The Huron News-Record, 1889-02-13, Page 2she %wrio» Advo ecar�t 1' - ' W Funlowilattt. BILL iiYE AND N�Ad l?,A,, Evart' Wadaatii.daly Xcortliing, ---.--,)• —aY--- THE RECENT BLIZZARD'S ViSiT TO whit#A`% k 'i o,t %t , THE BIG FALLS. AT THEIR tittle Critlelsla to Atli ante or that illg Wetter. POWER PRESS PRI�j•INO ffOU ,E, 17 RIt1 1�)�! ll V�7 ra11-1rotrvl Tirue» in the Inallae Rolle ' Ontario btrect, ctintoll. Rnsluety-,•IgnpottHntinteirvlew Wlt4Cgv 14 a have ala of t}oa (pest appointed oiute+l Job 1 P ittll on The 1YaitArr. W-50 a Near-si-R5 in Advance. .Iulllo w0 prooecd by diligence towards the Falls via tIle Awe lag&ra !tall., at ,ru- The Itrol,rietursuf'CuaGrJUEttt(ju NEw:. aout ie practically 11•ee for all. ,'oil call go and look at theta having purchased the business &till plant of Tutt HonoN Arcout), will in future as \ you would at the tt » , j' Aurora Borealis publish tile atilalgatnatedpapers inClinton, or tile .I ,- "felt creamy Centaur udder the title of Tim Ilea s Ni:ws• 136tio8," ••r, �� of the t11tskull, Milky S I ? I cY; _ tt'uy. TFyou walk to Clinton is Lhe most prosperous town in " ;1 I alto Falla and Garry Wettera Ontario, is the seat of cousidorable ` . "41 Your dinner ),on need manufactut•ing, and too centre of tile finest - �::. not run a a P large e;ric"Itural B Ctioll in Ontario. The combined circulati"n of Tal,1\TEws- i „i bill, Tile hackman rveu t:tlies you the entire read of the Fulls . ('n both Sfdea the "'hirlpoo1, RELOnn exceeds that of any paper pub. ished ill the Three ' tilsters Istwids, Goat Island and everything the County of Iluron. It is, . therefire, unsurpassed SS at lulvertising Lille at tut a•rreed price. You get a cuttpon tieliet whit, is just medium. (ticket, a1B gaud us tL railroad 4u,j there .eau ho,.nq ekulhluggery, s?a'Rates of advertising liberal, and . 10)"ut it,'a. Aristotle 'Would say rarnishe,l on application. "'o 'l ""'ed the Fulls On tit" day of the L!lzzard which s?it Ipa1'tlea hlakitij; Calltlal:tB f01' a B11CC1• fled tinte, who discoutin le their advertise. I trrueked Reading and which %Salah( ill) bl' tlpping tie 113apehaiotl f"Ut• I'vidge ment, before the expiry of thesauiu, will be rlwrgal full rates. I at . ia"UFA into tie river below. The Polls haveteen visited in Sun"ulet and it, ti`inter, Advertiseneents,, wlt.hout instruction, as ' in thtt•1a•oad glare of day- and the stilt eLnd Ilellow tll[Iclllllght, but very to space still time, will be (elf to the it, 1g. few people have gone they during a blit• talent of,the compositor fu the pisplay, in. zard, aelkod until forbidden, measured by u :Cale of solid etanpareil (12 lines to tile lit day brake moist land measly at fa10, but at 110021 the gray and Choppy CIO inch), and charged Io cents a line for first scattered a little and a patch of shy co insertion and.3 cants a lino for each still. aelluelit ialsertion. Orders to discontinue I r'ew tiled then be discovered. blutin }tityty "'oil], our party, arrayed lit at M ldvertitianlents�nulst be in-tvrftinrr.L...., stnelcs and cunsawus, rectitude SW N'bt'Cea Set as HFAnINO MAI -111,11, (Ineasured b a scuta of solid No , u ariel 12 rlieyau tam; •e»t fl'C)+11 I3it it}•13' 3" 'a eirelllyf,ua rel %� a re+teled ilk arm Falls Btutii)k w he N'L p lines to this melt) diar'red at the rate of 10 routs a' If le fee each,itisertiou. proceeded by droaky to cur chs 1fofre we alighted. The chalet is kept b friend Ponumoco, of this Piutu tubo of Indiana. /' And what are you dein;; here, native Anerioult> and after our lung Jour, from Buffalo it was glad to I JOB WORK. Ig til, once mora h ( m . II9tC a fou our 1 alt l emir Haat 14 a have ala of t}oa (pest appointed oiute+l Job 1 P oe. Latina a light lunch, We put Oii out tapcoa ,Laud in charge of it Darin, t)f6ees (vest of Toronto. Our facilities in I this department enable its to do all kinds .Iulllo w0 prooecd by diligence towards the Falls via tIle Awe cif work -from a Catlin);earl to Mammoth can side. , poster, alt the hest styie known to the Graft, and at the lowest possible rates Orders by mall proutptly attended to. AdilreSR The News -Record, c1iutull. Out The ,Huron News -Record 01-50 a Year --$1.25 it, Advance. - 3Yeelllestllty, Fib, 13t1t. 188:1 A DOUBLE TIi.AG7:DY I..\T - CHICAGO. 1, �C,LWAUTAN' UiltL 8Ii0T ON.4i:1h STRFF/T. .0 Pretty Lizzie Patterson w,J- wa - ►.. lk ing hurriedly along Peoria street, Chicago, during the storm at 8.15 o'doek when she was startled by the report of.a pistol shot. Then She sate a woman full apou ti,W steins at Nestiniu,4tee Iprsbyter' church at Peoria and ,Iilekaoll atreutli. The matt who fired aha S lot steppodto the curb and discharged the revolver at his head. lie, too, fell in front of the :ebureh. Al ism Ipatterson ran scroatnin.g to her. 1101110, which she reached in a faint. Officer Thonlau l tchingham, tuns lives near lVeottui'ttstee church, wits eating his suppor whou the Shots were fired. When lie redched the Cornell, both budies lay in the drifting snow. Tile woman was Maude McL,llau, a chambermaid in the Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary at Adams and Peoria streets. She was dead when Officer Etchinghatie reauhed her. Her head lay upola the first Step of the church. A black silk umbrello. was at her aide and auto t•lkis a stream of blood flowed from a bullet wound back of the woman's left ear. The i murderer was Engineer John t Dempsey, who is said to have work- ed for Ifibbard, Bartlett, Spencer g & Co. IIe wore a now fashionable t overcoat with a fur coilar. When '.n Officer Etchinghant dt'agged him t up0u the sidewalk he was breathing it his last, A new colt's revolver was r in his ]land. Ile did not utter a IV word. This letter was found in one la e, his Pockets : ro ro Gur C<t0 O JAN of . 1(). JU1iN\IF,--I feel very Sorry for the wrly'l spoke to yon thq last evening I was in your company, I felt eery much put out about uther things. I ought not to have trrat- ed You 5 0. I y hope 0 ou will p Y for. . , give me, I telt very bad about it, tl lou 1 r YOU , 111 a think 8 hu Y )k Y I don't. I Dou [• Don't be angry .with me. 1Vouid like to see you, I flop, you have not left yot. I-)Ieasn write and let me know where you aro. I feel very lonely since you loft that evening. I can't write any more, Please write soon, You" friend, bIAUD& Miss McLellan wits one of the T best servants in the infirmary, Mrs roe Nilson, the matron, says the girl tout leas exceptionally attentive to hpr list duties. Dempsey had often called trig at the infirmary to meet Miss .Mo. `WO" Lellan, but nobody ever heard thou) and quarr,l, Miss McLellan was oven- shr t -fi V, years ra ole 't Y 1, and lived in the its city about fiv, years. Sho was quite comely, with luxuriant brown hair Contmade an and pretty ally ,yes, lIer father and j,rpei mother live in Pilton, out, She into came to the Eye Ionil Ear Infirmary gran one year ago last Septpntber, Was have resid • Six woman have been milydered Dar • at ((anal un, Nicaragua, aftpl' the Patel ntauner of the crimps at 1Vhite. (grind chapel, trade IN TIIF nLIZZARD. Tile storm now burst upon its In all i ts fury, alid the rain descended in-tho wildest Profusion, saturating the Falls and render. Ing them hell Moll impassable. Our mule I tour covered himself with his pontoon, wrapped his tdrpaulin around his ears and %pile nu' Slender diligence swayed fit the blast lie druve us across to Goat Island. The thunder of the immense volume of Witter, wits now swallowed tip by the mighty rose of the'bu•sting tempest and then, as if diotd"awa.y like tile wail of &pet f8hfng caul, (:ale would it ,),in hear tile sullen thunder (ii the I rent Amlerican ,join site. {tie YI"w began the duscent'oh the side of (in)tt Island looking tuwarks the Great horse fall. The rain fell in torrents, and as our umbrellas had (neon turned wrong side out by the blast, we were soonwet to the skill. Thee %ve athod in the presence of the greatest spectacle America Saga roduee, perhaps, Outside of COugrusB. Like an egotistical author NTiagara for centuries lir been pouring over its own works. It ie rattly, however, beyond criticism. I went there thinking that if the Falls really de. served scathing 1 would scath them through the press find injure their busfuess, lint I must say that, like 'Mr. Booth, they deserve their great success, and I do not blame them for .respecting theniswlt•es and having) their pictures taken every little while anti ggetting their navies in ~be Papers. They deserve all the glory they !lave bot, and far be it from me to put a straw in tl.e_way of the progress f Niagara Falls. We next went down to the Whirlpool and nn the way a detachment of John Darnis Escorted us with 'Lit air of Suspicion. Our drosky driver evidently• watched us every moment like a cat. At the Whirlpool we .It main, being narrowly watched by he driver and it 'Jai,,, Darm frons Colhoes. Here as we reached the brink of the coif} he,blizznrd Struck us amidship, null the rent Niagara which has assisted so many empentnce lecturers in seat•i}J•r to death the le0cl;fte drinker sesmed to�tecnme silent n tale presence of Old Mr. Blizznr(1 from the fid tin 1 unkempt west. Just then u1y' i„1” silk hat which I wear fn ascending the A that 'I �� going 1<y�r t,le Pall, aft,? thtrcth 0f. I1 Itq;•lpoal," but th..r ;, a..... ,, THE erif'SITI S GA'N Willa t1n tqy trail, It• ill vol} J!,li,,;r,,,•..l.le to have your trail stepped pia I, .-;.. , ' i a nuuiesi., and so I explained that I (Smut tr, L11 figura• A GLANCE BACK TO THE DAYS tive, and so, when the John Darn, had.Joell. ed FRENCH RULE. my overcoat mutt found that ! waa not----�-- dressed in tights with double -leaded I,riti0 , - jumping sloes, ha allowed Ino tri pass• -It was here et the bazaar that, I caul alt all now the Urdortilsxl3di+RresnaR»Ke4ab1 teal In IStct-•retli boll of lite Illsaag, friend Ponumoco, of this Piutu tubo of Indiana. /' And what are you dein;; here, th19recil Agag4►t Uta,, ltro{etp ill,,. liiatarr or a Long fthg. eo far away from home, Poeoulocov, Tasked, fn that light running dotlestfc &alums of the The now celebrated Jesuit Estates Passed by the Quebec: Legisluturo Piute tongue. r the days when C d' Buf• CALLING ON T11E GOVERNOR. uds of I stn here," he replied Ili the Sam uld ' guag,;e, " to procure our regular suPp, 3 a Chan relics for the coming year, poli, cannot compete any lunger with Contec the ill the manufacture of genuine Indian r er So we come nee also get moatoof our ornamentalara. -rulla for bead let dopa in England, &lid our ornamental til Y e ere business is done there too. The tey .man has facilitieswiiiwlnN•edonothave,al the he red mania goose is practically cam fly We buy 14.11 our weapons and headache S tis, now wt Ridley's and our tomahawk ed 1!•lacy's. We get our (mows and arrows ri. at Naterbuy, Conn., and Jordan, Af & Co. furnish us with out- lingerie. We buy arrow-hettds cliti9er than we can them, and why Should we toil over a h made arrow -head ,tit day when we can a It horse in ton minutes that will being nice new relics enough to last us a y We have fn our tribe favored free tr and'so we with our- infaut industries thrown into. direct competition with pauper relic-m)alcers of the Bowery, can bhy a good Scalp at Chathanl Square 69 cents to -day, alai SO the Warpath is p tichily overgrown with graBs. Friday we visited Gov. Hill at Alb and tried to niould the policy of the Sts He sponte kindly of other things, but said N•as doing his own moulding; almost entire He. has m cold, calm eye, with which he couraged the to forret some bright and loo+time things which I had thoubb,ht of a "Ing to him. I had intended to cl,Irlt him meth a few;b»oyant thoughts of which I the parent,' but I did not do it and I am gl now that I did not. Gov. Hill is one of our most -esteem coterie of bald-headed men. Sonne say that I resemble hint a littl but people who have seen us together, tat fag Over the future of our common eonutr Bay they can readily distinguish the Gove no•frOnlme. Hill'shgureismorecommandi than inine and his carriage is more gracef tall! has redder whocls than mine. Wil we walk together, teeoplo easily pick me o because I walk with more freedom and Sinuous moyement which takes up most this sidewwlJt. An old teamster with who Iassocfated once said that I would neve make a good roadater, as nay feet did no ",track.' M walk is more extemporaneou than Gov. Hill's. He possesses a conaciou dignity which 'I sadly lack. Tills lack o digufty secures, for me at a strange hotel til 1.00111 In which former guests have been the 1'abit of blowing out the gas, or thei bruins, soul: as they are, and there Is a soil, reshold of tile whell ere thelace "bell lboy lbas been in the habitofcrawling over to examine deceased. `lit roam .1180 huts au aid fashioned bell cord fn it with a woolly tassel atone end while the other is tied to a brick building on the next block. After holding the hand of the V,overnoi for quite awhile and trying to think of some. thing to say to him which would fix my face in his memory for four years, I :raid we were having a rather an open 11"Iter it sebmed to me, and then, gently but reluctantly I gave him back his Maud, to do with it as he "night think best. There being lto obstacles II)laced in nay way at this time I came away fly means of the door, which was held by a man who seenled to have the entire cont fidence of the Governor. BILL NYE and doing the tourist act generally I ent up into a large blue hole fu the sky, not while I was watching it the 8gn'u•e red mark "Keep cep ori tho gross" with art iron cl on one aisle Swatted Ile across the organ al ime . all• t t en C65. LAUGH AND GROW FAT Time out Of mind—a forgotten date. A lawsuit over a coat in Justice Guern, aey's court, in lalensville, tried not long .,!1100, lead, the not unfrequent result o! itigation. Tho lawyer got the coat. "BunkorHill pants" is the heading of an advertisement. Wo never saw the hill pant but the people that climb to the top of the m On I n n011t ,' "net• 1 al 6 Y cio. f (zc, ekec g It is said that every inhabitant of "Boston moves,in select Society. This is the result o{ I. I . • ""Ilig fn a eommutity where everybody writes poetry or novels. �' Jinks --I made a bet with Miss do Pink last night. Blinks—Gluvos u"ainst a neck. I r' ° tie, I SUPPOSO ? " Y-e•s. flow did you , ) know?" "Oh, women alma s bet that Y w a . 'Ift h e win, f w they e insist Y slst that Y it ti; 6 : I. II 9 x :.i' ,..�+ � tis'' I t vas u bOX O 1 Slaves thay�were to have ; if they lase you �.h! III il. •etatwent •five •. b y l.',nt necktie." k� I. .:. ? .,;• •I �• .. , ILt i I1 If J S I ? I Ia Another ,• ono o • n f ha tit ' I tn}, s widows has jest dfrd. The remainelor will furnish Z .' ..� I ----. occasional Paragraphs awn v P y over into the next century, the last ono dyfnpp, in L•� the ubiquitous fashion set by ()ear al lYaehing. ��� '' — tun's. nurse. Itis fortunate for tIle National Treasury that Brighfam didn't take 0-1 12 — a hand in the late war and get killed for a pension. 4AVE1, t WIM CFRTAI:v I)b;„%Tlr. he Storm was now at its height. The served to be heatinr mixer a+this kettlethe ,low ) f 10 1 was es. teed in o Be Moto f the hotel gantly lifted With the and through ay away ,I'tieh utas no novelty him, but seemed strange to the fast falling rain we d ace surprised gentlelman fn Ilia a reporter. He dug a hole in a pile of sand, placed n lump room Lmlerging throatgqh the' look ofb i of n ht crew Shirt. t{'ith a look of hrn•ror f -line in it, sprinkled sonic water, on tilt lime, placed his kettle on itand banked and der he tried to pull down the roof again conceal himself, but he sand up around it When I2 O'clock he shouted, "Como to Iia struck Y; Your coed not do so, he storm now took off its mat and I 1 while tli rei Z ht rl cin ' -Lara ala tett tes P shed Lo t ft I bilin'.” coffees a 62ultu a secondary con8lllerntlOn-11a'or Tioun • •- c.e1 soh t n door Y r Ir (a y, not at tae Whirlpool ate genuine Lillian nu,ecasiu8, made in . o r young ever tell you shout my adventlre&fin' c3k' I No lecticut, %relit down t(/ $2 a pair. I I x movement taNards the brink of the I plc", Intending ? Iveli, I was tip to palm tree one dam? 1 1' and when I reached nearly the top, lost m , t ]told incl fell, If my friend, Captain d, to peer down ovo)• it., tale boiling Spit king hadn't been below C Sp Wat0es, when I felt tl ! h 11 I to my I a11a 14115 owed.allogtall France -to the grant of land to the Jes by the Due de Ventadour, the -'Tench ( enur ; that of Brallert de Sillery, and of the Marquis de Ganrache In 1703 Ii reach aupreuta_cy in Canada anti British sway began. Under the -t of pence of that year Roman Catholics to ill u11oN•ed "t" profess their religion C'a•dilta to the rites of their church us fit the laws (If (:rept Britain would perm The spiritual subjection of the Bishop t clergy of this Roman Poutitf, h,,%$-evur, cuts"le'rOd incompatible with the allegla due tel Kiug (.ecu ,e III. Catholics were legally recognized till 181:3. Ilgnce, the BlIPpresston Of the Society of Jesuits 1 opt (ycinent X11r., in 1762, the chu" authorities do Canada could uot• a,asu 11"11"geueut of the Jesuit property. Thevdevasttttlon of the scige Of 1759 h pre( entad the Jesuits from reopenfn}},,, til cOUL-9 s in Quebec. The brief of "cmw carte Lofure they could regather their fora awl their collo(,re wt4s cunfiscatud by t Govarnuent and turttad into barracka f tie 'urrison. George III. promised some the lands to Lord Amherst, but Attorne Same Ion- Ge-leral Monk &till Solicitor-Gaeral W ly of haws decided that us the lands load bo OPE ,ili'v •n for the purposes of education til ticut Should stili be devoted to such aims. ell CS, It N FL sa reed that theJesuit order, ha -We i2rg been a olislted im I.76.•a,--wauh3 crave work sucuesscrs, and that the ltunlann C%athul ansa• 1;t:;hup having Zhu civil urfsdiution tl white }c•operty should revert to trc Crown and alt se tilt old condition by which they were origh ked; ul)y granted. Another Attorney -Genera at c,iierward known as Lord Thurltiw, mai s at twirled that " it scents a necessary cons mad( quonce thjt t all the lows by which this arSr property waa ereatet6.defined, and secure car luust be continued." 1 et it was not unto maks IO2 that tut act was franed In till. spirit u he these legal opinions. teal Then the present great trouble arose alt Pope Clement XIV. in the brief of supplies ear' situ of theJesuits 'lid Itotpass oil the merit ade, of the complaints placed before him. Some art Of tie powerful Courts of Hurote had con - the ecived un antipathy to the Jesuits anJ iioa charges ,had been formulated ; but it wis for diplomatic pressure alone tltitt compelled rum Cleve"t XIV. to order then, to disband ltd fall ilit•o the ranks of tate secular clergy. Alba One of these disbanded Jesuits, John Car. tel roll, beelwle ufterwalyd the first Bishop of he the Unitcrl .States, and came here with ly, Clause and 1'`rankliu in the troublous times en- of Ilia order to will the neutrality of Cana. bor 'di:nls-the majority being French Catholics ay —in the days of the Revolution. He lived ul until Pius �'II, rehabilitated the Jesuits in air 1814: he paw them begin the struggle for ad tile. restoration of their preperty, lull the ofIL•Ilultdredth anniversary aphis consecra- ed tion—uf the establishment of the American Hierarchy—at Baltimore and 'Washington !n er ented and k• tiercitua bouetlthat, ul find nder tiem lt-,pract all their privileges have been restored. Y, It was a long fight. Catholica were legal. 11$ ly recugniztid in Canadia the year before the u, Jesuits were relievild of the ball of element, er From 1815 the Jesuit estates were regularly tit discussed, petition after petition being lire• s stilted "to suspend the sale and alienation 01 of tilt. propert of the Jesuits" until the act I of 1S3l, al• "." mentfone(,l, cams passed. + The patftion of this Evangelical Council t ....... ;ainst the act, just forwarded to the Gover• i wtr•Gemc,:d, takes up the thread of .tile r r t;u y L•Lre. On tie ;•alt of Judy, 1831; Lord f (;lo'lcefoh, then Secretary for the colonies to e -Ging IN'illianl IV.,"st4ysttti5 petition, "ad. m tit'"; ;,Cel u:disputeh to Tlis Majesty's represen- I.,tl' a in Quebec, in which be stated that tl'.c Jesuits'estotes were, On the dissolution I'f th;ttorder•, appropriatodto the.ocducatiop of the puuple, and further, that the revenue N'ilic•h aught result from that proTirty should be regarded its inviolably ant} ox- elusively applicable to that object, and 111orutiver, that ,the King, cheerfully and 1 Without reserve, confided the duty of the at' ,11M atiOn of those funds for the purposes • a tit education to the Provincial I,egtsluturo ; but tie disposal of the &alit estates has been 1 fruit' time to time fmpc.led by the entrg0tic ' representations of t1leT authorities f the .3 R(anall Catholic Churelt, asserting a claim N to their ownership." a f1w gruunds of which the Fvanaelical t COutwil'ubiects to the act which provides . cnulpousation • to the Jesuits is that their 1 eatat•es were also conffaeatcd by prance, et I11Jar whose latus they obtained property it) n ('iuhtda. Tho confiscation by France, it is •trglled, justified the confisntion by Grout i lA•)u1in. l;y, the Jesuits' 'Estates mut of tl 1$88 the Py. in Council ie . cl atithot•ised to pay the stent of $400,000 ,,Out Pf ally public motley at Ilia diBpoSal," for h t'-, purpose of such comp ntsitti(e1, "to re. Pp ((mll LLS a sperilLI tic it until the Pope luta alt r utified the Bttitl t•Utt[etllent and Inado knows) tit: Ili% wishes ruspeating the dinlributiun ill ly such milount in this country." of The friends of the Jesuits simply say thitt til trio Pupal restoration iu ( t » of the •Jeaulti justihc% tai;+ th'• (Ifinand for the right% thr't wr:ec theirs ] n city.er a French ilia;; un'i guaru"teod by I Lk L rr:I t. I... _ An Editor lttervipwB iter e'zar. The story of AL•. Steak's into' witll'• .� t of a 11 til e R nasi .1R 'd 1 411 ' tdll`Iel Ill ' (!Ill',;ruc ti t'i,.c to he:n rvilotdton• bor. Stead trn8 received very grgu !"»sly', and he dim. , "V; , 1 u .,c i m his most s 'I L L tr cent • % I cu h 1 tile udv'LI . ,t •I;es r f Russia and lin;; and bl-:%ludng gaud ftiun(ls--gave, fu fitrt, ii, I•echaufre of all the leading articles whi,:h have appeared in the JI'ill Mall for some years past. Of course, the (bur was charmed tooud that tile, jolt•. "'"lirtic tribune of the )emociacy wits in much thorouggh harniony with tit%+ ggreatest autocrat in the world. In his 1,eart ►le "oust have been surprised, but ot"ttvardly the tit". tn....;;t beallwrr in a Irindly nlailll%•r of his pleb„fan-ally. And the title s))ppefl alt^,y 771 uloea»tly enough. After, a while, however, Dlr. titled thought he might he intruding o"1 his fuperial host, and with a bland smile arose:, consulter( his watch, and Raid: "Real. ly, Your Majesty, I feel that a poor journal• ist has no right to take tip any more of your vah"wble time," and with tills he departed. Now, if their is any rule mnre, stritl ;Ont Clan another in the etigqtette of collet life, it is thalt royalty Rhoul'l always te1•min Y ate a» ill. to -• n r �icw. The ! e Czar Cel ' 4 11 marts c 1 cid y urrntsed "hell Me. Stead uRluped the imperial pre• ogative, and he repeated the story "ullly mics Afterwards wit ' h rnten&e delight, h1 1 t, Of a endarme oto My &hnuldar nndaI HOwetc�r here II am, for ran,ll N;,Ifnijivf tli•10ta - g![h ilorre How didteou Snake eat g Was erked back with an cath which wrnald ha ! _ > '' , Air. Ifi lir Y sworn in n whale precinct of non- i Captain",Spifkins?eS'•11I&jOr{Ikmncer rr Uhf to -(lay? 1 g6e Weiit brake. The fel. Io a at a Presidential election. ! tSpil'kins ) He was buried Out there aI Al r. last left: ' pint,^.1 a,lthnu'Yh I rung '%fI nrieur foot heemself I" ARM the John coupe. Couldn't bring hila h0 markt rat nil ud[ to , o }, in ret In ure Buffalo French, with a Slight I __ __ $ lne you know. 1 carets. e Of the ltuo de Main street. Then ' " «'Here would you -'adville me to go to, No Don't Who eche ? who he is 2 Ing his teeth he managed to make me ' Doctor? 18nffer sit from fnsomnia." 'hy, 110"'the manufacturer ofthose tarda. "stand that I hall stated in Buffalo , "You'd,letter go to sleep.,,—Siftings. \ , L- f , . A 1 RIEF.BUT INTERESTING. • o - 1. LAITY FAILING ? (li nick J hitherto (onsldeeOd ' OF ,.,I 1,, tI Ili. S rel t taec•eo-• hat•O bwu tlp-»ompos- 1 Ff1 ) •d 1.J far Kau" -of llouieh. \ f? F+ r1ENC1E OF LARGE FAMILIES ':'L ; ; ' Al •'n.•.• u! the latent uuuwt is that AMONG THE BfETTER CLASSES. f „ ;,•tit.. - -. `a:'.:1, ul•aoe, with Slight -- N -. t llcrtoaKgSt4s of shy A1ltirkllgre—iyhai ii ell -Tete! °"'1rr'i '' +,tt••m a U made to eget• Omcc the Gior of iY . -The 1". .• ••.ter e:,.. .,. „1,vator,pruportiun F�Iere Y gtrsNttptNWao ioWietr e t, W; ,,,.1 ;L, ,, ., 11th bell. invt—Isueployreeuat of (Yet Nlttyteo Billla,Slw,,,ltxiig-l-varingtre4BL,%vebranches e:on(IoMiplwl. re( I"";''t• %`}' r!tta eothur elltiruly'.r partially Jeluly Wreu discusses the Interesting e toun.,r' e)•,,u„L the, New of "Is ItlaternityFailing ?” fu the nitsIit 1 I.,I.,eX-eous fluoride of Moth )Ila., e, clew York Herald, "The question," Y Bays the writer, " is one which concerns the low mel• int,,%' nl,t:tined In u e stxt0 and its daOnit% dvternlined, ruoe'"null "lore vitally than Some others re - that eently discUsse,)I ky the u% It and the press. A st• tit.• a$ N ell as a &y mbolie4l mono, It IS a stljeet too auered to ba andled light - ft !teen N•111 hu: t will slut !• i 0reccell in dif- 1y, and yet for tie Sake of posterity it should tcaty 1a,t..(mluter'afPeels t(tBa)itctileuovel• beinvostigittedthoroughlyandullhesitatfn - were i-6' ]y ; therefore bravui" uta. It. tbt srry r r:u t h• unl:L shul•k that ale• ' a the Lritici 1118 of Nti - ctnird lt.t•entl ill '. • necked contemporaries, I Put the question. r as S _t amt dive t were re. " why, may it," warkol.tt• 4,10 slwttarallban nala0s, biro ria Y I ask, is it nO longer gaud furca for the re t auubl0 won&+t to be the cud writ n� d,.nnxke• loather of more than one, or at the most, waa 11 Let: "veto uheerved that Ile I•:iflel two curled darlings ? ace Tilt "14h cult' over 670 feet high, hila been rncuuf mel+two iagilegLlIs tnit tr?e that ther t not ftequt:), 1), etveluped !n cloud at a height of "(t fonaree capable of thou• teul,f ust function at GYU feet. 'uothe -hoed ? Is it Lllu fact that lila fust, ell ALLOrcliu(( to Airna. I;lavat8ky the apes flttfg"'119, re2iciting life of the society devotee 'Ula are "(It ()lie ancestors, but are deVr+nerate is ion Clivilhy to Illatorility, and that the loss (lie deseetidu»ta of Prehistoric mun, of vitality and nerve force attendilig, it is ad 011e of the largest Sheep cuntpa.tlo. iu allslvcrsble for the empty cradles and unused Ilinntuta Territory has ducltrod a dividend htusurlea in many wealthyhwuea? air of 29 per cent, for last year's business. The We know that theta is u now regime, til sav next Y P Y allot that w•11L"eab out ri es, S•sur the expect to I'c:rease it. b •andutothets looked An area of :1,500 Square wiles ht tilt (iraln- bulb admiring pride epee Lhe dozen ur more . Ior le ag' hilsins Of the Jewez unit Rio (:raude hits Own, aro^llod the he urL 1llcenessea of their of "Lull a 1rveycd with sufficient detail to con• .,agree( find thStone, uuw we could atruct a trapun the stole of two miles ,tis an anotig lila"upper telly"' walk a that Y' inch, t could 1!• buuat half u dozen tllCltibers of the second bee The finest railway statlan in the work( is generation tile Paid to be the terminal station fn Bombay, iunl"ors pain" ass this 1, u� ease in domestic' India, of the Peninsula Railway, It wits PSYchologie&l fact—viz., that tile l fr"ittioas to e of finis i v. 1 Lot ]list AIRY and named in honor of the many minds from the nuraely up to the no• 4.111press:of-Inklia,--•#t_..teok •.telt -years -bo-Balolt•as-ttLuessnr to the is build it, land cost nearly $1+9,000,(!00, genius? It xol yTM det'illb-pii'ieiir5r-'"`--- ie According tld seem so, indeed, ,When 1 g to &n official return there are rw)ienl) ring that Napoleon 13unaparte wile eI tl'is Year 6,.7119 atu dents in the four universi• 0110 Of thirteen children, IluI - .11 Franklin I- ties f 8410tland, which is just twice the ane of Seventcon, (:01e,;L1 ,11ainI car" one 1, nu"llbur recorded in 1862. `!'here are eleven Char f •' fewer e do le.s 1)ickelts u n• ewer one e u • n f eight, 3 i 46 h U t at I 1 t delta alt l:elinburgh, •and steno uta of seven alt• nlut'o, I3� 1><rG}ad- e• Glasgow coulee Mixt with 2,'200 ; tie,, Aber• Make pcaeell'haekerary, .t•undsil•e t leen with 918, and St, Andrew's with 22). namesake, was one of hixte,ul, on�laseaoter J All admirable textile matter, Staid to bo 211'4115' (others could ho cited Who have alt d' soft, elastic, tough, and Bilky, and which tltiurd culinalec in One dePartlllellt or an. I can he chemically bleached without losing other Who mer® nue f many, while in. fro has beeunbtuiuedin b'ruuou atlLelecs of &n only child's celebrity are rare. fr,ar, a Plaut called kanaff, brought What the What possibilities our fashionable mother B shores of the Caspian Ilea. of to -(lay forego in their narrowed home s The scrubbing which the London statues and Cil'lof?ra Wile possibilities Of fostering, rr b b for themselves n Salus it are getting one by one is not always an un• tinction, for we ill reluemLei�E\u2,o�le((f5s mixed blessing. Souse of thele aAe so ppointe'- answer ii -hell einenllue. de Stael a,Ws n retched aB works of art that !t lvould be it him who hL considered the greatast N omen. charily' to grow icy over thaw : when tie ' She mailam'1, who is th0 nu)thel' of the grime of centuries is reniovetl by weak acids, }rater and Soap they have a cur start• Moet childrou,' replied tie ,reatest general Ifng appearance. S of 1'r)u,ce to the "teat, br'iltit+lt n'olnan of t Tie International Exposition of the Fine h4, day. I Arts, which einse(1 at Munich Oct. 3d, sold "lt to &self-evident fact that society 441 feces for 1,070,510 marks. At Gla.,- wou'tu do not have as ,many children aP Pthose ICES fashionable, and the intportailt ff,rau' the Show which closed Nov 10lt1ad0 & question to ho anst%ered is, Nhich is cause t)rilliant financial exhibit; but the exposi- and Which effectg tion ut Bologna, Italy, and that tit Brussels "Cully lessen the chic lets of e fashionable life Ot have callus off• at the little end f tie horn, (lues it necessitate its decrease ? Dues i t A deficit must be mot in each case. destory Maternity, or only 1 Cardinal Lavigerie, .has brought over front convenient ? Y Put it amide as in• Africa two graceful gazelles as a present to But sonic one 'Will say These u Lea XIII. They have been housed in a butterflies are not only woman fu when,, `4`11"r of the \ .lticall gardens, allot the Poe mate'•uity seems to be falling. The intel- iievur takes his (laily walk willing the'vines litLtu;iJ Nonlen, too, those whose energies fled 8hnabs, N)aioh ht himself has iurpo ted, are exp•+tided upon the higher edueatian, withi;ut stuppsll g, in front of tilt inclasurea vt'teu have nu progeny. Those who rep( whole the ani"lals hove become quite tame. the., tell! bo the latterday scicutists; those Among` the latest finch .. in excavlating theohf ,hest mit clown the new religion --viii,, near thL Acropolis tit Athens is a portion of the high that mewcantal cu'stuueafur wonar.4—hy the cdecorntion of a tumplo above the front huu<i is materially &t}'eut(el obty &,r mother• row of colurnus fn the triangular Space called Servo force, wasted in cliutbin Ile losshof the pediment. It consists of thre0 winged of fntallectclality. This nhan g heights Malo figures N•hich coalesce in the f"Ids of a ohuuoe I doubt ft. , Put grantingall ltbe so' a1•. „ snake. It is altpposed to ropreseltt th[i "•fast the question fn the societymut2 t it is, TYPhut since Euripides mentions a throe. Still uta s case is budiod Typhon, "',answered, for •Ile arguments that would reach one wouldd not apply to the , Other, for they Are by no means identical. COTTONS FOR CHINA. " Can it be, as it has been intimated, that ) the Tile 1!cltort Assulnlntl -alsge Nretlerttclus— the t»otlerly in9tinot !'s disappearingg? Can A urowiria Trotte. question of childless women be auB• w°r0" l,Y fashion ? Has Motherhood lost its The export of cutLon grind's frOul Canada old time Banctit ? The , to China, though only couuueneetl Bowe nine n,othurliood .'lW4,thu erownfn was . or tot ulontitS 11gu, is already "sell,, ling large lvu"p:inhood• Awoti,uu posses g glory of propurtioliB, tile total +E211 g ooh [ sed with ever unit &)ready ex• er blessing oil Lartli felt that she was Poi led being a"nut 12,000 bales. Although .iit'leed accursed if this greatest of all bles- this funuvatioll was started by the -two 81,198 were denied her. T • i'rgeet hulderB i)f cotton stock, the first i5s,"4h's prayers was for childrenburden e orilorr liuro goneroublydivided amongst the blessing God bestowed u on Abraham The ariOus fatltorics, aw tile now rade the promise that p was I. t has P at leo shoals rear up a genera• been eno•ally . takell lip, The goods trade tion of people. The highest ideal of lvontan- tere for the Chinese market ure known as hood is the Madonna with'her ch' ' ahirtings," but instead of "ei21g 8I lbs. for nondern society has act up a new and child, but 11 Ij yards, which is the Standard take fn , ideal, in which there is, no inf&nt, and the ngl&ud fat' the ChinLSu market, they weigh gtlestion which farces itself upon us is one bout !(1 to til lbs., being 3 to 3j yda, to al grave importance—viz., Is In ternit Ili - he pound. They tire shipper( per Canadian clued fit Ing at- is the morali:,+of our N•unlen If railway and stutinlCr8 to Sllallrhai at growing less? Does the fashionable N•omian to rates than the American manufactur- cure "tore for a girlish lookin , $t,, n can ol•tain, cone quently the Catiadian for her unborn children ? 119 i ll I are ata I oakurs reap 1411 additI0111d UtIviLlltage. IThe judec I)Ctt%'CCI1 the Sacred duty of mother. Dads ]Lave tiwt,with great a !kfxid nd the secular duties of society and ) g pprucal fu this '} civ nutrket and are it) good c oniaud, so tiutt . In favor of the latter 7 I ask the gnestio11 ec undo is like("p to )e It constant and it,- sel'lutlSly, Is it the misfortune or* the fault of easing One. the society N•mnan of today that "llatohait The otlect(in the ('auarliull cattail trade is fallin•"? Who trill answer? C'a,, we, a8 already begun to I,v uppitroit, but will beii(We tKat our woneu are.less favored . cedll • hu fu!t to a fru• g••• 'tee Ali than l S ,(.ate,• d(,Ic •, , other woinan, and that to for their t•ianve (.•f 15 per cent, hits already "cell de.olato locarthstonLa they plunge nhi on g'ay cottuur' aiut th!s Isis "lot unlike- Y P be 'in the sll"ll" of fashionable gayg7? Would flat t" be followed l,y altother• Tl,e position .Ivu (;')"Ill believe this even.' tole 1nUnHfuct•Urera lot p1•esuilt ill it very I'llat the motherly instinct is not as great :1g; mic, and a., thug Illive not been as formerly is proved in the increased tell• auytlling lune thio" u bare living durt.:y of the mothers o 1 "it f pabes,to leave t t t the hes r hail tf) r1 long n to time the , me " .1 t 1 t l t t us (, t •• k it ' t. g i ' I'" 1131 V • ^ tl L care of nurse i o;y til; t butter times are in RturL. huy0rs J• ('• tVinterR, of New York, in a paper U P•epn ci,uiMeut that eto,•ks ill; -)I hands elutl before the Academy of lfeciicine, says I C vary !;.raw tool 1!ut e uc•t 1 „ell iu it hurry ticlemvr, ' condemned tili JI ail? 0 , r , N n %kolit., o practice now so 1 , LuliButlg that cahuuon u"hungsocfotywonvn of wnlploying • r pifci c,a1:,1 h•• r.l.t :iced. 1;I;t :Lg"If wet nueses instead of thcfu80VOS perforiaing 4 1 ., t'. tin 'r t 11<II I 1 Lt" I (1 t - ' r t t• . t . [ e 11t. Ill t !: 1 t�.e ,art ittesof a uu>thwt'• «euauallyselect, t the ..^tt,. k ,•f („ iv% cotta: ill uculuiw• - roe Says, i a hireling to perfnrn) the nupthcr8 ,itl •. I. L. t I u•. � er n •.c t. ' t .L r •' inti: 1 . (. 1 duty, IL W413 ()lie AC who c c cat is s. the low. I.) .t c w• 1 !': 'rs P ur uLu. . u, tw" t%etda'sulph?v. est phu2e flt the social scale, and in whom c•'nr: ti lvla,e is that rrlo. ;Lir )I) Ill tilere ill an absence of 1 mortal r uallties--ane try t(:,, and iy has olll "u,•..n1c evh.u,;t who can forsake her alta e}1i11d and take a a4trn, +.t"rkP all 711'Ipllhll ,t r,• vI•r•y law. i,tranKcr's to her breast ; pile 74110 esti u•it- ,,1.Ilra•,: Lr.iliPr, I'VC(Aved lure n• ; ,a-1 ge, but, n•%a the grailual Starvation and death of ]ter very t;pnerxd ill "lie %'trfety of goats, and own child and who may be a double murder. "' %virlpvJ'read eilur•artor' iJ til;• tiedurs. ess by [>nisouin'her foster child N•i(h opiates c"tt,ne trallo will allow helve 14 ll,otns of lir aleoh01, If, after• being n"urithud from :•.it. of its s•.r•phie prrndutt'di" un,l the Pitch a fountain, our chil[1 !1 perverse, fro. ,Nit! "a x"t t•t t u." all th,•it' llhwhinery ward, insolent and has no regard for troth 1'1 tin.' , it t) .• . low tith,• rdlmt ill • ,, 1W110 isaceountable? Is notthe mother ,hi') • ' , nl•tr.+;fw Lururn' i.:. %%t•IJ ILB 1„ Ilt-privet( hin, Of hot- own [etre, nntainfud11 a:,u:e wail rut,..tl nlerLluants.---:.luutrcar breast, ant) who ttntrelm.sed for hill, inatead a, Polluted, cdebauelted stream ?' -'--..-. -'---- - -- I, fay not this Pernicious custom expla! A Falwnbtr 'Inunvccipe, the moral decline In the children of worth 'flit of i"inid nntuusoript of Dipken's ,tar Patients? How (ten is the communit "Our \lutuid hriea i , is it, tai: I„%ru.esi,q� shnrked by the 8012 of pious, upright parents 1 turning scoundrel, or the daughter losin of Nil, (:. \1'. t'l:ilrls, of H lila,41)11:ii:, wit(, ctaate, %vith no a '.• ' is t•1 •R,l•.t• t I •> acre J t r n , hal . tea . ta'tap PP u9e ti d ••u in L1 _ u til h fa • ' r ))load d Tl;e �tnry ,.f this mannRcri),L lo- r•+," -ler i c.. when iu reality they have a"srbetl the cause nia) kaldo. "(1nr .Munial I. Tien i " tray rc- with their foster mother's milk, and the vienrd iu t.Ll-'1'il"us alt Iw;;td, maul ill -i ret N•orld.sees Only tile "fleet without gnessiag till- cattle. u o. 1:u , t . 1 lilt^1' ' I IY t' tt. R I, • un tin a that % tilt lilt,,, at til y t. ?!t•. rl)Lllue, %vi:,, a Wortten of to- hnd prevunlsly lnforn;"rt ])fakt^ns that hl^ illy puus0 awhile in the halls of fashion and had iuldertal:.(m to tllo jil Hill t•, " till- til •r :nslvc r the questiana of their Own responsi• S book ” fu that,,iLurual, til,• a,4:r4 v lot N llla)t I bility. • --_ cafrriell great weight in thaap ,ia t l:, llickeiw ' — so (SigghO)'+appreciated the value aci d, scrvlre " Ah, IlLy darling," murmured J. Court prose ed 1)aljait had ronda'('i Hall that lie I']si'sor, aft they sat on it sofa ill the softly prcal-nted'him ctfth the manns(•ript, which I lighted pnrlor., „Yon must forg�,ive your tileonthltsiastic Critic reoeivod with the rut- I -ducky fur whitt he sairi to little t1rother tit most effusion, vowing that ing N'out(i always tllc Bupper table, but little brother wa+ treasure It as one of lits most precious pas. I nouhhty, you know. What's Lite matter ieesions. Within la short time, however, wit, Johnny littery, illydie , an way s" `ho rnahuscript was r.ald to Ai1 r, Childs for Jn11r1ny' (frorn behind the Sofa)--" Ile's all Wso. I ,right!" I I