HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-12-20, Page 1.-. ,�- . -w, �.�
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f ROBEIi'I 84L?.MF,F3, I'upliQin Qr
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Q ` Paramount. r Win uAlll, nt. -. - `
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rr0Sp4u1de l -s g Iiruasels. NOTES. -Mrs John 4toKena,ie who Rayfleld. SeaXorth' day'
when asked by his anus and 44ugh
to state that, Ae is now recovering. + The Methodists will have a Xmas As yet, municipal election matters tars, Do you see us, father?' he wwiI-
a g' FaRntERs' I$7STITIITFi.--The fifth was so bad] hurt leafs rine b fall-
tl Qu? f;'p, eaappp ,dMO. please MA9Y of our ,Wingham oitizens will Y P Y tree entertainment on the evening of eyed an affirmative. Thera wezet; 11
t'r',lrFfk',�';+tifeek: ]ileal letter''.lake advantage of the cheap railway annual meeting of the Feet Huron ing down stairs, we are sore Fo aa, is are very quiet here. P
Farmers Institute w s held at Brus- Y 9 Dec.Deo23rd, admission 10 cls. To be bis bedside his wifeandallh;ssury;X n 11 1.4 .
1.s, o T,e1,tWlw f;,idler . k., n TV04,; fires during the holiday season; it t a not Improving any. Dir John Cook of held in the Bayfield town hall. In connection fvith the clo�iu9 ea- obildrew-Dr It. W. Will;ams, Cl;oto •
a �teofg�)le. I � , 'may b soma will pay a visit to the sells on Friday and Saturday. In ad- Wiarton, is at piesent en,;oyinga few Som ercises of the Collegiate Institute, a Rev J. E. Williams, Buffalo; M @q;�' ++ dation to the usual proceedings, which weeks visitin a e person committed a most F} k{40,}�ft7aivez,(indl,,/-°zd Hub, whO knowa7 Three wed- g moue his friends in bexstl a musical and literary enterts,inmeut Willi4ims, tat. Thomas; Mr Algezton
fft•.;f , e-pef ,� oW, re,Vot a reqular ding caked in Mr Nicholas' bakery, were of much interest, the question of this action. Wm. MGIaaio who had Y c t at the school house one was held in the Assembly Hall on Williams, Bram ,ton'; lk[r lien aAlirt'
> vi at and flour duties came u Mr day ]eat week, thereby causing school Wednesda evening. Y Williams, Buffalo; Mrs W, I., ]Tien.,
Ps�edeltt ;>- what does it weep, we wonder 7 wh a P• his leg so badly hurt in the ►Vinghum y g, r
k y' Plewes Seo. of the ominioa Millers' to be suspended f,ir some days. Al - - ,--- ----- -- air, it nieana that the people of Salt works is improving and will soon Several memb'bre of the R. T. of Montreal; Miss Willianis,and his.nepit
Association and Mr J. C. Has be able to awfn his ase a ' cording to some that bag of flour was ew, Rev .Dr D. G. Sutherland.
," •: I'lls+ `1 Wingbam are going to marry with a ' Hays, g gate. Mr rets hard won. T. council, of this place, went to
iCng4ain. President of the name organization Peter b�icl{enzie Uad the misfortune pretty All through the summer lain conal r
�� veogeacce during the net
few days. Varna last Friday evening, and trek
yU2at1� & .Co.'s tannery has now Now let ua finish our beds t by wish• were in attendance, and Mt Plewes to get hie collar bone broken last LaatS abbath Rev, M r Jamison Y ti= tion has caused anxiety to his frien" 4 , ,,.. .
,' went into the relation of the miller filled St Andrew's pulpit +it morning part in a public entertainment given With occasional brightening erio(lt. ?,.
eek] ;plo J- •for four'weeks, but the fug every ons a worry Chribtmus and woek. II� is recovering rapidly. P F g by their fraters there. and recurrent relapses, he has bee
Igprogemeltts they are making will •a Lappa �Iew Year, to the farmer. After a long talk in 'Our School teacher Miss Johnston is and evening very acceptably. r P
It c,Qirl engate fur due time lost. �,.�� which questions were fr,c�,W- ed' making preparation for a Xmas tree Mr Andrew Stalker has returned Mr Harry Beattie,' lobo h been Gradually Sinking. Several times tiro
and as freely answered, a.fd,yplution • fn connection with her examination fur the winter. attending the teacher'a train} chool Physic}ons almost abandoned hope, and
,' Oq@ .°day last week, as Johnny Stanley. - , I ' at Stratbro immediatp disitultitloa was. ex ecte4-• W
';` Akir4 :: was skating oil the river, he }.I - was moved lay Mr John Forkes, i a good time is expected, Mr Harry The Salvation Army, under their Y. returned hnme on Fri• I Then a rale would revive thepe ar .;par• -
';11 Olt reeked his elbow bone MILD WIN K. The mild wee- secohded by Mr Hoe"'s
v ]]looney, I Hudson of KiDlose,hus been engaged new captain, was in full force last day last. He has secured a. position hope, Lai week his daughter, yrs !1
than of Elie present season is shown That the Dominio,ment be to-teaeh the school next. your. Ra- St►bbath. �ls assistant teacher in Etas Brantford Boice, who had come up from Texas,tq `' ` 4w ICh has kept him from workitin by the fact that the wild flowers are asked to ut a dui �1 per barrel Colic Collegiate Institute and will enter
0�'Qr,oIR9Q. found in bloom. On the 17th a din- P F P ligiuils services will be held in the ---•- - g remain with her father through his ill
Ay on flour until such times as a Reci- school house here everq Monday even• 1Flolniesville, upon his sutler. at the close of the ossa, died, and the shock so affected ,,,.
Ear , X'DR9NOHO KICKED Hnf,-French delion was found on th road on tht• y him as to reclud all chance of recov,
.y; a proeity Treaty is granted on grain, ;ng during the winter by Rev. Mr The Rev. T. M. Campbell of St. holidays. cry. Death h was still slow ill comin
,roe: Vis. walking around with a bang 2nd concession in full bloom. breadstuff and prodtrpts of the farm," 'McKay of the Presbyterian church Mary's who is visiting his brother • The firemen gave their annual ball Y• g,
ilaged.head, the result of a kick from Cour CIL -The council met at Var- An amendment wu moved by Mr. Lucknow and- Rev. Mr McKinnon the Rev. W. M. Campbell, preached in Cardnq's hall on Friday night I though it come all too fast for the
a broncho pony.' Joe can accomplish F b Y p y last which was a big success. llanc- friends who had gathered around hint
u °+ P Y ` P DR, on the ;Gth lust. George Baird, T os, McMillan seconded b Dir I Baptist. The Paramount cheese fat- aver excellent Missionary sermon and were still hoping against hope
�:° at; °Meats, but notwithstanding, a Thomas' Kennard, Win. Rathwell Alex Gardiner, thal,,the present far- 1 tory is closed down for the winter here on Sabbath morninglast, The inq was kept up during the whole
Sunday night his Sinking becarue more
1T4 m.401 can knock him flat, apd,.•$amuel Sterling were appointed iff is injurious to the farmer, and that the patrons having disposed of the reverend gentleman also delivered his night. The hook and ladder com- perceptible, and this morning his soul
, iq) Nv sg .,--Mrs G. McKay has bad Deputy -Returning Officers for the we demand that these duties are en- mainder of their cheese at, 10l per celebrated lecture on -'God save the Pant, only recent) organized, a ,;
ens g y P "' eared in their -new. uniform P `vent to claim a reward earned by a 6t;
u seek clhild ngow for some time, ring year. The followin sects, Garel removed. The amendment pound. Queen in the Methodist Church on P ,which life -time of service. '-
Okd Gg It; is getting no better, she is
were ordered A6 be paid : Dr Sian- was carried almost , unanirpeusly. - ►•� Moadap evenit�,�� he lectur.e_ecas, looked P�r�pxsttty.. .-
__ ---- _.. _ -_
hor Dd-Z%> licllol-.S,-f-at- SpeeeUoa-were >�ade- PorGo3 s �1<Il'1� - _-z>it>> a'br r tr•, urcransen.
4 t e'•aGte the-heapttsl; hop- Yom. , by -t -he movers- --- masterly production and its compos=- Mr Jo McMillan, M.P., addressed The biographyof the. deceased is { 51•
3n� tITBt it will there get treatment tendance on Il!•rand Mrs Bannerman, and seconders and by bar Strachan Mr S: Burke. sold some fine cattle tion excellent but was ' we learn, hie constituents here on Thursday of written illYnS d ]otters u wn the his ,'s:
tt1.ilat tt effect a cure. theg being is indigent circumstances; lilt AicQrae, Mr Baylis, Mr Hay anc� in Goderich last week. rather too mature to be 'aa dol a last week. The meeting was held in for of "Uauadiµn Methodism. From
1 "' Robert Holmes $l for publishing ethers. 'There was a largo attendance, I There has been considerable sick- Y P g Y
lIGaPLEAalNT EVENi'NQ.--On Ftl• ' P g g. preciated as its merits would justify. CardnOs Hall, and was only fairly the time of his conversion during the t
notice of Court df Revision Andrew and the gathering. did not break up nese in this neighborhood for some d
pcay`l`ast the Oddfeliows held a basket ' The examination of our Public attendedk bar John Beattie occupied troublons year, both ecclesiastically
so cal i
Stinson, salary, $10, for wood and until nearly six o'clock p. m, time past. the chair. Mr McMillan e
4 n t`e}r hall Bell s new band P tachooh takes lace Monde afternoon Poke in civil] of 18.it,, JOlni A. Williams has
Wa one si nificant .feature of thy' repairs to the hall, and three sage at- •Mr J. W. McDonald sold his there neat. The arepts a.nd f=iends are his usual able manner, on the lead;ng been•ymo'tL soil muco a ower in some
*'evening. A very pleih•;ant tilos wire tendance at -speeiai courts, $5.38; Kippen, - ted heifer last week at 5 cents per invited to come. topics of the day: ` bra'neb of tho Bietlro list cliinrbli in this r
li�`y, ,spent, bean wound a with. the Board Of Health°ofyicers, $9; Wm.' PROPERTY CHANGES, -Consider• wound, reahzing$6b,
''iI hG fantastic," P Slack, $3.68; E. McEwen, $17,7b; D. able ro art has chair ed hands The I.O. G. T. oyster supper was - "`- A musical and literary entertain- country. �,•}
/ � g McTavish, $2.16 Ed. Glen $11.20 property Y g held at Mr A. McPhail's last Wednea- Goderich Township. meet was field In the Y. M C. A. I He ),vas born in Wil in 181 ,4 and i;
p,< - GOOII DEL Friday last and Ed;'Westlake X19.52 for ravel within the last week around here, a night, a pleasant time bean GOOD SALE. -The sale of the stock rooms on Wednesday evening of N, spent his bnyl.,uocidava among the ��rag� ".i
,"W -a Mi'4bhn Kerr joined the noble fra- accounts; Geo, Stewart $3, fo>gmak- David McLean having bought the old ant bg the members. g belonging to Mr Herbison, on Toes- week, which was largely attended. i and amid the keen mountain air of .that t?
,y ." ` Getnit of Fcreaters. The said order ' Bell estate for $11,300; it was bon ht' P Y r u gad country. Wheu a Iasi of sixteen *)
1, ,. Y1 }ng out deeds and registering came, Considerable change is to be made day, was unusually well attended for These entertainments are given woek- •r 6b' y }A
d� ,.' Isivery. strong in Wingham, both in and $11 for makin outechoolseetion by the late owner. three years a o, in our school. or next year. As two the disagreeable day, and . rices re- 1 free to all, es eeially voun g in en, he came to Canada atul settled in the 11
itt r numbers and finaaees, and tare g` for over $14,000. Mr Butts, of the f Y alized even better than was ex acted At this week's meetin Dr, Cam bell historic town of Prescott. It was hese .'
census for 1889 Jtiltn Torrance sale- teachers are en a +ed. for neat ear A ,
$''l` ' " �h,.or tri to have a lecture frrf�y
Dr r ' London road, also sold hie farm fora g y ' cows going as high as $46, and other is announced to give a medical talk, that he was converted under ilio pas -
i a"``�rLCDOuald before he leaves for;sea ry road comixltes:oner, selecting jar- good figure, $7,500 and intends lav- the second room has to be fitted up I toratu of the lieu. W.H.Williams, es
ors and postage, $3.20•• Isaac Erratt, for occupation. The trustees find- stock in proportion. D. Dickinson Miss Annie J. Nevills
P g + ing retired the rest of his days. We P was the auctioneer. , a.young lady Pousinq, at the soon thou the strictest 4
"",. ;.r THEY MEAN BUSINESS. -The bank- salary and road, commissioner, $29.20; 1 expect a change in the hotel business 1°g the expense would be conssder- seventeen years of age, and who wag of teetotal principles, the advocacy of
fIng, firm, mentioned by us two, weeks Wm. Clark• salary and road com- bume of these days, able, magnanimously undertook to WEDDING. -An event that has long highly esteemed by all who had th,e which he never .i:elaxed through his r•
. }Si'n e, will commence business witit mi signer, $27,60; Robert Mellveen, put in seats, build entrance halt', and been anticipated, took place at the pleasure of ber acquaintance, eked nt Prolonged labor•. as a Christian minister, ' t;,
t#ie new year. They will carry on salary and road commissioner, $29,20; NOTEs-There are rumors of a has- such other work as their skilful hands residence of Mr Joseph Proctor, on her home here on Sunday night last When about twehty-five he began a ., y
�`f' ket social in the.vicinity at an early .scalar busunesa of los own m,the vi11- ,a.
,VLtligir transactions at the place lately] James Aiicenhead, salary and road could perform. Our economical trus- Wednesday when Rev. W, Craig, of of that dreadful disease consumption. • tcg
"� si occupied by Mrs Colligan. A first• commi,i loner, S30 40 : John Reid, date. Revs. E A Fear and B L tees have set a commendable example Clinton, united in marriage his daugh- The funeral was very largely Attend• doe of licn,pc ill•r, which lila midway �
a Hutton, of Goderich exehaD ed work , g between 1 rest,w ,ltd 133 -town, (Ottawa)
1, class ie -proof safe arrived for the °slaty and postage, �a75; Geo. Stewart, ' g to the fraternity,and the eection oho d ter, with Mr McCartney of this town- ed on Tuesday mrn•ning', services be hitt nftertvnrds tr; u5ferrud lois business11
said firm on Tuesday last. salar-' voters' lists registration, last Sabbath the latter reachin ed -1,5
Y+ g , pos- P g show their appreciation of their labor .k p• the young couple are well- ing held in St. Janes R. C, church, to the latter towia, While in Ke,n t- ,
tae ucatfonal sermons ori this circuit his P
,;$ * HO1rE SWEET Hom&-J. houtit ,� and stationery and selecting by keeping them at the helm. 'They known, and have the best wishes cf The rem tins tt'ere in'erred in Iris!=- sills he, wi,.s a popular and ac-
:' ; : who left Wingham some two weeps .irarora,12G; JA-. Curopbell and Robt. discourse was much appreciated by serve the section by the sweat of their i all for their future happiness. toh n cemeter coifed local reacher ;•,nd in ]H4tS
�. since, for Battle Creek, Duch„ writes lleid were each • refunded 81, being the congregation, and his appeals in brow as well as giving them the sea- MUNTICIPAL.--There is a little talk Notwitbstandin. lho very wet 1 1 ' "r P a;` i
error in du behalf of the Educational Fund were 4 he wns nc, tiled u on to ive u, ti
home that he is heartily tired of tits g tax. And Also that 8� ' vice of their active and fertile brains. his business in ltytowu and o out . 7:1'
4;': heartily responded .to by a liberal in the township on municipal matters weather of Wednesday title week g
`:,>,. lace, and wishes that bad. nf'vei I commutation for statute labor tiryainst - ••• but it relates only to the positions of there was a lar a crowd in »v n, it as a • "su n alp' under the char', of
I �'cn. 1,a•ng be considered null ;re subscription and collection. The up- Y 1 g that houoti it savant -•n brother Welsh
le . urou. To use his own expres- ,e> tante of the Methodist church is Colborne. Reeve and Deputy, It is said that being the occasion of the first month- now amongst a lot of having p rid it on another beat. I r The Messrs Snyder are out Chopp- both, Messrs Elliott and Whitely will ly horse and catt;e fair held here. A man, by the ,ti ay --ileo. Richard Jones
„ much improved by the late reiJairs, at that time Ch,,ie '+n of the Cubourg
para, they seeming to ;r l?Kn.'STEWA. r, Clerk. ing with their grinder outfit. again contest the positions held b good man horses were offered ts)r
dative nater, . I - .» — 9 g Y Dish,ct. In 18:,0 he was ord;kined at
Hensall. Mr D Baer made a flying visit t Messrs Cox and Beacom. So far as stile, both by auction and othell
1yN_-\Its I). J. 11Ie- Itifill's Green. • the Brockville C.'onforence, and nine,
NO1,rS-Prof: -McLauchlin hre- Trowbridge last week, pour crirrespondeut can learn public. Owing probably to the badstate of years latter found him .Chairman of-
ping to join her hus- 1 ' Not -r -s. -The Methodists here iiologist, was in town for a few days, Mr Levi Snyder's countenance sympathy seems to be with our pres- the roads, not many cattle w1re 'the. Owen Sound District.
t the name of. 'the I ]+ought all organ from a Clinton firm, but met iyith, very small audiences,- beams brightly since the arrival of a ent officers. The reeve in par,icular brought in. Besides local • buy rs When tl•_e TLondori Conference wac 11:'.^ k
auction sale c. f for the use of file Sunday school, and to son. has looked after the interests of the there were several present from a tYis- organized in 1h71, Dr. Williams was
assist in raisin the rice of it ,ur- The Annual Christmas true in connec-
re• on Saturday t; price 1 tion with the Methodist Sabbath Se'l, An entertainment itnd Christmas township. and is regarded as being thnce, and we presume a number of elected 1'rL ascot of that body in which ,
ken the sale. some pose holding an entertainment in• the tree will be *loco in the German strun -er than ever, horses tic. than ed hands, positidu lie so wan the este-en,. of his �:
is, that our far- hall on Friday, the 20th last, will he ll,l on 'X evening; a very fi , g ,,,
alias interesting program is being prepared. church, Colborne, ou Chri+twee. Five, brothren that at the expiry of his term ;
rXAMISATIox,-.The Christmas ex• Anniversary services dere held on he was re -cleated. �a,turally a inan �'
will not wield the Diary Hillis still very low,her friends The sacrament of the Lord.'s Supper A good program will be -rendered. amination of School section No. 11 Sunday last in the Presbyterian ,, ,,
<uctioneer from. Sea- have little hopes of her recover PP Admfse}o,i 10 eta,, children under (taught by Alr \V. S; Lawrence) came church here. Rev. Alun ro Fraser, to be chosen as a re peLsentat,ve, � ht . Z; .
The Sacrament of the L rd's Supper `varladminimtered. itt Carmel Church, 12 5 eta, , was elected in 1370,, to bear the greetings
P PP on Sunday. Improvements on the off on Wednesday last. A lar ge num- D. D•, of Hamilton reached morn- of the Canada Aluthodisf Caurch to `h"
i was dispeused here it the Presbyter- P We are sorry. this week to record ber of visitors showin their interest in and evenin to lar a con re a' the General Cm,fur<^rte o£ the M. E. .';f"
F. -A basket of hint• Mansion House are rapidly being g r
utside a reatauraot, on ran church la•t Sabbath. Special uahed fgrward the old shed is being the death of'Mr Pgrvia' child, which in the school by being present, After •tonna, On Monday evening llr. Fran- Church of the United States, that was il:
I' services were also beld on Fridayand • } p P occurred last week from di ,hiberi`' dinner had been served
along comes a thief, Mouda Mr Martin of Exetercon-fitted u for stores, with late glass i the school er delivered a lecture entitled "What I about to meet at Baltimore, . Md: ' He . ''
►est, wonderfully fond of y'' ' fronts. YIr Peter DlcLean Dakota it was all the more sad on account, Ot resumtd work in the afternoon, the makes the man " to it good audience. was accompanied bvlIon John Macdon-
' y
I ducted the services last Friday. AIr •AIr Purvis absence, he being awv y in scholars being t g aid. In 187'A the Senate of Victoria iii,
d began right away to de-. is visiting friends here The regular g horoughly examined The sermons and lecture were much
herring. He was to de- Joseph Hudson bad a wood -bee ort meeting of the Y.P..I. Society was the Michigan lumber woods. by the teacher, and the'visitors ex- appreciated b all who had the leas University conferred atpuu him the de-
b' getting the 11th inst, when he got a large g y — ' o PP Y p rec of ,,I). D." ,2""I
with his feast, when out held on Monday evening, when a pressing their approval of the stand- ure of listening to them. We under- g �,,.
i amouht Of wood cut, lie did not i11clUllop. in In the last union nravomentof 1882- •' jgs
my, and drives away the very interesting program of music gand progress of the scholars. The stand this is the third time Dr. Fras- 83 Dr Willial„s wan the reco sized �” ;
give the stung people a dance then The pupils of Winthrop
�:; ; u nig-I meA❑ the big black but hinted thtit in the season, and in and readings, was given; at the meet- P P p school afternoon exercises were interspersed -er has addressed the people of the v`:�'',
underwent a public examination on with recitations dialogues and choice leader of the party in the Canada
�• dog -lobo walked off with an ugly log on the 30th lust., what promises P g Presbyterian church here, once when lletliodistchurch, which, while favor- i
black scow: upon his face. connection with Au other Aad more to be a very interesting debate }b ar- Friday last. The following teaehers selections of music, rendered by the seeking a call, and twice on annivers• ing the principle of Methodist =inion,
pleasing event, he wools give then assisted in the work of examination: children, making the examination ar occasions.
'i ' ran ranged for, y was,dissat}stied with the "basis of un t'
BUBINr r3B CHd2AGES.-The heloses a party. The Methodists of Fan- b Misses Hallen, McDougall, Jones, more than usual] intereetin At R
'� business lately carried on by AIr villa ave a basket social for the Y g A joint meeting of the officers and ion submitted to the Churches. The A
' g East Wawanosh. Sallows. and P• Ilard; and Messrs the close the scbolar6 showed their astuteness and vigor with which he
Frank Billingsly, is now conducted benefit of the Sunday school, 'en teachers of the Presbyterian Metho- sr
under the name ofl3fLlingsly&Flt bier, Wednesday evening. It was rite a John S. Scott, who has been on the Hogg, McGregor, McIntosh, J. Me• appreciation of the efforts of their ea- y fought .the battle of his convictions in, ?'
Y g q Leod, W. McLeod, Johnston, Dallas cellent teacher b resentin him" diet and Episcopal Sabbath Schools the Belleville General Conference of
The dry Roods business lately con- success but the badstate of the roads sick list for the last few days is Y p g was held at the close of the school
' recovering. and Dodds. An unusually large with a fine centre table, accompanied 1883 -held previous to the Union coil
ducted under the name of Bowels & prevented many from going who g number of visitors were resent and b an address that expressed their sessions, in the basement of the ference-will long be remembered by M
Hiscock, will, after New Yeats, be would other se have been resent. Mr. Thomas Williams has returned P Y P Methodibt church on Sunda last to
P expressed themselves as highly good will and esteem to Lim. Mr ' Y + the members of that body. But, when
conducted under the name of liiecock They intend ivi6 a free Chrietmias from Alanitoba, where be had been make arrangements for the c)ming the >Inion Conference assembled on
Y g g during the last ten months. pleased with the way in which the Lawrence was so completely surprised v
Rt Agnew. Mr E.Gesto is now giving tree. entertainment on Christmas for R convention, to be held here in Janu-
reat bargains in . eweller as be in- the benefl.t of the children of the Dr. H. A. McCall, of Georgetown pupils acquitted `themselves, Mina that he hardly felt able to express the morning after the "basis" had beef t
g g J p+ ar The local Secretary and nets.- adopted b the Canada Methodist ion
tends gwing up the said business at Sunda school. who Las beenvieiting friends Lore Campbell and Mr McFaddzen were himself, nevertbelese he made soft- y' Y 1 Y,
New Years; what he intends to do, Y - returned home on Monde made the recients of handsome pres- able reply in acknowledging the Bary committees were appointed, and ference, it was the voice of Dr VViI "
Y• g g are as follows: -Local Secretary, Mr liams that led in fervent prayor foil: the ,r
we know not but as Ed i9 ver ants as they are About to lease the kindness of his pupils. It is quite1.
y pope, 'Tnokot, of t Municipal ages re are vert* quiet, school. evident that Mr Lawrence is popular J. H. Pyper, with Mrs Pyper as as• well-being of the newly formed'°(lliitrcb
lar, he would be greatly missed, Mr. dlobt Nott, of the Inoxdon so far, no changes are menti* quiet,
as ---•--- sietant. Billetfn committee -Aliases and it was Dr. Williams himself wfl'
ohould he leave town. Road, had beet makingconsiderable like] to take lace but with both pupils and parents of the g was chosen as chairman of the Provi
y p Perhaps Ydul}etic. section and the oeition has been J Leatherland, M Brett, Cufford, S
F. CHRISTMAS CHEER. -. Our mer- improvement to his residences, and ,there is mon® going on than is ru- SALE. -Mr. John Bi Inc ' of lot lb p McLean A Cowan J Dickson Mrs Vional Conference, on motion- of Dr
' chants' N down are now looking has now a snug and attractive home. mored., 2nd con will have a sale of his farm fsin n h close attention to hie dot- Gra and Mr Chesne Rece tion Carman, the deader of the Methodist,' (
ver rcttti sue and intereatin are- DEAR Siit.-I see in your last es, and his genial affability. y' y' P Episcopa,liag delegation, and f,be late, •'°JI,*,
w', Y P 4 g, Mr Blackbrou h has rented the stock, etb on the 27th =net.. T. M , committee; Geo. Good, L. L. McFaul, a
ranged int eirChristmasattim, each Paper that your correspondent is farm of Mr JohngVancam for $155 Carling Will wield the hammer. - W. Hartry, Mrs M. B. Smith, Mies Dr Nell+ a tiniiri elu'vGcato Af W. •",
P proposed union. In less than a year, i,,
one seeming to vie with the other ,for bothering his tread about pum kiss: aid in advance and Las moved -on to WaDDIf.Q,-One of those always Blyth. K. Cowan and Mrs A, D. McDonald,
the best display, Surely they will p i Y whoa DF Rice, who bad been elected '`
' Well, Frank, we have thrashed them ;t, In view of 'recent evente this is happy events that are worth cbron• Musical committee, Messrs W. D: f
W make rent 'r 0ieili : and gladness in now and if you want seed, it is time ichD took lace at'the residenoe of ` NOTES. -Mud, muddier, muddiest. Bra ht Jae Scott and T. O. Kew onelof the Goneral5uportintendents died •"
g es 6 g considered by some as a peculiar cit- g+ P 8 p• Dr Williams was called from his plfne
some homes, clothe the naked 'Ind you were looking after them. cumstance. : Mr John Mills, on the 11th inst., A young man was up before J. Ps. among the working • pastorate of the W<
feed the hungry. B •the wa what ONE of THE BosrB. when hie oldest dao hist Louie uvea Kelly and Young this week charged ttY
Y y' COUNCIL. — The -county met at LITERAIt'Y RE-OPENED.,-•`,Irhe 5th g bungannon. Church which he },as,1911ed so well for y� i,
an immense slaughter of turkeys Y united in marriage to Mr W. Oke a with stealing a buffalo robe; be was pearl four decades an
Brucefield on Dec. 13th as per ad- line literary :eras re -opened on Frida NOTES. -ML Luther Brown form- y d asked to sit fn y+
moat have taken lace in 'the y p Y` prosperous young farmer of.the town- di chartzed. 'Dont forget the Eng- ' the highest double seat within the gift p ver ournment, The members were all evening. The following are the fish church S. S. entertainment, Fri- erly a rekident of our village, but now t" i3 , py,
near vicinity ; they are hanging at j ship. Mise Mills was supported b of his brethren. Ile was at this time a
almost every window, wonder if one Present. After passing several ac- officers, President, Harry Haslop, Miss Oke, of Huliett and D4ise Muni day night, in the Temperance Hall, of Dakota, is at present again in President of the newly•formed Ni ra `�'"p'''•
will et hanging in our snit before counts a by-law was prepared and vice president, Jno Scott; Secy., M. er I A certain constable has sats to a man o� r midst, looking well. We are Conference. The •Gei,eral Co • orence ht
g g P 9 P P o B yby Messrs,
the groom was eased to learn that Mrs J. 24. Rob- of 1886, re-elected him to the f r �
Christmastide if so we will eased appointing Inspector Malloch H. Harrison; .2nd Secy, Sam Morton; from a certain section of the con tr p u
give it a P PP g P , .i supported by Mesara, John and Will. 4 Y+ ort° is almost convalescent' again, year ;x,.:
real warm reception. A Bishop, M. P. P. and Wm. R:ydd, tress., P. W. Scott; Com, P. illi Scott ism Mills. The bride, who is -very that he wilt not give him•, or any K term of the General Superin endency, ri }
Es of Usborne to value th•s school ileo. Coultas, John Fells S. Rath from that art half a show; it is in after her recent illness. We under- nvhich be was lint allowed quite toeom- • .
A BIG .SHOT FROM GREAT GUNS. q'' ' popular was the recipient of a num-. p stand that Mr George Woods is a ai ''. 't;.
'-We have seen many demonstrations Property of the township, to adjust E• Edwards, sentinel, Jno. Anderson. ber of beautiful presents, and left for order for Jim to explain what he g R n plate.
means, and remember the old injunc engaged as teacher in our public Dr Williams was a militant Chris -
11 and •lubileea in the Salvation Army, and settle the respective rights and A grand edtertainment has held in her new home with the blessings and „ echoof and Miss Hawkins, of Port Elan. lIe belieyLd . thoroughly the
but never one more interest}ng, ere claims consequent on the.repeal of the school No 1Q, on Friday evening of best wishes of all. tion, "beginning at Jerusalem. Mr Albert, for the v+ulo: department. faith of iii fathers: 'He believed in
ditaDle and pleasing than that of by-law establishing the Township last week, there was a very formid- Cnuncil met at Londtsboro the King bag been taking the school cep- Miss A. Tr 'eaveu is At present 1 Y
P g ' sus he finds there are just as many and professed truo Wesleyan ganetifi
.Saturday and Sranday last, when the Board and the division of the town- able program and it was nearly 12 16th day of Dec., pursnant to mo- ; visiting friends in Morrie. Mr J. cation. lie made no compromise wfth ;a„'r'
Household Band visited the Wing-pmP into sections. It is understood o click when the last piece was ren- titin. All menal resent. Min- children se ever. Slater dt Sims have doubt, ancient or modern; he w
that the examinatirn of the school dered and the crowd die ersed to Dies of the last meeting read andeon- advertised an auction sale for next Br�(,gea spent a few days in Hamil- st,,lnart
hem corp. Aa musicians we think p g ton surly the week. Mr Robert priest of the old rel'
they rank among the first of the Do- Property will take place early in Jan• their homes all agreeing that it was a firmed. Account of township im- Tuesday. We had an unusual grist n was ever ready to preach its
minion, and their uniform is bosh nary. A resolution was passed fix- grand auccess. The kindergarten provement amounting to $379, were of drummer~ this week. I. O. G. T. Bowers, o Manitoba, has returned with ph}•-
•� in Dixon's hall Brucefield ae the Songs were real) excellent and reflect awed and ordered to be aid. The met Wednesday thils week Home, Rev, sermon
Cameron reached p
plettlresque, neat and c.,mely. On g + + g Y p p ' , next week his farewell sermon. to a large coed it he w
Sunday they held forth in the Town place for holding a meeting for the 'great credit on ,the teacher in drfllinq annual meeting of the Electors of the they go back to the old night, Friday, g on the
nomination of candidates to fill the them so well. A select few then ad- township of Hullett for nomination i, gregatiou on Sunday morning last ; in the
J7a11, the afternoon meeting being so p---�+�--- he left this week for his new field of He had
-crowded that man could not et in.
offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and journed to R. 'G. MoGowan'e new candidates for the offices of Reav9
. We wish them God eppeed in their councillors for the year 1890, and if farmhouse and enjoyed themselves Deputy Reeve and three councillors - ]Brucefield. labor, in Strabane. A S, S. enter• and of
work of love; and may they'again, ere a poll is necessary polls will be op- tripping tbb light fantastic till early to serve for the current year, be field tainment will be hold on New Years to t po
Y ANNIVERSARY SERVICES—Sabbath night here, in the Methodist church; reli fon.
long, visit our town, where= they will erred at the usual places, viz: for di- dawn. Hobert is a good host and in the Temperance Hall,Longe9boro, the lbth, being the anniversary of the the ]Methodist friends are departing
e'be. sure of a hearty reception. To- vision No. 1, at �gmondville school Qpared no pains in making the nom- at noon Dec. 30th 1889 and in case
,A4.(Friday) the Wingham corps are house, Henry Col ert, Deputy Re- pany feel at home, We hope he may more than the necessary number of opening of the Union Church, the i little from the old method of rcraic-
•going to Palmerston, to welcome the turning Officer; No. 2, at Broadfoot's soon be relieved of the responsibility candidates are proposed, and a poll Pulpit was occupied both morning and ikg funds from Loa -meeting sources.
':dew•'t:ommissioner to Canadian uar• school house, James Broadfoot, D. R. of depending on himself to entertain demanded th n the ' elections for evening by the Rev. H. W. Fletcher, A tea meeting under the auspices The
q O. No. 3 e of Hamilton,. He delivered two of the Presbyterian church was held `
;tars„ , at school house No. 2, & company, and will be pleased to see said offices will be held in the follow- y chief ho
Smillie, D. R. O.; No, 4, at the Red him take unto himself a life partner. places, viz. Electoral Div. No. 1' very eloquent sermons and was listen- ;n Erskine church on Thursday ev ton and
bTTEfl•-The infant child �`Mr school Louse, James Cumming, D. R. + Tem stance all Kinburn J.Fowler ed to by a large audience. On the ening last, a few days prior to the
LATEit NOTEB. - Mr A. Sloan's P + following Monday evening instead of leave of the the hiry
iV,l Alter Green is, we are glad itt'sa , 0, The nomination will. be on the De Ret, officer. Electoral Div. 2 pastor, Rev. el er Cam- h
barn was burned on Friday night; p• + -the annual teameeting, Mr Fletcher Bron. Addresses were delivered by fat botl.t?
latter,, as is also Mrs Robert Hi ':• last Monday of the year. Thefollow- as there was no lightning, it, ie sup• school house No. 6, Thos Neilans delivered a lecture entitled "Palestine
:.Its DI'etauchlin is to -day (Frlc�ay33 a fug sums were voted as -relief, to N. osed it tons set on fire. Al!v. Wm. Dep -Ret. officer. Electoral Div No.3, Rev. A. Potter a>yd Roy. Mr Ander- (;etched
ue , at a wedding in Brussels. t4ih Price $lfi J. Miller, $b , Ld. Com- p as I saw it.” The roads and weather snn. A good pr - gramme was pre. crown
�r g , Ross, wh`fI'•ia now teaching in Toronto school house No. 2. C. McIntosh Dep beingalike bad, the audience was not g
-r, ;lohgetoti; - f Colborne, attended ber, $10. The taxes charged against University, intends coming home for Ret.offlcer. Electoral Div No.4,For- Rented an mesio was furnished by
ua creditors' eeting of Mr Blunket, John Collaghan and Edward Comber his holidays, Mr Jason Ellis return- esters' Hall, Londesboro Wood- ae large ala it otherwise would have the Methodist church choir. Over In
iA' been; Those preseut listened to sixtydollars were raised. Seel,
ff Tuesday, h living a creditor to were remitted, also a dog tax of Wm, ed home from Stratford last week. man, Dep. Ret. officer. I Electoral a very interesting and instructive lec- trop
ti amount o ' 4226. The revival Turney, who was assessed for a dog The entertainment in S. S. No. 10 Div. No. 5, school house o 5. Wm. tr
r tore. -f • •
etings are being continued in the but did not own one. It may not be Mies Gregory, teacher, was a grand McCool, Dop. Ret, 'officer Etector-ul 0pgff{h, f j�pp �jj� ggi�nnho
thodist chureb, and converts being out of place to.remind the ratepayers success in -every respect, the program Div. No. 6, Temperance Hall, Lon- NOTES. -Mr Jas. Grant, iteacbenr DUUIll of Roy. Dl. If lUlUMS, St
dy .. Mrs (De.) Chisholm and of each school section, in the township being excellent, Mr Oakes and the deaboro, Jas iiraithwahbe Dep. Ret. No. 10, Stanley, propposees holding au 87,
liter will spend Christmas with that the s6bool set fixes til laat Wed• quartette club from Clinton awin a officer. Electoral Div No. 9 school entertainment on b'riday evening. — but
rents. Lr McDonald will leave needs of Dehember as the, day on 1 . g house No. 9 A. T. Macdonald De All who can should attend. On the (Globe, Tuesday.)
C, y and concert in y, of lye let + P• Cr
,irt cyf d11A shout tie fitU of .January. which to hold' "seUool meetlags,.' ex• i alone all the assistance from themselves,
Ret. officer. ',Che statement of income, same evening Atr McLaughlin, Phren• The death of Rev Dr Williama,whioh
y,j 11A lout
is on a sick fiat. A cept when Wednesday is a holiday. mr and' Mrs' Coventr of Westfield expenditure, assets and liabilities of elogist; will diver a lecture in Dix• was very long expected, tools place. 'fort
/�' lh luf.rai • .
,,taie0,01'W i. John Iia paid him a This year Wednesday being Christ ' were in Clinton last week. Mr Wm. the township made pursuant to 's Hal her of pupils, from this morning, Iso Ives oonsoious all to l+
I w 4eek wile took'sick mita the meetin a should be held on iChap. 28. vie 51 was ordered to be our ec a week in EJeafezth afternoon, and in the latter part of the cvi
\18i� Milt, , + g QuinnGZuinn returned home from the Lum• P + evening he fell asleep; from which he
` , and it " bad that e, time her Thursday, the 26th,, att I0 9. m. I her Foods on. Monday; Bill reports P'iblished. Council 6 d' ,urffed,-JAB and 4g on the ener flee passed to his eternal reward, •without.
1, , P1 , Wo0'aired„ vb' are glad 1. SAMUEL S11fI ,"4fTi lerli
n . def a AMPRELL, Clerk
r � l•; + s, any symptoms of pail]: During
,I'll, �Mrx ,W s r.. It
., r I bar to e
y 1. ,': Wr, �, tri i �.# "q r•• i
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