HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-04-03, Page 8e .4 Absolutely Pure, This powder never v..ries. A marvel of purity, strength a• .1 wbole.:nawness. Meru economical th.u, th.• ,udur."} ki,,ds, and e,tnn„t heeohl in cou,pc(tfion ..'it h the multitude of low test, short weight arm or phosphate powders. Sol HAKI.Nt Pewees. Co., la •▪ til';* .,. v. • x. Thi Huron News -decor �t.5n a Year -31.25 In Advance. WW'4'tllt•t't:'Ia3s. April 314i, 1158' 1(.r)Il•i kcal?' tt:tby C :trriaaMes or z:aE.l)Pr lin: il you have seen the mnvuili,,•l.t ltyt t'# STOCK at 1.0.6S80.1S Book :3taru, Clinton. [Par O'tntelon Bros., Grocers, have removed one door north of Young's.' Bakery. '7} Groceries cl.�eill�a�r than. ever.. 1'e1Utw, APRIL' 5 -Credit uncal°m gale of well broil vr.nlc tutus, winch cows, and horses, on the fain: of Jnr::. R. Whitely, eon. ia, Coilerieh tow'uship. • APim. (i• -Credit sale nu the farm of John itcith. 1.,1 :. , will. l township of fill. of il.,l'.ie.i, 1CattTe and lartn Inuit s. ;,401.11) r Acrs.-Ilarland Bros. have :h ,u ; h:u t .carr facts. '1'Ili.s firm bought the ,11,000 stork of R. M. Racey last week at les.. than halt' wholesale cost. tine their advt. AT Ir AilArN. --Cupp ,t Logan, the louse ,lr,•nratnrs, are at the old business of showing something new in wall papers ami r.ikir house decoration:. See them. �..! AI, _NEWS. ilza and. Aroaival the "Hub." Mourn 211111. ;Ai i.,. / SARAH 1 ALi,oY returns( to 7' Rochester, after a lengthy i ,. i.it to : riends here. Miss Boyd ac- cornptuiod her. . M. C. Com: returned to Weili- ^an 1,,.-.! wt +k, having been hero for tts.,; tial.• owing to the sickness of his 'wife, 1:1.80N LIFE." -Lecture by Rev. 111., :. '-,rig to -nighty in the Itatten- burw street church. Tickets at 1:11,1 Cooper's. 1?tv, \fu. 1itwit of the Nile oc• rn+'t,r.rl, the Victoria St. :Methodist the pastor Rev. Mr. Edge r••Ir(Iinting at, \\ringnam, last Sun- Aisuu r' ;)ANciNu.-Iter. M1'. Liv- iitwtri:u aatteubury street Method - ,:.t C'.turei , will have something 'to t,' alto.at. ddu,,iug next Sunday evening. Tr '1 Fi:RNITEBE FACTORY piojuet- . 1,• '• = 1 .t -nu. ting Last week and re- orts*r. encouraging. It requires more stuck to be sub- bed to complete the capital ro- ;;t.r,.!. Beep her going. TIP; ONT.1RIO ,GOVERNMENT has made the following appointment:- >';uthe+'lltnrl Maloomson, .of Goder- ich, to bo Deputy Registrar of the Chancery 1)ivisiou of • the High 'our.; of Jastiee, vice Henry Me- 1,ertn)tt, deceased. DR. WASHINGTON will be at the Rat•tevbury House, Clinton, al,), day Wednesday April 10. RURAL DEAN CRAIG preached a Most timely and practical sermon In St. Paul's last Sabbath evening. THE PEBAT1a between Goderieh High f�chool and°Clinton Coll. Inst: "Resolved that party guveruurevt ie nut a hiudrance to best interests of the state," last Friday,was carried in the affirmative which was taken by Clinton. MR.FOSTER, of the wholesale li quor firm of Foster and Riter, Clin- ton, returned on Monday from a successful busiuess trip to Port Ar- thur and poiuts north. When he left fort Arthur there was no scow there; on Monday he found six inches of snow at Toronto. WHY Nor PIANOS IN CLINTON? 1 --Uxbridge is a place with some 4500 less population than Clinton. It has had an organ factory for sumo 'years. The firm have vow gone into • the luauufecture of pianos. With the name of the Doherty organa " household word " through- out the civilized world, it does seem that pianos of.equal excellence, with the pioprietary title "Doherty Piano " could, with little difficulty, be introduced to a proportionate extent with the organ of the same °ante. t:riug of the' giound the pa •1 ;'o•.v (lays with a slight coating of Sn.,,t• will protect the fall wheat the sheets of the frosty Lig liIs .n11 sunny days. So far the pros• pacts of this crop in this section are ,.hooriug fur the coming year. ioesnt tr• ITliExe have expressed 118 their approval of the furma- tluu of a Board of Trade for the :'u. A correspondent two weeks r:go touched a v"ry important point n tvh'rh. such a Board might be ,:::fu1 'or helping the interests of The town, namely, in the inflnnnce 'r,,, l bring to hear in securing rsilwrty freight rates equally as lots as from similar important centres of t t,t 1 .. A town is what its people ',inti:., it. }BONUS OFFERING. -Belleville 15 ,•••.tc ilillg nut for industries. The of the sprightly city will b,; asked to give a `'free site and ex• c'oi'tion !rota taxation for ten years ,w industries which aro up- ert:..,ti fur L.:u years, • ten tuuntlhs in rash year ; also to grant a bonus, !:rat":1 in proportion to the num- t ^„ ,tr },in,'(.s employed, and pay. in ...en equal .annual instal• 1 r•.i, ;I. 'lout interest, to every 'only industry employing not less than 20 hands." Mn. T. I. F. HILLIARD who tail° hero front Morrisburg about seven months ago and assumed the law practice of Mr. Powell now of Toronto, has closed up his business, here and returned to Morrisburg. \Ve have nothing but good words to say for Mr. Hilliard during his residence hero, both as a citizen and a lawyer. But Lhe other legal firm here being long established and reputable, we presume ho found it difficult to build up a remunerative practice against such heavy odds, hence his departure. Wo wish him success iu returning to his old, love, THE LITTLE JOKER. -A Mitchell correspopdent asked the Toronto News the following question, and the appended answers were given :- 1. Iu playing euchre, does the joker, when led, call for trumps ? 2. When trumps aro led, do they call the joker when you have no other trump'? 3. In dealing, when the joker is turned up, how is the game managed 1 Ans.-1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. Iloyle says the dealer may call the trump before looking at his baud, or take up the joker and turn up the next card to decide the trump, without taking up the trump thus turned up. SERVES 'E'c RIGHT. -The number of trials for seduction at the recant Assizes throughout the Province was abnormally large. It is notice• able that juries have in most cases given exemplary damages to plain- tiffs. It is to be hoped that this permitted crime will continuo to be so punished until the law makes it a criminal offence punishable by im- prisonment without the option of a tine. The heaviest damages ever ob taiued in such a case in this county was et the Assizes week before last, in the case of Campbell vs. Wilson, in which plaintiff was awarded $1,- 500. Mr. E. Campion was for the plaintiff. MODEL, Sottoot.-The meeting of of the Literary Society room No. 1 model school, met on Friday March 29th, with M. Paisley in the chair. Tho following programme was ren- dered. Sungs by School, duet by 11. Irwin and E. Cooper, anrd W. Shepherd and A. Cantelon. Song, by seven girls. Quartette club. Readings by E. Tipling. M. Paisley, A. Cantelon, I, Hamner, Mr. Lough and II. Irwin. Critic's report. Mov- ed and seconded that we take singing for 30;miuutcs every Friday after- noon, also that those whose names were on the pr'ogtamme and camp unprepared should • take , readings out of the 4th Reader, "God save the Queen" brought the meeting to a close. An invitation was given to all whs wish to attend. Meeting ad•jou.rnrirl to meet on Friday, April 5th, at the usual liour. .ICST iN CONFIDENCE. -G111' town contemporary says it is " violating no confidence" when it status that at the West Huron Conservative Convention at Smith's Hill last, week " a resolution was introduced but not carried that this association pledgets, itself to support Mr. F. W. Johnston for the postmaster at God - °rich, but the resolution was not carried, nor was it voted down, though the impression prevailed that Mr. Campbell came out of the mooting ahead." At the risk of violating confidence we may say that, no stroll resolution was put to the mooting, and consequently it could neither be carried nor voted down. There was not a 'ret3olutiob put to the meeting recommending Mr. Johnston, Mr. Campbell or any one else. And the meeting did not express an opinion as to the merits of any applicant for the post office at Goderieh. So no one came out ahead, No, Mr. Era, you, did not violate any confidence in your statement, but you did violate the facts, because you stated that as occuring which did not take place. No resolution of the import stated calve before the meeting for an ex- pression of opinion. ' ichool oo s --AND— School Supplies. � SUBSCRIPTIONS Received for all kinds of Newspapers and Magazinep. CHRIS, DICKSOly, OL/NTON1 I,. U. L, 710 Deets next Monday and It.m13. P. 161 3J ext Wednesday evunig. IN spite of the " hard times+, people cannot and will out go clam with only .1 blanket, their heads thrust through a hula in the centre and this martial robe urotuntl thein, a la ille.c•irrl,aa. l), dear no, we should think nut. And 10 want the wants of the public hush iu articles of lux try as well as uecesrity our dry good's stores,ttre ". load iug u p." Geo. L. Pay & Co., Dot lor& Co., the Hodgeus Estate, and John Robert - sun are rivalliug each other as Lo who shall give the best gouda and the most of them fur the least money. And prices Are really away down with them;apparently lower than with any other firms in the county. PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT. The following is a list of promo, tions in the different rooms named. A furthur list will be given next week. Five or six in each room are only conditional and if any of them fail in meeting the conditions they will be sent back to the lower room. DIVISION IV TO DIVISION all. Blanche Shepherd, Bertha Bean, Stewart Plummer, Grace Cadzow, Maggie Armstrong, Maud Wiltse, Willie Moffat, Louis Haywood, A. Holmes, N. Werry, Maggie Anderson, Chas. Reeve, L. Ferguson, C. Fergu- son, Grace tVebh, G. Overbury, Ida Carter, Bert Fitzsimmons. V TO IV. Marks attainable .850: -Annie McCorvie 304, Minnie Aitkin 302, Mary Irwin 280, Mary (:ill 280, Mary Lough ':74, Willie Doherty 264; Eva (ooirr. 255, Lyn Weir 242, A. Specht 289, Mabel Detlor 231, Maud Koine 223, Nellie McKenzie 231, Sadie Sibley 203, Albert Whiteside 201, Ralph Bezzo 199, Tena 111vCuaig 198, Ida Lverritt 170. Recowmended :- 'Pena Matheson, Ike Read,. Kate Halliday and Frank Heiman, 'VI TO V. Marks attainable 180 :-May 'Reeve 142, Louie Holmes 136, Mina Mel- ville 129, Lizzie Twitchell 127, Maegie Moffat 127, Miaggie Warner 125, Hattie Peckitt 121, Bella Paisley, 119, Fred Gilroy 119, Arthur Bean 119, Chas. Biggart 116, Clara Hartnell 116, Dollie Mason 114, Lizie Gardiner 112, Lottie Foster 112 Sarah Smith 110,CIara Wiseman 104,Frank Mercer 103, Cassie Moffatt 98, flora Cun• ninghame 96. VIi TO VI. Maud Baer, Peter Matheson, Lena Trouse, David Joy, Grace Shepherd, Grace Caok, Howard Dempsey, Lily Doherty, Grace Muir, Mary Stewart, Jennie Knowles, Eliza Tipling, Greg Irwin, Frank Moore, D. McDonald, Etta Young, Fred Fox, Frank Brown, Wm. McIntyre, Sandy Fordon, Jessie Ford. VIII TJ VII Minnie Scott, Elliot Dayment, Chas. Brown, Frank IIaywood, Maggie McConnel, Fred Haywood, Francis Cochran, harry Williams, S. Tweedy, Herbert Alexanger, Lionel Paisley, Bert Jackson, Adelaide Ferguson, Millie Holmes, Grace Sage, Harold Blackstone, Ida Bezzo. The marks are not given in two divisions as some of the examinations mere different. annuls. LE.tNARt+.-In Clinton, nn the 27th Ila r ll, the wife of 1lr. R. A. Leonard, of Victoria, B. C„ of a son. CAnLINtt-In Clinton on the 29th March, the wife n1' T. M. Carling ore daughter. Youtlg Worsen Wanted To Operate Sewing Machines. —0N— SHIRTS & COLLARS Industrious girls can earn good wages. Apply at once. The Williams, Greene & Rome oo BERLIN. 541-1 in AINow Trimffler FOR EDGING WALL PAPER. A CELEBRATED SPECIALIST. )h. Washington, the celebrated and successful specialist for diseases of the head, throat and lungs, Las a•lupted the most scientific and nat- ural method of treatment known at the present time for the above dis• eases. In order to be fully abreact of the times, 1110 doctor visits the large American cities -as NewiYork, Boston and Philadelphia -every few ,months, for the purpose of gaining a knowledge of the latest and very best improvements in the treatment of throat and lung diseases, and such as pursued by the highest specialists in the United States and Europe. Dr. Washington is well known as a most successful specialist all over Ontario and.the Eastern Provinces, and in several cities of the United States; from which he has iu his pos- 8e881011 hundreds of letters of grate. ful acknowledgment for the benefits derived from his treatment. f[e has patients In New York, Rochester, California, etc., etc. 1[e has secured a medical gentleman of the highest standing in the profession, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, who thoroughly under- stands all the details of this special treatment to assist him. Dr. Wash• ington has now opened a permanent offit:e at 82 McCaul street, Toronto, where either himself or his colleague may be found during office hours, viz., 9 to 11 a.nl., 1 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Dr. \\'a::nington has been hand- somely rewarded for his indomitable and indefatigable perseverance, a8 the following extracts from letters received from patients in New York and Rochester, clearly indicate : Mr. G. H. Cannon, 232 West One Hun- dred and fourth street, New York, who was not only cured by Dr, Wash• ingtou's new tnethod, but writes the doctor as follows ; "1 would have written you sooner but was waiting for a decided answer from my friend Mr. Dawson in reference to trying your treatment for his daughter for her catarrh troubles. I finally got his consent bx telling him ,1 would bes come responsible for his money if she .:was not. cured. I nolo enclose you a cheque for tbe.full .amount„" etc. kiss Dawson, after one month's treatment, is heard from. Mr, Daw- son (of Sawdust & Mason, builders, 236 East Thirty-fifth street, New York) writes after one month's treatment as follows : ''1 would say there is little or no smell from the bears. This lepsis me to think that the diseased bones ar-a healing up. Friend Cannon has confidence that you will cure her, anti 1 now think you will make a complete cure." Mrs. James Keillvin, of 63 Market street, Rochester, New York, writes as follows: "I do not cough any more and the dropping has almost teas' d. I am very much pleas with your treatment and hopefully look for a speedy cure." The above patient hat taken treatment six weeks. Then to support these noted cos°s in the centres of scientific advancement is the case of Mr. W.J. Storey, glove manufacturer, of Acton, Ont., and also president of the Manu featuring Association of the Dotnin• ion, cnrud of 'catarrh after visiting Europe without any beneficial results. Will be at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, all day, on the 10th of this month. -Hop-kirk, of Seaford], has been sent, to the Selkirk, Mau., Asylum. H•• was found wandering about in a demented state. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) TORONTO MARKETS. -Wheat 1.07 to $1.30, the latter price for No, 1 Manitoba hard. Barley 48c to GOo. Oats :32c to 36c. Peas GOc. Potatoes 25c to 30c por bag. Eggs, fresh, 17c. Batter Plc to 19.c. Hogs •'6.25 to $ 6.75. DETROIT MARKETS. -'Wheat $0.02 to $0.08. Bnricy 45c to 55s. Oats 27c to 21)e. Butter 12c to 14c. Eggs 10c. Apples $LuO to $1.50. Dressed hogs, $5.00 to $5.50. Potatoes, 18 to 18c. per bushel in car lots. }Thresh() MARKETS. -Graded steers 1.500 to 1.600 !be $4.25 to $4.65; from 1.300 to 1.400 lbs $3.80 to $4.15 ; light butchers from 4,2.50 to $13.0. Hogs $4.93 to *5.25. OLIN TON Flour $5 00 to 5 50 Fall Wheat, new Sr, old 1 00 to 1 03 Spring Wheat.... 1 00 to 1 011 Barley .. C 41 to 0 48 Oats .. 0 98 to 0 28 Pees 0 54 to 0 54 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 (10 to 1 50 Potatoes 0 25 to 0 30 Butter .. 0 17 to 0 20 Eggs f . u lO to 0 11 12 00 to14 00 3 00 to 4 00 000 to 000 0 20 to 0 25 6 50 to 6 70 ('1CiSSOI)S sharpened, nnzors ground and set (J and 1 mioad.a, r.•1:.it.d. It lett at Mr. S. Doris' lin rdwrite stare w'lh he attended to by E. FINCH. 587 - New Designs in Wall Paper. 13 ay Cordwood Bnef Fin-eLine Ba,by C arr1a es Pork COOPER'S :Cook Storer 3. Lamm., towallrrise AD Mrtz.MIIM 4.7171C"="'""."4. * ' * * * 1,. * •.•.••ro avww+rrIFv+�rr r71,,,f. w v...a•••-.- - i. •s.•••r•w..••wironwrw..w+ Buyers of Clothing should remenll)t'r that we carry a line of Twood Suits, ali Oiir Own lYtako, which for value stands .unsurp d ,in this section. keel' buyers should inspect. CrE� " 43�J ifflrefl's GIot1�i Good We new show show our NEW SPRING STOCK of Children's Clothing, and we must say we have got a selection which pleases us very much. Our $2; $3, & $4 SUITS ....P..�::.:..-,4�.�.. ��..r............ are wonderful goods for the money. FOR SCHOOL WEAR we still show a big line of Knee Pants- at 85 ets. A PAIR, which are all our owls make. • 000-- JACKSO1\" :-0.1111.01111ERS, THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS. Wall Paper and Decorations e • 0 0 RICES THAT LEASE THE OCKa:TS OF THE IPOPLE. • • • • SELLING FOR HARP CASA TIMULATES MALL 'PROFITS. 0 0 • • 0 Since we have been handling WALL PAPER our business has greatly increased. Wo are this year better prepared than ever to 811 the wants of the Public. It will coat you nothing to look over our stook and get prices of our Special Designs in Gilts, Glimmers, Flats, Tapestries, &e. p—Our Gilts will not rub off, tarnish, or stain with paste. Our prices range from 5c. -til. AB -upwards, Get our Prices oomplote for Decorating and Paper Hinging, -S. • pg -also fur Painting, Graining, Sign Writing, Gilding, etc. `tc GOP» LOGANV, City Paint Shop, Istirlc ,S'treet, Clinton Solid Facts fol Tide PeopIe HARDWARE Retailed at Wholesale Prices, 0 Having purchased the large and extensive stock of Hardware, Ire., of the Estate of R. M. Itacoy, which was sold by auction on March 27th, 1889, this in connection with our awn large stock, we aro now prepared to give you at prices that will startle you. Don't fail to come at once and secure BARGAINS. Wo are marking down the prices of the combined stocks which comprise STOVES, BUILDERS', CARRIAGE AND HEAVY HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, TINWARE, &c., all of which will he fairly slaughtered. This will be ono of tho greatest opportunities for Builders, Mechanics, Country Merchants, Farmers, &o., to purchase that has ever boon offered in this section of the country. So do not fail to call and get prices. COAL OIL Wholesale and Retail. A full stock of Alabastine and Kalsomine on hand. ,The Iron and Heavy Hardware Business will be continued in the OLD STAND of Mr. Raeoy, immediately next our own. II RIANTZJ L—'=E0ice_ iron and 11ardware Merchants, :Stoves and Tinware, Clinton SEED BARLEY FOR SALE.—Tho sub- soribor has it quantity of good, clean send barley for sale,—Mnnitobtt grown and home grown. Also Manitoba ante.—JOHN MID- DLETON. Goderieh Tp., March, 1881. A UCTICN SALE.—Tho undersigned hav- ing rented his farm, let 23, 2nd con., Hay . will have a sale on Saturday, April 6th„ of the following property; -2 Clydesdale mares 3 years old, 2 horses 5 years old, 1 colt 3 years old, 1 Clear Grit colt 8 months old, sire Foarns.ught Chief; 1 Clear Grit mare in Nat to Old Fulton, 5 cows in calf, 1 Durham cow, pedigreed, 4 heifers 2 and 3 years old, 8 shiers 2 and 3 years old, 2 yearling heifers, 1 new Brantford binder, 1 new Chatham wagon, 1 earriage, 1 buggy, 1 nutter, 1 pair bob- sleighs, 1 mower, 1 t double harness, 1 set single harness, 1 pat scales weighing 2000 Iht., forks, shovels, spa , and other alticlos too numerous to mention. Terms -$5, and under, cash; over that moan 'x months time will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Archibald Bishop, requested auction• oor; JOHN RELTII, proprietor. FOR SALE.. The property et present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Godorich, consisting of ono half of an acre at land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, woad and earrings houses, There aro naso some gored fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply to H. CAMPION, 512-tf 13arrister, Godoriok. Section of Railway Between Annapolis and Digby. Tender for the Works of Con- struction. SHALED TENDERS addressed to the under. signed and endorsed "Tender for Section of Railway between Annapolis and Dighy," will be received at this olRce up to noon on Mondnv, tht 9th clay of April, 1881), .for certain works of con• stru••tlon. Plans and profiles will be open for Inspection et the Office of the Chief Enginecrof government Railways at Ottawa, on and after the 25th day of Starch, 1840, when tie general specification and form of tender may be obtained upon application. No tender will be entertained unless 00 one o the printed forms and all the conditions are complied with. fav order, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, —Ottawa, nth March, 18'311. 841_ 2t • New Blacksmith Shop, GEOIlGE T100 1111:1. hos opened out a gen. . oral Blacksmith an.l Repair Shop In the building lately oor,pird by Mr. O'nlcy, north of (lantelon's carriage works, Alpert street, Clinton. Illack.mith and iron work In all its branches Ilnrae.Shoeing prnml,tl) often 1e.1 to and satia- faction guaranteed. The piddle urn invited to cull before orterl ng nuc ata -s of w,,rk in the above lines. 407-t1 G1str:1GI: Tltt)IVHILL