The Huron News-Record, 1889-05-01, Page 6The Error News -Record aQ R Viae -111.26 in Advance. 4i'e(Iltcsil.t), illay, lst, 1889 I ODItl1N MUMMY MAKING IN EGYPT. find,,, says Mr. Madden, "that it is no longer necessary to go digging in dusty catacombs for Ram- eses or any o1' pia contemporaries. Wo can have thein made to order by two very clever Arabs, who will furnish kings, queens and princes at very seasonal* figures. I helve had the distinguished liquor of being preseut while this untuufao• ture astonished my eyes. A dead man was brought into the shop on Friday, I thiuk the Arabs paid 3s. for bun, or in their native money what. 35. would represent. Just imagine, my dear daughter, how cheap a cadaver is' in this part of the world. No need of larking here, 1 fancy. The body was put ou a slab and the insides removed. The brain was drawn through the nostrils in precisely the same man- ner as Herodotua describes the enbalming process in his"Euterpe." After that the corpso was thrown rudely iuto a large vat of brine. After remaining there for a period of fifteen days it was removed and hung by the heels from a rafter. A email brazier was pint under the head and filled with some`sort of sweet smelling waod and fired. After this all the doors were closed and the corpse was smoked like a ham. Iu tee hours this operation was complete, and I beheld a most remarkable change. The body had turned almost black. It was shrun- ken fully ouo-third, The features were pinched just like those of a mummy, and it bore the appearance of great ago. Some aromatic drugs the nature of which I did not -learn were then prepared, and the corpse was 'filled with them, and by the same process that the brains were removed. The skull was filled with a gummy substance smelling like sandal wood. A canvas case, m telt'. the (lay before, but looking re•t•ly to fall a part from very age, produced, and the- corpse of a pees eni--previously Painted and, gilded --was put into it, and a long scroll of parchment was prepared.by one of the rogues giving a history of the (lead man's deeds some time during the reign of Thotmes about 14:10. R. C., when in fact he was a fun days before gasping out his last breath on the burning sands near Sloer;l eh. is it not droll to t hink that such a profitable traffic should be carried on? The body 1 saw prepared sold, I think, for ,£40 to the Academie dee Science ,u Paris." Thea retnarkable story by Mr. Madden ie corroborated by George \Val wick, 'who visited Gournah in 1.0-11, and found the very same • i•ry in operation. Business sgees ed to bo remarkably brisk. ''f r, '\t''arwick 'vas showu a collec- Heil of some fifty human bodies 'v sieh were not wrapped in cloth, belt were gilded and had hierogly• 11hi:•= diff' rent parts of the body. 1'l y hal been embalmed and dried .ft''r the manner described by 11Ir. \lt'•'1reht, and were fine specimens of art. Mr. Warwick inquired the prises. and found that they ranged from #;10 to £49, according to. the "workmanship" that had been put on the mummy and its case. The sham Egyptians -the sawdust and 1: st.'r of patio follows, always ,>.::p1)t,d in cloth to concesl the Laud -were a good chef cheaper. They could• be bought from £2 1,,: std. The Arabi had evidently iuunu a new and profitable market in America, for Mr. Warwick saw :vo cousignments for this country -•one for Boston and another for 'i, itloll)Itlx, A SAILOR KING. e. ID. BENJAMIN, WASiIED ASIIORP, ON Ptrtl''10 ISLAND, BECOMES, A CHIEF. George Wright, who arrived at sail Francisco on the steamer Aus- •"'eli•e dry or two ago from the t'e„'i: b Islauda, brings a queer t - ,t' the sudden raise of a sailor :etion in the largest island • ,lu n.,.hipolago 75 miles west of where \Ir.d Wright has a ul i::,_ store, says the San Francisco s is ',is, cent of the New York "The sailor," saidjMr. Wright. "is ajar' Llsztjamin, and he has nu lose Yuan nineteen wives and fifty odd • r ':;pored children. • He was e l,.': 1 in the schooner Buhu.Lazene 1 the Ladrone islands nine years nd floated at tea on a raft a tes,.:, of weeks before lie struck :.nt'.. -t.' you will look at a map of the Pacific you will find lying midi ••. ,y '..t„ ,en the tropic of Cancer enol the c 1nator, 600 miles west of '0! 1' hall group, thirteen dots, they ate, Marked' 1 islands, well inhabited.' •.l .ill there is to point out licit signifhcance.• It is on 'the • ;ate of these, called by the sailor. ;ein island, after himself, that 1' •, 'Ikon up his horse. It is te,s by twenty utiles in extent. "Well inhabited' means that there • a sprinkling of dark skinned natives there, as well es many more who move to and fro in the arehi-' polago with boats. They eat bread- fruit, bananas, cocoanuts, and fish. They don't work at all. Benjamin has got to bo king. He has nothing at all to'do but g0 swiltlmiiig in the surf, ,talk the native gibberish, which he has learned, or lull under a palm tree. Sometimes he has his wives fan hila while he lazily smokes the Keisebe leaf, which growe plentifully there and which, after one becomes used to it, ia',liked better than tobacco. "Benjamin is doing some good work there, however. . 115 carried three or foto' hooks with hint on his raft, the last thing you would have expected, and he has contrived to teach the natives English. Ben- jamin is an American of Gertnuu or Jewish descent, and is a lover of books. The first thing he did was to select au intelligent native and teach hire the .alphabet. The fellow learned rapidly, and soon began to teach it to oth'I e, and a a number of then eau now speak English, while the rising generation immediately around are gradually piokiug up akuotvledge of the lung• nage. Benjamin is looked upon as a sage. The chiefs, of whom there are tour, conic to hien fur points, a id of their own acc ,rd they have made him their ruler, the chide being a sort of cabinet. "Benjamin has picket] out the handsomest women fur wives, and they esteem it quite an honor. The king lives in the biggest bamboo house iu the village Ki,of a straggling aggn'gatiuu of native houses on a coral reef, The children are of all age+, and are a sprightly, lively lot. Nobody bothers much tvith clothes in the South Pacific, still Benjamin wears a little something, and is gradually prevailing on the natives to do so too. He keeps telling them that there is no civilization without some clothes. Benjamin is about thirty years old. He was formely from Newbury port, ;Hass. but says that he no longer has any desire to return to America. lig is the only white man, with ono ex- ception,dr forh�ul}led, of milts around. Ile has taken to wearing a string of shells around his nock like tho natives,. curl he sometimes imitates them and puts dots of 11110 paint, got from a native shrub, on his face. This is only on state occasions, however, when there is to be a discussion ou impertant quostio: et with his chief's. The pet! manunt population of this island is about 600 or 700. The island is indented with 1.1^a110.ifnl bays, and is dotted with trees and shrubs of a tropical growth with fragrant flowers. Benjamin inland is about. 500 miles west of the Marshall group n "MANY 'MEN, MANY MINDS," but all men and all minds agree. as to the merits of Burdock Pills, small and sagas coated. -Jas. loss, of Montreal, who built some of the most difficult sec- tions of the C. P. R., has contracted with the Ch Mau government to construct 700 miles of a railway, involving a outlay of $33,000,000. AS AN AID to internal remedies for skin diseases, Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap proves very valuable. -J. .McMillan, aged 79; who art ived at Moose Jaw from Lucau, Ont., only last week, died suddenly the other day. A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was make when 'Po•vell & Davis issued their Extract of'aleap- arilia and Burdock. It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success in all diseases arising from a debilitated conditon of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this selson of the year, of Powell's Ex• tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 50c. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and hitters. Mso remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50c. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311y -Belleville, Brantford and Lon- don are to get drill sheds and military buildings at the cost of $10,000 each. DECREASING TiHE DEATiH RATE. The mortality among Consumptives has been materially decreatlbd of late years by the use of Scott's Emulsion, of Cod Liver Oil with IIypophosp• hites of Lime and Soda. Pht'hisls, Bronchitis, Abscess of :the Lungs, Pneumonia and 'Throat Affections are completely subjugated by a timely use of this excellent pulmonic. Pa, ]stable as milk. Sold by all Drug- gists at 50c. and .'11.00. -A most disastrous fire visited the town of Prescott, in which a lady named Miss Kato Gaisnford lost her life. The tire originated in the Gainsford property, and is supposed -to have been caused by the exploi+ion of a lamp. S'IRO14G RESISTANCE. A healthy human body has strong powers of resistance against diseases, but where Weakness or lack of tone exist disease quickly Resnik; it. Keep the system clean, -the blood pure and the vital powers vigorous and active by the use of Burdock Blood Bitters, tete true vitalizer and reatorative. N. UNWELCOME GUEST. `DJeeelse in any of its turfed forms is never Wt1Co.rle, andthe end or its visit 1$ ulweye rejoiced at. Burdock Blood Bitters cure alt diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood, giving life awl hope with every dose. -Ont' of the utast pict uresque and remarkable bodies ut-wuter iu.the world is Henry lake, Idaho. It is situated on the douse of the contin- ent in a eleplussiuu of the Rocky mouutai'ns called Targeo's pass. It has an area of forty square miles and all around it rise snow-capped peaks, some.of them being the high- est of the continent's backbone. Iu the lake is u floating island about five hundred feet in diameter. It has fur its basis a utas of roots so de Ilse that it supports largo trees and a heavy growth of underbrush. Those routs aro covered with several feet of rich soil. 'I'lte surface ie solid enough tosuppoit the weight of a horse auy'where, and there are plates where a house could lee built. Tho wind blows the island about the Like, and it seldom i•enutine twenty•four hours iu the same place. FROJ1 OCEAN T() OCEAN. Fishermen and miners in Nova `Scotia, mechanics and farmers in Ontario and Quebec, hunters and trappers in the Territories, and gold miners ir. British Columbia, use and praise Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great internal and external remedy for all pain. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throats and croup, and is the reliance of thousands. -Arthur Summer, ox -editor of the War Cry, the Salvation Army Organ, has left Toronto for the States. It has transpired that he was about to publish a book entitled "The New Papacy ; or, Behind the Scenes in the Salvation Array," and that Commissioner Coombs, of the Army, gave him an oppor- tunity of suppressing the book or being sent to' penitentiary for the offence, for which he had confess- ed to Coombe. The book was a Briticism upon money getting and other schemes of the Array, 'I'IIE RED COLOR of the blood is caused by the Iron it contains. Sup- ply the iron when lacking by using Milburn's Beef, iron and Wine. - -Albert Lloyd, of Tyondinage, '_Ont., was yesterday placed eu trial at ilelleville on the charge of com• nutting rape upon Annie Denton, a girl 14 years of age, and a sister of his wife. The offence was committ- ed on August 23rd, 1887, when the girl was on a visit to her sister, the prisoner's wife. The girl also sworn to being criminally assaulted by George and Hermon Lloyd, brothers of the prisoner. The case, was this morning given to the jury, who in ten minutes returned a verdict of .guilty. George and Hermon Lloyd were' then placed on trial for a similar offence. They weere,on• victetl. t'1 WAS SUFFERING," 'Says 5. S. Shewfelt, of Kingsley, Man., "from weakness and lose of aps a it:, with a severe headache, and could scarcely walk. My first bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters enabled me to walk about the house, and when I had taken the second bottle I found myself entirly cured. -The •late Hon. Robort Dans- mair's estate in British Columbia is valued at $10,000,000. STUBBORN CHILDREN readily take Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. It pleases the®child .and ;destroys the w orms. - Mr. J. A. Carman, publisher of the 11 titnitoba Colonist, has been granted $300 by the council and $150 by the Board of.Trado 10 pnh- lish an illustrated edition of Port Arthur and district. QUICK TIME -4S YOURS. "I alwa,"s use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam for colds and it cannot be beaten. It has always cured me within 48 hours, which no other medicine will do, and I always keep a bottle by me." These words from •Chester Miller, Lieury, Ont., prove the efficacy of a popular prepare, tion. - Edward Lutz, an Ohio farmer, while boiling nap was taken with n fit and fell into the kettle, being fatally scalded. ADeice To MoTnrzRa -Are you dis- turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child seffering an.' rying with pain of Cutting Teeth? V Fs send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor itltlesufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is no mis- tahe about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhesa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflamma'ipn, end gives tone ants energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for chiliren teething is pleasant to the tnste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and bust female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all elruggiets throughout the world. Price 26c. a bottle. Ire sure andaek for "Mrs, w'inslow'aSoothing Syrup," and lake no other kind. -Rev. Dr. McMullen, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, declares himself opposed to the party Third movement. CONSUMPTION CURER. Ali uld pdtyeileian, fifth ed (runt Aniftice, bliving bad plaeutl 1)t hilt 1.1a9110 by an East luducr ic ssineery the formula of 4 siaeple vegetable remedy for the speedy uad peruuttteut cure of Cousulnptiuu, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and indica] cure fur Nei volts Debility and all Nervous Cvufplaiutst after haviug test- ed }ts weilderful eau ltive lioness in dente - awls of ease, has Ids it his ,duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Aetna - Led by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. 1 will send bee of charge, to all wile desire it, this recipe, in German, french or English, ,with full directions for prel,:uiug and Using. Sent by mail by address:ug with btu u111, naming this valet. \1'. A. Nulls, 14(1 Pcwei's Blm'lcc, Ruchesic?N. }: 507 cow. -At the village of Ileit:herg iu Austria 1ceently a veer ri•ligiuus family b.•cante possessed with the idea that they _had been hew itched by an old ensue in the village•, anti the wan, with his thrt e daughters and sou u i l e voting girl, who was in their house at the time, lucked themselves in, and began to pray wild sing. 'Phey remained without food or wets 1 ter several step, and fired at ts ighburs tl'hu attempted to conte near the house, They tIn•oat- eded to kill the girl when elle want- ed to go away. The-ir cattle wore loft to starve iu the barn. At last the neighbors secured warr:tuts against thaw as insane, and a fusee of asylum officers, assisted by the peasants, stormed the place, captured it, and took the family prisoners af- ter a hard fight. Ons doctor was grazed by a bullet, but there.was uu t,thel• casualties The girl was re- leased, and the others incarcerated in 1n asylum. Persons wishing to improve their memories or strengthen their power of attention should send to Prof, Loisette, 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his prospectus, post free, as advertis- ed in another column. 541-.41 --,Joseph 1-I. Rothornutu a carpen- ter of (..''ounelsville, Pay has on the back uf, his nock a birth mark, crescent ill shape and bluish in color. When the moon is turning iss first quarter the mark becomes 'widish and begins to swell. As the moon grows Mt. Ow mark beeuutesmdder, and the flesh swells curruslwudiugly. When' the moon is full the crescent ou Rotliernrnl's neck is a bright, red and the flesh assumes a hornlike roll over two inches in thickness at the larger part, gradually tapering to the shoulder. As the moon wanes the mark decreases in size and color until it again becomes a bluish cres- cent-shaped mark. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURE. To 1'tii EDITOR : Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy 'FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if •they will send. me their Express and 1'. 11: address Itespt:ctlully, Dr. A. '1. SLOCUM, 37 Youge street, Toronto, On 1. 490y HUMPHREYS' DR. livau'uaave' SPECIFICS are sclentlfleally and carefully prepared prescriptions; used for many years In private practice with success,and for over dirty- years used by the people. Lvery single Spe- cific is a special cure for the disease named. Thsso Speoiles cure without drugging, Vin- ing or red .tetng the system, and are n fact and deed the sovereign remedieeoftheWorld. LIST OF PRINCIPALNOS. CURE$. = PRICES. 1 Yevers, Congestion, Inflammation... 2' 2 -ss grins, Worm !''ever, worm Colic.. .2A •; (Tying ('olie,nrTecthingo(Infante .2.S 4 Diarrhea, of iping,en er Adults.. .`,l.5 5 Dysentery, (rrlping,ntl)oueCullc.... 25 9 Cholera Morbus, Vomiting .25 7 (loughs, Cold Bronchitis .25 8 Neuralgia, 'Eoothaene Faceaohe.25 9 Headachos, Sick Headache, Vertigo .25 1() i)ynpcpsla, Billow Stomach... .25 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. 1'G Witt.cs, too Profuse Periods 15 Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing.26 14 ela1f. �theum, Erysipelas, Er t !tlone. 77,, 15 It ben; antistn), heumatfo )}alas.25 16 Fever and Ague, Chills, Llalaria 12 filen, mind or Bleedin 15 Vntarrh(l , Influenza, Cold to the ead . Ewhooping Cough Vlolenteeughs. .50 2 General eebilfty,Physlealweakness 50 2 Kidney Disease .50 2 Nervone Debility 1.00 30 urinaryWeakness, Wetting Bed5 32 Diseases of tltelieart,Palpltatlou 1.00 Sold by Druggists, or sentppostpatd on receipt or price. ))n. liuvrlutEYs' ffiIAHUAL, (144 pages) richly bound In cloth and gold, mailed free. Humphreys' ItsedlelneCo.10aFullouSt. N Y. PECI F1 CS. WELLS die RICHAILDSON CO. Agents, MONTREAL. A WONDERFUL LAKE MI40Se WATER DOUR n000 LiIE A MEDICINE ,4•' SSzesete • • 'mss � s f:3)q Rltdr" R EDIES' til M ED'Y EsS`PatrAT > 'Y.; y PuC G I S T S. 010/yoovo.I . 0 HOUSE PAINTiNG, `GLAZING AND 'GRAINING, PLAIN ANA DCCOHATIVE PAPER HINGING, KaisoMining AND • FRESCOING. Shop Next Spooner B Hotel, Albert Street CLINTON, ONTARIO_ CHAS. T. SPOONF;R Ti V IN I'll -CT .. ' NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, ltlattrasses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whale Stock is from the very hest manufacturers. Picture Frances and Mouldings of every description. JOS. CIIIiDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store. JOB RINTING the N %iron two -prod, THE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading:: Conservative :: Paper OF THE COUNTY, HAS•ONE OF THE Best .Equipped Job Rooms . - + - = - - . IN IN WESTERN ONTARIO. Tfte Fiijest Job PI1IIIInEJ! EXECUTED ON TIIE SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 STOOKM EN • " -W'ould do well to call on THE NEws•Rscorn before placing their orders• for oute Bills, Pedigrees, Folders, Cards, &e. 0 0 COLORED PRINTING! hiQUAL (IN MANY CASES -SUPERIOR) TQ CITY WORK. 0 BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 Tfte Double Circuiatioq (�� c* TaIRs to Tftouai1s. 0 Advertise inN The ENows-Rocord A DOUBLE CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY OF HURON.