The Huron News-Record, 1889-04-17, Page 1'PJH7RIUSI-81.50 per A1Inuan, $1.25 lu Advance.
VOL. X. --NO. 18.
Received This Week !
Piper Heidseick Champagne.
Guinesses XXX Porter, Extra Stout.
Bass & Co's India Palo Ale.
Sandman very old Port Wine.
Merin D'or Claret Wine. Gooderharn &
Worts 5-year•nld Whiskies in wood -and
bottles. H. Walkzr & Son's„ 1883 Club
Whisky. Labbatt's Ale, bbls., t} bbls.
TERMS CASH. —Goods delivered to all
parts of Clinton free.
le tho Exchequer Court of Canada.
In the matter of ""fisc Expropriation
Act," and in the matter of those
certain parcels or tracts of land
hereinafter described.
Pl?BLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that there
has been lodked in the Office of the Regia•
tray of the Exchequer Court of Canada, on the
Nineteenth day of March, A.D , 1880, a notice to
the Registrar by the Minister of Marine and
Fisheries of Canada, stating his readiness to pay
over to the persons entitled thereto, the stun of
five hundred dollars, which in his op(hien is
sufficient compensation for the land or property
expropriated for the purposes of obtaining addi•
Clonal land for the Lighthouse Station at Code -
rich, in the Province of Ontario, and described
as follows, that Id to say : All and singular that
certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and
heing in the Town of Goderich, in the County of
Huron, Ontario, containing by admeasurement
one quarter of no acro, he tho sane more or less,
as shown on the Plan or Survey prepared by Mr.
Thomas Weatherald, P. L• S., which may be bettor
known and deed ilea as follows :
Beginning at the South east angle of Lot letter
A : thence due North thirty-nine degrees and
fortyfive minutes : West along the limit between
Lots A and 8, a distance of two chains : thence
due South fifty degrees and fifteen minutes:
West, one chain and taentyflve links, to an
angle : thence due South thirty.nine degrees and
fortyfive minutes: East two chains to the west
limit of Cobourg Street, thence due north fifty
degrees and fifteen minutes: East along Cobourg
Street, one chain and twenty -ave links to the
place of beginning.
That Her Majesty has acquired title to the land
or property hereinbefore described under chapter
thirty-nine of the Revised Statutes of Canada,
respecting the expropriation of Lands, as amend-
ed by the Act 50-51 Victoria, ch. 17, intituled
"An Act to amend the Revised statutes, chapter
thirty-nine, respeetiag the Expropriation of
Lands "
In conecquence, all persons entitled to the
said hereinbefore described land or property or
any part thereof, or representing or being the
husbands of any persons so entitled, or claiming
to hold or represent incumbrances thereon nr
interests therein, are called upon to ale; in the
office of the Registrar of the Exchequer Court of
Canada, their claims or oppositions, on or before
the thirtieth day of AprII, A. D.,'. 1889, and•are
notified that such claims or oppositions will he
received send adjudged upon by this Court, and
that the proceedings herein will forever bar. all
(Jahns to the compensation money, or any part
thereof, Including any claim in respect of dower,
or of dower not yet open, as well as in respect
of all mortgages, hypothecs or incumbrances
upon the said land or property.
Dated at Ottawa this 19th ddy bf March, A.D.,
543—•3t Registrar.
seat (fi'orr,e; pottdcnt..
M.SReuben Sal lows has added an
excellent 'show wiudow to his
photographic establishinont,B1ake's
Mr. Walter C. Goode, who pur-
chased the stook of Mr. M. J.
Whitely has now a very nice ar-
ranged drug store. M'r. Goode in-
tends putting in the electric light
shortly, and will add improve-
ments at no distant date. W. C. G
may be found nig it or day at the
store in the Albion block.
A By-law has been passed re -
'pealing the early closing By-law
concerning the Dry Goods and
Hardware stores. While thinking
it would wake but little difference
the winter, it seems to us a bad
plan for the summer mouths, as it
is during this season that those em-
ployed, especially the young, need
outdoor exercise and recreation.
The I3eaver lacrosse club organized
last week for the season of- 1889.
Ae in the previous years tho mem-
bers will he youths between 13 and
15, and they are uow prepared to
contest for the championship of the
county, with any similarly formed
club. The executive officers are
Captain W. Price, Trees W. Black
and Secretary A.McVicar to whom
all challenges or communications
should' be addressed.
At the regular meeting of the
High school Literary Society last
Friday evening the following pro-
gramme was presented, chorus the
Glee Club, reading Mr. Boyd,
reading Miss Vanstone, recitation
"For The Baby's Sake" Miss M
Acheson, criticisms Mr. Mahaffy.
address Rev. Mr. Potter. The
recitation given by Miss M.Acheson
was the attraction of the evening.
The election of officers resulted as
follows: President, Mr. McKenzie,
1st Vice President, Mr, MOCluAky,
2nd. Vice President Miss E. Wat-
on, Seootary Miss Crozier. Secretary
of committee Mr. A. Johnston,
Editor Mr, Ilarvey, Councillors
Miss.Strang and Messrs Mahaffy and
Hyslop, Librarian Miss L. Graham,
Treas. Miss G. Wilson. A vote of
thanks to the retiring officers having
been unanimously carried the meet-
ing adjourned.
WHITELY Su TS1UD, 1'aal,lIeb!,�
Xactd (
Mr. J. S. Platt received a carload
of hoops and staves last week1
The new Bank Park seems to be
much admired by the fair sex.
Mr. Harry Cluctns WRs in town on
Tho usual• Good ^Friday services
at St. Peter's next Friday. .
The first arrival in port last
There will be special services in
all the churches on Easter Sunday.
Mr. J. R. Clunas of Galt was in
town last week.
The schooner Greyhonnd sailed
out of port during Saturday night.
The schooner Carter will sail this
morning, •
Prof. W. F. Foote has a class of
pupils at the village of Saltford.
Mr. Peter Fox jr. isbuilding a
a cottage in St, Andrew's Ward.
Inspector Malloch of Clinton was
in the circular town on Saturday.
The Hon. 1'. J. Black of Oregou
U. S. left on Saturday on his return
home. •
Mr. Hy. Sharpe was in town for
a few days the past weok visiting
his relatives.
Mr. William Black hes purchased
the old homestead on West street
from Mr. Jno. McCullagh. •
Mrs.Henderson, West street, will
move to Detroit about the first of
of May.
Mr. Ilarvey Polley of Quebec
was in town last week on a visit to
his brother Mr. A. M. Polley.
Mr.Jas. Black of Michigan, left
on his return to his home in that
state on Saturday.
County Clerk Adamson had sever-
al men employed the past week in
improvements to his residence. ,
The regular meeting of the Knox
church Band of Hope was held in
the lecture room ou Saturday after-
Regular meeting of Huron En-
campment No. 38.°L 0. 0. F. next
Monday evening.
On Saturday the harbor and lake
shore as far as could be seen were
clear of ice.
There will be the usual services
next (Good) Friday in St. George's
Mr. Robert Logan of Clinton was
,riaiting his relatives in this town
a few days since.
On Palin Sunday a large number
of our people visited God's acre on
Maitland banks.
The High, Public, and Separate
schools will close to morrow and
re -open next Tuesday morning.
Mr. Hilton Holmes of the Bank
of Commerce, Sarnia, is spending a
two week's holiday in town.
Mr. A. Morton, who was serious-
ly ill last week is, his many friends
will be pleased to bear, steadily im-
Prof. Cooke is arranging a pro-
gramme for an electric light enter-
tainment at Saltford which will
take place shortly.
The monthly meeting of the Y.
W. C. T. U. was held at the resi-
dence of Mrs fienderson on Monday
Mr. M. J. Whitely has taken a
diploma in ' Michigan, and is now
located in Detroit at Whipple's
drug store.
The schooner Toclman Captain
Lawson, is all ready for sea, being
all tight and taught and sails
all fixed.
The harbor lights illuminated
the lake for the .fi rat time this season
on the evening of Tuesday of Last
The timber for the new boat
having come forward more freely
,the past week, the vessel is assum-
ming a finished appearance.
The schooner Greyhound, Capt.
A. Danelly, arrived in port from
Johnston's harbor on Thursday
afternoon with a cargo of lath for
Mr. II. Second.
The Goderich Gun Club, will
have a friendly match with the Clin-
ton club on Good Friday. The match
►vfll take place on the grounds of
the Clinton club.
Dire. Clunas, nee Snails, of Galt
was visiting at the old homestead
last week. Mrs. Clunas •while in
town renewed old time friendships
.with her numerous well fishers.
The big fishing tug J. if, Jones
left for Wiarton and fishing stations
on Monday.' The Jones had a full
cargo of salt, fish barrels and fishing
sundries, and took several fishing
boats in tow.
A large quantity of hay is heing
stored in the stone warehouse at the
harbor, for shipment oil the
schooner Goldliuntcr to Northern
lumber works.
goal (D'arreopontleuce
Captain Wtu. McLoau left for the
season on Saturday.
Mr.•H. Meyer, \\riughatu, was in
town this week.
• Mr. Ed VanEvery leaves to day fur
the north shore of Lake Superior.
There was a'Council tweeting ou
'Friday evening,
Mrs. Dr. Johnston of Toronto is
visiting at the maternal residence.
Captain J. W. Green left town
yesterday for Chicago to take com-
mand of his boat the Minnehaha.
There was a Meeting of the
special cimmittee on Mouday of,
The Beatty line Steamer, Tho
United Empire, is expected in port
next Wednesday morning.
The schooner Carter, Captain D,
Macieod, sailed north yesterday
morning for a cargo of cedar for
delivery at Detroit.
The schooner Kolfage, Capt. Jno.
McDonald, left last night for,Stokus
Bay for a cargo of lumber for deliv-
ery at this port.
Itwould be an adyautage if the
contractor for Butting up the Park
pavilion had the work completed
by the time for the meeting of the
Orange Soveriegn Gr•aud Lodge in
The contractors commenced the
cot atone work ou the new public
building last Sattirday. The build-
ing is rising rapidly, and bids fair
to be a most substauti•al and impos-
ing one.
Mr. Robert McLeau is preparing
for work in couuection with his
new block on the square, Mr.
Jamieson Read will undertake the
atone and brick work and Mr
James Reid the w,00d work.
The Oddfellows of Goderich
will celebrate their 70th anniver-
sary by attending Divine service at
Kuox church next Sunday morning
on which occasion Rev. J. A. Au-
dersou will preach the auuual ser-
mon. •
A complimentary supper to • the.
Hon. T. J. Black, ex -State Senator of
Oregon,was given at Ball's Ice Cream
rooms on Friday evening, on' the eve
of the gentleman's return to his dis-
tant home, Ex•M. P. Horace Hor-
ton and Ex -Warden F. W. Johnston
acted as chairmen. After justice had
been done to the contents of a nice-
ly arranged and heavily laden table
of good things, a programme of toasts
was disposed of. "Our Guest" with
the song "He's a Jolly Good Fellow,"
responded to by Hon T. J. Black.
"Our Commercial interests" replied
to by Messrs D. C. Strachan, F.
Jordan and John Acheson. "Old
Ireland," replied to by Prof. Foote,
"The Dental Profession," responded
to by Councillor Nicholson. "The
Press,'' coupled with the name of
THE NEWS 1tecoau. "Banking Inter-
ests" replied to by Mr. Geo. Drum-
mond,Mgr. Bank of Montreal. "The
Ladies," affectionately replied to by
Prot Foote. "Legal Profession "
coupled with the names of Messrs F.
W. Johnston and G. Elliott. Songs
were given to every toast, aprlosite
in matter and rendered in excellent
form by Messrs J. F. Robinson, E.
Van Every, F. Jordan, Prof. Foote
and chairman Morton. In addition
to those whose names are given
above there were prosent, Messrs,
Jas. Black, Mich., Geo, Black, C. W.
Andrews, Town Clerk Campbell, W.
Dynient, Councillor F. J. Pridman,
W. T. Whitely,NEws REoonD„Clinton,
J. M. Williams, Jas Vivian, E. R.
Watson, Geo. Black jr. Tne chair,
men of the evening spoke touching•
ly of the fond manner in which all
Goderich "boys” in all places and at
all times referred to the old town
"Heedless though ass, and wolf,
and venomous worm, shake
ears and fangs, with brandished
bray," at thew; and they were
much pleased to find that the guest
of the evening was among those whose
"first love does with theheart remain,
as ose blossoms their fragrance still
retain, and home't first dreams will
"haunt the mind, though summer
leaves but stems behind." The
guest of the evening felicitously and
feelingly replied to the very kind
manner in which his name had been
referred to during the even-
ing. Though bound by family and
business ties to another country
to which he was about to return, the
kindly references to him this even-
ing, the hospitable and whole souled
mater in which he had been treated
by Mose present and by the Gode.
rich people generally, would cheer
him in him adopted home and to the
some extent would compensate for
the loss he would sustain by not be-
ing able to reside among them. He
felt bound• should opportunity ever
offer to reciprocate the honor they
had heaped upon him to whatever
extent he could,and hoped thd't some
of then at least would find time to
take a pleasure trip to Oregon where
amongst his American friends he felt
assured they would find that same
"kindness"which makes allithe world
akin" shown them as the hig hearted
people of Goderich had shown him.
A most pleasant ;evening broke up
with the singing of ' God Save The
Queen" and .'Auld Lang Syne".
Xocnl (gorreO1Joltdeltce
Mr. Jno. McEwen, of Minueap
ohs, was visiting relatives in tow4
and viciuity the past week.
On Good Friday there will be
divine service in St. Stephen's•
church, Goderich township, at 7.155
pit.; in St. Jrunes', MI•iddleton's, at+..
2.30 p. rn.; and in St. John's,
Holinesville, at 5 p.m, Collections,
will be taken up at each service in
aid of the 'London Society for the;
conversion of the Jews. Tho Sun.i.
day School iu connection with St,•.
Stephen's will reassemble next Swill
day, Easter day, at 9.30 a.m., aM»t:
that of St. John's at 3.30 en.,
There will be holy communion In
the three churches next Sunday at.s
the close of each service. Tho annual
Easter vestry meeting for election;
of church wardens, appointment .of
delegates to appraachiug session of
Synod, and the general business of
the several vestries will be held •rxu
Monday, the 22nd iust., as follow9 :
St. James, Midc}leton's, at 11 a. m.;
St. ,John's, Holmeaville, at 3 p.
and St. Stephen's at 7 p.m.
Mr. Robert Buswell, formerly ap'
Zurich, a resident of this town the'
past two years, died at his residence
Lighthouse street early on Sunday
morning after an illness of.13 days
duration. The deceased gentleman
gave up business on account of fail-
ing health, but lately he had seem-
ed so much improved as to give
hopes that the disorder, that had
caused his retirement had entirely
disapPeared. Unfortunately, how-
ever, the old complaint returned
some two week's since, and with
such violence -as to produce a fatal
termination. , The remains were
removed to the G. T. Depot yester-
day morning and proceeded by the
early train to Exeter where the i
funeral took place at 1 p. in. The
members of Maitland lodge No. 33
A. E. and A. M. preceded the sad'
procession to the station, and three
Past -Masters took charge to Exeter.
The members of Exeter and Hensall
Masonic lodges were present at the;
intelnent, as were also W. Bro
Jas. 'Addison, and Geo. Swanso
of Dfaitland lodge,
Bel :rave.
Miss Annie Littlefair was visiti
friends, in Wawanoshlast week.
The fall wheat in this vicinity eo
far puts in a good appearance. ;
Sugar making is over and seediig
has commenced.
Rev. Geo. Law preached in Brun '
sets on Sunday. -.
.lir. James Wightman, sr., hasi
been somewhat indisposed, but I_
now on the mend.
Messrs. M. and J. Mason have
rented Mr. J. II. Vancatnp'e farm.
We understaud Mr. Vaucatnp in-
tends taking a trip to Manitoba
One or two of our citizens attend-
ed a taffy party at Mr. R. Stove -
house's, \Vawanosh, Thursday night,
where they glided to and fro in the
graceful mazes of the dance.
East Wawanosh is to have anoth-
er election, owing to the resignation
of Mr. R. McGowan as councillor it
became necessary to appoint another.
Messrs. J. Coultas and W. Rqach
have been nominated and both are
confident of success, but time will
tell who is the lucky man. The
election takes place on Saturday
Queen street was the scene of un-
usual excitement and activity on
Monday night of last week, to cele-
brate the marriage of a youth of 85
to a lass of some threescore years.
The procession, headed by the town
band, after serenading the newly
married couple, proceeded to make
a vigorous attack, smashing windows,.
throwing in cold water, pulling
down and setting fire to the lace
curtains, . and turning everything
toosyturvy. It was undoubtedly
great sport, but when the news came
next day that the names of those
who were present had been taken
down it was a subject of grave con-
sideration and the general question
was—"If a fellow was there and
didn't break any windows or nothin'
could they do anything with him?"
And great were the fears of some
when they were informed that if
they were in the cpwd they would
be liabte•to the punishment which
befel the rest. It is hoped, how-
ever, that the matter will be peace.
ably•sett}ed. The couple movedto
Marnoch on Wednesday afternoon •
and were threatened with another
"chivarie" from the boys of that
district, but by distributing the
boodle in largo quantities they wore
al:owed to remain in peace. A
more definite account might have
boon given had not the reporter
been absent on bath occasions.
goal (+Corra pontletice.
Win. Cole occupies the house vu-
rated by S. Woodman.
Mrs, Lowry, of Bollevill,4y; is vis-
iting at her daughter's, M:rs. Rogers.
Our veterinary ievicity busy and
succeeding well. Agifeeess to "Joe,"
Mr. Wilkey> •announces a fine
stock of gogtion hand, and invites
inspectiow'ks to quality and price.
The ;,Targe fu 'al"procession of.
Mt i Brownlee' , of Blyth, passed
through here n Saturday.
Mr. • Ashley, a highly respected
citizen of Kingston, and son-in-law
of Mr, Solomon Miller of this place,
died at his 'home on March 31st
after a few weeks illness,
We have to report the death of
two infants, Messrs. R. Mains' and
Jos. Colclough's. The formol Was
buried on Thursday and the latter
on Friday, at Clinton.
1). Jackson contemplates a sum-
mer health trip to his brother's in
Manitoba. Mr. lyrul'ger leaves for
that place the ;early part of this
W,e'°"regivt, ty • hear that Mra.
T.: ouea is seriouslyi11'at 'present.
Mr. Harry GC/91113U was laid up
last week with an attack of quinsy.
Mr. W. and Mrs Clegg of Wing -
ham were in towu on Saturday.
Mr. Edward Watson left here on
Friday to attend his sister's funeral.
Mr. John Freeman returned to
to•tvn from Buffalo on Saturday.
On Good Friday divine service
'is to be held in the English church
1 7.30 p. m.
Mr. Win. Etnigh left here ons
Friday with three car loads of fine
cattle for Montreal.
'Our fire company was out for a
little practice on Monday evening.
The boy's are making quicker move-
ments every time they come out.
D. B. McKinnon is havitg his
building renovated with . a fresh
coat of paint which will add greatly
o its appearance when finished. , .
Mr. John Mason of the Central
Hotel is having the building form-
erly occupied by Mr, Bell the
butcher, removed to the back end o
the lot.
Our ,haruess maker J. T. Carter
received this •week another order
from Manitoba for several set of
single light harness to be completed
as soon .possible. More power to
you J. T.
Our townsman Mr. D. Erwin is
making preparations for building a
house at once on his farm a short
distance south of the village and
will remove into it as soon as com-
A pan cake social is to he held
in the teniperance hall on Tuesday
evening under the auspices of Y. P.
C. E. of the Methodist church.
An excellent programme of singing
and instrumental music is to bo
rendered. As the price is very
reasonable every ono should go.
Those parties being known that
sounded the fire alarm for fun at a
late night last week had
better not attempt it the second time
as they will certaiuly get rewarded
for .their_ trouble by going to Castle
Dickson fora few weeks, which they
richly deserve.
Early on Thursday morning quite
a gloom was cast over our hamlet
on hearing of the sudden death of
our respected citizen Mr. Robert
Brownlee, of neuralgia of the heart.
The deceased only the day previous
having boon heard to remark that
he never felt better in his life but
in the evening when on hie way to
attend service in the English Church
he felt a severe pain which made
him return home. During the
night he got somewhat worse and
medical aid was sent for which
proved of no avail as he passed
away oil; of this troubled world
about day -break. Tho funeral took
place on Saturday from his late re-
sidence,. headed by the Fireman's
Band playing the Portugese Hymn,
which was very solemn.. The de-
ceased having been many years a
member of L. 0. L.. 963 the breth-
ren of that lodge and other's from a
distance were well represented.
The procession was a very large one,
upwards of sixty vehicles and
friends,besides a large crowd on foot
showing, the esteem he was held
amongst us whilst here. The re-
mains were taken to the Clinton
cemetery to be deposited in its last
resting place. The widow and fam-
ily have' the entire sympathy of the
whole community in their sudden
—Mrs. Bravender, of Derby,
Grey Co., has been loft $40,000 by
the death of a son in the States.
oval (ofl'reo1Jondeace
Port Albert.
Between migration to Manitoba
nd death our population is decrees•
ding very fast.
Mrs. Robert Graham, aged 42 years,
ted in this village the other day,
iter a lingeriug ill.uess, leaviug a
I>usband and ten children to tnuurli.
their bet'eaventeut.
:„'r ete died iu this village on Mon
d 8th Inst Mary Martin aged 105
y ars, relict of the late Stephen Mar -
tip. She w:>a a resident of this
pt,,ace for upward of 50 years. Was
'unified twice, first to Johu Camer-
o1 , employe of the Hudson Bay Co.,
by whom she had two children, a
biiy and girl—John and Mary.
Jolie was well known on the upper
hikes as a first class pilot taking.
gbarge of supplysteamersand trading
4vith the Indians._ Mary married
.4 Captain Trauuch who was drowned
;on the' lakes many years ago ; he
,was a brother to Captain F. Traunch
presently of Goderieh. Deceased's
second marriage was to Stephen
Martin a native of old France, by
whom she had five boys and one
girl. • William, the eldest, left for
parts unknown 40 yearsago,Joseph
and Alex were drowned with' four
others while fishing off Godericlt on
the 4th of April 19 years ago.
Harry lives at Port Austin, Mich.,
Edward lives on the old homestead.
Mary is married and lives in Indi-
ana. The deceased lady was hospi-
table dud kind in every sense of the
words, always willing to assist her
eighbors at a "moment's notice",
as considered good at midwifery
ut took no. pay. In her younger
aye she was of splendid physique,
nearly six feet in height and well
proportioned. Was - seldom ill.
About three months ago she walked
to your correspondent's residence, a
distance of about three mites, chatt-
ed several hours and walked home
again. Old Mrs. Martin will long
be remembered in Port Albert.
Mr. John Peutland is still very
weak and does not mend much,
The Nile -people are putting •tip a •
ence at the parsonage.
Mr. Fred. Hutchinson loft here
ou Monday for Port Huron from
where he intends to go on the lakes
1for the summer.
Mr. May commenced the cellar
l for his new building this week, DIr.
Stewart frotu the lake road being
the builder.
The farmers in this neighbor-
hood have got fairly started with
with their spring work, some parties
were sowing three days the past
The spelling match on Tuesday
of last week resulted in favor of
Miss Plummer's side, there being
two on her side after „the other side
was spelled down.
Mr. Jas. Elliott wlio has been
attending the military school at
London during the winter returned
home last week and has engaged
with Mr, :11cWhiuney for the sum-
ReV, Mr. Irvine preached a ser-
mon on Sunday evening on pi'ohi•
bition, we think the gentleman
understands what he is talking about
and if the people would act accord-
ingly it would make quite a change
in Parliament as we think the
country is ready for total proNbi-
\Ve understand that our hotel
man has been circulating a petition
the past week for signatures to help
to get him a license for the corning
year. He says he has the reeves and
two councillors on his side, but even
if he has he is a long way out of his
polling sub -division, and as the $50
fine came in on the last year it would
seem that the chances for his succeed.--+
ing are small. Besides there is no
more need for a hotel here than for
a gaol.
—On Saturday last Mrs. Mary
Taylor, a widow lady,59 years of
age, who has been residing with her
daughter, Mrs. Win. Little -in Wing,
ham,died suddenly of !meat disease,
under very distressing circumstances.
It appears that Mrs. Little had
never left her mother for a day dur,
ing the last sixteen years until last
week, when she left her under tunny
misgivings for a few days to visit
some friends in Toronto, but not be'
fore she got the promise of the
neighbors that they would call often
and look after her. In fulfilment
of her promise a jpdy called on Sat:
urday and was horrified to find the
poor woman sitting in a chair dead,
with her•nnfinished work beside her.
the had been bakieg.and sat down
in her chair to rise no more. Her
daughter wns•nt once telegraphed
for,and on her return 0.8 may l,o ex-
pected was almost frantic with grief.