HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-05-01, Page 5EXBROIDERED FLO LJNOINGS GEO. E PAY & CO. EMBROIDERIES ---AI! Widths, GEO. E. PAY & CO. --0 NEW PRINTS. A Case B. & C. Corsets. 0 Geo. E. Pay & Co. THE LOW-P.R,ICED DRY -GOODS STORE. FRESH -:-AND -:-RELIABLE. REMOVED ! 0 RE bOV D One Door North of Young's Bakergt Albert Street 0 0,111. stock of Groceries and Provisions for sr' iug and stunner Bre very complete. and will be found Frush and Reliable, embracing every flue of Goods to be found in a First - Class Grocery. We aim to give the Best Possible Goods at the Lowest Possible Price, and to economical buyers we offer many advantages. PRODUCE TAKEN. • CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. — Archdeacon Farrar seetns to be oppost (1 to ritualism- Ile re- cently said ''England is in danger of becoming popisIit, in ell but name. Nations are saved lw preaching the simple Chr int, not by loiters, chus ublr•s and other gee. gave from Aaron's wardrobe," The arch• de,tcor, uses Innguage that can scarce - 1y be (0 id utirprot .1. Sale Register. TIlUIINDAY IIIAY 2nd. On tide faun of Mr. T. R. Jewett, lot 68, Bayfield Con., at 12 o'clock a. tn.', mares in foal, horses, cows newly calved, cows in calf, steers, heifers, pigs, implements, etc., etc. Over $10 eight, ut.,nths credit. T. M. Carling, auctioneer. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partnership. heretofore subsisting between us as Liquor Mer• ehauts in the Town of Clinton, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due or owing to the said partnership are to be paid to Joseph W. atter, at the Town of Clinton afore- said, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said Joseph W. Biter, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Clinton, this 29th day of April, A. D. 1880. Witness: W. 0. FOSTER. JAMES SCOTT. J. W. IUTER, The business sill in future he carried on as usual by me. 546--4t J. W. RITER. LICENSED HOTEL FOR SALE. In the Village of Blyth, known as "Emigh's Hotel." Situated at the station. Doing a good trade Possession given immediately. Apply to J. EMIGH, Proprietor, u46—St Blyth, Ont HOUSE FOR RENT. A commodious cottage on Albert St., near Dr, Williams', with I acre of land, stable, sheds, land and soft water and all the usual convenien• res. Possession given' at once. Apply to 545 CIIAS. SPOONER. Notice to Owners of Lots in the Clinton Cemetery. The Cemetery Committee having examined the Clinton Ceinetery, find that a number of the lots are in a disorderly and unsightly condition by reason of certain unsuitable trees and shrubs having been planted therein contrary tothe bylaw, destroying both their own lots and those adjacent thereto. Many of the monuments and fences are broken down and leanlrg over, and the Committee request the owners of said lots to have them put in proper order at once, as the Committee intend if possible this' year to put the cemetery in much better condition than it has hitherto been kept. Tho caretaker of the Ccme• tory will undertake for ft small fee to keep lots in proper order. Further information can be had on application to GEORGE TEDFORD, Superintendent. W. C. SEARLE, 645-4t Chairman Cemetery Cont. A NICE HOME AT A BAROA IN.—Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining Code - rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Code - rich. 526•(1 New Blacksmith Shop. GEORGE TROWIIILL hos opened out a gen• oral Blacksmith and Repair Shop fu the building lately occupied by Mr. (Wiley, north of Cantelon's carriage works, Albert street, Clinton. Blacksmith and iron work in all Its branches ; Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satin. faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 407—tf GEORGE TROWHiLL ANew Trimmor FOR EDGING WALL PAPER. New Designs in Wall Paper. Fin n Line Baby Carriages COOPER'S Book Storer CONTRACTORS. The board of School Trustees for the Town- ship of Tuckersmith will receive sealed tenders for the erection of a brick school house in No. 4 section, the building to be forty feet long, twenty-five feet wide, and ceilings thirteen feet high. Also a separate tender for the erection of a brick lean-to at the end, 25 fent long. 10 feet wide and 10 feet high at lowest end, to be used as a wood shed with two water closets therein. Also a separate tender for the fencing of the school grounds with posts and boards, containing a small gate. Also separate tender for the digging or a well, bricking up and placing a good pump therein, the well io bo properly covered and drained. Also separate tender for the moving of the old wood oho l to new ground.. Plans and epeci• ficntions of building can be soon at the office of the undorsigned. Tenders will be received up to May 15, 1899, work to be completed before the 20th October next. G. E. JACKSON, Secretary of Board. Egmondville, April 6, 1889. 544-4t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of sec- tion thirty-six of chapter ono hundred and ten of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, that all creditors and other perilous having claims against the estate of HENRY FORD, late of the Township of Godericb, in the County of Huron, yeoman, who died en or aboutthe.28th day of September, 1888, are' hereby required to send by poet, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned Adininistratrix of the said deceased, at Holmosvillo P. 0., Ontario, or to Messrs. Garrow & l'roudfoot, her Solicitors, Godericb, on or before the 9th day of MAY, 1889, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of thotr account, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and the enid Administratrix will, after the 9th day of May, 1889, distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties untitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which notice shall have been given as above required. And the said Administratrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose olaim notice shall not hare been received by her at the time of such distribution. Dated the 9th day of April, 1889, SUSAN FORD, 543-4t Administratrix POR SALE. The property at present occupied by the undersigned .e a residence on the Huron Road, in th 1'••wn of Goderich, consisting of ono half of at 'ere of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable. wood and carriage houses. There aro ale. -ems good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further pn.rticulars apply to E. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Godorich. Notice to School Trustees. The attention of the School Trustees of Godorich Township is directed to sub -section 6 of section 40, chap. 225, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, as follows :—"To give "notice in writing before the fifteenth day of NJanuary in each year, to the Clerk of the "Township, of the names and post office ad- "db.ossee of tho several Trustees and of the "Toaohors employed by them." This is necessary so that the Clerk may know to whom to Bond the School Section Census. As not a solitary trustee in the township has complied with the above, it is to be hoped they will not need any further notice. JAMES PATTON, 545>3t Township Clerk. County of Huron Teachers Ex- aminations, 1889, Second and third class non professional exam. inations at the Collegiate institutes and lliggh Schools In the County on Tuesday, Oth July, 6.40 a m. First C., July 10th, 6.40 a.m. Candi- dnt, s who wish to write at either Clinton or Sea - forth must notify 1). M. MAt.t.ocn, Esq., P. S Inspector, Clinton P.O., not Inter than the 22nd of May, stating which of the two schools they intend to write at, and those who intend to write at Goderioh must notify JOHN E. Toot, 1'. 8. In ape -tor, Goderioh P. 0., at the same dote. The notice must be aeeompanted by a tee of $5, or 010 if the Candidate applies for the first Class se well ah Second Clans Examinations. No name will be forwarded to the Department unless the fee accompanies it. Head Masters of the Collegi• ate institutes or High Schools will please send the applications of their Candidates to the Inspec• for of the division in which the Collegiate Testi tote or High School is situated. Forms of appli- cation may t,c had from the Secretary. PETER ADAMSON, Secy. B. Ex's. God erich , April 22nd, 1889. 545-2t NEW :-: SF RING :-: GOODS 0_...— Our Stock of Spring Goods is now Complete in Every Department.' We aro showing 1 Special value in Cotton, Tweeds, Shirtings, Prints, AND GREY AND WHITE COTTONS. FIDE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN, Estate J. Hodgens TR, H;ITH 131EOS —7 THE "RED ROCKER" FURNITURE STORE . — 0 Haviug bought the stock. of D. B. CALI3ICK, of the late firm of Calbick & Reith at a GREATLY REDUCED FiGURE, we are now prepared to give our customers the full bmnefit of the reduction. We will RUN OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK oI Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites) Sideboards, Extension Tables, Centre Tables, Book Cases, Perforated, Cane and Wood -Seat Chairs, and all kinds of Furniture and Upholstered Goods A'i' GREAT BARGAINS FOR 'FDL NEXT 30 DAYS. Now is the time to buy Furniture, as such Bargains cannot last. Call and be convinced R MTH BROS. N�1rftTl lig ___Our Stock of UNIDER'I'AKING GOODS is now U 111.L. complete iu every particular, and we are determined to give satiefsetion. The Leading Undertakers, Embalmers, Cabinetmakers,. and Upholsterers.—Reith }Crus.. The Bed Rocker Furniture Store. JOHNSON & ARMOUR, ---PRACTICAL Harness and Collar Makers. O }laving bought the Busnie,ss and Stock of Geo. A. SIiariiia zi, we aro prepared to fill all orders ut our line at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. We are both practical workmen nal can guarbntec a superior class of work at moderate rates, The tnaterial will always be found of the best,, and by strict attontioti to business and honest -dealing we hope to he favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid line of SINGLE HARNESS, which for material, workmanship and price, cannot be surpassed. Full Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON 8c ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. A:: BOOM :• IN o:: GROCERIES. T. COOPER & SON'S OLD STAND. 0 Having purchased ,lir. JAMES MuoRR's stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, FOR CASA, • LOOK !—ASTONISHING BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN—LOOK ! Sugar—Sugar—Sugar—Best Granulated Si g-tr Light Coffee Sugar, Muscovado Sugar, at Refinery Pikes. Teas—Teas—Teats-Fresh, New Season's Uncolored Japan, 150 per Ib,, "Ms for $l --TRY IT. Chinese Mixture, good quality 5 lbs. for $1.• Coffee—Coffee—Coffee—Fresh ground, best brands, at lowest prices. Canned Goods—newest and best brands -3 Citns Tomatoes, or 3 Cans Corn, or 3 Cans; Peas, for 25c.; Canned Salmon, new,' 18c. 4 lbs. Fresh; New Prunes fur 25c. CrOtcery and Glassware at a small advance on cost. Call and examine Goods•uud get Prices. I am confident you will be satisfied. Highest Price for Butter and Eggs. (Cooper's;old stand, cor. Seaile's I;lock) The Tiines Teat Warehouse IIINNICSINEXIMMOW Wall Paper! Wall Pale[! 0 SELLING OFF AT COST ! 0 The undersigned will sell off :V'I' COST his well assorted stock of WALL PAPER A 1J 1 t ECORATIONS FOR CASA ON DELIVERY. '}'his S.11(' will probably continue without change until the whole stock is sold. A. WORTHINGTON. Clinton, 2.8th April, 1889. Solid Facts for The People HARDWARE RETAILED —AT— WHOLESALE PRICES, 0 Having purchased the large and extensive stock of Hardware,'en., of the Estate of R. M. 'Raccy, which was sold by auction on March 27th, 1889, this in connection with our own largo stock, we are now prepared to give you at prices that will startle you. Don't fail to come at once and secure BARGAINS. Wo aro MARKING DOWN THE PRICES of the combined stocks, which comprise Stoves, BuiIders', Carriage and Hong Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Tinware, &a., all of which will be FAIRLY SLAUGHTERED. This will be One of the Greatest Opportunities for Builders, Mechanics, Country Merchants, Farmers, &c. to purchase that has over boon offered in this section of the country. So do not fail to call and get prices. COAL OIL Wholesale and Retail. A full stock of ALAIIASTINE end KALSOMINE •n hand. Tho Iron and Heavy Hardware Business will be continued In the OLD STAND of Mr. Racey, irntnedintoly next our own. HARLAND BROS., Iron and iiar(fware Merchants, Stoves and Titltvare, Clinton Woflderflll e : BAHGAISS IN Capots - and -Lace - Cuitains! J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. Dissolution of PartnersM Sale! See the Grand Display of New Sprig Illinery 0 J. C. DETLOR & CO. CHINA HAIL_ N. ROBSON STILL TO THE FRONT. TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, CANNED GOODS, AT BOTTOM PRICES. Having bought a large stock of ,i: GA LS before the re- cent advance in price, I offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to pur- chasers. CROCKERY, CHINA anti GLASSWARE, Cheap. SEEDS. :;EEDS. SEEDS. Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, Timothy Clover, Alsiko, Lucerne, Orchard, Kentucky and iilue Lawn Grass, &e., &c. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. N. ROBSON • • aa1l: Paer and Decora • � Decorations P1"(Ics THAT LEASE THE OCKi:TS OF THE EOPLE. ELLING FOR • • HARP CASH • • CIMULATI r4 • • ►/MALL PROFITS. ! • 0 Since we have boon handling WALL PAPER our business has greatly increased. We are this year better prepared than ever to fill the wants of the Public. It will cost Du nothing to look over our stock and got prices of our Special Designs in Gilts, Glimmers, Flats, Tapestries, &.c. pltrOur Gilts will not rub off, tarnish, or stain with paste. Our prices range from 5o.`+c F4r-upwards. Get our Prices complete for Decorating and Paper hanging, Aiillsalso fur Painting, Graining, Sign Writing, Gilding, etc. -12 COPP 4.S LOG AN, City Paint Shop, Isaac Street, Clinton 4111Ss wNIIMS1=4111111111111 Elegant New Stock! Gent's Furnishings 0 I have just placed in stock a fine selection of the above goods. As my expenses are low, 1 am in a position to give you what you want at a slieht advance on first cost. Do not invest a dollar until you inspect these New Goods. SPRING GOODS IN THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT ARIZtV. ING. SEE THEM. F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADINC TAILOR. THE, NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING. THE HUB GROCERY --0-0— 0—o—o_ Have you tried my Blend of BLACK TEA ?—very fine. Also civ JAPANS at prices to suit you. COFFEE—A 1, everyone who Pak tried it says SO. A very fine RAW SUGAR, low. Glassware, Printed and Plain Tea Setts, Brooms, Brushes, and Wooden Ware, See toy New Steel Wire hoop Pails—no dropping off of hoops or falling to pieces. A fresh lot of 2 BROOMS for 25c. Choice FLAX SEED for sale. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. 0 Geo. Swallow, Clinton