HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-06-12, Page 1THF
te rtA16:-0..5O per A $1.25 In Advance.
WIIITELY & TODD, Publlabe,.
VOL. X. --NO. 26.
'WHOLE NO. 552
Lots for Sale, by Tender,
In the Town of Goderich.
Tenders will be received up to Wednesday,
June 12th, for the purchase of the three lots,
occupying 05 feet frontage on the Square near
East Street, the best sites in town for business
purposes. The lots will be sold biugly or collect.
Ively-two lots are 22 feet ftontnae and one bas
21 feet. frontage.
The above lots are the on'y ones on the Square
not built upon, and buildings thereon will
aiwayb saeure tenants at paying rates. As the
town is new starting upon an era of assured
prosperity, purchasers .of these lots will find
their investment permanently remunerative.
Address tenders to
A. SMITIk T'roprietor.
Goderich, June, 1889.
Wool Torreopoudenr.
Rev. Dr. Ure, who lectureaTast
Friday evening on his recent visit
to the Motherland, was greeted with
a good audience considering the
tempestuous weather. The doctor
made his discourse exceedingly in-
teresting, his story of his travels
through Scotland and England re-
storing visibly in inany hearts the
almost forgotten memories of child-
hood. We imagine the lecture will
cause many of our townspeople to
visit the scenes across the Atlantic
so ably depicted by the doctor.
The Regular monthly meeting of
the Public School Board was held
on Monday evening. Present the
chairman S. Malcomson and Messrs.
Acheson, Ball, Chrystal, Crabb,
Morton, Nicholson and Swanson.
The minutes of previous meeting
were read and confirmed. The
Principal's report showing an aver-
age attendance for the :month of
ltlay of 30:1 boys and 287 girls was
ieeeiNed and filed. ,hiss Williams
applied for permission to attend the
coining session of the Normal school.
On motion, Miss Williams' request
was granted. The secretary was in-'
strutted to request the town council
to set aside $4500 for the use of the
Board for the present year. On ac-
count of the next meeting night fall -
;ng on 1)ontinion hay, the next
Meeting was ordered to he held on
the last Friday in June. Several
other matters having been discuss-
ed and referred to the several com-
mittees the Board adjourned.
PERSONALS.—Mian Polley left
town on Wednesday on a visit to
Quebec city and the Atlantic coast.
--Mrs. Mann left on Saturday to
meet her husband at St. Paul, Minn.
—Mrs. Ross Rastall is atilt seriously
ill.—Our old friend Mr. 1\rm, Doh-
erty, of Sheppardton, gave us a call
last Thursday-41ra. Chesney, of
Seai'orth was iu town last week on
a visit to l,r,r parents Mr. and Mrs.
A. Straits t. --;air. Sharp, of Mon-
treal, was visiting relatives iu town
fast week.—:hiss Davis of Winghate
has been the guest of Mrs. F. Jordan
the past talo weeks,—Mr. G. N.
Davis, .eturued front Detroit
where he has been the past few weeks.
—Mr. W. T. Whitely of THE NEWS-
% IIEcor.0 was in the circular town
the past week,—Mr. Fred Price of
Detroit was iu town this week
visiting his parents.—Mr. J. E:liott
of Exeter was in the circular town
last week.—Miss Josie McDougall
is in town.—Mr. Kylie of Toronto
was in the circular t.1wn this week.
—Mr. Geo. Saults of Manitoba who
was visiting at the old home spent a
few days at the residence of his
sister at Galt the past week. Mrs.
Saults and her son George returned
tb Goderioh this week. Mr. Jolin
Elliott visited Kincardine last week.
On Thursday evening R. W.
Bro., J. Ross Robertson, of Toronto,
lectured in the Masonic Hall, on
"Masonry in Canada 100 years ago."
There was. n largo attendance, large
delegations front Carlow, Soaforth,
Exeter, Clinton and Blyth lodges
being present. The lecture showed
the R. W. Bro. to be an active and
earnest member of the craft, as its
preparation aration necessitated the careful
perusal of hundreds of old menu-
?, scripts, a large number of lodge
minute books, and an immense cor-
respondence. Tho lecture was a
vivid illustration of the lives of
prominent Masons, living and dead,
and the written acts of local and
grand lodges. Bro. Robertson pre-
sented tho matter in a manner that
earned the thanks of all the breth-
ren present. The address in ad-
dition to purely Masonic incidents,
necessarily introduced historical
events, for during the past }hundred
years, as in the year, of grace 1889,
the Masonic freternity held posi-
tions of trust, in our Legislative
halls, and the legal and military
professions. At the conclusion of
the lecture a unanimous vote of
thanks was tendered and`"happily
replied to by Bro. Robertson. Mr.
Robertson who arrived in town by
the afternoon train, left by the
early ono on Friday for .Toronto.
While in town the gentleman visited
many points of interest, Bros., Rad-
cliffe, Humber and Addison being
his conductors,
aelrl TO.CI'eoponatnte. 1 'pull Turreop.dlztte ire
A Gun Club has been formed by
the residents of Saltford.
Holy communion at 9 u. in. next
Sunday at St. George's.
A son of Mr. Lawson, of Colborne
township, was seriously injured last
week by a kick from a horse.
Quito a number of families have
settled in Goderich during the past
fow weeks. .
Regular ltreetiug of Huron Chap-
ter No. 30, lt. A. M., next Friday
evening. r .
Knox Church Band of hope held
its regular meeting in the lecture
Inspector.Tom examined several
of the classes in the public schools
last week.
The C. P. R. ticket and telegraph
office in this town has a magnificent
lamp in front of its door.
A break in ono of the water ser-
vice connections occurred on West
street last Sunday. •
Regular meeting of Knox church
Mission` Band next Saturday after-
The regular. meeting of the Town
Council was held last Friday even-.
The June session of the County
Court opened yesterday, His Honor
Judge Toms presiding. •
The potatoes that were cut down
by the severe frost a short time
since are, apparently, rapidly recov-
ering from the bite.
A petition to the Governor-Gen-
eral for the disal'l'owance of the
Jesuit bill is being circulated for
The committee appointed to make
arrangements for the proper celebra-
tion of Dominion Day is actively at
On Friday evening the fire engine
was called out by a fire in Colborne
township. The alarm was caused
by the burning of a brush heap.
The Mission Band bazaar and
entertainment will take place in the
leeture room of Knox church on
Friday week, 21st inst.
The promotion examinations in
the public schools are not expected
to be proceeded with until the last.
week of the present term.
A largo number of our residents
are now using water supplied by our
water works. All those whom we
have spoken with on ttie subject are
highly pleased with the quality of
the fluid.
The old summer house in the.
bank park 1,:1, been ieruuvud to the
park's extreme western point, and
has been considerably repair,.d. The
adulteration is a great convenience
and improvement.
There will be a grand excnrsiou'
to Toronto ou June 24th, St. John's
Day, under the auspices of the May
sonic fraternity of Seafurtlh. The;
tickets, good for throe days, will be
issued all along the line and are
placed, we believe, at the reasonable
sum of $2.50.
On Thursday afternoon a base
ball match was the attraction, the
Bankers and Lawyers again contest-
ing for supremacy with the Mer-
chants. The result was a big victory
for the first named team. Tho mer-
chants complain that the ground
was so slippery that they could not
stop or hold a ball, while their
opponents could stand on slippery
places and, hold with a firm grip
every ball that came within reach.
A copy of the Oscoda and Au
Sable Saturday Night says it is the
intention to have a line of steamers
put on between that point and God-
erich across Lake Huron. The
article further says that the Gratrttl
Trunk is negotiating for the p r -
chase of the Au Sable & No h -
western road. J. E. Potts, wh is
president of the Potts Salt& luer
company, and the moving epirin
the management and control of this
road, while not affirming doeslitutt...
deny the truthfulness of the state-
ment. This line will be completed
to Pottsville, a distance of seventy,
Mr. J. W. Swanson successfully
passed the examination and was
duly invested last week at Torofto
University as a B. A. The degree
was taken with honors in clase1cs,
and was undoubtedly well earned as
he has not yet arrived at his majority
and during the past few years had tel
give up studying•for twelve months
on account of sickness, besides
teaching for three months in the..
Collegiate Institute at Listow,o k�
We congratulate our young tow
man on obtaining the degree of .
A. and expect that from henceff th
his influence and abilities wilt, be
worthily used 'in advancing the
educational standard of our a en-
.: i�lfrlr� t�aeh:.r'te�i r,rrlc ;►
The I. O. 0. F. district meeting
will be heli in the Odd Fellows
Hall, Goderich, this evening (Wed-
nesday), at 8 p. in. Goderich,
Clinton, Hensen and Exeter will
send represeut.ltives to the meeting.
Mr. Geo. Olds had . his injured
foot removed on Monday. Th%
limb was severed just above the
ankle, some five doctors being pre-
sent at the amputation. At this
writing Mr. Olds was progressing
IIARBOR NOTES.—The schr. Tod-
ntart left early last week for a cargo
of lumber for delivery at this port,
—The Bohr. carter, light, sailed
yesterday week for Thessalon to
load lumber.—The Beatty line str.
Ontario made her usual call on
Wednesday for passengers and
freight. Oa completing her load-
ing the Ontario left for lake Super-
ior.—The sohr.Mary S. Gordon with
a cargo of lumber from Johnston's
Harbor arrived in port ou Thursday
and sailed again on Sunday for
Collingwood with a cargo of 450
barrels of salt.—The schr. Kolfage
with a cargo of lumber from John-
ston's Harbor reached Seconds
.dook on Wednesday, and sailed
again, light, for the north for lum-
ber.—The Schr. Pinafore, light,.
returned from Port Frank on Fri-
day, not having beeu able to eater
that port on account of the strong
current in the river caused by re-
cent rains.—The sty. Carnpana
reached Lee's dock on Saturday
morning. After taking on passen-
gers and freight she left for Lake
Superior ports:—The schr. Ontario,
Captain A. Bogie, with a cargo of
lumber from Blind River for Mr.
Joseph 'Williams, reached her dock
on'Saturday evening. This is tho
first cargo the Ontario has carried
for many years, as the rebuilding
of the vusaui was only completed
this spring.—The water worka tank
for fire purposes is now coruploted.
—Tho schr. Greyhound with a cargo
of shingles, ar.rived in port from
the north on Sunday.—The water
works big pump has now been
running -daily over two weeks.,---
eeks.—The river was higher on Sunday
than at auy time the past four years
during the month of June.—The
Schr. J. G. Kolfage, Captain John
McDonald, with a cargo of lumber;
from Johnstou's Harbor for Mr. H.
Secord, arrived in port ou Monday
morning, and sailed again, light, in
the evening for another cargo.—The
Schr. 111. S. Gordon sailed, light, on
Monday ,ton's
Gt►llerfch Township
1 Master Titus Townsboud, who has
been laid up for soveral mouths, is
getting around nicely under the
treatment of Dr. Stanbury.
The Messrs. Townshend, now in
Dakota, aro doing well in their dis-
tant homes. Canadians do well
wherever they go.
A daughter of AIr.hobert Beacom,
a young woman, is seriously ill of
bronchitis. It hoped that tho
young lady will improve under
medical tre)atnheut,
L. 0. L. 306, Bayfield line,. will
hold a special Meeting next Mon-
day evening 17th inst. A full
attendance is requested, as matters
connected with the 12th celebration
will be discussed. By order of the
W. M,
District L. 0. L. will hold its semi-
annual meeting in the Orange hall
at Holmesville, on Monday, Juno
17th, at 2:30 p, m,, sharp, A full
attendance is requested. By order
of the District Master, Bro. Geo,
Henry Marshall, of the Bayfield
Line•'has returned from a second
visit to the Pacific Coast. IIo is
still unconverted to the opinion
that that is a better country than On-
tario,and is more strongly orthodox
than ever in the view that this pro -
vines is the best white man's country
on the face of the earth.
Reeve Cox succeeded in getting
a grant of $100 towards making
a bridge over a slough on
the Goderich township side
of the Holmesville bridge to
connect the main bridge with
terra firma, Reeve McMurchie
of Clinton did good work among
the members iu showing the just-
ness of the grant.
It is always a pleasure for your
"cribs to make a note of passing
'events. On Wednesday last Mr.
Guy Hicks and Mies Hester Cole,
both of this township, were joined
in wedlock's silken .bonds at the
residence of the bride's father. The
Rev. Mr. Fisher tied the knot. TUE
NEWS -RECORD sincerely wishes the
estimable young couple happiness
and prosperity. -,
goat (s orreopalxttettce Woad Torre pnttttent
No service in the English church
ou Sunday,
Mr. Edward Hackett is scooping
the foundation for Messrs Sims and
Slaters brick block.
Messrs. R. Howard, J. Coombs,
G. King and Ed. Bryant cauvased
our burg this week, with petitions
for tl,e disallowance of the Jesuit
Act and obtained a large number of
There was no Service in the
Methodist church on Sunday morn-
ing. In the evening Rev. A. Mc•
Leant Presbyterian, occupied the
pulpit preaching an able discourse
to a largo cougregatiou of all de-
Mr. Henry Toyama, a converted
Japanese from Tokio, now a student
in N. W. College., U. S. is to give
a lecture in the Methodist church
on Tuesday evening the 18th inst.
Silver collection of the door.
A couple of old tramps, male and
female, who had been taking too
much were found on Saturday night
lying in a ditch with a few inches
of water in it a short distance out
of town. They were run into the
lockup where they spent Sunday,
and were allowed to take their de-
parture on Monday morn with f
warning from the beak to niak
themselves scarce.
PERSONALS..—Mrs. R. Howes
spent a couple of days iu Clinton
this week.—Mr. John Gosman re-
turned home from Galt on Friday.—
Mr. F. Metcalf returned from his
visit at Chicago on Saturday.—Rev.
Mr. Thompson and his wife, of
Vancouver, B. C., are visiting
friends hero at present.—Mrs. C. E.
Tanner and family and Airs. Mc -
Keller left here on Saturday on a
visit to Sarnia.—Miss Annie Dr11u1-
mond left Here foe Detroit on
Monday.—\l r. F. Cummer was
visiting.1 11118 weal:.—Mr. F.
W. Scott i;. •!inton on Sun-
day.—Air.: , ;u dotsou and wife of
Clinton were in town on Saturday.
—Misses 'Wilford -and Moffat are
attending the convention in Toron-
to this week. -.-Rev. A. W. Towle
and,,N. H. Young are attending the
Methodist con terenee in St. Mary's.
—Mies Annie 'Moffat, teacher in
the junior department of our public
school, is on the sick list' at
present. --We regret to learn' that
Mrs. Jamos Marshall ie still serious-
ly indisposed.
On Tuesday evening last Industry
Hall was crowtIed to its uttnost ca-
pacity with citizens and a large
number of ladies iu response to tho
arrangements of the committee, iu
the interest of the daallowance of
the Jesuits Estate Act. Mr. John
's'ilford occupied the chair. The
gpeakeis ut' the ovreuiug being Rev.
A. McClean, Rev. A. W. To1ge,
'Rev. M. McKenzie of'Montreal, and
Dr. McDonald, M.1'., of Wingham.
The meetin', o''pned with prayer by
Rev. Mt. nic,,, t'zie, Rev. DIr. Me.
Lean moved the following resolu-
tion : " We, the citizens of Blyth
and surrounding eo'.ntry, deeply
regret that the Jesuits, a society
that we believe is persistently op-
posed to civil and religious liberty
and which has been driven from
European nations as a deadly'ene-
my to the pn:ice and state, have
been incorporated and endowed by
the Quebec Govern men t, which
Acts have also been 8'iuct.ioncd by
both political parties in the Domin-
ion Parlinment. \\'.• therefore de-
sire to express our indignation at
the conduct of the Protestant mem-
bers of the House of Commons as
`seen in their refusal to vote for the
disallowance of a hill which is con-
trary to uqual rights and which
recognizes the power of the Pope to
o �u with our political ilaterf t R ,, 0 1 1 optical affairs.
Wo honor the noble thirteen who
ad manfully, again:;t party, voted
for the Bill introduced by Col.
;fJ'Brien, and declare that we will
not knowingly support any man
that will sell our rights for Jesuit
influence." llov. A. W. Tonge
seconded the resolution. Both gen-
tlemen spoke ably for some time on
the matter under discussion, urging
every Protestant voter to keep alive
the present agitation until the dis-
allowance of the Bill is secured.
1)r. McDonald was then introduced
by the chairman. Ho apoke for
some time on the question at issue,
being listened to with attention.
A resolution was carried, endorsing
the action of the ci'izens' eon) nlittoo
of Toronto in circulating petitions
for signatures. Messrs. John Wil-
ford and John Moffat were appoint-
ed delegates to attend the conven-
tion in Toronto yesterday and • to-
day. The collection taken up at
door to meet expenses amounted to
$16,50. The meeting was brought
10 a close by singing God save the
The regular tneetiug of the mem-
bers of L. 0. L. 963 was held in
their hall on Monday evening. A
large attendance was present.
McKinnon and Powell had a
grand —opening on Saturday evening
in Watson's hriok block although it
was a very wet evening. This is a
grand improvement on our market
square, the building having been
unoccupied for a long time.
The Foresters of this village have
been invited to attend in a body at
the laying of the corner stone of the
new Westfield' Methodist church
which is to be laid shortly .by, their
High Treasurer, Mr. John Neelands
of Wingham.
Dire. Cole is on the sick list,
having a scalded hand.
Dame rumor says that the late
Treasurer is going to leave the town-
Rumor says that the Rev. Mr.
Rogers, Methodist minister at Lon•
desboro, is going to leave here.
The brand new clerk officiated
here on Monday distributing in-
structions to both Grit and Tory
like to mend their ways.
Mr. James Breit .hwaite has resigned
as clerk and Treasurer of this town-
ship and Mr. James Campbell took
his place. '
The young men of the 13th con
cession must be going to live in a
state of celibacy or they would
never allow the young glen of Lon-
deaboro to escort their young ladies
home from church iu the evening.
We are anxiously waiting for the
member for South Huron to ex•
plain his vote ou Colonel O'Brien's
resolution for disallowaueo. We
are all Grits but not Jesuits.
John says that all the narrow
escapes, he has had from being
drowned in eroseii.g the river were
through an imperfect compass. Ile
says Are ne tiles of i.is compass
do not always point to the north.
Two of Londesbo•o's Lilliputians
attempted to escort two young ladies
home from an entertainment, but
the young ladies very kindly took
them by the hand and gave them
some taffy and told theta to,run
home t0 their ulama as it was no
time for children of their li;:s to be
out from hon;o
The court of Revision m,:t is :i.a•
town hall Morris 27th, May, 1
Appeals wore disposed of as follows:
—Thos. Fussell assess:deut reduced
$100, John 0. Russ 'educed $'-'0O,
Win. Bryans wn, enter"'. owner N
29; con. 5, T. e:uvliff as t':ant N
pt 30, con. 5, L. Fraser as tenant S
i 36 and 8 E 35, con. 1, Gilbert
McCallum as tenant S ?, 22, con. 8,
Ann Jure Way as owner N W
12, co .. 9, Walter Way occupant,
Wm. ,tretton as owner N t 27 and
and N W j 28, con. ti, Samuel Hag-
gard and Leatherdale tenants, -James
Potter as ownor S 3 28 cots. 7, Jno.
Hopper as tenant S W. pt 10 con.
4, John R. Campbell as M F Lot 4
Walton. T. S. Brandon, W. H.
Brandon, J. McKinney, L, Fraser,
D. Agar, H. A. Shaw, Wm. Mc-
Arter, and Jas. Coulter had each
ono dog struck off. The Court of
Revision was then adjourned• until
the 29th Juno, and ordinary coun-
cil business taken up. Accounts
were ordered to bo paid as follows :
Misses Exford charity $15, Dr,
Holmes medical examination and
certificate of insanity Re Miskiuiulon
and IIays $13.50, Geo. Watt lumber
$19, Wm. Brown ditching $1.50,
A. II. Watson printing $3.75, P.
Murphy charity $4.45, Win. Clark
part salary $40, Jno. Watson as-
sessor's salary $80, Goo. Readmond
gravel $2,20. Moved by Geo.
Kirkby, seconded by C. A. IIowe,
that S. Caldbick, be instructed to
expend $50 in graveling centro
sideline con. 2 --Carried. Moved
by S. Caldbick. seconded by C. A.
Howe, that Goo. Kirkby expend
$50 in graveling at lots 28 and 29
con. 9—Carried. Moved by Kirk-
by, seconded by Howe, that J.
Proctor have Forbes' bridge put
in a proper state of repair ---Carried.
Moved by Kirkby,soconded by Cald-
bick, that the Reeve expend $20 in
cutting hill on centre sideline con. 5
-Carried. Movod.by Lowe, second-
ed by Caldbick, that Jas. Proctor
expend $50 in graveling opposite
lots 1 and 2 on 4th con. line—Car-
ried. Moved by Kirkby, seconded
by Caldbick, that this council ap-
prove of the scheme of drainage at
lot 30, con. 10 appdidd for by Mr,
McDonald and that the clerk be in-
structed to bring on the engineer-.
Carried. The council adjourned to
moot again on the 29th .lune after
Court of Revision. W. f"t. krait,
Zactll rreap.untteliee
Mrs. Sperling, of town, is visit-
ing friends in this vicinity.
Below, is the etanding of the
pupils of S. S. Nu. 4, Colborne, for
the month of May, based on dili-
gence, punctuality and conduct :
Sr. I.V.—Nelson Molloy, Jane
Blake. Jr.1.V.—Jennet Million,
Margaret Malloy. Sr. 111.—Eurrna
Holzhousen, Rebecca McClure,Elea.
uor Blake. Jr. II[.—Margaret Mal-
loy, Bertie Scharffe. 2ud.—Albert
Good, Lillie Malloy, Alfred Leach.
II Part.—Louisa Allen, Wm. Henry
McClure. I Part. — Annie Holz.
houses Rachael Million, Wm. H.
Johns. Average attendance 35.
Number on roll 50.
The rnembere of Enniskillen L.
0. L.. No. 153 met in their lodge
room on June7th. The Worshipful
Master in the chair,with the rest of
the officers and members in their
place and a good attendance of mem-
bers. Two candidates were initiat-
.ed and one application for member -
'hip received. A considerable
mount of business was transacted.
he following resolution was car-
ried unanimously : Moved by Bro,,
George Curry and seconded by Bro,,
Wm. S. Cousins, and resolved, that
this lodge heartily endorse the stand
taken by the most worshipful Grand
Orange Lodge held at Goderich
with regard to the Jesuits Estate
Bill, and be it further resolved that
this lodge views with pleasure the
eon -rage of the sable thirteen ':'ant•
hers of parliament who put prin-
ciple before party in opposing the
Jesuits Estates Bill and that this
lodge condemns the action of our
own member together with the rest
of the Protestant members of pairlia- .
went who bowed down and wor- .
shipped the golden calf of romo and
allowed the authority of our grac-
ious Majesty Queen Victoria to be
dragged iu the dust, under the feet
of the pope of Rome, for the sake of
political gain, and that we repudi-
ate in the strongest terms the state-
ments of Mr. Rykert when he said on
the floor of the I-Iouse that he voiced
the sentiments of the Oraagomen
of Ontario in supporting the Jesuits
Estates Bill, and that we deeply de-
plore tho action of the other of the'
Orange members who voted with the
majority, and further that we will
support to our utmost any candidate
lvho takes for his platform equal
rights to all ; our God our country
and our Queen ; and no sectarian
legislation. Wo want no traitors
in our camp who from our colot.rs
fly ; we call for valiant hearts of
men who are nut afraid to die.
Moved that the above resolution be
sent to the ,S,'etiiie'1 and local papers.
Council met 27th. May at Lon-
desboro', pursuant to adjournment.
All the member's present. The
following accounts were ordered to
be paid. II. Glazier for work .sur-
voying con. R. 4-5. $5.00, and Adam
Glazier $5. The sum of four hun-
dred dollars was granted for repair-
;ing roads and bridges through the
township in 1889. Pathnlasters,
fence viewers and poundkeepers
were appointed for the current year.
Sixty cords of gravel was ordered
to be put on S. R. 25-26 under tho
direction of R. Scott. J. Lashatu
and B. Churchill, and fifty cords on
on S. R. 5-6 under the direction of
J. Britton and J. Brigham. Mr.
Braithwaite, Township Clerk, and
Treasurer tondered his resignation
as such clerk and treasurer and it
being accepted James Campbell
was appointed to the said offices
provided he furnish security satis-
factory to the Council which then
adjourned to meet at Londesboro.
on Saturday.
The council met the 1st of June
at Londeaboro pursuant to motion
of adjournment. The bond of J.
Campbell as treasurer being satis-
factory was accepted. The follow-
ing accounts were ordered to be paid
viz. H. C. Proudfoot for surveying
of line between Con 4-5,$24.50 and
W. Rinn board for surveyor $2.50.
J. J. McKenna, P. L. Surveyor of
Dublin, was appointed township
engineer. The thanks of the
Council was tendered to Mr. Braith-
waite on his retiring from the
offices of clerk and treasurer of the
township for his long, faithful and
effecient services, and hope he may
be long spared to enjoy a well
earned season of rest from his active
dutiea. Council adjourned to meet
when called by the Reeve. J.
FINE weather is dawning.