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The Huron News-Record, 1889-03-06, Page 8
WDER Absolutely Pure. , u•.Iur F:eY or varies. A marvel of purity, tren-rh and Yvh.d'so,noness. Moro economical ;le ordwr' ki idi, and cannot hesold in .o,l t't:nt With the multitude of low test, •rt 1' .r,t el mu or phosphate powders. Sold , i,, ItuVA'. BAKINu Vanunu Co., 108 Y. .. `V ,AICKNIANYINENEGIKINUIAMOolsonlimMIINI- 1;. 1 1 i, NI CU:C you the WEEKLY 1.,M1.1 RC. i•'t nno year and a bast of Sir', Tubo A. 111 :1 mall. Also got your ,!oily !r'prrs at Cooper's Boot: Storo. \'utr eon get he brat. Georgian Bay' hningitis, Av.artadn ut•i,.\ \, I'ui•;r;LiO per•4 .etttare, • t ,7ann:- 'I arrrutst.:, Clinton.. 1+.FMa•: .A:'4' -'.a InIVWX.F.212MERIN71711RHOLIMMEEMMEMEM The Huron News -Record 11.10 a Year—$1.26 in Advance. ;March Qnth, 11889 LOL%AL NEWS. RIi !navel Around this "Huh.' tZttnvtt illh. x.91:., "•1[t Nr, town, is dangerously IYila :.Jro. PALt1 i o, of Goderich, is visiting friends in Clinton. P. 11. P. No. 161 tweets next 'Wednesday evening. KENN:.u, of .Kirktou, spent a few hours in town with lriutnls, uu 1luuday. MRS. A1,nn; GAM, whu has been dangerously III tor several weeks past, i, improving so that hopes are erwirtti1 1 l of her ultimate recov- .,ry. u:cTHE E1 S-1'RECORD,— Master in Chancery i)Ialeotuson, Byer tlainpiuu and coulnlercial traveller CI imam, all of Goderich, c• ore in town on Saturday and ni:l •: tt, a fr'leudly call. - N rwseArr':R DIFFICULTIES.—Mor. \1St)11t6Jt1 proprietor of the Stratford the1eadiug Reform paper of the county, has been obliged to make au assignnleut, and the Guelph /1, ,-n/f/, the leading Conservative p; loos• (if \Vellington county, is in ua^,l;ial difficulties and the plant i'11 he put up at forced sale on the x,., 0.14. 710 1ne.ete nett Monday evening. PR. WAsx u oTON will be at the Rattenbgry House, Clinton in the forenoon of Thursday, March 14. MB. H. R. WALBER, has sold his farm on the Huron Road, near Stapleton, to Mr. R. Van Egmont' who has had it routed for some time. • THE result of the meet'ing of his creditor's called by Mr. R. M. Itacey, hardware merchant, was that he was requested to make an assignment, which he did, and stook taking is now in progress. Gin A. M. SHEPPARD of Goder- ich was in town ou Monday. It sounded like the murmuring of spring ripples on the "ocean wave" to hear him say that he would not be surprised any time within the • next two weeks to receive orders to joiut his vessel and take command of her and commence business trips on the .;ijfwe..�^^ ^^ ass ..4s..,.icl"Rs GREviiss and constable Tedford and Joseph Allison got mixed up in an altercation Monday evening over an attempt of the first named to resist the expropriation of her household goods by the officer for rent alleged to be duo the last named. The weaker sex did not display ally immoderate weakness in defance.of ulhttt she laeldIe b•+.ler.. rights. a `ME,\t,oxIAL Sis k. --On Sunday evening alio "Y3ev. J. Livingstone preached the memorial •sermon of. 'the late Mr, David Welsh. His text was Hebrews XI and 13, "These all died in faith. After speaking of faith as the act of God and the gift of God and the necessity of living in faith so as to die in faith, in. forcible words, he in closing re- ferred in tender terms to the close, of the life of the departed knowing, that he had died in faith ; he had yielded himself to Christ and wit; nessed for him ; and that the ver- dict of the people and neighbors was that he never wronged a man out of a dollar and that he was a good neighbor. Mr Livingstone also referred in eloquent terms to the kindness and assistance he had received, when a mere boy at Bayfield, from the late Mr. And- rew Rutledge, who had passed away to be forever with the Lord. 1 itis 111,.D 8110,—One jay last week Tr. John Stephenson went ink'', Davis' Hardware store somewhere atri rho farther end and stepped into a lioietway opening, the door of door of which was up, and falling on rho floor beneath, was so badly 1 .jtnnnnd that he was unconscious for .vera} hours, and at tiros of tt.ritiug` • 13 in a critical condition. IN•Y-sLif •Pi,EADEHa, it is alleged, will find that one dollar expended fur 'Dr. Parker's great medical work, the "Science of Life," will be of more value to them than ten thous- and dollars expended for proprietary 1>, 1':l ici111tS electric appliances, &e. no bunk contains over one bun- .ir1Yti t,ud twenty -live invaluable pic,..aripticns 'our all diseases that human flush is heir to. See adver- tisement. Ftua 11 uwT.—Last Thursday Alas- Inr Wellesley Whitely when practic• in3 on the gymnasium at the Clin- ton Collegiate Institute fell from h•,i2,l't of about eight feet, land - :11,g, on his ,right side on a slight f]rotuh.'rauco of the floor, severing a ',omen of the cartilage that con- neelsthe !lbs. The injury is a painfll one, though not serious, •1')11 will confine him to his bed for 1 we,k or su. TILE CANADIAN PRESBYTERIAN rrtarka the commencement of its eightnonth volumne by an enlarge - moot that must make' this old es• tablished journal more than ever welcome to thousands of readers. 'the large addition to its size, and the high character of its Correspon- dence, Editorial and Contributed Articles can not fail to add to Ton PRESBYTERIAN'S already wide' cif.• eulation and greatly extend its influence for good, "Knoxonian's" racy and able article, published uvot•y week, is alone' worth the yeari,y subscription, which, notwith- •+tanrling tho increase in Aim, runl'rlls at its old price, $2,00 per annual. The otTur of a "Peerless" 11ible a a premium to the getters up of a club, should be the means of enliatino a host ul' willing workers all over the country. Send to THE 1'RE,,BYI:ERI\N 1'ItiNTINO AND P1Jn- 118311;,0 Co., 5 Jordan St., Toronto, for free specimen copy and circular. 0 0. 6 Q -r—AND--- OOKS ? School Supplies. ? SUBSCRIPTIONS Received for all kinds of Newspaper's and Magazines. 0 CHRIS. DICKSON, OL/NTON. MR. LAWRENCE, hardware merchs Foe other local lualtr sec (Al- eut of Luckuow, was in town for a tonal pa re ���� a` eoupl• of days last week, called'aaa' hither by the death of Itis wil'u' /� Joii Cisou, attended tl uncle, the late David \\retail. meting of the A. 0. U. W. Gra .nine hold iu 1'oroutu last week. —Tes 1 y a('ter. oon a horse, attached to a cutter, sok', away flolu its moorings near tliie residence of Mr, James Fair and tat Ini. oiled down Albert street at a Tato contrary to the law in other oaks made and provided, and ;b4 ught up at Young's baker?y. The eeenringly irresistible cutter brought .:;p agaiu:ie .w -hat .proved .to. be_ an irresistible post. Here the horse parted company from the cutter by some portions of it breaking. The rig belonged to G. Christopher, of Hallett. Trifling damage. THE following from a British Columbia daily refers to a son of Mr. John Calbick, who lived so long near Ilolrnesville. The Alder- man is a brother of Mr. D. B. Cal- bick now of Wiughain :—"Ald. J. A. Calbick was born in Brantford, Ont., but at an early age with his parents removed .to the County of HIuron, settling at Holrnesville on the Goderich road. That was when the magnifi'c©nt country stretching from Lake Ontario to Lake Huron was known as the "Huron Tract," then largely owned by the Cauada Company and the Crown and designated as 'the "Queen's Bush." At the age of 23 years he left the old homestead for far-off British Columbia and the Fraser river country. For six years he prospected in Cariboo. Leaving the Province in 1866, he passed four years in California. In 1870 he returned to Ontario, but in T876 came back to New \Vestlniuster, where he has since remained, carrying on a successful business as a contractor. ' He has already been elected six times on the Council, and for the past eleven years has been a trustee of the public schools. He is regarded as a safe, progressive, public-spirited man." ST. PAUL'S S.S.ANNIVERSARY.-The anniversary was held on ' Friday evening March lst. The following programme had been, prepared by the 'Teachers, and successfully carried out by the children. A short address was given by the Rector, stating the present standing of the school and increased atten- dance, and the character of the teaching as most encouraging. It may be added that while in numbers St. Paul's S. S. is not° large, it is supplied with a most efficient staff of earnest teachers. At the close of the children's. part, Mr. Stone- man of Hamilton who happened to be in town gave two excellent recitations to the delight of every one. The following programme was presented :—Address, Rev. Mr. Craig ; Tableau, the old woman in the shoe ; Dialogue, "Girls" Miss Holmes s Class ; Duet, Bolla Creo and Jomima Holmes; Recitation, Stewart Plunnuor; Sermon, Dun- can C. Stevenson ; Recitation, Mamie 'Young ; Dialogue, Miss Doan's Claes; Recitation, Edith Raysot•; Quartette, "Girls" Miss Joyner's Class ; Reading, Louisa Worthington ; Tableau, Tho pinch of snuff'; Recitation, Nettie Comb; Song, "Girl's" Miss E. M. Doan's Class ; Reading, Josie Reeve ; Recitation, Oonono Craig ; Tahlenu,' Who is the tallest ; Dialogue "Girls" Miss Twiss' Class; Solo, Nellie Patterson ; Recitation, Harriet Holmes; Dialogue, "Girls" Miss E. M. Doan's Class ; Tableau. The Old Bachelor ; Recitation, Mamie Bowers; Dialogue, "Boys" Miss Perrin's Class ; Tableau, Bashful Lovers ; Recitation,. A. McIntyre ; Recitation, Mr. Stoneham ; Tableau, Good Night. REV. RURAL DEAN CRAIG when out on a missionary tour at Dun- gannon and other places in the north part of the county, week be- fore last, had a rough time. The journey by stage from Goderich was duriug the coldest day this winter, and the roads were drifted so that he had to vary the monotony of the journey by at times going ahead of the horses and tramping down the snow, then with muscular christi- anity grasping a fence rail And pry- ing up the snow imbedded sleigh. Going to Lucknow to take train for Wingham and Clinton, he there had the glad tidings imparted 16 him that the train had boon can- celled and he had the pleasure of a drive back to Dunganuon and thence to Goderich by Mage. THE Sexorr capacity for and love of outdoor sports seems inborn'• in the transplated race in Canada and enables the participants to accornpl- -ish a larger amount of indoor work than they would otherwise bo cap- able of doing, and preserves m]ten,s sana in corpore salsa. A lover of robust winter sports is Mr. R. S. .Williams, manai;er of the Bank of Commerce at Goderich, and. one afternoon last week he, along with Mrs. Williams, tramped on snow- shoes from Goderich to Clinton, making exceedingly good time and was not a bit " blown " on arriving hero. His young son tramped on snowshoes as far as Holmesville. Such sport conduces to moral and physical strength. TOWN COUNCIL.—Met Monday night, Mayor in the chair. Chair- man Manning read report of Fi- nance Committee recommending payment of accounts :—\V. Wheat- ly $1.75, D. A. Forrester and Jas. Thompson, auditors, $10 each, J. Ridout, insurance $24.80, G. Ted- ford, wood $19.05, rent for Miss White $2 50, G. Tedford, wood $35.75, H. Tewsley, meat $4.38, G. Tedford, sundries $2.30, R. Holmes $6.50, Whitely and Todd $12.50—Receipts for Feby from Town Hell, $18, from weigh scales $14.00. That aecount for rent of pound be left over for enquiry, and that J. H. Worry be refunded $l dog tax illegally collected from him—Ap- plication from Jas. Sheppard to have amount he overpaid last year for shop license refunded to him, was referred to finance comniittee— Electric Light Co. to be paid 25c per night for light at Dickson's corner—Board of Health to be composed of Geo. E. nay, Jos. Chidley and W. C. Searle—'1'reas- urer Robson's •statement was read. MAYOR WHITEHEAD was able t0 take his seat at the Council on Monday night ; and Reeve McMur- chie was heartily greeted by his friends on his appearance again after his close call of a month or so ago. After the council adjourned his Worship invited the members of the council and others to partake of oysters at Anderson's, where, after mellowing their palates with the denuded bivalvular shell -fish stewed after the most approved fashion, deputy reeve Manning proposed the health of the father, or he 'night say the grandfather, of the Hub, and in a few felicitous remarks congratulated the town on having his Worship at the head of municipal affairs, and complimen- ted him on the able manner he had discharged his duties, His Wor- ship felt proud to ho so honored, and pledged himself to do all in his powor to forward the interests of the town 'and offered a few practical .suggestions as to how all could help in the same direction. After an hour or so of friendly chat the pltrticipants separated, highly pleased with the liberality of the Mayor and the proceedings of the everting. 1 CREll r 0'1 1%. SAL`C"b-f°`i'IYCib e oak and implements, Oil the farm I Hopkinson, tut..8cu. ' amesHo klno 0 ,� r t 7, ullett, on Thursday, Match 14tH. ). Dickinson, auctioneer. ANOTHER HURON PIONEER PASSED itwAY.—IMnny of our readers ill remember Andrew Rutledge, of •silaylield. _He died ,..there Mat Week aged 70 years. Ile was an early settler in Goderich township. About 35 years ago he removed to Bayfield and engaged in mercantile pursuits. IIe wan enterprising and successful. Ho was industrious and honest, a member of the Methodist church, a life-long temperance 111Kn of liberal ideas, and an unswerving Conservative and lover 'of his .adopted country. A native of Ferulauagh which supplied such a largo pruportion of rho best settlers iu this section. Mrs.W. W. Connor of Bayfield is a sister. \Ve know IIIc. Rutledge from the time when personal memory runueth not to the ooutrary and Always beard •hint spoken of with respect, and condole with his family in there bereave- ment. REv. JAMES STUART, who diad last week at Iris late residence, 2.14 Richmond street west, 'Toronto, was, we believe, the oldest Presbyterian minister in Canada. He was bora at Coothill, County Cavan, Ireland, iu 1804, and was educated at Bel- fast College under Drs. Cook and Edgar. Iu'' 1347 Rev. James - Stuart ca'ile to Canada and settled at -Frampton, Quo: After leaving Frampton be accepted a call to the pulpit of the Markham Presbyterian church, then working in connection with the Church of Scotland. Next ho assumed the lniuistry of the Goderich church and the Wawa oish,eong.regatiou, where he labored for several ' years. A .unanimous call to the charge of the Old Kirk, at Woodstock;- took deceased away from Godorich, and after a long period of service in the last locality he retired and settled in Brantford. After living in Brantford for five years he came to Toronto. The following family survive to mourn his death: Rev. James G. Stuart, of Balderstoue ; Dr. W. T. Stuart, of Toronto ; Mrs. Dr. Stanbury, of Bay- field, and Miss Florella Stuart. The late Rev. J. L. Stuart, for- merly pastor of the Trenton Presby- terian ch'lrch, was also a son o deceased,—Presbyterian Review. A ROLAND FOR IIIS OLIVER.—An incident took place at a sitting o Division Court here, a mouth o more ago, which we forgot to men tion at the time but which is worth recording. Those who know lawyer Campion will agree that he is s well up in legal lore that he is sel- dom at a loss to fortify his argumen by quoting precedent iu support o it, and that he is equally ready in original repartee. On the occasion we refer to he was nonplussed. Ba the hest laid plans of mice and men aft gang aglee. Mr. Campion wa for the plaintiff in a suit to recover some property which was alleged to have been sold by an insolvent much below its value, the purchasers as also. alleged, being aware of the insolvent condition of the vendor. Mr. Haywood was in the witnes box and stated that he had purchased some of the property in question. Being asked if he knew the vendor was insolvent when he purchased th goods, he said was not. He wa then asked to state how the transac- tion occurred. He said the vendor me him and asked him to make the put chase. The witness remarked that h had heard the vendor was in- solvent, and received assuranc that he was not, though lI was hard up for funds. "0," said Mr. Campion, "you told us a few minutes ago that you did not know he woe insolvent, and now you tell u. that you had heard lie was insole ent." "But," said the witness, " do not believe everything I hear. have heard many things that I did not believe and don't yet" "Ca you give us an instance," said Mr Campion." "Yes," ' replied th witness, "about a• year ago I hear I was dead. t had been sick, an my friends at Woodstock wrote t my family here condoling wit them, but I did not believe and don' believe vet that I am dead." Mr Campion changed the line of exam ination. --._r,.. .§.__ JLL J L i § 3 . #I�II:r I §I a; ! �JIF� �r ..,f.,,,,r,,,+a,o n 1. ''-- t ff►,I �i IITI! IlR . *•.* *. .9.1.0,./.,./.91.0%4.* * *4 .9.1.0,./.91.0% -'W.. • •- Yv- '�I���'hI'llllfl�llh t qt'• �ya�`�° ,r • sP.�'\r' :7L xr.K �,,SxY 7' t rixYl. a''� ,}}a 4' •ur.'N t'lt'".� +'Gia 'i 0 ' >" t err �.1. • tiff' ,°.'t l uk'E" a '4� `� fi l PdY'� **`�•i 110ji�... �• !j• S lr FaX �, r "Y" a 0. 4. rrA•GpT yy 4, iiFl ssfi2"f i) 6 Y SY iv AIwK + VNt l'� °. �.tbsFiw. �•"• '+ - -. ;42 ,,,,4":.-m.....1 r -Iu r-..,�',R 5•nh err A Straw Ilat would certainly be out of place at this season of the year, but if you would examine our -_.- --- • 3ow •Spring oe of ....:„......„....„..:......::,.,,,...._,...„....„,:,,,.„.„..7,„.........„....„......_„..„.„:„.„. •.. ÷ _ + _ = ÷ _ ÷ + ÷ + _ _ _ + _ ±._± n..w.rwwv„ you will find just the thing you want for wear'at this season. VVe have a magnificent selection of all the LA.TES'I' NOVELTIES for Spring wear. See Our New Goods in GIRL'S SCHOOL CAPS, :' The finest selection to be seen in this section. Soo OUP Great "Pore and Aft" Caps at 25 Cents. ' Just the thing for girls to wear at school. 000 JCLIN THE FAMOUS HATTERS. Mit. AND MRS W. T. Whitely A MULISH QUIBBLE.— Here's a were at Goderich Wednesday last on pointer, taken from an exchange, for the occasion of the marriage of their some of the towu sports : Two men niece, Miss Libby Smith, to Mr. A. were charged before the police mag - D. Morris of Dakota. '1'heir 'laugh-' istrate for trotting mules on the ter accompanied then}. streets. As the Act only refers to immoderate driviug of horses, after SENSATIONAL Cr1URCII AD..ERTIS- a lengthly discussion the magistrate INO,—Ill the course of his sermon dismissed the ehar-'o. at Old St. Andrew's, at Toronto, one night, Rev. G. M. ,Milligan WE HIAD the ploasnre on Satur- spoke strongly against the tendency day of seeing Mr. David Patton who of some of the city churches towards some years ago was the popular . sensational advertising, holding that reeve of Goderich township. The they were rapidly coming into corn- gentleman has been residing on the petition with the theatre, isthmus of Panatela for the last two years, in the employ of the Panama AIR. H. CLUCAM of Goderich, Railway Company. He is quite f traveller for the William Johneou changed in appoarence. Ho now Paint company of Montreal, hada sports flowing side whiskers and 'beard tinged quite gray with the mei- narrow escape from• being caught in the terrible railway accident at SL lowing influence of time. The many f George'last Thursday. He came on old time friends of Mr. Patton will r the train from London but as good be glad to see him. luck had it got off at Paris, seven miles from the scene of the accident, A CASE IN POINT.— Apropos of to call upon a customer. the good•heartedness of the late Mrs o Black, of Godorich, the following is ANNIVER$AI1T SERMONS.—The related. There lived ninny years t ' Rev. Mr. Simpson, of Brucefleld will ago on Lighthouse -at. in the county f preach the Anniversary sermons in town, a few doors west of whore the "Ontario St. Methodist church" Sheriff Gibbons thou resided, an in connection with the S. S. on asthmatic old gentleman named t Sunday March 17. In the morning Alcock. He lived alone. Two his discourse 'will be directed daughters who lived with judge s especially to the children and his Strachan or Commissioner Jones evening sermon for the benefit of corning betimes to look after his young men, domestic concerns. The old inn was very ill. Mrs Black sent him Now,,"DEOD"TELT..—The'I'oron_ some mince pie and other highly to World in a description of the seasoned condiments when ho had town of Godorich intimates that A. somewhat recovered. He feasted 1 M. Ross is its member in the legis- on the tasty food to an extent not lature Assembly and Robert Porter justified by the state of his digestive its representative in the Dominion machinery, and his last state was Parliament. An impression has worse than his previous one, e hitherto prevailed that those gentle -Others neighbors called to see s men represent the 'West Riding of him and found him exceeding Huron, which covers a considerably wrathy as well as sick. And the t lamer area than the countytowninnocent victim of his wrath was ° town. Black. "Confound that Mrs. e TROUBLE AHEAD.—The Toronto Black," he would say to inquirers World published an alleged portrait after hie health, "nothing would do e of Mayor Butler of Goderich, and her but she must send nie lashing of e the Signal of that town has repro P108 etc, etc. And look at mo now," duced it. It is an execrable libel on he would groan as he writhed his that gentleman. It is said to be corpulent form on the god, "Ito printed from an electrotype ferreted downright murder, ladies, down 1 out of the "hell box" of the World right murder. Did you ever know - printing office and that it nos done the like of it !" and much more of I duty as a pm•trait of various persons similar talk. But he survived the ill I during the last five years. Mr, But- effects of Mrs. Black's liberality and ler's friends ere urging hint to take the ill effects of his own inordinate n criminal proceedings against the appetite. His. conduct 'Was not on publishers of the grossly libellous the lines of tho old monk who when portrait, and there is said to sick a saint would.be and when be the d d o h be trouble ahead. Personally, it is not believed that Mr. Butler takes much notice of the atrocity. But it would not be surprising if t the town council in its corporate capacity should tato steps to punish • the libellers of Choir presiding tarter. got well not a.,bit of a saint was he, Mr. Alcock was anything but a'aint when he was sick, but when he got well ho showed a• bettor spirit by apologising to Mrs. Black for the ungrateful way in which he referred to her good-hearted and generous treatment of him.