The Clinton New Era, 1889-11-15, Page 6• An unhealthy woman is rar+ ly, if ever, beautiful. The peculiardi:+cn.4• d to w•1)tc•h e„ many of the sea are sub,;cet, u1'0 1,ru11ne causes of pale salhsv tae, 111 i.,'1 with un- sightly pimples, dull, lu [, 1 ces ur.'i ,rma- elated fortis. V. ,nurn n, t linc led, eau tn• p,•r•- ulanently cure.i i.•; 1)r. t'ierce's ha'. erne Prescription: fr,„1 , . n [i:c r,twratinn of hoalth comes twat b.,udy which, combined with good qualities to. hind tnii heart, undies wt:mien angels 01 1.11', ;intra. ” lac ut',le Pt•e'c'ription " is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive • guarantee from the ,9ufaoturers, that it will give satisfaction -very case, or money will be refunded. It 1 positive Irpecif, for all those' painful disor- =, irregularities and weaknesses with which .,any women ore ulliicted. • Copyright, 1885, by WO1tLO's 1)15. 31111). Ass'N. "If a woman is pretty, To me 'tis no nutter, 3o she blonde or brunette. So she lets mu look ut her." WARRANTED D1. PIERCE'S PELLETS Purely Vegetable Perfectly Harmless ® . UNEQUALED AS A LIVER PILL. Smallest, Cheapest, Easiest to take. One tiny, Sugar-coated Pellet a dose. Cures Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa- tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all de- rangements of the Stomach and Bowels. 'i,5 cents a Vial, by druggists. SAL ANTED . Having dose business in Oauada for over SOyearrs, our mutation and reepoi1 iblity is well known. WYe pay galaxy and expenses Fran the start, if everything is saikdactory. Np PsaytOUP lateerionoe t9 reguLred. wtifn ns roe teams, alma Ave Varlthera1, before enstrig with anyy other Srm. mations.--Bradstreet'. or Don Winlntl Ss Oo's Commercial Agencies. veil known to busSses. men ; or Slsaslard f3anA, Colborne, cont, L`twin EtROTITERs' oOMPAMY Nua M W1 Ir1r, Claiborne Ontark. White Bronze liollument co'y, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. We have the only factory in the Do- minion. . Our material is pure and fine, and is endorsed by leading scientists as being practically imperishable. It can- not absorb moisture and consequently ie not affected by the frost. ' Edward,. - • ., italter -, r n< D:, L1. C L„ , C. S., of entree!, Zi Q., says its great d re- bility uncles all exposure to weather and storm is fully assured by its high quality. It is more durable than stone and will not loose its handsome appea• anon from' generation to generation. Know of no other material which equally capable of combining .elegant of form, beauty of surface and indefini durability. • Please call on or wait° to our agent t Clinton and See designs and prices b fore placing your order. W. M. G11r1''I,v, AGENT CLINTON THE ST. Tltosits \Vui'rr•. BIUONZE MONU- MENT COMPANY, S•r. Tlttraas, O:r1'r.. Tine Dominion Franchise Aet The revision Of the voters' lists, under the Do:niuiou French e I Act, is now goiug oh throughout Canada, and if the result of this regi. ion is not the return of Sir John 31ae- donald to power by a thumping majority, it will not be the fault ut the elaborate system under which, at an expeuae to the country at large of several hundred thousand dollars a year, be practically selects the jury before which he is tried. Four years ago, when the lists were first made. the revirit;g ofi,•t•r,' clorla enter•d as vot1rn long Iipt' or Ille.11 w!10 l'111 claim to the 'ran •hi•e, and rrharl n, glare ft•rre revied, hundreds ui I ..l•- were .troch frons thein, as'the• r• tl:e ac:jt n taken Ly the I.a••. organization. Illbtead , t furlli-to.he ti,: -e revs -ed lists to the rtvising ufiirrr4, to 1,r the basis of the 11e1: - that arr n, H bring prepart 1, tl,r Govet'uu)tnl have reprinted the first list u+:lie out, ill,trut:tinh the revis- it;; t tl1• tl5 to -tae it and the assess• meta list as the bass of the new list. An analysis el the list furnished from Ottawa for one polling subdivision in an Ontario county is as follows Dea,i vote;;, G ; had 'fury votes, 40 ; bad (grit votes, 20; living good votes, 188;;in a11254 No less than twenty- six per cent of the voters on this poll- ing sub•d)Visiou list were, therefore, bad, and there were found to be four- teen good votes that were act on the revising officers' plain and supple mentary.list. In order to strike these sixty•six votes off the list• it will be necessary to prove them bad when the public revision of the lint- i; nttie. Although in Horne rididgs the revision of the list is being 011x, fully watched by both political parties, at 0 cost to each organization of from three Luo• dred dollars up, in the great majority of cases no attention is being paid to the matter, and the revising officers will be left to make out the lists to the best—or the worst—of their abili- ties. As the change of a vote or two in a polling division decides the mat- ter in all, or nearly all the debatable counties, as far as Ontario is con- cerned, the result of the next election is being decided now, not by the bal- lot but by the revising ufli,:ers,.•- Xlont.real witness. STAY EAST, YOUNG 11AN. Illere's Advice from the Great- est y of the Booming tWest. Dr. Mary S. Putnam writes from Spokane Falls, Washington, to the New York Sun :— Western towns.»" tlbut,1c 1.17) ;11-1. i1n- �• D-, .r+1tln:. iuey Tarp uy exaggera- tion, by theiiniteil efforts of Boards l of Trade ,ncorporatecl by capitalists and a few original locators, who, less than a Poore of years before had built their shacks ou Govern- ment claims. The uninitiated do not. knovr how easy it is to purchase a. column in a leading journal to bbom a town, In less than no time a dull, dreary, uninteresting. Godforsaki n waste nourishes into life a row of one- story frame buildings, foremost a saloon(the Monarch of the Mountain, the Elite, the Bon Ton or the like), then aeneral merchandise stole, which hods the post office, a smithy, a iodising house and restaurant, com- bined, and a few primitive buildings; there form a ' street•-coU'ectively a town. The place instinctively as- sumes the name of the first'hquatter, who, perhaps, had not Hpur,k enough to extricate hini i'li Froin the original mud, :ltd the deed 18 done. It there 1s [1 Creek, there is water power ; if a measely potato has strug- gled into a feeble existence there is agriculture ; if a cutting, survive its first pangs there is no end to fruit prophecies. Acres aro laid ofr into town lots ; in lieu of the dusty, rattl- ing stage coach, liable to periodical disbursements to road agents, rail- road schemes are projected, a pros- pectus is insinuated everywhere, and land sections, real estate and build- ing boons follow. Well-to-do farm. era in the East Bell the old home- steads, mechanics leave fair employ= ment with tools and blankets, profes- sional people searching for a location take a new start—one way or another all reach the promised laud, or rather land of promises. Once there, there is no retreat. Irreparablesacrifices have been made; .,1 money has been exhausted by exor- bitant railroad rates and a thousand and one extortions incident to travel; a little to judiciously invest is all thea. rornalrl9. 1 1 tl jh1e real estate men with their small capital of a desk in a convent - 'vitt.. corner, with rood: enthusiasm end hnekn ey )•hra5ea, bait the 111)• xious newcomer with "Otte flue lace - lion," "What we have beck of us," "The future county seat or capital," "The advance in real eat.al0," "This is no boom," and such rut ri if tH 4? s „1,4 t, ,„ ,„.-.0. y 34 lt, 1 t , 6 5jd4.1 GGP✓H7 k645'' Pt` ''111 x1 �'.t2'0t �p q 1. •- :;: ;!--JJ1 7. j'j, f- 66���S 1M, 3Y� r.- ,I,aKIMIAA is L R Mii `'T uE911 G'friy'q lv n riot PETA,(E;: 1fai11C..a, Isis kiwi P.14 Loren r'tal stir, Srevx. t,E P•,nusra Yams Craws Sint S5,rt '.."41!1":1 rvd Liam') i ]]tulip• Phil: g” n d'"7 , t. NO R00.11 FOR :1IOTIIER. madam ?" "No, 11111 11,.'• ?" "I itln t l.,.oW, ma'am." •° tth\', there are only two ways •' i :11,1((t know. I was:never on :ho ,••,r1'. i :1111 waiting 10r the thio :,1 •' t,, John." ? i':.cro is no town (3 tl'. t•,1 .1„• .,. \1'nere is it?' .•t)iI .,)t;. : ,1,,:.n'� sty' hill 1 11.,:t, ()11 :1 Claim." "1 1,111 i. 11::ti fight to Kansas \',:11 intend t0 visit?" S;.c said it with a ,.it.61 r.) l,e.trt-burdened, the -11.•1• .et' \\',t. u('hed. ".1, b n Mlle eva,jte tout, !Le look: of pain in the 1urr0we11 taco, were bole. l h\ the stylish lady at„ the gray head bowed upon the toil - marked hand. She wanted to hoar her Story -; to help her. ' l;xenso int' --John in troul)1,, ) "No, 110—I'111 in Trouble my old heart 1:•'' er thought to see." " l'he train dots not c ate f ,r time. Hero, rest v,wi• 11,1%.1 urn' my elottk.'' "You aro kind. If uty own were i•n, I id (mld Lot 10 in 1 r ,ublo to t,jt'ht,' "'ll'lwt iy y.,ul' trouble 1 13111ybe I can help yo"." •'-1Cs: Laid to tell it to rtram,4ets. but r.:y old heart is too Full to keep it buck. When 1 was left a widow with three 'children, 1 thought iL VMS fil0r0 than I could bear; but it wasn't bad as this—" The stranger waited till she re coveted her voice to go On. "1 ]iwd only 'the cottage, -and" my willing handy. 1 toiled early and Tate all the years till John could help me, Then we kept the girl:; at school, John •mnt1 me. They were married not long ago. Married rich 101 the world goes. John sold the cottage, sent me to the city to live with them, and he went West to begin for him:?eir lie said he had provided fr" the girls, and they would Provide for me now— Il e" • • voice clloked vdith emotion. 'IITIO Stranger waited in silence. "I went to them in the city, I went to Mary's first. She lived in a great house, with servants'to wait on her ; a house many tithes larger than the little cottarge—but 1 Soon found there wasn't room enough for me—" There tear's I,toa1 ill the limes on 'her - heeks, The ticket agent carne out softly, Rtirred the fire, and 'went back. After a pause she continued : ".1 went to Martha's --went with a pain in my heart I never felt before. I was willit3g to do anything sa as not to be a burdou. /3ut that wasn't it. 1 found they were ashamed of my. bent' old body, and my withered face— ashamed of my rough, wrinkled hands•—mode SO 1.011ing for them." The tears came thick and fast now, The Htranger's hand rested caressingly on the gray head. "At Inst tilos told rile 1 must live at a hoarding house autl they'd keep int) there. I couldn't say anything back. My heart was too full of pain. I wrote to John what they were going to do. Ile wrute right back a long, kind let- ter for mo to come right to hint. I always had a home while he had a roof he raid. To come right there and stay as long as I lived. That his mother should never go out to strangers. So I am going to John. IIe's got only bis rough hands .and his great warm heart, but there's room for hisold mother —God bless—him." The stranger brushed a tear from her fair cheek and awaited the cIuelu,4fon. "Some day when I ant gone where 1'it ncyer trouble them again. Mary and Martha will think of it all. Some day when the hands that toiled for them /Iry fniticd anti still , when the eye,- that watched over them through rnuny 11 weary night are Close,1 fut'ever ; when the little 011.1 hotly, 1)001 with the burdens it 11(11 c for theta is put away where it t• ;t).nl`Vel' 5111010 then." The agent drew his hand (lujck- I\ 1,,•fore his eyes, and wont out Its jt' to Ionic f.)r a train. Tho stranger'b.•Iewelled fingers strock- ed the gray locks, while the tears of sorrow and the tears of sym- pathy fell together. The weary heart way unburdened. Sbothed by a touch of sympathy- the troubled soul yielded to tho long- ing for rest, and she fell asleep. The agent went noiselessly about his duties that he might not wake her. As the fail' stranger watch - en she saw a smile on the care- worn face. Tie lips moved. She bent down to hear. "1'111 doing it for 111ary and Martha. They'll care for me some Lima" Sh.e was dreaming of the day in the little cottage—of the fond hopes which inspired her, long Ion;! belot0 she learned, with n breast) heart, that some tiny she would turn,honlolerts in the world, to go 1" John.- Lori( Ex - for 1 nfe mi C "Czse1or1a s so well Adapted'bdlmtl,.o that 80 N�Y Colisti ExPIiOr+'. rteurunlenditmsuperior toastypre estnilsin i"`1oieA d;, .sown to me." H. A. Annum, M. D.. Kftls�eW�lwo�slo., sleep. and Dr>.tu+ 122 80. Qztosd 8t., Brookiye, M. Y. W4thuua itleakate=ad/cat Tun Ciattabtai CONWAY, ii Murray bias t, lt. 1 s , frh ,o"tl'fRF+Y,��7�'It•`'.<1 rte ij41''•t,';tY , C! 0.:4 . • "'1N i.f; 1 •'.• 1.'x-..iv:I It Cr `‘' Z �i a l,i !rt �.•' ..• , .ci `gists' hi;. l! (rY1.r' .) a,Jll71,: d .�', r 10 toe 'World. 174;1 }'Tf6I7. V, i1J�..1 i ti �11i° ". {iria;.1' {i•Enli. N � (r C! ;q17," l's 1.1 :ld• 14et.,,, ?•an:e Sit., of cf (tt' n,,,tt a•.'; , ';,nn::} ru^n11/tf•d 1101.4. In 11'x, ('11A• A 100,0"•.1,,1 sur for 400 gilvfds. etnto('I "rTATCOi)F1'�It, %2 to yG p.,r ,wiry. 1..), V , `'1 °tl :1171,11r;,,;r PE SIRS' .yam.. -..-.. 1011 AR'tS ItT Galin, £.PALeiEf &SON 'Wholesale Imp'trs of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1713 NOTRE DAME 11., MONTREAL. L'OMiht1ONi LEATHER BOA,'E COMPANY. M•annL,cturera of ASBESTOS MILL DCVO Steam Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, Ti isles PerfeceFriaei, [KITT' BUW Ir ° THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. 4 PAPERS JOHMS ONS f 1.UIoE.EF iiE GRCA'T )TRENS11 GIVER 2APt t"iCT Feer, 1, 1� 4d�7h1tNG rh -an THE 1',' t< Some Interesting Information The' Man, W. L. Ouimette. 'I l tir shameless auICCCHH 1s an CR•+y one. All is lovely with buyer :end buiIler until second payments crud interev .,re due. Provisions have been 1 i. 11 ; outlay, incidental to g••t- ting 6ettled, incessant ; Hicicness has conte, too, and, as is invariably the case, work is scarce. And no* nothing is left but to sacrifice improvements and turn the land back. Real estate bas reached its maximum, there is no more specu- lation, local transfers wane. Indeed, for some time, the fact has been significant that none but st rangers are purchasers ; and they, when beaten, do not need a second lesson. Out- wardly the town flourishes, but it is, nevertheless, rotten to the core. Stores ere stocked with goods bought on credit, cheap buildings are put up on leased ground, everything is heav- ily mortgaged. Liquor saloons, gambling resorts, ect., alone haye a sold basis vampire like sapping the prosperity end dignity of the town. In consequence of all this, there is a mad rush to keep heads above water. Everyone for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. There is no pity, no mercy for the unsuccessful, the unfortunate, Honest Alen stand twenty Map nn thr sidewalk d:senor• aged, resentful. But, the wi et•I Lf fortune turns, and behold poetic •jintic : The town lies in ashes. There has been a great fire, a ter- rible, appalling conflagration. In 0 few Lours millions of dollars have Leon coma rrd in a lurid flame. A. ? r.: t1 ;�,+t his:or'v rnpeate This man will treat you fair and square, When e'er you come to buy. IIe'll give you bargains rich and rare ; Just give this man a try. he Store, Londesboro, We filthy riot have the biggest store On earth ; but write it down, -In bargains we will give you more Than any store in town. The; Stock, I,;+ ),,. ! , t',r•tt t,. Inwn. T1 e essays r'sof i;il „ ! '},at iIl nor nnNpotlef, � RAT;, tt r\ ?CWERr L 7; it r.n ' rrro,�rp to burn n Vil- fjI w, �.; <° ..,l J Inez 10;r r Dry Goods. Our stock is find, and large, and new : Irl eY 1 y line complete, it"s just the stock, my friend, if you. Want goods that can't 'oe beat, ADAMS' EMPORIUM The QuaUty, The Best. For duality we rank A 1, In styles and prices, too, And better bargains there are none Than those we offer you. L01V DMS- 1300 0 Now is the time to make money by calling on R. Adams and getting some of those "FINE OVERCOATS ERCOATS They are great value. Handsome and cheap MANTLP CLOTHS. BEAUTIFUL DRRESS GOODS at prices to suit everybody. Best UNDERCLOTHING to be found, from 40c up. Lovely FASCINATORS. Latest styles of MILLINERY. Large range of PLU&HES' Every thing marked' down to suit the times Oct. 25, 1f4$9, R. A DAMS ---'FOIE LEADING ,Furniture • Dealers' Cabinet avers? Undertakers, And U pholst-kers I ricauRE Fl!I1MIN tai i'F;�f�,I,TY, CALL AT THE The Price, The Lowest. Although our quality's so high We want you all to know • v Ours is the cheapest place to buy : Our price is always low. The Time to Buy, Now. I''or c•onstipntion,enol- plai+it, or biliol1st('s, sick 11('11e1• ache, and all djve0(0) arising from a disordered condition of the liver tlt,jl stomach, take .Ur. Pier'ce's I'i,':l'•ant Purgative Pellets ;) gentle 110(11110 or f1(tirt (;tth1rt:e, ace, (1 11 to size Of dose. Many a roan knows a ,11)11.11 1'v sight. who d1 I`, not Icoov,' its cZltte, If you are wise, you'll come to day, While bargaius still abound. There's bargains for you -anyway, Whene'er you come around. • W. L. OUIMETTF, LON DERBORO = T HE�.—r—=•_.— CLINTON NEW ERA R, HOLMES, - - Publisher, CLINTON, - - ONT. RedRockerFurnitureEmporium Albert Ctaeea, 13rick Block, Clinton. ' 99- GROCERYQ9 'laving bought the Gro'.ery Stock o€ A. ANGUS, I intend to continue the business in the old Wigand. W. hareeverything that is to be had in a first. class ()roomy. Nothing but first-class Goods ., wIl ire kept and sold at the closest margin. THE NEW 1':1L% iS plllili ling b vo i'y Friday ; it gives about Thirty-two(.'olumiiii of fresh Reading N'Iatter Every Week ; Correct Market Reports from Toronto and in this neighborhood ; has a Largo Circulation and is Unsurpassed as an Ad- vertising Medium. Will be sent to any address for $1.50 a year, in advance. JOB DEPARTME. Tr.,,wl We llavokall the latest styles of typo for Circulars, • '.t' Bills, and any kind of printing that can be desired.. Prices the Lowes, York the Finest and satis- faction guaranteed. One trial is c('rtai'n to bring another. R. HOLMES, BOX 74. OLINTC�:I:' \Ve have a tort;:• stock of Which we guarantee to give satisfaction. Call and get prices. QVC viill hot 1)t•, undersold by any 11011Se ir1;the trade Jaynes AMgu.' 99 Albert 8t. -Clinton. To make room for Now Importations, we will, until Doc, let, GIVE TEN•PER CENT DISCOUNT t'o1Z CASII on our large stock of CROCKERY, CHINA :N1? GLASSWARE. I)E(101tATET.) DINNER AND TEA SETS 10 PIECE TOILET SETS. Parties in need of anything in this line should not mise ths opportunity of ac• curing cheap bargains, as we are bound to reduce our stock, Wa Myr WE J&ild�)T T h'"M sea* mirth 60. Wo 1 r gg We 06or NS onto-. for �6c. IIT CURRAXT8 and RAISINS, cheap, 2 FRESH ?MAN H 9i DIE, SISCOS, EERRINQ', BLOATERS, &c. Goods promptly delivered to any part of the town. Give ns a call. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. N. R CHINA HALL. B.L`Urw':A kr7a, tE'9 Spectacles. celebrated nntf drp,'r„1 ot, go' tin r „kilo NI ijt1(11 111 every jristlltl('Q with 11. Fau- n t'rrl:unt} of being suited is guaranteed, You esti ti,•' (GENUINE U. LAURANCE SPECTACLES w + li:l:: urns ex's njning the stock at A 811- A._ 4C; IEK ®►N'tee , "44 , dTALAIC?NT'L € N » New : Fiirnitur e stook . Opened but EL MOTES BLOC= NEXT DOOR, TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, CKArnS, &c., ANI' ,. ',,p',N EA' AssnRrMENr of rn1; vErty L'cS•r MAN.' FURNI 1'1 ;Si' at 14.ni-4;NAlll,r, PRICKS, - tr-••v.,.an•,...on,c>R x9W17,,.1,0...^4.1.1wr1M>oacrm _ ___._ his lead is known from Halifax to Bri- tish>Oolunibili as the (-pi.ir est in Canada..