HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-02-13, Page 5The Huron News -Record 504 Year -51.25 In`AcitaneC, WeduesditY. Web. 113th, Me SHE COULI)N"1' CHOOSE. A YOUNG WOMAN HAS A' HARD TIME PICKING OUT A HUSBAND. The following story comes from Sturgeon,. Mo.:—Nettie White is 18' yeara old, anti very Irret•ty. Among her suitors, were Lau A. Winn and Charles Winn. Although bearing the same name, the young men wore pot relatives. The pair had been paying particular atteu- tL4u to Miss White for several months, and the gossips were touch mxcited over the final result. About a week ago it was rumored that the young lady had promised to marry Lee Winn, and had even gond so far as to select bridesmaids. 1Vhen Charley Winn heapd it he tnet his £riond Lee, .Thr they were good friends, and. bet $50 he would get. the girl. Thil"wager set the whole town talking, and the friends of each man made side bets. Every- body backed his favorite. Excite- ment ran so high that the young men were • requested to demand prompt action on the part of the girl. One or.tlta other of the teen _-.-..yew :it the house aLL the time, and it is even said the parents were divided un the question of beaux. The girl was harassed and annoy- ed fur three days. She could not decide, This only increased the 9xcitonn'nt, On Wednesday even- ing, lifter in vain trying to get a decision, the two young men, in the presence of mutual friends; stood in' the parlor and asked the girl to make her choice. Sho hesitated. It was agreed that the young men should start for hums, anis the ono called'back should be her husband. They started and Miss White cal. led " Lee " 1 -Io turned with a glad smile. Immediately she called, " Charley," and -he too cane. back. The croud insisted that she must choose. Alias White finally suggested that they write their names on a slip of paper anti she wnuld mark a cross opposite her choice. She put the cross opposite ' to Charley's name. As Lee turned to leave she marked a cross opposite his mane, too. Then another scheme was tried that proved successful. Both men • were to leave, and the one called back first was to he her husband, no matter whether the other was called or not. Both started the girl flushed,. 'called "'Lee," .and Charley kept on. • The pair iminedi- ateiy took the train for Columbia and were married by' Prof. Oldham of Christian College. Half of the town is happy and, the, other half is broke. Ten girls, it is said, will propose to poor Charley. 1',:I;.NELL ANI) REVOLUTION. It1:Li;11 ^'LION OF IRELAND 13Y FORCE t)1' AttMS, . The Parnell 'Commission drags its weary length slowly doing, with an occa.•ioual startling episode like the following. The other day one Dr. Peach, who was an officer in the so-called Irish Republican Army in the Fenian raid upon Canada, testi- fied before the Commission the other (lay as follows :—Egan also told hint many payments were made 1)3' the League which it was impossi• ble to make public, and he instanc ed the paying of Dutch officers sent from Amsterdam to assist tho Beers during the Transvaal war. Tho witness had two interviews with Parnell. Tho first was hold in the house of A. M. Sullivan, at Clap- ham, and the next in the lobby of the House of Commons, where, after conversing with. O'Kolly and Parnell together, he had a talk with Parnell atone. he said it rest- ed wholly with the leaders of the revolutionary party to bring both parties into line. Ile asked witness to get Devoy to meet him in Paris, and offered to defray Devoy's ex- penses, He also desired to moot Alexander Sullivan, !lines, and others. ''1 ioctor," he said to Bo:Iu1+, who i; a ph3'sician, " I have long since ceased to •believe that anything but force el' arils can ever bring about the redemption of Ire- land." Parnell also said he did not sin why a successful insurrec tion should not happen in Ireland, adding, " I think we will Have at the end of the year •£100,000 in the League treasury. That's a pretty good nucleus. You people might do something Inure." On sooiug Parnell a third time witness can versed with him for a few seconds only, and uu bidding hila goodbye he got his photograph, signed " Yours truly, C. S. Parnell," as a ate that the, crew and passengers 'er5 to- mentont . Ile would produce the1 ' S photograph. Witness. then went gether numbered over one hundred f ' 1 DR. Lt11�"S 5d"LPfId'ft SI )AP is persons. The steamer sunk eight to J)ubllu bearing letters of intro- a delightful shampoo. It cleanses minutes after the collision occured," 1uctiou to Kenny, M. P., others the scaly and darkens grey cair. of the League. Ile discussed an •—The A PROhESSIONALOPINION, open movement with Sexton and hSupreme (_'our"t 'h'as given Kenny. He was diivou by Kenny Judgment on appeal in the La- Rev. F. Gunner, M. D., of Lis - to Kihuainham jail, where ho saw flatnme•Na i.lib'! case, reducing the towell, Ont., says regarding B. B. B,, I)i!lon, ' lier'.dan and lloytou. Ito damages from G 1(),000 to $6,000, "I have used your excellent Burdock returned to New 1 -art: in Juno j -- Compound in practice "'and in my Devoy, formed the- revolutionary directory. Bre#tiu oxprs ,s�d will- iugue to jlli both r`'i'pa(i�,aies into 'IiL'*o ,,, i o 1Lti6 Wicaitntvap. Hines and evp ,.'wbonT�# iiia met in Chi- eago. 1)r. Catloll'4:x prlYssetl hits self ae pleased lu Bee that Parnell was returning to hie senses BD the revolution question, but hp object ed to ,anjr., coalitiu_p hotweoai, the, ' organ -kat long 1Vit441 sSitaa itlUu•' tinned to Parnell ai,tl othetts'u;f' hip party as Major Lecaron, under which name he has been known for the, past twenty-eight yet;Ers, He attained the rank- 11'fajor in the Federal Army during. the Civil war. He was also n I5[asior in the Nall Republican Artily. He was graduated M. D. after the failure of the raid on Canada. When he returned to America he got a cir- cular from, the "V. C.," meaning the Executive Council ofthe Clan- ua Gaol, anuo .nciug that it had been decided to call up the 25 per cent. I) fund, or camp subscriptions, to expedite military preparations. • IN BE'T'TER HUMOUR NOW. "My son aged eleven, was cured of an eruptive humour that covered his bead and face with sores, by two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and Pills," testifies Mrs. Mary Pulford, of Port (lope, Ont. —The following information has been l ecaived'-tegarding -asi soCid'ent up the Pine Lake, Fulton County, N. Y. 'Twenty-four teams were engaged in drawing logs across the ice regarding the safety of which no fears were felt. The ice gave way after seven. drivers anti. teains had reached shore, and the remaining drivers and horses broke through the ice and sank ourof sight. No bodies have been sec vexed. WORMS CAUSE SERIOUS SICK- NESS. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup des- troys and expels all kinds of worms quickly and surely. —It is reported that 11[rs.'John L. Sullivan, the wife of the prize- fighter, who is now living in the, towu of Arctic, E.I.,_has joined the Salvation Artily. IF'1'IIl: SUFFERERS FROM CON- SUMPTION, ' Scrofula and General Debility will try Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Ifypophosphites, they wiil find immediate relief and a perman- ent benefit. Dr. H. V. Mott, Brent- wood, Cal., Writes: "1 have used ..Scott's Emulsion -with great advant- age in cases of Phthisis, Scrofula and Wasting Diseases. It is Very palat- able." Sold by Druggists, at 50c. and $ICO. • —The severity of the winter in .China is increasing. Great distress is caused by the famine in Shan Tung anti Manch'n•ia. It is esti- mated that 250,000• 'persons are. starving in Chen -Kiang.- LOOK OUT FOR IT. If you are troubled with a cold or cough; however light the attack, look out for it, do not allow it to settle on the lungs : break up the cough by loosening the throat phlegm with 1fagyord'•. Pectoral Balsam. • —Fifty prominent ladies of Pros- ser, Nebraska, made a raid on a saloon and gambling house at that place on Monday night, demolish ing the entire establishment. The ladies attacked the building when it was crowded, with their aprons full of lumps of coal; breaking every window glass and cleaning out the establishment. The inmates scatter- ed in every direction, some of then being husbands of the women. Whiskey and beer flowed freely into the gutter. 17IRACULOUS. "My \lirnculous Cure iwas that I had suffered from kidney disease for about twenty two years, mass off work all that time. A friend told me of B. B. B., I tried it, and am happy to say that I was cured by two bottles." Wm. '1'iei•, St. Marys, tint. —1V, S. Bradley, of Chicago, shot his wife dead and then committed snieide at the Hotel Cortland. Both were employed by the Chicago Glulu', the husband as a a reporter and the wife as literary editor, This is the third tragedy of the kind that has taken place there w'ithiu la week. A BOON AND I BLESSING. A boon and a blessing to mankind is Iragyard's Yellow .Oil, the great pain destroyer and healing remedy for external and internal use, Yellow ftit cures all aches and pains. rheumatism lame hack, sore throat, croup, deafness, cramps, con• tracted cords and lameness. Procure it of your druggist. —The contract fur the large C. 1'. 1:. cru terry between Windsor and Detroit, has been let to the Polson company of Tetsuo. A 13113 SPRR 1i A 14 strike Was mek- w, ey Puwell Divis issued their Vitra t of firr.ap- atill }" and :13urdpcic,. it. has mel with^ Biteq 81 C.eeas .end it most, 'tug it i;t.. alai n+psA P9.9,0:4101 blood purifier in the War .ket It i. Used with the greatest success n alt diseases arising from a debilitated coaditiou of the system, and svelyonr seeds. and should use a bottle or two at this senso : of the year, of Powetl's 14:x tram, ofSpregptlrilla apdj3urd.+ok, . 3sar in mind one t60c. bottle Yionlniag tflorr- solid medicine alas' meetddllar so-oeIled- Sarsaparilla and bitters. Aleo remember that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, price 50c. a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers. everywhere. 4431Iy —lo the Pennsylvania Legisla- ture a bill has Leen introduced pro- vidiug a tine of not less than $50 for auy wan treating another to in- toxicating• liquor. CONSUMPTION SURE LY CURE. To TIIE EDITOR Please .inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send. me their Express anti P. 0. address Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUM, 37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, 499y =The richest child in America is littie--iMay• ,S'.11tiiymleoi--Row twits -9•• years of age. Sho is the (laughter of the late member of the great dry• goods house of Arnold, Constable & Co., New York, and she is worth $9,000,000 in her own name and right. —A letter from the Viouua cul•• respondent of .the C'hrurti(;Je asserts that when the door of Rudoll''s, iltrirapparent• to the Austrian throne, room was'forcod open the hotly of a beautiful young Bohemian lady was also found. The correspondent asserts that the Prince first killed her with a revolver unci then shot himself, and that the lady was con- veyed secretly to the seat of her family in Bohemia, ADVICE To MoTncal —Are you (lis, turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth.? If so scud at once and get 0 bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor i)1tlesufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers i there is no mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhesa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone aro energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow',a Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is forrsale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25c. a bottle. lie sure andask for "Mrs, Winslow'sSoothing Syrup," and take no other kind. —Father Covello'y reforring in. a speecll at Skibbereen to the arrest of Father 1IcFarlden and the killing of . Iuspectur Martin at G aroodoro, said the pcopl.i murdered h3' the police al Youghal, Mid(lletou and Mitchelst.ovu had uow been avenged "May Almighty God," exclaimed Father Coveney, "strengthen the hand that • murdered Martin," Father Coveuey's utterances Were che• ered._ CONSUMPTION CURED. An oil physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands hy on East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Cousuuhption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat. and Lung affections, also n positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having teat• ell its wonderful curative lemma in thous- ands of cases, has lelt it his duty' td make it known to his an(fcring fellows. Actua- ted by this Illative and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in (ierivan, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using,. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 149 Power's Mork, Rochester N. Y 507 cow. —James Welch, 31 years old, an attorney of .Jackson, Mich., sat in a chair in the court room laughing as court was about to open. Suddenly he gasped for breath and in nue minute was dead, sitting in his chair. He was a man of robust physique and perfect health. Tho doctor aays it was heart disease. PALE, WEAK WUMEN need a tonic, strength giving, flesh building medicine like Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. —'1'he British bark Largo Bay bound for Auckland, was towed to Spithead in a sinking condition. She reports that on Monday night last she was in collision with an Un- known four toasted steamer off Beacliy Head, and that the steamer was sunk with all on board. The seamen of the Largo slay say they are certain that the lost ateanlf r carried passengers, anti they estiin- i family since:1884, and hold it No. 1 11Si3l•,a,..i t.ricd.,tusee Devoy and 5:11ALI, SI•(3AR(a1ATEDBfu•dock on my list of sanative remedies. Carney with Parnell's message. Ile 1 Pills do not gripe or sicken, They are ! Your three busy B's never sting, Mot who, with Hines and ; n111r1 amt effectual. ! weaken or worry." 8 M iOr a PH .n EY.S,' DB, iCMgi $ ! N 0 , ,44t io dile B 'ding . • N4ILED Intl '1, c 1 . D. lie. 10 .'[t. T ie :,ir.T ^r l'AI:1err1L 808. CCAEU !Ma 1 A Forera, Congestion, InflamroatIons... .25 Waring:. worn Fever. worm Collo.... .25 3 :ry Ire Culla. or Teething of Infants. .25 diarrhea, of Children or Adults .25 5 ny7:eentery Gripi., Bilious (51io.25 tiiCholera (Harbin', Venation .25 7I:enshe, Cold, Bronchitis .25 Slhettraigia, Toothache lesouobe .25 , ll,•nd aches, 8r'h lins,t iehse, Vertigo.5 CMECPATH1C qq�3yapnpeia 1, ottwStoihueh 5 e.it pre lt.a.irrw'plttft 1 Perlgl :,,. 51f11105, ty)• Vo f[[-uuuse¢orto48 25 Croup.Cough,'Difficult Braathhrg.... 5. Salt Rheum, Fr>>•s,polas, Eruptions., 4..5 iihapmntism, Rhoumatas Paine . 25 Fever end Ague Chills, Malaria...50 Piles, Blind or Bl , Bleeding 50 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head 50 Whoupias Cough Violent Coughs,_ 50 !General Debi lity, Physical Weakness 50 KKldney Disease aO Nervous Debility 1 $O Urinary Wcaknse, Wetting Bed• 50 Oise. see of the Heart, Palpitation - II 00 PECIFICS. Sold by Druggists, or cont postpaid o1I•oq-� eipt oY prion.-. Wells C Richardson Co.,Agents, 64Me. G111 Strout Montreal. 7�va,rlF Ie the oldest 10(1 nmet popular scientific and mechanical paper [midis hod and has the largest circulation of any paper el its class In the world. Fully Illustrated. Restclass of Wood Engrav- ings. Published ' weekly. 1en5 for epecimen eu v. Price 53 a ymsr. Fuer mens hs' trial, g1. MIJNN .%00., PIJLLISL SI S, 511 nroadway, N.Y. A RCHITFCTR BUILDERS Edition of -Scientific- American. A great Success. Mach Issue contains colored lithographic plates u1 country and city residen- ces or public buildings. Numerous engravings and full plane and spueiticatiuns for the use of inch us contemplate 1,11 ding. Price 51.50 a year, 15 cts. a copy. MCNN 44 Cu., rt'alISU ORS. ATE may be Recut*. ed by apply- ing to MUNN " havehudurer /0 years' experience and hive made over 1000) applications for American and For- erun patents. Semi for llaudbuuk. Corres- ,ondence strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. In ease your mark 1s not registered In the Pat- en office, ttppiy to MUNN3ct 00 procure ,Co., mmedlate protection. Send for handbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, maps, lie., quickly procured. Address NUNN & CO., Patent Solicitors. GENERAL Oiwicg: Sal B1toAnwA], N. Y, flP4 OR TO LET AN,, TiVO Lu'I'S for sale or to Ica, (Y ir,, 1 on Albert street. For particulars appy at T. (10Hw'faf w. SON'S if isieery, Cantu, S{uyy 130, 1 9011—tt J. C. STEVENSON, EVENSON, Fu:.nAtire Dealer, & THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposito Town 1lali, - Clinton,'Ont THE TOWN BESIEGED Life .- Insurance - Agents ! LOOK AT SAMPLES OF COST IN A flO)4E COMPANY: — �y--� 1 1:I1 St sten Age 95 • Cost fur ISO also 153t}.. 80 00 .. a ::0 " 36 " ,• 6 54 .. a 03 7 50 .. 8 8 .. ld 07 ° "40 " " as ' 1.1 60 tdi' Definite Insurance at the above rates. Seem 1 ',Thee you insure in any company Burl understand our plan. At the age of 40, the cost fur $5,000 Waa ahouta$35 for 1885, also for 1886, See us before you decide, Jas. Tnompson, Agent. FOR SALE. /Till E IIER offers tor ante tour eligible _ noudnot lots fronting nn Albert Street; :ileo two fronting on Ihattcuhnry Street; either en bloc or in separate lots, to trait purchasers. For' further part teninr's apply to the undersiOtit d•—E. OINSLE1•, Clinton. 352 NEWSPAPER LAWS We call the special attention of Post castors and subscriber's to tie following synopsis of the newspaper laws :- 1—A postmaster is required to give titdiee BY i li l i'Rlt (returning a paper does tot answer the law) when a subscriber docs sot take his paper out of the office, and date the 1'0;18011 I•or 11s not bring taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. 2 -If any person orders his paper dis- sontin71efl, he must pay all arrearages, 01 the publisher may continue to send if. until payment is made, and collect tit whole amount, whether it be 1511111 friar thobefie0 or not. There eau be no lege, dislontinuancv until the payment is made. 3—Any person who takes a paper from the post-ofliee, whether direetod to lit name or another, or whether lie las Bub. scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4—I.f a subscriber orders his paper to Lt stopped at a certain time, and the pal lisl.• er cohtinues to send, it the subscriber bound tit pay for it if be takes 1t out of tib' post-olliee. This proceeds upon the groan' that a man most pay for what he 71508 fees the Division Court in (1o1erich It the November sitting a uewspaper pul- 118her stied 1',n• l.oy of paper. The d0fe11(' - 4nt nhicetCII paying on the grmtnd that he had ordered a former proprietor of the paper to discontinue it. The Judge held that that. was not a valid defence. The plaintiff, the present. proprietor, had no not leo In bonn tion and ennseitr.ently ;mild enllpet, although it was not denied that defendant had notified former pro- priotor to discontinue. In any event defendant w•14 bound to pay- for the tine, he had received the paper and until 1;e had paid all arrears due for subscription, :1 GREAT SUFFERER. That person who is afflicted with rheumatism is a great sufferer and greatly to be pitied if they cannot procure ltageard'a Yellow Oil. This remedy is a certain cure, not only for rheumatism but for all external antics red infernal rains. b THE HOLIDAYS ARE PAST, but I am selling just AS CHEAP AS EVER (I'rye ole 0,4)l1is, td yon ivviij Tod tiiataay'irl 44E.' IThankiug thin.-pnblfo for past patronage,. I hope to luerit by Idose attention to busi' nese a still larger allure in future. Cheap for Cash is Our Motto. deo. Swallow, Clinton HOUSE .PAINTING, GLAZING AND GRAINING, - PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANGING. m Kalsomining AND FRESCOING. Next Sp_ooner's Hotel. Alb CHAS: T. SPOONertStreet CLINTON, ONTARIO - R ME I)) MONTROSS' PATENT METALLIO SHINOLES ��3AND SIDING FIRE AND STORM PROOF. S. DAVIS, 0 - CLINTON. TheNewReebpd '•vould be an excellent present to send to friends—one they would remember the year round. THE— two - sera xdd The News -Record makes a specialty of the finest Printing. FvIR,3Sf1 Tf IR,=_ NEW STOCK 1 NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY; Dealer in Furniture.! Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, ore., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very hest manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every doseription. JOS. C11IDLEY, one floor West of Dickson's Book Store.