HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-01-02, Page 6The Huron News -Record 1.60 a Year --11.26 In Advance. Wednesday. Jan. 2nd, 1889 All Over. -A slight shock of earthquake was felt at Belleville on the 23rd December. - The Government of Ontario expects to spend $25,000 on the erection of additional buildings in connection with the proposed prac- tical school of science. -In the case of Baueveistn, chief of the dynamitors at Aurura, I11s.,who had been ou trial for sever- al days, the jury returned a verdict of guilty, and fixed his sentence at two years' imprisonment. -The steamboat John H. Hanna with a large number of passengers and a cargo of 2,500 bales of cotton on board, was burned, Christmas day, on the Mississippi near New Orleans. It is stated that of 300 persons on board at the' time of the disaster only fourteen are known to have been saved. -At Bloomfield, Ont., on Christ- mas. Stewart Christie, age 19 yesrs, son_ of John Christie, lost his life. While driving a buggy the wheel collided with a post with such violence that the young Ivan was thrown upon the ground, receiving injuries which resulted in his duath a few hours later. - On the 19th Dec. the marriage of James Kinsley and Lettia Smith, both of Euphomia, was announced in the Loudon Free Press as haying taken plaice ;it Chatham, with ,the name of Rev. Hugh McLean as offs; elating minister. Tho minister denies haviug married the pair men- tioned, and states that the signature attached to the notice is a forgery. -In answer to the appeal .of the pastor of St. Paul's Methodist church, Brampton, Rev. J. Philp, for $12,000 towards the extinction of the floating debt as it Christmas thank -offering to God, tho congre- gation put upon the plate the grand sum of $13,941, an amount un- equalled by any church in the Dominion at one collection. -The horses of. Wm. Elgin, one of the oldest farmers in Nichol township, took fright at the G. T. station and ran away. Mr. and Mrs, Elgie were in the democrat, and both were violently thrown out on the hard road. They were at once taken to the General Iles pital, I3oth ivere unconscious for several hours, but tat latest reports had regained consciousness and it is now thought they may recover. -Early the morning of Dec' 24 a fire occurred at Forest City, Penn. which destroyed the horse of•Mrs. John. Priestly. 'rhe woman' and her grandson were caught in the flames and burned to death. Tho woman was left $.3,000 four months ago on the death of her husband, and by some the fire is regarded as being the means of covering a dark- er crime, as she was believed to have kept considerable sums about the house. , . -Fire broke out Christmas morn- ' ing in the anunonia works, corner of Ring and Berkeley streets, Toronto. Tho fico was small, but reached a tank filled with ammonia, which ex-. ploded with great force, blowing the building -a brick one -to pieces, and hurling doors aucl win- dow sashes acrossi the street. George Smith, an employe, attempt- ed to extinguish the flames, and in doing so was plowed right across the road and instantly killed. Arthur Davis, another empl.iye, was also badly injured, and i -s nbt expected to live. -The " Methodist Preachers' Association, of (;olumbue, 0., have..; adopted the following.: -"In view of the elevation of a Christian man to the Presidency, we do feel that this is a fitting time for high. office discounteuance to the tendencies in certain quarters to ituitate the follies, displays, pageantry and extravagance of European courts. We therefore respectfully protest against the proposed expenditure of nearly $100,000 for the purpose of imitating the follies, corrupting the simplicity of Republican principles, encouraging the tendencies • to extravagance and perpetuating relics of barbarism by an inauguration ball on the occasion of his inaugura- tion." -At the Western Methodist -t;hurch. Toronto, Sunday morning Rev. Dr. Stone read a statement prepared by himself and Rev. 1)1', Stafford concerning the late trouble. Taking the antheu1ieated record of the proceedings of the Board of Trustees as tiro only testimony ad- missible in the case, the writers found that Rev. Mr. Jeffery's decla- ration that the iuharmonions tela• tions between lila trustees and him- self were due to his insistence a• gainst their wish that this church should he Iegal1v transferred to the Methodist body, was not substantia- ted. .They fnrther stated the lan- guage used by Mr. Jeffery in the pulpit in relation to the finances, whie,,h convoyed Inc idea that some- thing dishonor,tltln has boon going on, was inexcnsihle, and that their personal examination with export aid showed thein to be correct. In And About The County -Fraser's woollen mill at Kincar- dine was damaged by fire to the extent of $800 last Wednesday night. - The net loss to Bruce county by ex• Treasurer Cooper's defalcation is now estimated at $23,450,66 - The Presbyterians of Durham have removed the organ from their .church. A majority of the congrega- tion are opposed to using it in their services. -Justice of the Peace Regis and County Constable hush, of Newbury, were arrested by the London author- ities last Thursday, charged with conniving at the escape of a prisoner charged with felony. -Iaaao Smith and his wife, of the Mountain View farm, West Flom boro,celebrated their golden wedding recently. Mr. Smith was born in 1813 on the farm that he still owns, and on which he lives, and which was settled by his father, the late Isaac Smith, n 1793. -Daniel Otton, who was arrested in Mich., on a charge of improper intimacy with another woman, made against him by hls wife, has been released frons jail, his wife having relented, and filed papers praying for has release which was granted. Otton then left for his home in Wat- ford, Lambton .county, Ont., and says his recent experience has been a lesson to him, -A young man named Flenry Sears, while slightly intoxicated, visited the , kitchen of the Kirby House, at Br'ahtfot'd, and deliberately tripped one of the servants named Martha Peet. In the fall she strltc k her head on the sharp corner of tat table, and was severely cut. She has been in a precarions condition ever since A young man, who was in- formed of Sears, cowardly assault, gave him a sound thrashing. -On the farm of Mr. Edward Dodge, on lot 15, concession 2, West Oxford, Jas. Bloomfield, the hired man, was on Sunday kicked to death by a horse. As he was cleaning the horses one of them kicked him, one foot striking him on the side of his head, crushing his skull, the other foot 'striking him under the jaw, breaking the jaw bone to pieces. The poor follow lay in the stable some time before being discovered. - The Christian i.J.unrdian says: - Four weeks ago last Sunday at Vic toria, B. C , the largest plate cash collection, so far as is recollected in the history of our Canadian Met- hodism, was taken up, when an res- ponse to an appeal of the pastor, Rev. J. E. Starr, for $5,000 towards the debt of the church, $4,2.50 was put on the plate in cash, to which $400 was afterwards added. making a voluntary cash offering of $4.650, without any solicitation except an appeal by the pastor from the pulpit. -The House Democratic caucus last week, after a session lasting over three hours, adopted a resolution rev the admission into the Union of Dal(ato, either as one or two States, as the people of Dakato shall decide; and for the admission of the States of Washington, Montana and New Mexico al -o. It• is proposed that these States shall be admitted by one hill. Utah, though not mentioned in the resolution, 1t was agreed, should be admitted into the Union, but by a separate bill. The partition of Canada into states was considered premature. -One afternoon as some men In the employ of Mr. R. B. Wilkinson, butcher, of Owen sound, were driving some fat stock to the slaughter, house, a prize heifer became enraged and charged the bystanders and street passengers. Before the ani• mal could be controlled she caught the wife of Rev. Dr. Stuart, of the Baptist church, and tossed her into the air. Mrs. Stuart fell heavily on the frozen ground. striking on her head and one shoulder. As soon as she struck the ground the mad brute dashed at her with her horns, but fortunately missed' her victim. Policeman IIeron arrived, armed only with his baton, and tried to knock the animal down, but was unable to do so. Mr. R. J. Scutt, principal of the Riding Academy here, who was for years a cowboy in the West, happened along on one of his trained mustangs, with Amoricsn saddle irnd general cowboy outfit ,and lassoed the brute before any further damage watt done. Mr. Scott's part was very coolly and skilfully played, as the brute was charging everything that showed itself around. Mrs. Stuart was conveyed to her home, suffering Beverly. - The Chicago Tinos has created an immense sensation by its exposure of the length to which malpractice is carried on by doctors and midwives in that city. A reporter of that paper engaged a young woman to go with him.to many dactors anti midwives. i15 rept, Rented himpelf as brother of the girl and anxious to save the family from exposure of the conse quences of her misconduct. In some cases the physicians refused to have anything to do with the case. In others they refused, but sent the girl to other doctors, who, they said would take the case. So far the Times has published the names and addresses of twenty two doctors and midwives who agreed to undertake the job, and of five who would not. BROKEN DOWN. "After suffering with dyspepsia, kidney disease, loss of appetite and pain in the head until discouraged, i heard of B. B. 13, took two bottles and am happy to say I feel as well ns'ever." Mrs. Rufus b;. Merry, New Albany. N.S. If we had comrnercinl union farnl- i ers would get about $2 a head Inc for their hogs than 'they now do. Free triple between Uncle Sam and f nnada in wheat, corn, oat.v, hogs and other products of the soil would make our farmers squeal unmercifully. • A BIG STRIKE. A big strike was make when Powell & Davis issiu d their Extract of sreep- arilla and Burdock. 1t has met with great success, and it must, for it Is the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- ket. It is used with the greatest success o all diseases arising from a debilitated coudit.ou of the system, and everyone needs, and should use a bottle or two at this Basso' of the year, of Powell's Ei• tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear iu mind one 50c. bottle contains more solid mediciue thou moat dollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters. Alec remember that it is suld in Cliuton by all druggists, price 50c a bottle. Sold by all drug- gists and medicine dealers everywhere. 4431ly -The death oe.cured on Saturday evening, of Mrs. Charlotte Tomlin- son, of St. 'Phomas, at the ripe age of 99 years. A sister of Mrs. 'Tomlin• son, Mrs. Hunter, died at Markham in 1882, aged exactly 100 years. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURE. To TUE EDITOR : Please inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall he glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send. me their Express and P. 0. address Respectfully, Dr. A. T. SLOCUM, 37 Yonge street, Toronto, On t. 499y -Notwithstanding the almost uni- versal cry of hard times, the tax collector of North Dumfries, Mr. Wm. McArthur, was able to report 'M the council meeting on Saturday afternoon last that he had collected $13,717 out of a total of $14,29(1, leaving only $579 of the taxes of 1888 to be collected. scoT•r'S EYIULSION OF COD LIVER ()IL AND HYPO• PHOSPIII`l'ES Is sold all over the world. It is far superior to plain Cod Liver Oil, palatable and easily digested. Dr. Martin Miles Stanton, Bury Bucks, London England, says : " I have prescribed Scott's Emulsion, and taken it myself. It is palatable, efficient, and can be tolerated by almost anyone, especially where cod liver oil itself cannot be borne. Sold by all Druggists, 50c. and $1.G0. - At the county cern t in Walker. ton last week M. McGinnes got a verdict for $192 against M. Gee for damages sustained through receiving a kick from defendant's horse. MILBURN'S BEEF, IRON AND WINE is prepared from.fresh beef, soluble iron, and pure sherry wine, combined with choice aromatics. - Senator Hoare presented ' a petition last Friday, signed by 3.228 citizens of Massachusetts, praying for the adoption of a Constitutional amendment which will prohibit the iuterference , of any religious sect with the system of Compton Public schools. , A VALUABLE DISCOVERY. F. P. `Panner, of Neebing Ont., says he hae not only found 13. 13. B. a sure cure for Dyspepsia, but he also found it to be the best .medicine.. for regulating;and invigorating the sys- tem that he has ever taken. B. B. B. is the great system regulator. - In a speech last Thursday Lord Salisbury stated, with the utmost distinctness and emphasis, that the British Government, would not abandon Suakim. I have used Ilagynrd'a Pectoral Balsam in my family for yearssand have found it. ahead of any prepara- tion of the kind in curing colds, etc, I can especially recommend it for children. Alex. Moffett, Millbrook, Ont. -The Tilbury Centre waterworks have just been completed and turned over by the contractors to the corporation. rho water is pro cured from Lake St. Clair, a distance of nine miles. THERE IS NO BE'I'TEIt remedy fo"r worms of any kind in children or adults than Dr. Low's \t'orm Syrup. -Mrs. "House, the Comber Essex county woman who skipped out with a male paramour and $200 of her husband's money, was arrested at Norwood and brought back to (somber. BURDOCK $ILLS cure sick head- ache by regulating the stomach, liver and bowels. -A hrjek of gold from the Malaga Mining Company's mine, Nova Scotia, weighed 370 ounces and is valued at 87400. It was the result of 121 days crushing, mill tirne. PRESENCE OF MIND. Presence of mind is good in case of accidents and emergencies, and when coupled with Ilagyard's Yellow 011 will often save life. Yellow Oil cures all painful injuries, burns, scalds, bruises, frost bites, rheumatic and neuralgic pains and is in fact a handy and reliable sergical hist. -Prof. henry Prefile, professor of Greek and Latin, Harvard Uni- versity, was discovered in the act of committing a nameless crime up• on a young boy. Developments proved that such practices had long been the habit of the distinguished and heretofore highly honored scholar. Details aro impossible. i le was not even allowed to resign, for Prof. Eliot, ascertaining the truths fulness of the report, gave him only two hours to leave the 1'ntvorsily grounds. 1L9MREYS! D$, UVMPURETW 800$ Cloth &Cold'Binding 144 rage,, wbM flied is$rarlsg, IL6ILxp Fin. Aaaraa.. r, 0. Se=lelilel,�+ LIST 05 rti1yc pas. spa. Opatce r31Qrl 11 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations...25 21 We, erten. Worm Fever. worm Collo.... .25 3 1rthug Celle. or Teething of infanta. .25 41 ?Fra rr!tca, of Children or Adults...... .25 d e •acatery Coping. Bilious Colic.... .25 ti. Cholera 1t(orbns,Vomiting 25 Coughs, Cold, Bronchitis .25 €1 Veuralela, oothache. Faceaoho .25 0 lleedacihes. Sick Iiendache, Vertigo.25 MEOPATHIC• ITN= singes sWmauh.....,.....25 11 i fie , ,reseed or Painful Periods• . •...25 12 VliItes, too Profuse Periods .25 13:roup Cough, Dittlenit Breathing.25 19• alt atheum. Erysipelas, L°ruptiona,.25 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .25 i li Fever and Ague Chills, Malaria.80 1" Piles. Blind or Bleeding .50 19 enteral. Influenza, Cold in the Helsel .80 2 WhoopingCough Violent Coa hs.- 80 24 General Iebillty,l'hyslcal Weakness .50 2 Kidney Disease 80 2� Nervous Ileblhty 1.00 3 r Urinary.Wea nese, Wetting•Bed'.8Y 2 Rise ees oft a Heart. Palpitation1.00 PECI TICS. soldbyy��Druseista,.or seat poetpaki 4 receipt 02 price. -.Wella & Richardson Co., Agents, 64 Ma Gill Street Montreal. firstIEMS PAP LAWS '.'t rill rho so.! tl attention of ['est nesters and stibsuribers to the following q•nol,sis or the ncwxl,tl•t t Ithws :- 1-A postmaster is required to give notice BY t.lt'I t al: (returning a paper does put answer the law) when a suhseribcr does oat_.takn h,ia..{taper.. eel et the .uThec,-awl itate the reason for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so maks til(' postmaster responsible to the publishers for payment. 1 --If :toy p.a,on orders itis taper ills - =tinned, he must pay all arrest) ages' o the publisher may continue to send it until payment is matte, and (inflect the whole amount. whether it he token frotr the office or not. 'fhtre can bo no legal discontinuance until the payment is made, 3 -Any person who takes a palter from the post -office, whether directed to hit uunie or another, or whether he hos sub• scribed er not, i, responsible for the pay. 4 -If a subscriber orders his paper to b. stopped at a certain time, and the publish. er centimes to send, it the subscriber 1 bound to pay for it ;rise lakes It ort of th post-oflicu. This proceeds upon the grouse that a man roust pay for what he uses w .v tlia?t'fu the Division Court it Godericb at the Novi•mtbcr Sittiu;; a newspaper pul- hsher Sued fur pay of pala,r. The defend- ant oblveted paying on ft., ground that he had "6r1tt't ,l a I'ormici ].r0prirt,•r of the payer to dis(.oriuuv it. Ile Judge held Him that was 1101 a valid d,•: n: e. The plaintiff', the present ],rel riche, hall no notice to discontinue and I t11S1 10(11tly could collect, although it was not denied that defendant bad notified former pro- prietor to Itiscoutinne. LI any event defendant was bound to pay for the time he hal} received the paper and. until he had paid all arrears due for subscription. ADVICE TO MOTHERS -Are youdis- turbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor ititlesufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers; there is oo mis- take about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea,, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone aria energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's tioothiug t4yrup" for children, teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 250. a bottle. Oe sure and ask for "Mrs n inslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. -Owen Sound. Friday, carried the bylaw honusing the Polson Iron Works Co. to the amount of $15,000. ON TIIE VERGE OF STARVATION. "For three mouths I could not eat a full meal or do a day's work. 1 bought a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, began using it, and in three days my appetite returned, in a week I felt like a new man. It was won, derful what that one bottle did for me,"writes Arthur Allchin, of Hunts- ville, Muskoka, who suffered from dyspepsia. -it takes $17,000 to pay the salaries of the teachers in the 5t. Thomas public schools for one year. A CURE FROM DEAFNESS. There have been many remarkable cures of deafness made by the use of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great household remedy for pain, inflamma- tion and soreness. Yellow Oil cures Rheumatism, sore Throats and Croup, and is useful internally and extern- ally for all pains and injuries. -Bishop Walsh recently con• firmed fifteen persons at Mitchell and 200 at Irishtown. SKI`" DISEASES are most annoy- ing because so noticeable.. Dr. Low's Sulphur Soap heals and cleanses the skin. -Ono hundred and twenty-five members have been added to the Baptist church at Waterford as the results of n revival .CU\:,CJl1'PION CUitEI). An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an Fast India ntissionnry the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy awl 11itttnvt rare of consumption, llronrhitin, Catarrh, Ast.itina and all throat and Lang affections, also a positise and radical core for Vet vans Iieliility and all Nervous('omplaitt., afterhaving test• eel its wonderful curative powers in thous- ands of rases, has felt it his duty to make it known fo his refruring fellows, Aetna• ted by this motive and a desire to relieve hnntau suffering. 1 will send free of charge, to all who desire it, ibis recipe, in (:croon, I''rrneh or English, with full (lir r(lions for meet eying nod liming. Sent by mail ltvmidressfngwill; stamp, naming this j apci:. \V A, `ttvl•:•, 149 Power's fO7 eow. THE HUB GROCERY HAS NOW A FULL LINE OF X -Mas Fruit, Layer Raisins, Yaleneias, Sultanas, Figs, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels ---Fresh. A Special Blend of COJf FJ E- only House in Town that keeps it. CROCKERY very cheap. Two Brooms for 26o. Geo. Swallow, Clinton. SPRING - STYLES HATS AND CAPS! of the very LATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. Also One Case American Neckwear (very handsome), from 20e. up to 50c. A call respectfully solicited. G-ZI -BG-07771- Murray Block, Albert Street. iffNext Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. HOUSE PAINTING, GLAZING AND GRAINING, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPE R HANGING. 401 KaIsorrlining AND tr� FRESCOING. Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street CLINTON ONTARIO_ CHAS. T. SPOONFR MONTROSS' PATENT METALLIC SHINGLES AND SIDINGP-w FIRE AND STORM PROOF: 8. DAVIS, T e sainnemsiess 0 ew-Reeor-d would be an excellent present to se they would remember the ye 7d to friends one rr round. The News -Record makes a specialty of the finest Printing. F' 0-- NI u11±rI_ NEW STOOK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture, Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very hest manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description, JOS. CUIDLEV, one door Welt of Dickson's hook Store, a•FVR,sTzzlv1=?,.6)- -AT- "tTHE RED ROCKER STORE." --0'-- PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, 'S.iDEBOARDS AND 'FABLES. Special atten• tion is called to PARLOR SUITES-thzy are of nu• own manufacture, and foi design,` material and workmanship cannot be exrelled In the county. &itTRenteniher, that all goods will he sold at. a T310 REDUCTION during the month of 11lay. First come, first served. AN UPiiOLSTERER always on hind ; repairing neatly and promptly attended to, Undertaking. :illd Embalming nitrndes, to nt our usual low rate,. Night calls attended to promptly. OALBICK & REITH. ALBERT STR1:E1', CLINTON. nn . .,. v .11. >>+,>uwaelLx fir. L.d x.,..•r .nlMa.,, :erS.Id -_,hRi t.. J.... robit,