HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-01-16, Page 6The Huron Mews -Record
1.50a Year -11.25 re Advance.
Wednesday Jan. loth, 1889
If there is a State in the Uuiou
in which you would think the farm-
ers would prosper that State is Illi-
nois, being so favorably situated for
. the Chicago and other big markets.
But see what the Chicago fires
"Farms are decreasing in value at
almost every county in the State
where land has not a speculative
value on acaount of its nearness to a
n au'ufacturing town. A gentleman
in title city who represents a large
amount of money loaned to farmers
estitnates the decline iu the value
of Illinois farming land to bo 20 to
30 per amt. since 1880. That Dorn•
par.ttively few buildings have been
areete,i ,)u farms in Illinois during
the last eight years is a matter of
general observation. Country car-
penters, limiter and hardware tner-
chants, all state that such is the
case. Iu the "flush times" that
followed the war Illinois far-
mers erected fine houses and
large barns, but now the sound of
the hammer is not heard on .farms
unless ,it is used to repair an old
Another American paper, the
Ameiicau ll'ool Reporter, draws
attcntiou to a peculiar feature of
farm life in Kansas. In the fifty
two counties investigated there have
been 607 foreclosures at the last
term of court, representing six
tnonths business. The following
companies had the number of fore-
closures indicated: 3. 13. Watkins
Dane Mortgage company, 73; Kan-
sas National Loan company, 46;
Jarvis -Conklin Mortgage company
45; Shupe, Tresslcy & Lark, 23;
7 Mortgage 'Western Farm llluttoaoe c,,npany
45; Crippen, ,Lawrence & Co., 23;
Smedley Ilarliugton, 22; S. L.
Nelson, 9.3; Kansas and New Jersey
Loan .co tnpany, 19; Pennsylvania
lavmtulent company; 17; Neosho
\'anis Investment company, 18;
MCT 'l ley & Heliker Investment
Lie nip :'.1•,y 14; Lumh,,r'1 Investment
compaIr ,14.
What haul• the a ivocates of
unr;rtricted reciprocity 'to say to
• This ? And these aro only two of
many such paragraphs which we
find in the United States press.
They show that the farmers over
there are worse off than iu Canada.
Their " Markets of sixty millions"
does not help them to any • larger
extent than the market of five
• millions helps the farmers of Can-
ada. We have no such low prices
for produce as is there quoted ;
.no such burden of mortgage debt in
llntar'in £18 they have in Jowa, Michi•
gan or Kansas ; no such taxation as
they have everywhere, man for
man.' • And there is no ground on
which a Canadian • poiit.ician can
stand and truthfully say that freer
aceees to the " market of sixty mil-
lions" than our farmers now have
would materially add to their prices
or the facilities for soiling their ex-
portable surplus.
residence or Flora street, where, in
spite of all that wedica4 skill could
do, she died at one o'clock next
morning. The deceased was 68
years of age.
la sold all over the world. It is
far superior to plain Cod Liver Oil,
palatable and easily digested. Dr.
Martin Miles Stanton, Bun Bucks,
London England, says : " I have
prescribed Scott's Emulsion, and
taken it myself. It is palatable,
efficient, and can be tolerated by
almost anyone, especially where cod
liver oil itself cannot be borne.
Sold by all Druggists, 50c. and $1.(0.
-The Ingersoll by-law fur a loan
of $50,000 to Warnock & Nelles
was defeated by 374 in favor to 77
against, the number of votes
necessary to carry beigg 506.
A fatal attack of croup is a fre-
quent occurrence among children,
Every household should be guarded
by keeping Hagyard's Pectoral Bal-
sam at hand. It breaks up colds,
coughs, croup, asthma and bronchitis
in a remarkable manner.
-Voting in Coliingwood on 'a
by-law to raise $55,000 fur water
works and electric Tight and a by•
law to raise $20,000 fur a new town
hall was carried by a majority of
334 and the latter by 168.
B. B .13 noon 1'IIE 'TEST.
"I tried every known remedy I
could think of for rheumatism with.
out giving melan,y relief, until I tried
Burdock Blood Bitters, which remedy
I can highly recommend to all of ic-
ted as 1 was." Henry Smith, Mil-
verton, Ont
-The members of the Indiana-
polis Ministerial Association want
five dollars for every prayer they
offer in the State Legislature.
BURDOCK PILLS euro sick head
ache by regulating the stomach
liver and bowels.
Kean, au Orillia berth -
ter, had both legs crushed by
slipping under the cars as be was
getting oil on his return home.
Amputation was performed but the
unfortunate man did nut recover.
A. big strike was Make when Pow011
& Davis issued their Extract of arsap-
arilla and Burdock. 11 has met with
great success, and it must, for it is the
moot powerful blood purifier iu the note
ket. It is used with the greatest success
n all diseases arising from a debilitated
conditeen of the system, and everyone
needs. and should use a bottle or two at
this wage.' of the year, of Powell'e Ex
tract ofSarsaparilla and Burdockhear
in mind one 50c. bottle contains more
solid medicine tban most dollar so-called
Sarsaparilla and bitters Also remember
that it is sold in Clinton by ail druggists,
price 50c. a bottle. Sold by all drug-
gists and medicine dealers everyt3ltere.
-The Postutaster General has
issued a circular to postmasters for-
bidding iu future the presentation
of addressee and testimonials by
officials to those placed in authority
over them.
THERE IS NO BE'p'I'Elt remedy
for worms of any kind in children
or adults than :Dr. Low's t\ arm
• --A novel Itutiou is threatened
over the difficulty arising Dom the
Stationing Committee of the Nixga•
ra Conference having sent to Silncue
a minister in spite of the protests
of the people. The members of
the church have been in the habit
of holding a weekly prayer sleeting
in the school -room on an evening
not otherwise occupied. The trus-
tees are now threatened with an
injunction by a leading legal firm
in Toronto to restrain thein from
allowing the people IA) pray or
engage in any • act ut' 'religious
service in the school -room or
Please inform your readers that I
have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad
to send two bottles of my remedy
FREE to any of your readers who have
consumption if they will send. me
their Express and P. 0. address
Respectfully, Dr.' A. T. SLOCUM,
37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. 499y
-About 11:30, Jany 8., William
)Corr, while engaged putting on
roofing on the new, town hall at
a\ruprior, slipped • and fell a dis-
tance of 45 feet and was fatally
-Jahn Ilobertsou was killed in
Brooke swamp while chopping. A
lodged tree fell upon him, where
he Ives; found some time afterwards
by his brother,
--It will be remembered that
oCentral bank-liiquidators, ex-
iayor Howland, Wm..Gooderhaln
and Win. Lye asked for $56,345.31
for their services, and that the
toaster -in -ordinary instructed them
to recast their accounts 011 a lower
• Lasid. The accounts as recast wore
submitted to the master, and
were reduced from the former
amount to $17,152,52, or rather
less than a third of the amount
-Tho following, signed by
Bishop Cleary's secretary, has
appeared in the Kingston papers :
"Permit me to inform the public,
through you, that a person in the
grab of a priest, professing to be a
pastor in the apostolic vicariate of
Potable with six hundred families
for his congregation, is moving
aboet this city and the adjacent
country, carrying with hien priestly
vestments and other requisites fur
the celebration of plass. The bislrop
does not know this than, nor is his
•name or that of the mission to
which he says he belongs registered
in the ecclesiastical directory for the
v;e,tni.tte of hunting." •
Mrs. Agnes Cole, of St. Thomas,
mother of Robert Cole, one, df the
successful candidates -for -alderman
in No. 5 \Vara, attended the pulling
booth about four o'clock to record
herr vote, and while in the act of
marking the ballot fell to the floor.
!ler tion, who was standing near at
hand, hastened to her and found
that she had been struck with
t..,1,l..is. 1a1to unfortunate lady
was carried into Dr. Collis' surgery,
w 11(00' she was conveyed to her
An ohl physician, retired front practice,
having had placed in his hands by an
East India Missionary the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy
and permanent cure of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all
throat and Lung affections, also a positive
and radical cure for Netv011a Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, after having test-
ed its wonderful curative powers in thous-
ands of cases, has felt it his duty to make
it •known to his suffering fellows. Actua-
ted by -this motive and a desire to relieve
14untan suffering. I will send fee oi'
charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in
German, French or English, with full
directions for preparing and using. Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp, naming
this paper. W. A. Nuviu, 149 Power's
Blork, Roches'etN, Y. 507 sow.
-Nannie Scruggs, a well-dressed,
respectable and rather good-looking
woman, aPproached constable Dun-
can in Hamilton on Tuesday after
noon and wanted to be taken to the
chief of police. The woman just
arrived from I3rooklyn and acted
very strangely. As soon as she got
off the train she went to the tele-
graph office and wanted to send a
dispatch to the Queen notifying her
majesty of her arrival, She told
the constable that the Prince of
Wales had promised to marry hor,
but that he went back on her and
married her sister. She wanted the
Canadian police to bring him to
time. The unfortunate woman 1s
continually talking about the Queen
and the Prince of Wales. • She says
she would have been here years ago
had not the nogroes in the south
stolen her money and prevented
her. She gave Chief McKinnon
the addresses .of several friends in
Virginia and Brooklyn, and he will
communicate with them. In the
meantime Miss Scruggs will be de-
tained by the police.
RR. Mraria' BOO
Cloth &Cold Binding
144 Pa..r, silk BI..I Srlra
11SSL ID Valla
Iddr.w. P. 0. Dos 1810.1.1.
Liar Orr raree PAJ.4.08. OIIua. • =it*
1 Peron. Congestion, Inflammations... 95
2 Worms. Worn) Fever. Worm Collo.... .95
3 crying (.one or Teething of Infanta .25
4 Diarrhea, a Children or Adults .95
5I)yysontery Gripiog` Biliou.Cuho25
0 Yholera Morbu., Vomiting .25
qq oughe. Cold Bronchitis .2f[,
Neuralgia, 'Toothache Yeceaoha . "95
B Headaches, Sick heartache, Vertigo.955
moms.Bilious Stoaysoh 135
8 preeseor Painful )Periods..... LD
Whites, too Frame Periods .95
Croon Cough, Difficult Breathing...- .25
salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Eruptions25
Rheutnatisrn, It gamine Pains .25
Never and Ague Chills, Malaria.50
Plies, Blind or Bleeding . .50
Catarrh, Influenza, Cod in the Head .50
Whooping Coush VioleatCougghs50
General Uebinty,Y'hysloal Weaane69 . .50
Kidney License 50
Nervous Debility 2.00
Urinary 'W eaknees, Wetting Berl.50
Ulae, see of the Heart. Palpatation1.00
Bold by Druggiste,_or eegtpostpaidPi*TCSeipt of
price.-. We11e a Richardson Co., Agents, 04131o.
0411 Street Montreal.
Is the oldest 1100 most popular scientific and
mechanical paper punished :old has the largest
circulation of any paper of its claws in the world.
Frilly illustrated. Rost Maass Of Wood Murray -
logs. Published weekly,. ,'and for specimen
coppyy.� Price $3 n 58212. 1oItr 1 ) )1:3' trail, $1.
OIUNN & C0., tU iJ.I5nlilt5, ))U Ll uxdu•ay, N.F.
Edition of Scici:tiio American.
A great sucel'88. I•::,rh Issue contains cetored
lithographic plate•., „f ...r11.:.1r•' inid chi. residen-
ces or milli,L.. ievil• , , I_ra,vu,go
and full plans un.) .,,• i:,�;�,�.';'.. ,,r a u..c ut
such its corn etupisto .. toi :!Jiafele. ', n )ear.
25 eta. a dopy. .`.11'ts; ., 1, 1't .. .1'h: It.9.
FT,T1-:- -• .. •..•-.1: ..). be 21.1-I1r.
)-. , ,: fill tit l'.\.\
'Alai d:,-.1.:1 4. 1,-; hew, 3)))2,812
-Ou Saturday htat a woman
respectably connected entered a St
Thomas store and inspected the
stock of furs, having expressed her
inteutiou of purchasing a •muff
She examined a number of the
goods on sale, but left without pur-
chasing, expressing her intention
of calling again. Monday morning
one of the clerks missed a valuable
$20 plink muff and the woman in
question was at once suspected of
having yielded to the temptation of
the moment and purloined it. Her
house was aucordingiy visited, and
the stolen muff found. Tho tassels
which were originally on the muff
had been removed, and others sub-
stituted in their place in order to
change its appearance. Tho muff
was restored to its owners, who
declined to prosecute, owing to the
respectable connections of the klep-
"For three months I could not eat
a full meal or do.a day's work. I
bought a bottle of Burdock BlOod
Bitters, began using it, find in three
days my appetite returned, in a week
I felt like a new man. It was won
derful what that one bottle did for
me,"writes Arthur Allchin, of Hunts-
ville, Muskoka, who suffered from
-Z. F. 'Cuisine, a Michigan
fishermatl, hats petitioned Congress
t ) dem;unl from Canada, on his be -
hal f,.$20,000damages for the seizure
of his nets near near Drummond
Island. The case involves the loca-
tion of. the boundary line in the
district where he was fishing.
1(1 y lees' '8I')' : • I.,:cv mode IJ M.
100, 1 applications forve n•rioarl and For,
sign pntelds. ,:nn,V fur it andbuuk. Correa.
pondencestrictly c^uJ,te; tial.
In ease Intuit registered )te
Int un1ce,,apfyMUNN0112pou e
Immediate protection. Send fur Handbook.
COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, mom
etc., quickly procured. Address
11IUNN B: CO., Patent Solicitors.
]U1'SE AND TWO LOTS for sale or to let,
_ situate on Albert street. For particulars
apply at T. COOPPat .Si SON'S Guroecry, Clinton
May 13th, 1888. 406 -Lf
T. Milburn & Co.,
Tilsonbu.rg, March 150, 1887.
Sirs, -Please ship at once three
dozen B. B. Bitters. Best selling
medicine in the shop. Sold seven
bottles to -day. Yours truly, C.
'The above sample is hut one of
the hundreds of similar expressions
regarding B. B. B.
THE HOLIDAYS ARE PA.ST, but 1 5141 seilitig just •
Give me a call ani you will tint) that what we say is correct. Thanking
the publto for past patronage, I hope to merit by rause attention to !tusk
nt'ss a still larger share in future.
Furniture Dealer. &c.
Opposite Tutt'u ilall, Clintoly Out
Cheap for Cash is Our Motto.
Geo: Swallow, Clinton.
-- nr ---
Life - Insurance - Agents !
One case American NedI'wear
(very handsome), from 20c. up to 50e. A call respectfully solicited.
0 -MCD _ 0-1_1ASO-O
PER 81,000. --
A'e 2>51 Cast for 1855, also 1886.. 66 00
3q .. 666
35 „ 6 °.
14 1)4
40 „ o t3
o 45 .. 7 51);
50 8 'ss
.. „
6O ,
tT Definite Insurance at the ahove rates.
See me before you insure in any company.
and understand our plan. At the age of
40, the cost for $5,000 was about $35 for
1885, also for 1886
See us before you decide.
-Mr. Smuck of Sarnia seized a
.lamp in' which the oil had caught
fire and was in the act of restoring it
outside of the house when itoxplod-
ed. Tho burning fluid spurted
over his clothes, which aeon became
ignited. 'Mrs. Smuck went to his
assistance and tried to smother the
-flames that wore fast developing
her unfortunate husband, and in
so doing her own clothes' took fire.
The fiances were finally extinguished)
but not before Mr. Smack's head
had been entirely shorn of the hair
and his back had become one great
blister. Mrs. Stuuck was severely
burnt about the arm.
• "Having used B. B. B. for bilious-
ness and torpid liver, with the very
best results 1. would recommend it to
all thus troubled. The medicine is
worth its weight in gold. Tillie
White, Manitowaning, Ont.
Aov11To i.l,Tnan8 -Are you dis-
turbed at. night and broken of,your rest
by a sick child suffering and crying with
pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at
once and get a bottle of 1'Mrs Winstow'e
,Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething.
'Its value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor tilde sufferer immediately. De-
pend upon it, niothers i there is no mis-
take about it. It cures Dysentery and
Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the
Gums, reduces Mammal ion, and gives
tone and energy to the whole system.
"Mrs Winslow's Soothing syrup" for
children teething 18 pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the oldest
and hest female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all
druggists throughout the world. Price
25c. a bottle. Ile surd and ask for "Mrs
W'inslow'sSoothing Syrup," and take no
other kind.
Jas. Thompson, Agent
Murray Block, Albert Street.
f jIIIE SUBSCRIBER offers for Rale foil; eligible
Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; also
two fronting oh Rattenbury Street; either en
bloc or in separate lots, to Butt purchasers. For
further particulars apply to the undersi:;ne,1 -E.
DINSLEY, Clinton. 382
-The death is announced ofJohn
131ue. son., one of the oldest resi-
dents of Oxford 'Township, at the
advanced age of one hundred yna.ts
and eight months. Mr. Blue was
born in Lochgilphead,Argyloshire,
Scotland, and emigrated to this
country in 1820. He leaves four
sons, one of thotn,Mr. Arch. Blue,
Deputy Minister of Agriculture for
"Last January," says 3. N. Teeple,
of Orwell, Ont., "there appeared
diphtheria in our neighborhood.
Doctors ran night and day, but I
kept right to lingyard's Yellow 0i1
and brought my children through all
right•" Yellow Oil cures all painful
complaints and injuries.
We call the special attention of Post
nasters and snbscribers to the following
synopsis of the newspaper laws :-
1-A postmaster is required to give
aptite BY LE'rrZlt (returning a paper dots
cot answer the law) when a subscriber does
not take his paper out of the office, and
tate the reason fdr its not being taken.
Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster
responsible to the 'publishers for payment.
2 -If ally person orJars his paper dis-
)ontinned, he must pay all arrearages, it 01
the publisher may continue to send
until 'payment is matte, and collect the
whole amount, whether it he taken fron
the office or not. There can be u.o legal
rliscontinuatice until tile' payment is made
3 -Any person who takes a paper front
the post -office, whether directed to his
name or another, or whether he has sub-
scribed or not, is responsible for the pay,
,V -If a subscriber orders his paper to ha
stopped at a certain time, and the publish,
er continues to scud, it the subscriber t
hound to pay (crit if he takes it out of tie
post -office. This proceeds upon the grown
that a roan must pay for what he uses
,c; Spo oner's Hotel, Albert Street
TheN ews-Record
would be an excellent present to send to friends -ogle
'they .would remember the year round.
afirIn the Division Court in Goderich
at the November sitting a newspaper put •
lusher sued for pay of paper. The de1311C-
ant objected paying on tile ground that he
had ordered a former 1,roprietor of the
paper to discontinua it. The Judge held
that that was not a valid defence. The
plaintiff, the present proprietor, had no
:naive 121 diseontinne end rmisc'p:ently
could colleet, although it was not denied
that defendant had notified former pro-
prietor to discontinue. In any event
defendant was bound to pay for the tine
he had received the paper and until he
had paid all arrears due for snbscrlption.
People are apt to get greatly exci-
ted in case of sudden accident and
ini)try. Itis well to he prepared for
such emergencies. Ilagyard'a Yellow
1 lil is the handiest remedy known for
burns, scalds, bruises, lameness, pain
and all wounds of the flesh, 1t is
used internally anti externally.
The News -Record makes a specialty of the
finest Printing.
JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture,
Call at the New Store and see the stock of
Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs,
Mattrasses, ole, and general Household Fnrnitnre. The whole Stoelc is from the very
best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every deseription.
JOS. CIiIDLEY. one door West of Dickson's Book Store.
• 1