HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-04-24, Page 6The' ciron News Record do a Year -4;4.25 to Advance- )W'cdifesdl►►y, April cub, 1889 BUYING A CRAIDLE. It %happened many years ago, when the Philosopher was young and sanguine, where the grizzly white mustache which now occupies the Philosopher's upper lip was but a faint limning of black. • At that. time the Philosopher was blessed with a sister—a sprightly, merry lass, with eyes as black as coal, and cheeks, the roses of which fairly vied with the .roses of the garden. Alack ! when I look at her now, a sober, sedate matron, fat, fair, and forty, deeply interest- ed iu the wedding, •which is soon to come off, of her daughter, I be- gin to realize the flight of time. And it was the same daughter, my bonnie niece, who caused me the trouble which I am about to describe. It occurred when my sister had been married about sixteen months to as nice a fellow as ever Lived. Poor Harty rhe fell at Seven Oaks. Said my sister to me one morn- ing,. as I was about starting for my commercial cell (I was a bookkeeper at that tune( : " Will you do me a favor, please, Philosopher '1" Naturally Isaid I would. " What is it?" I asked, "" You know the cradle I got for Elms?" (that was the'baby's name). et Yes't "It broke last night." "What of it 7" "I've got to get a new cam right away." " Well get it, sis ; you have my full permission." " But I can't go out. Erma is sick, you know, and Harry is away. so I want you to stop down some- where in the city and buy me one." Rashly I consented. Kissing toy sister good -by -._I was not melded then, and had nobody else to kiss—I went for the train which daily rattled me from the shades of the suburban village in which I then lived to the sun baked streets of the city. • Arriving amidst the bustle and toil of metropolitan life, as exempli- fied by the scones about the foray lodge at which I landed, it oecnrrud to me that I had neglected to ask my sister one very important ques- tion : Where could I buy a cradle 7• For myself 1 frankly confess that I did not have -the faintest idea; So I went 'to- a portly, middle aged gentleman, who was anxiously • waiting for' an opportunity to escort several ,juveniles across the street. . " Beg pardon, sir 1"• said I, " brit will you please toll me where I can hay a cradle ?" • • IIe looked at me and laughed. " First one, I suppose ?"' he said, with a wink, " You'll get used to it by and by. Boy or girl?" " Oh, it isn't for myself," I said, while I felt my cheeks suffuse with scarlet. " It is for—for a relative." " That's all right," laughed he. t` I was just that way myself at first. You will get over it after half a dozen blessings arrive. Just you go to Wicker & Wicker, at No.— -- strict. They will give you the best cradle you can find • anywhere."' I went to Wicker & Wicker:"' There I was root by a jolly old fellow, with a face suggestive of wit and good nature. " What can I do for you?" asked he. " I'd—I'd like to look at cradles,' S responded hesitatingly. "Certainly," ho answered, "What kind of a cradle 7" "I owned that I didn't know. " ICs the first cradle I ever bought,"'I said. "Just married, eh4" joked hr, 'Well, I guess we ata suit you. Iiere'e a nice style," From a mass of cradles he pulled out one of the finest wood, inlaid with silver. "There'll a cradle," he said, " fit • for en earl or a Marquis. Price only 175." I earnestly answered that I was not an earl or a marquis. Besides, I di,i not have $75. I wanted a plain, unostentatious cradle for about $6. Tire wit and goo(, -nature appear- ed to fade as if by magic from the fellow's face. "1\'e don't deal in such cheap goods." replied he ; " the lowest priced cradle we have is $15." I knew very well that my sister would not stand any fifteen dollars for a cradle, for we are not a rich family. No fortunatus' purse is in our possession. " Where can I get a cheap cradle?" I•inquired. " Basket Brothers, I believe, manufacture such goods ;`' and with a frigid grace he told me of their place of business, To Basket Brothers 1 hied. I encountered one of the Basket Brothers themselves. Ile was portly, and wale side whiskers; was affable and agree- able. "Cradle, ell?" he said poking' me in the .ribs. " Rather young fur cradles, ain't yuu I I didn't need a curdle till 1 was thirty, hut the rising generation gi h well rise. Want a swtnorna cradle or a rocking cradle, or a cradle with a parasol topl" " About a $6 cradle," I answer- ed. He looked at ate in surprise. "A $6 cradle for a young father!" he ejaculated. " Havu't you any pride about you, man?" " but it is not for ale." " It isn't?" "Ne." " Who is it fol'? " fly sister." The Basket Brother placed his finger aside of his nose. "Nonsense!" he altered ; "you cannot give me that. You had uut ought to be ashamed of your lirst born. I bet your wife ain't. Buy a $10 cradle at least." - It was no use of talking to that plan. He persisted that the cradl• was for myself, and that I should buy a nice one. IIe actually ran down his $7 cradles; said they were made of bad wood, were liable to fall to pieces and drop the brthy upon the floor, which drop tnight crack the child's skull, and how would I feel if such an accident should happen ? Would I not, to a certain extent, be au accessory to the inf'ant's death? At last I got to be ashamed of myself. His glib talk halfconvinc- ed me that I was buying that cradle apou my own account, that I was unworthy of the companionship of my fellow men if I did not buy a nice, expensive cradle. So I bought one. Price $16 with two patent attach- ments upon the side, where a milk - bottle and a soothing• ring could, be put. I had it sent home by express. I had philosophy enough even then not to carry it; for the sight of a man—especially an unmarried man—convoying a cradle, is apt to excite comment, and I did not yearn for excitement. When I reached home the cradle was there before me. "flow much did it cost 7" was, womnanlike, my sister's first ques- tion. • I lied. - Lied deliberately. "Five dollars," I stated, for I was afraid of the avalanche of wrath which was sure to follow my men- tion of the true price. "Five dollars?" disdainfully she said ; adding, thoughtfully : "I could have got a bettor one for three myself." And that was all the thanks I ever got for buying that cradle. Persons wishing to improve their memories or strengthen their power of attention should send to Prof. Loisette, 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his prospectus, post free, as advertis- ed in another column. 5I1 ft —On the northern face of Castle Peak, Nevada, is a furrow cut this winter by a snowslide. The slide started from a point on Mount Snowdon high enough to overlook the intervening ridge. As it went down the mountain it increased in volume until it reached the timber line, and there it cut a furrow one hundred feet wide and many feet deep, not leaving a tree standing for half a mile along the base of the peak. Where it finally stopped a small mountain of huge boulders, earth, aud.shattered trunks of trees, many of them throe and four feet in diameter, blocks a deep raviuo. VIE I{()USE OF COMMONS Cannot pass a law that will prevent people having coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis and lung 'troubles, but Ila yard's Peotoral Balsam does away with the difficulty by prompt ly curing all affections of the throat and lungs. It is the pleasantest and safest cough remedy in use. —James Clark, a negro boy of Albany, Ga., is one of the wonders of the place, because, though never having been taught, he is well edu- crted,da gond mathematician, and writes a "pretty hand," He buys many books. and says that when he studies a text book and tries to mas- ter a lesson he can't understand anything about it, but at night in his dreams the entire ]essou is im- imeased npou his mind, and he never forgets it. He is described as being "exceedingly absent mind- ed and flighty in hie manner and his far away look gives him the appearance of one who has visions." LIKE HALF A DOLLAR. "About 8 years ago my feet and legs became poisoned, and came out in groat sores as large as a half dollar which ate in almost to the bone. Af• ter the failure of other remedies, the sores wore completely healed by one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters." Joseph Gonyon, Tupperville, Ont. Aimee xo Morssag—Are you dis- Curbed at night and broken of your rest by S s.ie)t ehfld suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? 11' so send at once'attd get a bottle of t'airs Wiustow's Soothing Syrup" for Children '1'eethiug. Its value is iucutcuhthle. It wilt relieve the poor itltle sufferer immediately. De - pond upon u .,'Nat' ed:era ; there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dvt,eutery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces tuflamma'ioo, and gives tone ano energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing hyrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25e. a bottle. Be sere andask fur "airs, Winslow's Stt)Lbiug Syrup," andtake no other kind. —Messrs. Crawford, of Teruuto and John Scott, of Galt, have pur- chased from Messrs. 1Valket, of Walkerville, 2500 uftheir fret cattle, which it• is their intention to ship to English markets as upporuu1ty offers. The purchase onebnae,' Sum well nppr'uaching $200,0110. UNSIGHTLY PIMPLES, B1,0.1% CHER, TAN, and all itching humors of the skin are removed by using Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap. —Au aged lady reputed to be 105 yeass old, named Dins. Cushing residing in Arthur towush1p, about nine miles frow Arthur village, hearing that an old neighbor resid- ing in the village, was approaching her epd, decided to visit her. Without consulting any person she forthwith started ou fuot and walked into the village to bid a last farewell W her old acquaintance. A party passing the old lady on the road invited her to drive with hien, but the sturdy centen,ttiau thanked him and said that as rhe had not far to go she would prefer walking She reached her sick friend's bud - aide appoarently none the worse of • her long walk. CONSTIPATION CLAIMS many victims. Ward off this dread disease by the use of Small Sugar -Coated Burdock Pills when needed, —Of all the races of mankind that migrate to Ameriea,the'Chineso and the Italians caro the least about becoming the owners of laud. Few of thein strike out for the fertile fields of the far West to enter upon the work 01'tilling the soil, to live in cabins built by their own hands, and to "grow up with the country." , SAID TO BE SPLENDID I am pleased with Burdock Blood Bitters, because it cured my rbeuma tism completely. My son also, and many other people in this vicinity have used it and say it is splendid." Mrs. O. Perrault, Hat Portage, Ont. —A clergymen in (ho oast end of London having denounced boxing as an unchristian exercise, the Bis- hop' of Bedford has said:—"1 can see no possible harm in boxing. It is a capital exercise, and calcuiated to promote good temper aud self- control. I do not know why every man should not know how to de- fend himself," THE MOST AGREEABLE, restore tive tonic and mild stimulant is Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. A "rambling courtship" was de- scribes] by a young man in Iiroydun; defendant for breach of promise, as "Walking out with a young woman to see if their dispositions would suit aach other and to see at the right time whether anything would come of it.', Ile claims to have conduct- ed the rambling courtship only. DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP has removed tape worms from 15 to 30 feet long, It alsMdestroys all other kinds of worms. I3aru11111 ought to go down to Arlington, Mese., and look at Frank Nichol's horse. It was raised on Cape Cod, is rod iu color and weighs600 pounds. A descrip- tion of the beast reads thus; "It resembles a cow when looked at from one direction, a mule from another, has the tail of a mule, but not the ears, and no mane except a ridge of curly white hair. Its body is covered with a short woolly substance." OUR VANCOUVER CORRESPON, DENT. From Esquimault,B.0 Mrs. A. B. Cameron writes that being very much troubled with dyspepsia Ole tried two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, which •gave great relief,and hopes that others may be induced to try it also and receive like benefits. —There is a war iu the jelly business. A year ago forty three firms formed a trust under which all their establishments except fif- teen were closed down, and prices, it was expected, would be put up. Two large firms in Camden, how- ever, refused to go in, and have been making things interesting for the trust. Recently the trust cut prices on jelly to 2i -and 21 cents a pound and guaranteed ,purchasers against any lower prices, from outside firms. The two Camden firms piomply put. jelly down to 1 cent a pound, and sold enough at that rate to give the patrons of the trust ground to de- mand a rebate of the difference between trust prices and Camden prices, CONSUMPTIQNI f URED. ,tn old physician, imired from poetic.), having had pineed in his hangs by nu East belie missionary the 1•urmala of a simple vegetable teutedy for the speedy and periueut•nt cure of C„nsuniplfon, 1411(.4111s, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat aid Lung affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nei v, us Debility and all Nervous Cumpluinls, 811erhnvi1 test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of eases, has Telt it his duty to make it known to his suffering Callous. Actua- te,, by this motit•0 and a desire to eelieve human sntfering. I will send fee charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, oeru1;11), Ftru.It ;;r 1$u"fish, with ft (I'itectiensfot piquing alt u.:iug, w by mail hyatidress'ugwith stamp, iumi this pull., \V. A. "<;1v1 110 P, we Blor/r, Ruches'e,N Y, 507 NM'. • — 1'r•er-nt 1''•1i1; tl .toms Ill there aur 557 Piddle s0110o1a llanituL;t ,,tlondt.tl by 18,850 chil I'Pn. of in 111 et atr, ,•'.1 at in d- A WONDERFUL FLESii PRO- DUCER. This is the title given to Scott s I;mulefwt of Cod Liu( r Oil by many thousands who have taken it. ft not only gives flesh and strength by vir- tue of its own nutritious properties, but creates an appetite for fond. Ilse it, and ley I/O?'•ouuo'iO'hl. Scott's Emulsion is perfectly palatable. Sold by all Druggists, at 50c. and 811.00 --DIr. Goo. Law, of I)rumbo, has instructed Messrs. Harley Sz Sweet, barristers, of Brantford, to begin a shit against thw; Gland 'Trunk rail- way for damages for the death of his wife and grand daughter at the r Paint aenidellt at Paris. L11'E AND LIMB Areoften in jeopardy through various accidents on land and water. A prompt relief and sure cure for all painful wounds, bruises, burns, cuts, scalds, rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat and croup is iIagyard's Yellow Oil, knowii as reliable over 30 years. Keep it in the house always. —Charles Moore, a u•eI1 to•do fer- 0160', w•as fatally burned iu his bed • near Nanticoke, HaldiIna 101. \V leen (1i8eovcred he .res Lull btn'ii-'d about the hind and 01108 at ti ,lit d it: a few 110444'.. 1'i, Cause of the firs, h is not been t.<c'•tt y Milt FiVE YEARS For o• er five years we have used lfagyarti's Yellow Oil in our family for coughs and colds, burns and soar threat and our experience is so sells• factory that we would recommend the medicine to any person," Mrs. F. Sanderson, Bosworth, Ont. --On Saturday night the resi- dence and grocery of Mr. Peter Mc- Gaw,,of Kincardine, was entered by burglars. Tho found their way to the room in which Mr, Dic(iaw• was slet;piug and abstracted a pocket-. hook from his pocket containing $110. CONSUMP'T'ION SURELY CURE. To Told EDITOR : • G Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers w'ho have conaumpt;on if they will sen,,. Inc their Express and 'P, 1), address Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUM, 37 Yonge street, Toronto, Out, 499y "i V)11TISIOTQ '410002y "Oa tiosum vim in 75' 9`17�A1 'X '!r "18 nein, eDT�'3e8Prparg.er)agdmnli—'0014 IOld,0300ao pen leoetwpueeso'sJeIDDOu( Analog '9 so; 'topmod ,cls eaasi pea etali g ao 'missed i>s aesnso senile ao >jaom-aero 400.15 'ao,tsIV501a. pas 'ssau>leam �e�o 6� Nog snaniaM ao; climaxes inpmeeoue Spaos eq,l, eased wen til '°N OHMS w �D DIRJ V 0ENOR SZZIEncTX1111 1l "11 '19 ue1[n3 sot ''OO 'Pell( ,sLeagdmnp aolad to idiesag ire 6tltusnb 6120 al pap Dsetlmtae pl0da0a 4u05 00 tslalaan,a 6q NOS O ▪ 0'L$1 w .461.0OJUa)a Pao 1050) 10 1iWil s}1 ga'1IA1 seals.1 'innuult 'sagpads quit 'coma olgmrti9 •a0limalflU 3o sasuo4la•.-.3/1 •aaUUH'easaasl0 oepanag._•1. •seeuosla LauPIH Pau 6,1unlafl--•l•li •aasuq.r.omaiy orinl,1,1vaslnl--'0'0 •ogau.11af 'sad!' t) ,10 •nlaoruuandr 'saAUGH 'sgsnoa-.•ll• •ew.oA 'squat') ,10 slog. -•a• •s3e,1ugoela iusux ,aodwetslf-•'i•a •mel3umnaq•u'ss0ultUUZ'ealu,1tg. •g•51 •.ia.ta,1141111I'slllautont 1'10159 t •v•v euonetutuauni 'suolte,01ao,1 •14a2se,.I1sauna .00,1,11 10ag Tauq;y pan Slutop V,,oanamlu0ay1101/00a 0w2ud009 •auJ, nor axv 'don 'a8oa 'duals '0jm3 'eesa03 so,/ - SaIdID1dS AHYNIU i 1A SA3 H d W i1 H A ONDERFUL LAKE! SE'WATER DOETH 000013 E A ME IMINE MEDICAL LptKEREMEDIES .4s,5",.0- w'�.t9,pS190A5`r N.50 o's- c•.<0 `�1 TRY NATURES REMEDY PURE -PEERLESS -POTENT. SOLO 6Y ALL i5'RUGGISTS. TO TEMOFHEA,lTHC0.L0NDON, ONr- J. O. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEAOU4R UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOS. O; 1 • T..t, n 11 e11, ('li)1na), Out HOUSE FAINTING, G, GLAZING AND QRAININO, PIAUI ASD DECORATIVE PA PER HANGING. KalsoMining AND FRESCOING. Shop Next Spooner's Rotel, Albert Street OIINTQN, QNTARIQ_ CHAS. T. SPOONER PITT 7R-1\TI'liTT NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELL I OTT'S BLOCK, : CLINTON. JOSEPH OHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattnissoa, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is hem the very best manufacturers. Picttu•e,Frames and Mouldings of every description. JUS. CIIIDLLY, one door (Vest of Dickson's Book Store, JOB PRINTING the 0-- nro1z #etvo-prord, THE ACKNOWLEDGED Leading:; CollServativo :: Paper OF THE COUNTY, HAS,ONE OF THE X X = X -i- 4 Best Equipped Job Rooms. - — — + - — — — + — IN WES'T'ERN ONTARIO. Te Fiest Job Pri1ni!g EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 STOCKMEN •would do well to call on ,'IIF Ntays Pr:colt,, before placing their �uteordtdrs for BPedigrees, Folders, Cards, &e. 0 0 COLORED PRINTING! EQUAL (IN MANY CASES SUPERIOR) T() CITY WORK. BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 Te Double C!rduIatioq �� Talks to Tousarti1s, kdvortiso in The News-Roeord THE ONLY PAPER WITH A DOUBLE CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY OF HURON,