HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-29, Page 2- ,in L f! hour Is gtowing late, 1.l a must have been here a Ions time.. a ....i a ,0 tan: b. 18 e) lac 1 ed that in the - night the ringleaders k A I'I'hl•:'r0N-OFPfUF- AT 1115Ni• D ),l,,;ct; o« ont,trw street, (,'limon, "p- . _ - cl: u+R UI'F. Itlntilton, Toronto, Susi-! P, r- . 5I1All we b:J now ?" o way., Ifow was that ?" Y Of CLQ dlSSatIS!]2(1 Oney will return Posito 1•:ugllrth Church. 1Lrttrltttee by sldc `, 1,,t,,,,„a. a°,. 4 .,.� .. ,'. M-= S", m: ..r: •s:,a. 'p•..w.+. , •--••.. sR+cr�:+a:,:bib 1.T c>4>= "`.,,w -- -.� _ ..__....M++w .rw.n.... .,Nw.+...,.w,w+w.+auw'r;,aermr�Rlm.•wrclZ�wirl.s:Yx�.saRr_u.�OF:-FAVNIMPIWW-21 -- -.. _. _ have , , 11� . t kit ., \t„ t. . . I would a +, uu wuvL u o w t. '13 ou d h all as well u t rW e- d cli'ace the stain u r b bad Sul .e 11+ l l,:> 1 : � - ,ere passed : l>ulq 1.0 doing works she could du cool to , of self-denial and Lunlililttiou could which wl hind brought upon her whom the value belonged. reached thein. Vashti's heart was ' ', -- + 'she tiad aii ' ray of �oulfu) t, 'ihel a naive -the Llama her 01111 bore. 1 "1 v1'ibb I had not spokou quite so ,iek u ith vague, �ndefivable fear, I w1+an Baby was Sick, we gave her Caetorla, g When h0 Ka +� ,U 1 w ) ' • W' g Wh u s a a Child , �� ,� 1III,.1• I \Sere tiu,es when sLe dated for cannot t..urt:uSer uuderstttud a w'o- harshly, bLe tLo alt. .Iy club }. use. as conitua on w•h�n Philip , ohecr,edror(:aetoria; ' - hl aril, but deat}t eiyu)C hot at her inau's--ti .t ii'e'�-•-loving any other evidently pained lister ALna de6p- Ittti.ubf',rtL wade Itis, appearance, W'hon ,she became Mine, silo clang to Cantona, I,, .'h' f'etu's passu,! oh, fludinr than tLe u,an \)Lou, •tilte call's bus- ly: but i only spoke as I felt. Lit• i !iib face ,vas stern and .-sulute, al• I tShonahehadChildren,shegavethemcasturia 't:• 1...A.A('Y-" r1't 1, i ,:hit iu the !hospital. Every Land." Ile wonder' at Ler bad face \Shen though his wautrr b(trayei suave •.,:.,I 11.0 )vatuitl`' to lookouceagaiu ' 1 pray licavuu ti:.lt +ut1 never Stich a dibgraceful story attachrd to, little weuriunbs, +: • 1. Ler Chilti'b face, to learn sews way:" :" d. ``I Lave htr own sister! !ler sibtel f Why ! ,1'�i by di'ls't thre not coint• Lowe � ,� `lister Auua \Smit .Q':H I S Y t!>v. ['A ill S • ('0SI:1, L , l' ; iid'igg,, of L(•r fate, grow stronger, told you this stony fav• a warnwg, , bLe said at 00 cowwelcewerlt that tLis wort.iug to get spore restf" Nliss t' '11, • :ii , ,m I, :,1 i-- . ,l, 1 i : L, I (I 1, the al.Wiuweut of Ler heart's not that you should judge a1 d toll sLe Lad no 'near relative ! I !oust llainafot tb cried as l,e cauls 1.u. i l TLE , . tl,e L:'ut.'Lld ; it, :IA1;' :!t):,, bhia:h- •1.•:,:1(' wowed as far flow her as demu. You so yuling, so untried, I Lave lt,iAukeu what she said." 1 "Thee will Le ilii" � � f''' through tho Lah nr(ki-a b1.- relit•, , i' t \( r, She Struve earnestly to do so undisciplined, bLou}il l,c tl,e last "} should have thought that thea "I shill`take no harm," her bro- !. the tit'+•s, cast A 14LIV, Iii -111% li;!.1 Lt r duty, to impart to others the to judge liar, wy-!ny bister." I would ask concerting thy father's' ther replied, curtly, f1I eousidered , p up,ou the taco .,t' `i, - I r 1::t.). it L, tIVA e ViLJch silo llulself did slut pob• ,, owew'hat of the bhrinking, pa,u al,s(•tic,q," Miriaul llainsforth re- it advi:tal•l.e to relnuiu at the will OUT AND .'PLUG f raised so (•'Ige•1ti. 1' : •i. 'L 1 ,e -s. Mlle shrank from no act of had vanished frow Sister Allua's I wa:!;cd, tartly. throu;L ti,cr clay." r b t, n i. nut I.V.il,t Old Pxl,l'( ii,il-• ., e.ir. .,LL, r!gti0ll, allll bile SUwrtllllCS IUYCd 1'U1Ce• Anil wanner; She 8},Ukn-• noir' aS 1•,:bl.11, Al'UUSnd fl'Unl bier t'e'\'el'1H, '•Thr• IUr•t! ate tlllll't; t,ero Wil$ 110 �3 1Q11i�9Bn ���� �� �i�L,v agouls••d p!eadill" tr, think that at the last those would oue having authority. .\s Lor \ Uice , with :t y'-Iiet "will, iuuked into the atteun ` ,iurim, the uigl,t to l.rtak •1 h;•liw'U tl,n' :I" I o_ I !,..t.) w•i.lher Mercy alld pardon for tLe died away, there catne 0l,(', tiet'lt':arc• of the angry lady. int" q",.:,tiuncd Miriaut, .1�INER i °r3,'�N r --VAR, 1 . he'r chill.) ver,- ,; ,(I,, • ,i." : ,!Ii, sui . Le hilt! cuut11,1ttUd, in thUtlgllt and sulelin, belough ig, �u(;itLer to Ic i, not hecaubU I Lace not � "Nl, ; til' IQ was 111M .!i•,. 1vit ,lit- r::l; 1 nluwly- "/'t1,;It bi.,t \;until Ili\,! ,l,io' .f CIA ill dcVd. It Was Iler Uhly til, b1SLe'I. 1101' tD till: "itI L,'bidl• Lt 1, w•,l,u. 1'(:(I SS'l,y 1,l, w'uS aw a)'," Sill tel t'b«1,"', ;:I.II tilt• II".•:, n!(' •11liet „ T ' ti' e le,tr,l "l•l!L alll,t 1111'ltilll I }lave L:no;L!1, t�•v1av,(R+i. Ur ulld!L'('d t„ ,r', _ 11, I.•�,,.t! 1 l�r.-tp}(11'C. �•(Lbhtllt�llll5fUl'th, . MCe'1' 1�tt. 1(I!,ll'--\'t'1'y lil'al'l ,,, ,rr tbU,bion •,f i , 11., . ••l.f,t .11,1„t wLispeled, "it used to deliollt ••110 thatjudgetL is Ll,t 1.•,a'd: :t •1,•..t u!'i-'etiun to truss words. .Mat:•. a ul•e x•Cu.d I'll( !;;.,.',, Ile of ilii!: Sy , ,'., L; u.,t, I: L: to toll this w•owau that peace 11'Lel.ee c.twe it, thi(t sulUuul, The la,iy 11 larded Lar !piece \with I torsed !lulu fultiler iliquiry Lythe . �� . Ilav': I :, t ..I,1 :.l lilt' t , i,t r, 0:l, would surely ccule at tLe eud-tbat ' dee1, vui,:e, .uttelih, words of ltu!r utu,oht :(st' Ili,lt:,,t•nt. t wall'.5 di -taut, I'Caelve;l uriiuviliu� •�a 'k wil'e01 ,1,,'Al. "• 1„ ul. ! .:, t ,: ,,,t•u, ill tLe•siglit of !leaven, if nut of , It' it t Frutlt the Leavctl•tti,ovt lir 11'Ir'it ,h,,•.. 1L1U ....lilt t :!.0 (+t, I wuuuA '_ -out so 11 iriaw l;,lil;sl'urti• IN l r:,Nzt: (IN to till.iv[,::'.I; t , ,,, :; ,.-•I• .':m:•I; Ilmu,, ,the I'VOILwbrauCO of the! sill ; the earth LauuatL t _', Lush, a � maii 1.;d. Uu,t tlicU intend \cith,llatt'iug I a ' tl,,+ v.,"lo.u,, •.• ,'I f,!• i ,' .. :Io- into which sit(, l,ad fallen would -Le I breathless silence, a, few moments a \ou sl:c•:(i: vlurss)y, :lout Mi- this llewfaugleM invention, whivil i EACH PLUG AND PACKAGE ,lust L.n•,- I, • '1 t.,1. i,!- I-, •1 ,tr- Llottcd out. That think you?" i ut speechltss wonderment eusued, riatu." hath been so expensive, tut..! which - . t tlrueut- I" The lnooulioht gleamed down tip• and then Vashti and Sister Anna 1'll'UII LIUU,S thee,think that 1 has caused all this disturbaucet" G. H. COOK, "Sho (:,,1 I silt• ii,:,'::••,I, ,lilt! Uu the girl, and revealed the beauti- lookf•d instinctively Clown the lane. have not a perfect right to be cross? "For the present. It is impossi- Licentiate or Dental Surgery, Iiouor Gradu t,he-s•!,t' cuuaeuu'd.' ful face from which all compassion Theic was nothing to be seen; the Thee stays abroad until a late hour, ble to say what ill the future I may ata of LLe'ruruntu s heel of Deucistry, "'I'llo lust ut)h i'. lv cruatury !" and Jit • had faded out -e es which mooubeauls flickering down through and 'never a Svord of apology does accomplish." )lish." Nitrous o (Cao Gas adluiuiscerod for elle i l . pity ✓ I b „ 1 painless extraetiou of tooth. "I Tubb--hnsh!" SisterAillia cried, looked cold, lips the curve of which the half -naked branches revealed its make upon thy return. Office over Jauksou's C1otiliug Store, next I. ,icewing to cuwei before the gill's had in them something of scorn. emptiness; a tall hedge on the one "You have Leen cross all day, '1.O BE CONTINCI:D• to Post Othce.Cliutou. rabuking, condemning words. "She "I think," she said, with slaw, side, a high brick wall upon the aunt Miriam." _ -, --- ____. _ __-_ , _ AV Night bellanswererl- ly c,nisented-for apart from her child deliberate decision, "that this wo- other, shut them off from further Dliriam llainsforth was astonish- - MONEY! MONEY I MUNEYI C. C. I2rcuAUDs & Cu. what hill} life to otter? And to the man of whorl you have told we bad observation, Sister' Anna, 1n hys- ed, but certainly not displeased. GLINTS. -Dry daughter bad a, severe We call make a row guodloans froinprivate !''t!�' funds at low ra e, and moderate ex) n o • joy• of having her restored would no suffering laid upon her which terioal fear had sunk flown beside She has the true llalpsforth die cpld slid injured her spine so she could f Terme tuado t osuitborruwerd�o s also bo mldod this othor`love, ill the she had not richly merited. Iter the stile. nity and spirit," she thought; "she not walk, and suffered very much. I 6IANNING & SCOTT, Clinton • •-1kidness and sunshine of which she sufferings in the end weie all "Listeners," Vashti said, regain- tray be red, but never driven." called in our family physician; he pyo. --- --- - - tvould learn to forget the old bitter- brought on Let by her own sinful ing self-possession quickly, "Conic, Presently VaRhti throw aside her and119nrec minflammation of the spine 1I. K •i,EFER and recommended DIINARD'S LINT• L , i t'ss and wretchedness. tin she folly." Sister Anna, I think it advisable book, and drew near to bliss Itains- MLNT to be used freely, 3 bottles ,•onseuted." The m,00nliglit sbone down upon that we should hasten away from forth. cured bar. I have used your MIN- I)ENTIST, ".And yet ,you trill her your; friend the face of Sister Anlia also. Its here." "Aunt _1lirialn," she said, gently, ARDIS LINIMENT for a broken ---volt field !lel' oven nuts• so deter expression of pain was intense. In i Wh6 could it Lave beau?" asked "will you tell the why father is breast; it reduced the inflammation End �(, ItI'ULR I'[LL.\, Nr t+' i�U.:i:l t U1,L::tiE Sr. - Chili tilt L;uv ronle)nbr(tuce t.f Ler !nut© agony ilei eyes were f1xe7Y the sinter itllr�rrectly, lti tivl7t0nt tar- away? .- . '= ffnntslio'K- - D iJ�: 14. C+'il.tl?aI. -_ . --'.__..-._ . _ _..._._ F xtury di,trCbsus (:rid 9L iatleH Voll ill ul)0" it ashti ltainsfa'th's counts- r•or. "There is no ono in the lane." . "Ile has not )'qt returnod from ' S. �( �,,t Alk) .1111.1.11 d(+orue 1" nance. For it few'moments she "It would be a diflicult wlntter to the factory. Thum hay been some __..•- "- - ------------- - --- t�. ®r� ��,� i ' 11'ait, ,t while; licit. tj,U Lutl. l t could not speak; she laid again her decide who may be hidden behind little outbreak amongst the hands." l8:)() , ����, d�A�.�R i TSN ARE, ii tut sinall wonder that the re- trembling burning fingers upon the either the wall or the Ledge. Cor " Why, aunt !]irisin ?" Vashti . f.ictilbru,ce of her sorrow and pain girl's arm. tainly we Lave not chosen a favor- questioned, anxiously. Illlrper's Young, People. Iil:RON S'I'ItEET, CLINTON. 1'.;itatcs rile; for, Miss lt•linsforth,. "You condemn her," she gasped, able spot for -tile revelation of fami- "Thy father was desirous of in- acpotiro-S of au kinds prratrialtly otir•odcd t. this woman was vel' ileal' t0 ine, at length -11 OU SO young and tell. 1 se,Crets." traducing Some now fan -led ina- IAS ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. ,•ct,o,u,Ltq wltcs. Atrial anli,lt d. y a 3' r Y g Y ti b' ! 1l, at ltuhgf)..l to Inset her agaith 1.0 a der•hearted, contlemu this woman]" `aho took the !land of the woman chinPry, which ho thought Would The Eleventh Volume of IIA):rr:es' I3IBI,LS & TLSTAi11EN'1'S%T C(), , i,ta tt town ringing \vi:h him h • "I can feel no s rut Jath for the and drew it throw h her arm: To- benefit him great! but the men YtcN+: ProrLr, which be;;ins with the .l' 1 Brannh Biblo societ • havAor l t , L a t c }! Y g greatly, Thi Clinton Child, and 04011 tol;etllel •1hev wouiL'1 woman who forgot her good Maine gather, without speaking another objected and made a Stand." Nnmbatr for November 6, lasts, presents c!thi tit DR AYI)1{'ptIINGTUN,, DRUG, !iet out for su mow!, (•li':lrr. to L(Igin and liar (rut' to liar husband," word the walked through the late III)0 OR mean that the would all is readers at least foci er will offer Sloe11., Albert1blosu•eot„Stamitle its,assotn1UnL�Of 3 , Y b , Y Y to its loaders at least font serials of the I3ihlra and Testauu+lits. i.hclo 11. new lif, , nit ,•f tehic h tltr. "But -she was so young and so the rustle of the dead leaves alone not work -that they refused to try usual length, and others in two or three !tilt! LES FROM 25cL8 ti PWAH11tit.ls rely FO-ollectitill of the old should unhappy. Ah, Hiss Rainsfo•th, breaking the silence, Presently this machinery?" parts, namely, "ilio Iced Diustank," by C+,,,t,Asuali):, DR WORTITtN('rON, lh•- fatle Lis a dr(ilri. '1'Le woman n -ver think how clinging silo was by na- the road lending immediately to "Something lit' th'A • 1 do not W11,1,1•al O, STOOD III): "Pltill and the po-IR0ry- -- a a g b Baby by Lucy C. Lrr.r•n;; "Prince thour;ht of the siufuluess of the act, turn at d how her floor heart had Ced«rbourne was reached. Then cloarly underst:uul. Thy father Toll;, "fly Joliv I2rssra,r. Coin>:LL; ,L 'C. A1'1L)ai SGIICIIsO\,:UEITIST • .;Ile uct•ur ru:lected upon thu° dis. ( beep tortured and wrung !, TLink Sister Atn,a• heave,l :L fon„ deep sent a clef k to inform rue of the and "1lotber's NVay," by D1;UltAULT E. ---- 'gl'aCe x11(1 SI1an1H the deed wailltl I flow she hall longed for love, and si!!11 of 1'('J1Cf; elltbl•eak, 'I'lle Il)d11 toll! trip that fiaN(ia'rE1t; tW'OH1101't serials by II,1.\L1fAlI liel(1sthC fXClrtdivet•igMtP"P11iCri«1�n11uuilr . a ° •, �, > Iiaotrru I3oei?srN, 'two Serres of I airy the Hurd p rocess of aanll udt tie. twitio, upon lJer and rill vi,ho bore her that this, bright eud boautifnl,�came 11`lio could it have Lcml ! b)n; l,ad it not beet for the timely ar- tally pure Nitrogen Btouoxide, which is the „ , Talcs will attract rho attention of lovers s11106t and best sy stem yet (iiscovered for natue ; the only idea that found a I to her ill Lel• hour of utmost need said. "I did not recoguize the voice. rival of 1 t•tiph Barton, the mens of the wonder"w'Q>rld,namely, the quaint the painless extraction of teeth. Charges place Ill her dazed, burging brain I raid direst distress! And -and she "Nor did I. , See here is aunt old plaster, and Cuthbert Somerset, tales told by IIowAun I'Yr.E, and so i71,LIOT), eaBI.00K nover rRane©a Office, . was that she ODCP more would loot: ! sinned only in thouglJt ! :Miriam. . I suppose that she has who still possess great influence admirably illustrated by him, and au: Shop, Huron street,bunton. . upon. Ler child, and with her would "As though that were any excuse. j grown uneasy." amongst them,", he thought some .other 1.R a different vele by rt stc M. short stories BIL'RNELL. There will be b o violence w e Sister•Anna I am surprised at lir 1'h re was a La t�' w c •w nt f ) would )lave A VITALITY. cuter a on a new life f 1' o l: s o l e o 1 e boon attempt- •� E STED VIT LI ■ p o happiness,t I Y 5 P by W. I). IiDtA•EarLs, Tnnat.\d NELso. EXHAUSTED T She Vent to the place appuintnti, "view Uf the Casa. I hold that's ..Sister Anne's hand's. ° The thick PAor, DIARY E. WII.HiNs, NonA PF:unr, r11HE SCIENCE of Lilo she 7' ited and watehed, but Ile- woman's thought$ should be as'pure gossamer Veil was drawn Still more*,21,P'chinery would the introduction Of HAIIRIET PRI3HCOTT SrQyFoat,DAXIt Kr:R, the -great on Alan. Work of the ago on Alan. rIIr:z):hLttt BLTTF.RW'ORTII, Sornns S\PF.'rT+ hood Nervous slid Physt• be. never cave, G pon'•tbe 'very towards her husband as her actions. closely around her face. injure the wen in iin'uARt MALCOLM JOHNSTON, r:tc, cal >Sobility, Premature morning Omt he was to join her she It is quite possible to keep our . "I thouglit thea never intended any way -would it lessen their -- Decline, Errors of. Youths and tho untold miseries read in flit? Rewspapet ttlt,t he was thoughts in Subjection," The girl's J returning, Whatever kept Wee s0 wa,gges? A subscription to I'f'ARPmt'5 "YorNC cOtsOQUent thereon, 300 Head." voice, stern, clear, and decided; rang • }ate, Vashti ?" The voice was the "Not at all. I quosdoued the I'):orr.a secures. a juvenile library. pages s vol., 125 proscrip. There is usofnl knowledr e, also plenty tions for all diseases. I "Dead! How awful !" a tion ial- out a on the night air• in her ex- voice of .Miriam llainsforth who cleric from the factory. pretty close- Cloth, felt gilt, only I, by wail, sealed. 11- - P n ' I ' I of amusement_13oston Advertiser ` Instrated sample free to all young and wid- IuJlsively from ti asbti. excitement she forgot whale, she coming out from the. shadows of the ly. 11e assured rue that it would die aged ,nun. Seed vow. .7 Me Gold and "Dead --•cutoff in the emly Jrin:e was. lo+lge stood confronting them. It. ultimate] benefit the men b the Trois: Postage I're )a!tl.ft*200 Per Year .luwenea Medal awarded to tlicauthor by �(� • a' a Y Y 1 ;the.Natioual Medical Association, ,address of his manhood, suddenly, hora•lbly, "Lilt, Miss R2 illsforfh, sbe-she was late when I started, aunt Mi- t;reat-saving of toil, even more than l'f,!•.\I. 1„'9iu,` a'Or'''r„/r"'"• IStit'• , l,. o.ltrixlstls, noston, Mass., or Dr. \\'. If.., without a tl ' , r' , -_--PARKER, graduate of Ilarvard INIcdical Col-' )ouient s warning, a neo- had striven and prayed. !Sorrow riam. Dear was much better, and thy father, b I Y Y , at / ll, r lull rr t'upq f v.r ," r. ,',','t r,!' a hr n. h•go, .•i years t.rlictice in ]foston, who u,(lI. . anent s preparation. Then the wo- had blinded her perception, and the time passed very quickly. .Sis- - ,,Gould not my father.reason with be c.n.., tlted t•otindt:uthdly. S•pucialtyI Die-' :<• eprf ,,iaerp. oast rf .)Itt+l. Oillrt•, No. 4 81111111011 St. imams brain quite gave way -light crazed her brain; she could not ter Anna walked home with me, the mail -could he not explain ? SiN6ld; 'Nral:un:;, 1� ive ('ants oaeh, _-_._ - -_� :and sense and reason deserted ler, ,lain! discern." and we lingered long b the way." "Thee s eakb as one who is a Itemittalices should he made by I'Otit- 6t 1 p When she again awoke to conscious. 1 "Sl a sinned; there could Ile no "I havebeenfeelin i a .little un. 'Ardii,ev. to tLo lower orders of. Office money Order or Draft, to avoid The .1 -1 1 1311.1■ Hess, It was t0 fllld herself 111 a " , ChaRCf! Of 105=. ` inr'a•p..ratcd b)' Ar.,f t'urlir.na:ut, 1H,Sb, excuse for her. easy, both thee and tliv father being ]�inh's itlnstar," hiss lttlinsfurth A(Mirrss: ILt,;rl:u ,A I3):Ornf us, New York strange sceuc. At first ske was so "Ay, she sinned, but she also re- away. I hope thee art well, Sister slit! dryly. "Cl'hell thee hast lived -•-.. ---.--.------ -_- CAPITAL, - •• :.3,01)0,000. �Neak that aho could remember pented. Think of how earnestly Anna, Wilt titre walk in a while!" Lav a little lougef, they; will know ► r, 1 t + f' rI . RE, -T FUND, - - :41,000,00( ' f 1.0 f' .+.a�tiiliil it ltl ¢tilt! �,.f�t', $ zI&Lin, of what had gone before, lir she strove ' to snake atonement. "I til ink )-all,,- no." the woman that it is just x waste of breath to f IESU l)FI ICE, IION'PPF.A.. L. %Vhy she was till ro. Nl1e c.;ul,l Silly She chow a )il.e of conduct from , wtirnutred, her•- •voice low, almost attempt to reason with mill -hands; MANNINO I'll SCC►"ill I :agitely, d"nnly wonder. �I,U slty a whi�L by ut(ture she, shrank. indistinct. "Ltlura and' Jlar.,aret they arc as senseless asidioki." �� 1'LUpa[AS \VUltICbLAN,.,,,,,.,1're,ident. J If. It. NULSON. . .. ..,1•icu•Prt,a. .'ar'ge, lrtig loot❑ 111161 with neat She was educated, slit ryas refilled, Hallen will he Wondering what de- "But they listened to Mr Barton R<trrlsters, ,JUl1CltOrs! F. AvuLFP.iis'rA.r• T11O.MA,,iii,itt mioiger white bed;, alal, flitting here And slit-, Lae! talents; there wore many tains ort." and Mr tiomerset,f think you"saidt" ii r; t.x r/ixcuuatr'd C.'o[l•.!tiwix u,•arir,Dra !x tt "L,NVIsYAN(:F,C.,, ,.(•. , f there, ill dresses of grey, serge anti ,-other kinds of employment, far more JIy nitl to seems w•ollde'fm►iy "Ili some manner tha two have -- ixna,rd, Ste,rliriq an,[ Attifric(iti ex- W11'ite uta caps, women tending wit!, 1 cun;!euial, • Which 8110 Coned have prepossessed in thy favor, 'pursuod inniviged to gain great influence with ootnii-oli "r( ror Unwrio:tn.l -NI-iollohi, f-4-t-Itp Imlight lttr.l x0111 at [ofrt All ' a , I obtained but she determined that Miiiarn llainsforth. "I shall be. thein. Yes the leen heeded -them OF""" S1, (''""l (" x'tty J''"'L' `'i''�t"; � r,lrren� r•ntt's. g,,antlesr cilr•e rho occul)unts of thos, , , :�ttiall hc'l,. SluA'iy, vr,ry slow )y, t if it wet t; possible by any act of hers glary to w•el.ometbee to Cutlarl'OurnC sl, far as this -they dispersed quiet- TM�,r('O.NEY 'rr, LOAN. aJOI.ToA(;ESI 1•.t. re -1 „+.:1 Imi• Cent alloNvo: ,•.I Iep."It" t11Cn1Ury culmu hack with health au(i i to redeem the past tine would do it. at ally time which i; coil to ly • but by the advice of both Ralph 31Lllou,ht, Pfltit(o F,ntd,. c lonou'1; V,"LIt,1i i"IZP.;. l Bartonr ' Ulli l'1' llt'er ,1.1 %l<'1(dll ll'H ;I OI'1•, ('I III TI,II' S1nIWl a.l Yll❑,'ed to fnl'In briS ,171 their 1+I1 Cloteb tttrongL.'t, ;old with 'nllenhory 11l,uttHr- I Th -o u;onev bl,e earned site gave to thyself." Band Cuthbert Somerset, thy - "- . . ,•iuo,.no ..r ,n..rr cn.i.,r, r.. N„ In..rt aye ro• ° AI{RLAGE I,WENSF-� APPLY 'J'O , uh'e,l a,,ocurlu. tble an"lli<h Iin,l temor"w. I,lindtlf thUsu },Dole• than herself: many an Thery warn inurnmr(-J thlurks father and Amos :Marston, with a 1�L the, nill.r,htilefl tit the I.n"',Lry lto(m1s, 1 . I)U lUTloli' b}' p till illi] 1„Kb1Un, bili' ItOut', whet! ]let' p0pt' fl'tNttc+ I1CC(:It'(1 tram IbOCT ,\rill, :Itttl L}ll tl K1iC tlletl Ufl , W}LOIIl ttlCy Can rely, Wlll JABIl:S NCO'1"1', (:Iha+nt. I1. ('. (t l:!':11'pat, �J:nal;. saw plainly ttb:,t she; find clout: writ, ! lo.t, aho---:' took hot- leave. keep w'IttA in Olt, trill through the li7-rililtt A„1; I,Ici;�;,I:; I:;.,L'I:u lir'i'Jtl: ' S� Off Y e , wnl.l;iqu('.1,,c r.,,i,l 1.r:,• ,u feug Mort. . Clintono �lr RSIFI�u t li'ii, T?1b�@ (the stir'•, Voico of 11'u Ll'IG1,II!1• LO � ' "I do nut question 1hur sorrow," '!What it xtraug' ly shy, I,ut vuna tii�ht. rt lits A. \VOIr'rit N ,ru N. it J '� ,Orlg er wlliilierill" ill het• (•'I)-, die l \asLti Intorrupted. the story, is, woman silo ls. colllloented 1111•Ittll! 1111y --why, ;tllnt illl'1iLm1 � ONP'S' '1'U LKNL IN LAltlil•; Olt 31ai1.nrrducrordl•!i'.rrt nod cln;(•Lvdc,.thlt > " r. 1 1,LSulalislltnsoDcoudnio•t)(u;;r+colrfty, f: perceived illi' ellurn,ity UT tela Hill 110t it pleasant (;lie, •Sister ,Anna, Itainsfort 1). I wonder bow thou I told thee that t i(ic know' (loth- tllndt,r' tor«teufltt(•1.11dt. if IIALE,Cbnton . lit the Clinton l'o-t ulnae I„ follkws:-- L h I I' 1 At ingoftl I 11I 1 It t I ----- 10 I ca(jmw I &4k L9° ZZWW I, ,31�_ ; UJI ­. ft zx:�Cm Ca I :tld x' IG9 . 0% <® C W w(L= 1.,0 1 P P �! 1�6 I LL S Are taking the lead in Gristing and Chop pu,6, which will he dune at all duos, on the u hurWht noLil'e. CIIU1'PING ol,ly 5 cents. a if ,111;. Gu'u u - a trial, and you will be Cou• it I that LbiS i, the right place to et your ' ., Iri,[iuy dove, as evuryo,o buts the flour n «nuufacturvd frutn Ills own wheat. Farul- - t ors eau dupcud uu i;uttiug their stuff Itotuo will! Lhetn. r F1,OUR Am) FEED, -Flour and feed kept coudtautly uu baud, . D. B. McLEAN, Kippeu Millen CIANTOE ME011ANIC'S INSTITUTE, , I'ibrary and Reading Rooms, Town Ilall, dowu stairs. About 2,000 voluwet, . in the Library and al the Leading News papers and Periodicals of the day on the t table. Dlewllership ticket $1 per anumu Open Prow 2 to 5 p m., and from 7 to 0 p, w. Applications for mewbershipreeoived uy the Librarian in the room. o . BE�T14 ULEE NUltER'Y FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREE! NOPWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH 1 AND ASTRACHAN PINE, 1 Tela LATTHa OF WIIICII WE MAKH A SPECIALTY, . *4 Y T T LARGE STOCK .ON HARD The above ornamental trees and shrubbery wI I be sold at very low prices, and tho.,e wantin anything in tills comtoctfon Will save mune purchasing here. , _ l,y AluiI will bF pronll'tly attend t,[ to, Addr,so, McKillop MuNal Insurdwo Co. T. fel . R �;1 I,. A 6�tI �, 4'� A '1...®ti'i f4 GENERAL AGENT. ILolated town and village property, as t,•el as farm huihliugs andstock, i,lsurad. Insur- ances effuctod against stock that tetay be killed by lightning, if you ttant insurance drop a card to the above addi-css. PAINTING. 1'AINT1.N G. The uuaersigne(l desires to itit1«pato to the puoplu of Clinton and vicinity that he.hao rvturuud to town, aril intends to remain ht•ru pe•waucutly, and is better prepared than over to do anything whatever in the painting or pallor han •ing line. All orders entrusted to hint wil receive prompt and careful attention. GEORGE PO TTS, Birk St., Clinton. STEYENM� j,J - I ' ' -THE LEADING- UNDERTAKER -ANI'- EMBALMER. .11 A PULL LINT: OF , GOODS KEP �' h STOCK The LLA L''mbahuing Fluid used Slitell(Ild Ilearsw. A1.131 -At ST.,CL,IN 0_ , Residence over store. OPI'n5ITE TOWN II:ALL FA ItR-A Ni &' TISDA.LL '•}p' 1Ly' A N Ii'�ET' Ilk S� ,gyp r� 01,111TON. • ,Ll,L7 ,1.6 ,l .11 'she kmo so nearly couluutted. l lt•r pnsion her madness lie hlin(l en-' ,in L f! hour Is gtowing late, 1.l a must have been here a Ions time.. a CRIISt o "o to ten w1t 1 let, IS , 1. Ther, said that thee loitered by the a ,0 tan: b. 18 e) lac 1 ed that in the - night the ringleaders k A I'I'hl•:'r0N-OFPfUF- AT 1115Ni• D ),l,,;ct; o« ont,trw street, (,'limon, "p- . _ - cl: u+R UI'F. Itlntilton, Toronto, Susi-! deavos to $('Cnl'•e ha 1 hil1CS4 C\'Cll p 1 , 5I1All we b:J now ?" o way., Ifow was that ?" Y Of CLQ dlSSatIS!]2(1 Oney will return Posito 1•:ugllrth Church. 1Lrttrltttee by sldc ford, Scafurth,• (inuul; Trunk optst and lnteriue•I Advances made to farmers on their own though by questionable actiun-- .But Sister' Anna caught the girl's. "Sister Anna Was telling, rule the with the intentit-m of destoying the );ate, I. \V.ti.ia;it, \'F•f'P:ItIN,tl,Y'tiUit(a1 ON i Veterinary Col- dirtte offices __1 .... I ..I 7.ou a.m., 1.5011.ni Toronto, Stratford, son., 'notQs, at low rates of hiterest. '' what had tLes6'availed Ler? Llttel unavailing regret undying rou�se ]land in her own. ,\of so would she let her go. story of a woman she had known Y and when we got to Shadow 1,A+ne lb4chiner•." 3 "Is it possible that they wuuld tlraanatoof Lit(- Ontario ie, Telogva .hie nlesgitg09 promptly at IC,, to. otl1 o -Londesborough, Ont. forth. T. anti 8, east.. ..I 1.uJ ppm. 8:4,111 o(.+rerich, Iloinic'sville and! Wrest....:: general n- es ositstran. tea A te Banking ed on-deposits. Interest allowed awoke within her, IIevetawmin to `Illave ou not one word of it we sto) led b the stile talking." dare to attem >t such a tiling 1' a `Ignite " `- -- TTA(4 \ViiITT- TEACHER OF MUSIC_ Goddcri6ralch..... Iiamtlton,Turunto $ 4.511111. 2.40 i.aoa,ni 3, P• 4.15 oughtosfts. Salo Notes bought S1nI11bCt', Slle had lost IIUIte and fu' this poor sinning re )ellta t a, } 11Much ro0 thleewould got stand- �, possible and. hlghl pro- I ' ° Y 1 lrl Member of the Canadian Society of .. London, L., II. 4c A, Aouth p,ni.,10.2,Sn,m a.m. Jilin. a,m. p.m friends 2nd good name. 1'he love „) \\'oman? She pleaded. ra i.ng still in the night air, snapped n bable. Musicians. Plano and Organ for the use of i,,,I,;ls, Rosid'uco, Mr 8 Hartt's• opposite and interutediate ofnce:,I7.00 f 4.15 10.2h 7.00 J. P. TISDALL, Manager. which had olce sremCd so beautiful, A budden drought occurred to Dliriam Rainfifo.th. 11 I ahould "That explains, why Dir Somerset Bir wilitel,oad's_Albert Street, Clinton ..,--._.--„- Blyth, Wluglhnm, Kinear- dtuo.Luokuow',L,,fl,ttll. - so glad a thing, now appeared lolltly- Vabhti, one which explained the think Sister Anna's story was " bad not returned when 1 came away jit REEVE, -OFFICE, RATTENBURY I st, Bturray Block, twn doors Swat nr north and intermediatcl ,.tacos....... ... .,n; p tit.. a.in. ppm 0,3o 11.,15 B.Lt.;.nO p (s�j �y Rowaraod aro those who road illlafil 1 thlsandthonact;theywillt3nd some and deadly. A just heaven ' g woman's agitation, mightily interesting. iron! the Co )sn." ] t, Hodtlene• entrance. I{esfdence opposite s, Britishmalis,AIundny,SVod- nesday, Thursday 7.00 honorable employment that will not take had removed It from her grasp. Her a1. „ (i Sister Anna, site said, what 1( It Was t110 stOt y Of tt w`anlan Y0$ ; pCt'llaps Ill tU0 Man keep ,> Artily fitlrrttcks, IInrtyn 8t, (111ntdu. OtNee hours, 8 a m to 0 p lit. ...,•I Ba aol(1, VarnaRloa S' JlcrJ'Is•n a.m. theta from thoir•llo sad families, The profits aro large and sure for every lndustri- child-\v11ere was she? Cotrld aught ° 1.H this woman to you ? Who is s11Q who had sinned, but who had suf. watch. ` finny ....: .........,,':I4,30 S(++nmorhtll, Tuesday and, p.m. 13.44prm. ops }}person, many have made and are now makingeoveral hitt«lreddollarsa month, I' atone for the disgrace which must ---tt relative T ' '� fere(i. 1 tt f all! terribly worried 'lit •illy f' sTANI3URY, 0 ALMA ON' DFiI, (I I� 111edIC1N r)eparttnent of vt«torla [in I- 11 U"l- Friday, ..,......,i A.3Qp.m,' 5,3Op.m is easy for any person to make $$ per day Always test upon the name she had I :Cllr; 'woman bhrank before the "A slice topic, certainly. :\nd mind," M iriutn Ihainsfarth adulitt0d formerly of rho H'll, vOra11 Toren Honey Orders k4om and Depo,its received from ane dnllnr ulnvard,, and Upwards,wYlo is willing to work. lUthe sox young or old; capital not neoded,west,tr b01'Ile And dishonored ? Could tltl Y (l1eSLlUth' Sh dropped led the gn'1'$ 1 , 4 } p b tree Cattld stand listening t0 �istCl' b , "r , it few minutes later. 1 h0 b11S1[le$H and Dl11 11 re's, New Ym•k, Cornnar fol' the County of finrou, Bayfield, out. Orileu hours frcrm 8 a.m. G. 7 ppm, You. Everything new. No special ability ' d; do iters act of bersa tone for tie sin sh,) ]lad hands, and her own were uplifted Anna's •rubbishing tales, and never yields to thy father a large income g r --- Sawin s Is:ink and Mgnry order Uraec Ips' at 8.30 p.m, you, lie ato,can Wo11 u any one. one. Write to us at once for toll particulars looked upon and pronounced good ? t0 ]lar' face, hiding it from sight. think Or care how I was fidgeting it is true. I fe is saving money W. WFLiAANIA, R. A., Ill. I)., GRADU• 11 ATt, nt'rorunto University ; membt+roY TIIOIIA$ FAIR, Po.hnn,tvr, worth nd mail free. Address Stinson & Co Portland, Blaine. Sorrow anti grlrf retarded the wo- 1 Was she a relative -was she of , at home about thod" . • rapidly ; but in some way I seein to tele college or Phy8icinns and :iurgeoia, Clinton,April fill 1880, - man's recov r man Weeks elapsed ep 9> Y P your own kindred V Vashti mainrained a tt Ise silendti. dislike it 11101.0 and ever year. T Y Y Ont. orr•IcE & REHtDN'NOr the Mutts(+ for- tD+rly oeeupied by I)r Roeve, Alfieri street ,�T__ •, _-_ - - y fl,T.IN'1'UN ere she was able to leave the hospi- The trembling hands which coil `Ii had thought," continued Dliri- am alwaya In dread that be may get Cinultn. tai. She had b(+en kindly treated thero coaled the face were -not withdrawn• lain, The voice of Sister Anna in reply with an air of complaining in- jury, "that thee wouldst have been injurer! by the machinery' for one thing; and• another is, I do not -'- - - T. Ro al Collge'• of De atal SSurgeoi s ' HURON AND BRUCE 1 9p Planln Mill ; she almost regretted when i',iel Ontario. All operations of moderndeo- > L0111I "' T11vestillentC J she must gu. (ro ? Where could sounded muffled and broken. a comfort to my declining years. think that he really understands of tivtr) c;u•efully pt,rfortuod, Amestheties all she go ? l lotneless and friendless "Yes -oil, yes! She-- she was a But I have soon found how vain managing the melt. No Master in ,niu:,terea Cur the pronless extraction of O1IIC6 •- Kon old stand, Coals' Tliix Cont any ix Loanitly 1ton,y or I -AND- And hOpele$s, W111theC COt1)d. she very near relative." are my Lapel. Even the compan- the town rives better wages than g teeth, er's Irloek, Clinton. Will visit lir}-th profession- Blasou hotel. Faint ernr(It to LOtcrxl I[at• x 0! J I hltrrexl. I turn her footsteps? She had some `•`Vas she -pardon Inc, I think ionship of a strange melancholy wo- he, yet, strange to say, there is al- ally every Monday, at s __ D lR+ y g X L N i little money, and her yearning heart ale must fhave been yoursister?" man, of whorl thou knowest com- ways some dissatisfaction among the -t-JR WORTHrNGTON, - PHYSICIAN, NIORTGAGEh - PURCIIASIA II\IIE SUBSCRIB•EJt turned to her ahlld. She Werit t0 ",�'he- afro-YPS, S{Je-wa$ -m y IarAtivC1V T:OLi11n + 19 1JPf01't'Cd tJ } g, } halals, That has always been 1J Sit Licentiate of tho College of PhysietanA, and ,surgeons of HAViNO JUST C061 PLxTP,D and furnished his now peening N the school where it had been first sister. " t> mine. worry enough ; but now this new. Lower Canada, anti Provincial Lkentlittel SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. witbmachinery of the latest Improved patter placed, but it had been removed Illy this timf Miriam 1•taiusforth fanood invention seems as though. neo cand(reiii4le°tc(,,n�Tiio bit of formerly I s, 4 and 5 p(w Cent. Interest Alloined lino intg now hoenostpfirekl rumptanloatisfaetorym•tend to all orders tirniner months before. She had hard! de- ClI1\PTi•;It XXXV. had worked herself up to a grand it were going to make matters worsts g � occupied byDlrThwaltes, Huronitre(+t. Clinton,Jan.10,1871. on Depoxifx,merording toalnotint gid line lrjt., and at reaA,n,thle rates. Fie would also retur thanks to ail who the old m before filled to Ilei Relf her intention in A hushed silt -nee followed Sister pitch of virtuous indignation. Not Sometime2, 1'tuthti, I Wish that thy , _ they werehurnod out, and now being ina bit- out, n seeking her child, but her ho:tit Anua'fi a(ltnissiun that the woman another word did she condescend to father worn wall ri,l of th3 W11010 �JlAltbrs F. Bt. AteG1LF1(SOIt, VBVI'E1t- , , OVIPICE-Corner of Marliet Sr nareand North S ter position to 6xocute, orders expoditinual) fools ennOtfenthecall iv 9fhief sickened and died within hell now. of whorti sJpo hall spoken -the wo- address to Vashti until they wero concern." ary �iou i,trhofsi0iltnr o(IV tc!vary B[edieatil fioane Holtr�, `AOHa• action to all. FACTORY -Near t7rand Trust Then she went to the town where plan who had binned and suffered- - seated in the Cedarbourno drawing 1, R A PT EI R X X X l'I. Socioty. Treats all clisoaaeaof domnstloated animals. veterinrtry dentistry a•speeialty_ I Gnderirh,Aneuet•Uth t885 Railway, Clinton. the home which had once shelters(} wafi her own siNter. tt was broken room. l'Iven there she took tip Charges moderate. Office, one floor cast of I rHOStAs I1.KI;NZIE her was, The } Ome had passed 1 [ Y l) VaRhtt, x, lave some sewing and for a time pre- a' 1 brol.('n o The Lours of the ttt;xt clay drag- tyle News -Record Printinst ofilce, Clinton . -_ __._ .- I --Fl. - -- - - - , into the hands of stranacp'4. SIIC rr dared not rnikC mailyFnnguirit,R for `'I rim SotJ;y i spoken s0 that )loll im)pw,omfto RCCS'C(1 a cllgnifiCd Si1P,iiCn, t,glanle l rneedle theyashti ad slowly along10 the two who at Codarbourno awaited the WACKALL Vr'rrRIN:ARY SUi{•! TJ . nrov, Ilonnrary (Sraduate of thtOnta:cin tti allmost �( %� (�T��1 FALL GO GOODS ►J 1T�� () �. ��� L�- ��`r�, `J ��T • ` '9 fear of betraying Nebel., those whom w+as .sister lncould the Y bw� ni 11ft1 in g Y b g coming; of Philip Lainsforth. 1 ashti's anxiety ion,raIllarticau•rioanrmol., oilrl modcof �atolywv%toftllv audseirntinc ,rtnripioa, oils - hiunodt-, �, CLI' ON,Silo asked only knew that hm his• have ,)Sen more guarded in lay com• had taken a book, but her thoughts \vas Ro rout th;tt aho could nut rUt 6 nnynl hotel, ftelkldvilee Just Nant.faelurcr band had rnmovod to a town vely c nientit, lint, ,.iste1 Anna, hov;ever wandered to the story told by Sister to tho Copse. Tog0tier An nild Alhrrt FL, Ciintml, Colla niglit or(ifty at-! I t,nldf,11rOprolnptly. .Arrived and pro r 11111111 Dog in ave. AC,,ttit f„rttile h,,aleNtAind faraway. )iO}ICieSR 2nrl dCRp111'1 t1g, mach I may lament her suft'drings, ,Anna, the wornans agitation afl(1 Mariam 1'i.ainsfo•th stet striving, 1'lllt ---• -_------•••-- )-.-.____ , --.-.-- appli(Ation ofthe"FIAIIF,a PATUNTAT'To;WATIC Rou,Ka Cr.HAsr.a. Rho! rettit•ne(} to tlll, hug ictal. 'I'll(, ' was for I cannot withdraw my words, ) kir own actions brought about her pun• • grief, tint) the strange. 6olvlrlrl voice which hall seemed fro very I,rnr to bili\ ing in vain, to appear uncou- ! r � I)it I. i,,I,I,IO i"rt' N. r' , �V•y'� _' �.�I-1h:!:I"I 3TN:A�1t� 1''wt no OH furnished and n , , ,rt nrotico 1 Pira ,.irF1 a vacancy a nurse, and bile applied fat and obtained the prat. ishment. Nothing that she bould them. ., corned loll indillerent. Tho•e hall hn(n a inn5snn 0r linin the facto g Y I )C -"T `� 111. It. M. U., \A•, Gu«n, M.D.. i,, It. Q�� +ani �1 J ► , Artrll(•rr, 111■t�tnr.At.nnll till kinds A,i n,u hl)t(•lrg rrnptilrca AapotlrtF(,t>sly Oh, the undying remorse, the un_ effect in after-lifo could recall that " ( lin that jildgeth is tilt, I,rl 1 . �i I fit eitr•ly morning to f.('11 till ill that r.liint, 11,(1.1'., E l„bti,gl,, I C,1'„1]:Ihthurgh,L.R• i*i1vtItI-,%v:t3-('. riff tit A RRNNftipl0l y Insurer, availing regret in which her dayR one inad decd of hers, nothing that ( ITP words rang in liar ear ; Rho I lt.(%,,., I;,rinh,trgh, C, ti.t'11,linhurgh, J,I- _ _ • /q !! ,��t�p �t 'n or � p� a ��t i,B��A��B°�u� .I'V�'a ��vY _____ - - __- ..--, it,� � �'t'��v1�°:�1�,1 �{�I�J�o�i�� ' eo.ttiittr r tJ,r 1IIr1- ftp.•rw. 1 1i11lntril�, f:tr, :t nr+t,,+:1,•1'J. amt %j of the , lid.: tv,fm"}Tlin,011lee,otl, rnrn ic,fOntarinntd �� r �� T q r l " DIAECI(YA j;r�, J. � Farr.. fm:,fk e1 nt% mnainfact+)rrxi in,lre v.i •Steam and water It f+lt11 1.1 p' pr•,inn�,, Dr) K)1r.A Aued np y, p1 y a t 'Itch, er"S 'I� aet,Orla, W,OhIleir �..n1r't Willi-trt Na.. Clinton , r'TANTON -'� Charg- Priv,di m. r . (f