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Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
strength and wholesomeness. More economical
than the ordine', kinds, and canted hesold in
competition with the multitude of low test,
short weight alum or.phosphate powders. Sold
3nly art Can*. Itovae 1AKt\e POWiES CO., 106
all St., N. Y.
The Huron News -Record
$1.50 a Year—$1.25 In Advance.
Rrednesday. April 1701, 1889
'Don't buy ..Ltaby Carriagesor
Nall Paper- until, you have seen the
magnificent IM1IEXti STOOK at
DI'JK$0,N'S Book Store, Clinton.
Gantelon Bros., Grocers,
have removed one door north ofr ,
Young's Bakery. 114-' Gracerieg
cheaper than ever.
Bu: A.C1'I1N SALE.—At Spooner's
hotel Saturday 27th April at 1 p.
sharp, of household furniture, bar fixtures
etc. Mr.. Spooner is retiring and every-
thing offered will h,' sold. For particulars
see posters. 1) Dickinson will wield the
OwxE1: NTA).— Nt'. W. S. Swaf-
field is about to pull down the old drill
shed. Parties Laving pr opn•ty stored
therein will take notice sec ird1ngly and
remove it.
In and Around the "Dub."
Efivlx Zan.
(THE only Ontario counties iu
,which the Scott. Act has not yet
`b eon repealed are Oxford, Middle-
sex, Elgin,'Lautbton, Leeds and
ST 14AUE's f;tiunott,—There will
be services in this church on Good
Friday at 1.0:30 a. m. and 7:30
p. nr., Rev. F. W. Magaly of Sea -
forth will preach in the evening.
Next 5uuddy, Eastet Sunday, there
will be services at the usual hours.
Lack 1(innedy, who for the past
four months has been acting as
clerk in the Albion hotel, left on
\Vednr•sduy fur (2lintou,„where he
will run the hotel presently occupi-
ed by Mr. Spouuer. While here
Lack made many warts friends and
acquaintances, whu regret his de-
a>arture from this• place.—Goderich
"IN011VUN,'.—A prominent phy
sieiau, says the Buffalo Express, was
seen buying a barrel `of onious, and
being guyed shout his purchase,
said : 'I always h eve boiled onions
for dinner fur the benefit of my
children. I like on ions, too. They
are the bolt medicine I know of for
preveuting colds. Feed. onions,
raw, boiled or baked, to the chil-
dren three or four times a week, and
they'll grow up healthy and strong.
No worms, no scarlatina,. no diph-
theria, where children eat plenty of
onions every d,ty.'
EEGLISIi As tiFIE is SroiE,—Lon-
don Free Press : This is sit,pposcd
to ho a London policeman's evid•
once at the police court, Saturday
night, Yer Wussllip, in the viccin-
erty hof twenty-aeigitt ntiunutes au'
a 'art' hafter heleven erclock p. n1.,
I was a patrolliu' of my beat by the
Park, when 1 sees a group o' two
persona, Yer \\'utslrip, among whom
was the pris'nor. * * * She
'owled, au' 'owled, an' owled, Yer
Wusship, in a way as I fails ter
describe, slit was too awful ter 'ear
that 'owling. The gent as was'or
male companion got scared an' ran
away, so I drops on the lady an'
nips her in the middle o' the 'ovules
and brings 'er hup for the station.
CORD job office turns out work not
excelled by any office in the Domin-
ion. In typographical execution,
material and prices we will compare
favorably with any office in the
Dominion. In horse pedigrees and
cards we turn out good and attractive
work. This year wo have again
added new • horse cuts. The best
proof of the satisfaction we give
both as regards style and prices is
the 'timorous orders we receive
and deliver by mail to out-
side parties. We believe we are
coriect in saying that no other office
in the county dues as ranch in this
way as THE Nf ws•REconn. Call on
or send milers by mail for any land
of printing end we will guarantee
satisfaction in work and price.
Ulss EI,I:A CQ.tTS la on a VlsiIt to
THE GoDEntal; and Clinton gun
Clubs will have a "friendly match
here un Good Friday.
Miss VOGLER, of Chatham, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Coats,
MR. L. KENNEDY, of Clinton, is
visiting at Mr. Geo. McKay's
—Vlringham Ti"tuea.
MESSRS Fi n,rro1 and Parker, of
Clinton, have rented .the farm of
Mr. Val Alton, of Belfast, and have
moved ou to it.
LAST YEAR there were 42 hotel
and 5 shop license% granted in West
Huron. This year there are 47
applications for hotels and three furs
Of all the dirty fernlike
In this big world of sin,
The dirtiest has just moved out
Of the house. you've just moved in
Clinton, was in Blyth last week in,
connection with the Lundy, of
1-Iullett, insolvent estate of which
he is one of the inspectors.
THE YouNo MAN whom we men-
tioned last week as leaving his':`
father's place near Manchester, in 4`
phase of mental aberration has been:,
found in the bush all right.
Good Sermons.—On Sunday
last Rev. Principal Fowell, M. A.,
of Huron College, London, preach
ed both morning and evening in
St. Paul's church. His sermons
'wore most interesting and wore
characterized by deep thought and
choice diction.
POISON.—At St. Joseph, Missouri,
the other day,, Sebastian Merdam
was plowing. Four of his children
followed the furrows, found roots of
wild parsnips, ate theta and became
violently sick, Three died in
terrible agony. The fourth may
NON E$T.—"Tom" Carter is
wanted for breaking into smither-
recue the peace. When constable
Tedford went to serve hirci with
°an "necessary papers on behalf of
11e, majesty the Queen "Torn”
'could not be found.
A1'iSEar,.—Mr. Brownlee who was
fined here last week for assaulting
T. Carter will appeal from the
decision of the magistrate, on the
ground that ` Carter was shown to
have followed hien and forced Mr.
Brownlee to do as he did in self de-
Campbell, of Dungannon, preached
excellent diicouraes; morning and
evening, in the Ontario St. Metho-
dist church. He referred to the
nlinister•ial educational fund of the
church. -.•
Innes of Galt, general agent of the
Provincial Provident, with head
quarters at St. Thomas, Ont., has
been in town the past few days
working up the interests of the
assuciation, which seems to bo based
on a secure dud at the same time
cheap system.
been several Conservative meetings
in various constituencies and the
Government has been endorsed on
allowance. Orange meetings go the
other way as a rule. This is just
what this Riolites and all kickers
against law, order and' constitution•
al government desire to see, In
the chaos that they aro in hopes will
he produced they hope to obtain
LAID AT FEST.—Mr. Robert
Brownlee, of Blyth, who died sud-
denly from neuralgia of the heart
on Thursday morning last, was hur-
ried in Clinton cemetery on Satur-
day. He was well known in this
section and a member of the Orange
Order for many years. About 25
of the Clinton brethren marched
out to meet the solemn procession
and followed to the grave. The
burial service of the English
church was conducted by Rev. H.
A. Thomas and that of Orange
Society by Bros. Laidlaw and
A largo number of the
Blyth brethren were present. Mrs.
Brownlee and fancily have the sym•
pathy of all in their sad. affliction,
Her father, of whotn we made men-
tion last week, was laid at rest just
two weeks previous to that of her
MODEF. ScrrooL L. S.—The rneet-
ing of the Literary Society, room
No. 1, met on Friday April 12th
with Vice Pres. Mary Paisley in the
chair ; the programme was as fol-
lows :—Songs by School. Secre-
tary's report, Ettie Andrews, Read-
ings by Olive Holyar, Mabel Det-
lor, Mr. Lough, Jane Gill, E.
Cooper, Majr I3iggart, Cr. Hodgens,
E. Muir, Ellie Andrews, Songs by
Stella Livingstone, Choir Qnarette
Club, School, Jennie Smith. Re-
citation by T. McCuaig. Song by
School, God Savo Queen. Miss
Nettie Combo and Eva Chidley
favored ns with a speech, Miss
Carrie Lawrence was present but
thorn was not time for an address
from her. The mooting adjourned
to meet again next Thursday April
19th, (visitors invited.)
S hool :-: Books
? Sehcol Supplies. ?
Received for all kinds of Newspapers and Magazines.
—0— — Li..-..... ,,
SERIOUSLY ILL. — ;%1r. : James
Agnew, who removed to Cliuto9'
froth Lucknow a few mouths ago,
wo are sorry to say is dutgerous-
ly ill with inflammation or the lungs.
\Ve hope the gentleman will rally
jind pull thrc ugh.
A NEW OFFICER.—Lieut,-Col,.
Aylmer, London, was iu town oe$
nMoutlay. He inspected the armory
of No. 4 Company, 3:31d (Huron)
13attaliou. Capt. D. A. Fut'restei
resigned some time since, and --tar
armory and company 'WIIl'°4tereafter
"lie 1ti,-21I,r14f,,24t.. tL..DI�4'tittiT;of
THE --w•3 'w3*RECORD. Lieut. -Col,
Aylmer was in Bayfield yesterday
looking after the drill shed there,
He loft for Wingham last evening,
where he will complete other trans-
BURNED OUT.—The Alfred Bruwu
mentioned last week as being among
the sufferers by the devastiting fire
in Dakota was •at ono time reeve of
Morris, this. county, and is a
brotller•in-law of Mr Thos Archer,
of Hullett, who has a letter froth
him confirming the loss of all his
out buildings, including barns,
stables, dairies, cattle sheds and
household furniture, the latter had
been removed .from the house. The
house was saved. The velocity' of
the wind at the time of the fire was
fifty miles an hour. Mr. Brown's
loss will be fully $2,000. He re-
moved from thiecounty to Scotland,
Dakota, about sixteen years ago.
" GOT HIM AGAIN ".—Last week
we publishedoils-,. of a series of
refutations of untruths -which have
time and again appeared in the
columns of our cetera whon it is
dealing with the doings of Conser-
vatives. As a gentleman remarked
concerning our statement last week,
"you have got him agatu." But
our cotew seems to be incorrigible
as a retailer of statements, the re-
verse of facts. Not only istliils
the case when it.speaks of the do-
inge of conservatives in meeting
assembled, but also when it refers
to the corporate and personal doings
of Orangemen. In its last issue
the •Era states another untruth
when it stiys that " one of the
publishers of Lin NEWS -REconn
speaks for the Orangemen every
chance lie gets." That is a false-
hood. While we are proud of the
fact that one of our firm is an
Orangeman, and equally proud of
the fact that he has received numer-
ous calls to address his brother
Orangemen and protectants, we
regret to say that ho has not had
time to accept all tho invitations he
has received to address them. Yes,
we are pained to have to say that
our totem has in this case again
violated the ninth comn,aud'went.
Our Mr. Todd does not claim to
speak for the Orangemen as a body,
but, as a member of the Order he
has often addressed them on the
solicitation of his fellow members,
and to the 'best of his ability ex'
plained the principles of the Society
and the duties devolving .upon the
rnernbers. And he has tho satis-
faction of knowing that his address-
es have been received with appro-
val by his brethren and other pro,
teetants,both lay arfd clerical, present
on those occasions. And we be-
lieve it grieves him very much, to
not be in a position to "speak for
the Orangemen every chance he
gots," but he would often have to
bo in two places at the same time to
do so and have to give up nearly
his whole time to the cause 11e has
unselfishly at heart. For 11e has
persistently refused to receive any
remuneration for Itis services when
he has acceded to the pressing in-
vitations to " come over and help
us " received from the brethren.
And he has travelled in sorne in-
stances over a hundred miles to
fulfil this labor of love demanded
of him. Even did "ono of the
publishers " assume to speak for
the Orangemen, he does not assume
to speak for THE NEWS RECORD,
but so far as we know of his spoken
utterances, wo unqualifiedly endorse
them. But THE NEws-REconn in
any event is only responsible for
what appears in its columns. We
aro afraid our cotein will have to
look to a better source for informa-
tion than that which has beguiled
him so often into publishing tho
falsehoods wo have repeatedly ex-
posed. If that Source is an Orange-
man or a Conservative, ho necessari-
ly hail acted traitorously, yet the
Era is as much to blame for being
duped as the traitor is for his
willingness to lie in order to de-
ceive hits.
THE SICK LIST.—John Thompson
of the Bayfield Iiue, and Mrs. Harry
Stevens and Mr. Agnew, town, are
among the sick.
REOORD.—Mr. Clark, editor of the
Pickuriug News and Rev'. Mr. Mo
Gahy and Dr. Coleman of Seaford'.
Ma. C. C. RANGE has removed to
the now house of Mr. Milne near
the Queen's, and Mr. W. McGee
has taken the house on Ontario St.
vacated by Mr. Ranee.
',.,..Outt Port Albert scribe notes the
death of an old lady there, on the
7th inst., at the age of 105 years,
who walked six utiles about three
mouths before her death,
TROTTERS.—Mr. Lack Kennedy
is uow the owner of the splendid
stallion "Ike Groff," who has given
earnest of . possessing consider-
able speed, combined with the stay-
ing powers which a backing of racing
blood gives. Arcadia Wilkes, own-
ed by Jonathan :luster, Goderich, is
also a splendid specimen of the
staudard•bred trotter. Both horses
left Clinton ye„terday for the Sea -
forth stock show.
'1'IIEIlE died iu Clinton on Thurs-
day. last, Anuie M. E, beloved
wife of Mr, George Haacke. It is
only a few months since Mr.
Haacic(' moved to Clinton and the
death of his wife removes from the
family circle an affectionate mother
and kind wife. Sho was aged 2fl
years and four months. The funei'al
took place on Friday to Clinton
cemetery. The sympathy of TILE
NEWS -RECORD is extended to Mr.
Haacke is his irreparable loss.
Do you expect your children to get
promoted at the public school ex•
aulinations in June 1 Do you send
your children to school regularly 1
Do you Seo that they prepare their
home -work? , Do you give -notes
to your children requesting the
teacher to excuse unprepared
lessons, or to allow them to leave
school at 3 o'clock in order to
escape preparation of neglected
work after 4 o'clock 1 Why is it
that the attendance is smaller on
Friday than other days ! Pupils
who neglect ” home -work " cannot
succeed in passing the approaching
examinations, and therefore, cannot
be promoted. In the two highest.
divisions from 1 to 1i, hoursshould
be given to shady, 1 hour in the
3rd an•d 4th divisions, and i hour
in the 5th and 6th divisions. Will
those parents who are anxious to
have their children succeed kindly
assist and cneouraye teachers by
seeing that pupils aro at school
every hour possible, and that they
come with lessons prepared,
Tho Board of Health has issued
a notice calling on all occupants of
dwelling houses, workshops and
places of business to remove all
manure or other refuse, or vegetable
or animal matter, or other filth, and
clean any foul or offensive ditch,
gutter, drain, privy, cesspool, ash -
pit or cellar on their premises at
we trust that the public generally will
eheerfullyecomply with the requirements
of the Board of health and remember that
the. Board is working for the good of all
and has no selfish object in ylew. Greet the
Sanitary Inspector when he calls upon you
as a friend, he may bo worth many dollars
to you, he may save your life or the life
of your child. Every householder should
start in at once and clean his yard, scat-
tering fresh lime or a solution of ccpperas
and burning all rubbish and refuse that
may be about. Disinfect your cellars by
burning a pound of sulphur in them. 1f4
all lovers of cleanliness will carry ontt
these simple suggestions it will greatly
assist the Board in promoting the good
healtit;of the community.
Tnckcrsnutb. ,
RENTED.—Mr. Simon McKenzi&
has rented the farm of Mr. Alex.
Forsythe for a term of years.
NEW HousE,—Mr. Geo. Sproat
jr. intends erecting a splendid
brick residence this summer. It
looks as if George was going to
follow the bonedicts.
Loss.—Mr. Jas. I3roadfoot had
the misfortune to lose a yearling colt
last week. This was a very fine
colt and will be quite a loss to Mr.
FARM Pcnmi.tsr.n.--Mr. Chas.
Mason has purchased the 40 acres
adjoining his own farm from Mr.
our $2.00 Pais!
When a Pant Hunter pantler panteth for Pants,
And Pants for the best pants the pant market grants,
He panteth unpanted until he implants
Himself in a pair of OUR WONDERFUL s'2 PANTS.
We show a line of Pants at the above figure which
have been thronghly tested and acknowledged
to be
} The Greatest Yalue Ever Offered
Come • and see them. - We Make Them
Ourselues, -
and have sold a.trementlous quantity. If they are
worth anything they • would be ,
Good Value at 3.50.
—o --
Win. Sinclair. Mr. 14fason is. an
•enterprising farther and sure to
succeed. .
NEW SCiIooi .—The School board
have decided•to•build.ti new school
in section No. 4. In all probabili-
ty this school will he built on Mr.
Geo. Crich's lot. This is not .the
first mistake the board has made,
and in determining to erect this
school they are in no way going
back on their past record. If this
ecnool is built it will be against the
express wishes of the ratepayers of
the section. A petition signed by
the majority of the ratepayers was
preseuted to the board asking thorn
not to build a new school as the old•
one with a few repairs would be as
good as when built. The board,
however, have seen fit to overlook
the petition and have decided to
build a new school and add to the
excessively heavy school tax. The
people are beginning to see the
board in its true colors and if a
vote is taken to abolish the school
board, as is expected, it will in all
probability be given the hoist.
Dan is learning to make pills,
Miss Tillie Calladay is home'.
Frank, the surveyor, makes quite
a spread with those corduroy exten-
Mr. Rob Erwin has gone to Geor-
gian Bay for the Rummer. Ho loft
an a -king heart behind.
Herbert wont to Goderich last
-Wednesday to remain a few weeks.
ile disliked to leave his lady -love,
but the 'course of true love never
did run smooth.
The closing concert by the L. S.
in the town hall, Friday evening,
was a grand success. All present
wore well pleased with the various
The roller mill 'bonus by-law is to
be voted on today, April 17. Now,
a pull altogether and we shall have
au industry that will give an impe-
tus to trade here. It is to be hoped
that the by-law will be carried.
We are sorry to say that John
Morgan, our worthy Division Court
clerk, met with a painful accident
one day last week, While splitting
kindling the axe handle broke,
striking him a fearful crack on the
head and also on the shins.
They nearly murdered poor old
friday.—A couple of our village
girls took a very fast drive Monday
evening.—Noll is coming to the
front as ono of our beet lady drivers,
—you can hardly walk up the
street now unless you get hairs
blown in your face.—Johnny is
leaving for up the lake this week.
In And About.'he County.
—Mr. Jas. • Cruickshank,..of
Keppel, has a ewe that gave Lirth
to two lambs on the 26 of March,
and . the day following. hadthree
more ; live in all.
—Three young men at Auburn
used insulting language to another
young man on the highway and
Justices Young and Kelly of Blyth
fined thein $5 each and costs,
—Among the few of the old
pioneers still living in Colborne is
Mrs. A, Green sr., at present
•in her 94th year. She is still
active and smart with her
sneedle, and recently made a neat
bed quilt. At her great age she bas
few equal's in doing work so well and
is still able to knit as well as when
she came to Colborne 55 years ago.
—Mrs, Federick McPherson, of
West Lorne, Elgin county, will
very soon come into . possession
of about $10Q,000. This hand-
some sum of money has been
left leer by some wealthy rela-
tiye of Philadelphia. Mrs. McPher-
son is at present in Plti7adelphia for
the purpose of settling the money
—A fox chase took place in the
vicinity of Morpeth "one day last
week, A certain family was aroused
by a great noise among the hens, •
and to their great surprise they saw.
two large foxes. The chase began
:between three young ladies. They
;succeeded u1 killing one in the bat't-
'yard, while the other stood a chase
::of a utile and a half before he fell
,their victim. They were armed
'with a fork, a stone and a club.
—The Bluevale Cheese arid
Butter building was completely de-
stroyed by fire on Wednesday night.
Of the contents nothing was saved.
Mr. Dillon, cheesetnaker,and family
narrowly escaped, having been
roused by Ronne one passing. There
were indications that the building
was fired • in two places. The loss
is estimated at about $5000.
There was an insurance of $2000.
The factory is likely to be rebuilt.
—It it reported Miss Louisa
Tacon who is in the employ of Mr.
J. S. Smith, Ingersoll, has fallen
hear to' a fortune of $150,000 by
the death of a relative in England.
Detective Rogers who was detailed
to hunt the girl up was there a few
days ago, but nothing definite could
be learned from him. . He requested
the girl to write to 11er friends in
the Old Country which was done,
and she is now anxiously awaiting
a reply. Sho is only about 15 years
of age,