or to-
day at the residence opposite the
foundry:- -
TRUE TO~TILE CORE.—The Comp i' -
votive Associations of North l3rnce
and South I[uron met, elected offi-
cers, and passed resolutions of con•
fidence in their leaders last Monday.
Tile SOUTH HURON Conservative
Association met at Exeter, Monday'
when the following officers were..
etgcted:—President, John Torrence,
Stknley ; Vice President, John Cox,
Gtiderich Township ; Secretary, M.
bite, Exeter ; Treasurer, T. 13.
( firling. Three Vice Presidents
were also elected for each munici-
)ality: The meeting closed with
hree cheer's for the Queen, Sir'
iohn Macdonald and Mr. W. R.
2fo r4 .
en's Furriishillg Goods.
_ .,, ♦_ a �► fir.._
We Show an immense range of
Men's Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts Braces
Underclothing, Hosiery, Belts, Umbrellas,
Night Shirts, Gloves, &c,
A Magnificent Range of TIES at 125 Cents.
Unlaundried WHITE SHIRTS at 5Oc., 75c,, $1.
A Fine Line of MEN'S HOSIERY at 15 Cents.
A Great Line of Braces at 25 Cents,
Met in Clinton June 5th and 6th,
President Kerninghan opened pro-
ceedings with an appropriate ad-
dress, then called upon Hon. Chas.
Drury, Ontario Minister of Agricul-
ture, who took the platform and
spoke for an , lour and a half ou
various questions affecting the farm-
ing community,
Mr, John :1Te11tillan, M. P., then
spoke ori 1he "Cultivation of the
Soil," a sal1'„t, feature in his des -
course being tho imputtancu which
110 attached 10 proper drainage of
the soil ie order to make i1. cultiva-
tion successful and prufitable.
THE DIG HOR1101n.---Latest ne This question was also taken up
counts Concerning tiro breaking and intelligeutIy discussed by
away of the big darn at Jol'ustown, Messrs J. McClusky, P,.. Currie, •T,
Pennsylvania, tic the loss of life at Willis and others.
much Toss than at coo It. is now At the efolting session the nloet-
estimate(d that the ltet 1)rp1' ?f hives ing was opened by a song from Joh!,
lost. will not eveee.i 7,000; the Linklater ''Tho Old Arm Chair."
amount of property destroyed about Prof.- Robertson then gave an
$15,000,000. address ou "Milk for Table Use,"
I)RO%VNF,D CATTLE.—In the bo,o This was followed by a musical trio
tom lands of the Sauhle river about from thc,,f�.lintoli Glee Club, entitled
the Grand Bend, etc., in the town—
ships of Stephen and I3osaii.,inct,
there has been groat loss of. cattle
by flu_ ui'. l0v.ri: of the stream
.T. 1ic111illan then spoke on "Work-
ing in Harmony" and "Why 'l.'Ite
Boys Leave the harm,"followed by
swollen by elle l:u- ct'•tin,tud r,:ilis, a well rendered recitation by Miss
Sevara } "', boil heart .h�ivr' been Grace Robertson, then a duet by
drowned. Messrs Jackson and Oaks. hullow-
i ing this musical nunrt)er Prof.
Mit. ROBERT Told; ,, 11'n•'n1 0' Bohertsolr took the platform and
mentioned ' wet„ ,:'ng and elucidated the advantages of
seriously ill, ie not auy hni1, \. I °'fil(il1 agaiust Labor." Tho final
year ago 110 was +:Ikon 1,. t, ,with number n -rte a gorrtette by '.tfiPsps
Pleurisy, alai; sop,•',rt,Ce(d '1 ..00101 C race :Intl Ida Boles ami Messrs.
attack a few tir•10't •(d., The Walton and Calces.
.medical -.w >:::,!e that
the else.;.., .�:• `.:.1 .el t,) i'•ftnmma-
tion, ands prbuonne • the vaso a
critical Olio.
OMISSION .—By au etor:ight we
omitted to mention in connection
with an excellent paper, which we
print 011 another page, on "The
Teacilers'liespousibilities," by wb, m
the paper was written and read.
The author is Mr. A. II. Mauuiug,
of Cliutou. The paper is entineet-
ly practical and scholarly. It was
read at the recent meeting of the
East Huron Teachers' Institute in
Thos. Fair will take a well-earned
holidiv shortly He will sail for
the old country on 22nd J'nne and
will be accompanied by Mr, Thos.
Jacicsosi jr., of .Jackson Bros. mam-
moth clothing house. fir !ti, ticJ'ag-
gut and daughter will sail for the
old country on the 6th .Tilly. It
was the iutenticn fop' all four to
have gone at the same time and by
the same boat, but the difficulty 'of
securing berths intervened to ntar
the arrangement.
Goon READING.—Tho followiug
new books have been purchased for
the Clinton Mechanics Institute fwd
placed in the library :—Science
&c !—Tanner's Agriculture, Tan-
ner's AgrutluItural Science, Flowers,
Fruits, &u, I)aua's Mineralogy,
Chapman's Geology, Teohuu-Cliemi-
cal receipt book, Facvicett's Political
Eeonomy,Fawcett's Political Econo-
my for beginners, Fawcett's Tales of
Political Economy, Science of
Politics, Smith's Life and Labor,
Foundation of death. History
liiography,travel &c, Stewart's Tale
of Troy, Turner's Sauoa,iLafub's
Adventures of Ulysses, A Day in
Ancient Rome, Judson on Caesar's
army, Plutarch's lives, Stories of the
old world,. Bryce's America Com-
monwealth, Tho Giant Cities of
13ashan, With Wolf in Canada and
Smelt's !ioest:0. Fiction t\cc, friend
Jim, Peasant and Prince, .\[eLeud
of Dare, Broad \Vinuers, brother of
DragonsThe ': aliswltu, Bing of the
Golden River, True to the Uld Flag,
Swift's Gulliver's travels, St.
George for England.
The meeting opelied ao•titt on
tit(,.. morning 01 tilt Gib at 10 u'cluck.
1'reaideet Kerninghan read an . in-
teresting paper on "Farm Pard
1[anur the eel'ject was afterward
taken up by several mOmhers and a
useful (11900981 )n carried on for
s<.mo time,
Prof. Robertson then gave some
excellent pointers showing how
farmers could make stoney out of
the soil and leave the land in as
good fertility after fifty years as
when first cropped.
Prof. A. McD. Allan spoke for
an hour on `-How to Grow Fruit
for Profit" -best varieties,• manage-
ment, cultivation, packing and
snipping. The singing of God 1
Save The Queen closed the meeting.
;The meeting was fairly well at-
tejinded, there being at times fully
3 0 present. Over 45 names wore
e rolled as new members.. Direc-
t- for nu rs f the illg year were efoc• '
ted. President John Kerninghan
Lind Secretary C. J. S. Naftel were
re-elected to their former positions.
The next meeting will he held in
the town of Cloderich,
— On Monday Mr. Richard
Biekle, of Lite 16th line, East Zorra
delivered a four year old bull to Mr.
Jas. McCulloch, which differs in one
respect from the ordinary animal,
having three horns. The extra horn
is about four inches long and grows
from the tip of the left ear.
— Mr. Martin Stull, of the Nia-
gara Township has a calf with two
wonderfully developed mouths.
He says that the animal has four
jaws and two tongues and palates,
but that it is capable of taking food
at only one of its mouths. The
little fellow was a week old Saturday
and is as lively as any other calf of
its age.
1 ,%Tt:s.—At Winghani, on the 7th Juno
the wife of W. T. Yates, of a son. .
lifexs Cul.r,--On the 5th irr t the
residence of the bride's father, Go °rich
township, by the Rev J. 8. Fisher, Mr.
Guy Hicks to Miss Hester Cole, all of
Goderich township.
We Show the largest and finest stock of HATS AND
PPS in the Count).
See Our Great5Oe Hat
—Mr. Joseph Kidd, the veteran ^
titerebaut off Dublin, 5^,compani•d �V] NO
ho his two daughters, has left for
Sioux City,.Iowa, where he intends
to resirle:permant'ntly.
-_-Seven writs have teen iisued
against the O. J. 13. on 'account of
the St. George accident. Tile last
one being tor 12,000 by B. W. PACI FIC
Knight, making a total (.f 8124,000
for claimed damages by parties in
Woodstock. Mayor Kann and Mr. —`1'O -L•
Peneock are yet to he heard from. IieleraiPe
Moosomin 2
I l
0-$28 ,,
Saltcoats174 7:1 ou
Mooseja r I - —
CALGARY z - $35 -
(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.)
Flour $5 (10 to 5 50
Fall Wheat, new & old 1 1,o 1 03
Spring \Vh m;.,., 1 00 to 1 03
Barley .. C 40 to 0 48
Oats 0 :?S to 0 :28
Peas 0 54 to 0 54
Apples,(wintel') per bbl 1 00 to 1 50
Potatoes .. 0 20 to 0 25
Butter .. 0 13 to 0 14
Eggs a 10 to 0 11
Hay 8 00 to 0 00
Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00
Beef 0 00 to 0 (
Wool 0 20 to 0 25
Pork 6 50 to 6 70
Special Colonist Excursions will leave all points
in Ontario, Sharbot Lala,, Kingston and west
thereof, on
401, Return until 14th,
lith, List,
one Mit, duly :Kill, 89
Fur roll purtfeulars apply to nears -it statim 1 r
ticket agent.
Office, CLINTON.
T' M. I . 1 •
hc(KC(:01 t
t 1e
rrSnnrr Ph; sician and C,I,•rrron,'flnn
orary Member Ontario Veterinary
Mu,lical S.,ciety. Treats :di diseases of domesti-
cated animnls. Veterinary Dentistry n specialty.
Charges moderate. Office—one door east of Toa
New's•I(l (0111 0 oltice, Clinton.
J. E. BLACK ALL. t-etcrinarr•
Surgeon, honorary graduate of
OntarloVeterinary Cul:ctcy:rut.
diseases of all domestic animals
on the most modern and scientific
principles. terealls attended to
night or day. Office tmmedlltely west of the
old Royal hotel, Ontario street. Residence
Albert street, Clinton. 549--3m
Private Sale of HOUSEHOLD
Previous to removing from Clinton, 1 alt offer
at private sale, at the residence opposite the
Foundry, a demrablo Int of Household Furniture
—Barroom Suites, Sideboard, Stoves, eta., and
other useful articles. Goods will he sold reason-
able and can be soon any 11,11.'nitor Tuesday,
June 11th. Terms cash.
A note made by the undersigned In In.vor of
Ferran 8 Tindall, Clinton, payable in June, 1189,
has been lost or mislaid. All parties are there
fore cautioned against negotiating the same, a.
payment has Leen stopped.
Clinton, June 11th, 1989.
TENDERS WANTED.—Tenders will be recely-
ed, either separately or in bulk, by the
undersigned, up to Saturday, June 15 at a
(Monk p. m, for the erection of n VTNF.RR
Clinton. Plane and specifications con be seen at
the office of J. C. COLE, to whom all tenders
should be addressed.
Butcher Business Removed.
Mr. GEORGE IIAACKE has removed his mcnt
market from May's old stand to SMITH'S BIti01(
BLOCK, near the Grand Union hotel. Best of
all hinds of Meat kept in section and $,dd at the
lowest living nates, and delivered anywhere in
town. r also take this opportunity of thanking
alt former customers for their kind patnonn„t•
rind solicit ,, eontinnanc,• of the same, and will
endeavor to merit it and a call from the pnblk
A T A BARG:f IN. - Fright acres of Lu.d „9th h
i .
velvet el- heel of chetee tipple trees :
comforrahle house ,rad stables adjuining Godr
rich township. Apply tr, ft, 1, Ur1VLh:, rind•
rich, 528 tf
Barrister,,, cke.,
E. W. 1.OWENS. T. F, J