HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-01-09, Page 5Santa Smiles 1 Th -- Dry-Goods_Palace Why wouldn't he , espot'Ia'Ily when he sees the Piles of Low -rico Goods we offer. We invite everybody to See THE BARGAINS we offer. 'We wish all a - MERRY CHRISTMAS. 0 Geo. E. Pay & Co. The Dry -Goods Emporium, Clinton. The Clinton Lodge 1 O. O. F. Has the pleasure to announce the engagement, under Its auspices, of the worlddamed Ju!Igg - Singers, From Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., for ono of their Inimitable „ Concerts, Town Hall, Clinton, Jany. 16th. This is the Original Company that devoted over 0150,000 of Its earnings to the -building of Fisk University, that made two wonderfully successful tours Abroad, the guests of Kings and Queens and Prime Ministers, and. that sung by special invitation for Presidents Grant, Mayes, Garfield and Arthur. "I never so enjoyed music." - REV. CHAS. 11. SPUROEON. "That music touches -it takes hold." - CROWN PRINCE or GERMANY. "Their songs open the fountain of tears." Riv, Tinto. L. Cures;, D. D, tar Plan of Hall and Tickets from T. WHITE, at S. Palisier's store. Reserved Seats 50c., Others 35c. MOORS OPEN AT 7,30 SLEIGHS FOR SALE. PAIR' LICHT BOB -SLEIGHS With box and two seats, nearly new and in excel. lent order.' Will be' sold reasonable. For par- ticulare apply at Tum NEWS -RECORD oaiee. 530 SCISSORS eharpened, llrizors ground and act and Umbrellas repaired. 'If left at Mr 8. Davis' hardware store will be Attended to by E, • FINCH. 527. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore t l (otin;; between to, the undersign• ed, as Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, under the mune, style and turn, of 1'A,5(5(1 & Iti:ren, In the Town of Clinton, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ail debts owing to the said partt:eiship are to be !,aid to .IAM'ns llta'r:t and all claims against the said l,artncrahip are to he pre- sented to the said JAMES Herrn, by whom the same will be settled. • Dated at Clinton, this 5th day of January, A.D. 1889. Witness, . T. I F. HILLiARD. D. B. CALBICK. JA51E$ ItEIT11, Notice of Partnership. The toregoing business will continue to be carried on by the undersigned, who kindly solicit a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, boinaleterrnined to give each department of their business the same prompt and careful con• sideration. Upholstering of ell kinds will remain under the personal supervision of EDWARD RxiTli. Clinton, January 5th, 1889. REITH BROTHERS. NOTICE. TIIE COUNTY COUNCIL of the Corporation of the County of Huron will greet In the Court House, in the Town of Ooderich, on TUESDAY, the 22nd inst. PETER ADAMSON, Countyclerk January 7th, 1889 530-21 tri rfi Is the oldest and most r r same scientific and mechanirr t pup, r pubii,lted and !', s the largest eircalation of any pupil of I's class ,n the world. Fully 111n,trnted. nest clops "f trood. Engrav- ings. Published weekly'. serol for specimen copy, l'rirc $3 a yaur, Pour months' trial, $1. MUN:7 & CO., 1'L'HI•I51IL'It:+, 811 Broadway, N.Y. ARCHITECTS Vit. SHILDERQ in Edition cr Scieni;lic American. la A great ;avow-, )lark 51110 colored lithographic plates ,1 ruun1r, anti enyresiden- ces or pul,llr, b,.,: (; . :�,.,.,,:,, and PM Man. nod • r:n. u• ,.,, ���rtlnu��c,. trigs aueh a s eontrmpiuL' I,uJcl: , . 1 - 26,cte. a copy,. MUNN & C',,., Pl: Di 1MIEICA. uaY':9®;rifbii ny n 1 ,e t'rr., w lr n 40 vrnrs• experience hey" had over 11X1,(rn appl klt 1 n for and and For- eign patents. Pend for ]landbook. Corres- pondence strictly r"ntldt'n1in!. TRADE MARKS. In ease your mark 1s not registered In the Pat- ent Office, apply to MUNN & Co., and procure immediate protection. Send fear !landbook. COPYRitltils for hanks, charts, maps, Pte., -quickly procured. Address MLINN & CO., Patent Solicitors. GENERAL OFFICE 1301 BnoADNAY, N. Y. FOR SALE OR TO LET T ODUE AND TWO LOTS for sale or t'b let, AL situate nn Albert street. For partleulars apply at T. COOPER & SON'S Orncerg, (;linton•' bray 13th, 1888. 498-tf J. C. STEVENSON! Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town hall. • Clinton, Ont COUNTY GRAND Bi.ACK CHAPTER OF PERTH, ROYAL BLACK KNIGHTS OF IRELAND. The Annual Meeting of the, County‘ Grand Black Chapter of Huron (re Perth), Royal Blues Knights of Ireland, will he held in the Orange 111111, in the Town Of Clinton, County of Huron, on FRIDAY, 11TII OF JANUARY, 1889, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for the erection of a new Ocunty Grand Master and other officers, and to elect a reception committee to receive the Supreme Grand Black Chapter at the coming session in Goderlch. We most earnestly request all Sir Knights that can possibly do so to be present on the llth instant. Our preecut Co. Grand Master dues not expect to meet with the Sir Knights and Brethren of Huron and Perth main under the Canadian Flag. He goes with his family to Queensland, Australia, early ' in 1889. RICHAItI) BLOOIIFIEI D, A. 11. TODD, Co, Grand Master of Perth, Co. Grand Registrar. • A NICE HOME AT A BARGAIN. -Eight acres of land with a' select orchard of choice apple trees; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining Gode- rich township. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, Gode• rich. 526•11.- MISS 20.11"w MiSS MURRAY, Member of the Canadian Society of Musicians, will resume her teaching on Monday, January 7th, 1889. 11as vacancies for two (2) piano or organ pupils. 529 New Blacksmith Shop, GEORGE TROWHILI, has opened out a gen• oral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gauley, north of Cantelon's carriage works, Albert street, Clinton" Blacksmith and iron work in all its branches ; horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497-t1 GEORGE TROWHILL Bf:TC11F,RiNG BUSINESS -THE UNDER. stgned Wishes to intimate to tiler people of Clinton and surroundingcountry, that in ,order to suitably meet the demands of his very numer- ouscustomers, he has' bought out the business of Mr. R. Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same, x i.t11 the Choicest meats in season. Every effort will be. made to meet the wants of all, and he hopes to merit and r"ceire a fair share of public patronage. Lowest prices for large • orders. Formers' trade a specialty. ALBERT MAY. COR' FOR SALE . AT THE Clinton, :-: Mills. Whole or Ground. - STOCK -TAKING SALE. We offer . for the next. 30 Days all Winter Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Stock' throughout very complete. Millinery at Cost. 5 per e off for Cash JOHN WISEMAN, MANAGER. -o Estate J. Hodgens THE HUB GROCERY THE HOLIDAYS ARE PAST, but I am selling ,just AS CHEAP AS EVER 1 Give Ale a call and you will find that what we say is correct. Thanking the pulsus for hast patronage, I hope to merit by close attention to husis gess a still larger share in future. Cheap for Cash is Our Motto. Geo. Swallow, Clinton. FRESH -;-- -:- RELIABLE. O CHRISTMAS. 'rb.r NEW YEAR'S. O Our stock of Groceries and Provisions for the fall and winter are very complete; and will be found Fresh and Reliable, embracing every lino of Goods to be found in a First - Class Grocery. We aim to give the Best Possible Goods at the Lowest Possible Price, and to economical buyers we offer many advantages. PRODUCE TAKEN. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale ti Retail Grocers,•Clinton, -`CSN H `VCT 0 JOHNSON & ARMOUR, --PRACTICAL--- - Harness and Collar Makers. 0 Having bought the Business and Stock of Geo. A. Sharman,. we are prepared to fill all orders in our line at the LOWEST LIVING ]'RICES. We are both practical workmen and can gnarrntee a superior class of' work at moderate rates, The material will always be found of the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing we Rope to be favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. We have a splendid line of SINGLE. )I,tltitiESS, which for Material, workmaushipnd price, cannot be surpassed. Full Stock in all dines. REPAIRING promptlyjjattenged to. JOHNSON & ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. P1:ICES' REASONABLE. CIA - HALL - GLINTON. JAMES FAIR. Clinton, July 17th, 1888. THE TOWN BESIEGED ---_BY --- Life - Insurance - Agents !. LOOK ME COMAT SAMPLESPANY .0 F, COST IN A HO t-- PER 01,000,- Age 25 Cest for 1885, also 1850 , 06 00 ' 30 .. 0 30 ,. S5 .. 0 54 40 " '' ". 0 93 " 45 .. 7 50 50 " 8 88 ,,so „ -. 14 97 VT Definite Insurance at the above rates. See me before you insure in any company and understand our plan. At the age of 40, the cost for $5,000 -was about $35 for 1885, also for 1886 • See us before you decide. Jas. Thompson, Agent. !Money to Lend at 0 per cent T. I. Ft H I LLI A R D, Barrister, 510.6m Clinton, Ont FOR SALE. mIIE SUBSCRIBER offers for sate four eligible Bullding Lots fronting on Albeit Street; also two fronting on Rattenbury Street; either"en bloc or in separate tots, to stilt purchasers. For further particulars apply to the undersllncd.-E. D1NSLRY, Clinton. 382 Cooper's Book Store, Now in New Premises, Cooper's Brick Block, A `Grand Holiday,. -Mock of Plush and Leather Goods, Vases, Book• lets and Cards, Annuals, Toys, Rooks, To- boggans. Snowshoes, Sleighs, rte. Come ansee nor New/Store and a splendid New Stock. R013S0INT , DEALER IN--- CHOICEfAMILY GROCERIES. The hest of VALUE given in China Tea. Sets, Decorated Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets; White Granite Sets and Fancy Glassware. Special VALUE in New Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, Flour, Meats, Canned Goods, Poultry and Provisions: Call and see us. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL, CLINTON. WE HEAD TME PROCESSION. F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADING TAILOR. O This is the time of year preparations are being glade for WINTER CLOTHING. We are now showing a well bought and fine selected stock of material for W OVERCOATS to order. unsmiling MELLONS, BEAVERS, WORSTEDS, NAPS, VEN,ETIANS, etc. FOR SUITS our stock is one of the best selected and most tashion- able to be found. IN ORDERED PANTS Ave have a Bonanza—get a pair. FINE GOODS. _ LOW PRICES. PERFECT SATISFACTION, F SPEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, Albert Street, Clinton. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR, FINE PRINTING. Me,Killop Mutual Fire insur- suttee Company. - The Annual meeting of the member§ of the hfoKiliop Mutual Fire insurance Company will be held nu the Town Ball, Seaforth, on 1"fl1l1(5, IANt'ARt• 18th, 1880, at the hour of one o'clock, P. h1., for the purpose of electing Directors hearing and rreelving the Annual Statement rind the transnetlon of such other business as may he deemed necessary, W..1. Shannon, T. E. Hayes, 5?R-td Secretary, President. NANTED.-A General Servant ; good V wages paid to a competent grl, En. quire at Oftiee of tide paper. 527 Agricultural Society Meeting. TFIE ANNUAL 5)81 DING of the ifirlett branch Agricultural Society will he held In the Council ('1,,,tuber on Tifl'HSDAY, JANUARY 10TI1, at 2 o'clock, p. nr., for (Inc ele'tlon of officers and other business. A. 11. MANNING, W. JACI(SUN, President, Seeretar!• 520 TLOR & Offer during 'I'H18 Al ()NTH their eulire stock of FURS AT. PANIC � o. Ladies Under Vests at Nearly ;cff Price. flTiIIineiijPrioe!al Half COME AND SEE. Their Creat Dress Goods. Sale stir! !:oi n •, 011. 0 J. C. DETLOR eq, CO. ��ueu?t r µ s,vteur-v eese . STEEL STOVE PIPE 1 Call and sea them. CIIOPP1Nta AXES, CATTLE CHI. -\INS, LOPE BUJLUEIS' ANL CARRIAGE IIARU\VA1;E. RAVI. acey, Iron Cly Hardwire Merchant, November, 1588 Great Clearing sale of Day Goads AT ° CHEAPSIDE." 0 The undersigned has decided to clear out AT ACTUAL 1\' ISOLESALE PRICES tht• NE11' STOCK of Dry -Goods at the above E:tahlishenent. OVERCOATS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS and TWEEDS, will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST, CASHMERES, DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES, and I{OSIERY, at IMMENSE BARGAINS. SHEE'rINGS, T(11'VELING'S, COTTONS, If A'CS CAPS—all styles— PERSIAN LAM B, ASTRACHAN, and CORi)URO] at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE. SILK PLUSHES, worth $5, selling at this sale for $2. RI{SBUNS, COLLARS and CUFFS, LADIES' SKIRTS and CORSE'f;S, AWAY DOWN. JERSEYS, SHAWLS, COMFORTERS, and VELVETS will he sold at PRICES TO CLEAR. THIS SALE WILL BE STRICTLY SPOT CASH. THOS. JAOKSON, SR. THE OLD RELIABLE TEA STORE STILL LEADS ! (laving bought the Grocery Stock of T. Cooper it Son, and being in a la /,011)00 Inc buy my goods for Cash, T nun bonucl not to he undersold by anyone 11 the trade, 1 have just received a MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF GROCERIES, CROCKERY, (;LASS• WARE, BANGING LAM P8, and all the Ntit'eltlt's of the season. 1 ata offetiug Stone Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for $2 50 ; Printed Sets, 83.75, worth 84 50 ; Decorated Stone China, $4.75, worth $5.50 ;• Combination Dinner and Tea Sets, 85 pieces, $10,00 ; Dinner Set, 97 pieces, $11.00 ; Combination Set, 100 pieces, $18.00, worth $20.00 ; China Tea Sete from $5 00 up; Decorated Chamber Sets from $2.75 up; China Cups and Saucers, 10c., worth 25o. Fresh Peels, Figs. Dates, Nuts, Candies, Canned Goods, and Every- thing to be found in a First -Class Grocery. 1- M Rts M00IR, � (summon T() T. COOPER 4' SON,) CORNER STORE IN SE'ARLE'S (BLOCK' eia