HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-04-17, Page 6o' 7 Huron News -Record 50 a Ye:u•-$1`26 in Advance. W it'esdtt5'. itist;1 17 di 1St„ ) MANAGEMENT OF SPRING LAM LS. Children and lambs have a uatrr- al liking tit• each other ; but du no: have a pet Iamb unless yon are rt..ek to tolerate nuisance, and tiu not permit the children to tease the Limbs unless you are willing to have vitrvtts sheep hereafter. This ap• ph •• mostly to the stale lambs. W'itlls• the sheep is naturally docile, vice is easily induced in the ram, and a vicious ram is an ugly custo- mer. Wean lambs when four to five tuunths old. Place them uu fresh tender pasture. If clover has be"rt sown a ith small grain, and a r•tr• brings the clover along nicely atter the grain is cut, it makes a flue I astute for weaning lambs. Or, three to four weeks before the young grass is needed, mow a few acres of pasture. Give the lambs —and all sheep for that matter— easy access to salt and water. Ac- custom the Iambs to dry feed as soon as the pastures begin to fail, by yardfrg theta at night. Failure to do this is one of the things that takes the profit from sheep -rearing. Cue - trate and dock when young—as soon as the lamb is surely otvued by its data is noun too early. To dock, have an assistant.sot the Iamb on a board, holding it with its back to him, a hind leg in each hand and drawn well up. Make the incision thruegh a joint, downward and out- ward. This leaves a hood to protect the wound. Fish oil or caster oil is as good an application as tar, and loss objectionable. CAREFUL CULLINC S. • —Time will discover every thing to posterity, it is a babbler, and speaks even when no question is put. —Those who make young chil- dten 'prodigies act as wisely as if they would pour a pail of water into a pint pleasure. "—Let every Christian father and other understand that when their child is three years old they havo done more than half they will ever do'l'or his character. —Madame De Steel defines -happiness to be "a state of constant or tion upon . some desirable svith a continual sense of t ....,3 toward its attainment." He who kindly relieves the distressed And visits the sir:k in time of need ; Or tenderly lifts up the oppressed, Is truly a friend indeed. It is not what we do for ourselves alone ; Not gain of wealth or power But whit we have for others done— That counts in the final hour. —The wife of Count Tolstoi does not sympathize with hor husband's extreme religious views, and threat- ens, if ho attempts to carry out his plans of selling all that he has for the beuoti of +Ile peer. to ask for an official investigation of his sani- ty. --A Kiegstou, N. Y., clergyman received a fee of a dollar the other day for harrying a couple. About an hour after the ceremony the newly -made bride ,canto back and demanded a certifieate that cost twenty five ceuts. And a few days afterwards she visited the clergy- man again to find out why he hadn't put a marriage notice in the papers. So he inserted a notice at a cost of fifty cents, and then, handing twenty-five cents to his wife, re marked :—"Here, my dear, hurry up and take this before that woman makes another call." —A Chicago paper states that American women rarely, if eve , 1. se their first youth. They don't, eh 4 The way it struck • - was that they lose so many iu divorce cour , and one thing and another, that it is a mighty difficult platter to say whether it is their first youth or their second youth that they hang on to. This is a funny truth re- garding "first youth " —Rev..John Robertson, of Stone- haven, believes he will see the poet Burns in heaven not far distant from too apostle Paul. He says "Robbie 13 VIM was ten thousand tunes better than ulauy of his white - tied contemporaries," Such compar- isoos are odious, Burns' name will be hallowed by history and tradition, when the idler bucco muckle squads' namos will never rise from the por- tal through which shay have entered. Burns was neither a scholar nor a a chemist, and found to lac beavily loaded with arsenic. The girl had been poisoned. —The ubigt.itoue book agent hats got a bad set back. A Mont sal mercbant, whose sock of Cbristiau resignation was exhausted, threw one of the fraternity out of 11i t office, and on being summoned he fore a magistrate, the latter patted hila on the back, and decided that the peripatetic vendor of literature had no business iu au office againet the proprietor's wi hee. —The people of the state of N York have atre•'dy been taxed the extent of nearly $20,000. for their statehouse at Alba and it ie estimated that it will some $6,000,000 more to comp it, and then they will have costliest statehouse in the wo The amount of extravagance swindling iuvolved in this sti lure almost staggers belief. It one of the greatest cheats of in ld times. . —Two preachers figured in tra dies in Navarsato,Texas, ou Sand Rev. K. M. Lawsuit shot and kil a negro named Daniel McLeod, t had stolen several articles from h While Rev. Hall Miller was c ducting Sunday school an iatoxi ed man named Burchard distur the meeting. There was au alto tiou between the preacher and disturber and the Rev.. Mr. Mil went home. Ho returned wit shot gun and fired its couteuts i Burchard'e side killing hits. —Dublin has hail a retultrka dog case in one of its courts. T melt claimed the saute dog. .0 to prove its ownership, told t animal to fetch his cane. The d obeye 1. The other said that - had owned the dog in Asia, whe he had heard only Hindostau spoken. So in that language told the dog to fetch his bat. T dog obeyed. No report of the ciston of the judge has yet been r %eived in this country. —The estimated cost of the p jected ship canal between Bor eaux, on the Atlantic, and Ni bonne, on the Medit.erranu France, is $130,000,0110. This v• undertaking—comprisiug, as it do a leugth of some 330 miles, to sa a voyage around Spain of 700 mil— .would have a depth of 27 feet order to allow the passage of hes ironclede, and would require locks. The plan also eontemplat a railway track alongside, so th by means of locomotive towage speed of 70 miles an hour coiild maintained by day, and. also b night by the aid of electric HO —A Chicago despatch says ;—Tl State council of the British Amer can association had a rough an tnmble meeting at the Sherina house Wednesday, a"teraoon at o'clock.. Ladies in the parlors an a few people' in the rotunda ha their atten�ion attracted to a treme .dous tumuli iu one of the club roorn ou the second floor. There war yells and uoise of blows and crasai n furniture furiously blended. ?'h council had [net with Dr. Gaudio in the chair. A hot discussion arose over the newspaper organ or the as- soliation, which is edited by a Scotchinau aid a Canadian. It is Cita 'at one i )eulpsy said : 'The Scotch are bare legged savages and Canadians are haltbreedt.' 'C_rdon Murray, a well known business man leaped, from his seat and knocked Denipsy and the latter's brother down. Caudle was struck on the jaw. Mr. Brhatu way upset and walked upon. i )empsy rose' and sailed into Murray, who in tutu sailed into him, and each dashed at the other in wild fury. Blows fell like raiu. Chairs, cusp• idols, mantel bronzes and floor mats were hurled through the air, and it was only by the application of such force as the hotel porton could coir• mand that the riot was chocked, eW to 000 lay; cost tete the rld. and .uc- is ern go - ay. led rho i ul, vu- cat - bed sca- the ler h a it ble wo ne. Ire og he re ee he he de - e• lo- o: an, 1st es, ve es in 38 es at a be y' ts. le d n 3 d d n= a e e SAiD TO BE S^LEN 'ID I am plecsed with Burdock Blood Eaters, because it cure; my rheurna tism completely. My son r -"o, and many other people in this vicinity have used it and say it is splendid.' Mrs. 0.:,'errault, Cat Porttge, Ont. —St. Thomas Journal ;—There humorous as well as a graveside the smallpox epidemic. At nt's school house the other day umber of Italians were being citrated, Mr. Frank Bunt assist - the physiciau. After the bucks been all vaccinated some eight aws remained and hraul'c. told of them to go into the cloak 1.0 of the school house and got ppp d really for the doctor. Frank ant her to get her arm stripped. the squaw didn't understand very well, and thought he nt what he said. Taking a'1 un - al time t0 get really, Frank puked • head in the door to see what the 'natter, and was about half rifted to find the squaw tied only he dusky garb which nature gave Frank hastily closed the door, Managed to explain the situa- to the squaw by speaking ugh the keyhole, ,.1 V', HALF ,A D,,u.LAR. bout 8 years ago wy feet and legs became poisoned, and came out in great sores as large as a half dollar which ate in almost to the bone. Af- ter the failure of other remedies, the sores were completely healed by one bottle of Burdnolc TM :1 Bitters." ph Clonyon, 'I'upperville, Ont. is a to Hu an vac ing had squ 011e 1.00 sti,i Inc hypocrite. hut • hin Moa INTERESTING' NEWS ITEMS.esu i his —Portland, Ale,, has more rads' 1 wss Fellows in prop' ',tun' 10 its popu• hor lation than any other town in the in t /World. One out of every four of her. the citizens over 21 belong to the and order, and the seven lodges of the tion city havo a fund of $140,61 5.74. titre Tho richest lodge is tho Unity, which has $34,430 in its treasury. —•A young daughter of Milton "A Blake of Boone, N. .H., became seriously and mysteriously ill, h'in- t.ily it was suggested that the ill- ness might bo due to the new green -flannel dres she had been wearing. A piece of the goods was analyzed by Jose Aalne. i 79 b'Qy.r,iat$.-•"A.re y44 dis- turbed et vl'tbt 014 broke t of your rest by a sick ebild scrming and crying witb Dain of Cutt•^f; 1'eetli? •If so sero at once ar.d get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soo.l•iegSyrup" Children `feeiuiug its value is it .slab's. h will relieve the ports: ftttleeu''e:er itroediately. De- pend rpon it, mothers; there is no n'is- taLeabout it. It cures D'•eente-y' and Dia'rtcea, regola.es the Stomach and Bowels, cu -ea Wind Uulie. softens the Gums, ret:rrea Julian -raw ion , and gives .one and a"e gy to the it bole system. "tfrs Winslow's Seoth'ng Syrup" for cairn tee,bing is eleasant to the taste and ie.the p'etcr;ptlon of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all 1' •uggis•s throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. lie sire andttsk for "Mrs, winelow'aSooth'ng Svrup," and take no other kind. --It is said that one cause of the difference which led to Senator Macdonald's resignation of the residency of the Evangelical Alli- ance is the alleged fact that the Alliance purposed rucking one of its chief objections to the Joevit Bill the contention that Protestant institutions did not get enough of the plunder, DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP has removed tape worms from 15 to 30 feet long. It also destroys all other kinds of worms. —Over 6100 persons passed through Port Arthur during. March bound fur the Northwest. A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was maks when Powell dr Davis issued their Extract of arsap• arilla and Burdock. It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar - kat. It is used with the greatest success in all diseases arising from a debilitated coeditor' of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at tb's season of the year, df Powell's Ex• tfnet of:Sarsaparilla and Burdock, hear .n mi -id one 50c. bottle cuntaine more solid medicine than moot dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember. tnat it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, p •ice 50c, a bottle. Sold by all drug- L'sta and medicine dealers everywhere. 4,!3:1,1y —Wm. Black, a fa mer of West - minister, roar Belmout, died very soddenly on Saturday n!oruini,. He had just dressed himself, and was walkiug out of his bedroom when he fell dead in the doorway. Decoa.,,,d was 54: years of age, a• d leaves a wife a,ld family. OUR VANCOUVER CORRESPON. DENT. • From Esquintault,B.0 Mrs. A. B. Cameron writes that being very much troubled with dyspepsia she tried i.wo bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, which gave great relief,and hopes that others may 1•e induced to try it also and receive like benefits.. —John Le f'roix, who died at C'.ra'.d Forks, Man., last. week, was a native of Montreal and 10l: years old. ' r NJ N••0SI' A�';r:r AL%�E rests, a- t':e tonic and mild stimulant is 3lilbt•rn's Beef,. on a .. Wire. —A sensational breach of promise case in Napanoe has been se' 'ed, but a Westbroke farmer, away up iu years, is boiny sued for $3,000 for trifling with tho affections of a young woman of tee der ; _ass. THE HOUSE O:'COMMONS % sono[ pass a law that will prevent people having co 4ghs, colds, asthma, bronchitis and lung troubles, hut fiagyard's Pectoral Balsam does away with the diflicult•. `by prompt ly curing all afreotions of the throat and lungs. It is the pleasantest and safest cough remet.y —A reveicnd minister in 10,1* broke, or the Sunday previous to the voting on the Scott Act, witn one hared uplifted and the other ou the bible, iu the pulpit, irnll)ored the Almighty to paralyze the right hand of every . stor ., ito voted fo: the repeal of th• Scott Act in that district. Result, 1,000, Majority for repeal, and no right hands paralyzed. Another plain example of the old adage, "The prayers f the wicked avail not !" Ut4SIGH GY PIM'?LES, B' 0'i'• CHER., TA N, and all itching humors oI the skin are removed by using Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap. —Rev J. .G. 2 'eau of F'euelou Falls, was tried before 1-Iis IIonor Judge Deau at Fenolou Fails, Vic- toria couuty, April 8th, on fivesep orate charges of indecent assault on young boys. On the first four charges the prisoner was found. not guilty, but ou the fifth charge, which occurred in Jainuary last, he was was convicted and sentenced to throe months in the common jail. There is a very strong fooling in henelon Falls against the prisoner and it was feared that as ono case after another fell through the defendant would get off, but the last case proved lou much for hint and he went to gaol. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURE. To T',lr EDITOR : Please inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By 'its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to Send two bottles of nay remedy F,:EE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send. me their Express and 1', 0. address Respectfully, Dr. A. 'I'. SLOCUUM, 37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. 999y • WON EKFt3L G'± >;, F•.e,.EStT P90% AU `I•ttili is the tide given to Scott r Ik eiulaion of Cod Liver Oil by many thousands who have taken it, It not only gives flesh and strength by vir- tue or its own nutritious properties, but creates an appetite for food. the ill and or y your weight. Scott's Emulalon is perfectly palatable. Sold by Druggists, at 500. and $1.00 --In Montreal 1 loan limed Mainville all •mpted to outrage a young 10 year-old girl and was only stopper[ in his infamous purpose by the girl's brother, who had him arrested. In the court of Queen's bench he was sentenced to eighteen mouths' imprisonment iu jail and liftecu lushes. The !ashes were adnrieisterrd one morning at 7 o'clock. 'Cho wielder of the cat tv its a 1411, pawn; fol Ilisiiman, and the second stroke brought screams and appeals fur mercy from the scoundrel's lilts, but they were of -no avail. COSS t f ['AVON CLAIMS many victims. Ward off this .dread disease by the use of Small Sugar -Coated Burdock Pills when nreded. Elder Morris 'elated in a Bap- tisi; church at Wiudsor Sunday evening that oue of his iecont con - •1 ts in South Colchester had a fearful vision a few nights ago. The new convert who is a young 00101.0(111.1311, saw heti, It place of liquid, boiling flames, rolling over and over, and gray-haired men rolling over and over in them ; also ho saw and heard a lot of young teen popping up in the flames like n lot, of popcorn in a stove fire. The eider draw a frightful picture of Gehenna,, scaring his hearers so that 'several' women %vent into fits, white•'rnen groaned and wept r.mid great excitement. Next day Air. Morris teas notified to drop the old fashioned hell or stop preaching. �'.. VE a 1:S For over five years we have used lTagvard's Yellow Oil ;n oar family for coughs and coils, burns and soar throat and our experience is so satis- factory that we would recommend the me 'eine to any person," hl "s. F. Sanderson. Bosworth, Ont. —Mr. N. Webb, the well -know.' proprietor of the "China Matt" in St. Thomas, died at his residence on Wellingtou street, from blood i•oisoning. The disease originated :row a most-poculrar cause, On l hursday he was at hie ',lace of business as usual, bet complained of a small boil on the back of his neck, and on Friday meriting, the pain being somewhat severe, a doctor was called, but nothing seri Pus was anticipated. 'Saturday eight, however, blood poisoning set iu, and despite all that Medical sat 11 could du he passed away at eleven o'clock. LIVE AND LIMB Are often *in jeopardy thi ough various accidents on land and water. A prompt relief and sure cure- or all painful wounds, bruises, burros, cute, scalds, rheumatism, •neuralgia. sora throat and croup is Ilagyard's Yellow Oil, known as reliable over 30 years. Keep it in the house always, HUMPHREYS' Da. livw•aners' SPECIFICS are scienttflcally and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years In private practice with suceese,and forever thirty years used by the people. EVery single Spe- cific las a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purg- lug or reducing the system, and are In filet and deedthesovereign remedies oft he World. LIST OF PRINCIPAL NOS. 001818. PRICES. 1 Fevers, Congestion. Inflammation,.. 2. 2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Celle . .2 :t Crying Colic, or Teething of Infants 2. 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.... b Dysentery, Griping Bilious Colic.... 6 Cholera MArhus,'Vomiting ,2 7 Conglis, Cold Bronchitis .2 8 Neuralgia, Toothache Faceache.,.2 9 iiteadaehos, Sick Headache, Vertigo .2. 10 Dyspepsia, Bullous Stomach.2 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. .2 12 1Vhr:es, too Profuse Periods ;t 1 Croup, Cough, Dlf Ieult B,Trtui n •55 1 Balt theuul, Eryslpelas, E,ruptrona• 1 'rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains25 16 Fever and Ague, Chins, Malaria.50 17 files, Blind or Bleedingpp 19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cod in the Dead .50 Whooping Cough,Violent Coughs. .5 General Dehility,Piyslcaiweakness .50 2 Hldnoy Disease 28 Nervous Debility 1.00 30 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed0 3`2 Diseases of theHeart,Palpltatton 1.00 Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid On receipt of price. Da. Flvatrnaays' MANUAL, (144 pages) richly bound In cloth and gold, mailed free. Bumph rove MedreifleCo.109 Fulton S$.N Y. SPECIFICS. WELLS at 1LICHARDSON CO. Agents, MONTREAL. ... of HEMI A WOSE WATER METH R GOOD Lf E A MLAKEDIC 1 i= -MEDICAL LAKE REMEDIES "t �' OHO EPO�PPv Jt1PKCP P��L� Pt.•.Y`�: Y NATi�F2ES RIEMEDY 01$ -PEERLESS -POTENT $SOLD BY ALL .DRUGGISTS. rQTE,NOff'EALT/1 C'0.LONDON, ONT.. J. G. STEVENSON, Furniture Dea'Cr, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNER'1L DIRECTOR, 'I'ewa !!till, Chum!, Ont HOUSE PAINTING,. GLAZING AND GRAINING, PLDIN fl$II DECOHRTIVE PAPER KalswIning AND FRESCOING. Shop Next. Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street. � a CLINTN' Oa CHAS. T. SPO Nf aR NEW STOCK ; NEW STORE ! ELLIo1r1-'s BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CIIIDLEF, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of' Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. Tile whole Stock is from the very hest manufacturers. Picture Fratues•and Mouldings of every description. JVS. CHhDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store. Erie PRINTING inn t WO - THE ACKNOWLEDGED cord, Leading:; Oollsorvatise :: Paor OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE OF THE Best Equipped Job Rooms IN WESTERN ONTARIO. o• Tje-F!ost Job PTigting 1 EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 0 TOOKMEN would do wetl to call on TETE NEws Beconn before placing their orders for Route Bills, Pedigrees, Folders, Cards, &e. 0 COLORED PRINTING EQUA r+ ON MANY CASES SUPERIOR) TO CITY WORK. 0 BILL HEADS; NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS. 0 TIie Double CircuIatiaq 40- Taus to Thousands. 0 kdvortiso in The News-Boeord THE ONLY PAPElt WITH A DOUBLE CIRCULATION Ilv THE COUNTY OF HURON.