HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-15, Page 59.15, 20 alid 25 per et. Discount Sale FROM NOW TILL DEC. 1st We do not buy Goods to put on our shelves or in show cases, but we buy to sell, and here is what we will do for the nest 30 days. 15 per cent discount on all CLOCKS and WATCHES, (the Waterbury Watoh excepted) 20 per cent discount on JEWELLERY and SILVERWARE 25 per cent discount on FANCY GOODS. See how it works. Take oar Celebrated $5.50 Watch, with 15 per cent off, comes at $•1.68 Take our New American $6.00 Watch, with 15 per cent off, comes at 35.10 Take our Screw-bezzle American $9.75 Watch, with 15 per ct off, comes at 38.30 Take our Gold -Filled 20 year guarantee 825 Watch, with 15 per cent off, at$21.25 These are prices that are sure to sell the goods. Our Motto, "A nimble shilling is better than a slow shilling." ROB. W. COATS, JEWELLER and ENGRAVER. CLINTON. T< JACKSON, r The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of _. _ -the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton and Pro - Bought C. C. Rance's Stuck Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE TAILORING TRADE 411"111111E OLD STAND, HURON Street, Immense bargains will be Y;iti'en in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty days that will astonish the closest buyers. T. Jackson Sr, C B aton CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday attereeon. Tharsday, Nov. 14,1889. Wheat, fall old and new0 80 a 0 85 Oats 23 0 26 Barley 0 35 0 40 Peas 050 0 50 Flour per bal 4 50 4 5 00 Butter 0 15 a 0 16 Eggs - 0 18 e 0 18 Pork 5 75 a 6 00 Hay • 600a700 A nother session before dissolu- tion. (Globe Tgesday.) Ort Monday of last week a local con- temporary professed to have received trustworthy information that the Ont- ario. Legislature will be dissolved bo - fore another session. As it was quite impossible to believe that the journal could have had any oommuuioation from the Ministry, we presume every- body would sufficiently recognize the re- port to be false. It appeare, however, that a few friends of the Government tliiuk there may be something in the report, simply because it was not con- tradicted in the Globe. We have, there- fore, been requested to state toat there is not a particle of foundation for the story. The Government have never in. tended and do not now intend, to bring on a general election previous to another session of the Legislature, A Great Christmas Souvenir Although no public announcement has been made regarding it, the, trade has found out that the coming Chritt• mas number of the MONTREAL STAR is to be the most superb Pictorial Christmas Souvenir ever seen in this country.- The demand for it is simply immense, many dealers ordering a thousand cop. ies each, Parties in the States are en- deavoring to secure the exclusive sale in that county. It will be ready early in December. The Hungarian Government has pur. chased ten thousand taverns in that -eodntry,•manq-of•Which• are -to be turn- ed into school -houses. 014 U Ci :r '44 yJ � � r w C E-4 C o C.) Cd C .. U M ti • 6.4o 1..rt� o 74g r M-11 8 cO z ocq, :., t:e. o _ A U G C 0 O 0 0 01,021 frg.ft z0;14 r�. ILLINE RY : MILLINERY. We would call special attention to our stock in this department which has been kept complete by repeat orders. ' ALSO, FULL LINES IN RIBBONS, VELVETS TRIMMINGS, &c,, AT CLOSE PRICES OUR GREAT 75c. KID GLOVE IS HAVING AUICK SALE. ASK TO SEE � THEM. 5 PER CENT OFF FOR CASH °TA'T %MEN 1-101DOELTS Big Discount Sale Air bargains for Cash xn PARLOR SETS, BEDROOM SUITES, CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS &c., for the next 30 Days, Come -to Furnitur e Emporium, J. C. STEVENSON, Opposite Town Hall, Clinton. What's the Matter with yoor feet? WHY YOU WA ,- A PAIR OF • Taylor & Sons fivilShoes .ADL Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per cent oft for cash. LOR & Sons CLINTON AND BLVTH FIRE_ FIRE., -ALL TI -IE GOODS OF GEO. GLASGOW Removed at the late fire, have 'been replaced and neatly arranged in the OLD • STAND;ALBERT STREET And will now be disposed of at Greatly Reduced Prices. THIS IS A GENUINE SALE AND NO HUMBUG. JJ Call early and 83001.0 a bargain. CIIASS CRUIORSIIA\K BOOTS AND SHOES My stock is now complete in every department for the FALL and tVINTER trade. I have also on hand a large supply of AMEVICAN RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES, in all grades and sizes, the best ever i:nported into this market, . all of which Iam selling at the lowest pbssible,prices. CUSTOM WORK AS USUAL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Five per oent discount for cash. Call on C. CRUICKSHANK, the Ureat Shoe Man, and get value for your money. Sign id flie Golden Root,Allbert St. -Clinton F WILL HOLD D-URING THIS ,MONTH, A A This ar + ain ale will be on SEE TH IT OF GOODS advertised for each respective Friday 011 Friday Nov. 8th. DRESS Goods, Plushes, Mantle Cloths, Tweeds, Jerseys, Flan n els,Gloves, Hosiery, Shi.rts,Drlawers and Millinery. TERIVL� CAST= BLANKETS, Skirtings, Shirts,Drawers, Ribbons Friday and Laces;Mantle Cloths Cretonnes, Furs, Hats & Nv.15th Caps. MILLINERY oR 1=)1=R.,01DvCE 4 We have inaugurated this new system so as to give the public a chance to buy goods on those special days at prices that will be in the range of all Remember, it will be only on the Fridays advertised that these bargains rill be given. Further notice will be given for Nov. 22 and 29. Sale to commence at 8 o'clock, a.m. J. C. 1)FTLOR & CO., CLINTON. 1