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The Clinton New Era, 1889-12-20, Page 4
14 xlt•,. ". wIt4tjltl,l _ -.-•.-,,. ,,, ..,.a,n "-,.Il ... ""'"911V „ +M,u!fvf -, _ - r _ -- -:, ..-,.r-p�,,,rr .,y. , AQ9P9"1, `y-1P�tto t111' . p�,Sip t . Tr 0 .: USA�• �l�QW � t alp ;o >�.l�t� t1 a Se 11 , eepa �e>usd eq � sur a,xhe' t�� "+k `'.. r 11r Dickson tri ' Il1ai<Pller!inlj, aPefo 'I ,+� o. taAca or iuforilAtl!iion arfi1, .mi l[t bra 9miwliiiiiiiiii r tr ng ) t .. 1�seE11Yttl a tilx. f amiof PR a alio; ..y�!Ith wel}?naxk.; - + , pri�asTptek00p .1J4tJ4gd, A �1 MI q agd'�N�,;ip a fir 4oeire4byl?+'t':fiee itx't�s�T>�lted:�tate� g loin axes ur.te, fie uendiq 'metrisoded • llf3icex u9t y4, Qd n+ljt,M$-� . V44 APPoPol at lona WZ,Q_ jghp.az as . u t I taltao>s 9 9 ;hut w dl•s rigs would rp,te to iia 9, Ifs d kook them., , , I aad' wo rife ,sure, lkn�' Qf lt4ejn sroijlt 7wha .Cgcapp :,recommended l « xbs . silt varwar�--AaQkao>a , aa:,I" >dort abQust tth.4, iudaz>, , �) •, . I.Orsi. f?tclison i ba gond tepxelegitatives, and heartily .� , ohan a io t s w Passage of $ Irg0alT#lO d9Gla,rlhg the, The adjourned In nest into the cause 4 • o o ..as. thAt Ii could. r.g ler j' . A C y q not p o any of v?> laiot? draught. ,004 11.. sated kuivas tokson. wain slm,ed: as cit fathers« t e den Whitely, n apQept the the ry of the specs¢ ; ht>d 1 ib or,an 1� 1 CI CSB. ugtn(t)t.sale----Toho. Blg$inp t7. irege, rd t9 ebe Dcia Drell there of kt death cP the late H. tT. Wh t ly, hon a > . la f• y' eol4lin of:the sing bop]t .: P� .. _ Tf., . 0 C� 14 p 9, yl a ly v vatted would not have bean ' Dj'y' Gloc�da--4f1.;G, Qulmette is 1; very strong 404re that the pro- was resumed before Coroner $Dimes, snrprlsed,� but I w s t "the r a bei (2)t that the standard o! registration foz, ' Xr.,gas.:Groode-'-' Q, Newton sent, $eeve should a an. t at in the town hall, on. Tuesday, Avery sick wa a e_t _, ng the third,vOlutue should be three orossoe. sple-#lC i.4 14le Of „ q_ • dv _Ge o th s ertatn there had been same- ., $Dose to re, t lktrsT go9per. office, 1. large number of persons were present, of accepted sires; (3), that only oAehalf ), r� Qac rn.anl say" s he is the Onl thing dela rious taken,b Inadvertence 1klortgaga tassel--Qweus & Joheton % y the Interest in the Dose being shown by Y the oonnotl retire each year hereafter ; �# r �� s B ;R * mea who,will keep the town officials the oasto . se. Symptoms on this oc• �+� .9 ooks ygo9dsaolltton Iirge in their lace, and make them do Presence o$ many ladies, who at- n Ight have been produced by ah&ghat the Secretary be empowered to m p ,; )eyake`1]P-.iTRoberteon • their duty " Certainty DfaC. would Coronored eet>ttodach tthat he theof case. the day arsenic, but a dozen other things would after the first one e 25 cents oto cor each mplete lete or peretter f b To ►i. Bible$ J "u�' have produced the • same s P P 7 se make a good Mayor, but he has also grevloua received from Toronto, an P symptoms. au entry presented for registration ; (5), n y� q made a good representative at the acknowled ement of the receipt of the Dr. Appleton was the only doctor who that where animals are y �,16UYlS �BOQketS . g p g p saw him with me in consultation, Dr. purchased b10 count. board. In coup affairs no viscera in ro er order from this the Bhippera or jobbers the entry for iregis• f Whitely and Ur MoDonagh alsoattend- , . I rnan is better posted, rind in quer- audience wore left to infer that the tratlon be required to be made b the anal ed hila while I was Ill. Had no con- �1 44'' tions of assessment his opinion is Ysis had not yet been made.)ZHe breeder or owner of the animal ; (G),that Cards O4(i. -lc versatlon with either of them, Brain f greatly respected. The two names I also referred to the misunderstanding trouble Whites had was caused b where the breeder is dead or his signs- - : most prominently mentioned next that Ilatj taken place a week be- Y y turn not obtainable, an application for I We can supply a suitable gift from baby to Grandma at any, almost P 9 urenic poisoning,not by arsenic. 1 was �' are tbo:e of D A Forrester and W I fore, concerning the part mortem, registration must be attested Ito by the an price. Close Prices to all buyers. 1 thorou.hl satisfied that 1 sinew his i Y I� Y • �' Doherty. Either of these would and exonerated Dr Reeve from I disease and that he died from the ail_ statement or affirmation of a respon• i I serve the town well. The other I au blame in the matter. He I sibie art before a uotar public. All 7 �111tol .env (h Y Inent I treated him for. My diagnosis theserecommeudatiouswel eadopted by 1 CQQPER S BQQK STARE ' CLINTQN. names given are also those of gentle ' linnlpe Johnston, and DTraV.o PVhiltely of his case then I am satisfied still is the meeting. ' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1889. men who would do credit to the post- I gave practically the same evidence as correct. A dose of arsenio the size of The election of officers resulted as _ _---- -'�-- --------"- -- iz __ _ T t10q, an ordinary pill would be fatal in from We, rear I SALE REGISTER. ' I. before, with little if any variation. , follows: et to learn of the death w is AIr Merditli has spoken. In the event pf any change in the lJn WOATIttilGTpN was called, and pro- I' to 4 hours. In answer to a goes- President, John McMillan M.P.,Con- John Cameron, of McKillop, which j _ Reeveship there is a tolerably unaui- duced his booklin which the records of tion Illy tlfo Coroner, DIt Reeve said stance P.O., (re-elected). took place on the 11th inst. He has ! Whitely's symptoms could have been been an invalid for a long, time. An Mortgage sale of lot No. 7 fith Coll„ After an oppressive sllonco Mr ➢ler• mous opinion that DTr binuning poison sold had been entered ;there was Vice President, D: McIntosh,V. S., I E. D. Ashfield, 100 acres, at Martin's produced by arsenic skil�£ully give", examination Was made after death Cid dith has spoken., He has "laid down should receive it, For the Deputy- ►to record in either Jan, GeU., or DTarch that is, in very small quantities, which Bruceffeld (re-elected). the trouble was proved Hotel, Dungannon, on Jan. 8th, at 11 11, "' Reeveahi u leaven the resent in. of 1888 to show thlitDTias Johnston had 1 Treasurer, John Aikenhead, V. S.1 p ved to .have been a i, r ' • the platform for the Conservatives to 1 ' g p rot Dison there, He had told ton h d would produce chronic arsenical symp• . Goderich. . chronic abcess below one of the kidneys. a tit; Jos,rMallough, suet. DTanniu", ,4 P cumbent out of the question, the t, P tours. The disease he had would ell I This abcess had burst inside the bowel . Scott, Vendrs' Solicitors, Clinton, ,jai r ' stand upon during the next election," names of D A Farre.ter, D Cantelon Deachman, over and over again, not Secretary, James Mitchell, Goderich 1 to Bell poison unless it was recorded tirely master isle symptoms of arsonlc. (re-elected and for man months had been dis- Mortgage sale of house and lot, at the +_ But it is really the Bume as used at the e , Iiennody and'A Jackson are abort and did not think it would be possible Did not at any time suspect that Council) P. Curtin, Adare ; 'Alex, charging in this way. He was a Pres. Grand nion, Clinton, on Saturday, equally presented, and any of them his symptoms were caused by poison. b terlan i" religi f,',' last election, with the exception that to got it without this being dc"e, Innes,Clinton; I McGregor, Brucefield; ( Y on and a Reformer in Jan 11, Jae Howson, suet. would be acceptable representatives, D1iss IIYBIIALL said that on theSundn 1 looked for no other cause of illness J. E. I3lackall,V,S., Clinton ; D. Fisher, i Politics- Farm stock &c., of John Bi Jin, lot iso gore ill for exemptions. Uthernise Y than the symytoms 1 had found. Mrs In the apace reserved in our circa- before illrWhitely died Dltas Johnston Goderich; John McI)iarmid, Luoknow ; i What might have been a fatal ac- 15, Con `l. Hallett, on the 27thgulst., T. he reiterated the state charges against ears for remarks, we get the following told her, at Whitely'a barn, that DTra Edwards seemed to be very attentive john Busch, Sebringville ;James lien-' cideut to three Wren last week happened M. Carling, anti. the Mowat ' uvernment that have been to Mr Whitely and anxious about him „ , , o replies : - Whitely was poisoning her husband by dersou, Belton; J. J. Fisher, Benmiller; I at the So" woolen mill. Messrs - --� -- S refuted over and over again. A Recreation Ground is wanted. putting arsenic in his porridge, thought when i was there. The doctor then SVm. Sinclair, Chiaelhurst ; Thomas A. G. VauEgmOnd's sons received a Mrs Clarissa Jackson, WitO has tiin We have objected before and agree ail- Better streets and sidewalks• Miss Johnston asked her to keep it the boead ldynowhist mchltnerelyodescrrt nbe3n its Grow,, Dublin, C. E. Mason, Brucefield; 1 large iron tank for holding water in I just diets at Goshen, N.Y. aged 77, A branch of the C. P. R. secret, but' gave no reason for that so , J. H.'McRobe�Lucan. case of fire, from Guelph. It was load. , Airily with Mr �It:r::dith, as far as ex- far as she could remember. I pus condition. the doctor was cross -ex- It was deci a hat the council Should ed on the gra and taken to the woolen was the sister Of Noah Webster, Uf Live industries, Y amiued at considerable length b Mr y dictionary fam0 told about it when 1 was asked, sonic Y meet at least once every three months, I mill in safety and when raising it in y , who formerly , ,.oraptions,are cuncernul, but beyond this A Board of Trade should be estab• Scott, and also by the conorer, but ,osition on ski rr a x.uxla.afier. ;.In answer to thedqueatlon- -.-. • _ •__ _.. ..._,.._. _.. _ ... __ ._ aL1Cl ilio krst i tLe�ti for 1�cJ0. may, 11 _he 1._ ds and when about. half tf;u ht hq 1 th. _ lisi,ed•- ---• •-_,_.-....,_.-,.._-.,.._____ ....._. vel llttle..be 911fl.svhiLt Is.Btated abpvn _ �, _.... __ . _.... _ _..__... t,.. _iJ4 _Ql n._ t%.t.S3)1t1bC, ... s . •,..-_._:t tertl. XtTmtc filly ii�t1iiria n�Iiis apeecli U the Coronor- Jrl3id More united action for the cod of Y you believe 'what was elicited.y held•abou•tthenme of-elosingtllesecrond vvay -up. a. pole,was used.to pion it - that calls for rimy' c o5liuent. Tito a1- g Mise Johnston told vott '?" she said volume. up while other rollers were put under �ue1L'#���� ,;' the town amongst the leading, men. she did not know whai to think about I Mrs It Jobustonsaid that in r@sponse ( S. Smillie, of Hensall, and Thomas ; it, The prop broke into pieces and the ' .`% leged abuses that MrIMeredith speaks it; Hiss Johnston had neverexag ger- to a note site received frorn Dr Reeve McMillan, Constance were appointed tank came flying down and Iles-, s A. _ _ _ };.. -about exist more in im:Lgination than —1"� �' ted to her, and she had no reasons for she wen[ to the house on the 24th of auditors for the current year. PP I G. VanEgmoud, Leopold VanEgmond' OOD HOUSE TO RENT• -THE ONE not believing r It. Nov. She had been to see him of her, It was decided that a dans with two sr., and' a bo named Cooper had a nar• Deco tied b DIr S. N. Parr Four bed- d in xeality, tLI1Cl CCCtaltlly th:; people of I reshyter�r Of ItiIAitlatld, b own accord the day before. Thedoctor crosses must be registered in order to 'row escape from being crushed tinder rooms, iiarlor,ykitchen, dining' room, d•c. ;k;,` OntarT%, who;have passod their opinion , • -- ^_', g MHSQUALE,sister of deceased,gave evi. she said; told het• he had been thinking I admit her progeny to registration, but I it. The tank measute3 about fifteen hard and soft water, good cellar and wogct- 1 Presbytery of Maitland met at Win„ dente. The principal points were these: over the Whites niatter,•and was oing I that Rslares not entered as dame must ' feet so oars and torn the ground a p ier- stied. Rent reasonable. Apply to Mils. 7'. before on these sante questions, Rue mot hang oil the soils inst. An extract mer.- She Was presort on the occasion of giv. to Swear that he died frons natural htiee these crosses to register. ribly lit its•desceut. 1 COOPER or at C001 ER & LOGAA S. going to alter them without cause,nt the tete of the Presbytery of Hamilton, re- ing the soup. She made it, but Mrs causes. He said the only way DTinnie The following were appointed as the • • been mad S`ll payment of a c FIAn rcoe Igard a call to.,Rev D. G. Cameron, from a Ldwards got it ready. I tasted tt and could PP I 111 baso made ui paymont of a certain rgg+� `''' next election. Strabane and Kilbride, was read. The get out of it without going to Executive Committee for the revision NE \VS NOTES. istered mortgage, nfado by Henry Stewart to s rVbut think she seemed reluctant to do so, penitentiary for life vvay to say she of entYies: Alex. Innes, P. Curtin, D. the Vendor, (which will be produced at time c+ - call is unanimous ;stipend offered r}900 but I think She did. What I took made knew nothing al�6ut it, I told him McIntoeh, •James Henderson and J. E. ! ,of sale) there will, under tho power of solo 4i';:% c j.j,6,, t Ttmd "utuse.cit slll,pa bei present, wer- mo vomit and burned "t throat. I she had told )1r Whites all, find he B ackall, The citizeusof Ottawa yvifll pre_ contained utsaid mortgage, bosoldbypub- lI f l i ' It t + ' it 1 , Y ! 1 lie auction, by Jas. Howson, Auctioneer, oil ''" ing been cited and being present, were examined the vomit of my brother and said it did not matter lY she told a '�= t — hear(i. The call was [accepted b Mr sent an addrevs to Sit- John lilac- Saturday, Jan, 11, 1800, at the bour of, 0110 During the pa.,t n;• k W,' ,i,•h• ,.•:it , i P Y found it like green water. I wanted to thousand as long as she did not swear - o'clock, at the Granit Union Hotol, Ciintom, Cnurmuu. Presbytery agreed to his analyze the balance of the chicken nest it; he told n e he had suspicions about donald on his 70th birthday, Jan- the following property, viz: Town Lot 511. out a large uunYber ..t circuli;, ,t�k• translation, and recorded its high ap- day, but Mrs Edwards told me she had the poisoning, News Notes Around The 0004, nar 11. Two Hundred and Sixt olio, accordiu to ing for au expros,iun u; � tdninn os t.0 preciatiun of Mr Cameron, as a faithful thrown it out. A couple o£ days after did n seem to god. Asle� y Y g �' Jamie Gordon's liegistered aurvoy in the unl o'lieTput minister of the The Ontario Legislature ]las said Totvn of Clinton, There is a conifor- the best men to furan the'rown Cowl- she told me she had burned it for fear Itle if illi, io lead friends far away and The Choicest Stealinnft frons I � table dwelling house on the lot, ono storey t gospel. It was ag reed that Mr Gamer- it would poison the hens or dog. Dr I said she hadn't; asked if Minnie had otir Cuiruty Ereltiillges been called to meet for tile) des- and a half I,igh. 3;asy terms of payutent of ell Board for 1890. We sc 1, stets the ot:'s relation to bis present charge cease Reeve, when we told him about the an mons and I said she had a little, patch of business On Thursday, purchase utouoy can be arranged and may ` names of lar ;e ro ;art owners and DTR the 10th instant. DIr McLennan o Y y r Wm,Wellwood, East �Vawanosh, 1 0 3, bo 111111 upon applieatiorT to Wo Auctioneer, E p I. y polso,,ing,said that if the tin was off the the livery stable is hers. No person January SUth ne:It. F,dward Oartar, Clinton, or the undersigned. ), �-, vvay appointed Moderator of the sessions dish and the silver off the s oon there offered an none to Bond Minnie weighing ,. business men,; :without reference to of Dour;aiwon and fort Albert, and de- P Y y has a colt 17 months old wei Thing 1410 oyvENS d• JOIIN,STON, Vendor's Solicitors, 111,''.- .. I 'vas nothing there to make astrong man away. pounds. Tho Chinese ol'el'nment h;,S Oli"t°i'• yy Political leanings, to whom to send Clare the. charge vacant on 22nd mat, like Whites so seek. Doctor asked if The doctor here asked witness if he , of the 5th con. of matte all thb tele ria )hic Cannes• ---- . ` The Treasurer's sail Auditors' re y Mr G. Nicholson ;sk-i' circulars, and vve believe the sugges• porta there was any poison around and Mrs had not told her he didn't believe Min. Morrie, shot three foxes in two days' b 1 - ^--- �^ i',, were read and adopted. Estimates for Edwards said no, m brother said no nie's story and she answered es', he a filOnsGa3ked, and nOvv tClel'a17hy 700D IIOU5E TO RENT -ON ItATTEN• 11 tions given will help vary materially Y y "yes", hunting last week. I is a8 fico theta as elsowhere, (� avrtr Street; only Due nliuutc's will nest year wore passed. Leave was also; he than asked if there was any dye- then asked her if tite conversation about Walton school teachers for next year Proal Albert ree ; only occupied by the ill �,;, in securing a good council for 1890. given Dungannon congregation to ascii• stuff and Mrs Edwards said there was Minnie having friends tar away, or will be T. McLauchlin, of Brussels, and i A quartos of ti million )e0 lie dorsignotl. lt. HOLSI S, Nlaw Ene otflce `' The response to these circulars has gage their Manse property to the extent sonic sugarof lead and chromate of pot- havingmons was not because he had Miss Kelly, of Morris. I are offected with influenzal iu Bet'- TRAY STEEIt.-STRAYED PRO, THE of $300 or sell the property nd applythe ash but doctor said this would not said e would have to employ counsel i S . sins been prompt and heart showing a Mr Walter Murphy, of Hallett, has y subscribor's promises, base lino, Hallett, P P Y, g proceeds towardedebtpn church balance cause the sickness. Could not say that to defend horn and he know her friends lin and Prof. von Lc 'dun be ie •es someti sc in October, s whits year oldsteer, very lively Interest in municipal af• for securing a better site ]for Manse I thought brother was poisoned, blit here were not in a position to do it an just finished threshing, having threshed' Lhat gt calci evil~ will Fplloty, with the point of the ]eft ear cat off. Any Messrs. McLennan Ross and Anderson P d onv hundred and eleven days, will bes suitably rewarded. to GOVreR. *4i Taira. The idea that shy such meats + could It9t understand what was mat- they had talked over the names of legal Y ' 1 By a )puintin�,� 1Ir Put.ct. Ityarl ( will besuKably rewarded. J. GO VIER. X41 were appointed to arrange sttpply for ter with us all. No doctor ever intimat- counsel together, and the witness thea R. McCorkindale, of the Gth con - of r of obtaining information forestalls Dungannon. Ray Dir Stevenson was ad g to the tef;istrtlrship (A ormito STRAY SHEEP. -STRAYED FROM THE ed to ole that my brother hadbeen pois- admitted that the doctor was correct.- Morri3, recently killed a seven months the ballot, agsuggested bpour Cotem,, relieved from his charge tile subscriber's promises lot no, con s, Tuck 11 g Trowbridge, cued, Chicken was killed Saturday, The doctor further said that witness old pig which dressed 225 pounds. crsmiah, on about the Stti Nov., •1 Ewes, part f io absurd. It is in England and the his ministry there terminate on 30th kept in water in Bummer kitchen, and it was acting unfair to hint in not stating No fewer than three farmers on the a po])ular thin , ,incl riot Il CI 11nC\- Southdowns; each have a small pisco cut- inetafitDIrDTcRaewasappoiutedtovieii was on Monday eCtpci On C. outot thwrrTgbt ear. Any person giving United. Staten a plan very frequently Molesworth and see what can be done Y evening we were token this at first, as it placed the converse- 5th line of Morris, have become bank. P such information that will lead to their re- adopted to =each the views of news- towards the minister's stipend, ill view sick. tion that took place at, the interview in rupt within the past three weeks. I Tho 'lir in lbs Ct'uuitt ease have covcry will be suitably reyvarded. G. NOTT paper readers, with good results.- adifferentli ht. i Y _ ___ _ of his relation to Trowbridge as their Du. Rr•.rve.-Uu '39th )lurch, 18.4; g Mr John Bone, of Wroxeter, has leas• to urned l verdict. 1'llev uC nit- -`' y 11. B. CoxnE, said in brief, -Iva al• ed his blacksmith shop and business q `'M® STM X�/ pp •' What we asked for and what the have Pastor ]Ravin; tensed, and to preach in first saw Whites he came to see me; C17Qi.S (VIAS EXCURSIONS I. "'L ' TrovvUrirlge Church .old declare that was cont plaining of Rains in the :;tom• wave record sales of poison. :Hake ,leo � to Mr John flu pfcr who took posses- te} Beggs, and found Ceugl,Ain, G •,i obtained, 'is a list of names which _ services for the present shall be discon- ach, bowels and�rib+lit side; bad been sales without so doing. Produced book sion last week. 1 1 O'Sullivan and Barke guilty O! a large number of the ratepayers be- tinned, Rev Dr Laing, of,Dundas, was vomiting and was nauseated moat of isle that had been used for 8 years. Un I Tickets will be issued at Sin;�leFare r•, Oct. 1;1, 1Hsi;, is an entry Peeve McLean, of 'i uckersm4h, an: intirdor and Kunzc guilty Of main- good to go Dec. '34 and 25 and return -up ; i lieve are those of citizens who would nominated Moderator of the next Gen- time. Skin ,was yellow, indicating 1 1 y of having sold flounces that be is not a candidate fol Blau<_ iter. . hethreeforillel• were to lJec. 2fi; also er. Dec. 31 a.nd „'•+r`' . } 11 oral Assembly. Deputations were a p- au•udice, and I had him uncovered • ex- 0 „rains of strychnine to .James While. .+ • Jan. 1, ,,, �; make suitablo municipal servants for y'1 l I IV. If I yeas asked for 20 cents worth re-election; he is a good man and sCrltenCetl to IntprisOnntent fin lift returning until Jan. 3, 1890. ' pointed to visit aid -receiving congrega. amined carefully and 'found a well should ata, where he is. :'a tions, as follcws : Bel rave .i'1Ir Hartle marked enlargement of the livor, �iovvn- of nlsenic I would only give 20 „;rains Y and, Ktlnze to throe At Fate and One -Third cod to ;o Dec. Hartley years in g The circulars were not sent to any and his Presbytery elder; Langside, DTr wards and inivllrrls; found tenderness anyhow; 2 ounces would contain over It is said that there will Ue no muni- li jrOrt 20, 21, •33,24, 25, 27, 28, 30,31 and Jan. 1, `' mcrober of the present Council,' lest 'Geddes and his Presb ter elder; Pine in one OOU grains. cipal electron m Morris this year, un- l , returning) until Jan. G, 1889. y y particular place, and expected On Suhda ' the remah'is (if' it i SCHOOL SACATIONS.- ,: they mig�it think it would compro-• IRiver,llr DfoDonald and his Presbytery the formation of an abscess there ;pee- A• Gonr,Far. testified that he had less some of the present members of the ) N Council resign, which is a very unlikely Students and teachers can be ticketed at 'tie ` Jlllae tti'. ,, .except i❑ one inetauce, elder ; Dun:tannon, DTr DlcLennau and scribed for him, and dill not see him bought arsenic at WorthinKton's and man yt'CrO fipuud in 'the woods " twLen a councillor was mailed one by Uis YresUytery elder. Jlr Geddes was again till Ist of April. IIe vvas then signed for it ; he had also bought sir thing. fare and One -Third from Dec. 10 to 81 tmistake. It is scarcely necessary for p1 g y As Mr IV. {vas crossing the about a anile feotn \ewbury, On y appointed Convener of Sabbatli School very much worse; had then intense chains two years afro without this for- o good to return until Jan. 31, 18:10. _ ns.to stay that in askinf for an expres- Committee, in place of Mr Cameron, ,jaundice, diarroheaand constant vomit• orality. river near Westfield tho other clay, in t%aqui! y the ho(.ly was fr)Und W bo For Tickets apply tl to Sion Of Otiinion we intended no reflee• translated. Communication, from Dr ing; vomiting; in my oliice; also his cutter the horse broke through, slid that of a DIl LaCotltlt; livin11 near 11 Y ^ 1 W. Ilunlxsux lestilictl t1i,Lt lie had W lion on the preieu, r•puncll. It' the Reid, anent General Assembly • ]and acid expectoration. Ile told me his asked the doctor one TRtpT'nin r hpvv but for timely assistance both horsy I3othvvCll, ) is horse; lysis found and man would have gone under. 'GOWN* AGENT G, T. R., CLINTON ratepayers yrs ht [o rutttrn them by asku,g �dOfot said fund frogs this lies- .sass res were white, clay color : also Whitely vvas and was told that "ire was tt sillipt distance from whore hc. '4 acclamation, "eve will not sa na p, bytery, was presented. Congregations that he had intense head ache. While worse, but vvoul,I ret over it if the Judging b a i earances there will b Y• y ori est f the muiitci tdl offices 3,1 H`ty' haying, become in .the. `1, There is undoubtedly_ abroad the `vire enjoined to give liberal cotitr bu- 11ev,As uncovered -I_noticed-persAra---did-rt't person-him:"�lo�oi• spoke 1 harne, ., a FOR SALE OR TO RENT. T. --tions to the 2`tinc-I. Remits from the tion pn his arms, and on wtpeng, t.teul shoat the song Tutd the spoon having Brussels this year. The present Couu- �- illi kicked themselves LO -' idea that our 'prer�ant- Very North death. .)It, Lacount left his home Y Y Assembly were considered. The remit low; a white cloth, it was colored ycl-bile; veidigrls on it. cit will, in all 1llrelihood, be returned by -10R SALE -Olt TO RENT. -1 Mayor will nut itecelpt another term oil tlu' Constitution of Assembly was low; urine which isave was full of bile; acclamation. on Sattivdt1 and it is sal osod On { IUL'sE :yND O' Ofiice, and he himself made the an- disapproved, and also the remit on Sab- came to see me again on the •1th April ; I , Dlcasrs Webb and ]Reith gave evidence y pp lot far sale nr to rent, on 'Tc. ,;tsend St. 1 coil Carl,iIw, their attendance in the fire Mrs Tierman disposed of her e)4 acre t'(turitltttr honlo ))is horses wand- 'rhe house, whiuh isnuv:, cuntait�s fo(tttcet -• nouncement before hie departure re- bath School Secretary. Petitions re his symptoms about seLnte : plc asked 1 rooms, and is heatud with hot air• ' ', a tall at the time Dr Reeve was removin farm, bein lot 20, cuu l t, .11orria, to et pre into the yvo0,.ls yvherC he w r] alsoa fh.ie is t:` o_ ntly fur Ottawa, ;1 gnarl number Snbbatlr UUscrvilnce, to the' House of me what was the matter with him and the p g „ , - Foo(I stone cellar, good Iawii and hard ;: of the replies tale this for granted, ,C Opinions, were given in by some of the I told him he had comjostion of the I E portion of the body necessary for Duncan DIcGuaig for the sum of 3.,73.1. throyvn out and his neck ht rnl,�cit, nod sort water in abuudauce. Tho lot 0 I - '';, as Che remark in Some of them is Congregations. Congregations that did liver, and also catarrh of stomach: : was i examination, v lith showed that there The late proprietress purposes remov „ tains l of an acre. Tcrws reasonahlo. rip- '• g ;n r to the Turtle Molmtain district in lie ieaves a wife and lar tie family. Fly 011 life premisos 0r to DI1tS C. C:ULTEl , ,rr- made that, if M. Whitehead does not not scud in petitions were instructed to apt tender ou pressure at this finis. Ile was lip irregularity whatever in any Glmtoi , . T t f. I'll forward them to the Clerk not later was so weak on this occasion 1 told l.lim• shape, the spring . ----- ••- - 11 intend being a c 1) l ,ate Again, they Mr. Ball, for the 'defence, asked that On Friday last, Mr Samuel Sample' , BURN. T' OCFF1 TO IRRX11111 4 homy lately it I _ pi`evuau .Buri: ;; n lane in uis place. than the 31st inst. The Clerk was in- he wasn't to come out ngtiiu ; vccnt H cup„•d by3R•.l,uti •, Thompson, u ti, stNlCtcd to forward these] petitions to next day to see him ; was lying in bed, sirs lsdvvnrds be culled at the next sitt• Sr„ of Usborue Town ship, made an as- I3iaowx.-In Becton, on the, stli inst., of yyiuiau, a.nd Prhic -s Streets ° ' corner There can liulr fuestiun that if Apply to :Mr :�Y1zstCl:ead should N;ah it lie Rev Dr Armstron * Ottawa. The Pres- not strong g g si ntment for the benefit of his creditors. the wife of 1Ir Joseph llrown, former] IMANNINe, ,' SCOT' ,. g,. euoe„U to sit up; very little in„ of the iatriaest, but the coroner said �• I L y � _ ylYEuhl waits ad Mayor without O lie byteryauthorized the Moderator and increase in his Ruhe. Theses m atoms he (lid not tliink he had tho ower, as The liab;lities are estimated at about' of Clinton, of a son. - ';"' a 1 symptoms P 47,000 and the assets in the neighbor. rh O 1.F:T.-TH.yT LL•]911tA13L1: DIVELL_ Pt Clerk to sign said petitions in the name continued with slight variations, for the she could not be used as a witness. Long -In Holmcsville, oil the lf, h rx , l,ouso ou attenbury strcut lately aition, of the Presbytery. The remit on Aged first week after I saw hini at home. The jury asked that Drs, Appleton, stood of $5,500. I inst., the wife. of Mr Thomas Lobb, occullied by Mrs S: H. haute. The, bouso It should further be said that the and Infirm Universities' Fuld was Most of the time he could not retain There is no talk of an account about i cwitntuts 0 toun with good cellar alld hard Whitely sail DLcl)atagh be summoned Y blacksmith, of a daughter, lid sort water swap stable and good gnr- .'„�3`,r*"Up Pt 1$89 appears to have given agreed to. Messrs Geddes and Ander- anything he took, and it yeas with diff- for the next sitting of the in Hest which the municipal elections yet in Seaforth, t uuwu oto ,osscssion. +ty s2r rel siatislaction. In some son were a 0 L,yls(:.-In Evanston, Ill„ en the i8t'h 1 �i 1>iy to 1L. ! .pointed to address a public culty vve could persuade him to take will be a$ 2.30 p. m. on the 30th inst. although the time is rapidly approach- RAN FO1tD,�Clintou. 4v. , "evidently thought that meeting in connection with the presen- anything. Aftor this there was a slight ing. The Mayor, IRceVo and Deputy. inst., the wife of -Mr W. 15. Laing, for.1. :: The coroner allowed considerable sat- 5 P y marl of Clinton o£ a Bon, stillborn. embers who are tatipn of the W lF. M. Society's report, improvement, lasting from probably Reeve will likely all be re.sleeted by ac- Y LOTS FOR SALE. itude in asking questions, Baying that ey cannot possibly at the next meeting of Presbytery. the 14th to 15th of April. He Contin• clamation, and it would be just as well MITGiiF:LL.-In GOdenl;Ch oil the l The proposed scheme for Presbyterial ued to take small the only desire was to get at the truth en,y ono desirous of securing a choice lot r •' . t time' to their du-• P P Y quantities of food,) of the matter. Once or twice the au- to let the councillors go the came. 8th, to Mr and Mrs James Mitchell, a for blinding purposps, or land within the ka v re are others who, visitation was laid on the table till next and I think was up for a short time.. dience manifested their feeling in a wayThe M!]len farm, being lot 11, in Rha oon. corporation welt suited for pasture, should "� eglect their duties, ri'Bating. On my visit about the 19th, found he that should not be allowed 'under an3rd con., pf the township of Morrie, I Pimrann.-In $eaforth, on the 9th sold cheap eat d terms nado to suit will ed lit that the present _�M'- had, during the night been taken cud• eircumstandes,and the coroner was per. containing 140 -acres, was sold under cost., the wife of Mr Win. Pickard, of a elteSer. Any roasonable time given for pay - 6 worse. The history I got on P Mont Box I{,.Clinton rm given the town the else- foctlyright in stating that be would mortgage Bale, on Saturday la at, for daughter. reaching the house was that he had "• r , !tided very materially the, iRev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, is a pro- been vomiting for several hours, and clear the room if this was repeated. 84,150, Air H. W. C. Meyer, of Wing- Alzcirisox.-In Winthrop, on the 6th i Hoose to Rent. r'entral Exhibition, improved was quite prostrated; pulse almost in- —""— ham, being the purchaser. inst., the wife of Mr John Aitchison, 0 4 pounced Conservative, but he does not q P Municipal matters are very quite in a daughter. j y y j the lstreeta, end in other ways have perceptable. I asked `V. Whitely If he DRAUGHT IIORS1+aIEN. g ers�othRnttenhuirp occupied Bbd onto Wins 7 fff Fillown their desir,, for the welfare of fall in line with the party denunciatlea had been takinganything and -•- 'Wingham. ,Mr John Hanna is in the rooms, with uaur, coreeeienotos, stone Del Y 1. McKrvr,ev.-In McKillop,on the Hth the town, of Mr G, W. Ross, for when apeaking he gave rile the history of the chicken Annual Dicetinb of the Dom- field for Reeve. It is rumored that inst., the wife of Mr Robert McKinley, lar, hard and soft water, is offored to rent on Mayor McIndoo will have opposition, Y+ reasonable terms. Possession at once. Al - The names returned to us by the in London, on Sunday he said, the broth. I called him aside to make inion D. II. Breeders Mayor who his opponent is to be has not Huron road, of n son. so the house formerly occupied by the late gentlemen who responded are as fol• special inquiry about the soup and its Society. Airs smith, at the north ern limit of Albert lows :- - Public School system of this Province propardtion, as 1 was mach diacotir- transpired. Mr Geo. McKenzie s name MARRIED St., with stable, orchard and 1} acres of land, For Mayor -Jos. Whitehead, W. was such as every patriot should be aged to find my pe)tient in that state, The third anneal meeting of this o=• has been mentioned in connection with Donr nTx Carr LEY -At the to 'd �,;e� tp small to°lilyy gardner or retired tar - Doherty, D. A. Forrester, Ju. Rans• proud of. g y g • the Reeveshi 11 ly to J H yVURSELL, at Harland after being better for a time. Whites anization was held in the Town Hall, p of the bride's father, on cite 18th Inst. mer. Clinton, ford, A. H. Manning, W. W. Farran, explained to me that he considered the Clinton,on Wednesday last,with a large Mise Jean Tovell, who for the last by the Rev. A. Stewart, Mr James L. Property. Dr Williams, A. McMurchie, John spoon he,had used bad been the cause attendance of members. Prea(dentJohn two years has (been engaged as assist- Doherty, to Latta, fourth daughter of 1 ert 'for sale or to rent. of it. I rather questioned that and Mr.Millian, M.P., occupied the chair. ant teaceer in school section.No. 8, Hay, Joseph Chidley, Esq., all of town, age on Albert St, lately, occupied by McQ'arva. n Cott I ' asked to see spoon and said I was hard. The financial statement allowed the hag handed in her resignation to the :lir James Moore. Five bed rooms, double For Reeve -A McMurchie, Geo E MCCARTNRY—PROCTOR-At the resi- Pay, A H Manning, Tile Mostreal police Occasional- ly satisfied with that theory, and said balance on hand at last audit, $1,491.42; trustees of that section, and hag so• denceof the bride's father, on Dec. 18, parlor, dining room, kitchon summerkitch- that I would ask Mrs Edwards some- received during the year, $825.50; dis• cepted the situation offered her as as• b on and pantry. Hard and soft water. stab - For De lit Reeve -W Jackson il ly capture some queer' characters. y thd'R©V. W. Craig, B.D., Mr Robt. to, carriage house and fruit trees. There are P Y' t thing•more. I did so and she handed bureements for salaries, prihting,postage sistant teacher in the Wroxeter school, McCartneyto Lizzie third daughterMap lo D Ken nedy, D A Forrester, One of their latent, who goes by me a small paper of sugar. of lead and and other expenses, $428.47; balance on The December 8eaeioneof Rho Peace Jo e b Pretor, Ee of h ch tho on eiande m©akin tin acroun A H Mannin p q., all of Godericil round in ail. Tho cotta g (;• the name of Jules Colin, according also some harmless preparation of pot• hand,$1,888.45.1 were o ened at Goderich on Tuesda b to*nshi qe and one tot 1 For Councillors, - St. Andrew's ash. I asked her about there being The Secretary's report showed 604 P g Y Y P• ab sold separately It desired and on reae - t0 his Otvn story, has an unbeaten g Y' P His Honor Judge Torris, but there was HOR'ELL—BI6aET,-On 11th inat., a able torms. Possession given stories. Ap- Ward-H Foster, J P INdall, James anything else in the house and she said entries received for the second vulume- an entire absence of criminal business the residence of Mrs Robert ply to SIRS THOMAS COOPER, Clinton. record. He claims to have been Scott, jr, W W Farrah, J Johnston, I could look in the cupboard or any 359 stallions and 245 mares. and only two or three unimportant civ. -� sonteocec! to 40 various terms of Y P Bisset, Goderich by Rev Robt Ure, D. Blacksmith Shop and land G E Pay, A McKenzie, A Armstrong, other place. I did so and found The report of the Council was read, it cases. The other business transacted D., assisted by Rev Jae. A. Anderson, for sal©. J Smith, J Gibbings, W S Harland, imprisonment, and t0 havo been nothing; fled not the slightest euepic- co ntaininganaecountof theirdoings for was confined to the confirmation of a B. A., William Nathan Howell, of Col - A Knox. condemned to death 3 times. On ion of any criminal intent but thought the year and submitting several impor• Few constables appointed, and the court borne Townsbi and Wino en there was some inadvertence. I asked than recommendations. The report h p+ g o Evan. Subscriber oilers for sale tato property St James Ward -R Irwin J D•ic• the first Occasion he was a soldier P adjourned after t o shortest cession in , own0d by him at Gowrie, to the count of geline Bisset, of Goderich. y Mrs Edwards about r�Ilaina of the stated that the Council had ordered the its history.forth, It consists of a blacksmith shop 'tiarva, G E Pay, T Jacleon, ar, J and for a disregard Of duty was soup, and she told me it was burnt, prosecution of two parties for false an- ROTIV,RON—CFIERRx,-In' Palmerston, ing a good businoss. with dwelling hous, ate, tRanvford, W Jackson, A Couch, T sentenced to be shot. S etbin ', The annual meeting of the Ontario ble alld half -acre of land attached. Is Ili a f; thrown into the stove. After this time tries, under sec. 86, chap. 11, 49 Via., on the 4th, inst., by the Rev Jas. Mc- 1p McKenzie, H R Walker, G Glasgow. intervened, and his Sentence was deceased never rallied. The enlarge. A. and A. Act of Ontario Ayd these Creamery Association will be held in Allister, chairman of the district, the . Ny;jlnbe sold with oriwithout tools, Satis St John's Ward -F Macpherson, " mont of the liver entire) disappeared, wWld be decided shortly. The had Seafortb, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Rev J. W. Robinson of Stirton, to Mrs factory reason for selling. For particulars • � changed to life imprisonment.- Y PP Y• Y R Holmes J Chidle , Wm Cooper, p January 13th and 14th. Besides several apply to THOS. L013Ft, Hbintosvilllo, or JOS y P , and it betaine gradually about half the also decided to close the second volume G. Cherry, ave Dtiss^Kate TJmtbar,form- D B Kennedy, Chas Overbury,J W Wh in the penitent}cry he sate prominent Creamery men from Ontar• LORA, Gowrie, t f size it should be normally. The pupils of the stud book on March let. erly of Blyth. Irwin W S Swaffleld Jas Hearn F a Rin to be hanged and io, there will be present Hon. Charles wore dialoted, showing symptoms a ed the subject of registering animals Drury, Minister of Agriculture, and O.ums--Mu.r,s: -In Hullett, on the Properties operties for Sale Rumb'alI. promptly availed himso�f of ft.- cerebral .t=Dobie. About that time he bred in the United States, from Domin. Governor Horde, of Wisconsin, besidea 11th. inst. at the residence of the ( — St George'& Warts -'kV Cantelon, jr, . 1 -at© again i11tCt'p09Cd, and he' was had an attack of convulsions, which ion Draught stock, several letters had SFIVRN ACRES EXCELLENT OF LAND, ' were repeated on several occasions. I been received, but the Council, enter- several other prominent American bride',s father by the Rev Wm. Tor. I situated almost ad]oining Clinton, on the S Plummer, J Cuningbame, W C . son New Caledonia, He a Ain dairymen. ranee, Mr W. Oakes, to Mise E. Mills, Gravel roars. Thorn is a small barn. This Searle,'J Harland, D Cantelon, D A 'contrived to ret into trouble a•nd made examination of urine this time tainingdoubtson the advisability of such Y both of Hallett. property is very suitable for aretired farm- Forreater J C Detlor, John Stephen- b and found albumen in largo quantities, registration, or the power of the Society �A most diabolical attempt at incen• er or markot gardoner, there being two ills- ' P was for a third time eondemtied•tO but no bile. He had also at this time therein tinder its letters of incorporation diarism was discovered by DTr Nicholas FISHER—WALTEits.-At the residence tinct kinds of soli thereon. Terme cath, son, R Holmes. , IY- It a of Hallett one t t recent- M the bride's father,raon the Elizabeth ibet. and balance at 7 per cent intprost. ...Ae is death. fate was again kind and a rash oyer the lower part of body. had consulted Mr J. T. Garrow, Q C., lbs+ Y, no incumbrance on this pir ,ert Also, tiVq have refrained from giving thern y g g This, b bnatantl rubbing and irri• and his opinion was submitted to the ly. It appears that bs went to nail alp Mr Jacob Fisher and Miss Elizabeth number of times each cane fa mea- Ile was sell', to the Index. He e9• I Y Y g P SPLENDID HOUSE AND LOT, iII7tIlATFl caped and Came ;0 Canada a toting became very acro. He tom• meeting. It was to the effect that the n board on his barn, which had been off Walters were united in bonds of holy oil the oust aide of Albert St., North, C1TT?t`o tioned, m that would, we think, be p , and l plained of lose .of power, also in louver Socio£y being incorporated under the for some time; and thyro traces were matrimony by Rev J. Harris. The houso cmit,LhTs Hall, Parlor, tour AF A highly improper. There can, how- has so far managed to keep clear limbs. It was not paralysis, sfmpl laws of Ontario fol• the declared purpose discovered of an attempt to fire, the rooms Pan try, ClothesCioset. Iatchon 9uin p Y p Y P P DIED mor Kitchen, Rath and Path 'Room, sellar, ever, be no doubt of the drift of opin• of the hangman's noose. ThoRe. call it inflammation of the joints. Dbr• of "promoting the interests of breeders straw being all blackened and a half soft and Hard Water inside and outside. On concerning some of the positions, corder kindly took the place of ing this period he complained of pain of draught hor s in Canada," it had no burnt mate lying on the ground. It . WI1,LTANS.-In Toronto, on the 17tiL i Lawn Shade Treos Rarn, etc„ all in axcol- "` t is noticeable that a large number Ip + or pressure, tit times, in stomach and authont too end Its business outside is impossible to say when the attempt Inst., Rev J. A. Williams (father of mut siato of repair. Terms, 3 cash and time oto and sent him to the Fayette Y was made as the board had been off all Dr Williams, Clinton) aged 73 years- I or balance at 7 per cent interest. There is re. anxious for the return to the mull liver, but at other times could bear con• of this country an$ necessarily would rl,t encumbrance on this property. Addtees 00100 L, Of Messrs D A Forres• house for three months. i siderable pressure. Symptoms grad. have no control or authority over appli• fall. leas three days, 174 McDonnell Ave. Toronto, WM. FOSTER,