HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-03-27, Page 61 •I rhe Huron News turbed at night and broken of your ;cord A.11010 To DIoTBsaB-Are you dis-' CONTSL'MPTION (.1'1{111). ONE WAY TO8TOPGI\ERI�el) �^ by a sick Child suffering acid cryingrWi h Au + hl l,hyal. tau, rr•tits from pra" We, V l' DON I{ --I 'S BRAY. HOUSE PA I`�T I N �. i 00 a Year --$1,26 in Advance.havip•+ hurl darr,I in bin b,luds by nu I -•1-•- pain of Cutting Teeth ? If so send 1vt East Indian inti, wn,iiy the Guu,ule +,t' tr • once and et a bottle of "Mrs Wiuslow's 1 have' nu doubt that fila duukey GLAZING AND GRAINING, �1 - r g all ,lu Vegetable j, i t , • ,1, Ei't dtit'3du . ?ltttt;it zitil, YSS°J SoothiugSyeup" for Children "'eethiug nudl purwnucut cure .,f C, uaruu}}tG,ni, bt. fns hituso lk when braying t0 be :g. 3' Its value is incalculable. It will relieve ByoncIli tia, Cat a, l., A tbn,u sial a.! executiuIt, vocal coin of the higho,at PLAIX X0 j' EGOROTIV 1 - - -- ------ ------ the poor,itltlesutterer, immediately. De- I r,,,•«i + V I ne+, s y ] it it �,i !.A U If' j;i � throat t+ud Luug ,:L ..n•�, n.n i u,aitit•t• "Ctu�ll + As eros of u/ rt•w erg THE, PLIGLUT OF A GEORGIA Pend uPon it, mothers i there is no yid- allot iatlical cute lur N, tv.:tla th-bility ain't u,al• L+• incallablu 'uf• upprr•ciatill., take about it, It cures Dysentery and all NervotysCUla daints, alterltaviu'r teat- I will Inel,liuu a duvlcu PAPER D11L}CMAID . I ' 1 ' the 9u1,'j, ��� Kalsonlining r Bowels, o regulates the Sullo to and old its fvasuwondurhil telt it li, on: in tL,ni+ r ill Bowels, ourea Wind (;olio, softens Lite ands of eases, has Cult it bi„ only to uutt;l u'hrrt,Lv t11u Tulles iuduCa the Wlp- A pretty nl u•ried wutuau living it) flume, reduces Inflamma'iou, and gives I it I,nowu to his sutferh g 1'ellowi, A, uta- vucvtl iiuultny Lu ho silelit agniRst tone and ever to the t+hole system. ted h} this I weivu and a desire to r, terve his will. Just its bcrueu a cook ' AND alt adjoining county o+vD9 x coir lty "Dire Winelow'e Soothing Syrup" for ,Iluulau suffering. 1 Will soul tl•cc uC crue•8 hit finds It nsCesaary tustrutch � tllnt sl:e tlliulia the world of, She chilareu teething is pleasant to the taste utility,,,Lu all Who desire it, Illi. t•ecipa, it) FRESCO -LNG. I not hisu+•r.k to the utoiu.a, au the �► mi;lcs tli" Cow herself, as she duos wind basd is h female phveiciane and the eeeein di �ctiuns for t Gelman, tprupariug]'linu l;�i „ �'itll Sent I ' dunkv% fouls hims,•11 rule wh, ,l Lu ' not want her spoiled by endless at- I the United Smtoa, and is for sale b all f I • Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street Y IJy mail by stump, uawinl, hel;ju lits pr•f uruwuc� L�' Irui, lu4 tention. Sinco the crops have been druggists throughout the world. Price this palter. W A. Nurl•:a, 1.19 Power'd Ili$ uu$+• in 11,n ,lir all 1 it).,, L .i, par. � � or =NT'OIST, OSTrr_A.R20_ 350-. abottle, Ile cure andnsk for"Mrs,Li> 131u�& Ruches+el N. 5'. hili nue• allel fulfil 1,1; ;^jail. \1'htu til+'rt)- � � CHAS. T. ��� �� �,,:1 t:lcd the Cute has breeu ruuuillg ,t'insluw'aSuuthiug Svrul�" uud take nu ---_-.- - • _ • ' � ill Ole tluld6, awl the bru6ll of her other kind. fulo t '1'diic Wi.,hv. ,u :.th•ucu Lt,! e -•Jatnu9 Ciullaphur, t+'hu wits 1'ur• +luulu:l' I1,• ties a tul+-r.il,lu heavy.a„•s�„a..,...,•,,,�,,..,,,,,,,,,„,�,.,a,,,,-„,,�,,,,,,,,,-,,, , tuil Ln's out filit•d with cockle burrs. -- --- m,prly a clot"} uldn' tv„a uhil6otl :it to,,, w tii,p ++utl ul' Lhu uaiiulil'a I:iil )11e u,i last week tilt) lad wouL-Pa)'saw•, a grocer and distiller . L�lt, 'Turuuto 1'utic.0 l;utitt list w,:oh-•�---••- t Y Y curl Ith'i $ lklili co pts:' u:ju,l. living in 1\urth Carolina, just neons$ Willi lllsau:Lt," 111' Itciw'l to tilt \1'Ji( li tilts rluukuv fr urn iue!iucrt to it l.0 Lyle pun to uAirk,Hhd, while sten the line diseuvered hi.; wile and �; 1-U1•lurmi11g tite duty the co%v ' nlithlFtl'ate Lllr: t5 vf,1$ tit' tit. Paul, 1 lar•i �' 1111 l,i+rj Ll •+ 1!1 P•11; R.t1 !C�a!1,r11U• y, ,� {�,, 0 Ono of Ili,; Clorks in a cutupromising alll Hot Iliad lllust IjObIA Fostlls hilt � I,j NEW STOCK � NE y�ry STORE RE $`,rite) d hel,••tail into the 1Laatly ,t,citiull gatl{rday night uud shut +rices he fin,ls nlsull'doh.,:iotl iruw { a $peak forth tilt' wunl:. of 8uh".111-'. ' l,l.reiu„ lila L,iil xt tilt, re' ,liana '� A yd _j:_•ul) }lair Uu the latly's''hsad, .old killed butte of thein. and trulJt,” 11: tt,+s i,;:,,.+url l fu: 1 l,, �`• A��- �� + BLOCK,ror�,� � N. Tho biitl's Caught, and the lad)' inquiry. , Ion hila anter l�lu11tu4ttl 1, l,l ;lVli4l''t'141:11 - Ir.)III e'. her pail of' milk and bean» YOUR LIFE IN DANGER. _-- _--- „ilieh ho W116 proposing tj fitvui' JOSEPH CHIDL'uY Dealer in Pllrnitllre. to'rrtangle her hair. The occupn- s tion d',wiirbed the cow and sho began 'fake time by the forelock ere that E1G[]'l'Y PERCENT lila n'urL1• hall at Ole New Store and see the stock of Thu lady -tabbed the rasping backy cough of yours carries Of thelbuman raee, accoriliul, to a I . ,.�,_. wy.".....�..a_"W Bedroom and Parlor Sets Lounges, Sideboards, Ci1111xs t^. it wi h butte hands and said : 'So You where so many Consumptives high authority, suffer from one or 1571911.11r.171 r •.v •r n: g ! , , Spl'lIlgs, have preceded you; lose no time, but other fol ul of blood taint. Never ; t,i ., �' * f e ® \lattra;,es, etc,, and general Howwhuld Furnihue. Tile whole Stuck i, hue, the ver r,•.•:1oh ! o-•) trench !' brit the wench i j F J t l7i procure a bottle of the rational r©` allow this latt'nt evil to develop fate :U ?, 1 tic+:t nlannfacturers. Picture IT, and 3louldings of t•vury description, .'� = _ Jttlsi. CIl1T&D1ixy, oile duol• 'West Of IDirksol!'s Rooli. store, nnt.lit(i+•./ t.l'a grip started on a trip nudy for Lung and Bronchial i)is- serious disease while Life blood can r+„•;. k1,n ,"n. Tho less startled I" : r -� ' ' T J oases, Scott's Entulsion of Cod Liver Oil be kept pure and the system clean tilt, tiuus,+hold h her shrieks and a -with Hr po phos hit`s. It will cure you. p P Y le the uldc•at sues ulO - ,an.1 scientific then` and - _•_____--_ _ _ ??'�- � ++a +>��a+avcatvm,oem0 Y /1 1 P Y by proper precautions, such n6 using � mcananlcnl h.,;,ar pi,la;,l„�.l and has the largest --'--- t0.n Sold ti all druggists, at 50c, and Burdock Blood Bitters whep'Jver acv circulation of nay pa Wr „f lis clans t)1 theworld. llel�' 1' wOtTla11 1',ltl to her rescue, Y gb r , Fully lllc�u;d ��d. no:t L1,W5 of Wood Riurrav- htit had to retro it to the house for rt yl oo, scrofulous symptoms appeal-. No I )cgs. Yubliahed wcclQyy. feud far specUoea lb Prmi $S rt y¢ar, Four wuntha' trial , El. pair of soissor,.4. The cow was Medicine equals B. B. B. as a- blood Mli�iN 3t' CO., PULILlsai:aS, Bill Broaaw'ay, N.Y. driv,m into a +tall, ]fur tail trimmed cleanser. _ On i\IarCa, rl,h ;1r1'$. Anti Il•i$cnn �RGI�IT�w`�'8 �� BUILDER� oJl' And left sticking to the lady's JO"r% P 1r""""`1Nr"1NG of 11rAuke$hn, Wia., decapitated - Edition of Scientific Amer}ean. head. She wont to the }louse and -Ice has left Turuutu Bay entir• Agreateucccss_ trach Issue contains colored her sleeping husbnu(l, 'Tl ii,othy, Itthogruphle phncs"f could r find City l•+mdon. wo art, inforniv 41 that it took her ly, the earllost oil record ti;I1Cu 1060, ( oes e'r public bn Jd Utes. Numeruns engravings with nn ase dating afoul >orar o hu9hand the neighbor woman and ' D 1 Y 3avrp.011 thre C. o-caslutl6. In 1863 it and full plans and spucineatiuns for the use of ' a ' fit of insanity' near Delafield in the I .nahuacoitemplate batldinti 1•rlce$2.60ayear. the fain il • until 10 o'clock that night ' ' opeuud uu Jaunary 2'• in 1862 on t5 cts,acopy. uuNN ar cu., PLIBLISHURS. t.' pi -1, ) D morning. Shn attempted to nlurdcr 1 , the hurry from Igor head, 1lnicb 3, and in 1SG. uu March o. What et o0. c+ir. t1' •� ���• �� ��” �f � � ��' ' het• volt also hilt wits restrained }) ' by apply- v Crj hot daughter, who awoke in tinio to Pre 1) ll, for uuvi'*'ttiuu ares bu- .-.��� ICii�Mwho -k\I']RIENCE TEACHES. prevent the act, She sa s Bile was lug nuidu clung the tluel;s• vehntlover 1 Y _ P�cigli yyeara' experience and have rondo over impellod to murder lief 'entire 0,OW nFtplications for American and For. TItY 'L'O BEN WIT O't`IILRS patents. se d t'ur llandbut7k. Correa - '11r. Oseanyan, in• his book The family in older to save them from aonencestrictly con dentlal. THE ACKNOWLEDGED ,Stdt,o? artd bix People, tells•the fol- Some unknown calamity. "I had a very bad pain in my side TRADE MARKS. lorinn anecdote ofa`Turkish h of which one bottle of Tlagyards Incase your markisnot registered Inthe Pat. ' P Y —_- fellow Uit made a complete cure . I int orrice, apply to b11'.x x Co., and procure whore prescriptions and IDmodatoprotection. Send forliaudbc+)k.hope that this may be of some bene-COPYitiGnmBfor books, charts, maps,rn-,!hurl of treatineut will interest AS A PICI�-11E•UP after excessive r, Leading:: Conservative:: 4J� ex01'tlOtl Ol• e:i fit t0 those who rend it. a. R T. ste., 9n10B1yprocured. Address�� J11ro(niiJ,iiers in ,N'e%v York : potwellilhurn's Beef, \\calker, 44z ITirrh 5t., City. flag•, l►SUNN&CO.,rawlitStilicitore, Iron and 'Nine is graceful and coin. GENERAL OPPiCE: 361 BROADWAY. N. x, 11 parson exceedingly ill of ty- forting, g yard's Yellow Uil ie & specific for all nb"A favor called in one of these inflammatory ptyn. _. uv^?ioal "L'lltIolllell, who, aldlougll - ----- ---__- OF THE COUNTY, HAS ONE OF THE —.Tulm G. iMussOn, West Ent] � _ 9:11.1: 811.1.3. -The he c:)u•ti,],'rcd tile case quite hope- -A Woodstock paper says : DIr, � - . .� r,•�w�s.ut.ct,r,l t,ns nn. _ lost: n'es •ribed for his patient and Gould, it will be remembered came builder and real estate agent, and a 9Co^;j „;e) rnt lutea rdr 1 1 r , ); . triol; ills leave. The n+'xt, day, in here frena London to assist in Prominent teacher in Queen Street ? tuning oi,t Arac•elna8 - - X X = X ^^^ ¢ -^ ^ _ - {- ,aii,ing b , he inquired of a servant n n M0t110d19t SUndAy +SC1lU01, hn3 glop• ,>' '.l f `t'''t st low rct,•s. A + 1 U Y q organisint, the Y. M. C. A. and took P ..,hie ad vert iselm nt. lit at the door if 1118 md9E01 WBS not + ed with }lis9 Mill S p nner who „1l The News Renard with Job ,- an aC, intel'eet I1] theaabruptly 9 '1 Y 1'' ° i' overt•setof silo hills. VIJ o 2ar,d, °' 1),'ad ! No; ten i9 much work, When he left abruptly a trent to that school, and yeses um• - - . Equipped 1W.trr•," Whoroupon ,thy doctor coil,ple of days ago, leaving behind ployed it) Kiug's $lieu factory. _ ._ _.. __ _ P_ ••• ' 1 stairs to ohtaiD the the trace' of uu.meutiouable wicked- Musson has lel't bohiud a wife anti 0. 891 iE 1 E 0 solrition of this miracle, "Wily,” ness, the colnnlunity was shocked, savoral children, but has nlndo r - _ - + _ _ _ _ _ + _ + - _ - + - - tt am ile provision for theirsupport. p port. 1 ) > ' ' ' ,sill the convalescent, I wag con The particular line of imn)orality l I ' 1 l dr n;tilre 9eaier, &C. _.. - -- ---. - •-- _-- -. _ _-.- Buniod with thirst, and I drank a with'whieh his name isconnected is - —' THE LEAD1140 UN IERTAKER AND _ pa.lftil of the juice of pickled c'ib- unmentionable. He was an intelli- 1,11E i.T'1"1'ER THAT CAME FUNERAL DIRECTOR. IN WESTERN ONTARIO. ba jet gent man, dressed stylishly and tuns From Mr. J. Hayden, 139 Chatham l "Wonderful !" quoth the doctor polite in his manners. St., Montreal, says: Ill tvas troubled Olipuaite Tutvi Nall, . Clinton, Out _01— And out came the tablet;, on which for year with biliousness and liver -- — the physician made this inscription, complaint, anti I never found any FOR SALE. "Cu•0li of .typhus 'fever, Mehemed A LIFE OF EASE medicine to help me like Burdock � ■ ■ Blood Bitters, in fact one bottle made TB Cdlior L tsfro fronting oil fur Albert tStr sill lilts Fl a dob P11RIER9 ar u h019tACer b dl'lllkllln DIIse IJZ%le IiatChffe,wrltln from n itnildingLntsfrontingonAlbertStn:et;aleo1 P , Y n S a com lete cure. it pailful of pickled cabbage uinn," r y,: It P two lrinHep, at Iles, to lo)' $crest; either em Falkirk Ont., en q I had such a ■ p p j bloc or in separate luta, to snit purvlu+;era. For T4e cough I could not sleep and was fast f; P rurU,or p:rrriuul:u•s apply to the; uudsrtiibnul,-E. Soon after, the doctor was called going into consumption; I • tried -11n English gentleman, tutee THNN :Y, C^.tnton. 332 a`"pr patient, a yaghlikgee, ur everything I could hear of without has been making a LOW Of NOW � _. _ .._- EY'ECUTEL) ON THF, SHORTEST NOTICE, an p'.or in embroidered handker- relief, but when I got Hagyard's Pee- Zealand, says :-1 once saw Mo o l '>i�o `�" a•1fTering from the same mala. torial Balsam I soon got ease. It is that I knew waking p et' �n,-o- :�' . TTn forthwith prescribed "a pail. the best medicine I ever tried." the verandah of an hotel, and look- "PFR=..= ;; -1 o y ++ Lizzie Ratcliffe, Falkirk Ont.disgusteda o .. f,,1 n,r ••,,;kled cabbage juice," r in r ver much about a -EA ani•5-^ " T K M"m E N •,• rr , --' something. On 1.J)' ABliing him,�'�,,,,_�: p'_-•rv,AgB 'I 'n the next day u con- �,-�"� a^, n atm COnetabl0 Iiarnishfnger went to what was the ruatter, he told the s:ay,: n=n `- , = r. o• his patient un his recovery ega,, , , ' t; �. , „ : wtlilltcd tv bo told file mail California,Garvensa village,to arrest that he had had thirteen glasses of R'54=e-"ni?g o �� an old man named B. S. S rague for whisks and couldn't get drunk. y?� may==rtes'- ` � �`� � the Oriental et thea heating his little girl. S r elle shot Y rm�C+C� �d � 0 jl ,11s bewilderment at these o o N <o aH;; » a ua 'camo to the safe t'ent'ing- 7TArnishfeg0r through the head, in. A BIG ?T[iIIZE, a oRK° ; .•.• ;'^- • would do Willi to cal' On THF NE.IVS RECORD iir,fore placing their ` ' flicting a mortal wound. A posse "'h�ea` . it C. ' ,luly noted it in his men)- P A big strike was make when PaweJl t 1 , y„- ,-, r ❑ _ „ , r wont in pnrenit of Sprague. Fin- & Dacia issued their Extract of arsap- emu?,o--- F';a = fi e t O orders rot hat a'thougil in cases of r p pec. .r. ,a C r ally 1T, 11 , Patton, r0gi8trt' of the arilla and Burdock. It has met with e.R�� 5 �ur�,ir,/,lest callbagejuice is ' ° teat success and it must for it is the y 3❑ �� a It rt,utc•,I it is slot, holy- law office, succoorlr:d in heading ori q powerful purifier � r~n��,d��� Gt" )'+ most t is used l blood erg er to the mar. c Route Bills, Pedigpees tho ftt"i.tivo, and called on him to -. w� u? u$rd ,,>t7Css //tel'ar%Inf he � ket. Itis used with the greatest success x �'r'.� v�s1 � � �. ion ,nt irl)ho7slcrcr,,, sutronilet. Sprague replied by fir- n all diseases arising from a debilitated _ -�- in- two 81-1ots at Patton, both of condition of the system, and everyone which muted, Patton then shot needs, and should use a bottle or two at ?;L'' SILENT, SIR. this senson of the ear, of Powell's F,x. b�m• Sprague through the abdomen, in- Y t`+�'la:ab"-.''==caa'a•m &C. tractofSarsa parflla and Burdock, Bear�s++�Fliefing a fatal wound. Sprague i9 J sfice-•• �a4� O Pjs Cards it t)1 uf(ou that JUrior Couneol in mind one 50c. bottle contains more 99 Q,9;,°�CS thought to have been ineane. solid medicine than most dollar so-called �a ^ I_ ppottuuity of "getting _ _ �__ Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember tt:sa•tlqe�'=��y�o lie ,ca'lers of the Dar who 0 1!a�°C D • IDIPORTANT TO WORKING MEX. that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, g e3R7�'szve,o�•�a0.t'fl� o 0 s rl to thein. However, price 50c. abottle. Sold by all drug- u a�p,.� a�9•i:l� „ rot 1 in the big timber fstsand medicine dealers ever rvhere. eta ti��b�e,;,; �qti 9 o Artizans, mechanics and laboring, g y oa•d W f Scott v. I;enedict un teen fire liable to sudden accidents 4431ly mgt; z9.0-s•B uyo"� ha sv I,goo,!o Hall. III,. Goo, and injuries, As well as painful cords, . Dr i og� '.a: li.ol been examining A etiffj0tnts and lameness. To all thus -Tile Maryland Court of Ap• h.� �3pqa n tmud tiLapleton; tilt+u lion troubled we would recommend Nag- peals has decided that a wife's will ra,�,�, ti .'�--OLORED PRINTING C7 4 1•;, Mak­, Q. C, took hint in hand yard'd Yellow Oil. the handy and • !6 y •�•� ; ' u ' reliable pain cure for outward or in- nes supremo in one emergency. A ��„ •one,d him as to the idontifi lag's ternal use q wonlnn with a tumor gnvsl tear can ,1 r tilt) haul -writing of a r t"a'� EQUAL IN MANY CA811,S SUPERIOR) TO CITY WOI'K. i,;, o sen" to the sitrgeon to remove it and ��s>Ta ' ) v nl • v" rt) Ulc court. lfr.1\"atson - ---._-.-- - --- she died. Tho husband who fur- et,pa� 7 ' unrity to ask for tile date.-+io8eph Fontaine, of Montreal, bade the operation, $nett the sur• €o �v-°, o - Jn J11111UA 13ruttts voice that whobuilt'A house for himself and n I '� �ar:u, to IJU011 liatenud to with stole - staircase, window sashes, ouon�, but the court dncidod that the wife s consent teas sufTicient,tr51ILL HEADS 4n1 I,y the statesmen of planks for the floor, Hails, t)ols,etc., > d6�a��g;Aaew�-a�b•Eit�� and which has hold to fit it lip, was sent to ,jail for only AN TNAC'fIVT: or torpid Liver y.e t' `-`9,="�° three months. His previous char= P•� BAE��ae=off :„� $ �a 1,,,1 1tn,1 ,y ap011-pound, ilTr, lilak0 P mustbe aroused and allbad bile re- (!le a11d;wio11s Juuior find aCtP.r was good, and It wagTepintteDt moved. Burdock Pills are best for Ail,. LG:a'sev '•'zag9e=-a3 inn tones retn;lrkod Beed totho•judgrethat lie had a large old oryour,e. 8_� HisE•"�de�e;e-• NOTE HEADS 9 + C•p•aa-a vn, Jo - F� '.ir" This moinontarily famijy.)vho were dependent on him. ---- - _ --. - �w5a e�eaAaoe>� <� „C`an"C _ 1. , 1 '']r, NN” But. htA time was - -In a gilarrel in a gambling sa- �a,g`'YsR � 1 SI I I' }I } I c..a ;as"_.�==' �,f.Qa . a Ili r,"urse of the exanlina •i :;1' 'nuthnr witness who war• [(1\T1 h}'Jl I'fU t15 OF 1V0R1?S are: -Fever, colic•, variable appetite eon at ltilnu0 12 ,1,, t IC lae elli w'As 8trlbbrd }n ilia Il('Clc ande«.-.. � top, ..dao °�GT,'—_'i �L`-�_�cn-,0 ea..Q,�e rso a64b- . ,kit .� ;w +�„��. vat':., LETTER ' e P , Ihreeathet'9seriouslyshot. During 0.a <�°�°iika-:�! xu�r lrli : 1 "stioned by Mr, 1V,, the restlessness weakness and consul cions. The unfailing is Dr, the fightA4ichael Session knocked his e, �,,,�o �• 1r;,,.'' T ,?ward stood lip and rnniarh- remedy g Y j• - ]r. " s"�, ' F., +1 ), ,r•+ +, r' this i9 not eviden'en. ,- 1111(.4 i v W"]ring the Opportunity Autl Low's Worm Syrup. - - -- wife down and jumped on her body, causing her to give premature birth to- g. 6 T „,�- �' ;y, r ye `>{ .`, '.�'•.` . 0 -I'(Iwru•d 5hltlt.z,about forty-five a entld which died, The mothers �t�'t +s � .r, 1 -i Figur„ raud'v and t t a years y it ' 1 r �, P dl'1 '" 11 �1� � y TAe Donde ctrcuiatm (/�� : Of a [', married, was employed life l9 does fired Of, Se9$len eSCd , r - `� s' +~$ibis nx t•nE and with a in I othwell s shauty, Little Like ed. - t di^ wave of the grin tbatwould two-anrl•n-half miles southeast of O�- r "`` `' , Wliolc"piljt to Henry Irving Taiks to T400a%S. \\',l'= r •+li,•d; c'i;o Silt,nt Sir." 'lns•,n. Fri,}ny ln8t himself and ono CONSUMP'1'IUN SURETY CUfiE. �-`��_1 ptnmlit CU 111pl1aDd9 tVA6 filo Tlpnih, walking together', felled an TO THE EDITOR : 97-0^>n 2000*0 peo,l�iwbu Beech r yl:ll, ln,? after it titter in the court aim, which lodged in an ash. The arlh+.lar•;•.tn"� l,it;ah%%enec,,andt�nse -Please inform your readers that i , tho vx im;llatiou was resumed• ash snapped, one of the top limbs, have a positive remedyfor the above " �' -- -o _ - skimming Shultz's face and break- named dieeaee. By ts;timety use � c,'�9 9 WS inc liis shoulder. He died froltt " + "� D.51 FERRY x o0. arc )" r (to r111ir't Atranner' on R' thousands a�i'�.y•„u.•+"” a+lrnowledgedtobethe • in hiiipermanently cured. I shall be glad Largest Seedsmen(�to send two bottles of my remedy ((`�j(�Y y #i !Il tl•o wools.ver iso e News-Record`1'' •� horse's tenA,1 for a minulps FREk to an of our readers who have ''� �' D bt.FxnnvaCo's 1 VNN hila 1 et dowel will er 7' A FEEBLE FAILURE, consumption if the will send. the iPFt '-` *t' ",'� 11i``tot:ed Desnriy. ?i + Y P Y V .,�t, $' ti•rvandl'ricod n0rtrousl Wil --tail= tetany persons become feeble and their Fx ress and P. '0. address: > I I .' ..11 r , Y)-' P ' �r;'sc='%�,• St,"G4�ANNUAL THE ONLY PAPER WiTIT loll r,r!H?' Driver-�b'h the fail in health from disease of the Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCIINI, Y' blood, liver, kidneys and stomach 37 Y onge street, 'Toronto, Ont, 499y �� �r►t `r rwnllt,l P1�n0 dfl and he sore. Rt1•Angnr- N1 Ty -bol, prompt 1180 of Burdock Blood f MRCULA"i,10N m ( T A1U totally I1naCr1181st• lt9our'aenstno A'DOUBLE i Bitters, the grand purifyingand regu- _'- — wlthmlt orrlerinp lt,h •Nw a ,l+ i,.r9es,ssud it ie ranito im• latingtonic, would quickly regulate Fi)Jt \ETTLT TiAFT1 Bummer ErrllmtOsnllllooerl0hAldoryleloworRcena; r 3:ih!„ for me to toll which of every bodily function and restore to iTeat and general toiletpurposes', ' 1n existence. .houdeondforit. Addrtoe your animals is an orphan.' perfect health, use Low's Slphur Soap, D. V9. �����",?iHIn gar, Ill b ; 1N THE COUNTY Ole HURON. iss