HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-05-29, Page 5500 :: WANTED.:; 500 0 We want the above quantity of GOOD -:- BUTTER For which we will giye you THE HIGHEST PRICE . AN1) THE Best Value in DRY - GOODS ! tw' We are always in the Market. Geo. E. Pay & Co. THE LOW-PRICED DRY -GOODS STORE. ENGLAND AMERICA'S BEST CUSTOMER. The foreign commerce of • the United States represents but a proportion of the trade of the trade Of the country, yet none the less it assumes immense importance from the fact that it acts as a safety valve to 'domestic commerce, I re- 1'eoting a glut or a famine iu the 'wine mrkets, For this reason a reliable foreign customer for Sur- plus products is an essential of Atnerican prosperity, and for this reason is commercial union wanted with Canada. In the calendar year 1888 the domestic tnerchandise exported fr'nl the United States was worth 8679,614,318, nearly 60 per cent, of which was taken by Great Britain—a fact which Mads Bradstroets to remark :—"Great Britain is by far the best customer of the United States. Any inter- ference with the ordinary course of trade - between the two countries would bring disaster to many iin. portant American interests." The character of the export trade from the United States last year was as follows :— Percent. Values. of total. Cotton$225,122,111 33.13 Breadstuffs116,602,653 17.17 Provisions 104,650,074 15,30 Petroleum 40,100,703 7.08 'tobacco 18,772,422 '2.75 Totals .8512,213,873 75.5.2 Other articles 166,400,508 . '24.48 Grand Tota1s8670,614,351 The percentage of these taken by Great Britain were as follows :—Cotton, 62.84; bread - stuffs, 63.51 ; provisions, 67.92 ; petroleum, 15.56. The value. of the British market to American producer's is not, however, to be measured by the mere amount of the export trade. Sales of bread-. stuffs to the extent of $74,000,000, of cotton to the extent of $141,, 450,000, and of provisions 'to the extent of $71,000,000 represent, indeed, an immense business, but the point to be noted is that by reason of these sales abroad tho value of the whole domestic 'n'o- duction is increased. If the Brit- ish market was closed to American hreatdstuffs, for instance, the loss would be measured not by the $74,000,000 of c -Exports now made to that country, but.by the decrease in the selling price of the whole crOp. 103.00 articles West Huron Farmers' Institute. The next meeting of the West Ituron Fanners' Institute'will be held In Clinton, on Wednesday and 'rinrrsday, June 6111 aril 0th, commencing at 1 p. m., the first day. Amongst those who will be present and take part in the various dis- cissions will be Hon. Chas. Drury, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, Prof. Robertson, of the Agricultural College, Guelph, A. McD. Mian, President of the Ontario Horticultural Society John McMillan, M. P. for South Huron, and others. Tho election of officers for the ensuing ear will take place at this session. Ladles are Invited to all the meetings. On the evening of Wednesday, June the 6th, an attractive program will tie presented, to which all aro Invited. C. J. S. NAFTIO., JOHN KERNIGIIAN, Secretary. President. NOTICE. The Council of the corporation of the County of Ituron will meet In the Court Houso,in the Town of Godorfch, on TUESDAY, the 4th day JUNE next. PETElt ADAMSON, Co. Clerk May 20th, 1889. 49-2t Farmers' Excursions. C. P. ItAILWAV. CALGARY and intermediate points. 1)ELORAINE and intcrnr,ediato points. .LUNE 4th, 11th and ISth—Tickets good for 40 days. ,Buy from WHITELY It TODD, NEWS- Rgcottn Office, Canadian Pacific Ry. Agents at Clinton. CHARLES F. M. McOREOOJl, Vet - t ars' arinary Physician and Surgeon, flon- oraay Member Ontai'Io Veterinary \ledicai Society, Treats all diseases of dornestt- eated animals. Veterinary Dentistry a specialty. Charges moderate, Office—one door east of Tus Nsws-RicCeaa oMee, Clinton. 549-8m GIRL WANTED. At once , small Gently ; general housework light. Apply at THE NEIVS-1tKCORD OFFICE. FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in tit, Town of Goderich, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage hooses. There are else some goad fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wl.hing to live retired. Fel further particulars apply to E. CAMP EON, 542-tf • Barrister, Goderich. WALL PAPER IS BOOMING. BABY :-: CARRIAGES ! 4'I'II STOCK ORDERED. Window Shades, Express Wagons STOCK NEW AND COMPLETE. W. Cooper&bo A NICE HOME AT A RA RCA IN.—Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining Gude. rich township. Apply to B. L. DUYLE, Gode- rich. 620.11 New Blacksmith Shop, GEORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gon- eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Cawley, north of Cantclou's carriage works, Alhert street, Clinton. Blacksmith and iron work in all its branches ; Horse.Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to mall before ordering any class of work in the above lines. - 4-931f GEORGE TROWIIILL Established - 1855. 1. BIDDLECOMBE, Watches, Cl- ocks, Jewclry,Silverrare Repairing - In all branches. Opp. the Market, CLINTON. Clinton Court of Reuision. Take no';ce that the Assessment Roll of the Town of (9:utr has this day been returned by the Asseo r to me, and that the Court of Revision wi: i h ,Id its first sitting in the Councl, Chanrber,'F.•.r, Hall, on THURSDAY, MAY 301 1889, at the b.- : of 8.30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing and :. •:tying all complaints agvin.t or errors nn t 1,• ••scssmmnt Roll of this present year. Perm, 'crested are requested to take notice and go,.rn themselves accordingly. W. COATS, Clerk. Clinton, May 1 -1, 1889. 548-31 IJUY YOUR,. TICKETS from Toa Naws-Rccoan C.I'.R. TICKET AGENCY .1. E. BLACK ALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals on the most modern and scientific principles. if 'Calls attended to night or day. Office Immediately west of the old Royal hotel, Ontario street. Residence— Albert street, Clinton. 549-3m Conservative Meeting. A meeting of the members of the Conservative Association fur the SOUTII ultimo OF iIUItON as divided for local legislative purposes, com- posed of south half Goderich Township, Village of Bayfield, Stanley, Hay, Stephen, Ushurne, Village of Exeter, Tuciccremith, and Town of Seaforth, will be hal EXETER, on MON DAY, JUNE 10t1, at 0 lock P.M. As this meeting will be one at al ch Important business will be discussed, all members are respectfully requested to attend. 0. E. JACKSON, President. Egmondvillc, May 17th 1889. 649-31 Butcher Business Removed, Mr, GEORGE) HA ACK F,has removed his meat market from May's old stand to SV ivies BRICK (BLOCK, near the Grand Union hotel. Rest of all kinds of Mcat.0kept In season and sold at the lowe't living rates, and delivered anywhere In town. I also take this opportunity of thanking n11 loaner ,'u•torners for their kind patronage and solleit a continuance of the same, end will endeavor to merit It and a call from the public generally. 649-4t GEORGE HAACiJE. • NE ■ ■ ■ a K.+, •..,:S :f_:J�r�✓Yr uTw:i,li..tT4faY.1 ol.rworstrininualoavarierbaillailittitinral SPRING :-: GOODS l 4 0 0 0 Our Stock of Spring Goods is now Complete in Every Department. We are showing Spacial Value in Catton, Tweeds, Skirtings, Prints, AND GREY AND WHITE COTTONS. FIVB PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN, MANAGER. 0 .— 0---0—.--0 Estate J. Hodgens E=TII :BiJJOS_, THE "RED ROCKER" FURNITURE STORE. 0 — Haviug bought the stock of D. 13 CAL.BICK, of the late Bret of Calbick & Reith at a GREATLY REDUCED FIGURE, we are now prepared to give our customers the full bmelii of the reduction. We will RUN OFF out ENTIRE STOCK oI Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Centre Tables, Book Cases, Perforated, Cane and Wood -Seat Chairs, and all kinds of Furniture and Upholstered Goods AT GREAT RAE:GAINS FOR THE NEAT 30 DAYS. Now as the time to buy Furniture, as such Bargains cannot last. Call and be convinced. REATH BROS. �T( ri icE ___Our Stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS 19 now LL��I ll11..LL\1J1_�• complete in every particular, and we are determined to give satisfaction The Leading Undertakers, Embalmers, Cabinetmakers, and Upholsterers,—Reith films., The Red Rocker Furniture Store. JOHNSON & ARMOUR, ---PRACTICAL Harness and Collar Makers. 0 Having bought the Business and Stock of GcO. A. Sharman, we are prepared to fill all orders O1 our line at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. We are both practical workmen and eau guarc..ntee a superior class of work at moderate rates, The material will always he Ibund of the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing we hope to be favored with as liberal patronage.as our plc•dcecst,or. Wo have a splendid line of SINGLE 11ARNESS, which for material, workmanship and price, cannot bo surpassed. Full Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON Ss ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. Immense BIG:afflaifl8 EVERY -:- DAY ----AT THE Leading :-: Grocery :-: and Crockery :-: House. J. V6, IRWIN, -cooper's Old Stand, Clinton. Wall Paper! fall Pager 0 SELLING OFF AT COST ! 0 The undersigned will sell off AT COST his well assorted stock of WALL PAPER AND DECORATIONS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. This sale will probably continue -without change until the whole stock is sold. A. WORTHINGTON. Clinton, 28th April, 1889. Solid Facts for The People HARDWARE RETAILED —AT WHOLESALE P$,ICES. Having purchased the Targe and extensive stock of Hardware, ice., of the Estate of R. M. Racoy, which was sold by auction on Murch 27th, 1889, this In connection with our own largo stock, we aro now prepared to give you at prices that will startle you. Don't fail to come at once and secure BARGAINS. Wo ere MARKING DOWN THE PRICES of the combined stocks, which comprise Stoves, Builders', Carriage and Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils, Class, Tinware, &c., all of which will be FAIRLY SLAUGHTERED. This will bo One of the Greatest Opportunities for Builders, Mechanics, Country Merchants, Farmers, &c, to Inurches° that Inas ever been offered in this suction of the country. So do not fail to call and got prices. COAL OIL Wholesale and Retail. A full Stock of ALA BASTINE and KALSOMINE en hand. The Iron and Heavy Hardware Business will bo continued In the OLD STAND of Mr. Racoy, immediately next our own. HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware Merchants, Stoles and Tinware, Clinton AY. WolldOFfuI ;-: BAHGkThS IN Carpets - and- Laeo - Curtains --A'1' J. C. DETLOR & CUS. DissoIutiotl of Partnership Sae! See the GrandDisplay of New Sprinff Millinery •J. C. DETLOR CO. CHINA HAjI1_ N. ROBSON STILL TO THE FRONT. TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, CANNED GOODS, AT BOTTOM PRICES, 1 -Laving bought a large stook ul SUGARS before the re- cent advance in price, I offer SPECIAL INDUCEMEN'T'S to pur- chasers, CROCKERY,,CIIINA and GLASSWARE, Cheap. SEEDS.=-�.EEDS. SEEDS. Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, 'Timothy 'Clover, Alsike, Lucerne, . Orchard; Kentucky and Blue Lawn Grass, tic., &c. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. Na ROBSON. Wall Paper and Decorations 0 RIC ES THAT • • LEASE THE , • o OCKETS OF THE • • EOPLE. • • SELLING FOR HARP CASH TIDIULATA:S MALL PROFITS. • • • • 0 Since we have been handling WALL PAPER our business has greatly increased. Wo are this year bettor prepared than ever to 011 the wants of the Public. 1t will cost you nothing to look over our stock and got prices of our Special Designs in' Gilts, Glimmers, Flats, Tapestries, &c. piilrOur Gilts will not rub off, tarnish, or stain with paste. Our prices range from Sc." TAY-upwards. Get our Prices complete for Decorating and Paper Hnnging,'t'J Air also for Painting, Graining, Sign Writing, Gilding, etc. -11k ' COPP LS LOGAN, City Paint Shop, Isaac Street, Clinton BOUT HATS 0 STI FF HATS.—All the Leading Styles, bought from the best manufacturers. SOFT FELTS. —Tile best and cheapest goods in the market,. STJAW . HATS_ Our stock of Straw Hats is well worth seeing, excellent quality and AWAY DOWN in price. Close buyers should not fail to call and see them. The low prices anal gnu,' duality are selling them very last. GENT'S FURNISHINGS AND FIXE TAILORING. 'i -a F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADINC TAILOR. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING. THE HUB GROCERY —o—o—o—o—o— IIave you tried my Bl('fid of BLACK 'ITA ?—ver" tine, Also my JAPANS at prices to suit you. COFFEE—A 1, everyone who has tried it says so. A very fine RAW SUGAR, low, Glassware, Printed and Plain Tea Setts, Brooms, Brushes, and Wooden Ware. See i..y New Steel Wiro Hoop bails—no dropping off of hoops or falling to pieces. A fresh lot of 2 BROOMS for 25c. Choice FLAX SEET) for sale. Butter and Eggs taken ns Cttsh. 0 Geo. Swallow, Clinton •