HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1889-01-02, Page 5Santa Smiles I Why wouldn't he ? eqweitilly when he sees the Piles of tow -Priced Goods we ofier. We invite everybody to See THE. BARGAINS we offer. We wish all a MERRY CHRISTMAS. ,c) Geo. E. Pay & Co. The Dry -Goods Emporium, Clinton. FRESH -:- AND -:- RELIABLE, CHRISTMAS.-5'1:zrZVA.4-, NEW YEAR'S. 0 Our stock of Groceries and Provisions'for the fall and winter are very complete, and will be found Fresh and Reliable, embracing every line of Goods to be found in a First - Class Grocery. We aim to give the Best Possible Goods at the Lowest Possible Price, and to economical buyers we offer many advantages. PRODUCE TAKEN. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale PI& FARM AND MARKEL & Retail Grocers, Clinton. Bran is the best grain food, and ground oats the next, for growing .stock and cows Turnips and other roots should be sliced for,dattle, and not chopped, as chopped roots often choke them. More mutton and less pork should be used on the farm. Mutton hams .cau, be 'smoked the same as those. of the hog. Save your poultry droppings and apply them to the strawberry plants in February. At 'the same time apply. a bag of kainit to each acre of the plants. A dog will cost something if pro- perly fed, and too many dogs may be an expensive luxury. If not well fed they will stray off and become unserviceable as guards. Moldy or dusty hay will cause heaves in horses. Such hay is only fit for bedding. , If a horse shows signs of the heaves it is best to cut and moisten all hay fed to it. Poultry will be cheap now that the holidays are over, but you can have a good home market on your table for your surplus. Do not sell poultry at a low price and buy beef at higher ratcs. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON Flour $6 00 Fall Wheat, new & old 1 00 Spring Wheat 1 00 Barley C 50 Oats .. 0 32 to 6 00 to 1 03 to 1 03 to 0 60 to 0 33 Peas .058to055 Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 Potatoes . 0 30 to 0 35 Butter 0 18 to 0 19 Eggs 0 17 to 0 19 Bay 12 00 tol4 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef 0 OG to 0 00 Woo 11 020 to 0 25 Por . 6 50 to 6 70 Agricultural Society Meeting. TIIE ANNUAL MEETING of the Hulled Branch Agricultural Society will be add In the Council Chamber on THURSDAY, JANUARY 10TH, itt 2 o'clock, p. in., for the election of officers and other business. A. If. MANNING, W. JACKSON, President. Secretary. 529 MISS MURRAY, Member of the Canadian Society of Musicians, will resume her teaching on Monday, January 751), 1889. flan vacancies for two (2) plano or organ pupils. 620 MCK1111011 Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company. The Annual meeting of the menther4 of the MoKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will he held in the Town Hall, Seaford), on Falaia, JaiWaltr isuir test), at the hour of one o'cloulc, P. M., for the purpose of electing Directors, hearing and receiving the Annual Statement and. the transaction of such other business as may So deemed necessary. W. J. Shannon, T. F. Hayes, 6284(1 Secretary, President. FOR SALE. grIFTE SrffSeRIBER offers for sale four eligible Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; also two fronting on "Rattenbury Street; either en bloc or In separate lots, to snit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the undersig DINSLEY, Clinton. 382 Coopers Book St ore. Now in New Premises, Cooper's Brick Block. A Grand Holiday Stock of Plush and Leather Goods, Vases, Book• lets and Cards, Animals, Tnys, Books, To. boggans. Snowshoes, Sleighs, ete. Come aml see onr New Store and a splendid New Stock. SCISSORS sharpened, itaZ0r9 ground and set and Umbrellas repaired. If left at Mr. S. Davis' hardware store will be attended to by E. FINCH. 507 - NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 91HE CREDITORS OF JOSEPH TENIPLETON, lute of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 21st pay of July, A. D. 1888, are on or before thel 1ST DAY OF JANUARY, less, to send to Isaac Salkeld, of the Township of Goderich, Guderich P. 0,, Administrator of the deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims. a statement of their account' s and the nature of their security (if any) held by them, or in .de. fault thereof the said Adn)inistrator will immedi• utely after the said lat day of January, 1889, proceed to .distributb the Estate of the said deceased to the parties entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as are sent into •hiin within the tine aforesaid. ISAAC SALKELD, Administrator of the late Joseph Templeton. Dated 5th November, 1888, at GoderIch. 523-65 New Blacksmith Shop, EORGE TROWHILL has opened out a gen- eral Blacksmith and Repair Shop in the building lately occupied by Mr. Gauley, north of Canteion's carriage.works, Albert street, Clinton. Blacksmith and Iron work in all its branches ; Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are invited to call before ordering any class of work in the above lines. 497-51 GEORGE TROWIIILL BtiTCHERING BUSINESS -THE UNDER - signed wishes to intimate to the people of Clinton and surrounding country, that in order to suitably meet the demands of his very numen ous customers, he has bought out the business of Mr. It. Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same, with the choicest meats in season. Every elfort will be 'made to meet the want)) of all, and he hopes to merit and,Tilseive a fair share of public patronage. Lowest prices for large orders. Farmers' trade a specialty, ALBERT MAY. • CORN FOR SALE AT THE Clinton :-: Mills. Whole or Ground. PRICES REASONABLE. JAMES FAIR., Clinton, July 17th, 1888. THE TOWN BESIEGED . Life - Insurance - Agents ! L y OOK AT SAMPLES OF COST IN A FIOME COMPANY, : .._--,---.., PER 81,000 Age 25 Cost for 1885, also 1880.. 66 00 ii 30 " " .. 0 30 If 35 14 41 " .. 6 54 " 40 " ,, 083 "45 11 41 44 7 59 44 50 ,. 41 11 8 88 41 11 14 97 " 60 re' Definite Insurance at the above rates. See inc ',,efore you insure it: any company and understand our plan. At the age of 40, the cost for $5,000 was about $35 for 1885, also for 1886 See us before you decide. Jas.' Thompson, Agent. 1)ItICK COTTAOE FOR SALE.- The subscrib 11-.) er offers for sale that very comfortable cottage on Dunlop street, et present occupied by Mrs. Brownlee. It contains six rooms and pan- try downstairs, and large room upstairs. The lot Is a corner quarter acre, with hard and soft water. Will he sold on terms to snit purchaser. For particulars apply to D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer, or J. 0. ELLIOTT, Clinton, SHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE. It1)40YAL PILOT -0536= Dominion Short. horn Herd Book. First prize winner at the North-Western Exhibition ; red and white, calved March 5th, 1848 ; sired hy Imp, Excelsior -4693- (51233), and his dem is the celebrated prize winner, Matchless of Elmhurst 6th, etc. Pedigree and terms sent on application to W. J. BIGGINS, Elmhurst Farm, one mile smith of O. T. R. StatIon,O,hisrox, Ont., London Road. 524.45 Money to Lend at 0 per cent T. I. F, HILLIARD, Barrister. 710•6m (1110On, Ont Bargains For December Month. 0 0 "1"1—IM MSril_ArTM ‘T°1 -11\T 1-101DG.=1\TS --OFFER THIS MONTH OVER 300 Remants Dress Goods '5 to dr) at Half Their Original Cost ALSO 20 dozen Wool Shawls, at 50 cents and 75 cents Each, FORMER PRICE $1 AND $1.25. JOHN WISEMAN, MANAGER, state J. Hodgens z Li. 0 w w a. STEEL SIM PIPE Call and see them. CHOPPING AXES, CATTLE CHAINS, ROPE BUILDERS' AND. CARRIAGE HARDWARE. R. M. Racev Iron & Hardware Merchant, CLINTON. November, 1888 iriwHaiRavi•Ki JOHNSON & ARMOUR, --PRACTICAL Harness and Collar Makers. 0 Having bought the Business and Stock of Geo. A. Sharman, we are prepared to till all orders in our line at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. We are both mactieal workmen and can guartntee a superior class of work at moderate rates, The material will always he funnd of the best, and by strict attentioa to business and honest dealing we hope to be favored with as liberal patronage as our predecessor. 1Ve have a splendid line of SING LE 11A RNESS, which for material, workmanship and price, cannot be surpassed. Full Stock in all lines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON as ARMOUR, OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTON. 1•411.11 . • • .11.13114113.111.1111 IT =VT - C) 10 IDS I WORTHINGTOW/W Has just received a Choice New Stock of STAPLE & FANCY GOODS in IMPORTED STATIONERY, BERLIN woor.s, CHRISTMAS CARDS, BOOKLETS, S. S. LIBRARIES, CARDS& TICKETS, etc. Also in stock and .always on hand a complete supply of DRUGS, PAT.. ENT MEDICINES AND DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES. ". Beaver Bhick," East Side of Albert Street, Clinton. We! CHINFI - HALL, - CLINTON. —DEALER IN— • CHOICE FAMILY OROGEN 6, Tite best of VALUE given in China Tea Sets, Decorated Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets, White Granite Sets and Fancy Glassware. Special VALUE in New Season's Black, Green and Japan Teas, Flour, Meats, Canned Goods, Poultry and Provisions. Call and see us. N. ROBSON, CHINA HALL, CLINTON. /11.1•110111111=12MMOINIEVITC1=1137107/111,XV • . WE HEAD THE PROCESSION, 0 F. SHEPHERD, THE LEADINC TAILOR. 0 This is the time of year preperttionis are hying made for VINTER CLOTHING. We are now showing .a well. bought and fine selected stock of material for Cct,..7' OVERCOATS to order,'ine.luding .1ELLONS, BEAVERS, WORSTEDS, NAPS, VENETIANS, etc. FOR SUITS our sloe!: is one of the best selected and most tashion- able to be found. 1N ORDERED PANTS we have a lionanza—g,4 a pair. FINE GOODS. LOW PRICES. PERFECT SATISFACTION. F SPEPHERD, The Leading Tailor, Albert Street, Clinton. THE NEWS -RECORD FOR FINE PRINTING. Come and See Our Xmas Bell Christmas Sale! Big SlaughterWress Goods J. C. DETLOR & CO. Have purcdased at a GREAT 0SACRIGICE a of Dress Goods. SEE THE PRICES: • Lot No. 1, at 5 cents, regular price 10 cents Lot No. 2, at 10 cents, regular prim 20 cents Lot No. 3, at 20 cents, regular price 40 cents Lot No. 4, at 25 cents, regular price 45 & 50c One Case PRINTS at. 5 cents, 8 cents. and 10c A lot adies & Children's Gloves at 10 and 20e (REGULAR PRICES 25 AND 45c.) All the -above are WONDERFUL VALUE and will pay inspection. Ladies' and Gent's Underclothing :--Job in Price! One Case Corsets at 00 cents, regular priee $1 Millinery at about Half Price ; Novelties ih Xmas Presents • COME AND SEE THEM. 0-0 J. C. DETLOR & COMPANY Great Clearing sale of Dry Goods AT " CHEAPSIDE." ,.o The undersigned has decided to clear out AT ACTUAL NV HOLESALE PRICES the NEW STOCK of Dry -Goods at the above Establishment. OVERCOATS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS and TWEEDS, will be sold • REGARDLESS OF COST, CASHMERES, DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVES, and HOSIERY, at . . IMMENSE BARGAINS. $HEETINGS, TOWEL1NGS, COTTONS, II ATS & CAPS—all s,tyles— PERS,IAN LAMB, ASTRACHAN, and CORDUROY, at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE. SILK FLUSHES, worth $5, selling at this sale for $2 RIBBONS,. COLLARS' and CUFFS, LADIES' SKIRTS and CURSETS, AWAY DOWN. JERSEYS, SHAWLS, COMFORTERS, and 'VELVETS will be sold at PRICES TO CLEAR. THIS SALE WILL BE STRICTLY SPOT CASH THOS. JACKSON, SR. THE OLD RELIABLE TEA STORE STILL LEADS! 0 Having bought the Grocery Stock of T. Cooper & Son, and living in 5 position to buy my goods for Cash, I am hound not to he undersold by anyone in the trade. I have just received a MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASS- WARE, IIANGING LAMPS, and all the Novelties of the season. I am offering Stone Tea Sets, 44 pieces, for 02 50 ;,.Printed Sets, $3.75, worth $4.50 ; Decorated Stone China, $4:76, worth 06.50; Combination' Dinner and Tea Sets, 85 pieces, 810,00; Dinner Set, 07 pieces. 811.00; Combination Set, 100 pieces, 018.00, worth $20.00 ; China Tea Sets from $5 00 up; Decorated Chamber Sots from 82.75 up; China Cupe and Saucers, 10c., worth 25c. Fresh Peels, Figs, Dates, Nuts, Candies, Canned Goods, and Every. thing to be found in a First -Class Grocery, 0 , S .1V1 0 0 _Et 1-41, 0a-0($:spot, TO T. COOPER k SON,) CORNER STORE IN SEARLE'S, BLOCK