HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-05-22, Page 3" The Old Oaken Bucket, The Iron -bound Bucket. The Moss -covered Bucket," le very likely the one that has convoyed polsons to your system from sprite old well whose waters have become contaminate.! from sewers, vaults, or percolations from the soil. To eradicate these poisons from the system and gave yourself a spell of malarial, typhoid or bilious fever. and to keep the liver, kidneys and lungs in a healthy and vigorous condition. use Dr. Pierce a Golden Medical Discovery It arouses all the excretory organs into ac- tivity. thereby cleansing and purifying the system, freeing it from all manner of blood - poisons no matter from what cause they have arisen. All diseases originating from a torpid or deranged liver. or from impure blood, yield to its wonderful curative prop- erties. It regulates the stomach and bowels promotes the appetite and digestion and cures Dyspepsia, "'Liver Complaint." and Chronic Diarrhea. Salt-rbeum Tetter. Eczema, Erysipelas, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings. Enlarged Glands cad Tumor, disappear under its use. "Golden Medical Discovery" is the only blood and liver medicine, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee of its bene- fiting or curing in every case, or money paid for it will be promptly returned. Copyrigbt,1888, by WORLD'% Drs, MED. ASSN, The Huron News -Record $1..60 a Year—;11.25 1n Advance. AR' Thenyarn dues not do jjstice to hid busi)u'.•a icho xpe.ate ton sal advei tieing than he deed in rent.—A T. S^EwAar, the , ir..'')uaire merchant of Nem reek. Wednesday, May 22nd, 1889 CRISP CURRENCY. PROSt l a.miurUN SI'E(rrATtet Now we know why (Arita admire Parnell with such intense admires tion. PARNELL and our own lion. George 1lrasiiingtou Ross, Ontario Minister of h: lucation, are two of a kind. Tilt•; dervishes have killed Ras. etoot and Ras•alula. And public opinion has Hlain Bas.winnul, PARNELL Will probably nut l'e presented with the freedom of Edin- burgh. But the improbable hap- pened this bine, though the Scot doesn't like a ,liar. 1►, .Ueorge Washington were •nlive to -.tray he would have to bury his • hasehet Or he couldn't he r•. r•,i a ward Boss aiming tilo Ifrosont getter- ation of American politicians. '.fitii Canadian Jesuit•ehasers found much comfort in 11, the alleged riot iu :,. •-i 11 ,ate: Intelligence Hln,i:.. '1111: rl'' , ;rim .4 • . , as;itatuis is that tt. , kala, .t 0 !,at of unlit t toldCui.a..„.a tory eourt. 1' 441 t 1 area g)od exsuup:r;. f._'UUN'1'Y UUIii- ENC' --At live o'clock ;May 3111 when Mr. E. Alichener, Mole ageut, Bee- lin, s ho is 20 year's of age,was driv- ing ou the town line between P.ant- ford and Bright a stranger stopped him and asked hint for a ride. Afs ter riding for two miler• the stranger asked him if he could change a five dollar bill. lle told hint no. that he had only a five dollar b'.1' aunt some email change The btrauger theu asked if he woual sell hie horse. Ile said he would t,.ke $GO for it. Upon reaching Birlt's swamp one utile frutu B. ibl(i, t iMa c, the strange'• said he would tate the horse without pay, at tite Montt time holding a pistol at A1lchener's breast. Alicheuer clutched 1 he pine• ton, when it went off, the hall going into' his hand. He nfrerwart's pulled out the ball with his knife and got 1)e. Lake to dress the wound. The scoundrel ,juullt da rues the conveyance and mach for the swamp. He lel a main of thirty•tive years of age, of slender hutlai, tive feet nine inches; with red moustache wears a grey sack coat and bi&ck pants, with a light 4itripe in them. —Warsaw, in 'the eastern pail of North Carelina, was Htrut:k by a te.'rifi0 cyclone one day Iaat week. Hail fell with Hue!) raptd('y and violence as to lie eight 'inches deep i•; thirty-six seconds. Many small houses were blowu away almost bodily and large I1ouees were torn Up, 80 that they are not habitable. The seminary building was split open and nearly deetroycd. The Presbyterian Church was tolad1y demolished, not a slick of manner being left that may be used for re- building. Fences were torn up end spattered like Ieat,'s. No los, of ren is reported, but many people Ween seriously hurt by t1:' flynl., timbers. 4n mINPIMMIMIRMINSOMPMIIMR JUST FOR JPUN. —A woman, considered to be huff -wilted, was being teased by ber ueighhors on being an old Maid. allow is it ye never gut married?' said one, 'Oh, ye see,' she replied. •lf 1 had been hs easily pleasrd wt' a watt as your Ulan's been wi' a wife, 1 ruicht late been tnarrat fifty tunes over. —Hie name was John, and be worked in the queries at West Sulli• van. Otte day he was seed carry- ing a ten quart pail full of powder and sulokiug a pipe from which the hot ashes were continually blowing. A fellow-workwen hailed hits, say- ing: 'You coufounledidiot, don't you know any better than to be swukiug that pipe when you are carrying poAn'dei1' John—'Oh, that's all right; I'm all ready to fling it if she gets on fire,' —A few eveltings ago a fire broke out in a barrel of charcoal in the hallway of a house iu new Loudon, Conn. One of the linnets of the house aulelled the smoke, and, artned with a bucket of water, Made a rush for the hallwsy. Directly opposite the barrel bung a large mirror which pictured the fire to perfection. The excited wan did not hesitate, but threw the water at the mirror, the glass falling to the ground with a loud crash. The fellow really thought lie extinguish- ed the blaze, and the house would probably have been burned had not another man poured a pail of water on the burning material. — The Lewiston Journal tells of twin sisters who formerly lived in Waldo County, Maine, who looked so much alike that no one out of the family could distinguish Jane from Susan, and their fetherhiwself was sometimes puzzled. Susan had a "beau,” a devoted young tri n,,who called often and staid late, so often and so late that the young lady be- gan to feel the lack of sleep; and re- marked one afternoon that she al'. Most hoped George wouldn't come tonight. "Why can't I take your place for once and give you a vac•a. tion?" asked her sister. The offer was at once aucepted; the tired dans sel gut a good night's .sleep, and George never knew that he spent one evening from 8 P. M. until 6 A. m, in Jane's Society until several years after Susan was happily, mare ried. —The town of Meddybomps, for there is a town by that name down in Maine, has had its first genuine excitement in law suit between two of i' • citizens ---the only case at law the town has had in a happy exis- tence of 48 years —What is a kiss ? which is a question which has agitated the rnrld for centuries. TIie great problem is solved at last! Dr. Henery Gibbons, in a recent lecture at San Francisco, (It scribed a kiss as "the anatomical ju:xtap:)sition of two 0l'Wi.ulali8 oris niueclt•H in a state of vontraction," --A- West Chester; Pa., bride- groom, tau Minutes after he had been %X e'Irl,:d, put his hand in his pocket and (landed the minister his t*r',.8 pil'lr• wt'ICiI iirol(3d to bt- u (piercer instead or a tensdol!cte t.,old piece. LItlr'r the bappj l.ut confu-wdvotieg mite discovered h.s tuiiluke au;l 111.ide hulf&tantial e.'. planation to the .•everend gentleman. The hiidr8l'oow in relating the inci- dent afterwards said:—"lie took the ten -dollar gold piece with plea, sure, but the wean part of it was that lie did not make eft (:xnhang(; he kept the quarter, too." —The love of the colored man fcr the flesh of the animal which is forbidden to the Hebrew is prover• bial. One of them was heard to say while in the middle of a learned dis- cussion upon epicurean delights:— "Fur my part I likes good ting to eat. Now, joss yer tick yer.cuteu outer de woods ou a nice spring morning like die is, an yer comes to a brook, (traps in yer (took, wid a hig, fat, sassy, wriggling worn) on him, an, zip! yer truw outen de grass a speckled trout. Yer Make yer fire, an' toll him all .over meal. Then yer hold him over, an' when the just right yer takes hitt by de tail and swelters him, Talk about good eatin', white man; it's mos' t z good ex haul," -- The pollee of Woodstock, arrest - a mall who gave his name as Wu]. McLin and put him in jail for safe- keeping. They had noticed some- thing peculiar about his notions for a day or so before this and had kept a watch fur him, The information was convoyed by some boys that he was trying to commit suicide by drowning himself in the river. He hall tied a stoue around his neck awl Tilled his pockets with others. The boys prevented him from ac• colupiishing his purpose, and suc- ceeded in diverting This attention, up towu, where he fell into the hands of the police. Ho is about 35 years of age and•olaims both Ot- terville and (.)ra>j\gevillo for his home. Ile was remanded for ten days so that further particulars can be ascertained, and afterwards made another determined attempt to take his life, Ile fuok off -his suspenders,. fastened them to his cull door, and mad., a nous-, in which he placed hie neck. Turnkey Forbes fortu- nately noticed him before he had time to do himself any harm. LEU[ HILL'S FUNERAL ATp TBE ABRANUEM1 i'r8 WERE CON - SIDERE D PERFECTLY SATISFAO- 1.OItY. Another of the queer characters in White horse camp was a man known as Lem Hill. He was as !Wild as buttermilk autl as dull as a hoe, and. uo one ever thought of asking his advice or interesting themselves in his affairs: One day 110 took sick, and after a period hist- ing about three weeks it Was seen that he must die. It was deemed that someone should break the news to him, and so Judge Kelso dropped in and said ; "Leon, yuu 1143 guiug to turn up your toes before another sunrise." "I guess I am," quietly replied Lem. ".'Well, that pint ,being settled and no exceptions taken, what last requests hev ye got to make? We want to do the fair thing, you kuow although it's busy time." "Kiri 1 hev a funeral 1" queried Lent. • "You kin." "Reg'lar procession 1" "Yes." "I don't expect any collie, of course, but I'd like to ltev the affair pulled off reasonably decent. You kin plantlmo on the hill beside the Frenchman. I guess we wonit quar- rel.'' "Yes, we'll do that, though it's purty hard digging up thar." "Needn't mind going over a couple of feet," said Lem, "and the fellers with the body bad better take the left hand path as they go up ; it's eerier to climb." "Got any wealth 1" asked the judge after a moment's silence:. "A couple of ounces, mebbe." "Mighty slim show for a big spread on.that, but we can't help it. Well, Lem, it's. my busy day, you know, and I must cut this short. Hopp you v :,tee." "Oh, certainly not. Don't neg- lect work on my accouut. Suuthiu' said at the grave 1" "Just a few words, Lem, and I'll say '010 myself. I'll practice up this afternoon and git some whiskey to clear my throat. I want to make a decent job of is." "What'll you say 1" "[Why, that you die([ happy— hey left an aching void—we shall all nl? ")n—cut down iu yer prime it it on purty thick." "ly . i w sure 1 couldn't ask for more, and perhrps it's hotter than I could expect. Su long, judge. Go bags to your work, and I'll go on with my dying." And the judgo loft the shanty whist• ling as was his wont, and Lem had been dead over an hour before word carne to usduwrl in the gulch. Tho funeral came oil' next mottling, 81n1 it has always been a pleasant remem- brance with ole that the judge did considerably better than he agreed to. Ile gave two eulogies in place of one and alter the burial he licked one of the men who wouldn't knock of Ivey!: to atl.eiiil. THE CLIMATE IIF THE CANA- DIAN NURCII\VES'1 Some days ago the SPECTATOR copied from the Edmonton Bulletin a statement of the temperature at Edmonton during a week in April. We have now the weather review of February issued by the meteoro- logical bureau or t.`anadit, which shows the remarkable mildness of the winter along the base of the Rocky w euntains as compared with Manitoba. And the remarkable thing is, that the average tempera- ture (lees not fall with the increase of latitude, During the mouth of February the average temperature at 'Winnipeg was 3,7 below zero, and the ay'urago of eleven places in Manitoba was 2,5 below. At Medicine Hat at it was 16.2 above; at Gleichen, 15.2 above; at Banff, 17.7 above; and at Edmoritun it was 20.6 above zero. It is true that this temperature was higher at all these places than the average of the same month for four or fire previous years;: but, making that allowance it will be seen that the February temperature at the plaices named was very moderato, and compares not unfavorably with Southern On- tario. Isere the month was consi- derably colder than the average of previous years. At Point Pelee the average for the month was 19 a- bove; at London, 17.7; at Hamilton 79.8; at Toronto 17.8. at Kingston, 12.4. The fluctations in Alberta, however, are much greater than in Ontario. At Edmonton the range was 90 degrees—from 62 above zero to 28 below. At Hamilton, the range wrs only 52 degrees— fiom 43 above to 9 below. The country near the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains will yet be found to bo the garden of Canada. —A telegram from Saltcoats, Man. say's: A loaded gun in the hands of John Patton, went off, killing in- stantly a fine little boy, hie nephew, and son of T. Patton, one of the commercial colony settlors. Tho uncle is nearly crazed with sorrow. I7e ter Oeea9 Is Published Every Day of the Year, and is the LEADING REPUBLICAN PAPER OF TIIE NORTIIIVEST. Prima, exclusive of Sunday, by mall, postpaid $8.00 per year Price, Sunday included, by man, postpaid. ..... . ....... 10.00 per year THP: SEMI -WEEK LY I1*ITP1Ie. OCEAN. Is published on 51ONDAYS and THURSDAYS. and besides the u.ws condensed from the Dally, it contains many special faalurus of great vatue to those so situated that they can not eecuru the Daily every day. The Monday issue contains the sermons printed In The Daily Inter Ocean of the same date. -.HL WEEKLY INTIrle OCEAN. Is the Most Popular Faintly Newspaper pubt!shed West or the Alleghany mouttt- alne. 1t owes its popularity to the fact that it is the BEST EDITED and has the 111611 - EST LITERARY CIIARAUTEIt of auy western Publication. It is CLEAN and BRIGHT. and 1s the able exponent of IDEAS and PRINCIPLES dear to the American people. While It 1s broad in its philanthropy, it is FOR AMERICA AGAINST THE WORLD, and broadly claims that the hest service that can be douo Fon MANKIND 15 TO INOLIEASE'AND MAKE PERMANENT TILE PROSPERITY OF OUR GREAT REPUBLIC. C11n,wtentiuus service in this patriotic line of duty has given it an unusual hold upon the Alnorlean people. Desldes. no paper excels it as a disseminator of news. TILE . MARKET REPORTS A1tE REELABLE AND COMPLETE. Tiff: NEWS Or TUE WORLD is found condensed in Its columns, and the very best stories and literary productions THAT MONEY CAN PURCHASE are regularly found in its columns. Among the special family features are the departments—THE FARM AND HOME, WOMAN'S ICINGI)OM, and OUR CURIOSITY SHOP. Ou the Whole, It is A^MODEL AMERICAN NEWSPAPER, and richly deserves what it has, THE LARGEST C ILtCULATION of any publication of the kind in America. lite the best paper for the home and for tit workshop• The price of The Weekly is $1 00 per year The price of The Semi -Weekly is $2.00 per year For the accommodation of its patrons the management of THE INTER OCEAN has made arrangements to club both these editions with THAT BRILLIANT ANI) SUC- CESSFUL PUBLICATION, ffi SCRII3N'ER'S MAGAZINE, One of the best Literary Monthlies in America, and which 000tpares favorably with any of the older Magazines in illustrations and literary natter. TRE PRICE OF THE MAGA- ZINE IS1s3,but we will send T114.1 WEEKLY INTER OCEAN and SCRIBBNER'S MAGAZINE, both one year. for THREE, DOLLARS. Both publications for the price of one. THE SEMI-WEEKLY Wren OCEANI and SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE, both one year, for FOUR DOLLARS. In the political campaign that ended in the election of HARRISON and MORTON and THE TRIUMPH OF PROTECTION 1'IUNCIPLES, no paper 11144 more influence than THE INTER OCEAN. It has been first, last, and always Republican, and during the campaign came to be recognized as the LEADING REPUBLICAN PAPER OF THE WEST. Itwill maintain this position, and will give special attention to governmental and political affairs. r Remittences maybe made atour risk. elthe rbydraft, express,postofle° oider,express Orders, or registered letter. Address • THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. "A FIRST ESSENCE." Iu Superior Court, Montreal, when Mr. A. W. Smith of Maclarou &Cu. was proceeding to examine a wituess named William Juchers in the case of Simmons es 'Elliott, the witness volunteered the informa- tion that he did not believe in the Bible. Judge Tait, who was presi- ding, asked the ivitnees if he be- lieved in God? "Well, in a Supreme Being," the witness replied "a First Essence, but 1 dou't know anything about it." "Do you believe iu rewards and punishments alter death?" asked His H0u0r. "No, I do •not," rejoined the wit- ness ' we get them in this world.' "The testiniiiily of this lean. can• not be admitted," said the judge, and the witness withdrew from the box. He offered to affirm but the judge held that his declarations un- der our law rendered • his evidence inadmissible. SHE MIGHT CHANGE 111;11 MINI). • A veteran correspondent of the Mount Desert Herald recalls an amusing incident lof his early years. Ile reIu)ved goili•T to a 1111111'S fun- eral with 1i:sgraui' father, the parson. The pour widow beeline mourn the loss of her husband vers : itch, and theulinister vainly tried :., com- fort her. She said site had '(got .to livc'a poor lu',0 Widow ell -free life." The buy eliwl lu sue, her cry. Af- ter returniug. Irate the grave she called his settelfathee aside and said: •"Pateun Eaton, I hope y011 won't say an;;'thieg about my tell- ing you that I should live a poor lone widow till n.y life, • for I may change my mind." Liko a shrewd general she left a way open for re, treat, aur, suon found a way open to use it. —The majurity ag'tinst the Scott - Act in Middlesex was 2,538. —A Truro, \. S. magistrate has dismissed the charge of kidnapping against Mr. Augell, who recovered his 4-yoar•old child from his di- vorcod wife, now the wife of one Bartholomew. Un the Witness stand Mrs, Bartholomew swore that thosgh she 'had only been divorced from Angell two years' and that the child was four years old, its father was Bartholomew, and nut Angell. The child disappeared on Friday night and has not been 'seen since; It is heir to $10,000. —At North Bay, Ont., a man named Lyons, who has until recent- ly been employed in the C. P. R. yard there, attempted last Friday evening to criminally assault a young woman about 17 years of age named Holmes. It appears that they were walking together, and when in It lonely part of town, about ten o'clock in the evening, the assault was committed. Miss Holmes' screams brought assistance, and' Lyons fled. He was arrested on Saturday evening, after a very exciting chase- IIe was finally ta- ken in the evening whilst eating his supper in a shanty on the In4i- au reserve, and is now in jail there. Ile is a married man, and came to North Bay from Stratford some time ago. Should the word • "vane" be pro - impaled ('yaws?" The 'weight of evidence is against the priggish "yaws." If three of the moat cele• brated poets—Pope, 'Byron and Moore—may be cited as orthoepisti, then are, or were, "ease," "face" and "grace" correct rhymes to "vase," in proof of which we append a quot• r-. 41 4. ati.on.from e'tich poet:— Pot'e, "The Rape of the Lock," canto v, ad fin: Three heroes' )' tsars kept in ponderous vases. And beaus' in snuff boxes and tweezer e44818, "Byron,''[?ort. Juan," c. viii,, R. 98: A pure, transparent, stale, yet radiant . tact', hike to a lighted alabaster vase. Moore, "Odes of Anacreon," v. and lx avid. Grave me a cup with brilliant grace, Deep as the rich and holy vase,etc. Ode lxxviii has the same rhyme. The question is: Was such pronun• ciation of "vase" the "pure well of English undefiled," or was 'it only "poetic license," or caprice, fashion or custom? , BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. IVe will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers: TVe (cant a good 0rres7 1)o7lde)at in every Iecctlil;/, slut already represented to sr7(1? P8 RELIABLE tletCS. SUltSC111DLRS. • Patrols who tlu- not receive 'tl(eir paper retalarlii from, the merit:). or thr»Mph their local post offices,. will confer a facer 1/•y reporting al this. O jlt0e at once. ,Y/ebst'rijdir»t; may cG7771e7(ee at ((7(l/ time. J ADVERTISER'S. Arlce,'/i.4iv e will please bear i14 of i/4(1 1/101 ((1/ "el(fl,(f/e,.•" 4 f effief0'1 . l uo (((.+, %.O 0/!3/11'0 I/M'('rl(0/l, .,hl,,/(/ /,1'' bolo, /•'11 ifl not later //,lilt \I (IN XI' NOON f f e(telt week. CI AC L•t'l'1ON• T NE Ws-1%ECO RD 11,x4 (( letrgr•r ci/'c,(lol/onl /hent ((7(//• (Aro. piper in, dein' Section, and as an adrerlisiny medium has foe equate in Ontario. Oar boors are 01)e7l to those who mean 5115/1405,4. .JOB PRINTING. T/ee Job Deparllnr'nt elf 15 is jour- nal is one of the best e'�nijyoea in 1Vestern Ontario, a'ol a superior class cf work is ;jii' ,' u(leed at eery loot [)rices. NEWSPAPER LAWS We call the special attention of l'ust nesters and subscribers to the fullnwing synopsis of the newspaper laws: - 1 —A aws:- 1—A postmaster is required to give 110f ice. RV LETTER (returning, a paper lines riot answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his pipet out of the Mike, and 41810 the 10118011 for its nut beim; taken. Any neglcet to do so makes 1110 pea masfer responsible to the publishers fur pnyvucnt, 2 -If any person orl'a(S ilii paper 4118. :on tinue(l, he Must pay all arreurrges, 01 the publisher may coulimue to semi it until payment i8 Made, and ended 1114 whole amount, whether it be taken fruir the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment. is made 3—Any person who takes a paper from: the post-ofliee, whether sireeted to hit name orsIllnother, or whether he hae sub. acrihed or not, is responsible for the pry. 4—If a subscriber orders his paper to b( stopped at a certain time, and the publish er continues to send, it the subscriber bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post•offiee. This proceeds upnnthe ground that a rnan mnnst pay for what he arses 1 1U the Division Coin t iu f;oderich at the November sitting a newspaper 1t(11 - 118h01 sued for pay of paper. The defend- ant objected paying on the ground that he had ordered a former proprietor of the paper to discontinua it. The Judge held that that was not a valid defence. The plaintiff, the present proprietor, 1,8.1 no Doti •o to discontinue Rnd consequently coul(i collect, although tr Was not denied that defendant had notic(1 former pro- prietor to discontinue. In any event dofenant was bound to pay for the tithe he hn41 received the paper and until he hall paid all arrears due for subscription. When I say Cunx Ido not mean merely C •stop them for a time, and then have them ret ;urn again. I u)3AN°A RADICAL CUBE. It have trade the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A. life long study. I wAltanrrr my remedy to Coax tile Worst cases. Because others hav6 failed1800reason for not now receivina cure Bend at once for a treatise and aFltEa BOTwlI of mx INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Expres. and Yost Office. It co:ts yousnothtng Ior 8 trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr I1. G. ROOT. 87 Yonge .9t., Toronto, Ont. UAD0CK IL=LS SUGAR COATED A SURE CURE Fon BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS. SICK HEADACHE, AND D18EASIE8 or THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARC MILD,THOROUGH AND PROMPT IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERO IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE OR CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WO12MS OF ALL KIr40S IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND CANNOT HARM TI -IE MOST se•D11CLtraAYC CHILD BILL HEADS, NOTE • Heads, Letter Deeds, 'rags Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, 1'rograu•nles. etc., etc., printeI in a worlman like manner and at low rates; at TUE NEWS•1(ECOItD Office. LIl+�SLtL'a CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, Corner Ituron and Orange Streets, Clinton. FIRST - CLASS MATERIAL and UNSURPASSED 1110N WORK. Repairing and Repainting. 83rOALL WORK WARRANTED:A 521•y TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where you can get ,n�� Reliable .Iarness, I manufacture none but lou Bss'r oy STOCK. Beware of gimps that mil cheap, 04 they have got to line. Lir Cull and get prices. Orders by until prunlpiy attended to' 3.01-fN T.• CART R., HARNESS EIIPOIOIUM, BEY Till ONT. DR. WASHINCTON IliI'Oat and Lllni. FItrg•co1, of 1'Ol•O11tt). Will he at the Ralin,hjr'v 1!OUSe MAYyJTON.� M A,Y 2; 37 1 Air A 0- -.' or nue Iuautl l'l) eared by 1)11 K'AS1LL1G'I'U:'►'S Nett' Ilei Lod 00 10110a1400 \V 11. Sterne, of . , la & Son, Ir•,,,1 'neat llu,,'11rnlu',ntuoesof norm,nut„ c,..,,,1 by De. \(i .t1n°ton of eaten ll of the dinar, bull forum, nIA p,,'u.uncrd'4)1))unle b, einine,1 sp,. L.11ot.s in 1'.11.3.111 ural England. 'WW'rite him, for mint 1 Tara. . Chronic 11t emelt las and Aka lima Cru•ee1 An (English ('inu•ch Cie:•'-' mu. speaks, Rentor)', Corn %all, ••nt DR. WAN)IISb'n1y, 1)RAs SIR, —I nut glad 40 be able to Inform, you that our dint4titer is entre WU11 As 411181s the second (: 8 41 a has i:ecu mired *of grave bronchial tr'n,hlo' under your trent l ent, when the 0,11111 ''ailed, I write to express my lrreetnde. l o..1I rte,rpt inv sincere Motto!. , \'ours Duly, C. ff. PE 11 IT. lire •lrin )'rT01,7., Iaog'ntnn, Ont., Catarrh and t' ntlhllteptie)L. lolnl , Ningstnn, Ont, Catarrh. lir A flnpp(ny,, Kin -inn, Ont, lOronchoCmtaump- thin. Mr, T•1. 40)11, 1(in„•tm„ (hit, fntri'4 , hr.,fl and throat. Mrs Jou Nu -train, 11u•rua$mith, Ont, near King - 44011, Catarrh, throat. Miss Mary A limu,orng, Centra tile, On:, , tnrrh 1..•014441 t1,1n11. Jan".s Nathcws, P. instar, Acton, Ont. A 1:'1•'i -I, (louts For" .,.ii,,, L'cl1e4111c, 4'„t5rrh throat, John Phippen, P, 0, Hnndhurst, Ont, Omar Napa- (r•rl, (• . t mrl, he:r,l ami throat. . lied mom SOUND .\UYR1e.•-Those havingenle's of ally kin11 -h• n',1 ,•nnader tint itis pmt as 014 044ant to 1 11'1! (1,.'1r posters p)'uperly displayed and ap• r a,r..4.11111 atttnetn 0, n'r 11 le 10 have a good auctioneer. 'fns NnwN•Rhrnne mikes a epccfalty of this class of work, they len a the material and elperienee to give you alt you want at 1'er6 reasonable prices ZCItAY STOCK ADVER- I (I (J TLSESIEN'rS inserted in Tun NEWH RECORD at low rates. The law stakes it cnngnl18, s- to adve(tixe strn1' tuck. If you want any kind of advertising 704 •Int e bettor than ra11 nu 'cm's IfeeorT. V20 6 R O tij CU C14 Po 8-e O ca. al col 11:3 o cd r+•I