The Clinton New Era, 1889-11-29, Page 6lt. "There was a frog who lived in a spring, He caught such a cold he could nut sing." Poor, unfortunate natrachlan! In what a sad plight he mast have been. And yet his misfortune was one that often befalls singers. Arany a once tuneful voice among those who belong to the "genus hum(" is utterly spoiled by "cold in the head," or on the lungs, or kith combined. Fur the above mentioned "croak- er" we are nut aware that any remedy was ever devised; but we rejoice to know that all t.uman singers may keep their heads clear and ',roats 1n tune by the timely use of Br. Sage's utarrh Remedy and Dr. Picrce's Golden Med- Discovery, Discovery, both of which are sold by gists. . •r. Sage, s,Catarrh Remedy cures the worst -e8 of Catarrh in the Bead, no mutter of ,w long standing, while for all laryngeal, bronchial throat and Icing affections, Dr. i'lerce's, Golden Df edical Discovery in posi- tively unequaled. It cures the worst linger- ing coughs and builds up the flesh and strength of those who have been reduced by wasting diseases. It is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all diseases for which it is recommended, if taken in time and given a fair trial, or money paid for it refunded. Copyright, 1SS3, by WORLI'B DIB. ]IED. Aa5',a. Dr.PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. They are purely vegetable and per- fectly harmless, Otte a I ose. sold by druggists. in cents a vial. • SMLESMENv Ravin.; done tiusiness in Canada for over :to •ears uur r, nitatI l and 1ta U1sibli t Y is well known. We any salary and expenses from the start, if everything is satisfactory. No previous experience is required. write tis for terms, which are vory liueral,- before w__—enguKlns-uithauw.oflw>#uu,..__�.• _.---..,. 111:T IIENC 1;s,—Bradstreet's or Dun \Vimau & Co s Coipuivrehil Ageneios, well known to business 1,:.n ; or Stan.lar.l Bank, Culhorne, Out. F1.TiOTHtllts'COM l'AMr N CIo4Ltlg M1:N, Cn1borne, O,,utrin. ¶11ile BNlze YODDDElt C0)1, "ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. We have the only factory in the Do- minion. Our material is pure and fine, and is endorsed by leading scientists as being practically imperishable. It can- not absorb .moisture and consequently is not affected by the frost. J. Baker Edwards, Ph. D., D. C. L., F. U. S., of Montreal, P. Q., says its great d ra- bility under all exposure to wd'ather and storm is fully assured by its high quality. It is more durable than stone and will not loose its handsome appea' ance from generation to generation. Know of no other material which equally capable of combining elegant of form, beauty of surface and indednil durability. Please call on or write to our agent t Clinton • and see designs and prices b fore placing your order. W. M. GIFFIN, AGENT CLINTON THE ST. THOMAS WHITE BRONZE .11o:lu- ueNt COIIVANY, ST. THOMAS, O:(T. THE BEST tAKING POWDER _*.15 -r- I CtF(E'1 S EMU CQM Flt No Alum. NotSaet; bnjuriat,. FITi C" Ei' fil't4yrlrr. FGCTCRY Slla"P'LtES Val e% Iron d. Lead Pres Loose Palley Merv, 9•os.t Jet Plans, Faun Psane, Wind h'MI!s, (kwwn Sew eves, Dairy 1)d Law(Iry Uteati ie. C•,"rG S`iMEET, idt0NTF}M AL, 7R'MOSIsidalarattlarivird_. .... 115,11: 1Utl arlul:L 11; i m,1:)1 .._1:,I), b�'Lr'n t n)n: Ito g1) out wit's thy boy's 1 • ,1„1.'r ,la',' . r•00 ,iLht W t� fur alark n ,t” up,n, ,t„• •,iutlitiuu ,11 Thi tk: Can you afford it ' agricuiturc 111 t-),111(iu as dirt trial 1'L._ t.i"st 01 th,ir tuuney i; si•ta:t after Ol' a eivit its lit„, .0 out' i,f the (tar::, A....7. • t', tt !r-. . lill•'t 111 the 1!1101.: Can )1)t a; +:'::t• WVntefu hall ,.I 1hiLati.) was Y•• -al :tag :.:t t'u00.1 tut tz:,, :a rt euro, 1)r; dealt out. :'.tyre.' 1,'. mi•, a}li,:iui vr.lu-aur a Or paint tae t,wli rel ..t a fr• ., ki tt• , v,•t,' . _,i itt $7,5C0. A. first li•nU. aII, i -„ 111,11.1 LIILt' :IIitvunting In tn., l ,,t re b,tli ::Ioa.•,• ..., 1 t, -`, ,1 „1 ,:I,i+iii Wt.,'k+ pliti'Cli .' ,l ' 1 te,'t,lt, 1":,i',k! Can you wide 1 .• up n. il. •1'.,.' n,urt,at;ct+ tuiiud ;u ,• .1,11 1" 'slat• nisi the l.ut i tout• C'hi:u-: iia:'..,. ti,la(2, •.,t•iI. fit' r,tlultant', Oi.! (.;-tnycal ail'itt11' ,vh10j1 I,;,-nlIdn,'1' 111:(11' 11rrcln01 Tki..uk! Cera y.0 a:for.l i1 I'; 1 t"n ')t+ itis iliiiiiii., rliti nu(t lit' lf)0'1sa'.ravtt')dime 111.y 11 j.., ,'lli • - I„ i„l; thin iii e up at Inlet„1,. Hit )L time, Think! Ca:, you c,tl„r i it . ,n •ho L-1!1, O,•,,,bt•t• 1:, a e.v.tl,' I,i,li.ltl” fur ti,i,l)'IU. The You'd like to b•: ,ln.li-1, 1..•1 -,, a tin ; •.'a'10 h th':COro aniull;, S ttoa• clutiles ', V,'1.l1 ' ',' ,) )'t• 0.111, :till{ 'to,' 191111 Think 1 Can y,,1) a:Tu. i :1 : Iluw they're: to b: pant 1•,r ,' ', 1,:nt• 1,,,t $71'0 "t l,r-,.o:pal, kn,riva. in,. ,:111'\'x: t ll::t!1,.., i ii, lift• -11;: 'I'l:iuk! l`an you a:!',1..1 it ' . ii, w1,',, i, tin•'.0 f tt't, iii,i,itiik. It•s all ger)• ,;.11 t, k:ti+•i -'1:: •111 e,,111,..r,11, i i lht'; 1' ii,•v.' I I'r,,tu Ai:d tthen wit, thy 1, .2.: 1, „ a;,,,.... • thin l,, ,t, , it -.i nxl,eri.'be., that very mean. i 11, 1+. ,"•.:0 • 'u „i t:(•Itl lit'upot'ly I;:tt note haul: ,t,, •,,,-I.,,5 ,,,.t ,:, 1, n• ,itt,,.;,„,' f 1 ,,..,,%.,..h\'t:(•, aver - Lit than it's lean," ., 1'1, 1t ,,i,.•• 0Irl „1 t):1ta1'i , 11) Think! Cali yott tv'i r i it . 1 e int. 1. 1- i,.d I., , . ,,:U 1” 0, id, - 1. a l thing 1, 1 a,.' i:1 t!:. Think: Can ),.0 a.'i d.i it ' She'll lice') you at h0111.: alt 1 tt,il::u.1 :} carolt_:e, • ThinkCan you al':ur.i it She'd a tuxufv, =ore, and it )nit would try To keen her you'll find, pert ap.5 with a sigb, That \vorneit, like tilt. hats that they wear no..e, came high. T1;i,lk! Can you afford it .:..!Tor, I t•) World. L.O\SU)1.PTJIE>i CC Iii:,U. An old physican, retired from lime - Lee, having had placed in his hands by an East India • missionary the forumla of it simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consump- tion. Bronchitis, t Catarrh, Asthma a and ' ' i o all throat and Lung Affectidns, also a positive and radical cure for .Nervous I)ebilfty (ind Nervous Coull?laint ,after 'Taxing testew itswonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot- ive and a desire to relieve human suf- fering, I will send free of charge, to all wbo desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using.. Ssnt by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOYIas, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 13012-y.e.o.w. ,;,F,a 11OW 'I'IIEY MAIM: THIM- BLES. CHADWICK'S SPOOL COT' O Poe, Hand and Jll'acR1.It.e f.He. OS ?fl SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. LEATREROIB STEEL -LINED TRUNKS In Santple, Lsdies'and all other kinds, TR NU In the World. J. EVI;LEICH & CO MONTREAL, Sola ilt:s, lir the Domini HOT B LMORAL. Notre 1tu.mn it., one of the moot eentral Frust cdvatiiitly ru><ntahe(1 Mit in the Acuou.rnodati,m for 400 ghosts. fish's:!Y 1T TAT00DRUFf4 •112 togs per day. r V a V V Manager DOMINION PECARSa Sole Aa'ts for Ca>lada, J.PALMER&SON Wholesale Imp'tre of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1743 N3TP,E IIL E MONTREAL. LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturers of ASEESTOSMILLSOARD steam Packing, FRICTION S 0 A PPULLEY BOARD, • 77ii,risoPerf•,fFrietion -.•••.-, RECKITT'S BLUE THE BES'!' FOR LAUNDRY USE. PAPERS Wrapping, 3ani 1a, JEWS g �O ALL 'Itt SIZES SQ AND •�.� av'� O ORDERORDDWEIGHTS If To ER 21 DeBrssolesSt, Mills :-Perineal, U 1:VZ. OHNSTON.s # rbilp14EIT ''' tCHEl 6FICAT ri•STRENGTH GiVER, „ ,..,A,5 PERFtit3T F000,..,AfW�OA THE SICK V *ti MIMING 6t io �' 'IUTRITI(IJSBEVERAGE q. A POWERFUL ' ItIVIGORATOR ,, 11 • ,,,,,,,,.,a,..,, ..I 5,21.1 , 11,1'. ! I•I I, 1, :t V1•I \' rrri„n, putt. „i tsill -. t,rit nitnit i, 1.1" iln' iii 'L 11111)"1'Inl,l 11ii11 :. tt'\' 111 lig. 1,1'ut"inCt', :11,,1 010 thin - in the value of land i., tantamount to a gen.rtll decline in the valise itt all securities and relit; based upon laud, that is, 111)1)11 the fn1,10rr4' ability to pity. The experience of the loan com- panies ,tis l o panic. bei11,-, the :-ante th.t t the lawyer,,, it may he easy to ;,.'e why hairy of them too not\' gitiug tlin farmers a wide betth and enipinyili;; their money in real estate operations in the cities. '.The }Hain fact in this matter, is the grave condition of agricul= tare. In a new country like.. this a depression in ag'ric'ulture gener- ates uncertainty in (Ver}' other' •r.ndusLry,.'ta.lcu it_hi..tho.-prop and- mainstay of the lot. Those, who for years past, with a full know- ledge that the farmer was getting poor, have shouted thcrosOlVCS hoarse in Applauding QVPry in• crease 1.11 the tariff, may before long have cane to repent. Sure- ly the very worst mode of treat- ing ahrtcultut'al depression in 1111 agricultuaai country is to enforce a policy which diminiShOS exports along with imports, and heaps fresh burden:; on the farmers' h:1)• k s. The way thimble, urn made is simple enough. Dies of the di8'er- elft sizes are used, into which the metal,whother gold,silver or steel, is pressed. The holo ,punching, linishinlg, polishingand tempering are done afterwards. Celluloid and rubber are moulded. The b'est thimbles are made 1)l France, where the ptoses:+ i, 1)191'0 thor- ough. \Strattt;o as it may seem, the French consider durability in their gold thimbles as the first requisite. Tho first step •iri the making of a Paris gold thimble is the cutting into a •disk of the desired size a thin piece of iron... This is brought to a rod heat, placed over a graduated holo in an iron bench, and hammered down into it with a punch. This hole is the form of the thimble. The iron takes its shape and is removed from the ' hole. The little indentations to keep the needle from slipping are inado in it, and all the other finishing strokes of the thimblc,put on it. The iron is then made into steel by' a process peculiar to the French thimble -maker, and is tempered, polished and brought to a deep blue color. A thin sheet of gold is then premed into the interior of the thimble and fastened there by a mandril, Gold loaf is attached, to, the out- side by great pressure, the edges of the loaf being fitted in and held by small grooves at the baao of the thimble. Tho gold will last for years. The steel never wears out and the gold can be easily re- placed at any time. Nowhere elsa in the world are gold thimbles made in that way.—Chambers' Journal. fIOOPSKIRTS AGAIN. may come into style,but it is hop- ed not. Tho transformation which will bring back that style of crin- olines ought to bo indefinitely postponed. Transformations in the health of thousands of women throughout the county have taken ])lace during the past few years. Pale, haggard, and dispirited,thoy have become bright -Dyed and healthy.. Tho secret ? . Dr Pierce's Favorite Proscription, which cures all those chronic "weakness" and "distressing ail- ments peculiar to women.. Telegraphy is no taught to the black boys on cl a Congo. A short telegraph lino has boon stretched over the hills, and the boys aro sending mossages to ono another. Their instructor is Mrs. Bentley, the wifo on one of tho best-known African missionaries. Tho last time she was in Europe she 'learned telegraphy for the purpose of training native opera- tors, and she hopes to have them all i really for service by the. time the Congo railroad stretches lino along thopiver. ottoli Root Conipotin'd. Compiled of Cotton Soot, Tnnap and Pen. nvroyol—ppre9nred hi an old pDbrnieinn. IN vt•f:('KBsyl LAY UHR) )IOIITHLY by thonaande of rralnPn, and hon been pre• periled in n prnetlen of over 50 yearn. Prire, tfil. 19111 ho moiled to any Address In Cannds and 1•.N, Dortor'o ennonitntlon bourn, 9 to 11 and 1 to 5. Diaranre of women treated out,. Sealed nrtlen• inn, too.inmt•'. 1.ndir4 only. od.lreaa POND LT1.Y CONr a1•••V, No. 31'9,1.er Dim k,I31 Wnndw•nvInrenun (11)10511. Aug 30.3 nip wi 'ren i'v ter 11ti?: 6V'n',�`tl841IvtvINVQ.` ,,Y la'g'", j; •-5".... r u 110 sZiNN V•• a ` MONOPOLIES AND ('OM• 131NES are a source of menace to the pub- lic welfare,and should be stamped out. So should catarrh, •Mr J. Duncan,-•1I11ple (:reek, N. W. T., says:—Naval Balm has done my catarrh good, more than ttll the numerous remedies I hadlpreviouc- ly .trill combined. 1 have imprev- ed 5o much that I ' believe one more bottle will completely cure me. for infants and Children. •'Caatoriai8sowetladaptedtochildren that Oastorla cores -Colic, Colutlpatton, r.•.•uturnrmd it os.,uperior Ronny prescription. Sour Stomach, � Dlarncceu, Eructation. noxa to Inc." 21. A. Axcaen, M. U., W orms, gives sleep, aid peculates (11- ili So. Oxford St„ Brooklyn, N. Y. I Without to urious medication. Ten Cass faun Coxpenr, 77 Murray Str.--r• N ) The hristmas Globe TIE QUEEN OF THE ' H 1LIB Y NUMBERS FOR 1889 For t v .Pages of Beautiful Illustrations and Literary matter, Coated paper, Colored Lltltogral►hs, ivagi-itieeitt Press Work, tiaudsonielColored Cover. Tib'() l.AliGI. LITIIOGItAPIIIC PL.vTES, in l:, colors, accompany this uttitiber, entitled KILLED IN .VARIOUS WARS. According to a computation just issued by an eminent statistician the cost in human life of the, will's of the last thirty•fhur yearns has been 2,258,000 souls. The Cri- mean war cost 750,000 men ; the Italian war (1359), 45,000 ; the Danish war (1864), 3,000; the American civilwar—tho northern states, 280,000; the southern states, 520,000; tho Austro -Prus- sian war, 45,0001 the Franco -Ger- man war—Fiance, 155,000 ; Ger- many, 60,000 ; the Turco -Russian war, 250,000 ; the south African wars, 30,000 ; the -Afghan 'war, 25,000 ; the Mexican and Cochin - Chinese expeditions, 65,000, and the Bulgaro-Servian insurrection, 25,000, This list, does not include morality from sickness.—Chicago Herald. Jdinerd's Liniment Curei: temrcr. The Benetits of Reciprocity. • FRIENDS — THE CANANIAN • MILITIA. lien -Tat Sir Fred. Middleton, in writing'about the latter plate says:— "I trust congrat late 71111 (}LORE upon having produced so creditable a picture. It is very well execute and appears to me to be quite equal tolany from home, The diti(a'ont,,ttnifot'ms arc 0grreet- ly given, and the grouping not too stiff," The whole number is, without doubt, the BEST BOMBAY PAYEE, ever Issued in this country, and aitch superior to the great majority of English productions. No Canadian family should miss securing a copy of this ivagufticeut null l,ot'. L'1tLC1' .eUe. To be had front all Newsdealers and at the (Alice of • TruE' -GLOBE PRINTING CO., TORONTO Orders flora tree Ok) Country must be accompanied by additional 5c to cover extra, postage U AFTER ONE You have heard the proverb: "A dollar saved is a dollar earned." That i, a cold, hard fact. A dollar spent extravagantly, or paid in overcharge, is a dollar knocked out of your day's earnings. A dol- lar saved in economical trading is a dollar•added to your (lay's wage. Whatever might bo the opinions entertained, it was a fact that for throe thousand miles our territory was interwoven with that of' the United States, and that ,by far the most profitable half' of our trade was with that country. No fower than ono -third of the whole population of Canada, not including women and children, have found homes in the United States. Those who opposod unre- stricted reciprocity said •that it proposed that Canadians should sell their birthright for a moss of pottage. IIs agreed that mater- ial benefits wore not everything. He agreed that man did not live by bread alone, and it was his intention tolcal1attention tocertain moral and political benefits which would flow from the adoption of the Liberal policy. After deal- ing at further length with this branch of the subject, he declared thorn were four points which had now been pretty clearly establish- ed. The first point was that reciprocity would be to the mater- ial bcnefrt of the people of Canada, The second point was that if it was shown that Canada was do- sirous of bringing about friendly relations with the United States, there would, be no difficulty in securing reciprocity. The third was that the present Government had no desire to bring about that state of trade. ' The fourth point was that as soon as Sir John Macdonald discovered that it, was necesaaty to adopt this policy in order to keep in power he would "jump .Jim Crow" Upon the flues• tion as he hail (lone upon many other,.—Sir Richard Cartwright at Ingersoll. e're After You With money in our hands, in the \vay of a practical premium for your. trade. We can save you money every time, and we will do it and demonstrate the fact. We can make a dollar go as far as a dollar and a dime go elsewhere; that means that you aro getting a premium of ono dollar on every- ten you spend with us. Pitcher's Castoria. HERE'S MONEY FOR YOU 1)o you want it? More is • ADAS' E1PORIUM 1_101.1-1)1130,,c) Now is the time to make money by calling on R. Vtlamlis and getting some of those "PINE OVERCOATS They are great value. Handsome and cheap MANTLE CLOTHS. BEAt•I-IFL•L DIIRESS GOODS at prices to suit . everybody, best UNDERCLOTHING to be found, from 40c up. Lovely IoASCINATORS. Latest styles of MIILLIN ER1. Large range of PL'[: SHES' Every thing marked down to snit the times Oct. �':), 1,Sti, A • PACT IN FINANCE. Worth your considering.. If you put money out at interest, eight per cent is BS big a return as you can hope to get ; you probably will. be ghat to take six per cent on a safe loan. •But wo offer you ten per cent interest on every dollar you spend with us, and to spend money elsewhere is like loaning money without interest when you might have ten per cent. Our goods are the best you can buy, our prices • :re the lowest and save you a dime on''every dollar. The above facts apply to our stock any clay„ year in and year out— all the time -from Jan. lat to Dec,. 31st. Just no\V we find we have an overstock of Mens Ready Made 'SUITS ad OVERCOATSt- These were boo ght 1,)w and have been offered at prices that wo thought would hustle them out, but the weather has been against us. Wo claim to be able to hold our own against all competition in the shape of dry goods men. but unfavorable weather will down the best of us. The goods must be sold, the time for selling them is now— will extra inducements push them out? we'll try it, hero goes. Every OVERCOAT in stock now marked at a higher price than $5, will be offered at One Dollar Less than the Marked Price Every SUIT OF CLOTHES now marked at a higher price than six dollars, will be offered at .— One Dollar Less than now marked. Boar in mind that all our Suits and Overcoats are now marked 10 to 20 per cent below regular prices, so with this extra cut of a dollar you save more than one day's wages by dealing with us. ANOTHER SPECIAL—I0 per cent discount on all ULSTER CLOTHS and CLOAKiNGSI 10 per c. discount.-on_alt°men s LONG LEATHER BOOTS, except those made by M. McPherson & Co. our FELT, BOOTS are marked lower than you will see elsewhere. We will give you more for your money,' quality being equal, than any other house in the county. W. L. O,UIMETTE, LON DESBORO B. LAURANCE'S Spectacles. These celebrated Spectacles aro fitted in every instance with B. Lau- ranco's test, and a certainty of being suited is guaranteed. You can depend on getting the GENUINE B. LAURANC.E SPECTACLES by calling and examining the stock at THOMAS JACIKSON'SS, CLINT(-IOT• ew ; Furniture ; stock OpenOdr out th Ei zoTals 3LLOC1, NEXT DOOR, TO TIIE CITY I300K STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., ANI:) A (GEENF:RAL ARAORTMENT OF TITS VERY BEST MADE TITRE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Jtt)S. CL11 V iIJLJ i s 1 1 HE 11 L I) 1N111 Furniture 1 )ealers Cabinet Makers, 1 Undertakers, And Upholsterers PICTURE FRAMING A SPFAALTV. CALL AT TII1; • �. 1' R.edRockerFair�it��re orr. um Albert Street, Brick Block, Clinton. 99- GROCERY -99 leaving bought the Grocery Stock of A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business itt the old stand. We have everything that is to be had in a first. class Grocery. Nothing but first-class Goods will be kept and sold at the closest margin. . e have ,1 large noel: FI lam'- . " \- 1�1 AS Which we guarantee to give s:ctisfactioit. Call and get prices. We will not be undersold i►y any Iio,lse in the trade 'dames Amps 99 Albert 8t: Clinton. FURNI CHINA. HALL To make room for New Importations, we will, until Dec. 1st, GIVE TENiPER . CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASUI on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA. AND GLASSWARE. DECORATED DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not miss the opportunity of se- curing cheap bargains, as we .re bound to reduce our stock. We Offer NEW SEASON JAPAN TEA at 40 onto, worth 60. We Offer NEW SEASON MACE TEA at 25 opts, worth 40. We Offer NEW SEASON ORM TEA at 25 cental, worth 85. NEW CURRANTS and RAISINS, cheap, 2 BROOM for 25c. MESE 'INAN SADDIE, SISCOS, RERRINCi, BLOATERS, &c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give no a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH, s N. ROBSONI CHINA HALL. =THE= ---__. (JLINTON NEW ERA R. HOLMES,- Publisher, CLINTON, - - ON T. X X 'I'll1: NEW ERA is published every --Friday ; it x • gives about. Thirty-two Columns of Fresh •Reading Matter Every . Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and iu this neighborhood ; has a Large Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad - X vertising Medium. ,Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. v J10.13 DEPARTMENT. We have;all the latest styles of type for Circulars, $ale Pills, and any kind of printing that can be desired. Prices the Lowes, Work the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is certain to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74, CLINTON.