HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-05-29, Page 2=
--- people ; Jae inviting the , weary views not only as to the future of OVER THE SIIOIIT LINE. GOOD FORM OF TO-DAY.
'� Amu ; IElV�1->IR�Qxt1Y 'Ca>lada but of the whole Empire, --^-^-"
blears to accept her hoapltal}t and , P
Is ruetienso. then, when he was helpless in sleek►, confessed to a feeling that was Mr. W. C. Van Horne, president in a little book just published,
Bveaty Wednesday Morning nailing hia'laead through his temples almost profound in the revelations and general manager of the Cana- entitled Good Forth, the etiquette
into the ground; yet Deborah, a afforded by actual observation and dian k'aclfle railway, in loontpany of solve few years ago is amusingly
--jay-..``lather inIsrael and a prophetess ersoual with Mr. T. A. Mackinnon, general °untreated with that of today, when •_•_-___
'V'T���� � IV aaaa of the most high God, exulatms : P experience,
P au eriutendeut of the Ontario and everything is more succinct and
Fur a lung time b•+ilk that county,
Blessed above women shall Joel be, EDWARD BLASE AN ALTERED HAILAtleritl0 division of the salvo road, expeditious than it used to be. West Meath, has enjoyed an un -
AT THEIR The wile of Reber the Seofye, bas just made a trip t0. St, John, W hen the ladies of John Leech e
Blessed shall she be above women In rho tent ! I am as satisfied as I am of living enviable notoriety as a ' a}t00ilLLg '
that N. B., over the recently completed time went to dinner parties they
POWER ���$$ PRINTING fl�USE' amorpoue,rrollickingthe 1arHeroalesatof nothing Hon.
f not cynicalato�the utility short line to the sea. Ivtr. Van were shown into bedrooms and county, and especially during the
Ontario Street. Clinton. sacred story -banteringly puzzling of the et P. R. project, returned to sport
appeared delighted with his allowed some minutes to adjust Fenian troubles from 1866 to 1870
the Philistines with bis riddle, semi- the Eaet an altered won. Mr. ,Par trip,,aud expressed himself as well their ringlets. Now they hand it completely eclipsed the ancient
�'16pi ra fear-$tt•?J5 in Advance. callyavenging himself by his device kin, in a public lecture in Vancou satisfied with;the present r°ndition their cloaks to a servant, and walk fame of `Magnificent Tipperary.'
of the coupled 300 foxes, grotesquely ver to an audience that for intelii- of the now road. The last touches straight from the carriage or cab to
The proprietoreof'T11E business
News, slaughtering the thousand, prankish- Indeed, one of the maid clauses of
having purchased the business and plant with the jawbone °fan ass, prankish- gEf'nt interest and representativeness are now being given to the maxi- the presence of their hostess. At
of THE HunoN Recoup, will in future ly striding away with the gates of could not be excelled iu any place time portion of the Canadian Pacific, weddings in "the forties" each the present Preveutiun of Crime
ublish the amlgamatedpapersinClinton, Gaza sonorously frolicking with in the Dominion, stated, quoting ar,d the first passenger train will bridesmaid had a groomsman to Act -the provisiune fur buying
oder the title of "TUE HURON NEWS -
Delilah, leave Montreal for St. John and look utter her and sou that she had compensation on the district where
Delilah, grimly jesting in the very the twit st the Queen of Sheba,
RECORD." act of committing suicide; yet this that, notwithstanding ail he had Halifax the 2nd of June. what she liked at the elaborate
Clinton is the most prosperous town in matt -Bo jovial and mettlesome and heard or read of a trip to the Ter- au outrage has been committed,
Weston). Ontario, is the seat of considerable amorous and wayward -is mentioned urinal City, the half had not beau "Have you completed your breakfasts of the matrimonial funs
agricultural secng, and the centre ofthe finest inthe New°h,Testament muster rowithof told him, and I would, with Mr. tables?" asked a reporter, tion of that day. Now there is which the Land Leaguers depreeat-
agricultural section in Ontario. the sons of Jaim, enshrined onlya ``best wan," though how he ed as a ' blood -tax' -has long been
The combined circulation of Tile Newsascomes bythe superlative adjective known in Ireland as ono of the
such saintly names as Abel and Adam Brown, M. P., advise it in "Not yet, but" the of, and are"rlati a ad it is Meath Ants' front its the �
REcuau o ceeds that of any paper Ptah'
Enoch and Abraham and Moses and the duty of every public man in busily engaged upon them, and the when he to sole J
'shed inathe County of Huron. It is, Samuel ; David, lying to the high the East,who desires to know roc- time between the several )clots on difficult to say. o Among other ars application to khat taunts.
p poiuta
unsurpassed as an advertising priest Aimeleeh, feigning idiocy by tieally something about the eoun- the Short Line will he aunouucod chanr�es of custom is that concerned In a corner of one of the Iargoa�., .
medium. scribbling on the gates of Gath and try for which he is legislating, to in a few days. with too bridesmaid's that
dresses, countries, not many miles from the r
taaRates of advertising liberal, and allowing his saliva to drivel down his cross the continent, and, with the The re 'dont added that he g market town of Moate,lived \Ir,
furnished on application. beard, putting himself at the head of p which used to re oven to the bride.
facilities and comfort now afforded could out ale for a certainty, but And our authoress might have added Dennis Graydon, J. P., of Graydon
xdlParties making contracts for a spec'• a band of freebooters, organizing a for that purpose, veryfew can ex ho though that eighteeneaihours
fled time, who discontinue their advertise• seraglio, seducing Bathsheba, minasP fthat i t is no longer faeh}enable, as it House. Ilia propbrty was not
p y dering Uriah, imprecating psalms of Buse themselves on the score of would probably lie about the then was, for the bride to cry. All large, and consisted in a great
ment,hbefore the ax it of the same, willreductive
be charged full rotas. cruelest vengeance, yet this man of time, expense or physical inability. runninghetime between this city and weddings nowadays are dry-eyed• measure, of not very p
Advertisements, without instructions as deceit and adultery and murder is OUR GREAT HERITAG8, the commercial capital of New Crying hoe "gone out," it was the bog ; but altogether it brought hirn
to space and time, will be lelf to the julg- called the "man according to God's If the mineral and timber outlook Brunswick, and that if trains left very height of fashion in the year in a little over £1,000 a year, laud
meat ot;tha compositor in the pisplay, in• own heart." Montreal in the evening a close 1827 When Sir Edward Bulwor on this he lived as an excellent
`,sited until forbidden, measured by aof the north shore, the magnificent connection could be made with the
scale of solid noiipareil (12 lines to the - stretch of prairie in our great North- I C. R. trains running to Halifax,
Lytton married Miall Rosins Wheel- type of the best class of Irish
itch), and charged 10 cents a line for first OUR GREAT HERITAGE, west, the unsurpassed sceneries of or, an eye witness of the ceremony squires. His residence was 1110 re-
insertion and 3 cents a line for each sub- the Rockies and Selkirks, and 1110 according to the present arrange- describes both bride and bride- gulatiutl square stone house of the
Sequent insertion, Orders to discontinue FROM THE WAVE SWEPT SHORES OF smiling and salubrious Canadian menta of that road. However, Mr• groom as being "overcome with country, eltll»tell in a little park
advertisements must be in writing. THE ATLANTIO TO THE SUN -HISSED Van Horne had :no doubt that be- sensibility," pale, tottering and where the cattle grazed ; and devoid
8 Notices sot as solid Nn MATTER, foPrest,
coast, with all its wealth l -
forest, fisheries, mines and agricul- fore the road was opened plans tearful. No one totters to the altar of any great attempt at external
(measured by a scale r solidt the riel, 12 PACIFIO SLOPE. would beperfected whereb a 000
fines to the inch) charged at the rate of ture, do not inspire a pride iu they now. It would not be "good forth." adornment beyond a narrow shrub -
es.nts a lone for each insertion. An Empire correspondent writes
inheritance of so vast and rich a tinned service would be obtained But the bride must not, on the bory in front, which was defended
from Vancouver :- from Montreal to the Canadian
domain, the sordid side of nature other haul, romp upe the aisle in front the attentions of the cows y
o . may at least be appealed to in the winter port. Luing asked if any the exultation of her heart. The an iron paling. Inside, the big.
JOB WORK. The probtemeregardin"the future y Pl iublic demonstration would markroomyhouse was uharactorised h
We •have one of the best appointed Job of this country are best solved by prospect of corner lots in Vancouver. 1 correct pace is perhaps, beet dos- Y
crossing it. It is to be hoped that there are few the inauguration of the road, the cried as resembling that of ai simplicity and comfort rather than
this d west of Toronto, Our facilities in that it hadelegance, but Graydon House was
this department enable us to do all kinds " so im resses a traveller who layau claim to be Canadian generalmanagerrepliedpoliceman on his beat. It is slow
of work -from a tin tyle to aknown to ,the No'th}nom p Y never been the custom of the Caun-
poster, in the beat style known to the le and
especially if he be a Canadian, with so unimpressionable, and so far as I dian to make any fuss . or and stately. oheerp places inone of the othe st hountyband the
craft, and at the lowest possible rates the greatness of Canada as a trip know none of them have come this tut on Pacificitheto'.mak similar coca- ' Squire was deservedly popular
Orders by mail promptly attended to, over the C. P. R. We hear men in way yet, I know no better Way of 'loos, and that au exception tvould
Address the East talking about the national curing those afflicted with political be made }m the oeexcet cane. HER NOSE WASN'T PLUMP among the gentry.
The News -Record, overland highways, as ' though " it ennui or dissatisfaction with their ____ With his tenantry the caro was
Clinton. Ottt were a political product of trick- own country than to come for a "We complete the road," couclu- I have been making a study of different. If Dennia Graydon had
sters, cpnstructed in a freak of gen- short visit -ere don't ask them' to ded the president, "and put it noses lately, and really it's astonish- the virtues of his class, he was not
Y P ing to find how large a proportion quite free from its failings. He
erosity, and presented as a gift to a stay -to this province, where, it is immediately into operation, and of the noses are twisted to one side was not exactly a harsh li ndlord-
The Huron Nexus -Record company of speculators and mouop- a pleasure to remark, a grurnbler or that is all there is about it."
°lists, who used it chiefly as an in- defamer of his country might fairly ,., -or the other. Try to find the toed- }tea was too open-handed and good -
$t.60 ,Year-1b1.251n Ad,anoe• atrument of tyranny and extortion. bo classed as a rara avis. ium line of a person's face by trac- natured for that --but he was aome-
But one has only to ride over it THE YELLOW GARTER,• ing it from the tip of his nose and what inclined to be overheating and
or The mien does not do justice to his Liminess see how you come out 1 Many obstinate, and he took litho trouble
ren s1 ends lees w advertising t the nail than he docs ntn leerfroforf°ntt'eal t° the Vancouver of The Iatea6 And funniest W1111D
rent. I A. T. Brsw�xr, nautao,aa+re ++arrclaant learn the first time the extent AMERICA'S WHEAT biAPKET very people who imagine that their noses to conceal his contempt for the
of New York. its usefulness and to realize the stu- is the wearing of the yellow garter. are perfectly straight would find by servile and treacltoroua peasantry
pendous enterprise that accomplish- SOME INTERESTING STATISTICS. Just one garter, not two, you under- a close inspection that these ap- living around hint. His peasantry
Wednesday. May 129th 18S9 ed it. I have no desire to deal inhand, and it moat be worn above pendages gee or haw at little -per- were by no mons the beat of their
platitudes and repeat what is now Waehingtog, May 20, -Mr. Dodge, rho left �knoe, The other stocking haps to their SI0U80ntent and may class, and from one reason or an -
almost stale verbiage concerning the statistician of the Agricultural De- may . be wrinkled disconsolately bo to their chagrin. other they hated him cordially.
B113LE, HEIiOLS. part which the C. P. R. plays es a pertinent, regrets that Europe is over the shoe top or bo fastened in A Portland dentist tells a story For snare back Chore had been an
factor of development and as a bond practically the only market that place by any or all of th"e myster- to the point. Says he : "After I intermittent warfare going on be -
Chs fact of man being a coin- of national muton, but there is Americans can have for wheat, and loos devices known only t•o rho had fitted a set of false teeth to a twoen them and their landlord,
pound of good and evil has puzzled she imports only 144,000,000 bush -initiated, but the left one is hold lady, she exclaimed, `Why ! you and among the country gentlemen
AN ,ASPECT OF Tilt MATTER els a year, raising1,200,000,000
of all times avid fur-rfirmly by a band of se yellow silk haven't got the middle' of the set in it was a constant source of wonder
philosophers which; at the present time, has au bushels herself, more than half. the elastic, with a ribbon rosette of the the midle of my face a that the master of Graydon House_*,
niched scoffers at religion with air importance that cannot be over- world's crop and twice that of all same :shade, and the correct and hail so long escaped the bullet off excuse for saying that alt• mon ars estimated or too strongly iinpresWe America. Of the European deficitpropel thing is to wear it night and "I looked again, and thought I • the assassin, •
liars and hypocrites, But the upon the mind of Canadians, encs the United Statue supplies day for six months. had. Dennis Graydon,. however, had
religious student of human nature, may be said to be still in the forma -95,000,000 bushels. In oats and Y one or two very strong points in his
five stage, and to have reached a barley there is a very small interna- ,Phe Yellow garter's origin is "'Rut just look at ,: nose !' said
especially the enlightened Chris shrouded in murky uncertainty, she, 'The middle of rho set certain-
Ir in, the straggle. Well over
Chris -
crucial point in our history, a crisis lienal trails, Europe importing only
six feet high, with a massive and
tion student, eau easily understand precipitated to a large extent by the 19,000,000 bushel of gate and the ant lbs signification is known to ly is not in line with the middle' o
every girl �tvho possesses •it, and , my nos,.' well-proportioned frame, he was
why it Is that roan on earth is agitations of the past year or two.United States exporting 2,500,000 this is its charm : Any girl who "'That may be,' Said I, 'but your probably more than a match in
neither an angel nor a devil. He for a change in our political tela bushels. Of barley this country tvaars a yellow garter above her nose-' physical strength for any other man
linos, and it is beyond question that bushels seven sud half million loft knee is euro to bo engaged in "'Do you wean to tell me that any in the count`}': gentleman or peas -
, ss strange admixture of hath• the duty of rho hour is to consider bushels, Rye is the groat bread less thaw six months. The garter g
good purposes of thestrain of eastern and central Eu rope,by
nose ain't straight?' aut. But above all h0 was a man
Aud for toop 1 most carefully all the conditions o must be given to hera friend, I think you will find that such of most reckless and determined
Creator, It were usnless to have that anter into the problems now and Russia alone produces more alto must not male or buy it, and is the case.' courage. Of this he had, semi
man a mere machine. He was discussed iu the press and on the than does the United Stator. it bas never been known tel fait of few years before the time of which
floor of Parliament. Europe imports not loss than one its purpose Duce, and thea the "'How much is your bill 1 111 I am about to speak, a very signific-
made a perfect sentient being but A GREAT WORK. and a half million'. bushels, and the payit,andyou can liceyour old
owner was wearing it on the wrong � p ant proof, He was driving home
sus°eptible to evil iutlueucca. It is Undoubtedly the Canadian Pacific United Stataa exports less than about seven o'clock on an October
quite evident that the Creatorextremity, or rather the right one teeth !
railway is the greatest undertaking three million bushels. The rocepta instead of the loft. "She paid the bill, threw down evening, from the fair of Moate,
never intended him to be au iufalli- that has ever occupied the attention of European countries requiring r Just wherein lies its potency the set, and founded out, a angry alone in his dog -cart, Though he
ble machine. Tho whole tenor of of statesmen of modern times, tak- maize do not make a sum half so belongs to toe ethics of the esuterioe as an angry woman could bo. She had recently received several threat -
the writings of the old and new ing into consideration the circum- large as the product of Illinois or g contempt for his adversaries that he
testament undoubtedly point to this. stances which. affected the enter- Iowa or Missouri. Great Britain then, slim Blips of girls who foolish she was,she layawake all
prise, The1pe sparseness of population, takes nearly three•fourtha of ,thenight,
and had day came back, carried no arms.
The more nun restrains* his fallible the undeveloped condition of the total or sixty two million buahols fun,though they aren't t jhalf old apologized, her work finish -
It was almost quite dark, and he
want Theto be engaged est gfor nt ht and the ttoxt
tendencies, the more is the Creator country and the shortness of time and this country exports sixty-eight
enough . to be married ;the bright, ed."had about two miles of the lonely
pleased. The leas a man is in,. ill which it was completed ; but million bushels The deficiency of clever girls, as sweet and spicy and had still to travel, when without
elined to do wrong the leas rneri- after all, it is still only a link in Franco could be supplied by Mc- clevewholragme acarnations, who have `One day last week Y. O. Cam- any warning a shotelwas fired from
Merits Is the feet of his doing right, great commercial system of con- Loan County, Ill., and Germany re -a career before them, and say they behind a high bank, and Mr. Gray-
thetinental and intercontinental traffic quires still less• I'>ussia and Rou- are wouldn't marrythe most man in the ousky of Kingstone took his family ! d°$ heard a charge of `slugs' whistle
comes in where the ineliva- which it is possible to look forward mania have a surplus, .Southern
world; the hopeless girls that have out for a sail on a steamer. Before by his load, while a sharp twinge
tion to do wrong is powerful and to, whereby Canada will be lifted Europe grows enough for home con tried everything else, you know,and going he procured a small phial of in his left shoulder told him that
where tont incliu<ation is curbed to i position that bears no comps`'• su bills . ' Europe imports over are accustomed to failures; the sweet
brandyin case of sickness. Little ono of the missiles had reached its
and brought into comparative con son to that at present occupied by 0110 billion pounds °f rico, but none hearted womanly, girls, why are Kennth, ten years of rage, took sick mark. He pulled up his horse,
fortuity to Christian teachings, her. The possibilities of this Do of it conies from he. ited States. wailinglike Marianna in the mooted
minion can only be realized by Of potatoes Europe grows more and was given a spoonful of the jumped out of the trap, and all un-
rnis is fairly Well shown not only viowiug them from the point, of than elle needs, whiletheUnited grange and sighing because '•he liquor, which revived him. Yostor- armed as he was, at once climbed
by the lives of the old Bible heroes t•autatu afl'urded by the Pacific Status supplies her deficiency from
cometh not," and the naughty day morning about seven o'clock }lo over thn bank, just in time to sen
characters of the heroes coast. Iter destiny lies.notalone Canada and Gorman}•. Only Great witching girls who could marry was found by his mother lying in• three then, ono of whom clurietl,a
but by the P,ritain,Belgium and I'ortngal, of every follow in the market if they sensible on the floor, and near him gun, ruuning away across a big
of the new di ee,ensation, Peter
in the Atlantic coast not ``lune in were not so sort of bewildering was the empty phial, the contents of pnsturefielal. Fortunately the 'slug'
` her fi1101 1 I her f�restH, her farms (all1(1 a CTIO i'h better Edo n°t that no nue quite dares ask thou), which, about a gill of brandy, ho which had hit him had merely cut
and Paul aro notable examples of ;and her Iniva'i•als, wonderfully as ,llto0 enough nutter and to, spare' and the shy iris who hide the
pro -
the fallibility of loan and Itis if ore, but away OVor time waters To )))cake uta the cl(eftciency, 25,000,- Y g had swallowed. Ito had found the through the . fleshy part of his
E1V11 inftuenue as of the Pacific until wrst.. howulnos 000 pounds, 1110 United States ex- yellow brand form their very best bottle in a small cupboard. Medi- shoulder, and he lest no tint0 in
susceptibility to friends, and think of -it when they cal aid was called in. A stomach giving chase to his assailants, ilUt
also examples of mural rngunlern,
cast, again, r•tI(l 11 I t'``ale of Lrllirah ports 24,000,000. It roquiles say their Ira we All wattle" for Home
i CJr1110U100 t4 completed. 140,0011,ij00 poll Ulla U1' C11Cf'He to Y t Y ° e p4trr:l) was used, but uutwithstaud• lie tKle ittcumbered with a long,
w1IA1 A VISIT tet1.1, no, supply the .Europium do(1010ncy, of brave knight of the garter to help ing that every effort was uuu10 to heavy, frieru (1(1Viur coat, and the
tion. The following is n curious
epitome of the lives of the ell I , , ,•s• fent that oven ,vhiah 1 l'S,UOO,+K)0 rtl'I) furnished them sulvn the problem concerning save his life, too little fellow Bind throe teen gut over rho 8(•0,1[(1 (roto
l It is a surprising ti.tng by the United States. Europe has the success u1 failure of the tithe- at five o'clock tuext• morning, after iu advance of him, the out who
Bible heroes : the )urn who just a should
the honored institution which is causing suffering terrible agony for nearly earl Iod the. gun lutving thrown the
tint' lvratt, 'qui tvtrla:u[:er MEN trio p.l0co that Canada Hhuul,} open. to import ill her cotton, the average Ho much controversy at l)r0sent-mall twenty-four hours. weapon away in his an8lay Io
CII0 I';N As IDEALS ur nut,]s r;:;8l 1 bytea, un of her natural resources annual 1111(01)3 being (i3ti 000 0110 } escape, Across the second fold
1 Y )01111(19, '1'111 :1%`tit('l1 States 8(11(19 wear the yellow garter,
Not the least of the ethical lli(ft, itud geographical position, and men 1 Graydon gained on the fugitives
•ulties of the 111blo is the uuwnrthi- who Il,v(, 811,11011 all the condi,iuls her 1,850,01111,001) pounds. Mr.
1)011"e says : -" ilh,lnt, unr-tnnlh of --Frank Wheeler, ,i �' •u:.g to .0 flOoD FOR AIA,. ;Ilial lust mania l ri to 1 t hurl of
ss of tetany of the 1)10 Testament that nuisL enter into her thine' e, our a'�rir.nl:nral t1n,(Illnt9 i9 export- aeon), ;hilly tears old, eu,e11ti1t,• i Dora Sirs: -1 can recommend Ifag- tl;r, hin(101 :81 OI' 1;10 talion a4 h" et (4
heroes, ant's the Andover ilplReview. t!aat '101 1••, 1 t11136 t•' thesi101, nal. No other nation exports 80 sltici,ll' at Ingersoll by Le'it'h, his yard's -Yellow Oil as a sure entre for 1)ntuhl'rieg up the silo of a steferi
1'OI• ex71.,tplle t - Nosh, a,o ntltpeiie,l puce 'wt 1 u:l}' ulnster(1 the silnta• large 8 n•r) )urriun yet Iho articles
m, from
m 4tek into
with ty
ice that he lav uncute'tr.1i iu n Until til`} sill n vi -it to this1 ! throat 1[I+ was at one time t'1, ' snffnrert19f°r some ttiln(, that was ilio/lit,1}1., an pulledfur •t11minute the',•
his tont ttnc,nnsaiou; of his nullity ; ti�14 1)uriu' 0l limil'r,t rrcillcnco allilrp"rl abroad stn tcw. They are tllu}m •nt of ills .l:vula 1,)ul, �' cured with two bottles, It 19 the
was a despond.° struggle ; but it,
yet we 'a aro t.011d that "Noah k, a4 at ,J t `� Pn1tUIl, ;ubnrrn, Ill I'.a i'�, I)1'eaElst offs IYaIU) lit lltal.l r'tt11'I )Ig cart 1ltttl l•, lv bust thing1can get far man (11110r4l1. 1
righteous in thn lruviice of ubunt tiv tnuuths, Ia3 Wits ,+oun over, nn(i t Irl►} 11un h 1
t,(11)man, perfect,181(1 in Itis Qltern• } nnld 01(8080. 111 u1h1 Erlicl1 9 lo• was (li u'l rgt)l 1'ruln lhuir s, t', is"+ .I. Mustard, Strati,avnu, +int. 1 ing ids man against the buil: -Oki
tion, ngl walked with ant , .of his i' 1.:.4 I) ,:n m}' Mrtilll[r1 a9 ttr11 a4 golLer are hal thu•e mr cent of the
1 shoal two weeks ono. ifs hall L nit 1 his 1„ft hand, struck him three tar
cunningly taping advantage of his Ivy I!aly luol''s•iunnll} to ii '"rvir (3I 1, ,elle, l';nl.tr:;r+velli. of the stir -
up an 1 ;,Lu'tl all Om morning and hour Mows in the taco whit his
a riOie;rs hunger to Loy from biro at who c vii y prison or ;cry t:uto hilt,, moat il,�•,i(1ahly r"1lncu the, 1(0 1;aurtiriui'Ir Ill il''i''ll"0 MI, 1iot',+,;l -.1 well-known 111(1;i0iln of
a rirlicnlcltt9 fiy;ure the nnapp aisrtL!e who lrt3 hn(1 orr,.t.•.un to rI me tu ) ri�'te!, ,tn,l then 1 Hotly let }lila
,„•n 1 ,x.11 u.l 11 ,I;,n a1, 1 �allrun(I. 1t' 1 i1 his •u•ti,rls, At 110,1.1 a tar• :g( Montt -ell, Mr, t1•iea.r M1 Ll, 111. I }'
birthright, lielih(rntely lying 10 thi.+ 1 unr),nerr in Ihnt linin, at',l 'nihil 1' dirty ,a '.11 .''a tvharn lith nits n
n1I1 fakher u,I'nnly st'" ,"i t n ,(.(hitt ila4 1,I "(I ,1,0 nu iv t'"Il}' +n I"'Ik In (ot'Ign na.iull4 I W:18 Sint. to lii9 ronin to `nut e to recieved e letter fr,olt l lin e'u,, ur!rr.tly stunt -Lit.
11im1 ) I nhay }r 1
0 n from his 1>1'071)00 tor },atr;arrlu,l , , • t. , e I ilial, r;"r c:i1•iuu 1 1''; •t la Hi))) ,,r 10 (11 ;lir+ hullty Ilittnw' ullrn h+• wag ,1i,'I rlarrrll lv. hranrn informing hilts that 11'8 j 14b1P. Y. -retell 1 a" wont i 1„t
W mayor t h+t. tat It [ tt llurlrn.le Ludnc, l The other two l•!'
latil) n'( of the first h•, )18 ('\n• �, 1'1'0 ''.1 „1'-•I1rn!t 1,)• .tial h are in_' 011et,1 on the (lour in n pool of 91`11 tlln..lrr Dame !� to 1(,• t 1�IIn. 1u' 1 1' � •'3 Ilu0,rnlu I i
1,y • Vtta „ing, sil1,t 111 1 ce It e '1'' 1 "h•,8 l'e•sumo h"ir' 4s to ee4'ts ns a,rrr (IV thi, 1(110 ('tr „tit -,
01' ! o'un11„1t1 t.., IL,' .t„li••n11� ; • Ott I+v"ly I lela•rl tti',h hi4 lhro,t e'tt t•ro•:4,
b .shall i�ei lr,. i,,,l, , , •
1, 1114 poplar �el 14, rl131 I' of ills ti 117'1^ 11, ' t'1 I 10 1' , , .lI l"1i I 'lly'1 Irl -,•8r ring the 1)1 1.1 ''I'))111 the fl',tte., or olwitt, `„' I,11) 1,11111), 1 of re",eh, 1'))') '14 it t1•P4 317'1' 1 0-
y poplar 8n11 h.a nl rrnls 8' r. tri) ,:)t„<. Ih,1 0untiurnt II all ", ;ly
prt(le,l 1 1 ' I I ,;,. ,,' I„' 1,;�, 'II„ 14 , , .,; 1,1� i,1,•111,eI..t' 'I,;t• � I, „1 �, "',n..nrr JTc!� 1y tv:I snot through the dr.tlh ,.r Mr. lir,l:'t, � i:.• i'..!'• 1 , 0 arty a m to viii 4 Itt•I), •
vilely cringing before his outraged 1) 1 1 (((«11 •I, in an in Ill'• ;t a u31111011 airs, no t,; ',e,t't • It 1 ,l ; I :'h 8 hi • f, 1;' h'
n,. .t ' i 1.0011,11, 1,'il, It,. (100th",d "
teeth, r, a InSll 111r1'Cl'tl1111 e11,1 11•,11 h,•,III ,"!,1,1 II, 'Till' i _al' Irlj _ 't, 1, I A•r. t) 111) 111, ,tit', 111'11 •)1„11 ,1,`11
(1"nrilful anti Lltr.hy : yet ilia min Itis ,, �, ,,, i•, . 1 :. �. I 1• i' IIi tl nn1„ ' �=:,t v. :1nlung his nti''rl8 o.Id, tvhq u• 4:1 b ): It in �1 •t," i t � .
Lasts tett n letter from 1119 mutt(.) well hnn)en in 111,1,1'••1 ,Irl ?',mid ,,:I Iit,1 in L�I,1 11 1'1.11, 1,,x1 hal' "(
1' rrp1:0"V girl as 1l eavc1n'9 8pnr„a1 1, ''''-'1 1 ; (;I•n, R. I' 1 Il in, i'
s nnnhe:nfe,l thn Llr44e,1,f '. \ 1 11 f; \, \f 'e. \ 1' d l.\ 1)S,' ,t t i tt ell n 't11('r ('Intra 11ir1+ a `4111 rinl!y ,'[Iran hrr too' 1, Ir l: I11 his trap, 1110 'horse Ill i
0,4117le, ) v 14hu Out Ill a'11fe' 1''tly'1iii• L,"1.011 111.')11an1•1ll mind,' rt;
(•'4111 i of I1,+1,11;,1 +ul,} i'I'niol, o t hi4 I -t \ •• .1, halloos, 111, fl oil "'111) 11 'lnl.; ,',l t,'1),'Pe Lo lett him, 1)1(11
,,, ,• � 1,1�,thl•r at 1)tl'tttr, who terlr �t, chip lull„I ir, I .
ulalul in l,rae{ la,as 1,CPUIlt,1 til( +:)n t I j' ;i'1 1t: 1;1) 1 •n l n'. t' 1 7(" { II; I' I 1 (IIs „)'t'i'' n. 1'nr l; 1 Ills, 4nvtll 1, ;t:l I ,j tut, i;; into the deg -cart he
at nit, 1, ;:nal n„n1t ; III r,• 1" 7411,1 -.Ileo•),)'(tell. r, ei 'lnl' �1 witll'lV t,',r1 �(r4( h, 811011'It 1icin been ttnrl
h �nnrel,tn rlc�liguntlen nl the •iewi.h nlu•+t