HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-03-27, Page 5-This Week I .( SPEOIA4 BARGAINS ON Dress Goods and Frints, Special Value in Cotton, Tweeds, Shillings, Frints, . - isxrTa.�ara7.Al...��r,4rAq'al11MM..f�,IMw,t.fu.Yh.. NE . * ■ ■ R I N G :ma. 0 0 (4.4 abAlLiu ODS Our Stock of Spring Goods is now Complete in Every Departmeht. We are slowing Grey Cottons, White Cottons AND GREY AND WHITE COTTONS. FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CAS}i. --0-- 11 A HAVE JUST OPFNED Two Gases Embroideries, One Case Muslim, Se„ what we eon offer you in tint line THIS WEEK. 0 Geo. E. Pay & Co. LOW-PRICED DRY -GOODS. BY-LAW -LA` NO. 3, —OF THE -- VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD, I FOR 1889, Being a By -Law to raise by way of Locus the sant (f Two Thousand Dollars for the purpose hereinafter Mentioned. Whereas the Municipal Council of the Village of Hoke' hoe rueolved to rale° by way of luau the sum of two thousand dollars fur the purpose . of greeting aid •bv way of a bonus to that amount to Ilksav WALLita & Co., of the County of %Valerie°, Province ut Ontario, to enable the said Hatay Waller & Co. to establish a Steam Holler Griot Mill in the said Village, and to rats° the said sum of utoney it will be necessary for the Village Council of the said Village of Hayfield to iseuu Debentureb fur the auto ut two thousand dollars, payable. with iutertnt as hereinafter provided. And whereas it will require the sum of $180 (one hundred and eighty dollars) to be ralaed annually by special rate for thepayment of the said debt un hereinafter mentioned And whereas it will require the sunt of $100 (one hundred dollars) to be raised immunity by special rate for the payment of the interest as also hereinafter mentioned. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said corporation, irrespective of any income in the nature of toile, iuterea1.s, dividends, rents or fees from the sold property, and also irrespective of any Meanie to be derived from the temporary investment of the Sivatne Fund ur any part thereuf according to the last revised Assessment !toll of tha said Corporation, being fur the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight,ta the sum of $87,451(oighty-set en thousand, Mur hundred and tifty•oue dollars). And whereas the existing debt of the acid cor- porationOf'Hayfield 18 as- follows:—Nothing; and there is nothing in amour, either for principal or interest. And 'whereas it is made necessary to appoint the time and place fur taking the votes of the duly qualified electure and •tor appointing Deputy Returning Officers to take the votes of the said electors at the meeting. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Village of Hayfield, County of Nbron, Province of Ontario : %-\ TEL). ‘id Getoral .c ant ' good pull to o cum. nt gsr.. En- quire at 0 . e of this paper. 827 (:Auction :dale Regast.l'i7 ,Parties gutting their Sale Bills printed at this office will receive a free notice up to date of sale, under above heading. Otherwise, regular advertising rates will be charged. L That .it shall he • lawful for the. Council of the said corporation to raise by Way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the same upon the credit 01 the debentures hereinafter men- tioned, a sum of money not exceeding •in the aggregate the auto of Two Thousand Dollars and cause the same to be paid into the Treasurer of the said Village for the purpose and with the object above recited. • 11. That it shall be lawful for the said Council to comae any number of Debentures to be made for such 811018 as may be required, not less than one thousand dollars each, and not exceeding in the aggregate the sunt of Two Thousand Dollars, and that the quid Debentures shall be sealed with tho seal of the corporation and signed by the Reeve and Treasurer thereof. wal. • ed wishes (JEERING Clinton tnd aurr toeuitnb • me 008001410/ of Mr. R. N ith the will be and hopes o uteri patr rage. L Fa sore trade B' SINESS—THE •NDILR- Ir huate to the )cuple of :Win country, ti to order he dem ride of hi. •ery nuttier• er, he bas b l;ht n the business simons, and w 11 c ' ry,on the eume, cost marts ht a nn. Every effort to meet the its of ell, and be ansa rtcely a fn 14hare of public west psi s, for large jnrdera. epaulet .y. ALBE MAY. 2 2 -vc7•"00Z,s Are now 12ic. per oz. Yon missed it by not buying when they were 10e. BUY AT ONCE before they rise again. TWENTY I'ER CENT. DISCOUNT ON SLEIGHS. • JOHN WISEMAN,GER *Lace nal a^ -M -^-c. L�flrarr '^"afl .traaaae Estate J. Hodgens 13_RO S-, THE "RED RDH .R" FURNITURE STORE • — 0 Haviug bought the stock of D. B CALBICB, of the late firm of Calbick k Reith at a GREATLY REDUCED FIGURE, we are now prepared to give our customers the full bsnefit of the reduction. We will RUN OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK 01 Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Centre Tables, Book Cases, Perforated, Cane and Wood -Seat Chairs, and all kinds of Furniture and Upholstered Goods :a'1' GREAT BARGAINS FOR 'I'IIE NEXT 30 DAYS. Now is the time to buy Furniture, as such Bargains cannot last. Call and be convinced REITH BOOS. N—(—.TICE....---Our Sunk of UNDEaTAKIN+G GOODS' is t, complete in every particular, and we are determined to give satisfsetion. The Leading Undertakers, Embalmers, Cabinetmakers, and Upholeterere.—Reith Brus•, The Red Rocker Furniture Store. fRESN•-:-AND -:- RELIABLE. SPRING. SPRING. 0 Our stock of Greco:les and Provisions for spring and summer are very complete, and will be found Fresh and Reliable, embracing every lino of Goods to be found in a First. Class Grocery. We aim to give the Best Possible Goods at the Lowest Possible Price, and to economical buyers we offer many advantages. '• PRODUCE TAKEN. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. COOPER'S Book Store, NOTICE TO CREDITO If1 lenatter r f the Assi(yntn :i ert M. Racey, and of t of Itapter 124;?evised Statutes of Ontario, 1887 Notice le Robert M. Ra County of Hu pursuance of Ch assignment of hi estate a Forrester, of the s. id To purposes 01 the sal. Act All permit{ hav(n Hobert M. Racey are with the said Assign fied by ,affidavit, nd nature and value of sec theta, on or beto e the Th A.D 1889, aft will proceed Robert M. 1 thereto, hav clalma the A reby given that -t}(e above named ey, of -the Town ,of Clinton, in the inns Hardware erchant, has, in ter 124 R. .0., 1887, made an effects to David A. of Clinton, for the III. That the said Debentures shall bear inter- est at and afterthe rate of five per centmn per annum from the day mentioned for this By•Law to take effect, which iuterest shall be payable on the first days of January and July in each and every year, at the °nice of the Treasurer of the said Municipality at the Village of Hayfield, 1V, That the said, Debentures shall be trade payable at the expiration of ter years from the data meutiuned tot this By Law to take elfeot, at the office of the saki Treasurer at Bayfield, and shall have attached to there' coUpone for the payment of interest. V. That for the purpose of forming a sinking fund, for the payment of the said Debentures, an equal annual sum of 9180 (one hundred and eighty dollars) shall, in addition to all other rates, he raised, levied and collected by special rate upon all rateable property in the said cor- poration during the currency of the said deben- tures, ur any of them, and for the purp:ae of paving the interest of the said Debentures, the• sum of $100 (one hundred dollars) shall in addi- tion to ell other rates be raised, levied and col• looted from all the rateableproperty of the said corpuretion during the Currency of the mid debentures or any of them. VI. That it shall he lawful for the Municipal Council of the Village of Hayfield to grant aid by way way of bonus to the amount of the said sum of $2,000 (two thousand dollars) to the said Henry Waller & Co. to enable hitt to establish a Stearn Roller Uri,t Mill in the Village of Bayfield, County of Huron, Provinces)! Ontario. Provided nevertheless that the said henry Waller & Co. shall have first made a permanent investment In connection with aut'h Steam holler Grist Mill of not less than 84,000 (four thousand dollars), in - 'elusive of the $2,000 (two thousand 001114 e) to he granted to him, and shall have executed and delivered to tine Council of the said Municipality a gond and sufficient bond to be approved of by the Council of the said Municipality in the sum of $2,000 (two thousand dollar.) conditioned that the acid Steam Roller Grist Mill shall he kept running and in operation for a term often years and 11111111 not be used for any other purpose than that of a Steam holler Grist 51i11 and that the buildings will be insured to the amount of 82,000 (two thousand dollars), and well insurancepoltry made pay able to the Village of Buy field, and that this By -Law shall come into operation on the -- day of April, 1889. V. ]rbat the votes of the electors shall be taken on the 17TII DAY OF APRIL, A.D. 1880, commencing at the hour M nine o'clock in the morning, and from thence continued till five o'clock in the afternoon ut the following plaque : THE TuWN HALL, HAYFIELD. V. That the Reeve of the said Municipal Cor- poration shall attend at the Council Room on Monday the 15th day of April, A,D., 1889, at the hour o/ two o'clock P. M., for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the various poll- ing places aforesaid and final summing up of the v.rtes respectively on behalf of persons Intoreted in and promoting or opposing the By -Law respectively. V. That the Clerk of the Munlelpal Corpora• tion shall, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, on Thursday, the 180 day et April, A.D., 1880, at tbo Town Hall, in the sold Village of Bayfield, sum up the votes given for and against the By • Law, and grant the requisite certificates there- under. NOTICE. aims against, the said quested to file the same his Solicitors duly vert• so stating therein the rlty (if any) held by Meth day of March, which d to the said Assignee distribute ho assets of said Alf among t o parties entitled tg regard only to those of whose ignec shall then stave had notice. of the creditors said Robert M. e appointment of in ectore and for of the estate general pursuant to said Act.will be held at the store of id Robert M. ltaceyyhn the Town of Clinton, on W NESDAY, the 18th day of March, 1889, at 2 o'cl plc p.m. Dated this 2001 day of February, 189k DAVID A. FORRESTER, Assignee. MANNING re SCOTT, ' Assignee's Solicitors, Clinton. A meetin Racey for the order The ah•,ve is a true copy of a By -Law which basemen taken into consideration by tho Muni- cipal Council of the' Village of Hayfieldmnd wide!) will bo finally pawed( by the said CollilcII in the event of the assent of the eleetore being oht•ilned thereto, after one month from the first publica- tion of said By Law In the nowapapor Balled Tire. 1111.08 Nawe Ilaeoen, of Clinton, the date of which first nubilentlon Wes WednewLay, the 27th day of attach, A. D., 14141), and that at the hour, day, end plane mentioned, therein fixed for taking the vet, s of the e!eetor•, the poll(' wi!1 be held. JOHN I'OLLOCIC, 541. 3E Clerk. MEAT SHOP. The undersigned has purchased the meat shop and business for some time past carried on by Mr. ALBERT MAY, on Huron Street, near the Commercial hotel. And is now prepared to supply o41 customers and all new ones who will kindly fat .r him, with everything in hie line of the best q,•.1tity and at the lowest possible living rates. - 633— 1 m GEORGE HAACKE. SCISSORS •,..trpened, Razors ground and set and t't: Ilas repaired. if left at Mr S. Davie' hard-. . a store will be attended to by E. FINCH. 627 I:S URR Y, member • the. anal n Society/ of usielans, will resent ter teachi ononday, armory' 7th, 1.8530.,, vacancies o two (2)' pi loo 9 r organ ppptls. >*e A NICE' HOME AT A BARGAIN.—Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees ; comfortable house end stables ; adjoining Godo' rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Godo• rich. 520.1.1 Noey RI Lend at /per cant To lz F HIL ARD, Baryister'}\b19.6m (Cl u\ on, Ont New Blacksmith Shop. EOIIGE TROWIIIut. has opened out a gen- u era! Blacksmith and Repair Shop In the building lately occupied by Mr. Gauley, north of Cantelon'e carriage works, Albert street, Clinton. (Blacksmith and iron work in all its branches ; Horee•Shoeing promptly attended to and setts• faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work In the above lines. 497—tf GEORGE TROW11'il.t. 0 JOHNSON &_ ARMOUR,- - --PRACTICAL— Harness and Collar Makers. 0 Having bought the Business and Stock of Geo. A. t►11 Irlllan, we are prepared to fill all orders 111 our line at the•LOWEST LIVING PRICES. We are bots practical workmen and can guarantee a superior class of work at moderate rates, The material will always, be found of the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing we hope to be favored with as liberal patronage as our predeeessor. We have a splendid line of SINGLE HARNESS, which for material, workmanship and price, cannot be surpassed. Full Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON & ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. w.wavre-. CKINR - HLILL, - CLINTON. Greatest Invention of' the e.—The Common -Sense Cloths Dryer., ft Is an eters.d and rerolyytng'reel, that cnn he lowered or Iris d tomtit Icy one. They occupy no great Antolini 1 spa , and can he placed on the ground, on a o or corner of a buildintr. When loaded with a nahing, can be run up Out of reurh of any on t a safe position, and no platform or step reqs iced. One hundred and seventy feet of 11 a alwaready tor use. No more bother 111(11 broken ih ss, sticks or poles or muddt clothe. on wash days, and it reduces snow' $110N elhag 1 vs to a pleasure, for the operator enn stand I one spot and load up the entire libe. ge3'r'nrr . p•,ndetce promptly awwcrcd, .1(tl1N OBER & S )N, waton and cnrrlage makes, &rust,, Oar. 580-1tn DEALERIN— CHO/Cf FA MIL Y GROCERIES. The hest of VALLE given in China Tea Sets, Decorated Dinner Ssts, Decorated Toilet Sets, White Granite Sets and Fancy Glassware. Special VALUE in New Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, Flour Meats, CanneclGoods, Poultry and Provisions. Call and see us. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL, ,CLINTON. A:: BOOM .. IN :: GROOERIES ■ — 0 — T. COOPER 84 SON'S OLD STAND. Milliner • • �011111g. SIITIIFIIIBY, j11BRGH 30111, AND FOLLOWING \WEEK., AT J. C. fietIor & Co' COME AND SEE THE. NOVELTIES.. 0 Having pulcbased Mr. JAMES Mooue,'S stoek of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, FOR CASII, LOOK ! e ASTONISHING BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN—LOOK ! Sugar—Sugar—Sugar-1211)s. lest Granulated Sugar for $1 ; 161bs Light Coffee Sugar for $1. Teas—Teas—Teas—Fresh, New Season's Uncolored Japan at 20o per Ib. Chinese Mixture, gobd quality 5 lbs. for $1. Coffee—Coffee—Coffee— Fresh gropnd, best brands, et lowest prices. Canned Goods—newest and best brands -3 Cans Tomatoes, or 3 Cans Corn, or 3 Cans Peas, for 25c.; Canned Salmon, new, 15c. 4 Itis. Fresh, New Prunes for 25c. Crockery and Glassware at a small advance on cost. Call and examine Goods and get Prices. I am confident you will be satisfied. �Higllest Price r.for _ NTlHatter and Eggs. J.. V V — 'I Y I , (Cooner's;old stand, cor. Searle's;Biock) The Tinges Tea Warehouse • Groat Cloaring sale of ry Goods AT "CHEAPSIDE." The undersigned has deehled to clear out AT ACTUAL WHOLESALE PRICES the NEW STOCK of Dry.Goods at the above Establiiltmeut. OVERCOATS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS and TWEEDS, will he cold • REGARDLESS OF COST, • CASHMERES, DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES, and •HOSIERY, at; IMMENSE BARGAINS. 2IIEETINGS, TOWELINGS, COTTONS, HATS & CAPS—all styles— PERSIAN LAMB, ASTRACHAN, and CORDUROY, at • LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE. SiLK FLUSHES, worth $5, selling at this sale for $2. EIDBONS, COLLARS and CUFFS, LA DIES' SKIRTS and CORSETS, AWAY DOWN. JERSEYS, SHAWLS, COMFORTERS, and VELVETS µ'ill i,(; sold at PRICES TO CLEAR. THIS SALE WILL iBE STRICTLY SPOT CASH NEW WALL PAPER! New Ceiling Decorations! thoioe New Stock. Latest Ameriean Patterns. CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE. Do not place your order until you inspect our Stook. ' 0 A. WORTHINGTON, Clinton 0 THOS. JACKSON, SR. Elegant New Stock 1 or— Gent's Furnishings 0 0 I have just placed in stock a fine selection' of the above goods. A8 toy expenses are low, 1 am in a position. to give you what yOU Want at a slizht advance on first cost. Do not invest a dollar until you insp(•t't tl.rso New Goods. SPRING GOODS IN THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT A ING. SEE THEM. F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADING TAILON. 11._ ,°w'ic,nemsa'u'1 THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTh !C. THE HUB GROCERY --o—o—o—o—o— Idew arrival of T EAS at Veru Low Figures. 0 Brown Sugars Away Down to Suit the Times, TEA SETTS VERY CHEAP. New Seeds for Garden & Mel& CLOVER AND TIMOTHY FOR SALE. Geo. Swallow, Clinton