The Huron News-Record, 1889-04-24, Page 877."1"11"W'"Mr11115q1Fr"u"wwV7Imr—' POWDE Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pprity, strength and wholwioinciiesa. 5t,,re .30010000.1 than the oolioar% kinds, and cannot besold in competition with th, mattituile of low test, snort weight alum ph ,s,110e powders. Std rn cans. Li I) A14 BAKING POW lig 0., 108 Wall St., N. Y. The Huron News -Record 51.50 Year -41.25 In Advance. ••,‘•';' •• • - • ' • a, '"Ile MO. ,, is raising his to, eidetic() on Ontario S. a couple of feet higher and has the brick on the ground m ith witieh to veneer the whole structure. STRANGE SUIT FOR‘DAIMA0E8.-,--T110 S. Thomas Journal has been asked to pay $500'by J. B. Davidson'so• lieitor for Robt. Creaner, of Bel- mont, for damages alleged to have been suetaiucd by the publication of the following item in their issue of March 15 last: "Robt. Crooner, of Behnout, has sold his 100 acre farm to John Pettit for $6,500. Mr: Creaner is removing to Regina, N. W. 1'." It now appear a that Mr. Crooner had not sold the farm at this time, but, proposed offering it for sale by auction on the 26:h March. It was su offered aud was purchased by the same gentlernau to %virtue its sale had been previous- ly attributed, and fur the smile sum, $6,500. The damages claiin to have been sustained were caused, it is said, by the erroneous announce- ment of the sale, preventiug other possible purchasers from attendino. One of these it is claimed, would have been willing to pay $7.000 for the farm, but concluded that thein was noape ta.being present at the sale, •-• •-„, THE COMING GREAT Morriso.L- The County L. 0. L. reception to, Wediacskty. Aprll Ilth. 188 the R. W. Grand Orange Lodge (which meets in Goderich the 28th of May and followin.,pdays), met iti causing veeetatiou to spurt forward e.,. PORCINE PROLIFICNESS. — Mr. Don't buy 11aby Carriages- r Clinton on Friday afternoon!, rapidly and vigorously. Fanners Weir, the dairyman, has a sow that Wall Paper until you have seethe magncent NE W s-rOOKA. at Among those present we uoticefl are much pleaded with their crop dropped a litter of seventeen pigs Dicks° ‘'s Hook Store, Clinton. B1.0S. II. Either, D. Cantelon, Joh _.41 prospects so far. one day last week all, alive at birth, ... -..... . — — Torrance, R. Tichbourue, F. Wi. , . but only fourteen were living at last BOY WANTg:., to !cam the 1111 and Johnston, Joseph Beck,Geo. Hanley, DR. MACKIDD of Seaforth has ...Accounts. Stationery business. —CM els. D10' sON, sr. ; Jarnos Wells, W. Minors (D. a been appointed by the Dominion . M.), Chas. Tweedy,'Wm. Fordi Governinant a medical superinten• CAN'T MAKE -PT OUT. --It is Said Clinton. t': 541. OWNEILS WANTED—Mr. WSwiii .- Geo. M. Kilty, John Beacom, Janice delft of the Sanitorium at Banif, N. that Mr. Gladstouo cannot have his .. B. field is about to pull dowe the of drill Craigie, John Reid, P. Canteloa,t W. T. This is said to be one of the life. insured because no man can shed *Parries having proisety . stored W. Crooks, W. G. Smith, John'', best health resorts on the continent:. make out, his 'policy. Laurier, therein wilr take notice according y and Ford. David Cook, Joseph Foster,'• The Doctor will leave to assume the Blake, Cartwright and other lead - remove it. M. Wells, A. M. Todd, W C.' m. .duties of his position aboutthe inid•. ing disruptioDists in Canada are in WALL RIPER RID DEGORTIWIE ff' Prices Much Lover than Last Year. BABY CARRIAGES. Twelve different kinds in stock., We also have a fine stock of --iWedRu G Suitable for Baby Carriages. —0-0— Chris. Dickson. ;Clint -op_ WIIIIIIIIffilift, A SOUTH HURON L:t0. L.—A spec- . NLiss EMMA AcuesoN of Goderielel ial meeting of South Huron County ,was visiting . friends in Clinton last Orange Lodge was held in the week. Clinton Orange hall ou Friday last. Proceedings were opened at eleveu Twa-S6rioon Bove are getti lig;s11 i ti - o'clock, and matters connected with gled as also is the Model &rool bui,h,ling and Kennedy's live' y the Order and of great interest to themselves discussed. mole. MOISTURE.—Thit WM.4361114 cart blossomed out last. Thuisday, and as if to rebuke the spriukler the sky assumed a darkly threatening ap- pearance which resulted in a very acceptable shower of rain ou Friday, EXACT.—An Irishman %Vita plant- ing shade trees whnu a passing lady said, "You're digging out the holes, are you, Mr. Haggerty?" "No mum. digin' out the dirt an' lavin' (lie holes. Floody, County Secretary Saunders, i the same fix as Mr. Gladstone. .....--. i dle of May. LOC A -.1-J and others. 'The report of the : BERLIN had a corset factory. The IT Is REPORTED that Wilson Olds committee was received favorably t and a large amount of busiaformerly of manehester, this county, 111 and Around the •`111uW7 transa",,..rhe meeting_of 0,6 R. 'the young men are as vigorous veell known as an implement agent, Ir". Cliand Orange Lodge in Godorich waist compressors as the young received such injuries while endeav- --- a' 0 0'4 711t111. ladies there appear to be there was oring to'save his-pruperty when his promises to be a orand success. • 7 'Aro. An Mils. D.13. CALDICK of Representatives will° be present no ueed of the corset factory. The house was destroyed by fire in parts of Ontario, etc. A grand ban - "ribs at a single hug. News tells of a girl who met a male Dakota a short time ago, that they Voir delight by breaking two of his child at the station and exhibited caused his death. A CANADIAN KILLED.—Not long ( ' Witighare spent Ender day with the from Manitoba, and N. W. T. lady's parouts in. Goderich town- British Columbia, Quebec, and alt f -ship. Ban Tows DADDIES --Au Inger- quet will be tendered to the visitors ago Dr. Will Walton, of Warren, soli impel- gently ineinuates that and Goderich will assume all th# INDUSTRIAL PitoOrtNss.—At the Illinois, veterinary surgeon, was one membor of the Ingersoll Town airs of a city for several days. The last meeting of tho Goderich tow nl thrown frow his buggy and killed. Connell ls served a telm- in the next committee meeting will .Ille council it vrae'decided to eubmit a ' The unfortunate young man was in i' county es! end that there are held in Clinton Orange hall on F.ki- bonus bylaw fur $5,000 in -favor of ---his 29th year, and was_a young man le others who vould be doing tine , day, May 10th, at 2 o'clock p. 'M. a Stock Organ Company in which •f exemplary habits. Ile was born \ it Let there be a good attendance, :as• Messrs Blackstone and Carr of Clin- culy 30, 1860, at. Scarboro, near they got their just deserts. . final reports and arrangements will ton are interested ; also to submit a tile city of Toronto, Canada. In ENCOURAGING MUSCULARITY.— be brought in and made. . bylaw granting a loan of $4,000 to the year 1861 liis parents moved The town council of St.• Marys hasFRATERNAL.—The Pickering a);,-' tho Oakes Organ Company for a father west and located at Belgrave, hr 0118, (711:Itd .1111', A tl, !,,fia Association ,of term of ten years. -Where, he secured. his early educe - a cleverly conducter journal , whose tion. They afterwards removed to t't'll't town the 'um of $100 to "'1st ' editor, Mr. Clark, was in town a few WITATV IN A NAM.E.—' Wil—d. SOT „.,„ in paying rent arid expenses for the days a -go, has the following which has a citizen of the name of John year 1889, and that in addition that bears more resemblance to truth Mud, and in spite ofjhe commisura- the taxes -fur this year be remitted thou -poetry. Though about mar- tion one would expect to bo meted on the property known as the flats, riageable girls, were ho as good look- out to him when he fell off the side - and that an 'order, lie granted for ing as the Clinton editors he would walk there on Saturday and broke his the amount. . • have bad no difficulty in finding leg, an onlooker could not help ex, THE town Beard of Ilealtli is lots of them, and handsome at that: claiminee"Yes,that's it, mud to mud." blossoming out since gentle spring "Clinton is quite a town, with a po- And Mount Forest has a young lady has made its appearance. And is opulation exceeding 3000—mostly named Booze, and the companions determined so far as the law permits married. The dearth of marriage- of a young limn who is rather sweet to have 1) II iSl!GSG breeding refuse able females was paiuful, and our on the young lady, answer inquiries removed flout where it would bo eyes filled with tears as we saw the about the said young man by re harmful. Ample notice is beiug gi- young men gazing hour after hour marking that he is "gone" on a von to possible offenders against the at the pictures in Foster's photo booze. health by-laws and it is hoped the gallery. Of course there are a few work of the 'Board will be volun- unmarried girls, but they are all TUE SKIPPING ROPE.—The spring is tprily seconded by all. spoken for. Clinton is the place upou us, and with it comes a num- where the roads cross.Marry f bor of practices, more or less injur- ' o SALE CANCELLED.—The sale of the, houies are three cornered aud nus to humanity, but as regular in Mr. C. Spuotter'a furniture advertis whittled to a sharp point so as to fit. their attendance upon the season ed for turday 27th, has been can- We wont for a walk and tried to get as is the sun itself. In those days celled, Mr. Spooner having leased to the western suburbs but, the of prohibitory amendments there the Royal hotel property on Ontario streets are eokitter-corner-wise that are some things that are in need of St., whore he will keep a first class after an hour's hard walking we. such treatment that have not been boarding house. He will also have came out where we started. We re- mentioned, and among these is the stabling in connection, so that peated the operation three times, skipping-rope. Let us have an od farmers and the public ,generally and then inspected the Doherty ict against this destroyerof youth. can be accommodated. He will Organ Works. The establishment Every year brings its list of victims move into the Royal on the first of employe between :90 and 100 men to this pernicious practice, facetious - May, and all his old friends and and pays wages amounting to $3,- ly called sport. Every year aids to others are invited to call upon him. 000 per month. Mr. J. L. Doherty, lengthen the list of women who Hoss " LAW.—An important well-known iu Pickering, employs have been condemned to a life of decision to farmers and others, was eight uteri and supplies bellows for invalidism by this skipping-rope given a short time ago by Judge the factory by contract. He is do- business. Science has decided that Chadwick iu the Division Court at ing well, keeps a kennel and a eta- the exercise has only evil effects, so PalmerstonMr. Robert Edgar, of ble, and after subscribing for THE why is it not sensible to protect the . NEWS he took our reporter out for little ones who cannot comprehend Howick, bought a horse from one John Dwyer, el Minto, last fall, a drive behind his 2:18 mare, which the risk that they run in practicing Mr. Edgar tel at the court that he next day sold to a Milwaukee it, by interdicting -its manufacture gentleman for $2.000. Quito a and sale? It is reasonable, and will Mr. Dwyer told him the horse was simud, Dwyedenie,1 thfs state- 'lumber of Pickering folks live in meet with a grateful support hen] r • atid around Clinton. George Swirl- parents and ,guardians.—[Boaten meta, but, admitted he told Edgar low keeps one of the leading ,grocery Home Journal. the lime was sound as far as he knew. Mr. Arnistroug examined EK Ave EasTee.—This stores of the town anddrives a large HOLY WE trade. The Commercial hotel is Holy week W0,13 0110 of special the horse Pomo time after Mr. Edga,1 ruu by Mr. Watson, formerly of interest in St. Paul's church. got him, and ou examination said Claremont, who knows everybody Services were hold morning and the horse was unsound. The Judge in these pal ta and like the sensible accordingly gave judgment for Mr. evoniug during the wook. The Edgar fur $45 and costs, the amount man that he is, subscribed for TUE church was handsomely adorned NEWS. Then A. J. Courtin and on Easter Day with natural flowers, claimed. his brothers live near Clinton and and Rural Doan Craig's discourses, Wnar IssrEcToR PAISLEY SAYS. many others. Jakcson-.Bros., who morning and evening, were the —The Milton Reformer gives the are well-known in Pickering, con- most thoughtful, powerful, and following as Mr. Paisley's views, duct tho largest tailoring and gents convincing he has ever delivered. but we rather think the Inspector's furnishing, business in Western On- At least this seemed to be the al - statements have in sumo ways been tario. The buildings from which most universal opinion of the large suppressed and in others exa_ggorat. the local 13111015 issue, are typical congregations present. He spoke ed :—" Mr- Paisley, the License abodes of comins. There is no pre- particularly on both occasions of the Inspector for Weat Iluron, says tension ntide to architectural beauty death of Jesus Christthe testi there is " ten times more drinking but from within these two rusty, mony of Mary, St. Paul, St. Peter, % now than under the Scott Act ; yes, unpainted, povetty-stricken stroc- etc., to the resurrection; the and more than tau thris." Ile tures there issue weekly two model sepulchre, the rolling. away of said they seldom had disturbances country papers that do credit to that the stone, the spot where the Son in hotels under the Scott Act. He wide-awake. town. In tho matter of God lay,„and tho rising of the mentioned a tight which receutly of , personal beauty tho edi- dead. The appeal of tho 1131/. gen- had occurred in an unlicensed tors resemble tho buildings tleman was made touching by house which how° did not exist which they occupy. They are both earnestness„ convincing by sound under the Scott Act, ; also that one clever ?nen and good printers,- but and clear argument. The choir man keeping a licensed house had are not conspicuously ornamental waa in excellent form and the been fined three times since the in design. Although they would anthems and hymns unusually Crooke Act came in force ; he also scarcely bo prize winners at a beau- welt rendered. Mr. Shearer maul - said that the same mon who broke ty show, in the matter of successful pulated the splendid organ in his the Scott Act, now violate the journalism they get there with both usual way—and that means he per- .. Crooks Act." pedal extremitiesformed his part well., • • k IkeRWOU.ICAIIF MI sago Pants-! 0 - Oiam•••• When a Pant44,ynter pantler panteth for Pants, And Pants for the best pants the pant market grants, He panteth unpanted until he implants Himself in a pair of OUR WONDERFUL $2 PANTS. DO YOU WAAT A PAIR ? We show a line of Pants at the above figure which have been throughly tested and acknowledged to be The Greatest Value Ever Offerer! 0 Oome and see them. - We Make Them Ourselves, and have sold a tremendous quantity. If they are . worth .anything they would be Good Value at 3.50. 0 GOOD BUYERS SHOULD MAKE A NOTE OF THIS. JACKSON BROTHERS THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS. 4611111/211/a/IXIMAY&CIIII=1331111M1111919=C61111111110111P11111Alt `wasosra, Illinois. MORE LIES REFUTED.—Our charm- lodges under • whose auspices the SHOOTIG AT CIANTON.—On Good ingly frank local contennitorarysays r meetings were held can be referred Friday a friendly match was °elites- I 'THE NEWS -RECORD does not take to in corroboration. The receiver . ted on Clinton Gun Club's grounds "kindly to our remarks that one of and user of false and traitorousstatements must bear the same between a team from Goderich and "its publishers talks far. the Orange'. odium aedeservedly attaches to' the a home team, the latter winning "men every chance he gets." Quite fabricator and traitor. by one bird. Excellent shooting correct, so far, good Era. THE NEWS - was displayed throughout, markedly RECORD does not take kindly to lies and the statement that one of the so in the case of Mayor Whitehead who notwithstanding his three score publishers of 1116 journal "talks for the Orangemen every chance he gets" and ten years made as good a score is an absolute falsehood. We denied as any. After the match the con- it . last week, we repeat our denial testauts: adjourned to the Queen's this week, and can easily prove the hotel aud partook of a very nice tea falsehood. The same bete nlis- gbtteu up in a very_ toniptiug style. that has urged our cotem into making false statements appears to have had SPRING STOCK SUOWS..—Tho one h)tri even more at his command last at Brucefield last Wednesday was seek than ever. Some ot the ,last well filled with exhibits. Among the INkruths in this connection are con• prize winners in heavy horses we teyed in rather the insinuatingly Ving manner than in the direct uotice C. Mason of Tuckersnrith and e-ylaraer.. We 813811 deal with a Jas. McFarlane of Stanley. Incouple of the direct lies. Ile now carriage horses Lack Kennedy of .j$ays"the impression is saidto prevail, Clinton. In polled Angus bulls ''even among his (Mr. Todd's) own Jas. McFarlane of Stanley. F. Mc- .,'"friends, that he had sent out circu- Dotigh of Smith's Hill was one of .iel among . ars Orange Lodges, offering s the Judges of horses and Jas. Hearn This services at a stipulated figure.' Now, the short quoted extract con - and W. J. Biggins of bulls. At tains several lies. No such impress- Belgrave the exhibit .was fairly on prevails among Mr.Toild's friends. good. Day. Erwin's Boreland Chief Ilifriends have the means within and Shane's Royal Revouge being their reach or preventing them from prize winners. • having any such impression. Mr. Todd never by circular or otherwise MAP OF MANITOBA.—Wo have "offered his services at a stipulated received from J. H. trownlee, D. L. "figure" or at any other figure. S., Brandon, Man., a copy of his" Whoever says so tells a lie. Ile has now 25c. Indexed Map of Mani- given his services gratuitously, alsso• toba. The maps is original lutely without money and without and price, and we are surprised that our' graphic, telling as it does its own cotem should lend himself to become. tale of tho progress of the young the rc'sponsible author of groes fab province. The fourteen pages of rications and then adhere to them indexing make a complete guide to with a persistency worthy of the the map, which is folded iuto a neat father of lies. It Is quite true that cover for pocket or office reference. Mr. Todd issued circulars to Masters Mr. Brownlee's idea is to supply to of Orange Lodges, but not until he had been asked to do so by officers eastern people a reliable low priced and members of other lodges who map—and we certainly are of opin- had invited him to address them and iou that he has struck it. For fur- who were extremely surprised at and tiler particulars address, J. II. pleased with the result. These Brownlee, Brandon, Manitoba. friends urged Mr. Todd to not hide his 'light under a bushel, but to give IN A BAD Fix.—A school teacher others the benefit of his research from near Blyth stayed over Sunday and thought. Though he were not in town with his friend Mr. Jacob solicited to do so, he was but carrying out the functions of his position in Miller. Being an examplary young the South Huron County Lodge, he man Ile got up early on Sunday being at that time County Lecturer. morning, fur 'tis sweet to meet the Nor were his addresses limited to morning • breeze and view the dis- lodge meetings. The brethren in tent budding trees. In 'order to various parts of the county, and out enjoy this to the best advantage 110 of it, requested him to give his lecs t raised the window of his bedroomure "Orangeism Explained" at open meetings to which all protestants which worked so stiffly that it 800111 were invited. These were eminent - ed as though it would it support ly successful, as thousands who Were itself. Then, in somewhat desha- present can testify. Now, in the bille raiment, he inhaled dile attempt to detract from the unsel- life giving ozone, and placing his ffsbness of Mr. Todd, our cotem re, hands on the window sill, he was 'sorts to the villainous insinuation dreamily drinking in the beautiful that his services were offered at a "stipulated figure." This is an prospect when zi-i-ip (Iowa came the window kerrdap on his hands abominable lie, as can be proven by , the circulars referred to, copies of clamping them as tightly as though which are now before us, No etipu- in a vice, and he could not free hie lated figure was asked or received hands until his vigorous cries for by him; and besides the document - help brought some members of the ary evidence in support of our state - household to his relief. ment, the Masters of the various ;re Mn. NribsoN CLEW is seriously 111. MR. PETER. WILSON 18 ou the sick list. THE STREETS aro being nicely cleaned JAMES STANBURY loft for Detroit yesterday. " LIQUOR LICENSES glair ted[for Clin- ton for 1889 aro for the same hous- es as had them last year. OUR REPORTER called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Allen Of 'Dunlop on Good Friday and has to thank the lady and her daughters for their hospita- ble reception. MR. AND MRS. DAVID ELCOAT ar- rived from California last Saturday, owing to the illness of the lady's father, ItIr. Samuel Crich .of Clin- ton. ILL AT OTTAWA.—T. Coughlin, the popular M. P. for North Middle- sex, is ill at Ottawa with diphtheria. He was taken to the hospital and was improving at last accounts. ' Mos. UPSHALL, of the Rattenbury House, accidentally fell down the collar stairs last Wednesday. She did not feel the effects at the time, but has since been laid up, although now able to be around.' SHORT-SIGFIT'EMvsTat 99c1OTiell council refused a gran (4110 to help to extend courtesies to the members of the Orange Sovereign Grand Lodge of British America which will meet there next month. Over 300 delegates are expected to be present. They do not come to make money. Their presence for several days will necessitate the ex- penditure of a large amount of money. Tho grant would have been a good investment financially, aud we take it that, though it might be protested, there is not a roman catholic in tho town who would have done so. The grant to scullers Courtenay and O'Connor who were brought there last summer was pro- tested and not paid. Whether this was right or wrong wetwill not say. But the cases are not similar. The grant last year was to enable a church to make money, the grant this ydrir was to show good will to a largo body of men who will come from all parts of the continent. stay several days and in the aggregate spool a large amount of money, besides advertising tho place to an extent that $500 spent in any other way would not accomplish. t I