HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-03-13, Page 3BUSINESS ANNAIlNEMENT. 17t1►RRESFONIWOCVO WO toils at all times be (Teased to 'receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good comes= pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE nexus. SUBSCRIBERS'. Patrons who do not receive ,their paper regularly from the carrier or thrlugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTiSERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, t ensure insertion, should be handed I not Mites• than MONDAY Noox "f e ch week. CIRCULATION. THE NEws-REcoIID has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Department of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very lom„. .. .. The Huron News -Record 51.50 a Year—V..25 In Advance. Wednesday, March 13th, 1.SS9 A BiG STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell .t Davis issued their Extract of arsap- arilla and Burdock. It has met with great success, and it must, for it is the most powerful blood purifier iu the mar. ket. It is used with the greatest success n all( diseases arising from a debilitated condition of the system, and everyone needs, aud.should use a bottle or two at this season of the year, of Powell's Ex• tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear in mind one 60c. bottle contains more solid medicine than most dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and hitters. Also remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50e. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 44311y —W. E. Macara, of Winnipeg, formerly of Godorich, has been ap• pointed Deputy i.egistrar•General of Manitoba. ADv,1gL To Mortteas.—. re you die- tu,rbed at night autt broken of year rest by a sick child suffering and crying with paiu of Cutting Teeth 1 If so seed et once aad get a bottle or ")Mrs. Wiaslevee Seething Syrup” for Ohildren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor itltle sufferer immediately. De. pend upon it, mothers; tbere is no nese take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo, softens the Gums, reduces lntammatiou, and gives tone aunt euergy to the whole system. "Aire Winslow's Soothing syrup" for children teethin7 is pleas ut to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists througbout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. Be sure andask for "Mrs, \) inelow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. HEALTH FAILING FAST. "I was swollen from head to foot from dropsy of six months' standing and. my .health was failing fast, but after taking one battle of Burdock Blood Bitters, I sin quite well, and think there is no medicine equal to B. B. B. apd to it 1 remain a true friend." Joseph Heric, Linwood Ont. --"There are two classes of people whom it is impossible to couvince against their will—women and men." FUR NETTLE RASH, Summer Heat and general toilet purposes, use Low's Sulphur Soap. —IIe—If you. will be mine, Louisa, I will load you through life like an angel. She—That is, with nothing to eat anti nothing to wear. No, I thank you. MARRIAGE NOT A FAILURE. The ,Avon correspondent of the 13010o4 Times gives the following particulars of one of the worst ewin• dies heard of for mune tithe. On January 23rd an elegantly dressed young' couple, handsome and gay, drove uI, to a wealthy farmer's re- sidence accompanied by a young man who they introduced as Rev. R. L. Sims. The young Ulan told the farmer that he wail on his road to Ingersoll to be married, but just a short distance from here they suet the minister, jsnd noticing your beutiful place the bride remarked that elle would rather be married out here than go i :,Ingersoll, and if lie would allow t "em to be united in marriage in his house, and be proyided with a wedding dinner, he would be well rewarded. The .far- mer, being an accommodating man, readily consented, and preparations soon began. A groomsman and bridesmaid were furnished from the good man's family, and the marriage ceremony performed by the man of much grace, who gave the blushing bride a certificate,lrt}t before doing so he asked the obliging host to Edge aH •a witness, which of Course was done. A jollier party never sat down to a wedding dinner than they, in fact everybody enjoyed a rare treat. They stayed until about four o'clock when the Groom hands d the farmer $40 in gold to compensate -hint-for--his- t>toellrle, -and-took-Ade departure, accompanied by his new wife and the minister. Everything passed off lovely for about a week, when a collector presented a $440 note due on the let of Febuary, The farmer was greatly Hurprieed, and it was some titne before he could think what note it could he. However, it came to his memory that he had a wedding at his house a while ago, and now he had to foot up to the tune of $446. There is no doubt but this whole affair was a deep laid plot, and ' had been some time in maturing. The young married couple and the minister are away on a visit, and it is not likely they will return very soon. YOUR LIFE IN DANGER. Take time by the forelock ere that rasping backy cough of yours carries you where so many Consumptives, have preceded you; lose no time, but -procure.. .a bottle._of the rational re medy for Lung and Bronchial Die- easee,Scotes Emulsion, of Cod LiverOit with Hypophosphites. It will cure you. Sold by all druggists, at 50c, and $1.00. —Mr. Francis Barclay, registrar of Halton county, died last week at Milton. He succeeded the late Thos R,acey about eight years ago. A HIGH VALUATION. "If there was only one bottle of IIagyard's Yellow Oil in . Manitoba, I would give one hundred dollars for it," writes Philip Il'. Grant, of Mon- teith, Manitoba, after having used it for a severe wound and for frozen fin- gers, with, as he says, "astonishing good results." —The American schooner Wm. H. Toye has been seized at Beaver, Harbor, NT 13., and fined $400 for violation of the customs laws. CONSUMPTION! CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent core of Cnnsrltnption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having test- ed its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of cases, has felt it his duty to slake. it known to his suffering fellows. Actua- ted by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper: W. A. NuYF.s, 149 Power's Block, Rochid'sret N. Y. 507 cow. —John Watson, a farmer living in the township of Thorold, lost a large sum of money on Saturday, March 2, at Port Robinson, while on a spree, Two parties named William Boss and Con Lynch, who were in his company, were. arrested. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURE. To THS EDITOR : Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease, By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send. me their Express and P. 0. address Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUM, 37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. 499y —Prof. Goldwin Smith discusses the liquor question in Canada in Mae?tlillan's Magazi»n. Hn dis- parages the Scott Act and urges England, before adopting local op- tion, to enquire into its results in Canada. —"One hour's exercise with a snow shovel is equal to throe hours at billiards or bowls," says a Phila- delphia doctor. If yon haven't any sidewalk of your own to exercise ou try some one else's. NOTHING LIKE IT. "I was troubled with liver com- plaint for a good malty years, but was cured by one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters. I have never found any, medi- cine to help me like B.B.B.,in fact one bottle made a complete cure." W. J. West, Parkhill, Ont. —Thirteen is unlucky.—They couldn't imagine what:caused little Johnny Martin, of Sioux City, to -fall ill and die, but a post-mortem showed thirteen Marbles in his stom- ach. AN INACTIVE or torpid Liver must be aroused and allbad bile !re- moved. Burdock Pills are beat for old or young. —Robhie, returned from school after a history lesson : "Mamma was Charles II. an Episcopalian 1' .`.:Eo, my son. Why do . you as that 1" "Well, the history says h did things he ought not to haw Jolie' and left undone things h ought to have done ; and so I sup posed he must be." k 0 e e COMMON CROUP is often fatal when not remedied in time. Leslie B. Nicholson,l9 Welles- ley Ave., 'Toronto, says: "As a quick cure for croup, colds, sore throat, chilblains, etc., I can recommend Hagyard's Yellow Oil." It is a sure cure. Directions accompany each bottle. —The consumption of American grain in Canada last year was 4,700,- 000 bullets lase than in 1878 ; in other words, the home market for Canadian -grown grain was enlarged to this extent. AS A PICK-ME-UP after excessive exertion or exporure,Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine is graceful and com- forting. —There is an Indian legend that about 180 years ago all the forests in Western Nova Scotia were razed by a great hurricane. Whether true or not lumbermen cannot find any trees now standi`ng of over that age. Last week an inimenso oak was felled an tho praperty of M Davis, of Shelburne County, which was 34 feet diam. at the stump and 22 inches diam. at 34 feet height. Rings showed 160 years growth. ments; when Juddou 13.. Clark, Genesee Stook Farm, Elmira, N.Y., put on anoth«r $1,000, and the horse was kuuoked • down to hills. This in the highedt price eyar paid for a stallion in the United States, either at public or private bale. SOME SYMPTOMS OF WORMS are:—Fever, colic, variable appetite, restlessness, weakness and convul- sions. The unfailing remedy is Dr. Low's Worm. Syrup. —A very sad and fatal accident took place on the Midland division of the Grand Trunk railway about one dud a half miles west of Ux- bridge. On the arrival of a freight special at Uxbridge in charge of Conductor McCarthy, of Lindsay, he missed ono of his brakemen, and on going back found the dead bossy of brakeman L. Badgorow on the rails about ono and a half miles oast. The body was badly mangled. It is supposed that he fell betwoen the ears while passing over the train on approaching Uxbridge. A DREADFUL DOOM.'. To bo unable to satisfy hunger without being distressed by heart- burn, indigestion, sick stomach, dizziness or faintnss, seems a dread• ful doom. All who suffer thus will find prompt relief and permanent cure in Burdgok Blood Bitters. B.B,13. positssrly cures dyspepsia in any form. THE STORY OF " ANNIE LAURIE," —S. A. Browne (k Co., of Kala- mazoo, Mich., and M. R. Bissell, of Grants Rapids, have purchased the trotting stallion Auteeo (record 2.161) from the Sonoma Co. Stolok 13reeders' Association, of Santa ROHR, California, paying for him $30,000. Anteeo 7868 is a dark bay stallion, 16 hands high, foaled in 1879, and bred by Joseph Cairn Simpson, of Oakland, California. His sire is the great Electioneer 125, by Hamhletonian 10, dant Green Mountain Maid by Harry Clay 45. Hie dam is Columbine, by A. W. Richmond 1687 ; 2d dant, Columbia, by imported Bonnie Scot• laud (thoroughbred). The famous song that is sung by all singers of the present day, I aw informed, is _a _mystery as to the author. I was raised -on . the' next farm to James Laurie, Annie Laurie's father, and was personally acquainted with her and her father, and also with the author of the song, Knowing these facts I have been requested by my friends to give the pnblic the benefit „of .my . kno>,vleslge, which I Have consefited to do. Annie Laurie, was born in 1827, and was about 17 years old when the incident oceured which gave rise to the song bearing . her name. James Laurie, Annie Lan. rie'is father, was a farmer, who liv- ed and owned a yery large farm called Tragleatow , in Dumfries- shire, Scotland. Ile hired a great deal of help, and among those that ho employed was a matt by the name of Wallace to act as foreman, and while in hie employ Mr. Wal- lace fell in love with A nnie Laurie, which fact her father soon learned and forthwith discharged hitt. He went to his home which was in Maxwelton, anti was taken Hick the very night he reached there, and the next morning, when Annie Laurie heard of it, she came to his bedside and waited on him until he died, and on his death bed he composed the song entitled." Annie Laurie TALK ABOUT TROTTERS. CURRENT TOPICS. A QUEBEC SENSATION The greatest sensation so fee this session of the Quebec legislature was whet) it became known that Mr. Trudel, the Nationalist M. P. P. for Champlain, had given notice of the following motion for Thursday next: OCALVOSS 7P' ARE YOU IN O EET ? We ask the ep tenr1 )1 seesi.eu�ly. On our hooka ale a large unnthor of small aecoituta that aggregate a guu+l tunny dollars. If you ow•e1ul: Nr:w•s Itl.r..,'uo ;51.•35 or inure, we invite a 1,1'1'u,pi ,, : th It• yon have not received y•'ur elecoeut, ask forst ; it you Lave sews, el It, we tisk an early reape,e.e. During the hl -L lew Woolis a 's ego num- ber of acetones he.- i,•. n .,. see, and during the next 5.01V 1.1. ., kye.,•. (+i I crud out many enn•e, THE NL,\'a•ltl?Ct N; i, ossa h.•l lei worth $3 it yeas tl :m 31 25 vh,'n the pres- ent proprietors I mil: ;• ,.ac `Ylurl id 11 over six yes 5 ago, and sti': the p, i..• 1• lupin, at $$1.2.:1 in advance. We dislike dunning, i It n • n'nr that hare ret:mine:1 11., .11 kr I,r•11 1. uw,e teuat be se aka Dining 0111' u0WSlolpor uxperieuce of miany ye.ua 55e have uev'ei lia.l t„ =tie any of our parnms, and ws els hest de.u•e U, increase accounts with Court costs. 'lo those tvl:n pay up. soil a year in advance, during ibis wnuth, $5 es a year the advun;;e prig i•—.will ol,ly h, rl,r.r•;ed; othertvi4c $1.50 0111 1 c1011;•,11 mud col- lected. To thn.e in urre•u•. WO .11y--111111 say it candidly—pay up and save rust ,• W IH Ei ' 1;11 1' etG •i." 89 ii t 1C, l'ul iehers. 1. That this House desires to. express its deepest regard at the -unfortunate-arid' tin worthy "position of the Sovereign Pontiff Leo XIII., the spiritual father of nearly 300,- 000,000 of Houle, amongst whom the Queen of England comae millions of her most loyal and devoted subjects. 2. That this House desires to record its most energetic protest against the captivity of the head of the Catholic church. a prisoner in his place of the Vatican, as holey, an outrage to the sentiments of her Majesty's faithful and loyal Catho- lic subjects ; of being further a serious hindrance which obstructs and paralyzes to a great extent the administration of matters apper• taming, to their religion and to the exercit'e of their rights, and coese- quently interferes with their liberty of cou.cience. —A California paper states that the price paid by Robert Steel, of Philadelphia, for the stallion Wood - nut was $20,000. —E, B. Dikeman, of Grand Rap- ids, Mich•, has Bold to J. C. Rich - (nelson; Boston, Miasn., the brown gelding Ed, Mack 2.26/, by Ham• bletonian George, dam Flora. —Prince Wilkes has now won 17 out of 20 races in his four years on the turf. Oliver K., Patron and Guy are the only horses that ever beat him. —Stamboul 2.141, haft been sold to W. S. Hobart, of New York city, who owns a California ranch, for $50,000. At least his owner, J. L. Remo, reports Chia to he the case. The trotter is having a wonderful. boom. —The Directors of the Detroit Driving Club met on Monday last, and decided to hold their annual sheeting July 23, 24, 25 and 26. The purses offered will aggregate $30,000, A purse of $10,000 is to be offered for the 2.24 class. En- tries for the $10,000 will be closed earlier than in the other classes. —The recent sale of Bell Boy for the enormous price of $51,000 seems to be a "sure enough sale." At the (tele the bidding was opened by J. Rider, Franklin, Pa., with $30,490; followed by W, T. Woodward with $35,000; J..il. Rider then hid $40,- 000; and the Hermitage Stud, Nash ville, Tenn., $45,000 ; Clark & Hopper, $16,000; H r 'tage Saud, 847,000 ; Clerk ek Fiopper $4R,C00; Hermitage Stud, $50,000, There the bidding rested for a few too - 4.. That this House desires to express its opinion that it would be a gracious not on the part of her Majesty the Queen, if she would evince her good will by exerting her influence in order to obtain for the sovereign pontiff the restoration of .the ancient. -.patrimony ---of St. Peter (bequeathed over a thoueatld years ago to the predecessors of Leo XIII), and whilst effecting this restitution to• restore the temporal power of this great Pope, persuaded as we are that the possession of auoh great power would be an ,aasurauce of peace for the whole 'civilized world, and that it would forthe pur- pose t neverur- he .used p pose of ensuring the triu'nlph of taw and justice. The filiation was afterwards with, drawls. —Hattie Stephenson, chief clerk of the Wellsville, 0., poetoflice, was arrested last week for robbing letters of money and checks. Her thefts amount to $500. She admitted tier guilt and will suffer the penalty. —It is credisably reported that in the sparsely settled country around Aitken, Minn., two children were attacked by wolves and devoured, only a few bones and shreds of clothing, remaining as testimony to their fate. • —It may not be generally known that an uncle of President-elect Harrison made a raid during the war of 1812 on the present village of^Colchester in the county of Essex. It was then a Government reserva- tion, and a rusting place for Indians on their way to•1+'ort Malden. The settlers and a few Indiana opposed the Yankees. Lieut. Harrison and about a dozen others were killed at the first fire, and the invaders im- mediately ran for their boats, leav- ing the dead and wounded upon the field. IIarrisonts body, we be- lieve, is interred in, the grave yard of the old stone church in the village. —Mrs. Hawkins, of Toronto, wife of one of the city street foremen, has for five years boon a suffering invalid, and as she spit blood fre- quently was treated for consump- tion. A feature of her malady was that just before the blood she invar- iably experienced the moat stinging and cutting pains, so bad occasion- ally as to throw her into paroxy- sms of agony. If she attempted to lie down something seemed to rise in her throat, and the sense of suf- focation was so strong that for a couple of years she has had to take her rest in a sitting posture. A gentleman who has been in the South for some years happened to call on her husband, and was talk- itig to Mrs. Hawkins when one of the paroxysms seized her... He noted each symptom, and came to the conclusion that a snake was the trouble. He procured remedies, administered them, and the poor woman was relieved of a lizard eight inches long and half an inch thick. Mrs. Hawkins is in a yery weak condition, but the gentleman says it is only a matter of a few days and she will grow stronger than ever, MARVELOUS PIM TQ TH FARMERS Studs'• your own interest and go where you can get Reliable Harness, 1 manufacture 110110 but tun Woo op SiocK. Beware of ,hops that deft cheap, es they have ;lot 40 Uue ear Cali and yet prices. Orders Ir) mail prompt), attended to rrOHN T. CA.R'7C 3 , (HARNESS slim t1US1, RLYTIL, .ONT. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORMS OF ALL KINDS ;r, CHILDREN OR . OLD .T ii `.;y,47. '� r,� yYF=.1Jl- AN1 CPP.:pl[`' ^i:.i•n i F.', t-ic'tt r UD®CK •'IL-LS :'SUGAR GQATED A SURE CURE FOR BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARC MILD,THOROUGH AND PROMPT IN ACTION, ANO FORM A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. ILL.J1EADS, Beads, Letter (leads, 'Page Statements, Circulars, Buei11ec8 Curds, Envelopes, 1'rogran•nles. ete., etc., prince in a workman like planner and at Jwi 1'8108, a TUE N5',VS•RECORI) Oliice. I.1113.e,LA3:'83 CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, Corner Moron and Orange 'Streets, Clinton.. FIRST' - CLASS MATERIAL and CNSFI(PASISED IRON WOIRK. Repairing and Repainting. t ALL WORK tVAttRAN'rEn.%at 521•y DR. WASHINCTON, T1iroat and Lum;, F•urgcon, of Toronto. Will be at the Rattenbuiy house CLINTON. MARCH 14TH. wii Vlitri a 2,3311144 211 r�s..,�.�1 o«oa&2�oG�g.sg�jpa,�p£ e''ag=a�"�, fag g 9a4g `Lis to VIM `o E 3 t al or odli' .$eo�a�'m•^ya`„av—:.t 1«aey •"°io CS�FI�.�_.°, +F iE$w�BQ�ieoi� N.°, o a"'e«iie'� 7.o• C oaIOI��00iyyia awm,9f.AcaFIv63f,en• �2:�:sBe d I . a3;. a 4 El iA.iF'� o .. mo:0 Si! �:il SYJ'Ovma ffi,DD®sDDD ppno�oapbebeli ve the T of the largest and moot renablo house, and they ese Ferry's Seeds D. M. FERRY & c0, are acknowledged to be the Largest Seedsmen In the world. P re. FERRY t cO'S rllpsar•ateel Doccrip• tive and 1?riced =ANNUAL AL For 1889 Will be mailed FREE to all nppllcnnts, and to last dear's customers without ordering it. /await SanaaOanliflowerI atle tootle Every,ercoanejng r in existence. should , Field e1' Plower Seeds should send for it Address .D. M. FERRY 8 CO. iiattsor, Ont. Tho Huron News -Record has just placed in stock another lot of Extra Hard Metal ;DO YUL� 44, 1144, OR �® °R 44,V),44.0 op ('"! i`i G t LG 7":4••••• v4DUR On &otoh Type Forenoon. A few of the 1111111firelia eared by DR. WASHINGTON'S New Method of Inhalation W. II. Storey. of Storey it Son, prominent glove manufacturers of Acton, Ont., cured by Dr. Washington of catarrh of the throat; bad form, and pronounced incurable by erninen specialists In Canada :old England. Write him for particulars. Chroule Bronchitis and Asthma Cared An English Church Clcrgsman speaks, Rectory, Cornwall. not Dlr, W.as111SUToS.— Dena Sia, —i uta glad to be able to inform you that our daughteris quite well again. As this is the second tune she him been cured of grave bronchial troubles under your treatment, when the usual remcdiee failed, I write to express my gratitude, Please accept my sincere thanks. Yours truly, C. B. PET'rIT. Sirs Jno Muff°Ivy, Kingston. Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John Melielvy, Kingston, Unt, Catarrh. Sir A (lopping, Kingston, Ont, Brwrclw Cuuaump. tion. Sir, E. Seott,_Kingeton, Ont, Catarrh, head and throat, Mrs Jno Bertram, IJarrowsmith, Out, near Ring• stop, Catarrh, throat, Miss Slur) A liotnboasre,Centreville, Out, ..atarrh head and throat. Janis Mathews, Y. Master, Acton, Ont. A Wish, Omits Furnishing, Belleville, Catarrh throat. John Phippen, P. O. Sandhurst, Out, (nearNapa• nee), Catarrt, bead and throat. (;ail ease SOUND ADVICE.—Those having sales of any kind should consider that it is just as important to base their posters properly displayed and ap- pear neat and attractive, its it 18 CO have a good auct•ionuer. Ten News•1LECURn makes a specialty of this class of work, they have the material and experience to give you what you want at via reasonable prices r-,=•__;°• TRAY STOCK ADVEW '•'�iss TISI'MKNTS inserted in TUB Nsu•a Rao's» at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray tock. It yon want any killd of advertising you '•rot o better than calek 'ews.Recor'• (CURE FITS! When I say Conn/ do not mean merely tt stop them for a time, and then have them re I have made the di ease 01 OURS. "ITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICENESS,• &lifelong stud . I we1nArrrm remedy to punto the worst oases. Deoause others have failedis no reason for not now receivingR Acura Bend at oncefor a treatise and aFRItEEOTTLI Of my INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Efpreas and Post Office. It costs younothing for e )ria:, and it will euro you. Address , Dr -IL G. BOOT. 87 imago At., Teronte, Ont. •