HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-15, Page 4. .. . . F , . ;' rI . , '. , W + ,til i,,-%, ,..d lits. 'Ylra Murray Dlz6on SopranoSoloie �j } A np p np St. Uelelus. It il.,t,l, of Dr Wild's Church, Toronto; Mian News NOW Around The Conaq. NOTES. -Mr Andrew Nealy has ����0 � YOURSELF 1.lkiusit -- Miss alutray. McGillivray, Elocutionist and Gold t returned f'rum ➢licbigan, where he tiS (r` - � ,':;'s Boots s.and Shoes--•las. Tt•,it iiell. tlledsli.it in Delsorte, (7hicago; and The Choicest Stealinas froull has taken uN laud, and inter ds ' --- _1bJ4�- t 'g- ,L, Cs I2fitlur, Ar Will E. Rami+av, Turuutob re- I Our County I�xnhtdu moving his family oc(r there ehorly. ' FIoutw to rent- C. A. ng & fine(t Humor(ut, Vocalb•t whu has ) gds blies MacQnurrie, of Wingham, is the Don't expect rile to do it kill thin year. •I'm the same old Santa Claus, but there Card to rent- -Tanning Scutt. De(•u cngiwed e,pecial y fur this coil, guest of Mise Anderson, of this plitei. i 'are uioru peul,le expecting pruseut, than I can attend to. Everybody with a, Card of thaub.a-1V. Murray.rc, rt :slr Iferbert L. Cllurk+', the ce'e Mr W. Ilohu, of U,burue, whu went Mr George Agar, thresher, of the Gth warm heart is busy with their Christmas shopping. Everybody with along head Futop tailurfout- Ht. 1 all"s Hnhoolhou• a Matt d Comet Soioi•1l; and Mr 1� red out to British Columbia u fuw weeks con. of West Waiwanosh is 1 ud u at 1 ' is going to see those delightful bargains in . Concert Orchestra Cumpany. g, agto, ret irued home a week ago. Ile P • Smith, a ho tium 5.ploiet of the )resent from a severe attack of Tau u • Si ins—W. Jackson, P I tetu's usi a Bawl Toronto; Mr Jus. waa nut very favurably impressed with uiusv. The m mben of our pro- I ' B:aO,:;tura' Notice- Jas. TTuivo. , , q @ ) %� f • Fur Uuouds-Jaaksuii Brut. tlornton, elariunct soloist of the that beautiful country. posed Mechanics' Institute, hada 1 Toys, L oo�s I NovelV2es Selliug uut- J. ltuburtsuli, Acadtmv of huLs'c, Toronto; and ➢Ir John Dorsey, of Seaforth, has meeting last Monday evening, at 1 r ) 'i. Hello -W. Cooper. ,0gaor F L Nupolitan}, Sulo Violin- purchased the Hoskin farm of IOU acres, which they appointed the following �% /y %� /� �/ �/�• Hardware -Harland Iirus, ist, ars aln(�ig; f he number. This is being lot 11i, con. 3, Hibbert, near Dub- o$icero : President Rev R. S. J. L' �1Vnc� trJI oVs•1 o(/yjons �j�j Fall goods -W. L. Uuimetta. nndcubtedl the largest Concert coin- lin, from the estate of Joseph Hidd pay- Anderson. Vice President John ns, &c it Roland. pany that bas ever v Ated our tuwa, in,, therefor the sunt of k5,000. Webater; Treasurer, Peter � Clark; 1. - `-' Sud we hope that they will meet with The contract for erection of the Ring- Secretary, J. R. Weatherhead ; it was Now displayed in tempting and bewildering profusion by !� • Cti /� that encouran'mPut which such to ham ]'own Hall has been lot to ➢ir decided to use the large comfortable r /11�� a� toll ( C1111�, i1 a p Robert Patterson, of Hansall. Mr Pat- tilMiller's ; % �j cl,Y F �4 0 �a:� ;8 taut dr house, add we speak for thein rooms above r R. K. icng store. V V COOPER • R ,a tJ a lull house, and a hearty reception, tersou is at present engaged on the ueiv The people are npty awaiting the first I 1u,1 we c ng;ratulme the leudtr ut our Pre yteriau Church at Luckilow' arrival of the new library, Co. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1889. choir, i11r W. Doherty, who always ohn Sample, of Morris, who got his ' - keeNs an eve open fur anything good r ht arm and hand so badly lacerated I BURN. ' 1 CLINTON' J.t1tlron Presbytery. , shat ntay le corning along, fur the i I the cylinder of a threshing machine, ! �'OOPER S -. E�1' BLOCK, C . • y bent fit of bis chnir, s able to get out again, although it will BArua. i Clinton, on the 7th lust., _- -.�___ ,_ -.-_— �— the wife o Mr B. Bacon ARiI FOR SALE - UNDERSIGNED be ti long time bofore he will have the of Carberry, oif, r far sale the tarty of 1W acres, being The Presbytery of Huron met in ENco RAGtaG:-Rev. N. 1V, Baer, free use of Ilia arm. Manitoba, of a daughter. lot 30, lltr.cou(:assiou of Hullett, belouging Clinton, on Tue-iia_'. iile l2th hist. ' BRYCUA1r.-Inlfullett.on2athOct.lihe to the u. tate of the late Richard Cole. Ou Mr Fletcher wa% apl••,i nted inodaralor of Victoria, B. U., son of Mr D. Biter, A child of Mr Beuj. Mann, of ➢lcKil• wife of Mr John Brigham, of a son. the platy• there is a frame house, goud baro, ' � $$'� `� ► Colborne, writes as follows: -TI lop, had the misfortune last week, while stable,, ac,s young bearing orchard of o,w 11 !J ®ek pro tem, in i (,e ahren,;e ,,i )Ir stew- I Liswi s.-1u'Tttckeramitli, on the 8th acre; tir:lvulass wells. Situato about nue NEW ERA is a most welcome weekly playing with a straw cutter in his fa - 7 ar., who wuH detained from being lust., the wife of air «'. G. Plewes, of a u1[la wept of Luudesboru. About 'Ju aeras visitor and keeps mein full sympathy ther's burn ,•o have one of his hands daugllter, cleared s:nd lit good state of culttiatfuu.- I preaont ley il,nF•s. i 1)c re wa+ a fair ©� with all that happens around hone caught in the knives and badly cut be- � 1'ossesbiail 1st A�,ri1. ApptyuIl the preuii,Cs . attendance of inenilivrH. The consfd• pp fora it could be withdrawn. HARRIED or to uitllur of t le RUICLItors A good many frum;UIItariu and huruu JUHN CULL 13e,1grate , station of the Remit on Sabbath ob- JAcxoos.-Gi;Eiu.-At the residence of ' - have called on me during the summer Messrs Stoneman Bros. luiv0 sold � _cf .H. k:1UFUltll Luuticahor„_ ' I. servancu i%vs ileft•rred to next meet- g the bride's mother, Pickering, p and all seemed to be enjoying them- their farm in iuckarslnith to air. A. o g, on the ' Lots for bale ill ClintUu. I ing. Tile RAmit respecting the Aged selves immensely. Iluchauau, j•r., of Tuckersmitli. Mr. J. 1_th inst., by the Rev Mr Pearrin, Mr _ and Infirm :+.Tinist(ra Fund 7 which i+ _ y. Blatchford, of Iletisall, has purchased James S. Jackson, of Clinton, Two valuablo Town Lots, Nos. 2"A wa r% '"M A R 1 and 22, +r as follnns :--T.) r:.nsider whether it - t , the farm of Dlr. A. Buchanan, sr., of eon of T. Jackson, Esq.,) to Miss Annie corner of Fulton and Dunlop Streets, will be 1, n is expedient to make it obligatory on West Huron Sabbath School �on�entic11 l:sburne. Mr Buchanan will take Dir B. Greig, sold cheap for cash. Well fenced and con- I all pastors, at their induction, at their Blatchford's residence inlHensall. NALTEns-FAIRBAIRN.-•On 6th Nov., tral Applyto H HALF •2 _ appointment, to become connected (Rcyurted for the Ciiutuu NFw ERA.1 The Misses McCallum andl Croley, at the residence of the bride's father, by Berkshire Boar rola service. I lye 111'(1 Offering Some decided bargains this fall in �. with either of the aged and Infirm the Rev. o Henderson, gh Edward g The Methodist Sabbath School con- two of the tencherh of the Exeter public Halters to Ellen fifth daughter of Mr Subscriber tv111 keep for anrvico at his i Minister's Funds of the church, was vention of the Goderich District was 'school have tendered their resignations E. Fairbairn, all Tuckersmith. `)remises, lot 82, 11th con., of iluuett, a pare. Chopping %� 1 neat taken up. Mr McDonald, on held on Wednesday, the 6th fust., at to rile Board, they have accepted poai- bred Berkshire Boar, of good pedigree.-- ++�es, Cross Cut Saws, H`CLlters i behalf of the committee to whom the tions elsewhere ; the former in the vi- a 6th i s—NOTT-At Bow. Moore, on 'forms, IN g time a service, with privilege Cattle Chains R � ' 7� ' Holmesville, 'It was opened at 8.40 a. the 6th lust., by the Rev H. Moore, Mr of returning it necessary. Remit had been 'remitted for consid- in., °Tae Geo. Richardspn in the chair, cinity of Blyth, the latter in the neigh- James Stevens, base' line, Goderich E. UAsaLvo, Hullett.: , Ropes,, rain Scoops, Barb eration reported recommending, 1 . Mr J. .r Toni, I.P.S., was a borhood of London. • g O appointed township, Mrs Barbara Nott, widow cf _ _ UrySHAl�Cin ... Wire. Steel 'Vire Leat er .Beltin . Ha - That f$ shall-;zo6 be'obllgatory 6111 -r Sec -dry of t7ie'tiiornrng session, and -While-coming from-Duath'wood; -on' the Tate "'Rev -Ii: J`: -Nott, editor of ' . -' "- -" -'~� ) g� y y, deiggn missionaries to connect them- after a service of praise and' prayer an Tuesday, with a team of horses belong. the Observer. Alta$ con 11y. dressmaker, victoria Sp., a ]Knives, Paints and Oils Window esive� with the fend ; (3), That it be interesting paper on "The importance. ing to Mr Murdock, of Hensall, the reach to agora south of Qneen's Hotel. Dresses p� f not obligatory on pastors to connect and right method Of questioning in the of the wagon broke, which, frightening DIED All orders Kill receive epromptraetentionu xai Glass, Ot,c themselves with the (Ind as propos- S.S.," was read by Mr Tom. So highly the horses, caused them to inn away, Ticar. -In B;ooldyn, N. Y., on Nov. - ed by the Remit; and 3 . That with was this paper appreciated by those throwing Mr Colwell, who was driving, 2nd, Myrtle Ina, infant daughter of Mr Dress Making. - i O who heard it, .that Mr Tom was re- and a commercial traveller out of the Harry Bunt; jr., formerly of the NFN Ti71S to ltfu L Of the Nlc�Cl. (if .Its 11. Rac('y, all(l %vas bought at a great regard to regulation 1Q, of%cling the seated b the Convention to send it to rig. Mr Colwell had his shoulder dis- IRA, aged 11 months and 20 days. Bliss Powell, dress maker, has started on bargain and will be [.old f1 grout (Kcal IOSN than Ur(iintu rices. Fund, that the grant to those who q Y g' g o Y .S•tJameaStreet, below Hay-waid's Carriage' ' • S y II yoll have not contributed t0 the fund be the {{,cress, that those who were not located and arm badly cut. Thetravel- BAY. -In Clinton, on the 12th, inst., Ftwtory. Dresses made or cut and atted, Cf•111 rely upon �gottillg btlr' ,lilts it, W. et • line. 1-1--t- pri.Yileged_to .hear it.miglil _ have .the- ler was riot seriously.iiijured.. _ -- .Farrier,, reli9J.o,L.tlLe jAtQ-,ndrQN..iiiiy . All orders lviu receive prompt attsutiau... '-- _ - _.�. _.. . At the rale of Otle varfer insteaol4tr1flf,�'-has several years experience slie A S Ielid"d lot of - - - •�---'---- r qopportunity of reading it. On Wednesday last ➢Its R'm. Ilam• aged 70 years. feels capable of giving outiru satisfaction. r flanging dalltlas, �flan4ieiiflrS, Lanterns, Shades one half as the full grant, at.present. The Rev J. Hart took up "The im- ball of the Huron Road Goderich Town- - ----- A trial seacited. Chimneys, ► c The recommenditl.inne lysis adopted. portents aritl• bast method of teaching SALL REGISTER. ---. _ .___R.. __ _-_ i , �ieks, BllrnerS, �rC. ivhiell will be hold at a big discount 00 ship, died rafter a short illness. ➢Its Notice .to Debtors. Also' t big , a e Mr Scott, on behalf of the Sabbath the catechism." Teachers themselves Rumball had rtached the good age of , t ,, ,t,5ortment ill' STOVES, IOOth'second-hand enc] now, which g o f RofriYerator, Lair of light rhtbob sleighs, ivC lira Selling at Reduced i'I ices, hull stock School committee, to whom the Remit should be examined on it A part of 75 years and was widely knowul and I and butcher Cart, will be sold at All l,ersonaindobted to Bfr Albert AIay are � � Cf Bf,ACK8AfITII'8 AND 1 for thea ointment of a general Sab ever Sunday should be devoted to it. y P pp g Y highly esteemed by all who knew her Smith's block, on Saturday, Nov. 16, will be placed in court for at nisi ,jT'ltl(iV IIAKFtt a SI:PPt,Itrs, «e rn11v f e('jp the Lett r111F:IZIt �.�1 And I bath School Secretar had been re. The qualifications of the teachers should y J. Howson, _ f CAN•ADIA\ COAL Y [luring her residence o[ 40 ears in this he lifted u which would be the case, if portlos laving claims against him ore re - 1 muted, reported recommending that P, section. The deceased lady ___ _.-_.__ __- - ucatedto resent the earns for I OIL. they were re uired to pass an examina. , q payment. the Remit be not approved of. The q 1 of ]Siossrs`J. and G. Fowler,of Colborne, New • Amrtrtlsew4t_t . Atlts. W. MAY, Clinton. �t. recommendation was Rdupti'd. Mlr tion bef roe becoming teachers. Parents and has left a large circle of relatives C i -' es " -- ; rt*� k should aid teachers in this important outside of her home to mourn her loss. T — LoliciesborU Mills. A � c,t ,�"" , D R 0 a can, oil behalf f of t Mnmittee t0 UL'SE TO RENT - Good coulfr ordi a .T. L. Fidt has rented the Loudesboro Rol- work. Specialists might be employed She has relatives in Clinton, I1 house, with uccouuuodatio❑ fur ordin• C0flslder the roll Of Presbytery from to teach the cateahisin on the black• ary family, Cullar, water, i>:u. C A TIAR,ITT ler I w atxl fs prepared to k all pecia of y� r twill work Custom wort A Specialty. �(li t'm + ) < L S )" which Commissioners of assembly Are board. Having a question written on 'lir Ii. %oeluer, of the Lake Shore, Perr.0 Block . Through honest work and fair (leafing he ee- =�' f i i `6 ((1'4, i r 0 0, 'i l"tl ware, (, ti, A i 111`{b Il sleeted• reported recommending that ills blackboard ever Sunda would so about two mouths ag;o picked up'a bot- pects,Leuod share of the patronage of the the roll be constitued of tics n+Ones impreHs it n inn thei� memory that the tie on the shore, and when iris wife was OUSE TO RENT-1(esidence lately cc, surrounding country. I''1ouV and feed til- u=m --- 1 y cupped by l[r James Thompson, corner ,vay:n oil hand. Will ciolivor ori ah nit no--- ofcongregat:ions, instead of nanpee of Superintendent would have little difli• putting up catsup, the bottle was clean• of William Ana Yrhiras:r Streets. Aplas to - c cd, nothing; remaining,) but what n•as MANNING A- SCOTT r ' 1 ministers, The report was laid nn ctilty, at the close of the sOssioiiy ill g,et• Business GhLt11gC. .,.D I -O_ the table. fir Fletcher, on behalf ting the whole school to recite it. thought to be a cork._ She sent the -- -- - - - of the committee on rearrangement, "The relation of children to the king. buttic filled with catsup to her daughter Curti. of 'Thanks. The subscriber l.avhig tli•:Iwse:l or l:is i � � �� ` dem of Christ" waa introduced b Rev luld recently the supposed cork name liutchvring liusinuss, and iemg dcs(rous of gave a report. setting forth that -after Y out, and wile Pound to be wrapped paper I desire to exl)rois lily' gratitude atilt Closiugup his aecou tits lwn'by' ❑Oti11( !L:1 i ���• Meeting the COngregratlOns of Bayfield, Il. Y . IIUtton, in a very able paper. It thanks to those who so nobly clone to Illy I)nrties indebted to him that the sauce mu,t Bethany Bayfield load, Berne, Hills coutainin,, th0 following :-,-Drowned 1 elicited an animated discussion, which R'SitllanCe (ILWlig' tile fire nu tilu ill reingl of ,u paid 1) Lt)u lfittl aY Nov. Accamtta nus lasted until the close of the mornin;l ort July S, ill Lal.- ITuron, John .)Ie- � tile Qui lust., An(1 through whose ou'arta i ],aid hs Lf,nc tilna {4'111 be place,{ els „tlt•ru Green and Iiippen, et was found that Kay.^ The twritter omitted to say cousiticr u,y dsvPlilughousc anti out•huild- turcalfoctiou. ifENRY TI'%1',4 .Y. all parties the maintenance session, and left tt strong COI1w1Ct1011 iilga tvtll'C alit'C'a Yrolll deatrl1CL1031, a ht]GUI, Oce. °G)th, ttry. � P 'preferredthat children utay be brought to a coil- ,culture .lir Neliny hailed from, and the WINL 31 '1.1Y. - of present connections, and the eom- scions belief in Christ ns their Saviour, gtnninoness of the document is in .—.---.--^—� --- }roll9tt tv Itprii., 000s OUSE mittee recommended that no change at a very early age. doubt. 1{ r .1 iii) r 1 T'�T �` 1 _� RY - .. . . be made. The report was received At 2 p.m. a model Sabbath School l --- ETN � EAR kIN ����N , Tilt- li,.tls„tatv]l oceul,iW by llrs btruth• and the recommendation adopted. . ors• oil ltatt,:nbury 6trurt, will containing 7 ® ��----._ p was conducted by Mr very DI, Gray, of F AWIEUS l\tiTIT. TE. .; , ruouls, with usual C0uVUUicmcics, stone c.el ;. NV rc8pect t0 ChiHelhurst it was Sea£Grth. "Chis lass a eery interesting I lar, Lind and soft water, is oa'crod to rent on agreed to re( ue,tit D1r Dlart n to con- and instructive part of the programme, -f ronn,ivable terms. Posse•{lien at once. Al. tlnueas , I �ur,til other arrangements The lussuu taught cvsa'thrat of last Sun- The meeting of the Nest Huron ,, v!„ ! , ' y i so the Iwusu foruu•rly occu pied b, the lute s 1 p y K g 1,arnlers' Institute held in the Town -(. 1 (.ill ti t' it)': ! AS7ii1311if Airs imith,At EhC Ilurtjerli Iimityot Albert q--� r are made. A.petition t0 the Domin- (lay, on Absalom. The whole was Hall, Goderivh, last Wednesday was 1 st., with ;table, orcilnrd and 1+acres of laud, �O -[ Y P not so largely attended as it should ON guild far slna.ltaluil , garanar or retired fur- i ` i. ion Parliament, praying for enact- ,,closed b a teachers' fellowship meet. I i,' _ good r )1 ' } 1 • . went of provisionti agtainst the dese- Ing, during which superintendents and have been, Presidunt Ker[lighau oc• Apply to,11? 1i"ult.1BLL, at Harland eration Of the Sabbath, received from .teachers told of the spiritual good they enided the chair. The first paper was F 1'141a.1-., S o i•. 1 J, �9 ��. � Bros:, C;intorf, had derived from teaching in the S.S. on' -Mia Feedin ,of Steers for a Market," :1ltasfe and. ilc.ttlitl ''8. 1 g��hUlIv11 Otll' sales lel D11 h.`Jr 5 GOODS have the Lard's Day Alliance' of CRnt)cl», i31,LCl.Slttitl1 Sll()) 1111(1 IIIn(i o L been away 1."Common errors in S. S. work' was by Dir Isaac fisher, The %Nriter urged + Was ordered to lie signed by the Mod. introduced b' 11r, Tbos...Dustin, and fill• sale, I . beyond those o$ ally, ,111`I'�'1O11S SeaSOIl) 011P StOCl� 1S Still orator and Clerk and 'forwarded to Y .taking two-year olds to begin with; ADMISSION 10 CENTS -- Hnbseq(tently taken tip by ;Sir Manning, weighing, perhaps IUUU pounds: and Subscriber oilers ti,r ball; tht• Ottawa. Reports were received from and a' general discussion followed.- lrnpurty C011lplete. The ild(i1t1011 Of a piece }fere and there O# a g those with proper care could in, six' o:cuedby 11ui at Gnt(r(e, iu the count at l Sabba;h Schools on .tbe. scheme of o months Le turned out at from 1800 to E X 0 U R S I 0 ' ,S n (y Among other errors file following were Pura, It c„ilsi,-s.of lL I,blWVlu l;,' Shop j31L1'tlClllar shaCle 11as kept the assortrrient all that COU1Cl higher religious Inetructir n; a m»• dwelt upon :-Dwelling on tliehistoricao i e a gond nusfurss, tilt, d:velun;; lions:•, LtL y� I 1400 pounds head Lavk here if you {rant n trip, • ble ami half-Ilcre "t L,!OI a. illi l,,t. 4; ill a IJC t1CS1rOC1. If yolt 1'c(Itllre allything 111 t1li.S line «•e' feel ,jority of which were favorable t•n the part of the Leeson, to the exclusion of Jlpbn AikuuhuRd, N", H., read tt l)apur Ft!1"ndiiifiirnlin,; sr ;lou, with u,,.opp,„iuc!u I Y7 scheme. It was rcaolved that Pred- the spivit'aal; not living consistently' urging the cultivation of a good :Valk- Cl►icad;o ]111(1 rPt111•❑ - $1(-, j,() I Will be Bald ,pill or without p,"1.,. Nall.. confident 'Oil 1V111 firl(1 NVIiat ill bytery hiLthly approve of the scheme during the week; being; absent when Et factory ronFnu f ,r . ,,flat. Por) oreieu';trs 3 � please you in our $tOCli. , and Cnrdlal. V C'niltnpend the FRme t0 3'oa onpht to h0 present; giving fou ^ng; g;,nit in the draught Irorau, This Ill;;ty' (;sty- �, fi•l30, :Irii3l}tr,'I'If 3A.l,Oiili, Iiolul,:aville, arJ0,1 .Mlle Shades are ri Ilt, the qualities are r] ilt IlnCl the ( l re € k _oulli be saeured by haviag; a team pro- t� lila 7.0(D '>> t f l , our,Rabbath School teachers, and to much t(ttention to (lut...alous persons'. perly n::tud as to gait -never have a I)etroit (i.>•iu , .---.__-__ ..- _ .-.__._. 1 1)r1CeS 3I'e rl<r11t. the people generally. ➢Ir MclPan's Two books were specially i 1111lendod fast 1101'-,• 1111,1 A Sluw o11a together, Ill DEUIESUIU1.1 I:f).t Fi `' . motion, of which notice had been as cahlable aid to H.S. teachers, "Bible training a cult, put it with a good walk- ricket: g” "I for.l,da)t. 1,.19gdc( I `yr , � , difficulties dis polled " b • Dr. Sexton; 1 ' culeLctl thrangl, I L ,vrLbor!lite u.;t rrrciv(,a« t/,,.ro-11,,,1 11 L 511U�V a T11CC; !1vwtlnemt Of ULSTER CLOTHS”, cut y in, tun e, tau I • Ilcr!( hire Boar fruln tho Gold AAatal herd 111 1CI) t11S of One given, that the Presbytery appoint i ' 1 in this way dewlo / his 1 p �r Ulster ill a lees. , Clinton as the regular place of meet- ,Tive hundred passages explairie(1," hY walking; qualities, W. J)`b�i.iiCSO N• of J G Snen ti tiros, at 1:llulonton, whicb is p in ind that the .+ s , Dr. Cooke. )fr a, lI. C'ltlttou read -an interrstittg; TOW", AribINT G. T. H., CIANTnN of ox..'llent [ntdlttreo fond regi:+tired Jia tbo 1% Ig Stem cif billettinl, rhe im tGrtrtuae Of (ro,l literiiture „ r, • , _. -'-' - _. ' ' •- - - - - Dmlliuion riot Jinol;. The paint• will t,o T. • v , I.1 paper ,ticulturnl1IQ„teas.”: g ;;eentors'+eoticetoCre(litors k�•ptforaervICeatJ,•,t f,th CollHtalrtt-- •L 11la,;ilifieCnt 1'an(,e of K II 1F.D WOOL SIIA`�TLS be discontinued, was defeated. The lit the S,S," was iutroducetl by Rev J. the main sub act for th gsession ions lernls a , congregations of Egmondville, Bay- Ilill. lie {vas ver much dmvn u pen all a••. 1 l lit time of son lea, tcttti [rcf i1n o r i , , field and Bethany VV ere a11011'Cd t0 y 1• a discussion of Mill n(; and Test- I`� Trflt 11ATTt:13OFTrtr P•.sTATE or CllAltr.r.:, I of retmuing if neorasaxy', )r Al.15 if booked CLOUDS, F FASCINATORS, HOODS, CHILD'S 9 y novelistic literature. The chairman ing of «'hent. alp Pic.tes, Searetnry AtasoN, LATE oil Till: Ta1vs Or CLINTON, J tvILLIaBt SNL LL, Hallett. •, , o nd .heir own supply till next meet- tlioug;ht we sboulil distinguish between iN Tills W1 NTx Or li( 1wN, TpFcsasr:u of the law Arm of I[ 5ue11 s.�uu JACI1'.F 1 x1111 CAP I t0 117atC.11. 1 in Mr Pam�it on behalf of the the Havel and fiction. of the Dominion Millers' AssoAatioi __-_____-_--_ — __ Ing. y' ap 1)dared to present the claims of ilia . Pursuant to Chapter ill, Soction 36, of tilt, l Ilro pe!rty ro � sale Ili' to I.. t. 1 Finance Corilmittee, presented the es- "Teniper•ance in the, Sabbath Seliuol' millers for au equalization of the duty acvisud Statutes of Ontario, noticu is heroby I Boar 111 111(21(.1 tllat wo earry ail lnimease Stock of Dead r tfmates for thQ ensuing year, ltncl rcc ,I'll introduced by I2ar Jog. I:dee•, in on 11otu with that on whc8i. lie first given that all creditors nod other pera(nlH I 1 volts •:' on Al;«'rt N e.t CLOTHING. r. r v , o , , (omrnendc:,l qtr' r n. veru stirring and eloquent address, , jeLt'illg C11LiIl,a 01' LIU111111aiH 11goillat tbUUHtate , , � i.. l r. (i'e,,, is ,l l,y .Inde LLO i III1� tx. Chil(15, L,u�t. S ai1Cl i�Ii ri S Suits a11Ci tkiflg, a rate of 1-1 of,.-,. 1 exl,laiued >i1tC tCHtin;{_netho(. adopted by of flit above uauunt Cbarle, llnsou, nr,: • ti JulileH fluoro. I•'i•;e 1, •,1 rJr,rla, d, able + , per family to meet the expenditure. in which he gapacullly eml,11nsira(1' the inillor9, and theft) paratus trescrib• jerel,yrequired tgserolurdeliverto the till- I pnrinr.tUi,ii:, r,,,,;,1, ici„•il,:),suno,.ermw!l- (7VP.1'-Cttrlt i, at lI'IC('S tllflt we t111t1IC al'C R'ltl p l l 1 e,1 aIlt( n 1 lout doubt 'The report ivaA received and reccoln• Lhil t11011U11t, that nobody wanted the Cd by Government regulation forweigh• dvr`lgiletl Executors of file just will and 1 "' cnrrtlautlr . 111 n It!lil tit,%%.it't'1. •ryt,Ll,- I try .� ) Sabbath clrttukar<l rite stt•rukeI slid not l tcstlu11eut of the saitl the late Charles Ala- c t etre tI]C IOIYC:�t til t}1l. CUllllty. meildation arin{)l('d. 1'he Abbath a�.: I llh Gilt detcrnii{iillg the ;;rade of wheat• 8011• Cli[i h)Il I'..0., all rlr l,C•fPrtf the '�pth ,lay tjlrt• lots all .Maple strout bosi,lev ti:,, ane a,i ,,, 1.L ,want him Aa a clerk; the railroad eom• Ili answor to colli plaints as to the of,Decomber, 1,.s!,, their cjriatian uauwi4, :P11ICtl t11t' u7tt,tgg, tl(uri%, iunhiu;;,Lu seri• Rt r p ,' p q ,School to ftormure tan grant(,(] all- I 1 E•rClm:l in all. l uc vutu„i au'1 .,uv lilt :r;ll li till stock ) 0O'1 ,S In Ladies Boy's S' lV, :1 1 ) v t pts»• cilli not want him n5 an empinyeeq quantity of flour, ate., returned up the F(iruameF, AddruFsus n.nd drscriptlous, :with FELT 1 ( , , > y le 1 S . Sll,eS. th0rlt t0 fGrnlUltt l' R[td send Clown l full )artioul u•s Of- their claims, Ftat(iltle,ity 1'(' `Old sopnrAtal, it tl , iro,i un l oil et,a=„i,• questions in addition to the Assent, , the family did not wont him as a bus- farmer for his grist, lIt Plewes stated of accounts, and nature of securities (if anyi 11, .e turns. Po,,,, -;;inn L;ic,•n at onv,t. . b1 's questions in the Land >r a father : nor was she :wanted J that b theroller process o£ friuding the hub, by 010111, after tt•h(Cll .c1Lto the ExOCU- l 0 to MLS THOMAS Cuul%it, c'djtt,ul. `,h � r Y q preparation of as R ,wife or mother. The Stat. does I y 1 You will Safe 1110110 ' IJ ' 1i1;il�lili" t e Presb ter s report on Sabbath returns per bushel to I farmer could tors lutea estate will shall distribute tile on POIC SAiLI: , • ) z, y011l' fall purchases from h Y Y' l not want the (lrunkar,l, then why dons sets or the estate oe the skirl Charles Mason Only be d7 lbs flour and 18 lim offal ScfiOola, •lilt 71ICI)Ottald brnut ht t0 the State license the business of milk- y amongthil parties SI!CNodthereto, tlacitlg 115. h1i1C1Iy ca'lI 1111 (1 'SCC ��lhilt q C arc OffCIillo Presby- there were fr(un l I t0 '� lbs t"note in rogn.td Wily tn,tlost: chums of tcilieh they from t praix:rty chant n quarter of a l::i t 5• ;he at Np,tioln or members of I resby ing,, that which is nowhere wanted, clu'h bus}iel, rind the miller's :•]lure :wits shall then have uauco, and rile said l xecu- fr.nu the ralheauy station «l Clinton, about l .,n :: -,, N. t°.1 act+s, tvi'tiL two-story fral;u, housc•.arlrl _ _ ••-Ly, _ . .,LL„ C! t'r,w PAtabliehrnent of ,1 hearty vote of thanks was tendered Rhout 3 lbs llnur, •? of 10W grade, and •1 tars will not r of. t for the iso aFf whsotA,ose se orchard, garden, orunuYmtnl freer,, LArn:, j'''� �, any putt tltoroaf. to n/ty person of whose a Presbyterian }look Rootil at'i0rtpn to the friends at Ilolnuscille, for their of bran, in all worth about 12 cents, �L`, bcnlndvA on one side t, the Inver Ira �--t ��`� �('� �+ y rS cul ilo[ica slutl not butt but•u recefvud >' y . O u l ,-M e 1. 1 R•y , to, under the control of the Presby' hiu(lncss ir: entertaining the annven- which' {vas practically the change for. b • thunl at the time of sunt, (listfibutioll Ilei., known «s that ivrnlady occapiud by .1. JL LJ titin, {chile the • in turn as heartily 7AllEs HOWE, l ',laj„r VItui•ay, hoh,g part of Lot i0, oil tLu torian flews Co,, and urgers its claims . grinding a bushel of tclieat. It costs •10 1tUli'C, \I:1S0\, y Executors L•uyneld Bong; good clay loam, high avid dry , y (i"° •+�� thanked the District :Meeting; for the I cents a barrel to manufacture flour. Alae tho house ill C;(uten late) L `� =�°� C4.sv to. patronage and Nupport. The next G + H.1RTT. Solicitor lately privilege of hawing it ill their mi;18t, y 2dr ltaceyi tw6 story, with attic, large out mect,ing of Prerb; t-ry is to be Ee'd after giving compara.tivc figures of the DAted At Clinton ta.. lath ,lily of Nov,N1_ ) 1 and expressed a hope o£ its g,roing; there prices of wheat in Liverpool and Cana- house., 0xesl)ou orchard; it stands on two in Seaforth, on the third Tuesday In 1 1 , - acreill be a sold at nctio non f URSDAY ng;ain anon. Ilia,' points, and the cost of tranepOr, %,,�A lb'JII be sold tt suction on I(GR5DAY, January, commencing at 10:30 a. rr, lu the evening,, tilt, gaestion drawer Cation andpother charges, Ml: Plewes SOV2tat, at z pin, at, they besuyHehe , ti, v -+y8 -� K: r ire. zcr++.rrOaasl,t C was opened, and a number of important made a strop r a cal 10 the £arme't's to Musical E� Dfof the C;fntou whore a plan can naw bo aueu The - TaA1Si. CrtVING ERVICF.9. --The I p?owner 1H willing to sell by private contract • ' and interesting; questions read out by assist the millers in getting'redress for Time given fur part payinout Information townspeople show their liberality in Rev J, lidgc, and answered in the name their grievance in the flour du.t The r of any sale that may have been made thoro- 6 y' . i,-- ,-`+ religious mutters, by attending so of the contention b • Rev J. Harris, as under, and other particulars tail be had of . generally the union thanks loin ser• y miller's complaint was that wlnlo 111 R- _� OI e -- _ -•-- —'- ;; y thanksgiving fol -A class may consist of frnr'1 cents a bushel duty on silent Kept out f (' tel, 1Lr l i • - A LFITII, Quoc,L's hotel, Toronto, �'',, •� --_-r_ vices, the hall last `Thursday morning Htx to sixty pupils, according; to cprenm• American ram, the duty of r 0 encs a I g Or D DICKINSON, Auceiarloev, C-antrn Ile' g Town l 1, (,' 11 tun, heing well filled. The sermon, by stances and the ability of the teach6r, barrel on flour- allowed fire Anicrican IIIN7,tiANT TO Cobygiv n 110, R. S. O., J 1 Rev A. Stewart, was not only appro• Miere verses are recited every Sunday miller to shipinto Canada in com Ceti- __ - lrfi7, notice ie hereby given that all crud- Tiate but was dF0 1 instructive as the class shmld not be large. Where 1 ltora and atho f he Tow laif Clinton,nin t cs - '� ' p i Y n Y tion with our own millers to such an I Hiugjte, lata at the Town of Clhito, in th0 i. •- 1` �' I , - - hull ; the e,;,ei . wi-terH of town al„o ,herr is a amrvenient room, the Bible l}n�+ �j t oun,y of Huron, Gentleman, who do ,Arted extent that the inevitable result would Th r T ,� g p ` I tN•ii ' t• f ! - tnnlr some part in the services. the class should he allotv(?tY to continuo be that all but a few of our leading and ! ill,)Uf��' 11V{p�G+T I�E;Uull:t�i ,� I llisii a on or about the 111th day of October, „ pill cvitlt its Own teacher when the superin- l httve to close E. i 1w%,grorequvsted to send by ppost.prt;paid, - � ' A; offering, on behalf of tile poor fund wealthiest millers would «cidromod to W. J. Biggins, at Clblton,oilt., 5 tendentsOviewathe school. The super g P 1,Y 't(t:; on ar Scioto the socoud day of December, '� t f of the town am,,unted to nearly$2 P dorm. Ile made a strop reseiitation ' •"� intendeut of a- cirenit has no right t0 , I ,,u,a 5tateyont of their names and a(ldres- some one generouhly depositing & ^�`l of the millers claims, putting lip's vase �l e, , with full particulars of their claims and ]- bill on the plate, take the place of the superintendent of fairly and with great clearness and �,Mutaui ua kdiC l,,U,ilCn�ll•t CUIn ii` t.: seeuritles fit oily) bola b them ; dna a, the school, unlere .wanted so to do by candor, asking for the passage of are- 1 1 t t, .t after the day last aforesayid the Exec - OV TORONTO DEATH OF Miss MOORE. - The the S, S. S. Itis sometimes advisable solution approving of the millers' de- tunic under the ill is the said James s of death of bliss Laurenia Dl core, second to employ.you»g persona as teachers, gine will intoes to distribute the assets of daughter Of bIr Iii h Moore, which even when there are heads of fatrilies wand upon the Government that the ' n r°,, ,,,I g P ORCHESTRA 12 Pilofssslon Is the said eeoasE:d among the putties emit gg ¢rapt, . occurred last Thursda , has been ex- uncm loved in the school • we do this dot u on American flour be raped tr led tl oof w regard being had only - g the •ti Y P claims of which notice shall have been given ' �''� � �� �'p��°i� , ,�, y P nue dollar, per barrel, same as our as above required, and the said Executors _ r1. peeled for several weeks. Deceased constantly in day schools, why not in q 0 p neighbors charge upon Canadian flour. will not be liable for the tsaote or any part _= - `7 was just budding into womanhood, the 5.9. A person who smokes may be Some discussion took place, several of thereof to any portion or persons of whose -^ = - _, � _ -'I and was of a very kind and amiable employed as a teacher, dnder certain the members, f the Institute who were Mns MrnrtAY Dscrsoa,........ Soprano claim or claims notice shall not have been -_ - circumstances, though, if a young .per- . received by them at the time of such distrl• _. disposition. Knowing that she hAd out and free traders objecting to such a Soloist Dr. Wild's Church, Toronto bution. son refuses to give tip the habit, and resolution as inconsistent with their Dated this 28th day of October, 186;0, v consumption, and despite the entreat- another, who does not smoke, can be DI Y professed rinciples; but eventually a L iss MCGILL[VRAY........Ejocutionist i)fANNING & SCOTT, ies of her friends, she resumed flet procured, the latter should lie referred, P principles Solicitors for the Executors, P p. resolution move( by Dir John Delsorte Gold Medalist, Chicago position as a teacher during the sum- as we teach by example. It is right, Y - J. S. and W. Biggins. All who are thinking of busing a mer, and bravelq remained at her sometimes, to use unconverted persons ton and seconded b Mr Isaac Fisher, _ was unanimously carried to the effect MR WILL E.RAnsAY, HamorouaVocalist NOTICE TO CBEDITOIIt„f3 post much longer than she should as teachers, if they are moral and re• desirod, and a vote of thanks was ten- have done In bar physical condition, ligio3F" always use the beat mat6yial dered bIr Plewes for his presence and Ma FIFEWERT L. CLARRF..Cornet Soloist Pursuant to section 98 of Chapter 110, Stove)Lamp,Axe,Crosscut��]She was. a. member of the Methodist available. The S.S. is the right atm of the information given. Queen's Oprn Band, Toronto the Revised Statutes of dntario, 1887, nottae Sa ■�church and was eonecioua almost to the church, and should in no case bo is hereby given that all creditors and others At a direetdrs' meeting held at the hacing claims against, Ann Coulter, late of the very last, her trust in the Saviour conducted independently of the church. close of the regular proceedings it was MR FRED SbIlTn.. , . Eupbonium Soloist the Villago of Blytb;in the County of Huron 1. being unshaken. The family have Samuel meant that Saul would be in decided that the next general meeting; QI)een's Own Band, Toronto.. widow, who de arced this life on or about , the sympathy of tie public in their Hades, or numbered with the dead, of the Institute be held in 'Dungannon the 28tb day of September, 1889. are request. OR ANYTHING, IN' THE , ��•• when he said, t' Tomorrow thou shalt ad tosend by post prepaid• addressed to N bereavement. be with me." and the directors in each township 15LIt Jos, TnoraTax....Clafionet Soloist it YO"G' EsQ, Bfy Ontario, on or before agreed to endeavor to hold local meet- Academy of Music, Toronto. the lath dry of Deee ber, 1869, a statement • Rev Jas. Living e'One gaup an earnest in a in their reapectice tovrnships dor- of them land that th er thetgey l stoto ldHardware or �ln.ware Line GRAND CONCERT. -As was aa- address on parental obligation, and the g by them; and that after the day last slot•. nounoed in this paper some few weeks chairman followed by an address, in ing the winter season. SION'OR F. L. NAroL,rAar..Violiri Soloist slid,thelExecutorsunderthewillof the said Ann Coulter, will proceed to distribute the I. ago the Chautauqua Orchestra Con- which ho summed up the whole of the — ••'— alit ART11rR DEPFw .. Musical Director assets of the said oceased among the paw cert company of Toronto,will visit the day's work. The Yellow river, in China, in Rg;ain Conductor and Pianist ties entitled thereto, regard being had only Town on Thursday evening, Dec. 6th At the close Dir £tallows, of Goderich, far above the normal height, and a re- ( to the claimeof which notieeshall have been TO CALL UPON ave e eciman of his realistic travels clition of the Qoods of two years age given to above requires, and the aal(i Exoca and give a (Brand Concert in the Town gP P '1Iit J. b1, DErEw,. , ..Business llanag(r tors will not be liable for the.assots, or any Hall under the aCon e r in the Rat in P;allypt and the Holy Land, by an ex- is feared. Crops are ruined, and great part thoreof, to t ny parson or �orsons of tenbury St Methodist Church choir, hibition of dissolving views, which were loss of life is imminent. Five hundred I whose claim or chime notice she. a of have DAVIS Wang (,sterid Ad Seat on (rC been received b, them at tba time of 940112 ROWLAND The Orchestra numbers 12 profession- greatly appreciated. families have been drowned at Nan I diDated at . •.�.�• Cboo, and in one district 10,000 pool o IlcServed Scttitw �Oc. els, with Sir Arthur Deliew. Conduc- d Dated at Clinton thin 21st say, of October, ' tor, Musical Director, and Pianist.- E O Flynn, for a quarter o[ a ten• aro homeless. On tlioot}ter lean utero Far sale at Cooper's Book Store lwi2 The Orchestra will be aesi•sted by bury provincial land sorvoyor in the is danger of fsininefrom rlroilg11t in Fo irAxNINo & SCOTT uto" county of Essex, is dead. Kien province I>ooranpcu at 7.1... C'r.,ne rt at A Sharp Snfcill of tl a Int ) Anitinnturtt o IIAMMOTiI FIA Jti)W,% R i•: AN U `'I,o�-I? 1<i'OUSE,, CLINTON . .QX:...t .:,.......M..._._.,,w.�. .,su