HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-05-29, Page 6as
The Huron News -Record
50a Year—$1.25 in Advance.
tilt" The Mali tines tultdo)«dtiee to his betdiuedd
who dpendd lean ilt t 01,1141.0g than he Boca in
rent.—A. T. Srawgar, the millionaire merchant
of Reza fork.
Wednesday. May 29th,
To young nieu Bob Burdett°
• 'says :—"You take a basin of water,
place your finger iu it for twenty-
five or thirty seconds, take it out
and look at the bole that is left.
The size of that hole represents
about the impression that advice
mikes uu a young arm's ntiud.
Duu't depeud tuo touch ou yuur
family --the dead part I mean.
The world tvauts live men ; it has
no use for dead wads. Queen Vic-
toria can trace her ancestors beck
in a direct line to William the
Conqueror. It' you cannot get
further back than your father you
-are better oft•. Your father was a
better man iu his time thau • old
William. He had better clothes to
wear, better food to eat, and was
better housed.
If you are a diamond be sure
that you will be found. Cheek,
brass, or gall never gets ahead of
I love a young man who ie
straightforward. Ask for what
you want. If you want to marry a
rich man's daughter, or borrow
$5,000 from him, ask him for it;
it amounts to the salvo thing in the
end. It is always better to astonish
a man than to' tore him..
Remember that in the morning
of life some the hard working days.
Hard work never killed a man.
It's fun, recreation, relaxation,
holidays that kill. The fun that
results in a hood the next morning
so big that a tub could hardly cover
it, is what kills. Hard work never
•Those who come after us have to
work just as hard as we du. When
I shovel the scow ou my sidewalk,
if perchance I take a three-quarter
piece off of ufy neighbor's walk, I
put it back, because if I didn't I
should be doing him au injustice.
You cau't afford to do any thing
but what is good. You are on
dress parade all the time.
Don't be afraid of pounding
persistently at oue thing. Don't -be•
afraid of being called a one -idea
man or a crank. If you have one
idea you have oue more than most
men have. It takes a smart man to
be a crank.'
—The British steamer, German
Emperor, from London for Bilboa,
ran into the Britieh steamer Beres-
ford, from Hartlepool for Bombay,
at four o'clock Tuesday morning,
while the latter was lying at anchor
in the Goodwin Sands. The Gor-
man Emperor sank instantly. Boats
were launched from the Beresford,
and succeeded in rescuing three
persons from the German Emperor.
There were seventeen persons on
board the Beresford. The latter'e
boats werestove in. She dreappear-
ed in the fog, and for a while her
fate was unknown, but it is now
learned that she is proceeding to
Gravesend, where she will effect
temporary repairs. Nino persons
on board the German Emperor took
to a small boat and have landed at
Dover. It is now ascertained that
the loss of life was not as great as
was first roported. The Beresford
has arrived at Gravesend. She has
on board twenty-two of her own
crew and twelve of the crew of the
German Emperor. A later despatch
says that none of those on board
the Beresford wore lost, but six
belonging to the German Ernperor
are mieeing. All the rest are saved.
—An exceedingly cool robbery
took place between one and two
o'clock one afternoon in the Bank
of Montreal, at Montreal, under the
following circumstances :—A youth
in the employ of Thos. May & Co.,
went to tha above named institu-
tion to make a deposit of $3,300,
the same consisting of cheques to
the amount of $2,000 made payable
at the Bank of Montreal, and the
remainder in bank bills of different
denominations. When the clerk
arrives at the counter the teller was
busy and the former laid down his
deposit and waited for his turn as
usual. In the meantime a well-
dressed man stepped up to May &
Co.'s employe, and showing him a
two dollar bill, asked if the same
was genuine. ' For a moment the
clerk turned from his money and
when he looked round. to the
counter a Ione bank book was all
that remained of the pile, money
and cheques having all disappeared.
The alarm was given and dotoetives
aud constables were put on the
case, but up to the present time no
arrests have been trade. It is
almost certain that the party who
possessed the two dollar bill had an
accomplice, who did the clever
work while the clerk's back was
turned. As payment on the
cheques may be stopped the loss to
Thos. May & Co. will be $1,300.
The cleaving of windows seems to
be a very easy matter, yet many
housewives would prefer to do any
other part of the house-cleaning
than this. As at this season of the
year the whole house is supposed to
receive a thorough cleansing, the
windows insist, to bvnre, come in
for their share. Never begin this
work uutil all the paint is cleaned,
but, more especially, that part about
windows. If the window glass is
done first, it is almost impossible to
wash the paint around it without
smearing the glass.
Never wash windows on a damp
day, although a cloudy Duo is not
objectionable for the work. A
bright, clear, sunny day is the best,
choosing that 'part of it when the
windows aro iu the shade. Win
dows washed while the sun is on.
them aresut'o to be streaky,no matter
how well they may be done, for the
sun dries them quicker than they
can he wiped, and, consequently,
the water dries just as it is put on
by the wash cloth.
Always dust the windows thor-
oughly, both inside and outside, be-
fore beginning to wash them. Uso
small, dry paint brushes to get into
crevices and corners when dusting.
Wash the inside of the window first,
and it will be much eaiser to' detect
any defect when doing the outside.
Take as much clear water as desired,
but have it as warm as it can be
conveniently used, without parboil-
ing the bands, and add to it enough
hot household ammonia to soften it.
With a soft cluth that is free from
lint, wash each pane of glass thor-
ughly, using a small pointed stick
with a cloth on it to go into the
corners. Use ofd cotton to wipe
with, and dry each pane immediate-
ly after washi:sg. Whole the water
it •luito hot, if t. (' glass is not wip-
ed immediately, it will dry so that
it will have to be rewashod oro wip-
\Vnore the ammonia is not con-
venient, use clear water, and never,
on eny acconnt, use soap of any
kind, if you want your glass to ho
cltmi. After washing in clear water,
I.( t, I' .li.h ni sir 110 obtained h„
1'„1• ..I„ ! r. wi,h tissue hal” r,
but wi:ert:+ ammonia is used the lat
tt•1 ,�.1' a tt ` .. ,.;10r+A without any
exit. work. 'flaking soda on a
..iu!1r i,t °'li•' :LI '1d Iii,:u IU
1. 1.'�,:,•lid 1\1„.1U ,.0 V:1,11 .t
in herntolio is recommenrlt',1 by
hutui iul the et. 0.0 purpose?
—Last week Mr. H.B.Small,secre-
tary to,the Agricultural Department,
received a letter written by a gentle-
man in England who is an acknow-
ledged authority on agricultural
matters, calling attention to the
immense depreciation in value and
decrease in number of home stock.
In Leicestershire alone cattle have
decrefieed 12,000 head in the twelve
menthe, and prices are ruling ex-
ceedingly low for the English mar-
ket, accoading to Mr. Small's
correspondent. In regard to the
cheese market, the aamo gentleman
states the wholesale price of cheese
has fallen immensely, and this is
also attributed to Canadian importa-
ADVICE TO Mortises. --Are you dis-
turbed at night and broken of your rest
to a sick child suffering and cryiug with
pain of Gutting Teeth? If so send at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething.
Its value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor itltleeutferer immediately. De-
pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis-
take about it. it cures Dysentery and
Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the
Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives
tone and energy to a %, hole system.
"Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for
children teething is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the oldest
and boat female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all
druggists throughout the world. Price
25c. a bottle. Iia sure andask for "Mrs,
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
other kind.
—For over a year the assassion
who shot and killed Samuel Wal-
drup, of Litchford, Ill., was un
known. Thomas Knaggs has now
tickrtdtadried the murder.
take Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. It
pleases the child and destroys the
—Completed returns from Comp-
ton' give Mr. Pope's majority at
835, or 11 more than that obtained
by his late father.
From rhuematism,idyepepsia, bilious-
ness, kidney complaint and many
other ills, in exactly the same man-
ner as ordinary mortals, and Burdock
Blood Bitters cures them quickly
and permanently just as It always
does in every case, from whatever
cause arising,
—While some boys wore bathing
in the Maitland river at Winghain
one of thein, Arthur Long, a tin-
smith, aged ninteen, took a cramp
and was drowned before assistance
could be called. He was got out
five minutes after, but it was too
late, as thebody was dead.
As morning sun with;jstrong and
.vivid ray,
Drives from the earth the sullen
mists away,
So B. B. B. in strength and power
Doth rout disease and stay death's
heavy hand.
—A coal dealer was called upon
at hie office by a poor; Lord -working
woman, and requested to send a
basket of coal to her home. "We
do not deliver so small a quantity."
was the merchant's reply. "It is
our invariable rule never to deliver
lea's than a quarter of a ton." "But
I cannot pay for so much." wag the
pitiful confession. "and I have left
my little children at home in a rite•
lees room. What am I to do 4"
"Well," returned the dealer, a
kindlier light beaming in his eye
"I cannot depart from my rules as
to the quantity." Then turning to
his clerk he coutinued: "John, have
a quarter of a ton of coal Sent to
the women's addreee I5H soon as pos-
sible," "But I cannot pny for so
much." she expoetulatvd. "I
already understand that you can't,
so I will charge it to the children.
Give yourself no more uneasiness
about the debt. Good morning."
A big strike was make when Powell
& Davie issued their Extract of arsap-
arilla and Burdock. It has met with
great enccess, and it must, for it is the
most powerful blood purifier in the mar-
ket. it is used with the greatest success
in all diseases arising from a debilitated
conditon of the system, and everyone
needs, and should use a bottle or two at
this season of the year, of Powell's Ex-
tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear
in mind one 50e. bottle contains more
solid medicine than most dollar so-called
Sarsaparilla and bitters. .Also remember
that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists,
price 50o, a bottle. Sold by all drug -
medicine dealers everywhere.
—Throe boys named William
Riord!in, Frederick Milligan and
George 1'Tnorn were praying on tits
newly constructed crib work on the
Tion, n^'u• Ilse King street bridge
Toronto, Saturday morning, when
the two bitter fell into the water,
which at this spot is very deep.
Millig.ao was tlloa•ned, never rising
to the surface after the first !tuner.
1 no body was recovered shortly
al'tnrwer'1s by a roan nalnotl Iial0N,
\o inquest will bo held.
—In a sanitarium at Tarrytown,
N. Y., is a petrified prehistoric liz-
ard 11 _feet and 1 inch long, 18
inches broad at the shoulders and 9
inches at the ]toad, and weighing
300 pounds. Its color is grey and
its substance sandstone. The speci-
men, which is almost perfect., was
exhumed on the shore of Charles-
town Lake, five miles from Parrners-
ville, Ontario, in July last.
Even when all seems lost, there is
yet hope. Many a despairing ,dis-
heartened victim of dyspepsia, liver
complaint, kidney, complaint,scrofu-
la or rheumatism, has been brought
back to health and usefulness by
Burdock Blood Bitters, the greatest
remedy known for all blood diseases.
—John Morant, a etreot preacher
of some note in Toronto, has eloped
with Mrs. Dowell, ono of his itin-
erant flock. Some time ago the
woman's husband went ha the States
to work for his wife and five small
children. A few days ago he re-
ceived a letter from her, saying that
she was going to leave him. He
hastened horse and found the chil-
dren alone. 11Lorant has left his
wife and children also.
In the Spring of 1888, I had inflam-
mation of the lungs, which left my
lungs weak. I bad a very bad cough,
and resolved to try Hagyard'a Pee.
toral Balsam. It did me more good
than any other medicine 1 have ever
taken, and I can faithfully recomend
it." Mies Mary Kay, Virginia,.Ont.
An old physician, retired from practice,
having hart placed in his bands by. au
East India missionary the formula of a
simple vegetable Rioted), for the speedy
and permanent cure of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all
throat nod Lung affections, also a positive
and milieu' cure for Nei vous Debility and
all Nervous Coinplaiuts, after having test-
ed its wonderful curative po1ets in thous-
ands of Cases, has lett it his duty to make
it known to his suffering fellows. Actua-
ted by this motive and a desire to relieve
burnau suffering. I will send tree of
charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in
German, French or English, with full
directions for preparing and using. Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp, hautiug
this paper. W. A. Novas, 149 l'ower's
Block, Rochester N. Y. 507 scow.
—A young mau named Jack
Rohan is awaiting trial at Chatham
on a very serious charge, that of hav-
ing had carnal knowledge of au im-
becile girl. The young woman is a
member of one of the moat roepoct-
able families here, but about four or
five years ago was seriously injured
by being struck by a train, aud her
mind has since boon very seriously
affected. Rohsn saw her on the
street on Sunday aud coaxed her
away to the outskirts of the town,
where, it is alleged, lie committed
the offence charged. The girl's
brother was informed of the com-
pany she was in and started in pur-
suit, and when Rohan saw hint
cooling he fed like a deer. Yester-
day 1'. C. Skirving wont out to
arrest hint, when he ran south on
the E. and 11. track, distancing Isis
pursue. L. Phillips, of Harwich,
joined in and Rohm' tuna caught
after a t.hree•nfile chase. He was
brought before the magistrate and
asked for time to got lawyer. There
is a fc+sling of luteus' in lion:rtiun
against biro. .111s boars a ve:y• bad
reputation. •
OF (114E 1.1' 4F11Vit'E
'tI have used ilegyard•s `fellow
ail for cuts and scalls on horses'
shrml'lnrs, and they t+nt better at
ones. i have also used it for sprains,
burns, cuts civil ('tont halong lay
children, and inn rt., ,.t . „ r 1 it
highly ns of groat. vnlu \t' s',•l
Minga. Men,
—Thomas Johnsen, a colored
wuu of s1 iidstunc, has bern arrest-
ed and taken to \Viudsor, charged
with ImAtinn ilia 1\ u•\'ear old child.
o death, -
The mortality amougConsumptives
yas been materially decreased of late
hears by the use of Scales Emulsion.
of Cod Liver- Oil with Hypophosp•
hites of Lime and Soda. Phthisis,
Bronchitis, Abscess of the Lungs,
Pneumonia and Throat Affections are
completely subjugated by a timely
use of this excellent pulnronio. Pa.
datable as milk. Sold by all Drug..
gists at 50c. and 961.00.
—Mr. Kemp, landlord of the
Sydenhaut hotel, at Sydenham,
Ont., hoisted lr blood vessel, from
over lifting, and died in a few
minutes on Muuday night.
Persons wishing to improve their
memories or strengthen their power
of attention should send to Prof.
Loisette, 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for
his prospectus, post free, as advertis-
ed in another column. , 541-41
—hf rs. Maybrich, a niece of
Jeft'orsuni Davis aud a Freuclf•Caua-
diau• aristocrat by birth, has been
arrested at Liverpool on the charge
of poisoning her husband with
AS AN AID to internal remedies
for skin diseases, Dr. Low;s,,Sulphur
Soap proves very valuable;'"''
—The polling on the by-law to
vote another $500,000 towards the
construction of the Toronto new
court house aud municipal buildings
resulted in the passage of the by-law
by a majority of 1,248, the vote be-
ing : For, 2,931 ; against, 1,686.
Please inform your readers that I
havd a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad
to send two bottles of my remedy
FINE to any of your readersewho have
consumption if 'they will send. ln'e
their Express and P. 0. address
Respectfully, Dr. A. '1'. SLOCUM,
37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. 499y
Da. I1Uttrnamrs' SPECIFICS are scientifically and
carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many
years In private practice with success,and for over
thirty years used by the people. Every single Spit.
dile IS a special cure for the disease named.
These Specifies euro without drugging, purg-
ing or reducing the system, and are in fact and
deedthenovereign relocdlesofthOWorld.
1 Fevers, Congestion, inflammation... 2
2 Worms, Worth Fever, Worm Colic.. 25
3 Crying Colic, or Teething of Infanta
)Diarrhea, of Children or Adults....
5 Dysentery, Griping Bilious Colic....
0 Cholera Morbus,' vomiting
7 Coughs, Cold Bronchitis
S Neuralgia, Toothache, Facoache
9 Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo
10 Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach
11 Kn pressed'or Painful Periods
12 Whites, too Profuse Periods
13 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing
145 Salt rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions
Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pain
16 Fever and A ee c, Chills. Malaria
17 Pules, Blind or BleedlotK
19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold Inthe Mead
20 Whooping Cough,Violent Coughs.
24 General Debillty,PyslcnlWeakness
2z latency Disease
28 Nervous Debility 1
3 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.
32 Diseases of thelcart,Palpitation 1 ' 00
Sold by Druggists, or Bent postpaid on receipt
of vrlco. 1Nt. IOMPIiaEye' MANUAL, (144 pages)
Humhound In cloth Cl(S
phreys'i1cdlcinCo0FutWnt NY.
Glazing and Graining,
Plain : and : Decorative
Sigcs---Rich, Bold and Artistic
Shop next Kennedy's Hotel,
Albert Street,
Ti TNT al TT
JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.
Call at the New Store and see the stock of
Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, .Springs,
Mattrasses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very
best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description.
JUS. CHIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store.
47 1r ,//NNvvf. .y
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Best Equipped Job Rooms
The F!est Job Printing
would do well to call on TILE News -I scum before placing their
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