HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-29, Page 7.. ^ .. .. tf .�. - . . ., 1 14 tlAtri,SA'" Ttfil°,�t rerkc:c• -_.•-_.._•-+_w 1 -_viii'.• _�`�'.RiLT •1! «_.,�•"••.,�.2-'fir � .,m t •` - - w MILLING AND TESTING- .� t' ti, unday fRJi iA 4, 1:3, A ?'j tl,e l;ditur of IIIc C7ild,ou Vf tC L"Ir Ij ` 1f ' 5(jtl'11 �� I fila.-I obberve in your ht,t i,.;tle r., ,thr.x Toa Ltun1,. he \'� n,t iu life, while c}aylight tt n report of the uteutin oft A hit. 1-(Luse ; ` R Huron Farmer's Iustitutu 11':11 i11 lul�lura I I 't ,' ' � •` ' i91 Goderich Ilately, at which tLu mail' l,ttwe,eu the sunset and the pa19 I 11 .: 'r subj9ct for discussion was Thu milling nluourise, . ( +t' ilti::al Q A a and testing of wheat," and the presence \1'heu daily labor slips fro t Lruary , NASAL Q]!$ ; of Mr Yleves, who is the seerutary of fingers, , t * 0 `, a `, - 1 ThelDominion Millers' Association t,, .\dd soft [:tray shadows Vuil the 110" " , to a} ;' A certain end speedy cure t:.r • present the grievances, and, to ask the in;.; ey a;. L 1. Ccrl in the Head au Cotanu bvtupathy and support of the tarmer5 t Yr i * a in it ltastages. t, Ohl perfuutcs +vall,'L'V back from Leltls TI,."'_ o composingthe Institute. Accurdiu' art, > , S3IJTNIN0, CLEAT I1C, ; to Mr Yleves' story the ulillers are a' of Clot lir• The four greatest medical centres of the world are London, Paris. Berlin and Vienna. These cities have lmmenso ' HEALINE,�, ;:,••: . ,.,cry' ill treated class of citizens, adtl Soon in t1w li; ht of 61111., that lois; . .7 f pyrm,nro �C3±e, 1 !Lava 0.k hospita(S teeming tuith suffering humanity. Crowds of students throng the wards studying under the Professors In Instant Ralte, lit;,hl+' tteserting of the ay u: ,Lth. and Il ehar�e. The most renowned physicians of the world teach and practice here, and the instttutrons are storehouses o ,�".. Fa!lure linposo,' 1[r patrol age 0f the farnlcrs of thea taunts' 1;[loved Dur , +.Lose catthly toil is aver, I T'P�tt1.-`) to tvhuul Choy have nous, as hu seems 1).,N uetr u; !f they lived uu»:, u, yj1 rriedtcal knowledge and experience. With a view of malting this experience available to thg public the Hospital , •g.vl �•i„.( ks are s,ntp,y symr[oms at 1„ think, iu a very just, guncrulis awl t. c,t ! Remedy Co. at great expense secured the prescriptions of these hospitals, prepared the specifies, and although if sic;, as h,. -1. t s partial dca!r .•' l '” Lural ,nauner, H[r, 1'lewus aturts L>' I would cost frons $25 to $100 tozeeure the attention of 'their distinguished originators, yet in this way their pre- :Qf tta 11, foul 1•atth, 1[atvktng bud x,011 tL .., I1 „);t ,etc. It YoO 0.r'' refetrittt to tilt, rules laid klo[t n L>' the O;a t „tots : r 11 u:u t4,r„It'_II t1+' ktu ,!: I pared sapecifics are offered at the price of the quack patent medicines that flood the market and absurdly claim to cure ;, ge:.a xl fuel;[ : of as Yta s t:; ,t�tLs• 1 , iatiuu for the tustin„ an l louu'uiu I�I!i' I every ill from a single bottle. The want always felt,for a reliable class of domestic remedies is nota fl!led with per- s , ed ,v' h 0.[[Y of , c.r kindr • )• c : tiller=; :1 sol tt'Gat r Ina ?' ,lase ['° t„nk ”` p"c""'" u' in•' of tLhuat fur iluur kt; Luiu' f 11c;Lr t►,u evil ES; '[f tlrp;u tkd fe. t - j� ! fact satisfaction, The Hospital Remedies make no unreasonaGle c!(zims. The apeciffc for CATARRH cotes that untl ' n ,cute ":A-A:• ''•" M• Be warnc,b, Park„"It"�; t,7Lllbs o "floor and 1:3 of olid!, thus, i� ;,,,d tltru 1 [tak, ttith t1Li1[ a1,tl Ir"'Iblv(I II nothing else ; so with the apeclflo �or BRONCHITISr CONSUMPTION and LUNG TROUBLES; RHEUMATlSPA !s Our tccted ' ( ,Ghsul AsnL Li�t,� i, s yd cy t'(;artlitt„. �1; b0 No. Sr while troubles of 11lGES ION, STOMACH, LIVER and KIDNEYS have their own cure. To these is .s bl, a:ensu-+ lu of brad slid 3 cf bhOrts 1-,r a i,tl.Lct t1: i I.e e"nt, post AaiJ, un tccL:pt .t -,tt N'hea);, IeaCllhg tell tttllIU:; Lt tilthuge. • 1 \\'lett is tlw ch;unt t1 tt ,:' [!'•''• , 1,t Ispec �ar. for FEVER and AG E, One for FEMALE WEAKNESS-a GENERAL TONiC and BLOOD-tlIAKER that mak: s bi. od • npd06 col l,yaadressm, illus for hid fall for l rinds; wLich thin`;s ., stccLtf Lll i and t, for FORM AND FULNES(rf•e f;rldrxrt lnoomparable remedy for IN OEBIl.l7Y. i'i13t1 &Cay 8(iOCXY;a" ^�1• to 'I l _ F; :mitationssimilar ;u t--••;e• h s ellib tmthi-10z "uS t Le i<tatua tit, nluet the olrl juga L: er[ ft, w'[• a itI, i Il,,, \ `,,[ , 1 1 l,oldun ? ! ` R ulrrr, , V, � A Case itt 1'oitlt. about 13cts par bushel lit nwu,c rices s i suppose. how when +rc col:bidcr liven their nlculury k.cp.i lit•= Pure Ii�ItI( , �� l �� a 11 `M ' 1/,'� lY0.I-vuRfa �.,), _, , - that according to Statute tllc millers add tint ; ilk II r�\� - �`'y CATARRH, HAY L.t1 ,(,: . The 1)toEress of the \V('btLru tuul allowalkces is u pounds per bushel for \,,,I tet, fru,;, out Jernsulvnt the FEUER,ROS£COLD orth•�Y.esthrn Status duriuo the last gritttliug, we must supl'ose that 10 ILII , Goldwi !, % -yJ� CATARRHAL DEAFNESS.-The lhuno- (:o0. .Teukotl ' ("�" onl authe,tt(c¢ur¢emanatin ry �� `�'-, ears, has been truly 1 is or ought to be amply s"21--lit for; 1 1, saying, "i (nate• all 1-!`I �., fit`-�1�j aclertlfosourcesnowbeforet epa 11,-�((I(� I vanty Y even millers. When the now process ` tl;iuhs !lett.” LIINI j II This la not a snuff or ointment-both are dls- t I. mend!. The rattans, compiled from of making flour by rollers tecta iutrodu- carded as Injurious. $T.Oo. official sources, give 6U1116 account of red it was claimed by its advocates, I „rather," I cry, `• the Dia mast still be Vito, 2-COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CON- \-I ltl �' r A � . !��,' �� SUMPT/0N-An tnoomparable romedy ; does not merely stop it the miracle, but fail to convey any. that it was much superior to the nearer; , ,_ former process, as thereby a larger ,;title my love or give me back the \ � a cough, but eradicates the disease and strengthens thelangs and �li " rt4' thine like an adequate idea of it. Ili quantity, and of better quality could be past' restores wasted tlsISea 51.00. acquired the North• !"�Iii I! N0. $eRHEUMATISM AND GOUT Paris, , who treats 8nd veto, / el 1870, the year we i Rot from a busbel of wheat, hence the Gino me the fair old earth, whose Paths \ I known spectutat In this his rem in Par1a, who treats nothing else, �•,West the Stated of Ohio, Michigan, farmer would be benefitted y are dearer it1 -- .� _ _ J�'� buil! his reputation on ihls remedy. $1.00.[ change. Now let us sea how the 'than all thy sh'nil:; street and �-� f !60,4-LiVERAND KiDNEYS, DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION, �.k ,,11 , J. -,- i Wisconsin, NirinesOta, �� i .. tt J CUNSTiPATION and BRiGHT'S DISEASE-A favorite slaughter field l � J i ,. Ciana, Illinois, former and the preaeut compares. u,a,lsions vast," !;!ILII L:-•- t (( ! \ -` _ !r . Missouri and When a man brought his grist, and got � lir the quack who has rained more at than alcohol. Ilse a t I �� / I , Dakota, IOWA, Nebraska, ` / remedy sanctioned in high places. $1.00. . \ ;1 r_ .. d� Peace, peace-the Lcti.t of earth and 1,llllfI fix' ' Ir �" Kansas, contained 0. population Of his own wheat ground, the miller took ,// $o,T,-FEVER AND AOUf;'DUMB AGUE, MALARIA, NEURALGIA �! 1 ' 3 000 miles of G Pounds out of every bushel for his heaven knowuth -Few know l to g toxo damaeg.e this ddoeit he System• It if t �rt \. � �`� ( thirteen millions, tvtth 2 d"lie, now he takes 10 pounds, which is ,Thi liv, 1,,, soul ill all its•!lout. a::kl, _ \ ' .. F ' VIII•`!!'` ed to brew o a ,me s a reme y ta era ie es . ` , t l;�I railroad. In that year they .produced surely a profit with, venoeanue. '1'4LI1 strife;No.G-FEMALE WEAKNESS, IRREGULARITIES, WHITES-Many r ! a l 34,000,000 bushels of Wheat and coxa. if he brought inferior wheat he gets all Oat Of ht's thrones tO stream of L the ,1.11,11 `� women nre broken down because they neglect these diseases / t,it would make after taking the ..tiller's tl0ws t1-until chronic and seated, Use No. ti and regain health and --f ' ! {1. Duns ttiulerN� �• strength. $1.U0. Lam! r� /t ° tIn 1888, they' contained twenty-four due. Now for every p But the char river of eternal life. , I1 No. 7-HEALTH, FORM AND FULNESS depend on good blood and . 000 mile3 Of ! il,';, lots of it. if steak, If blood Is poor, if scrawny, use this perfect millions of people, with 73, standard weight (viz, f,0 lbs.) he for- 1 , . nd lroduced 1,650,000,000 faits 2 lbs of flour; if his tt Heat weighs Ito fiivcth life, uy, life iu all its stvicet. nip C l talc. lDT.00. railway, a 1 .0,11 N11,.8-lt�RY.DUS.DEBILITY LOSS OF „try_ERt: A Arutch .cure= • � ?; = ' y 115 1Le to the bushel all be gets is .?7 Ills licts'; . P n'' � . -, cidsn pubfrc•will hall u"'y nine riRt f�r an unfortunate cow ` ...'i;, bushels of Wheat and corn. of hour, with 13 lbs of offal as to the U11 loves, 01:1 suun} spates Lt•Ill -,- •_., , .... , . ' ...... l,:J'.: - t _- ...... _ ditivn. No. 3 is yolden, whteh one irrnl wit! prove. Bewure of ., D10W will any Matte mall asst:i t that . Case of standard wheat thus leavilig . ,.-_„.'TnSttir- 7,. - (�'. t (norant quacks a'ho charge high rices for cheap and worthless .,1,.` ' r' a'Y3 beC11' ivltliJhe iiiiller no l -, than _0 -lbs lot' U,tl)' the r'ttr,9 0f sin and incontp let[•- }� / gdrIt a a,d pills, tiru prupartiea o�which they 0.7 a utterly !guar- �!: �\ V"'I't ”" ' this mvt'YVi llous growth tt Ouldlh t � / � ant, and tubo ¢.r/" a you by Selling your con/idential letters. l�' possible under a system of • restricted his share of the business. Surely the nods to others in u:e sr.,ne ncfartous bus,ness, use No. R and a miller may be a happy fellow, and sing ;;}lull tnil:t thinu;hcurt add ves tl:iuc live again. ,''i...•• • "''i i 7 trade, that is, if the States named had the old ditty, • 11altpy'':t the ntaid,that ],cart no mote. t / ;t marries the miller, foul clay or fair TO Er g`i,''.D OF ALL DRUGGISTS. / : been cut off by customs barriers from k• '', ,%� °', da • is a e briiigiu till hc•r,'' Serve }tint in our wet warn un i l.,ily 1 w . lilted idtafes? The y Y i(your�nn,r T.rdbo•.1y.,"..,,l,...cu•maLo,n •r.it pn, uta 115 and we t, IP lhgttu)»n 1;c; ,,.t !• the rest Of the U / ,,;o-r.-t. N w b,nvr ; I.,.0 nb nth, r r, nwu'y, ,n:, , '.nt....0 .,c.,,-kc:cu.ail ,.�..d,ca,cx ,11•:1 % �'� j.)! Hut this is not Lill..Aftt•r tltt• faruwr !icing! + d�y� Empire i9 probably capable of at flab CBehan eel 1113 tt'ht`tl t. ft)t• flour, aIle! •,•t:,•t,•.gd 11-.';-Ic h,�,.h..;L,n LIosY[w Nuuu: ot,utkt, ..,-.,:.,,w G•ut:l Sc:euWc se:tcu, 1, i'(i�l / ,:.,,t tlw:, 1 :o;.,c.d Y✓,u Lia that they would have grown exon morn iter the miller front l0 to 3Y pounds ' \nil fat-h i(hall lift t}t [ to it.; mill — _ - t AY. '' rapidly under such t course of treat- g 1 light heights : ! i 1 f / % /j gena stoma for •-' t t:'t• "~ �`� per bushel for },is ,,l,:r(, las Ilan heel] Then 1-111111 a p>al11t (If l;ladnc,s ;u:,l t i� r b1111n!l'L"I e m 2jill 4 me t,for thereisuo limit to its nonsense P '' , • :< . ' ;rcul t+vto ' Intelligent melt will, of course, refuse often done this year) NVItltt dooa ht: )ret') thatike„'iving I t C,rcuwP to �°f 1 " g-`° fill the Scalnl horn' that :: )Inc., h(` I''' to believe anything„ of th6¢kind, 'there ;� rma)y,+QLi t tic:liotyonitvuy4!lpl'Btit ttvecn the li„Ilts. t ' �/� � � ,9. f1UTTcr! D1ri0;!, p[e,r• A } is no differsuce, as regards the results TOROi�7 s (J _�” � ' , >-�' ':'3„��; � ���” r}�1 j j) rrived atbettveen separating it to the crowning, 14LTV of i(Uptlt1e11ae ill i���l�1tlillLclllCl� Co.111"" 't �" CanadiandUnited,^7tatzs. ittr Pleven and the millers hurt, is llo"IE Fltt,T. ° C'z.`9• __. - ' ` tory from its nearest markets by modus their a' 11en1 to the futnwry to support'' ' ' " .t'i"ll` :, of a tariff wall, and preventing it front the iii it denuut.l upon the Uocern- LUL huulu �tatul lit:,t aln,cc all 1 , I:' illz,c a ,:• ' µ o having access to thus() marituts by a ether thine! No ntttltcr lwtt I i,` blockade of armed vessels or . armed mont to raist` the catty upon fifty c can .men. Suppose Dakota had bosu been flour rLsri Haan-.linstead u(llL may} every its (Il tie,, n o matter ]low far�y0ua �. tFAL r� " AP R subjected to either of these methods 1 ' talent-; (,r your itttlttcuce mai' p `' s " l t 4 t T,r..:�,,�,,, of restricting trade, is it conceivable hears of thfarmer ]tmiaerabl9with t subserviency of t'eaeh 1)e 'ot}d its dOOtn, bCfure — - 1.It ' that its population could have grow" the representatives of the farmers of w from 14,000 in 1870 to 700,000 in 1S8d, x and its., production from 240,000 bushels• Westndnron, ttheu they endorsed that 0011.10 kin;; ciao Wild up :t title ng Off AT ' to 57,000,000 ? Hckv can we expect the da3yead I have lie doubtlbut�some of they tn01t1istCr!3oI,clttittnote b0letr)ough i straggling Canadian provinces to make 1 •-•-_._____0gg`+-- . much ro gess as the lore,compact them, Perhaps ll^�l of them, have often that it i3 swept and gar nisbed,, as p fi been heard to complain o£ the bac! l sant 'that its `Glia" uudetwi!ruud tt ill e('1I uti' hi well a,seort(itl ,stool; Ot'«'111 I'u}bly Shis tates of the Union, so long as the for rnzer has had for •that its BiivCr is btl 1 s In our customer, duel th9 public 'rnu:,Llly we wi:,h t0 mulc0 it kuoten that c '.. are t o le ill mer are blockaded, while each and all times which the fa rtt:d h an the nu of years. Perhaps they have food is delicious, but feed the love nowrendy for the Fall' Trade t.itlr ptrrtutinttecoration yty thant'rh ni. `hirurtnt 1 ttile,wilille stock I,vet Csoki1>(,btt fly of the latter are free to tradep y, in it feed thought boatinent to which they belong? were al uniotocat a •e }OAnnexation as li ' g t 811,1' gentleness ill 1' Let the reader,if he be aConservative remedy for the cavils that afliict them, feed all charity and t Cntl( u.C38 Ill Nil �-�^1' clear his mind of pitrty 1)iliathis just But when ➢Ir Plewes Sete among tl}em it. • Thon from its Walls shalI Larlut ad Tzt vlfili stook •• of .-A-•'�l�O �,��w�TNGT0-N ,()1 Mori for five minutes, and exanun9 this mat and tells them that it .would b9 greatly COtnC forth the trite wOmat) anti , ri1 �Y 99 ■ MM - - ! ter dispassionately. . If ha likes, .#or it '� • affect rho )Isnot )le of the thing, to their advantage to put a higher 1'afl the trite man, Who ti}tAll� together ethos That has ever been kept in ('lint )n. Our two stores arc both r,11e(I with i.•noa, p� •�{�''� /� will not . Il I ) on American flour, they see things g rule and bless t1io land.' XMAS {Jd,r w .fit. \!Y YEAR let him deal lir)t with States or Pro- nets li;hi an fl hey are as t eutlo and , ¢ that are required for a rblietttl trade•, full line ul all kind: of 1111 Y. (,Ut.k of � [ winces, but with a smaller unit, tvlth, submissive 'as doukeys,.'and ars ready all Over-ti,l'ou�ht piCtttt C : ., wo, bought on t)le best terms passiL!u. �unu spr Tial I argauls fi ou1 tl:e stn: is of 1 b counties or .e9n.tutvn9hil+s. .\Vould goods bou;;ht from hlr: Thoul,"' ,fur!cn'm, at i;t ek•ttta on the• to acquiesce in an clemancl made upon think not. What honor (•un bo Itis particular township, or any otber,be q y p �g served by being divorced comme�oially',.cloakhlsoatcewimillers lin Ito give then, their their tlrCgto� that] t0. fou11�1 ytt tt �1ULL LIN�IS Iw, 19016 �t d��id� �9Q��� �ttt� � � g .11 from the acljuinin; neit,tborhoo(1'. y g 4 home : What digrnit higher 1' 1� I' T Am& I . cloak also, and do anyth,ng and every, that, tr1 r0ir; I it, 'till, )uteri miy- 0 -----0 -'r tlihig to please, even to the passing of a r [ :, ('li,uon ; cor[v' trees . What iv the ability to "CLUTIIIti(.: 11IAI)1: 'I'U Ul.11lsh c,(rnjlra that, 0.(:y hit t i Tile tt,e of �.ycr'ri Sat'sulr;lrillu Vote of thanks to the man who has so and try us attd see for you:•, 4vk:•. ; , speak f ' purifies thL' L1(rod, etin,ltlsty� the cooly.prapased to ease their pockets. } rem st p11blie platform t0 a ! ,sevretit)n:, )111(1 ilu})urta new life Now Mr Pl9wos, int ai out to report, l:tr f(s; intelligent audience, 'a the I ilootS Shoes, 11�:il11ber's and 01"'I'SIa��p4, c per ib dogs not give any !tint about what re- tvisdUn, that mai' CUnlmtmd :t sent i 1 , 1 ' , Fresh New VALENCIA RAISINS I ^ and vil;nr to t:V cr3 till):'tiiln Of the turns the fartners or the consumers of t)rI tile ud(g'o's bench, eonlpaeed to I - bUdy. 1 lir )Iutlrl)- ila!f . eCnttlr3, tlour.nre to get for this extra tax, for it J 1 FELT BOUTS of all kinds, coulee and tine, in ul} the different dln!((s, at from ry��p D NTS C` er Z� it has renutiurgl' Itnt ivallcd 11s rho moat bLevident to the dullestrntnd that that tvhi0h Can in•5111 e an;r! preside 10 to 20 per cent cheaper than other heu,es,ell them. We mean buyiues,. L��,e�4. NPiW �A 1 �iAS CURRANTS p 1) ha Ire)Ilti ,e: .('CLI' lled,\-C.l't'll. (1119 fifty' Cellt3''Rees entirely into, the overs true home, that hu.,band - , Fresh Be eon 'in(:te,I li\ a trial. millers' pockets. It i9 enonnh for his and (hildron "rise and call her r t,•„AI s, t F R SII \ I� W LI'MONT,OIiAl�iCiF �C CTTlini`-PEELS 1nrlos) if }1C kgetsit, and'tf 1110 £dimers r Full •Lines In HA'c;� ?` L]liit ��I3ES 11 < I 1 l.,le+e0d {' To be the guiding,star, r for $1 9;Ln 1-0 pur,unde,I to believe that it is R CW T OUT Rlc 1:; lbs. ht..t (iratsulatrd 1ti'hitc. s i^ . for thutx "cod add the country's good, the ruling spirit in enCh tt I)Osit'()" ! To lit• sold• tit a st"All nflvunre o" vuA" .\11 we a�lc i, a elan!! c.?rruni,,iou un �. D s pf Indo, t to �! I' 1)]vel it\' t n he has rained his point, and mare pro- is hi alter honor than to rt11C alt ! these _on,l,. c :Al.;t il. l7 Ilia• Flri lit C(,tjct' +u (:tr file 1 ctleh. 1� tection to the millers, thanks to the vt111,it•n,-_. [1T rt; Beecher. ® Sit; gar ti,t' 1 c:1sh. The Cry that tn)restrictul trade tt'itlt farmer9, will be then an accomplished sElJ' RELIANCE. R I c {1 , i. VD gg q�T �p��T { �1 t�1 �1 Warehouse, �� the United States n uulcl ntal:C Cana- fact. Ifoty will all those who bur TI,CI u i7 , Yll , IR Vit I�4 , The Times Tea GLI a �`e ` ouse their flour regard sncli a scheme? :It'e. inany who are nuithur We aro getting ready 0.3 fust as POs-sthle fo e;npply our customers with all kinds Z( Ooperls ()Id Stant!, Cor, 8carle's Bloc v dians znoreprodilev".8Ot raw c11?,terlal' 11ow eontforttu); it must be to them, litll(, (,1111(lrcll nor invalid. nor I, and prevent diversity of industry, is schen they have to pay an extra fifty Vic tune cifr0ut snttu3v and trial, of C1roCeries kuul 1 revisions. Good, dcatvered to all'parte of the tetvn. based, like Other Yroteutionist cries, cents [(Lr a barrel of Henr, and 8 o p the �� �� �� i farmer himself will get his eyes opened "110 yet in,iet nit !assn} on others 'g, WA v il"11 1H S ci��1'am o f ��'Atell-11a1zelt upon nothing of it tangible nature.•- tvlunl )ILI finds that instead of more IIIc loads \vl)ielt belong; to (.110111• it before the N. i'. was thought Of, flour for the bushel of wheat he will t01vea. In this$tvay th0)` UISO 1!e- We will open Out in this department next Creek, and will rive you city' wg?rk 111141 TILL NEW TOILIs'J.' LOTION. Long rr t lea:(, as must certainly be the effect, r , l • Canada could boast of a (lo , }mu of flour is higher than ('olne hitid0rer t tnstvad of helpers City styl0s. \\nxk guaranteed to be second t0 none in the tt,wle, and It ii o, as Gan when tile. 1 low as the lowest. Softk.,,, Ihu shin, removes t0ugghnese, erupt,ic)ns and ttritntiun fmrntl,e f:t'.s an g manufactnrtl,tg industries it is now, without a corresponding„ rise the late of Christ" but got •C (to not n�lr•etti,r rtny'thing llanris, and gives freshness and tone to tite complexion, rands of 5 (Oma and see u0.. \Vc are bound to do business. \\ grown u side by side with in the price of wheat to counterbalance only one side of it, :Iwai! in th0n ;„teed to carr out, Come and see our stock angl rot ,tire,. It i, rLtt invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake inferior pertor pre which bad or p +Chea of it:; privileges in their bnt.what tic y 1 the natural indust rtes, We had s1-()o• it-Now, I\oty air, let 4is hope for better thing9 -- paraben for any' paints, enamt 1s or injurious cosmetics or inferior contplexio blacksmiths, neo(!, Without over putting them• �° makers, wafionmakurt, and tunes iu the future. It is !lot by loti()ns, It vents, eruptions, abrasions, rou);ltuess, redness, chapping, Co niers coopers, masons, and it score If „ , . It county solve:; under stn requit'Cments' on 2 stores in • i q�ttr r y j) N +(j;g sexes, arl<l pain resuttin� to sensitive skin from ex Dears to wind and cold. i carpo r 1 rbtectiott so called t1- Y • PLUANTEEAl i &- �-T t i ►) +' ' • g of Other trades, together with factories .is to be made great duel prosperous, thotn,ac ,a,: They think that Searle,'s Bloch, short I) :lvnrxOx , Citr•..tx o1-' W)Tctt•Htzt:t.is it once n remedy and apreventatin t t1lAo interested patties and combines they beli:ovC inthe in,s})ired le (Botr, for every form of su'rfaee intlammation or irritation. Price 3., cents Per bottlA engaged in transforming raw material I Manufactured by into finished 'or half-ftinishecl good-,,, twill endeavor to persuade simple and eei;ottr 3'0 one another's budrdens, which factories, by the '#y,- have hs9n l,i� sadly Crippled by the 1 w compelling unthinking people to believe so, lint by and so 1'u{til the late of Christ” , - --___.-. I fr�A,-MFS H CLINTON, Oir an entire removal of all restrictions : CfiE�IIST AND DRUG(3ISsr,� ' ,T them to contrlbnte to the mainten[ettcs It )on trade, and b fair la and even• bill, they got Only one ,side of it, t of a lot of "infant industries" whoGs 1 y play availing y 1 handed nstice to all classes in the r Lhemsolvei. The believe infancy is never ending. Were these l Ftinxr. „ tr V XILI , _ - Ca,utry. in others I.)Carin„ thou burdens, i factories relieved of .this burden and hilt tl)o3-1,ave nothoaghtof boariiig the market of the continent thrown Fi71,,r7'. Ein(ir,c' il!o,ibcr,nx,n':'frie)I T.14AS6" r I open to thsm and to the natural tnclus• I- �� _ _ IIIc burdens Of,oth0rs, The utl'111 I ��-W 1•�T A �1'T:t-,-7 �•'y F J �9=�,�& tries of farming,111111 etinfi, mining; and bn rdon text, "E:vel }' man shall !f V y G7►. 1.V a-' ■r.:1 fishing, it is obvious that an expansion 'i'U QRt• �717115CPlItet ,�• hear his own burden," tho ' t,OOm of production would ensue, and With it 3 In thanking ; you fur past ctl3tom :aril >(vli(iting a eoutit:uuncr of tt1C ' a growth of population and a multipli- pared in onrcolunlna some ti ne(isiuoe to bo wholly ignorant uf, Yet Name, I keg to tntin,ate to the public th'tt 1 have a full rst(1Z,1( of 1),1I. ��y our • Cation of such pursuits as we could put Onn(lina 631g•c%sal arrangmcnt with there aro loads tvhiCl] nonC of us H'1�RIZ�"rtj arts 5�'1'�1;L!'i 13i{OS (iA}{lll'',\, 1' LU�V1';I, i' iI:T,D uttc} Johin son j-j We entildsurc. a t t i r},r, to shift to other ;}r ph. Also tl lar(re dnr,titt Uf PO'{'tlrl'UI?:1. I . carry oil to advanta9Q' BASS S l „ (1 ly Compete with nar ne}ghber9 in mint}. Ut'. 13. '. Kubli li aloof of Treatise oil have 't t „ _ PRACTICAL -- facturind furniture, Wood pulp, leather, 1•he li Ise p d hispt3 go "A Treatise oy y,Ij`I`1T'(,1'' right t�o asklothettl t0 talo FULL STOCK OF FARM AND GARDIEN TOOLS boots and shoes, i}atnc59, cOntbfng wool the dorso and his e anabltd 'tvltereb r /ARl�FSS and DOLLAR MAfC R~'s goose, doors and snshpa, pig iron, and cursubaCril)ers were enabled to obtain e work t,ltrg bytime to attend to our utl'ait•s 3vh0n - ahost of other articles fur the },radar,. sendingltheirt addresst1tiabtoB. J'. KENO LL the Ili•e quite able to attOtld to mil ;a; tion of which article 0.9 fined or better a A full case of BIRD CAC LS, 0,heaP, 1I}' stock of G11UC1,1tI].S, GLASS, co. dial enclosing a tLVO-pent stamp for owl) aflitil-8, NV(3 have no right to GLASSWARE, IIA11DWARL, HAHNF.SS, &e„ is fall and complete. Largo n x1311 We are both practices facilities then they, In fact, if tt•e had (and ame is relewed for a limited 0\poet others to solve ons• little stock of CRUCK);1tY just arrived dirert from the aid county}, _1 ;!►oil to a bought the busiues; and stock es living A. ices,1L1ti r the are Prepared a fres market for our natural wealtl, mallet s ) p.. �, - to till all orders in our line at the lowest ]tri fi p h manufactures into which it period, \Ve trust all will avail theme per )lexettey, and help 114 bear out 7'e:L SCG f(n• .ejil.'"(!it :Ind :L 1►Cttet• lot' :}t,.,.>,tt workmen, well known nb �dernE© rpte9liriTI,onnfltvicinity. ajlvt ijl ltl Rys beafound of and for the ] h is Convertible, a diversity of industry at Ithis lu the oo klrtiTotye,Qf obtaining of little trials, all .4 mpathize Lv ith L'1It1), IIAMS and BACON in stock. All kinds of Produce taken for !Loons superior class of Ivo feast as wide as that which the high this valuable w �zsapp ' the beat, and by strict attention to business and honest save fi, la hope n be tariff s wide would arise; while every the IIorso it is indi a eriss�lble, s it treats its ill diseases' tvl Cl, owe are rigs strOngCfor - LONDE$BORO ! favored with as liberal patromig,A as our pre(lecessor. Web a splendid line e Industry wotild then be se16•supporting in a simple ma wCee h e a11s Ju Due I'ti0nde al'U. GRn' NEWTON, SINGLE IIAR'}r Sri, which, for mat9rtal, workmanship and attended cannot b0 there would b't) no infants dragging Which afflict this noble animal, Its surpassed, Full.stock in all lines. ItEPAIRING promptly attended to, and ravening at the consuropr'a pnCkCt, phenominal sale throughout the United We 011,01t to Cultivate self eloper t [ MARKET, f41NTOk States and Canada, make it standard 1tt11,NS & aRmO�R, OPPOSITE 1111 CATARRH, authority'. Mention this Paper when deme, to think and plan for our CTORY dUiY{7i�7 sanding for ,,Treatise-" solve., to mo(Tt our ownh ourio'ns, T TTFA - - --_-. _._ - ,— ___.�:iATARRHA6 DLAFNESS-"HAV r.EtrER Net., r1, 1r37ie, J'�t• LO dU 011t' OWII Wet•It with Our Own NEW {J� j l�(r el _ •- .._.A NEW NOME TREATMENT. -��• hnrl(IK• I'iRpe('+lAlly should t'vC•.■L ■�..ij li I .!.■r.�.�w■ �'r'��'i > lifierors are not generally aware that 5illt•C 1,15S2, 82 milk lit stl'vete shrink from ueedJOSAly becoming f—� ITRJ '7•at1■ thesediseaseamrecontagious,or that they. ill, be0n hnilt,pavedand (Irained It burden to those who love lis, Ot Itowetl"s U{(t' t1rdilclistltlttl E;]ll)p, I ,,. .i. '� aro due to the presence of living parasites it) Monro, :1t n cost of $30,000,000, Who al'e patient enough to bra, — _ in the. lining membrane of the nose and ;u,rl x,000 houses ercrtcd in I:u f;0 tt illin);' Go hells uy, �'1'o rlhonld• y�� y S re p j ' Clinton eustachian tubes. Dlicroscepio r0a0arch, rn;ulern lrinrky,where old quarters learnt the f;ot(})ol of self-help ovem i 13 tr 1 l✓V lir :11,L '1'I{I; ll(}(11h (11' howt,ver, has proved this t0 be a fact, and I',)rIne•rIV „.stood, and f Ve, new if we (lo not got into our life the ^- rho rr.=uit of this discovery is that a hrid ros thrown across flip `Tiber, other hantisphet•e of Christian Tho undersigned liar( hid new factory th4011 ~Illy CTlippe(1 ad(i fittctt up ler I W simple remeclyhasbeenformuldtorlwhere' Ili voti-wqueli('e, Of'the,C improv'@' dht,V—thr, nne01Y1e11 ritic` (,f ""Oth• ) the mnttnfuature of I ( .� � jf by catarrh, catarrhal d0afnes:n and hay moms the nl!1 ('itv 1-:.s beeti ro (Irly 1.01). IV y 14 fever rro Permanently cured in from one (•llans;e,l that tit(` t•isitot• of two ....__ _ Fh,st ��ahis rl'>1ir' C11 W'd C1'-4 (11['1 1111 Ps' ' ve:irl g 3' „11 I i{cmovecl at the hit(' tire, have Lean rc})la(•c(1 1111(1 110I"" to than sanple applications merle at home .rn tt'nili(i hartil i•t`(•rlg i'r,0 tg,rL(n i �uil(k �L`t uc nhi,anuotiw:e �c r �i 1 III. In There being nothing saint iu the Lnil(lin„'rnm'ingg bnsiness in the winter time, r nt•raii,red in the I Y� til0 Palipnt pnCO In ttt'a weeks. jl, the hou•o! what an unnatural vitrnc•• . A r,w(�� (� of thi+ laud oc¢urrod in ILnyy�,'�Will w me tin a nirn I have improve;] the opportunity Ly Wttillg ()tit pumq'i and ant, therefore, anything pre• I ��` �� ��� y ;; 13 This treatment is not a snuff or Wholl, I'r+)III slily (glttt•e, the an(i nno hnttlo of WII4,,n', %N I a cherry rnrvil the pared to supply them at the lo,vest pos9iblu rate, 1'ho9e wanting c fi anythinfi in 1 OLD N ,g nt ' both have burn dir(0ureie(i tUt rn g :ir,s bo Arttietcfi Italy in four days. ThIA ntedirinc ha+ nn this lino wilt find it to their advantil'oe t0 sec m0. This wi}l be rarried on Inde rn c'' r di'rretivr alt Z reCtC } „ by r, Io,tublo phy4ictans as injurious. A III-,)- 1-C o ima inr thc. enre of Cnn;1-n, Cokk, tVllgr ,14119 p0nd0nt of the moving+ of bnildin fie, which bnain0s is atill0attenct0d to as her0ta- 3 Cntl;h r,rcrmw, Hn1,{ by nli ,lrn.:'si.t+. fore, by the undersigricil. I�UrI tv111 n(Y,� Ili` (l3F})`1:+ucl (rf tit Or CAtly Iced 11CC . 1'I(pl'�-1+,,�• I,}-,"•.',let cx),W, ir,_•, this nr'w treatment Cgrlll(' tlltifll'll'1'I'I!, 111m.,• o HUI�IBUir. is : z,t on rpc(Ipt of ton ecnt9 by A. If. et•imnlniol tO ltg'1110lt- a( "tion by Lambert lite 1h,nlnul' 1g nglieh pix, (� p0v, !103 1\•(at Iiing Street, the n,(• of Avvr', (':,III',' i(• Pills. ' cist•ern �[L11�ih.111(I IDi1111j1�1 �8i1)1?��C(Z 7t �r('3�('('hrY;iltG'� T + t 1 h (nt! n { t1 Ntvimm0r ha, I('Ib L(nt'lnn lot H'S IS A GENUINE SALE AIyD Torant0, Canaria. Trrnrtto Glahr• '1'lt,,( 1'illt nre pro (,I.: (,1 by Lite ' tj 1\TO - G111 (':11-13' will rl 0.r alt America to attempt to trim the r��+ tt t , w -� Ill ,k Ill 'II tit 111`[, ilr e are ft)1' NaIC . JOHN t� 1. E.1 I Itil\,7O.1 - �' J , • a,l!'i'•er9 t',•om Cala'rhat trgdl„Ies should 1 3 1V itlai a t•apida, "I0v tea&tn: triBb 111 U11 t1-,' (1111 �•h1(fl'e�. -.,41nN•I n t