HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-04-03, Page 6The Huron News.Record
so* Year -81.26 in Advance.
Wednesday. ,Spt;l 3t•tL. 1S$9
. N Eli.
Johuuie Arwsu'oug was generally
thought to want a elate.' He was
a travelling tailor, who went from
house to house and Made up and re-
paired elothing, for which he re-
ceived abutg half 4 crown a day and
his Ruud. Due day two women who
were neighbour, engaged hue for a
day beteeeu them, and they nearly
managed to du 11110 out of his diu-
ner, llie half day iu the one house
ended at o'clock. at which time
thele were no signs of any food be-
ing prepared, and though Johnnie
hung on for a while, ha last hope
when the woman remarked that it
will he betweeu twa au' three afore
we tak';uur dancer.'
So oil' he went to her neighbor's
and after starting work, and notic-
ing no appearance of the kail•pot, he
quietly said :
I suppose, inlatresa, it'll be near
yer dinner-timeV
'011, we've had it ; it was a wee
earlier the day,' replied the woman.
Johnnie looked vacant for a little,
then rising from his seat, he put on
his bonnet, went outside, and paced
the path between the two houses,
head downwards, as if trying to dis•
cover something.
Curiosity prompted the woman
to go out after hint, and ask it' he
had lost anything.
"Deed, ay,' replied Johnnie ; 'I
lost my dinner between yer twa
When she told her neighber a-
bout it Johnnie received his dinner,
and could have got two of them if
he liked.
"I don't want yer old paper no
more 'n ye may jest stop it et
"What's the ')tatted"
"Any paper thet'll lie like your'n
does, ain't fit to place inter a refined
and eddicated household like mine
"Has it been lyingi"
"Hez it! Well, I should say it
had, rayther. Only lost week it sed
in the items from aoer taown that
Rev. James Pograui, uv 'Boating
filled the pulpit at the Union Chuch
in j3irchvill Deestrick."
"Well, didn't' hep"
"No, siree,didn't. Why he's
a little lightweight, whippersnap-
per, wot don't weigh no more'n 85
pounds, and it would take 200 uv
such 'as him ter fill aour pulpit er
cum anywhars near it, We've got
a full grown pulpit, wot cant be
filled by no one such boy ez ho is."
AMIGO To MoTaeas.--Are you dis-
turbed at night and broken of your rest
by a sick child suffering and crying with
pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs Wiuslow's
Soothing Syrup" for Children Teetbiug.
Its value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor Ititlesuferer Immediately. Pe -
pend upon it, mothers; there le no mis-
take about it. It cures Dysentery and
Diarrbasa, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softeut, the
Gums, reduces Inflammation, and ghee
tone and energy to the whole system.
"Mrs Winelow's Soothing syrup" for
children teeth1i g is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of cue of the oldest
and beat female physiciaus and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all
druggists throughout the world. Price
25c. a bottle. Ice eure andask for "Mrs,
tti iuslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
other kind.
removed tape worms from 15 to 30
feet long. It also destroys all other
kinds of worms.
—A shocking accideut occurred
at the crossing of the Grand Trunk
Railwap at Stratford. Thomas
Walsh, 75 years of age, a farmer
residiug in the Gore of Downie, was
ou his•way home, and while crossing
the track was struck by the train
from London, due here at 8.45.
The horse was cut in two, the
buggy smashed to pieces, a11d the
same way he said of Walsh, whose
remains were found strewn for
several yards along the track.
Deceased was hard of hearing, and
it is supposed from this cause was
unaware of the approach of the
—Andre Main vine was sentenced
in the court of Queen's bench, .Mons
treal, for a criminal assualt on an
11 -yeas -old girl. In sentem ing him
Chief Justice Dorion said that the
prisoner had already served four
terms in jail, iced he was sorry that
he could not confine him for a long
term in the penitentiary. However,
he would give hilt what he could,
18 months in jail and fifteen lashes
fifteen days after sentence.
When suffering from a trouble,
some cold, a hacking cough' hoarse-
ness, asthma, bronchitis, or other
forms of throat or lung troubles,
use iIagyard's Pectoral Balsam to
loosen the, phlegm and soothe and
heal the inflamed mucous surfaces.
It cures where others fail.
--A fire broke out in the resi-
dence of James Ironeide, near Port
Perry, occasioned by a defective
chimney, and while in the act of
putting it out fronr'the inside of the
house Mr. Ironside slipped and fell
headlong down the stairs, breaking
his nock. Deceased was a much
respected farmer.
Please inform your readers that I
have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its:timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad
to send two bottles or my remedy
FREE to any of your readers who have
consumption if they will send. me
their. Express and P. 0. address
Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUM,
37 Yonge street, 'Toronto, Ont, 499y
victims. Ward off this dread disease
by the use of Small Sugar -Coated
Burdock Pills when needed.
—In Toronto on Sunday, Rev.
Father Wand preached at St. Miclis
ael'a cathedral the last of a series of
sermons in defence of the Jesuits' tee.
totes act. Ile took exception, to the
position taken by the Globe to the (ifs
feet that the hill is uucoustitutional
on account of the interference of a
foreign potentate in the shape of the
Pope. Father 'Hand insisted chat
the Pepe was not a foreign potentate,
because lie was elected by cardinals
distributed all over the earth, one of
them being in Canada and another
in the United Suttee.
"We find Burdock Blood Bitters
excellent for weakness, and equally
so for headache. Father also suffer-
ed Beverly from quinsy, which B.B.B.,
by its tonic and purifying properties,
completely cured."
Justice Street gave judgment at
Osgoodo in the matter of the Card-
well election petition. It will be
remembered when the case came on
for hearing at Orangeville the peti-
tioner, Smith, stated that he had no
evidence to offer, whereupon Satn-
uel Stubbs, the brother of the do-
feated candidate, asked to be allow-
ed to intervene, and also claimed
that Smith's deposit of $1,000,1031(10
onffiliug the petition, s}io,uld be re-
tained in court as security for costs,
His lordship allows Stubbs to in-
tervene upon paying into court
wit}iiit two weeks a deposit of $1,-
000, Smith to receive back his
deposit. if Stubbs pays in the
money he will be in the same posi-
tion as the original petitioner.
An old physician, retired from practice,
having had placed in his hands by en
East India tntasionary the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy
and permanent cure of Coustttnption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all
throat and Lung atfectious, also a positive
and radical cure for Nervous Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, after having test-
ed its wonderful curative powers in thous-
ands of cases, has felt it itis duty to make
it known to his suffering fellows. Actua-
ted by this motive and a desire to relieve
human suffering. I will send free of
charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in
German, French or English, with full
directions for preparing and using. Sent
by mail by addressing with sunup, naming
this paper. W. A. Novas, 149 Power's
Block, Roches'etN. Y. 507 eow.
—A young woman of Dresden,
named Emily Steel, aged 17 years,
died a short time ago from a pecu-
liar disease. On the Sunday pre-
vious to her death she commenced
sneezing, and although nothing was
thought of it at first, it continued
and on Monday a physiciau wee
called iu. Nothing could be dune,
however, to check it, uutill the
following, Satin day , when sleep
overcame the malady, iu which state
she soon became un:uul-ciuus and
died Sunday morning.
—Rev. J. Odery, a Methodist
minister of St. George, had a narrow
esoapei from being killed by a vic-
ious hope one evening. Ile had
gone into the stable to feed and tare -
for it,, when it attacked him, knock-
ing him down, kicking and tramp-
ing upon him,. Hi`s collarbone was
broken and he is very severely
bruised. Luckily someone entered
tile stable and rescued hiul from his
perilous position.
And on its purity largely depends
the general health. No one is free
from danger. No one remedy has
such a wide range of curative power.
as has Burdock Blood Bitters -that
best of all blood purifiers and tonics.
—Thomas Crankem, found guilty
of' aodomy, was sentenced to ten
years in penitentiary by the inagis•
trate at Kingston, Ont.
tive tonic and mild stimulant is
Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine.
A big strike was make when Powell
& Davis issued their Extract of arsap-
arilla and Burdock, It has met with
great success, and it must, for it is the
most powerful blood purifier in the mar-
ket. It is used with the greatest snccess
n all. diseases arising from a debilitated
condition of the system, and everyone
needs,. and should use a bottle or two at
this sessolt of the year, of Powell's *x -
tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear
in mind one 60c. bottle contains more
solid medicine than most dollar so-called
Sarsaparilla acid bitters. Also remember
that it 38 sold in Clinton by all druggists,
price 60c. a bottle, Sold by all drug-
gists and medicine dealers everywhere.
It is understood that the Mail
printing company is making prepare-
' dons for its libel suit with the Jesu-
its wholly regardless of expense.
The colnpany will send a commiss-
ioner to France and Belgium for the
purposes of arranging with promin-
ent statesmen there to come over
and give evidence Couching the
operatioua of the Jesuit society in
those a entries. A distinguished
Paris advocate will also be engaged
to assist the Mail's co'insel iu Mon-
treal and Toronto in preparing the
interrogatories to be put 'at the trial
to the heads of the Jesuit. order.
—At the last sittings of the chan-
cery court, before Justice Robertson
a suit brought by Sarah J. Pottrull'
against John and Archibald Tweedle
and the Hamilton provident and
loan society was tried, and judge-
ment reserved. The loan society held
a mortgage on property owned by
Philip Pottruff, and sold it to the
defendants Tweedle for $3,780 un-
der a power of sale contained in the
mortgage, The plaintiff' was entitl-
ed to her dower in the land. She
claimed that the loan society did
not advertise the sale .properly, and
did not get a fair price for the laud.
Justice: Robertson delivered his
judgment iu the case yesterday
morning. lie fixed the value of
the property at $5,000, and gave
judgment against the loan society
for $1,220—the difference between
the price the Tweedles• paid l'ot
the land and the estimated value—
and costs.
"For three years I was unable to
work, suffering from ulcerated stom-
ach. Medical aid having failed, I was
told to try Burdock Blood Bitters, of
which 7 bottles made a permanent
cure. This was two years ago, and I
feel that 1 have to thank B. B. B. for
being alive and well to -day." Mrs.
Rose Ann McCloskey, Marmora, Ont.
—As a Highlander wait walking
along the sidle of the river Thames
one day a Cockney conies across to
hide arida says :-`Hie, Scotty, trip
us the Highland Fling' Scotty takes
hint by the cub' of the neck and
the seat of the unnietstionables,
chucks hint into the water, and
cries :—`That be to 11iuland Fling
too than.'
—Mrs. Fenner says her utinistur's
sermons are a little obscure, but,°
elm says. "I do love it sit and watch
the lineages of his face 1"
—A little three.year-old ran in
from the fields one day and exclaim-
ed, "1 saw a pansy, and 1 watt going
to pick it ; and it was a butterfly and
it flied away."
—"We ')must have a class of men
between the laity and the utiuistry,"
said Mr. Moody recently. "Sure,
and we have thew ielleally," was the
continent of 11 witty Irisluuan.
"'They tire the WOttlele, God bless
—Sethi a great admirer of the
preacher after church had been dis-
missed : "That was a tine 84110031,
134341 wr.11 titur.el, too." "Yes," res
plied tilt•, clergyman, "it wasuertaiii-
ly well timed. About half the con-
gregation had their watches. out
nicest of the Laine 1 was talking•
—A Western editor offered a
prize of $50 oral a year's subscrip-
tion for the hest written proposal of
tnarriace from a lady. He picked
nut a nice proposal from a beautiful
willow, atiswered it accepting the
proposal, and with the threat of a
breach of promise suit actually cap.
tured her. Editors uiay 1101 acquire
wealth by writing 23 hours a day,
but when their genius takes the
right shoot they visually capture the
—Quite er romantic story is told
about the rejected marriage be.
twee') 51r. Coates, a youthful mem-
ber of the Paisley cotton manu-
facturing firm of Glasgow, and Miss
Clark, the dauglcttr of those equally
well known in the came business on
tale aide of the A tlautic. It seenis
that for years a ,keen and bitter
rivalry has existed between the
firms, till it occurred to Mr. Coates
to send an ambassador ever here to
see if house friendly compromise
could not be arrnuged. And it was
to such good purpose that the wed-
ding is, expected to take place in
This is the title given to Scott's.
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil by many
thousands who have taken it. It not
only gives flesh and strength by vir-
tue of its own nutritious properties,
but creates an appetite for food.
Use it, and try your weight. Scott's
Emulsion is perfectly palatable. Sold
by all Druggists, at 50e. and $L00
"My little girl 4 years Old' fright.,
ened me one night by a crti6y cough,
but I gave her a dose of Hagyard's
Yellow nil, which relieved her at
once, and she slept well all night. 1
have since used it in several cases of
croup, frost bites, ete., and find it
always reliable. Mrs. Eva Bradley,
Virden, Man.
—The supreme court of Canada
last week gave judgment unanimous-
ly allowing the appeal of Henry
O'Brien from the judgment of
Justice Proudfoot and the court of
appeal for Ontario to commit him
for contempt of court. It will be
renumbered that Fleury O,Brien,
solicitor for ex -Mayor Howland,
wrote to the Toronto Mail on March
27, 1887, commenting upon the
judgment of Mr. Dalton, inaster in
chambers, setting aside Mr. How -
laud's election on the ground of
want of qualification. A motion
was thereupon made to commit Mr.
O'Brien for contempt of court in
writing this letter, and judgment
was given by Justice Proudfoot on
April 26, 1887, finding that the
writing and publishing of the letter
was a coutempt of the court. This
judgment] was upheld ou ap-
peal by the court of appeal for On-
tario, Justice Burton alone dissont-
iug. The judgment of the supreme
court upsets the judgments of
Proudfoot and the court of appeal
and carries the costs with it in all
the courts, completely vindicating
Mr. O'Brien's course all through tho
That painful complaint can be
cured by the right remedy. Miss
Mary Jane Gould, of Stoney Creek,
Ont.. says : ''I was troubled with
lumbago, and could not get relief un-
til I used Ilagyard's Yellow Oil, one
bottle of which cured me entirely."
CIIER, TAN, and all itching humors
of the skin are removed by using
Dr, Lowe Sulphur Soap.
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep,
Dogs, Hogs, Poultry.
500 PA CIE BOOK on Treat.
wont of Animals and
Chart .gent Free.
ornss-Fevers Congestions, lnaanunnlion.
A.A.-Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever.
11.18.-Strnios, Lameness Rheumatism.
C. C. --Distemper, Nasal Discharges.
1). D. -Bots or ('rubs, Worms.
E. E. -Coughs. Heaves, Pneumonia.
E. E. -Colic or (•riper Bellyache. •
G. G.-i/tisctsrringc, Hemorrleages.,
ID. 1i.-Ilrina%y and Kidney Diseases.
1. 1. -Eruptive DiseasesLange.
J. K. -Diseases of Digestion.
Stable Case with Specifics. Manual,
«itch Bowl 011 and Medicator, 87.00
Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - .60
Sold by Druggists; or
• Sent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. • -
Wells & Richardson' Co., Agents,
64 •ricliill St., Montreal.
—On Saturday, Mr. Gott, who
resides a few tnilee oast of Prairie
Grove, Manitoba, went ant to his
yard to catch a horse which was run-
ning loose. It aeotns the horse,
when out oI the stable, did not
wish to get caught; the deceased got
hire cornered up and made a grab
at his head. Then the horse wheel-
ed around and kicked him on the
side, breaking two of his ribs. Ile
toll to the ground. One of the
neighbors picked him ap and ear'ri
ed hint to the house. When he got
him in he breathed twice. Tho do -
teased has no relatives in this cou-
t,ry. It is reported he has a brother
and sister in England. They have
been notified. Ile leaves consider-
able propel ty.
Shop NeKt Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street
i i 0 -
JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture.
Call at the New Store and see the stock of
Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs,
Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very
best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description.
JUS. CIIIIILEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store.
In tuts 90 years. The opts sneeesaful remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from over -work or other causes.
$1 per vial. or 6 vials and large vial powder, for $5.
Sots) nr Davaai, rs, or a.nt postpaid on receipt of
price. -Wells h Richardson Co.,Agents, 64 Mc-
Gill Street Montreal.
News• Record has un-
surpassed facilities for
turning out first-class
work at low rates. A
free advertisement in
The News Record with
every set of sale bills.
Furniture Dealer, &c.
Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont
We call the sperial attention of Post
Wasters and subscribers to the following
synopsis of the newspaper laws
1-A postmaster is required to give
notice •nv r.ltrraa (returning a paper does
not answer the law) when a subscriber does
riot take his paper out of the office, and
*tato the reason for its not being taken.
Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster
responsible to the publishers for payment.
2 -If any person °slats his paper dis-
:ontinue 1, he must pay all arrearages, of
the publisher may continue to send if
until payment is made, and collect the
whole amonnt, whether it bo taken fron
the office or not, There can be no legal
discontinuance until the payment is made,
3—Any person who takes a paper frrrr
the post -office, whether directed to ilia
name or another, or whether he has sub•
scribed or not, is responsible for the pay.
4—if a subscriber orders Ids paper to In
stopped at a certain time, and the publish
er continues to send, 11 the snhscriher t
bound to pay for it it' he takes it out of thi
post -office. This proceeds upon the ground
that a roan nnist pay for what lie Dae£
lady -In the Division Court in Goderieh
at the November sitting a eewspaper put•
ltshur sued for pay of paper, Elie defe,pu-
ant objected paying of the ground that he
hail ordered a former proprietor of the
paper M discontinue it, The .indge held
that that was not a valid defence. The
plaintiff, the present proprietor, had no
notice to discontinue and consequently
meld collect, although it was not denied
that defendant had notified former pro-
prietor t" disrnntinne. ire any event
defelsdant was hmunl to pity for the time
hr had rcr,,ived the paper and until ire
had pail all art 071,1$1 (111t. I' n ehrcrtptiott.
urort two-Poottl,
Loathug :: Conservative : : Paper
+ % x x = x �= _-~ --__ +
Best Equipped Job Rooms
The F!est Job Painting
would do well to call on THE NEWS -RECORD before placing their
orders for
Route Bills, Pedigrees,
Folders, Cards, &e0
TI1e Double fflrouIatio
01 Talks to Thousands.
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