HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-01-16, Page 1!IT1IHuT QN NEWS-REC 01111 TERMS;—e1.50 per Annum, 81.25 In Advance. INDEPENDENT LN ALL TIMINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTEING WHITELY Its TODD, runnel -Jess VOL. X.—NO. 5. CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNLSDA Y, JANUARY 16. 1889 goat (5erre pondenlcc. Goderich. The town of Goelerich is now one of the hest lighted municipali- ties in Canada. Mr. Alex. Kirkbride who• has been seriously ill the Inst ten Jays, is now steadily improving. Dr. Magnin oue of the brothers recently sent to the Reformatory, died , last week from an attack of Diptheretic Croup. The tea meetiug at the Uuiou church, Goderich Township, last Friday evening, was largely attend• ed, many residents of the circular town being among the number. At the last regular meeting of Huron lodge No. 62, I. 0. 0. F., 14.1).-G. Ilei, r- F. `ruins installed the following officers :—N. G. Bro. J. Straiton ; V. G. Bro. W. Proudfoot; R. S. Bro. G. H. Nairn ; P. S. Bro. Geo. Stivens; Tress Bro. C. A Nairn ; Warden • Bro. T. Gundry ; Conductor Bro. D. Cautelon ; R. S. N. G. No. J. Roberts; R. S. V. 0. Bro. G. Elliott ; L. S. V. G. Bros. Jas. Inkster ; 0. G. Bro. A. Johnston. Bro. F. W. Johnston, W. Proudfoot and D. Cantelon %yere:elected trustees fur the current year, and Bros. J. -Roberts, H. W. Ball and J. W. Smith district lodge delegates. Mr. J. S: McDougall who for so niauy years occupied the position of Div, Court Clerk in this town, died last Wednesday. The deceased who had reached the patriat•chial age of 74, had been coufiued to his bed fur some weeks, and so severe was his case considered, that his do iso was the only 'termination looked for. Mr. McDougall, though occupying a trying position, per- formed trio duties of his office with such skill and kindness as to retain the friendship of the suitors in his Court and a moug the general public, (nut forgetting the little ones who will long remember his niauy fruit bounties) he was much respected. The funeral took place ou Friday morning from deceased's late residence to St. Peters, whore IIigh Mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Walsh, and from thence to •• the Colborne cemetery. About forty • gentlemen were present on Tuesday of last week at a farewell dinner given to Mr. M. G. Cameron, on his leaving town to practice law in Toronto. The dinner gotten up by Mr. Geo. Cox of the British, was a sump teous one, and was highly spoken of by those present. The toasts and speeches were, with the exeep• tiou ofr': that of the guest of the evening, of the usual post prandial kind. Mr. Catneron in answer to the toast "tlie guest of the evoning" made a manly and eloquent res- ponse, and 'we may say that, should he live up to the professions, made on the occasion, ore many years have passed M, G. will be oue,of the loading legal lights of Toroto. We regret very much the removal of Mr. M. G. Catneron, as he was one of the few of his class that interest themselves in the town's welfare from an ardent desire to advance the prospects of their fellow citizens, and was (oven when elections were not in prospect) a gonial citizen, and a kindly friend to many. We hope that our ex Dopy Reeve's "bold step in jump- ing into the midst of the keenest competition," will shew "that the hill has never yet lifted its face to Heaven that porseyerence will not gain the summit of at last." On Wednesday las: Ait'. E. Bing• ham, who had been seriously ill for some weeks, departed this life. Tho decease of our old townsman was "sudden and most unexpected at •,tho time as only a few hours previously' ho seemed to be impro- ving steadily. • The 'deceased had been councillor for St. Andrews for many years, most of which time he held the position of chairman of the Public works committee. As ,p councillor he was moat energetic, freely devoting his time and talents to the town needs. Tho funeral took place from the deceased's late residence on Friday afternoon and was very largely attended, Messrs. W. L. Horton, Jno. G. Stivens, M. G. Cameron, D. C. Strachan, S. Malcolrnsou, and being the pall bearers: The Oddfellows, of which order deceased was a member, wore present at the inter- ment, thoir funeral services being conducted at the grave by Bros. Wm. Proudfoot and Geo. Stivens. The rector of St. George's, Rev. W. Young, conducted the church 'servi- ces at the house and at .the grave. Tho•deceasod will be much missed by a host of friends, his residence on -Huron's banks having always boon open ; and the geniality and whole -heartedness with which he dispensed his hospitality will often he recounted in the years to come. Xatal Corrtspondure. WHOLE NO. 531 Goderich. The beautiful is sufficiently plentiful to make good sleighing. Our County council assembles next Tuesday. Mr. J. D. Swanson hes resumed his studies at Knox college. Mrs. S. Black made her usual trip to the Queen city last week. Reeve Kelly of Blyth was in the circular town last week. Air. H. E. Rothwell was in town this week. M. G. Cameron lett this week fur Toronto. Tho Town Council assembled on Monday evening and concluded the '.ear's business. --.-• ,z.41_• There will be a'cottage meeting in the Temperance hall Saltford next Frid.ty evsuing. There will be an °pets meeting of the High School Literary Society on Friday evening, The returning officer decided the tie in St. Patricks ward in Favor of Mr. F. Pridham. Mr. W. T. Whitely of THE NEWS - RECORD was in town last Wednes- day. Mr. E. Woodcuck arrived in town on Friday on his return from Denver, Colorado. Mr. Chas Seager his received the appointment of Div. Court Clerk fur Goderich. The young woman's Christian Temperance Union, met at the residence of Mrs. Hendei'sun 'on Monday evening. An open meeting under the auspices of the W. C. T. U.,. was hold iu the Temperance hall, last evening. Mr. Win. ltothwell, formerly a resident of Goderich has been elected to the council of the town of Galt. Our .old townstnan, Conductor D. Holmes, now takes charge of the - passengers between Londoti and the Suspension bridge. In our last through a transpo• sition of names the votes given In St. Davids ward ,were •not correctly stated. Mr. J. W. Smith received 182 votes and Mr, R, Thompson 145. The, North street Methodist church young people, had a very enjoyable social at the residence of Mr. E. Downing on Monday even- ing. Refreshments were plentiful, and an excellent programme of music was presented, At the regular meeting of Huron Encampment No. 28, I. 0. 0. F. ou Monday evening the following Patriarchs were elected and install- ed for the present torin, Patriarch T. Guidry 0,-,P.; J. F. Jones S. W.; A. B. Cornell H. P.; G. H. Nairn, R. S.; H. 'W. Ball F. S.; W. H. Murney Treas.; J. W. Smith J. W.; C. W. Andrews Guide; M. J. Proud - foot 1. W.; J. Straiton 2. W,; J. M. Farquharson 3. W.; W. Knight 4.W;; P Bolt 1. G. of T.: J. Roberts 2 0 of T. The installing officer-D.D.G. P. Philip Halt was assisted by Patri- archs lIeberts and M. J. Proudfoot. ]Bayfield. A hali•isy tree meeting in connec- tion with :he Methodist Church, Bayfield, y is held on Thursday Jany - 10, at Mr, .1 Imes Spackman's Sauble Line. It was for the scholars at- tending the Sabbath School. There were about 50 of them present, be- sides about 40 others. The Rev. Mr. Hill presided. Music was furnish- ed by Mrs. James, Miss Erwin and Miss Wallis. A very pleasant tilde was ,pont until about eleven o'clock. Bell grave. Miss Lexie Morton, left for Clinton on Thursday to attend the Collegiate Instituto there. A young man named Harrison had his shoulder dislocated while removing the box from a waggon on Thursday last. Though a largo quantity of snow fell during the recent storm there is no sleighing, the high winds having drifted the snow from the road in some places and piling it up in others. Owing to the inclemency of the weather on Wednesday evening, the crowd was somewhat smaller than usual at the Literary, notwith- standing which an excellent pro- gramme was rendered. The object of interest next evening will bo a municipal election for which the following nominations were made: —For Mayor, M. F. McKinnon4and J. Tovell ; Reeve, R. Sterling and C. McClelland; Councillors, J. G. Stewart, S. McCumnlings, J; Tyner J. Gillies, F. Wheeler, and J. Wat- son. *ddtttounl gorn10 Purelu Orange Locals. Tal News•RBonau at an times mill be pleased to receive Items of auwA In cunneerltln wits. Soeiet)or Church- in all cases the name of the writer or sender to accompany the same (nuc forpublication), merely 00 It guarantee of good faith.—En. NiLE.—Thera will h., a l;ayal Arch Mooting at the N i;u 011 Wed- nesday the 23rd January, visiting brethreu are cordially invited to attend. TuRNBERI(Y 0t8•rnicr ELECT ION. —tiros. George Pettypiece, \V D. M.; Jos. Wilkinson, 1). 1), M.; It. J. Forbes, Treas.; ltobt. Bloomfield Chap.; John Peacock, Rees. Secy.; J. Brydgos, Fin. Secy.; Jos. Curtis, )I ect,; John Davison, Di[ CYr: GODERICti DISTRICT ELEC'r10N.— The annual meeting was held in the hall of 153, Colborne, and was well attended. The electiou of officers resulted as follows :—Bros. Geo. Hanley, W. 1). M.;• Richard Tichbonrne, 1). I). M.; John Reid, Chaplain ; John iieacom, Secretary; Adam Cantelon, Treasurer ; James Wells, Fitt. Sec.; Geurge Sheppard, •D. of C ; John Boxall and \Vm. 4teveuson. Lecturers. STANLEY DISTRICT ELECTION.— Tho annual meeting of this District was held in the Varna temperance hell, lh'o. Junes Reid, W. 1). M. in the clean'. The following are the officers fur 1889 :—W. I). M., Joseph Foster, 308 ; 1). D. M., Hubert Nicholson, 833 ; Chaplain, \Vm, Rathwell, 1035 ; R. 8., John Consitt, 308 ; 1?. S., John Torrance, 1035; Treasurer, Jluues Cainpbel1, 1035 ; D. of C., John L.' Parke. 833 ; Lecturers, Michael Dupee, 24, and \Vui. Taylor, 1035. Past W. D. M., James Reid. B.IYFIELD.—A tea meeting and concert will be held in the town hall hayfield, on Wednesday even- ing, J,u[u.try 300, under the auspi- ces of the Orange Young Britons. A splendid programme has been pre- pared: Tea from 6 30 t$ 7.30, concent at 8. Oakes' glee club from Clinton, the Porter's Hill baud, singers from a distance, Orange address by A. M. Todd, of Clinton, and Rev. Mr. Hudgins has also promised to bo present. Everybody is invited. Tickets aro Dow on sale. CLINTON.—L. 0. L. 710 mot Monday evening; there was a good attendance. Two applications for admission were presented and re- ceived. The lodge is still progress- ing. Tho baud is getting in shape and had a meeting last night. A special meeting will. be held on Wednesday evening,. January 30th, when initiations will take place, degrees conferred, and final arrange- ment.s made fur attending the county meeting at Exeter the first Tuesday in February. WAWANOs[I DISTRICT ELECTION. —The auuual District Meeting of Wawanosh L. 0. L. was held at Dungannon on Tuesday the 8th when the following officers were duly elected : W. D. M., Joseph Mallough ; D. D. M, Richard Mor- row ; Rec-Sec., R Mcllwaiu ; Fin - Sec., J. Bowers ; Treas„ S. Stothers, Chap., J. Tiggert ; D. of C., John Hackett ; Leet., William Mcllwaiu. The semi-annual mooting will bo held at Donnybrook, and the next annual meeting will be held at the Nile. \WINTIIROP.—The election of offi- cers of L. 0. L. No. 813 res'Iltod as follows:—Bros. John Scarlett, W. M.; James IIorney, D.M.; William Dyner; Chap.; Henry Scarlett, R.S.; Robert Boyd, F.S.; Anthony Boyd, Treas.; Wm. Bullard, D. of C.; W. IIorney and R. Scarlett, Lecturers ; A. Robertson, F. Robertson, J. II. Campbell, D. AlcCntcheon, J. Bull- ard, Committee. After the election of officers and other business was over, the Orange lodge was closed and reopened on the Purple, to which degree Bros. J. Carter and T. IIorney were advanced. All then partook of• refreshments and after satisfying the inner man, wont home quite satisfied with the night's pro- ceedings. iIULT.ETT DISTRICT ELECTION.— Tho annual mooting of Hallett Dis- trict Lodge was hold in Clinton. The attendance showed an increased interest in the order. From 813, McKillop—a long distance to drive —no' loss than six were present. Tho following office-boarers were elected and installed :—W. 1). M., Robert Scarlett ; I). D. M., A. M. Todd; Chaplain, James Honey ; R. S., Peter Cantelon; F. S., H. Scar- lett; Treas., 1). Cantelon ; D. of C., Wm, A. Rose ; Lecturers, Win. Homey and ']'hos. Kearns. Tho meeting ens ono of the most suc- cessful for a long time, and.thi+. pre• senco of the Mesa's*, Scarlett, Boyd, and IIorney added mach to the success of the meeting. 'Additional gairnlo • fiIDDULPII DISTRICT ELECTION.— Tire Orange District of Biai lulph met at Lucan. The election of ufli ;ors resulted as follows :— W. 1), ML, Bro. John Neil ; D. I). M., Jas. Gathers ; Chap. D. Poulter ; Rec-Sen., \Vru. Satnders ; Fiu•Soc., G. Greeve ; 'Teas.., N. Groeve ; Dir. to Cur., F, Davis, jr.. Lecturers, R. Culbert and fledges. GooertmU DISTRICT R. S. CHAPTER ELEU1ION.—At the annual meeting of the Goderich District Royal Scar- let Chapter held in the ()rouge Hall. Goderich, the following officers were elected fur the ensuing year. Sir Kut Comps. G. Manley W. 0, in 0.; R. Tichbourno Ex. C. F. McCartney C. Scribe.; J. Reid C. Treas.; • Lt. •l.'-lunktltt Chap.; 4. (rraigie S. K. H. at A.; W Cro )ks In. 11.; L. Elliott 0. I1. The Chapter adjourned to meet in the Hall of Loyal Orange Lodge Nu. 306, Goderich Township, on Sstur- day, the 19th inst at 7 o'clock, p. in. OPEN MEETING AT SUMME1tnILL. —There will be au op.rn meeting its the hall of L. 0. L. Nu 928 on Thursday evening the 17th Inst. Mr. A. M. 'todtl of TUE NEWS RE- CORD will deliver -his 'cativo "0rangeisut Explained." There will also be an address by Nit.. E. Floody, Cu. ,\l aster, and a number of selections of vocal and itintru- mental music, be3ides readings and recitations. The proceedings will continence at 7.30 p.m. All lovers of liberty in church and state are cordialiy iuvited to attend. County \[as',er bloody visite, No 928 :it its janitor), electing. R. B. P. DEGREE MEETING. At the close of the county meet- ing Jubilee Preceptory was opened for the conferring of degrees. The presence of county officers was taken advantage • of, and they rendered valuable assistance. 111 this con— nection Sir Kts. Root. A, Winters, Richard Bloomfield, Thos. Stewart •and Robert Bloomfield are worthy of special mention. Tho Goderich Sic Knights had to take the early ttaiu for horde. Four Sir Knights were advanced to the highest degree its• .the Orange institution, that of the Red Cross. The meeting Was one of the most successful 161 has had since the opening, and every- thing bids fair for a very prosporons year. Lunch .was provided, short addresses given, votes of thanks tendered the visitors, and the meet• ing brought to a close. County Grand Black Chapter of Huron and Perth. AD THE ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS. • TIIE RETIRING COUNTY MASTER, SIR R. BLOOMFIELD,RECOGNIZED. The above Chapter assembled in the Clinton Orange hall ou Friday afternoon last. Among those pro- sont we noticed Sir Kts, Richard Bloomfield, Robt. Bloomfield, Thos. Stewart, Robert A. Winters, W. I -I. Murney, James Wells, John Reid, George Hanley, John Scarlett, D. 13. Calbick, A. M. Todd, Albert Anderson, F`, Shepherd, E, Floody, Chas. T. Spooner, and others. The reports from Listowel, llluovalcr, Blyth, Goderich, Clinton, etc., gave strong proof that the Order was in a prosperous state and • growing. The County Chapter®will memori•tl- ize the Provincial as to the advisa- bility of forming a fund for the burial of deceased Sir Knights. Co. G. M. Bloomfield's report was as follows : eo N•rY t:t1.tND MA3.1'ER'S REPORT. To the Right Worshipful the County Grand Black Chapter of Huron and Perth : Dear Sir Knights and Brethren of the Orange and Royal Black Institution,—We are once more spared at this our annual meeting to greet each other under that great all•seeing eye of Divine Providence, which has watched over us during the past year and again permitted us to assem- ble in the bonds of friendship and true brotherly love. Dear Sir Knights, I am glad to say that the Black Institution in general, and within out local jurisdiction in particular, is 01 a prosperous condition. During thelast year Listowel Preceptory has been paced in good wor,kiug order, and has initiated seven of the Kincardine Sons of Levi at one meeting. These seyon Sir Knights organized a Royal Black Pre- ceptory in the town'of Kincardine. i am pleased to know that the Royal Black Order is progressing so well in the totvn of Clinton, under the, able ability of my friends and brothers, Sir Knights A.. M. Todd,Genrge Hanley and others. Ily this. time next year Jubilee Preceptory No. 161 will likely be the banner Preceptory 6f the united counties of Huron and Perth. Dear Sir Knights, you are no doubt all aware the Supreme Grand Black Chapter of British North America will hold its annual session in the town of Goderich the coming June; it will be your duty to appoint a committee to receive the visiting Sir Knights. I have been your represent- ative the past three years. It will he im• possible for me to represent you at the corning Snpreine session, as I leave about die first of April for Queensland, Australia, 4ddttion31 Virgo to become a resident of that colony. It is with the deepest sorrow and regret that I part with you all to make uow friends and acquaintances in•that distant country. I can say this, I have proved you all ou the SQUARE towards me since I have become your County Grand Master, especially my old and esteemed friend Sir 'Knight John Reid, of Goderich. It will be necessary fur you, Sir 'Knights, to elect a new County Grand Master, a Knight of the Red Cross degree, to take my place, one who will look after the Royal Black In- stitution and the Orauge Older is general. I therefore tender to you my resignation as County Grand Master. I return to you all my sincere thanks lir placing your confidence, iu mo the past truce years. May the great Three its One, and One hi Throe guide and protect you all as true and Christian Knights of the Camp of Israel. ELEc'l•1ON °L• ovriCEIIH. Sir..Kt.' W. I(„ Murney, 315, Gcdlericlt, Co. • Grand Master. A. M. Todd, 161, Clinton, Cuuuty Deputy Gland Master. '• ,Robt. Bloomfield, I26, Blnevale, Chaplain. Robert Plunkett, 315; -Dep. Chap. James Wells, 315, Godeieh, Salt - ford P.O., Registrar. R Floody, 397, Blyth, Dep. Rear. ,lohn Reil, 315, 'Treasurer. Albert Anderson, 161, Dep. Treas. Win. Laidlaw, 397, Lecturer. D. 11. Calbick, 101, Deputy Lnet. Thus. Stewart, 126, Std. Bearer. J no. Scar let t, 161, 2nd Std. Bearer. tiaorge Hanley, 161, Censor. Wet, McGill, 397, 2ual Censor. Rubt. A. Winters, 1.6, Pursuivaut. Sir Kts. A. Woodman 397, Peter Cant.elen 161, Frank Shepherd 161, Matthew Alm risun 397, Robert Scarlett 161, 'Thomas Hearns 161, and William Johnston 126, lamed Conuuattee. The officers were installed by Sir Kts. Bloomfield and Murney. A committee was appoiuted to prepare a suitable address of welcome to the Supreme Grand Black Chapter at the coming session in Goderich. Retiring County G. M. Bloomfield was greatly surprised on beiug asked to stand up while the following was road : A DD REM AND PRESENTATION. Richard Bloomfield, Esq., l'ast C. 0.•,lf. • of Huron and Perth : - Dear Sir Knight,—We, th'± officers and members of this County Grant Black Chapter learn with deep regret that you are about to leave this fair county-Cau- ada—for Anstralia. During your resi- dence of a lifetime in the County of Huron, we can but say that all your actions have been meritorious. . The glorious Black Institution has prospered under your care as our highest county olicer, grown in importance, and to -day the Order in this county has few equals in the Province. We desire to acknowledge your indefatigable interest its the Order and our affection for you, and would ask you to accept this EMBLEM of the ];lack Order, not on account of its value, but merely as a slight token of our esteem. \Ve sincerely wish Mrs. Bloomfield and yourself a safe yoyage and a prosperous future in your new home. Though separ- ated by a vast stretch of laud and sea—fa month's voyage—we shall always cherish a fond remembrance of you. May the precepts of our Order guile and protect you and yours through the journey of life, and filially terminate in that grand Preceptory above where partings are no more. Signed on behalf of the County Grand Black Chapter. JoI[N SCA RLETT. at GEORGE 1'I AN LEY. JAMES WELLS. THOMAS STEWART. A. M. TomI1. Clinton-, January 11th, 1889. The address was road by Sir Kt. A. M. Todd and the presentation made by Sir Kt. Jatnes Wells. Sir Kt. Bloomfield replied in appropri- ate terms. , Tho next annual meeting will he held in the town of .Goderich, the second Friday i1 January, 1890. • tt • '4 t Blyth. ' Mr. Colles of Auburn " unloaded two carloads of Manitoba wheat for his mills on Monday. Miss May Tamin is at present indisposed, we hope soon to see her around again in her usual health. It is expected that the bell for the fire alarm will be at the station one day this Week, from Uncle Sam's territory. At the last meeting of the coun- cil our tax collector was instructed to have all the taxes collected by the 22nd inst. Mr. T. Bowden received a car load of excellent pine lumber from Secortl & Co. of Goderich, on Thursday. Chrystal and Black of the circular town are putting a new head and crown in the boiler of Ross and King's foundry here. On Saturday the Methodist peo- ple of Westfield had a large bee drawing brick from our brick yard for the erection of a 'handsome' edifice as soon as spring opens. The members of Count Morning Star No. 89 intend marching in a body to the English Church for divine service on Sabbath afternoon of the 27th. The young folks of both saxes are enjoying a little recreation on the creek skating and sleigh riding, thetie beautiful moonlight nights. Oh my ain't it lovely 4 gond 4 orritopondence (Blyth Mr. and Mrs. Wilson returned to their home in Michigan on Satur- day. Messrs, A. Belfry and Jos. Carter visited the Forest city on Friday. Mr. W. Levy loft here on Friday by road with six fine horses to deliver up to a purchaser in Lon- don. The Burling boys footed home from Goderichon Saturday. They had been spending a few holidays in castle Dixon. Our horse milliner, J. T. Carter, has got an extensive order for single and double light harness for Manitoba. John's t► pusher, Grand Royal Arch meeting of the members of L. 0. L. 963 was held in their hall on Monday. evening. This order is increasing very rapidly here. Mrs. Urqurhart having boou visiting her daughter Mrs. W. Mc- Elroy for the past six weeks re- turned to her home in Struthror ou Satturday. P. Kelly and Son unloaded a carload of wheat from Manitob t on Friday for their flouring mills. They expect some more eat:, from the sante place in a few days. Sacrament. of tl u Lord's Sapper was administered in the Presby- terian church on Sabbath morning. Rev. Mr. 11'EeQuarrie of Winghaw preached in the evening, also on Afouday morning, to large eongro• gatious, Goderich Township. The votiug for deputy reeve stood 310 for Beacon*, 259 for Whitely. For councillors, Churchill 280, Sturdy 236, Cooper 212, Elliott 209; Purvis 197 ; Townshend 85 ; Mc- Lellan 36. Mr. Fletcher McCartney while driving near Ltulmesville .vIondiy night of last week, along with Al r. Tebbittt,.was injured by the buggy capsizing and throwing both occu- pants out. Mr. Tebbutt escaped iu• jury, but Mr. McCartney had his shoulder.' dislocated and had to be put under the influence of chloro- form to have it put right. There will bo a social held in connection with St. Stephen's church, Huron Road Goderich Tp, at the residence of 'Mrs. Robert Whitely 5th con. ou Friday evening 18th inst, After supper, which will be served at 6.30, 1► musical and literary entertainment will be fur- nished by several ladies and geq(le- men who are expected to be present. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Doors opened at 6. Admission 15ets. The oyster supper and entertain- ment in connection with St. John's (English) church, Ilolmesville, came off in Mr. Swartz Hall. The cow• mitten of management had spared no pains to make it what it proved to be, a great success: After ample justice had been done to the good things with which the tables were loaded a crowded house greeted the Rev. Wm Craig, Rector of Clinton, Mr Shearer and the ladies and gentlemen of St. Paul's Church , choir who had very kindly' come out to furnish the musical and literary part of the evening enter- tainment. A lengthy programme was gone -through which was con- cluded by the singing of the Nit- ioual Anthem. The incumbent at the close thanked the Rev. Mr. Craig and the choir for their kind- ness in coming out. Aud the thanks of'the congregation are tendered to the lloltunsville Methodist church for their kindness in lending their church tables, benches, etc. for the entertainment. The net proceeds amounted to $26.45. , Editor News -Record. We, the rate.payera of School •-1,c- tion No. 10, Goderich Township, wish, through the columns of your valuable paper, to bear testimony to the high appreciation in which tri, hold our late teacher. Mr. J.1hn .1 Cooper. During the three years he has been among us he has cnndneted himself so as to endear himself to the hearts of both parents and children. As a teacher ho has made for hitnself a record equalled by few and excelled by none. During his term here eleven pupils have passed the High School Entrance 1:xamivation, which is not a 'bad showing for a rural school. At•tlte same time Mi. Cooper has not neglected to store his os\ n mind with useful knowledge, be have ing by his own private study obtained at the last midsnmmcr examination a first-class certificate, grade C. He leaves us to pursue his studios at the University in Toronto, cariyiug with him the best wishes of all for hitt lunare BUCCCSS. Signed, A R,1Tv, PiYEli. Goneaten Tr,, Jan. 11th, 1889. -,f