HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-03-06, Page 5To Nakea Short SEE THE - Go Long WONDERFULLY LOW PLAICES --THAT- GEO. E. PAY & CO'Y NOW OFFER. Prints, Cotton, SfflrtinUs, Cnttonaes - at prices that meet°all and every kind of a sale, big ot• small, Auctiou or otherwise. 0 0 Geo. E.Pay & Co. LOW -PRIDED DRY -GOODS. STATEMENT A 07 The Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. RICHARD A. MCCURDY, PRESIDENT. For the yea: ending Deo. Sid, 1838. Total Assets, - - $126,082,153 58 Increase ,u Assets, - - • 87,275,301 69 Surplus at four per cent., • $7,940,063 63 Increase in Surplus, • $1,646,622 11 Policies In force, - 168,369 Increase during year, - ▪ 17.426 Policies written, - - • 82,00 0 Increase during year, • 10,801 Risks assumed, • • • - $103,214,281 32 Increase during year, • - $83,756,792 95 Risks in force, - - - $482,125,184 36 Inoreasp during year, - - $64,496,251 88 Receipts from all sources, - $26.216.032 52 Increase during year, - - $3,000,010 06 Paid Policyholders, - • - $14,727,550 22 THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: Bonds and Mortgages, - - $49,617.874 021 United States and other securities, $48,616,704 14 Real Estate and Loans on collat- eral, - - $21,786,125 34 Cdsh in Batiks and Trust Com- panies at interest, - - $2,813,277 60 >bterest accrued, Premiums de- ferred out in transit, Rte., $3,248,172 48 $126.082,153 56 Tom IRAs t Ride Surplus. Aieunied. Outstanding. 1884.... $34,081.420 8851,789,288 84,748,771 1885 46,507,139 368,981,441 5,012,684 1886 66,8322,719 898,809,203 6,648,568 1867 69,457,468 427,828,938 6,994,442 1888 108,214,261 482,125,184 7,940,061 ROBERT A, GRANNISS Vice -President. ISAAC F. LLOYD ad Vice-Presid.nt. M J , WILLIA, EAS/TON. . Stcretatr. "A. W. BELFRY, Special Agent, Blyth. T. S. H. K. MERRITT, General iiianagers3,41 Yonge Street, Toronto. 0 ° SALE BY TENDER. In the 'Hight Court of Justice. CHANCERY DIVISION. RATTENBURY V. HOPKINSON. r 1ENDn1RS for the purchase of Lot Number Twenty•cight, in the Seventh Concession of the Township of lfulfett, to be addressed, post• paid, to SUTHERLAND MALCOMSON, ESI., Godcrich, Ontario, will be received up to TUESDAY, THE 12th DAY OF SEARCH, INST. Tenders can be made to purchase either subject to the dower of Catharine Hopkinson, or free from the same. Particulars can be had on ap- plication to the Vendor's Solicitors. S MALCOMSON, Master atGoderlch. MANNING Ji SCOTT, Vendors Solicitors. MEAT SHOP. The undersigned has purchased the meat shop and business for some time past carried on by Mr. ALBERT MAY, on Huron Street, near the Commercial hotel. And is now prepared to supply old customers and all new ones who will kindly favor him, with everything in his line of the best quality and at the lowest possible living rates. 638 -Ln GEORGE, HAACKE. SCISSO1tS sharpened, Razors ground and set and Umbrellas repaired. if left at Mr 8. Davis' hardware store will be attended to by E. FINCH. 627- -The Manitoba Government offers the Hudson Bay Railway Company a cash bonus of$2,000 per mile, n01, to exceed 300 miles. MOI-tTGAGE SALE -or- Valuable FARM PROPERTY In the'row•nship of.Guderich. Pursuant to the power of side contained in a certain Mortgage' made by John Marshall and Sfary Marshall his wife to the Vendor, there will 'be offered fur sale at Public Auction, by James lfow'1011, auctioneer, At the Rattenbury House, Clinton at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., on Saturday, the 16th day of March 1839 the following lands and premises : . All and singular those certain parcels,or tracts of bald and premises situate, I) ing laid being iu the Township of Goderich, 1n the 1'ounty of Huron and Province of Ontario, containing to. gether by admeasurement 63 351100 aeres, be the same more or less, and comprising (firstly) a poi, tion of the west side of !lot number Twenty in the Bayfield Concession of the acid 'township of Goderlch. centainiog fifty acres of land mare or lees (and which said portion of said lot Is more fully described by meters and bounds in said mortgage); and (secondly)`the northwest portion of said rot oontauuingbyadmeasurement thirteen acres and thirty•tive hundreths of en acre more or less, said portion of land having a frontage on the Bayfield Concession of eight chains and thirteen links, and on the ninth and tenth con. cession of said Township sixteen chains and fifty links. There are on the promises a log hmuse 11 x 20; a log barn (with new lumber roof) 40 x 20; and a small stable. The land is in good condition and ie fairly well fenced. TERMS -'fen per cent of the purchase money to he paid on the day 0f sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter without Interest. The purchaser will be required to sign a contract on the dry of sale for the completion of the purchase. Further terms and particulars will he made known on day of sale, or may he had on applica. tion to 11. HALE, Esq„ Clinton, or to theVendor'e Solicitors. MANNING & SCOTT, JAMES HOWSON. Vendor's Solicitors Auctioneer. td FARM AND MARKET. TORONTO MARHETS.-Wheat $1.07 to $1.20, the latter price for No. 1 Manitoba bard. Barley 480 to 600. Oats 82c to 36c.. Peas 600 • Potatoes 80c to 50c per bag. Eggs, fresh, 17c. Butter 16c to 19c. Hogs $6.25 to 56'.75. DETROIT MARKETS. -Wheat $0,92 to 51.01. Barley 48c to 60c. Oats 27c to 29c. Butter 14c to 17c. Eggs 18c. Apples $1.00 to $1.50. Dressed hogs, $5.00 to $5.50. BUFFALO MARKETS. -Graded steers 1.500 to 1.600 lbs $4.25 to'. $4.65; from 1.800 to 1.400 lbs 53.80 to $4.15 light butchers from $2.50 to $3.0.t Hoge $4.90 to .$5.25. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON Flour $5 50 to 6 00 Fall Wheat, new & old 1 00 to 1 05 Spring Wheat., 1 00 to 1 05 Barley.... .. C 40 to 0 50 Oats .. 0 30 to 0 30 Peas . 0 56 to 0 56 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 Potatoes . 0 30 to 0 35 Butter .. 0 17 to 0 18 Eggs . 0 18 to 0 10 flay 12 00 tol4 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef, . 0 00 to 0 00 Wool 0 '20 to 0 25 Pork 6 50 to 6 70 CAPE BRETON RAILWAY. Tenders for a Bridge at the . Grand Narrows, C. U. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the uuder- eigned, and marked on toe outside, "Tender for Bridge," will be received until noun on Wed- nesday, the 8th March, 1889 Plans and specifications can he seen at the office of the Chief Engineer of Government Railways, Ottawa, where forme of tender may he obtained on and after Wednesday, 20th February instant. Each tender must be accompanied by a deposit equal to five per centtmt of the amount of the tender. This di -posit, may consist of cash or of an accepted bank cheque made payable to the Min inter of Railway's and Canals, and it will he for. felted if the person tendering neglects or refuses to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if after entering into a contract he fails to complete the work satisfactorily according to the plan, specitleatlon and contract. If the tender is not accepted thedepoait will be returned. Tenders must be made on the printed forms supplied. The Department will not be bound to accept the lowest 01 any tender. A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary.' Department .''sIlways and Canals, ' Ottawa, February, 1889. 636 --it MISS MURRAY, Member of the "anadian Society of Mneleians, will resume her teaching on Monday, January 7th, 1889. Has vacancies for two (2) piano or organ .pupils. 529 A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN. -Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining Godo. rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Gode- ricb. 526•tf Money to Lend at 0 per cent • T. I. F, HILLIARD, Barrister, 519-6m Clinton, Ont The- Dry -Goods Palace, Clinton 0 0 0 0 • STOCKTAKINGSALE. We offer for the next 30 Days all Winter Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Stock throughout very.• complete. Millinery at Cost. 5 per c off for Cash JOHN WISEMAN, G•mt -O -0-0-0 Estate J. Hodg'e;is New springy Goods J. C. ]JETLOR & CO. 1R,EIT1-1 BROS-, THE `BRED 'ROCKER" FURNITURE STORE. - 0 - FIaviu'g' bought the -stork of D. B• CALBIOK, -of the late -firm of Calbick & Reith at a GREATLY REDUCED FIGiiRE, we are now prepared to give our customers' the full b3neft of the reduction. we will RIJN OFF OiJIt ENTIRE STOCK oI Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Centre Tables, Book Oases, Perforated, Cane and Wood -Seat Chairs, and all kinds of Furniture and Upholstered Goods A'I' GIt1A'I' leAItGAINS FODR 'I'IHE NEXT 30 DAYS. Now is the time to buy Furniture, as such Bargains cannot last. Call and be convinced REITH BROS. NOTIC.E_--Our Stock of UNDER'T'AKING GOODS 1s now • complete in every particular, and we are determined to give satisfaction. The Leading Undertakers, Embalmers, Cabinetmakers, and Upholsterers,-Iteith Eros•. Tbo Red Rocker Furniture Store. FRESH -:- AND -:- RELIABLE. 0 CHRISTMAS. L5WL P NEW YEAR'S. O Our stock of Groceries and Provisions for the fall and winter are very complete, and will be lound Fresh and Reliable, embracing every line of Goods to be found in a First - Class Grocery. We aim to give the Best Possible Goods at tho Lowest Possible Price, and to economical buyers we offer many advantages. PRODUCE TAKEN. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. The Greatest Invention !of the Age. -The Common -Sense Clothes Dryer, It is an elevated and revolving reel, that can ho lowered or hoisted tosnit a.ny one. They occupy no great amount of space; and can be placed on tiro ground, 00 n roof or corner of a building. When lorded with a washing, can be run up out of reach of any one to a safe position, and no platform or steps required. One hundred and seventy feet of line always read). for nee. No more pother with broken lines, sticks or poles or mnddn clothes on wash days, and It rednres snow Nhovelliig Jown to a pleasure, for the operator can stand In one spot and load up the entire line. ivirrerrespandence promptly answered. -.TORN COIIETt & SON, wagon and carriage makers, ETISP.i„ (tar, 536--1m al= 0111101=111111•1111•11.11111M11111.,!!" 0 JOHNSON & ARMOUR, --PRACTICAL Harness and Collar lVlakers. 0 Having bought the Business and Stock of Geo• A. Sharman, wo are prepared to fill all orders 10 our line at the LOWEST LIVING. PRICES. We are both practical workmen and can guarantee a superior class of work at moderate rates, The material will always be fonml of the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing we hope to be favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid line of SINGLE HARNESS, which for material, workmanship and price, cannot be surpassed. Full Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON & ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. MINH - HALL, - CLINTON. -DEALER IN_ CHOICE FAM/LY GROCERIES. The beat of VALUE given in China Tea Sets, Decorated Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets, White Granite Sets and Fancy Glassware. Special VALUE in New Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, Flour Meats, CannedGoodsf Poultry and Provisions. Call and see us. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL, CLINTON. 'lie Hub Grocery. 0 NEW ARRIVAL OF TEAS. JAPAN, BLACK & GREEN. JAPAN at 25c., 35c. and .45c. per lb. it SUGARS VERY LOW II A GOOD BROWN, 151bs. for $1. A. Very Fine one, 141bs. fur $1. TWO BROOMS FOR 25 CENTS. Goods Doiivered. ► " SEE MY STONE TEA SETTS -VERY LOW. 0 Geo. Swallow, Clinton 122 WOOZ1s Are now 12•ic. per no. Yon missed it by not buying when they wcr0c. BUY AT ONCE before they rise again. TWENTY 1'ER CENT. DISCOUNT ON SLEIGHS. COOPER'S Book Snorot [1trANTED.-A General Servant good YV wages paid to a competent girl. En• quire at °Mee of this paper. 627 Auction Sale „Rej;istc'r Parties getting their Salo Bills printed at this j office will receive a free notice up to date of sale, under above heading. Otherwise, regular • advertising rater; wi11 he charged. B1DUTCIIERiNG BUSINESS -THE UNDER. signed wishes to Intimate to the people of Clinton and surrounding country, that in order to suitably meet.the demands of his very numer- ous customers, he has bought out the business of Mr. 11. Fitzsimons, and will carry on the sante, with the choicest meats in senaon. Every effort I will he mode to meet the wants of all, and he hopes to merit 01)11 rteelve'f fair share of public patronage. Lowest prices. for large lorders. IFarmers trade a specialty. ALBERT MAY, HAVE .JUST OPENED OUT New Spring DRESS GOODS PRINTS, CRETONNES, LACE CURTAINS, (•(TTONADES, JERSEYS, PARASOLS, IiOS[ERY AND (..1LOVES, EMBROI- DERIES AND FLOUNCENGS, RIBBONS, DRESS TUINIMINGS. MILLINERY. Our MISS b1cPHE1 SON has Leen att.utii i1 the Sprint; Openings rin.1 will return this Reel . 0 Y_ 't:.f OM PANY - r_-rtsanxt �roat Clearing sale of Bry Goods AT "CHEAPS1ilE." O The undersigned has decided to clear out AT ACTUAL WHOLESALE PRICES the NEW S'T'OCK of ¶)ry-Uoods at the above. Establishment: OVERCOATS, FLANNELS, BLANKE'T'S and TWEEDS, will be sold • REGARDLESS OF COST, CASHMERES, DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES, 0nil HOSIERY, at IMMENSE BARGAINS. - HEE:TINGS,•TOWELINGS, COT'T'ONS, HATS & CAPS -all etyles- PERSIAN LAMB, •ASTRACHAN, and CORDUROY, at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE. SILK PLUSHES, worth $5, selling at this sale for $t2.• RIBBONS, COLLARS and CUFFS, LADIES' SKIRTS and CORSETS, AWAY DOWN. JERSEYS, SHAWLS, COMFORTERS, and VELVETS will be sold at PRICES TO CLEAR. THIS SALE WILL BE STRICTLY SPOT CASH O THOS. JAOKSON, SR. •IMMORIIImiris'tERSIMISSIMIMINIMINSM csnaaill=i Elegant New Stock I OF Gent's Furnishings O 0- 1 have just placed in'Stock' a fine selection of the above goods. As my expenses are low,.1'arn in a position to :ore you what you wont at a sli;;ht advance on first cost. Do not invest a dollar until you, inspect theso New Goods SPRING GOODS IN THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT AT; ING. SEE THEM. F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADINC TAILOR. er.mro�c.e� THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINiIC. TIIE OLD RELIABLE TEA STORE STILL ...LEADS ! 0 Having bought the Grocery Stock of T. Cooper (Yt Son, and being in a position to buy my goods for Cash, I and bound not to be undersold -by anyone in the trade. I have just received a MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASS• WARE, HANGING LAMPS, and all the Novelties of the season. I am offering Stone Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for $2 60 ; Printed Sets, $3.76, worth 684 50 ; Decorated Stone China, $4.76, worth 56.60; Combination Dinner and Tea Sets, 85 pieces, $10,00; Dinner Set, 97 pieces, 511.00 ; Combination Set, 100 pieces, $18.00, worth $20.Q0 ; China • Tea Sets froth $6 00 up; Decorated Chamber Sete from $2.746 up ; China Cups and Saucers, 10e., worth 25c. Fresh Peels, Figs. Dates,Nuts, Candies, Canned Goods, and Every- thing to be found in a First-Olass Grocery. O JAMES MOOR 3", (SUCCESSOR TO T. COOPER & SON,) CORNER STORE IN SEARLE'S BLOCK 61