HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-02-13, Page 6To fake a Short $ Bo Log WONDERFULLY IOW PLAICES ti THAT GEO. E. PAY & OO'Y NOW OFFER Prints, Catton, Sflhriins, Cottoflaes at prices that meet all and every kind of a sale, big or small, Auction or otherwise. Geo. E. Pay & Co. LOW-PRICED DRY -GOODS. Our We Up. Weekly Round -The Money farm of 101 acres at Mimico, Ont., was soli the other day for $46,000. -Ash Wednesday falls this ye. tr, on March 6; Easter Sunday ou April 21. - Two carloads of silk arrived et Vancouver from Japan last week, valued at $270,000. - Pillsbury, the big western mil- ler, declares the spring wilt witness a big advance in wheat. - -Henry Plummer has been ap- pointed collector of customs at Sault Ste. Marie. - The`Dakota Legislature defeat- ed the woman autlrage bill by 26 to 22. -A wealthy resident of Dutton, Elgin co., the father of a large family, is to be prosecuted under the Charlton Act for seducing a young lady under I7 years of age. -Asa Cogswell of lot 1, con. 9, Eest Nissouri, has sold his farm of 150 acres for the auto of $100 per acre. Mr. George McLeod of Pennsylvania, is the purchaser. - Mrs. Ellen Rutledge, who has been a resident of Stratford for very nearly a quarter of a century, died at her residence Milton street, Mon- day morning week, at the advanced age of 78 years. •• • - On Saturday week Mr. George Wade; residing near Wingliam, tapped some six or seven• maple tret s and on Monday converted the run into delicious maple syrup. The run was vOry'good for most of the day. - A petition was presented in the Kansas legislature last week from the national anti horse thief association. It prays for the enact- ment of is law to authorize the lynching of horse thieves wherever found, and to limit the right of jury service to mon able to read. - Mr. McLuhan was dismissed from the position of to'wnship clerk .of West Luther on account of trouble caused by him claiming five quarters' salary in one • year. It was dis- covered last year that Mr. McLuhan was paid five quarters' salary in 1887. The discovery led to the removal of the township treasurer at the time, and now the clerk also has received the grand bounce. -In denouncing Beach or Le Caron, who has given such damag' ing evidence before the Parnell Commission, as an informer, it seems to he the impression among Mr. Parnell's friends that the man who takes an oath to kill English, men and their wives and children, and does a not intend to observe that oath, 1s a very much worse Irian than he who takes the oath, Intends to keep it, and sometimes does keep it. -John Oliver, collector for the township of Blenheim, about five miles from Bright, was waylaid Thursday night about 8 o'clack by two men driving in a cutter. Mr. Oliver, who was walking and within half a mile of his home, was ordered by one of the men, who jumped out of the nutter and with a pistol held at hie head, to delived up his money. Mr. Oliver, who was unarmed, had to hand over. $600 of taxes he had in his possession which he had just collected. 122 WOOLS Are now Hie. per oz. Yon missed it by not buying when they were 10c. BUY AT ONCE before they rise again. TWENTY PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON SLEIGIIS. COOPER'S Book Store. FARM AND MARKET. • TORONTO TIAitKET1l,-Wheat $1.07 to $1.20, the latter price for No. 1 Manitoba hard. Barley 51c to 58c. Oats 32c to 36c. Peas 60c. Potatoes 30c to 50c per bag. Eggs, fresh, 20c. Butter 16v to 20c. Hogs 16.10 to $G.25. DETROIT MARKETS. -Wheat $0.92 to ,11.01. Barley 53c to 60r. Oats 27c to 29e. Batter 16c to 18c. Eggs 13o. Apples $1.00 to $1.50. Dressed hogs, 1.30 to 15.50. BUFFALO MAIMETs.-Graded steers 1.500 to 1.000 lbs 14.25 to 14.65; from 1.300 to 1.40) lbs $:1.130 to $4.15 light butchers from 12.50 to $3.0.! Hogs 14.90 to $5.25. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Flour 35 50 Fall Wheat, new K old 0 97 Spring Wheat 0 97 Barley .. C 45 Oats .. 0 30 Peas . 0 56 A pples,(win ler) per bbl 1 00 Potatoes 0 30 Butter .. 0 17 Eggs 0 14 Hay 1200 Cordwood 3 00 Beef .. 0 00 Wool.. .. . 0 20 Pork 6 50 to 6 00 to 1 00 to 1 00 to 055 to 0 30 to 056 to 1 50 to 035 to 0 18 to 015 to14 00 to 400 to 000 to 0 25 to 6 70 The Question Answered 1 La. CC W W * = seta ■rL cel - 12-' GENE FOR. W W 1_ teiff �l�e R•.0 c m ca O DA, rn -e, TIFF Carbolic ; Smoke Ball -•iNn- DEv:I:LLAT4DIt 'I BEAT 1.4 ENT. CATARRH Cured in fano three td elk monthe-warranted. COL1ts- Fresh cods in the head or chest cured by is few applications ASTHMA -Nearly every r...) cured -always relieved. BRONCHITIS -Cured in every care where the lungs are not involved. LOSS 1)1 t'iilt,'l:-whet) canned by tritiumma tion, cured 11A't FEVER -Cured when used in titue; always relieved. C,AT:A0011 AI. 1IE'INESS.-Cured In from three to six menthe. EYES -Granulated Ilan. catarrhal inflamma• tions, sore. vee, etc., cared within three months. NEURALriIA and HE'.I)ACIIE-Stopped after the third application. TH tttIAT TRIUBLF.-Qn'nay q ak1y relieved and cured, tis are intLtmvd tonsils and ulcerated throat. 1)151:5 SE.'. OF fl 11111)11 EN-- WI -1dng cough cored; croup r.-lieved in Ove minutes. Ask your dreggist for it, and he sure you get it. Price of the full treatment, lasting for months, 53. IJy mall, registered, se extra. Send stamp for list of references of .aures in 1,114 city. Free Test wt Ronin C., Youge Street Arcade, TORONTO. CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO. Mr None Genuine without Silver Snapper. 71-1 THIS YEAR'S • MY"RT"LE OUT and PLUG SMOKINC TOBACCO. FINER THAN EVER. 'J' & _ --IN •IiltONZE ON - 'EACH PLUG and PACKAGE. 517.4 . iriahi `A h i Dry -Goods.. Palace, Clinton -p 0 Q_.._ .-..0- STOCK -TAKING SALE. We offer for the next 30 Days all Winter Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Stock throughout very complete. Millinery at Cost. 5 per e off for Cash JOHN WISEIVJAN MANAGER. 0 -0-0 ' 0 Estate J.'Hodgens REITII EROS_, THE "RED ROCKER" FURNITURE STORE. Ravin g bought the stock of' D. B. UALBICK, of the late firm of Calbick .ls Reith ata GREAT-LY-1tEDUCE'D`TIGURE;' wa are""n'rsw prepsredYo'give oar ctietomere- the full baneft of the reduction. We will itUN OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK of Bedroom Suites, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Centre Tables, Book Oases, Perforated, Cane and Wood -Seat Chairs, and all kinds of Furniture and Upholstered Goods AT GREAT BARGAINS FOR. THE NEXT 30 DAYS. Now is the time to buy Furniture, as such Bargains cannot last. Call • ,and bo convinced REITH BROS. NC)TIC7EOur Stock of UNDERTAKING GOODS is now J. ---complete in every particular, and we are deters fined to give satisfaction. The Leading Undertakers, Embalmers, Cabinetmakers, and Upholsterer$. -Reith Bros., The' Red Rocker Furniture Store. FRESH -:-AND -:-REL/ABLE. 0 CHRISTMAS. NEW YEAR'S. 0 Our stock of Groceries and Provisions for the fall'and winter are very complete, and will be found Fresh and Reliable, embracing every line of Goods to be found in a First - Class Grocery. We aim to give tho Best Possible Goods at the Lowest Possible Price, and to economical buyers we offer many advantages. PRODUCE TAKEN. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. C�wf`C9,1•Tr w FI R1VI.o) '`•n JOHNSON & "ARMOUR, --PRACTICAL Harness and Collar Makers. 0 - Having bought the Bustness,and Stock of Geo. A. Sharman, we are prepared to lilt ail orders to our line at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. We are both practical workmen and can guarantee a superior class of work at moderate rates, The material will always be found of the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing we hope to be favored with.as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid line of SINGLE HARNESS, which for material, workmanship and price, cannot be surpassed. Full Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON & ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. UJiI}ffl - HALL, - CLINTON. N3/41\7"-- ROBSON, ---DEALER IN - CHOICE FAMILY N- CNOICEFAMILV GROCERIES. The best of VALUE given in China Tea Sets, Decorated Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets, White Granite Sets and Fancy Glassware. Special VALUE in New Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, Flour Meats; tanned Goods, Poultry and Provisions. Call and see us. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL, CLINTON. 5 ICENSED HOTEL FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, in the VILLAGE OF HAYFIELD, known as the "Albion Hotel," will be sold on TCHRDAT, the lath day of Femur - any. Sale on premises at 2 o'clock P.M. Terms of We, one•tenth purchase money on the day of sale. For further particulars apply to JOHN REID, Varna, Ont. 532.4t, Money to Lend at O per cent T. 1. Ft HiLLIARD, Barrister, 519-6rn Clinton, Ont vTANTED.-A General Servant ; good wages paid to a competent girl. En- quire at Office of this paper. 527 Auction Sale Register Parties getting their Sale Bills printed at this office will receive a fres notice up to date of sale, under above heading. Otherwise, regular advertising rates will be charged. BUTCHERING BUSINESS -TILE UNDER - signed wishes to intimate to the people of Clinton and eurrnundingcountry that In order to suitably meet the demands of his very numor• Orin contemn, he has bought out the business of1Mr. It, Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same, eith the choicest meats in season. Every effort will be made to meet the wants of all, arid he hopes to merit and recelve a fair share of public patronage. Lowest. prices for Targe 'orders. Farmers' trade a specialty. ALBERT MAY. New Blacksmith Shop, GEORGE TROWIIILl, has opened out a gen• eral Blaeksmith and Repair Shop In the building lately occupied by Mr. Oauley, north of Cantelon'a carriage works, Albert street, Clinton. Blacksmith and Iron work in all its branches ; 1Iorse•Shoeing promptly atter led to and satis- faction guaranteed, The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work In the above lines. 497-tf OEORGE TRf1R'111LT, A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN. -Eight acres of hind with a select orchard of choice apple trees; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining (lode - rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Godo - rich. - 52e•tf MISS MURRAY, Member of the Canadian Society of Musicians, w•ip,.x.Ssume her teaching on Monday, January 7th; ISSS. line vacancies for two (2) piano or organ pupils.- _ 520 SCISSORS sharpened, itazors ground and set and Umbrellas repaired. If left at Mr S. Davis' hardware store will be attended to by E. FINCH. 527. Notice of Dissolution. Notice le hereby given that the portnerehip heretofore subsisting between ns, the undersign- ed, as Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, under the name, etyle and Orin of CALBICR & Item, In the Town of Clinton, has been this day dissolved bymutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to JAMES RRi'rn and all clnlms against the said partnership aro to be pre• sented to the said JAMAS REmTII, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Clinton, this 5th day of January, A.D. 1993. witness, D. 0,'CALBiCK. T. 1 F. I1lLLIARD. JAMES KEITH. Notice of Partnership. The foregoing business will continuo to be carried on by the undersigned, who kindly solicit n eontimlance of the patronage of the old Orin, behigjdetermined to give each department of their business the same prompt and careful con• sideration. 1•phnistering of all kinds will remain under the personal sdperv'isimr of EDWARD React. Clinton, January 501, 1999. REITii BItOTIIEi1S, DETLOR & CO'S. ANISCOUNT SALE - NOW GOING ON. - o - Ten Per Cent Discont ! On all Cash Purchases over One Dollar, Notwithstanding the recent advance in the price of ALL Cotton Goods, we still sell AT OLD PRICES and allow the TEN PER CENT. DISCOUN T. C. DETLOR CO. Great Clearing sale of Dry Gaols AT "CHEAPSIDE." 0 The undersigned has decided to clear out AT ACTUA L WHOLESALE PRICES the NEW STOCK of Dry -Goods at the alcove Establishment. OVERCOATS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS and TWEEDS, 'will he sold • REGARDLESS OF COST, CASHMERES, DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES, and HOSIERY, at IMMENSE BARGAINS. $HEETINGS, TOWELiNGS, COTTONS, I -LATS & CAPS -all styles - PERSIAN LAMB, 'ASTRACHAN, and CORDUROY, at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE. SILK PLUSHES, worth $5, selling •at this sale for $2. RIBBONS, COLLARS and CUFFS, LADIES' SKIRTS and CORSETS, AWAY DOWN. JERSEYS, SHAWLS, COMFORTERS, and VELVETS will he sold at PRICES TO CLEAR. THIS SALE WILL BE STRICTLY SPOT CASH 0 THOS. JACKSON, SR. Elegant New Stock 1 Gent's Furnishings 0 I have just placed in stock a fine -selection of the above goods. As my expensee are low, I am in a position to give you what you want ail a slight advance on first cost. Do not invest a dollar until you inspeet these New Goode. SPRING GOODS IN THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT ARRIV, ING. SEE THEM. F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADING TAILOR. THE. NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING. THE OLD RELIABLE TEA STORE STILL LEADS ! ---0 Having bought the Grocery Stock of T. cooper& Son, and being in a position to buy my goods for Cash, I am bound not to be undersold by anyone in the trade. I have just received a MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASS- WARE, HANGING LAMPS, and all the Novelties of the season. I am offering Stone Tea Sets,44 pieces, for $2 50 ; Printed Sets, $3.75, worth' $4.50 ; Decorated Stone China, $4.75, worth $6.60; Combination Dinner and Tea Sets 86 pieces, $10,00; Dinner Set, 97 pieces 811.00 ; Combination flet, 100 pieces, $18.00, worth $20.00 ; China Tea Sete from $5 00 up ; Decorated Chamber Sets from $2.75 up ; China Cups and (Saucers, 10c., worth 25c. . Fresh Peels, Figs. Dates, Nuts, Candies, Canned Goods, and Every- thing to be found in a First -Class Grocery. O JAMES MO ORE, (SUCCESSOR TO T. COOPER ,t' SON,) CORNER STORE IN SEARLE'S BLOCK