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The Clinton New Era, 1889-11-15, Page 2
- .. . I *, , , ) 4 , ,1P1U4: is°07 •L �IK7Rl,,,,,,.,T "'^- W '.•. .. L^AT..P .. '..•.-_-.�-.-+-..-,�..-:_----- — .w:-.. - ....„-- owl VAIDAY, ","N' t u h, 1839. heard u. the l,usb and stil lraeas of aniinaterl, Cuthbert and lIa[l,h "And yours arcs dark. Just sy .� loos ;ilalgton is kind and nice,” W ,:Vv , g p p she whispered, as Vailiti bent over ti*lfga Baby was slok, we gave her Castarlis, co I I , ..-.. __ I t +e hens the ulurtuur of the distant' liart')u Ung waked together ether' into dear• but it is tUe aha a and ex res- F 1 r i r]rty. k treat restful Ca1113 bad , Xiu7's :1liustee; but D1rs Somerset siul`. her to wish bur good cvsuinr� "he is Id Aliw�dit Atone � I f'c1"A. 11itUn ttld G*dl'tl{, was thele; so also -and Vashti I think, dear 141re Somerset," very nice•, dearc; but god's frill in �'eaahawtsaCbild,gheoricdfacCaetvllrb � � cou,• Y l e love witll bit.u." nes she became Ulu, She clang to CAatorla,I W . 7a, The Leauty p, 0- I,i;c! I aLLlacted could not repress the exelatnatiorl of Mary interposed, with gentle rasa WbouthehadChildren,shegavethemCastorta tint'- t 1'(\111 t,1' "blAauAL>,I(I t, the ,+„til „t \Iwh li,,l:, II. Sbe delight which ruga to her lips at the lution )shiaipg in the depths of ]ler In her ,lluazemeut, Vaabti's eyes Ow uY , „ (! L +hP to , nt' tL,' staircase, sight -was Sister Anna. Her evi great glittering black eyes, seeing opened to tlloir wiriest extent, and LruAc'vzo W ,' IP.W. . 1 `''' 1 1 I Y p p P, hut, burning blushes criwsenl d he r . I I I F Ym . . - I.I; •.e l tIf•ri a \4 ind+,\\ •' e, nekton dent pleasure did not a;ea ,e Mar that the expression of Pain u ot3 g tit, ;r,t, t. 1 shall certainly be jPaluuS of the woman's face became more In- neck and face. THIS Yt11B'$ r(tN'rt', A 1). ” llow• 1,1 "Mifill how I:eaceful Sister Anna," she cried. 111 believe, tense, "that both Vashti and Sister „I could nut," she wibperdd, son5i0 � , i 1.tin the swrw," Peery+Kir ; lr •uk 5 !'' she B ia, softly. Vashti, that you care for your new- Auua would like to hear you repeat I low that cone but Mary heard theMY"T" "" 1"`" "" groat found friend more than for me." tha verses which were once thought I words she s oke • "it would be im- =11=1 l' (5lstur Ai,ly, ;t„i3, w' 1, a fault s1Llh• ".lf(t•1' Iirt' 1, (,1111 Las cove a e ” p ' . fa aRmh � ! of welPt,u„+ �'Pr,t you very wet, ca!u7. L't tl{l: everting be to you But she kissed with more than imual su much of by Cuthbert. Will you possible, Olt1T Auld PLUG Laura '•' „a :ul ou{t a .)t good to come, Sister fondness the bemutiful face which do it, just to please me 1” Sister Anna, standing near, had to he would not at °'certainly," was the answer, not heard V+ s'rti's reply, but she __. � � I �• Very. 1')' 4: +11'd iiI)d Ral ill Allis, Hht) ,It, tnruitig towards bent OveC her j fa �-t jjYY s�ppyy �t��pp ---- �+ now. 1','1 L,.:' it•'ti terribly u1,• Itt:r. 1'ahe Le:,rt; you will surely once lu,.sc+ her c1aFp of the hands "Lint, my dear, they surely must had beard D'lary's half -laughing, t'm0l�lne '�®lllACliV k'��� MIL',i.V anti 1I1at_rII ut tt l'. s, 1 have been l,,(v„ pPacP at 114{„ lest." she had taken. have heard them many times." half earnest injunction, and had seen o Y pretty," Y the young girl's crimson blushes. Are taking the lead in Griatin and Chop• j longi., (.•1\ ilia++ t •" . Since 1 knew !t was late \%hen they separated; "I feared sometbingllad occurred I "Lint the are so )tett 'Mary FINER - THAN EVERS plug, which will be done at allr�mes,ontho E„ p y 1 If Miss Rainsforth will permit Shortest uotice. CROPPING only 0 cents, e ! whoul 3,,,r hurl \t'I'+t you, tiister Luc f,u vu ilk the nit;Lt, far past the to prevent your comm �" she whir leaded and you repeat them so a bag. Give us a trial, and you will be con. A nnu. I trust N•,. 'Vill feel no ill l,uur %i -Len night and morning meet, pered. "My dear, I do not know beautifully."me, I will walk w:t;r her to the SII vinced that this is the right place to get your a,esud to th.r (\r n nLtil tliu (ur,Gn and stars be- what I should do without y.ou now, ( t•t was rarely that 1,1lrs Somerset lodge -gates of Cedatbourne," sheB Gristiug done, as everyone gate the noar oiler t. ( ` 1 i r, C 411anufaotured Prom his own whaat. Farm - rain M1li,r 1.!,111. fr+rth:' all to late ill tl,e t;l(y, and flushes If !leaven had blessed nrG with a refused the gentle dying wgmal'- said, ore can dopaud on getting their etas horns 6' [ But Graystone lies in a different with thaw, 1}y. Che 11•.11 jus , tiv. same brii,k, ,if i,ull,ld af:d ouWon and rosy light daughter, I could hi,vo aisLed Ler I bcr son's islf -any request; the rr TFLOUR ANn FEED. -Flour and feed kept (oat )liu)eut too )]eased and tart- ® W constantly on hand. ch6,If! taalu•,u , f :peaking as he►• apple„red in the bast, heralding the like you.” t , , 1 g directic:i, dots it not`I" Vaahtiasked, -- - -- MoLE her foto full of pleasure at the pro- D. a, MULEAN, HippenlltiBa: j list(+r; ?„u tiler tai r 1118. as pleA9a71t approach of day -even until the "But I attl Iliuc1t tuo Old,” Vashti tied her; so she commenced without I to ]out: •fs'ft Tl't••!L (t nod lea able; Sbadotvs anti darkness began to flee began.? any further comment, and Mary's poral. "I should be so grateful, Ix naowzE oN CLINTOE MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE, I i': to `' l.r•, h:.i honored And awa did ;iistPr Anna keep vigil, lou know what I nteLtn, dca`I obiect was accomplisbecl. Sister Anna, lint shall I not be put- A � Library and Reading Rooms, mown wEStu,. Y CACH PLUG AND PAKA6E Hmll, (town stairs. About 2,000 vdumet+ 1 • i tt: 1"•r hoal•tl How SOlnetilues 1)ttcing to and fro across I Was speaking with regard t0 dis- ! '1I think they were written by• ting you to very great ineonveni- in the Library and all the Leading Newa reverer, + 1 I Mrs Gil she said. "The poem encs 4" papers and Perio(ipal8 of tke day in the I A 11w '1 i ' ", Llleal 1 ( h,) ,(rest rouna, sometimes throwing position. I often think bow 001 table. from 2 Membership t-, an el per annum '��' • n that, 1 t'1',t•ll (lU\\'Il. IleSl(1H LPl• ,bid 111 ND lletiven haft been til sending yell t0 is Called 'The child's wish in June."' ttNOt Iii the least. It will give ®' H. ����� Open from 2 GO 5 p cu., and from hip 7 to 2 P. ! , „ (.;vtt 1 • . 1,`iti• et , h Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gradu m. Appileatious for iubmberehlpre0elved -+' ehoss! l l,i;I- :'`1," :trig gratefully. uhuuy of pra}er and weeping. slut, me in my greatweaaness." "'The child's wish in June,"' we much pleasure to accompany ate of the Toronto 801,001 Of Dentistry. oythe Librarian inthe room. -i lsrtc ,,,,,; u Lken sucl, P\• ;like the Storni, the passionate grief, 4 [l1.ts Sister Anna been with you Vashti repeated, with .far -away, you.,, Nitrous oxide Gas administered for the `- relifnt ,:r'• -if :' ,oshausLPd itself itt last, rind with long F' asked Vashti, Mary's trent- dreamy eves. painlessextractipnoftooth. SE.NNILL911 NURERT ")Iother, mother, the winds are at TO BE CONTINUED, Office over Jackson's Clothingatore, next 'y " is SLd Jt:e� • f evr:ry. body. "is I the first flashes of dawu the woman Kling lips and fast falling oyes Warn --- --_ — to Post Office. Clinton. -'- i' ter ,lana, you ace L,uking unusual- 'd row a, 11 the curtains of the win• ing her that the topic of aonversa- play,"' Mr Night bell answered Iy FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREE. ' ' tion had better be changed. Began .firs Somerset- NOI WAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH ]y pal( ," 1'hure was aifeetionite dew and l0,)kc-d towards w}1e)-o the antis+. " LlI'll0ro and manner to (1nht was breaking: "About half an hour. She came ,1 `Pritbee, let me be idle today. C. C. R1011ARDa & Co. MONEY 1 MONEY I MONEY I AND ASTRACSQN PINE, ? ' Y in directly after Mrs Somersot. You Look, dear mother, the flowers all lie GENTS. -My daughter had a severe We can make few good loans from pr1rapens a IArrne ria tRrswi wI 14i68 A aezolALTr. Laura t f ttlltu. The faint fatly t11G1'ning looked fand"at tow rates and moderate expense, �istur tin.^.tl rep, it with a faint in npryn a a Lite, weary face, with must see what beactiful grapes Miss Languidly under the bright blue sky."' cold and injured her spine so she could ,,,w Terme made to suit burroe,ore. �, 1 not walk, and suffered very much. I K&NNING&SCOTT, . Clinton Ifil,RfiE 1'JYO1. � Oltf NAND- heaY tear-diululed, . Achin_ eyes, , Hallen has senf.__MQ,.._ She called A Dlre Somerset proceeded Vaeh called in our family physician ;.he pro- _ arllilre.. - .. ._ _ . Y: _ - — - ---- t11 stir well," was the quiet answer and lips the quivering of which this morning, and I happened to ti's eyes assumed something more nounced it inflammation of the apins This aboyo ornamenteA brow and shrubberyvh be t�i ld dt very low prices, sed those wnntdn EE':,- our, father would (even now not be, stilled as that I thought there was none than dreaminess. Into their dark and recommended MINARD'S, LINT• E. KI FEIN, ariltil,tnq in this sameness will saes mane 'Margaret hoped Y Y MENT to be used freely. 3 bottles I~; would p&-mit you to. remain with upon tightly -clasped hands, and a in or around King's Minster to depths crept a troubled, vague be cared her. I have used your MIN- DENTIST, pueebzetnq hese. pi us for the night ; but be thought foreht'nIl froill which the white hair equal those grown at Graystone, wilderment. „ ARDIS. LINIMENT' for a broken Orders 6ij Mail trill be prowpelll attend that your aunt mlgbt be uneasy, was I ih!,• d back as though with avd she has sent' me a most superb "Do you knew .it, dear 2 ,Mary breast; it reduced the inflammation and NORFOLK VILLA, NE\V No. 321 COLLEGE ST. ed tri, Adrlro.A•e,. Anil No wont away to order the car- feverish, unl;entle fingers; but a bunch, Ie it not good of hero And whispered softly to Ler. cured ts ort ' days. Nice. N. SILVER. __- • TgRONTO. g- Ja ' W ART, g�lnillar. ridge for you, [)rotlashig, however, calla, restful expression had replaced • to send them 'by Sister Anna, whom 1, ,And the soft wind is so light in its p _ - _ - th I At b nnlo futurlti time you should the one of hopeless, patient sadness she knew I had such a desire to It scarcely waves a leaf on ita spray. f �g111a - rice Ca. V know—as 7 have, dear, everybody -- `9 �TI �J� y I wish, oh .I wish I was yonder cloud, .- ___, 9 - - - - U� hecoutn ol;r r li+t. The carriage which the face usual] wore. kn° 1880. 11 i - iSWr'ivnct 7rrrn; <I^str: -"itle►laleb r g']1c, ntro��ing is breszkinp7" elle 'and everything whom you- par tietr *mat sails abrin. withits'mTtt slirotffti:i1�� ��i�$i{i. .} lets Books and work I no nloro should see, Sent nu! :n t„I! V"tri” rdut luur('d,, '•After the 'long, dark larly love and admire !„ if rpeir's Young.'People• at�rox s2unET, rLrtfruta, h1.• "Mary has been unusually well And I'd come and float, dear mother, \ra lilt 'i::t, a (; 'v l,atn'a Ilallcn night coals the hrirhtncss and glad- 'o'er thee."' AN ILLUSTRA.TEP 'WEEKLY. RepairnK Of an Wada prumptly attended to G' : � r 6�16.47CK 11 �� t0 -day," Dlra Somerset remarked; reasann.kate rates. A tr0 suliMi,ed, ?,' 'with tr•;yt-,,t. ``h , would have been riefis M (lav, Tile fierce stt\t•nl wax The lady's voice ceased and then -- .- . ----...---- --.-- --- GMERAL AGENY'. r - .,•.( •!, ui Lt at C.rny- sucu'cdc•d Ly t:Itf+rrP:;tL!Pssed cal ns, -.,,he has leen talking and laughing Y ' The Eleventh Volume of HARPERS' BIBLES & TESTAML+'NT6ATCOS'T lilt'`""'t1 1i'( C a flitted over Pr which would have as- her atlent]on, which Kaci been. at- YOUNG PEOPLE, which be ins with the isolated town and v,istut property, all wet `", , ;1 `1, know More in- rl'l)(`rl it t!lillt, tlleel sl1111(. f7 L 111 a mann g --- of rLtrnl fo tltliugs alust lt•k, lnsitat i Iufur- t3tn7; I(• - tracted 1, Mary's whisper, was giv- Number for November i, 11389, presents The Olil,tou Branch ILL ticON'S once for killed by lightning, a g, it, stock ntmc sur be L. tlln \\r.ary white fact:. tonisLed yeti could you only bans Y Y I tit,I ,:P1, , ".i Iadit-a' of the » en to lraahti. The r•irl's face still an attractive programme. It will Offer stAle at DK N'<11rCIi1NG'1'UN',3 ll1tU14 ltilladbylitthtning, if you want Insurance Leard her, �Itss Ilainsfortr.. n p 1, SPOKE. A Ihert itruut.,}t Ilse aHHurtutunt u2 drop a carol to the ttl,ovu owdrrsp.. 1"u ;,.", .,; I ..', a tet,, the pn\v. 111,[;tl'.1•Y,ArOt S:(i+] pPact: wuu'.rl Stirs' to its readers at least four serials Of the litbleH aud'1'esutuu)ntH. _---_- __._ .. - __ tiist,n L;t the+ L,St--Ity, at the last! r. retained its air of vagtlel troubled usual length, and others in two or three TE'%TAalNNT8 FRO�l $4tH. UPWAUDH ,, -;taint, t( ly collie I should have been very pltmaed I .AIR } Ii{:, ! A3;: 1 9�'a'Q, . Y4.: V. viii . - Lewilderment,Ler e3•es thC11 drCalny, . g g 81131 h9 f'ItD�I 2�rta UMAR11A. " rr ' ' T ' 1:% ,•, Will p, rtyet a and tc ars and acts of to hear it, Airs Somerset." harts, namely, "The Rod Muetan ,," by _ coxNAbnbt:r7. I)!t 1YUltTfIlYG1'UN, 1,e - r 'Orf;( .'• ,1\till HIP tllElt 01). my 'Flt )lensed tae; allll ClltL bl:Tt.",a f12r n\V ;ty expl'Cf ti10I1. ��'IL1.T 1\lt O. E�'rOUDARll. 'Phlll and 11tH ,oAlt01to :,[ Fl1n(. !' lt,l,`e.'(1 t) 4 .III ,'r!111•tl . l .r . 1LCYe w'}la A SUrlllf11 1noV('niYnt Baby,' 1)y LUOY C. LILLIRj „Prince -, ._._-_..._....._.-.. . ._.._- .. 1,r,oli,le�ofl(;IjotolllaIlllPi'oinniry Lh,utrbeeblao ' •(1(,011 1'\'e)11t1�:,, 1 t•11111I, IUi Chll(I ! 111 Lll(. ;,;tf!at I1(te--;111'litil'CUn L„%c St,ltteil for t11Plr Tomm " b JOIIN RUSSELL CORYRLL' 1 Y 1 I; :.,• .{ o oil ill(• 1,11 cf 5iatO1' 1�lllJn, Kilo y'r Y , T + i'uOI' to U,a•u, uml ;ntumis La r<!wmin 1, t slr,t!i 1 1„' tip, nnnLr!d wurL1,Y \valh (luitca ]tu]1P£u[ anti 461i�bted. i ; J. 1. 1�'ILK1E fie .LtC1Lt)\, ll1�N'L'1S'l. and "Mother's Way,” by 1kIARGAI(HT E. into pu nlnucntip, an.1 'is h,,cter prepared .!a`_1 ,"i:1.: ,( an -lo out frutu 010 light f:hadew S,tltcsa'rn •two short serials b IIJ:w�1Au '--- than uvor to do au)•tnf„t; whittuver In the ,Ito!, and 171at1 ! C� l!n\'P Putt t'r Htt,lt't[ ti, it:y hum;;er- Y[doldHthoexclnuivorightrorthr'cuunt for All , I LicJt .IIP I?t'nlre2'y of tl1O curtain9 ' 3 1 Y pointing OrPnl,arhu. tug 1it,u.promOt and at g r, 1't tu't LO li.o' tnt(•;!1„1, i IIJORT11 Borrs>wN. Z\v0 series of fair the llhrd ,lOeeHH of Itcbnuu.HtcrnrK,r hrt'{i' ontrustod to tuns will r000lvo p . :tvr Anna fit it1„ t l;% 1 ii , , ast' atruuLd L('I• and st00(1 beside Tales will sittract tho attention of lovers owly pure Nitrugan monoxide, which is the oareful attvi lun. 1. ;+ ;r •cies+), \a'hil(' ill ti;r li,!lit of Larlven futrverl gall , RiLfaHtarld hetlt HyHteln yet dIH('OeCPId for GLOKGl, PUTT:, ltiirkSt.,Clinton. i „ ,• . C'stt: ,,,,,,lit at^.ne?” he „it -1 ; Ler illigurs still Out], c)g of the wonder•worlrl,narncly,the quaint +he painless extraction of tooth. Charues +•t ,.t otitt'r.l wlt.h that I },p„1-, ,:tt 1 l 1 r' ' ''" tales told by 11OWARO PILE, allyl SO olederate, Hatistaetiuuguarant(-ed- office, onCLP,rl h r acus lightly, admirably illustrated by hien, and all. h:LLIOTT'h BLOCK, over Hance's Tailor ,., I ; 1%izn upon Ler ! ,,., shop, IIuronStreet.(1,11utou. I 1'11-11''1'1;11 i�:.�a f 1, 1 bG words recall mule diol, in other in a different vein by FRANK :1I. — f.;'r• listincf ntemrt,'v, partly forgotten, BicJsRi.L. There will be short ,stories VITALITY, , �ffilFlj jz bft :,? I 1'hcr 5nu:mi,r 9nwars \\Plu 1,P;;in- by 1V. D. IIowri,Ls, TuostA:; Not,gow EXHAUS�'ED- ITALI 1 Y•Tr \e \o;t'o )tit 11U 1 ti\„1ke,1Ga tilts new ]tee,” ,, J �jt�50� ,., ;t: t s'.' et , uirt,* to fatly it, '.lin i (f ,i:bom-ne gar• PAnn, Mint E. 'Vrr,r,lXs, Norn I l.Ray, r( t8E SCIENCE of Life n he said: "1.read•itill your tron-.1TA1t1ll7ETPWISC'OTTSlEorroitn,DAXT X131(, I the, great Medical ' • •int of sadliVs1, den. 1'111' lt,+':l e of tlt� 1 f+,It•'trtintl lett eyes, sur err flexed face." Work of the age. 1\Imn• . ..1.1'11"! fill Cjea fGl!O`):-. Gld tit'( l.t t!it� �.i•G]+sc ci,flnnttil tlielt: 3 , y P 1 HE%EmAn Bi�T'1RawOItT11, bor1IlESwlrrT, hood, Nervons'andPhys,- I;,; , ,'.,' aril the CI0Al1N� "I seeru to remember 1.111 a dreslm;" RICIIARD �1ALL'OLai JOHSHTOS, etc. cal Debility, Premature r rd Luc, atld LPaatl to w°ither and fall t.o asbGi responded, "60roe etl0'3 tak- — Decline, Errors of Youth) —TAE LEADING- . ! 1's'r front thPi'' t]1e F)attb ; ar.,l A]ary SenlPrs,:t- t A FnbSerlptiell to IIAttrPtn's Y;laNct and the untold eon, 'e ng nle in their arms fine, holding ooufognent thereon, 1i st low .noon, <.l,ittlO Gltt(]r.,'ss" -drooped anti Sad- c YPOPLE secures n juvenile library. pat;oesvol., 125proscr;p• UND RTAUER :u:, every ciusely to tlJrtui avLile they '.Chore is useful knowledge, also plenty .tens for ati dlsoasos,- :, . : , , ' . 'f 1;01' kl,ee-, [;,1• ea k(lso. Cloth, full gilt onl 31, b mail, foaled. 11- pPatPtl those 1iriL;a. I Seeln t0 of amusement. --Boston Advertiser r y y ;1,!:• t}•r I. : iSlle ilia SJ very 1'erct•I,t.ibly.- -_� luetrat'odsamplefreAtoall youngand, mid - —ANP-- mehlber tlla,t 1,Lt.y kissed me again Ale aged man, Bond now. Tho Gold and .:. i :' _11a would "Ill Cu[libi-rt's; eves wf'l•e opf'nrd , his 1't:Rxs: Postage PFepait1.13300 Per Year theNiti Medal awarded to the . 'Adr by ��� A T �. d fl�Aln when, aS they said tlLose l•el xI begins Vo?,errber5, 188:1• thoNational Medical Association. Address BBL • • l.. t :n n, Of a. ronin Y. U. Box I895, Boston, MafR., nr Dr. W. II. I u " , I"'' 1 „ lecbili beslrt critild no longer weeive nes slowl • and distinetl I also )r('sSeS I,t111C',} 3 l' PAdt1{F,It,graduate of Iiarvtvrd Medical Col- . arid'. : 1 , itself; lie. knew that a�Oner• or 1001 5p 1 l ' 1 .logo,$tiyoars,practicein Ruston, who may"— �,,;,} ; , , +.: lits, aS SIIA nl0vetl pestes them. The voice R+aa IOW , rri,nrn C.o n tr•)rl un 7rr:•q .! 'U% a Nr U• r,':,Iloo ' hla, "I,,1ttIQ (,ilttd llCS!i" w`1'rl 1)e d sweet like the sound of church aVt at—P. be consulted con1ldentiatly. Slwaiatty, Dif' I ' 1,�L. t!,,, !;t ,:'' ;tad do\v.n the to}�,,n ' ansae[ lion. Otfice,No.413ulfinrhHt, A FULL TINE OF Ila in the distance; or music on 1.5'1\GLR NCSinEr.H, Five.Cents each, _ (f:,i,,:. ,,, .,., :t of self nlurtift" h;tlhL 1;HIty' I w'oi.ld .tat ' lsf e: Remittances should be made by Post- (?1 j p le water, I1Ow1nd1Sti11Ct It all iS! ot3iceMoney Ur(lor Or Draft, to avoid The Holsow.; B� nk- GOODS KEL i D STOCK a t;l ,! , : - ')r SLt*11rIS a ]loci.• world nut believe, would pati IJ° have dleatrst of that face and chance of loss. tivn I,;....,.,... - i'erythlntr.�, grotty 11CPd t0 ti.e ddetor's grave looks OI' tnrnrporatad by Act'tif-l'arl{anwut, 1185,, ---- Address: HARPER&BRoltcNns, Ne%vYork i.: nor stere -1-00111, 1)rsitatir;t tvAsI - Words. "'.Che tie many tilnvs. I'erLa,)s it is _ �-^.-'____�� CAPITAL, $2,000,000. :,t,', ,1: ; • • , incl r?iul, hazy rememt,rance I had ---_ -,_ - - Int ,:,::. aotutnn ,i!,Ys, the fall of the leaf, IIEST FU::U-_- 10001000 The bef(tFmlial(ningFluidused -' Ii,,.,, ":-t,.%.; ;,s .in tLi hall n-ero, and Rl\°nye ltd+.l ].,can Pspecial- Iny rnotllcr.' You will think me *ofd a'� � dual xlcl U1!'�f l' Q.'�.irdo -3 w'olr' rc)1 rribly' faneifal, Alary• -yon too, `fj.EAD OFFICE, MONTREAL, •1•,t•:,ltir:: • - ::+t) ,.•Ir ria\ carti,tan .13• tivil)" to l}l,it•y,' i Yr rS Somerset,,' 1IAr N 1 y tT & tiCf)'I"s' '.t'.,H ,>C ,.'n.•.. whf.lt any one, with grow Lind ' T110MAS WORKMAN .........Prosidunt. . Splendid Hearse. 1. ' But both ladies assured llor that tlr<iG 011 Cfllll!ot I]F tl•ud tri awaken �` j J. u- K. SttN.aT11 Aoralu•1'n,a. '• [ } wal•niu,� wCr ley consid(ired it only perfectly B rrlsters, Solicitors, l F WOLFI;P.S'rA Y TIfU.1Lia, r! aoralblana!;er +"..1tr, , •I. ,, Ie Lad Said. "hilt t;� ,,• f' , I. i'I Y , Lim to a rt.5r <". L t:Illid]v failing tuftal that s.he sLould retain scale 1..,,. '; 's Iissutaneetl)at str'en`+th. I;uNVISYANc:F118, r\t.,Sole8di+1ro2wltrd,(,'ollrc•tion,smade,Drafid AL1,,1i.UTi,'ST.,cTANTON, k, igbt recollectiouS'of the young n10- ' i,;,,r.:od, Sterling and Auterieart ex. 'kin vcu•y shortly." Leer,.` day .'S,lw ` AShti ILL' the rlisq r bought and sold at lotheat J' a ' ''s wank- er whose care and tenderness she on) 'Ir, 1 rI+ r for Oat,(rlo I,I,1 M:unRnhu i g J Resilience OVCr store. ' ibt'lls were Ilow (,clpf;Bj CCCry d;ly saw y " I.,,,i Noizr i)"„a r,i ,;1,-: l:at; cl,IV'Cu,i + current ralr.Y. 1'' nSlatl Ste t)(1d 111-r. d lost HU ea]'1-y. J18tCT Anna Lad IntoreSL nl a p:.r cent allowed •'v drpu+i W, (31'POHITI9 ^'011'\ lL1LL . 1 [ nen dep,'1j(.litl ;t:icl leiining more rain retired to lier ,,Lnclowy corner ONl-d• Tr) ),0A. MOH111GA(lf::; 1 \vnS 00n hCln+r \ 01111;' rirl's � 1luuf ht, 1'rit;ito 1 nndH. (: ltll,uL1T, jl+'Ax.?,Nl Ii•Yts. p� N',' entirely i,.poll tI,' • S ar the window. U1R,•r• OvrrJ ,Tack ou'H titoi,•, ,"lin 'v AI+dlcy,ulvnuce(t to farnwre uu tlior n,ee.uotes ` t' nx,svlsm I” (•1' 110t:I('. Wi'l'y ,-(n:]tl,: ev,Iry (1.;C ft`Iw CuthklCrt -- - .-. - - '` wathone nr more"ndorwcrs, Nu mortgage re•I . The moments. fled swiftly by.-- ARRrru;R LICENSES. - APPLY TO { q,l!red its security. . :; .viii; abu ittin� azul 1'lalph D:,, -toil luol:in;, morn stag " I N%'U''i• 131111 ,illd inter Anna, teenvored from th.0 1��tlnl'nt:d,•l•�I,,•nndurthe+l.li,rstt•y Kunuf,', IL (•. 13lt1:\t'lilt, di,i",ctr, i •y •� T� ) r r� A r t' vet tuove ea;'erly f. , hrr c0n1]ng, JA \llusHtl+)7 r, ruhutm,. I aanu,lry tss7, Otn)ton FAR �� NASAL. meml)tance, of the clurktseSH and ! i 1' !v•]1( :I (',•d•tr• dstiv]nfr squ., 1 from.. her presence, �� .tii.ii[:iuf•1 I,u,I x;;[:v i„ul:u iii r+n - _ adOwa Of heli lif(>, pl'OVE)(1 IIDTHeIf u!{Ilrlsi•{u„+t, at rrwi,t":1CL' or lh'llri t„rt feeling how grandly the Lltecr') Lr;pcs• 1 ..:'' •',ud ,r11•:.1, ul onnrr n;tt,ur C11PC1'Cd 1 ngrec•able null intelligent coni• :tats :1. Wtl:trltL;rlTuv. �eBilit®i7 I�f1�'t �9f$iflt? Titzl �ab6a i li A N Ii E It S , fill, trlitl,f , 3 anion, [tile Cl)arn1C(l Mary.^� {ONE), TO Lli, 1) IN LAWlI: Ill: i lfaoatireduefordeliver)•:ua1 ,!-o fordoapatol � ;• •,t fill, ill tl',15 rlttfli L011t Of Sli pl'CItIC 11113[llallenl,lH(Itlg,)I)rlmu,•tglLgA.41•i'ilt•hty, t,v ry. rr, "You must come and see me very uiodtwittat•atuofiuW'r(nst. If I1ALF„ (ilrlltoll at Clio clintun Punt Ottice nv tullun•s:-•• Q�'�:.I�17�.31 , .I't•I .- 1;,niuht wraririo trial. _ _ furl,” she Said, its Sister Anna rose I cr,ntla rrI H 1'r•, t ei-iml. "Thy fit- 1"w'1,;i Lai, Leetl to tiraystone D z APP(IIIo)N-OFI•'11:1•t-Air ldE�1• .1._ depart, "PCOi1S1S0 trio, before Ut:NUt) rrn Outrtrur Htreot, C'liututt, un- 1[xtn!lton TunmLr,, SLrat-! I • 1:,''' , I r 1 1'1' F.tlP1,01 t 5n0h IIOl1SC St i'Cl't,l tln'1CH 9)Ti.CO t11C St01'lll, 10HlU, Ln •li:'b CIMITIt. Elltrttuc/, ItY Kbit fnt•tl, btustferth, orsuld' I s A(hancen made to farmeisontheir own 011 00 aWA ' that y0i1 will spare a,ttr', th tlokolf veg .. i ....... 70)1t.ru, 1.401)•", r �':.t51;ti 11;tin,s• S}ie }i];ed tie lie with the grad Misses y' notes at low rates of .interest. \ti'-!'• :l "r a some of our lino from the oor . p r. WA.Lli}•;ft, i'!.I lslLt:3AitY t;ultt,�;uN P Toronto, Struttor,l, ties- `(! 111tllen, bcLtCl' 811111 with Sistel An- ,t Y , ! vJ Grnrluat) of tha Uittwriu \'uWrinary Col- Earth, T. and S, ust.... 1"5:, p,m.; 81-111 i , till. )1'C\'(int ]lr:r d sick of li.ing s AI]nater. I, tQ!f. ! frgv. Tulur,rnphic luomw,4„f prole tly at Godurich, Huhnasville sad A general Bankin;, Business transacted Y , lt,it. ' t' ] It% Tbo Stt•anbe attractive power i Ve a Clatnl ltlrotl you serviL(•`r ; tundoil to. Oillou-Londuaburough, (Jut. Grand Trunk west ..... 1 p.m. 8,10 a.m Interest allowed on deposits. 'aalltl'i'el• C105('1 dl'11tV1f1^'ller to the hitter grew d ]y n I1tt101Csa than theirs inti 1 I _ -_ - -- --. aodorich, ..•. •... . 8,46p.m. 2.4Up.In Sale Notes bought . frnln ,i, r+,-li..• ''. Y Y a > I ;; Itfl WItITT-TL''AC[Iiat Olt 1\IUSIC- .., io ;.', titin at `t:'a 8t0lte Rtl'OI'1 Cr with t}Iur:. :�umetimea C „ 41�1lutnber of the Canadian Society .ot Hamilton, 4.15p.m.110,24n,[n ,Inhh t, Y .p, not Well, I London, L., II, A B,Rooth a.m. p.m.,a,m. ),m r .lAleicians. Piano and Organ for the tote of f J. P. TISDALL Manager, lim"t,•. ,•`f' ,t Itna'A terror at tile. Vashti .strove t0 ACCOtrrit for It t0 a -Sister's Anna's sari eyes rested olFi. ltesidonco, mr a Hartt's opposite and iWIngli ni, others 7.00 4.15110.25 ,UU _ ----- , �' pp Blyth. winghnnt, Kinonr•__F__ herself, but all 111 vain. tl AIr WhlWhead's, Albert Stroot, Clluton dine, Lucknaw, L.,IfJ%B. 8t;1rv,, ,.,A".':r', 10"It"tioll "Poll Soo• on the beautiful flushed face lying _ --- —I north and Intormudiate n,, p m, a.m. p nn Rewwrdod aro those who read 1' tlfectcd t0 treat It pleased bo Philip Rainsforth R RLEVE,-OFFICE. RATTENBURY o,ce,.,an, .. •. 0.50 0,14! B.Luh,00 RICHLY this and than act; they will and my .ti ,, ..•:i. , ] otr st the pillows. (� • 1 vi .... du:11, _,,pt, Although With an(] ilia sister t0 see the girl so be li g p .L St, Murray Black, two churn east of Britishmallq,'Nel"11% ed - I honorable ' emplbyment that will not take With ,"I will not frail to eoni.e since you rrodgens' entrance. Restdckn •r. opposite S. nosdny, Thuradnv 7,00 n.m, then. from their owns and families. The k,ltat fe,:lir: , , It''. 'city very largely loved and sought aftrr by those a Arm • Barracks, Intron St, Cloitnn. Odlou loll it," HhC Sorg, terid0r pity in hours, 8 a In to 0 p nt, Bayfletd, Varna, IlOrbison, profits aro , ma and sora for ovary are n ,w for \VhOm' they themselves enter- p -� - (lathy ................. 2.80 p.m. 12.4fip.h), Otis person, many have niado and aro Hoa 1. rnin;;lnd r tones. TR STAN1tURY, GRADUATE OF T11F Summorh111, Tuusdny and I nick ng several hundreddollars amonth, I+ " I 11a;'il notional women," tamed Se deep a regard. It grati• pe "I am sort iia and iVIr Sower- L Friday ................ rsOp.m.l s,aof,.m Iseasy for any person to make 8 per day t,. inter Anna is aLy ij1:d their pride, wl 9 n' 1 Medical Department of Victoria Uni• Krone Ordersiasucd and Deposits receive()froin and upwards, who iswillingtoworlt, ESthO �], },.. ,, . ( • , stip, not � here, 'Sister Anna, to yet H1ty, Toronto, formerly Of the Hospitals �' nae dollar upw nls. sex,young or old; capital not naeded,weataIr A 0; Durston bad become a nsore. 11'' aTfd DispenHarlos. New York. Coroner for Office hours from 8 a.m: tri 7 p.m, you. Lvorytlilug. naw. No special ability .-1• ,) r .-,"�I'T�, 0.`• a nQPVe11K ill tool nit y011 for yOtlr vif;it. vaahtt, the County of Htlroll, Bayfield, Oltt. Savings Brink and Mnney Order OIRca ,,,,,So required; you,reader.can do it as well,as&% 1) -At t " i„ „�;;.itnd v:Len :�he'sces constant visitor than ever at Cedar- -lit ---•---------- one. Write tous at once for full articulare U sere not going yet, dear 4" 1 T W. WILLIAMS, B. A. lit. D., ORADU• lit MA p, m' which we mail free, Address Stinson & Cc yO;t, ,}t1vt 1tCCR+1!•(i yott Chance t0 bourne: Iiia love for Vasbti was li "I think I niust, Mary- it is grow''- l 3t THOMAS FAIR, pa.,ttnastcr, _ -- _ . ATE of Toronto University ; melbberoY Clanton, April 20, 1880. Portlwnd, blains, ilia,, e r1,,rj; , ryr•r( nuc] hair, as tier fast becoming the ruling pas9ion of late, It was lain when I came, the College of Physician,; and surgeons, rLiid li.id. f Ti( ver knew tUtit elle his life. Ile was alternately hope- M Ont. GFrica NI; REHLI)F.NCH the houso for- _ -,-_- - _ _ ._-.. - Cr LIleT•rUN t tt knuw." mPrty oueupied by Dr Reeve, Albert Street ' - i had bnetl nil --l" itl." fill and depressed -sad, and in the f4T wondpr, Ihnt; nPirltpr'Mr 1lRin3• Uliateu_ - - -� `,'lf!) 1 ,4 :l "sit r' -} at night were gayest of spit -its. Miriam Rains- b tit nor Mr 31arston bas co+ue," Hd%��%"d ® IR 101 Planing Mill forth noticed and kue\v the cause of ni c. BRUCE, L.D.$., DENTIST, gradu- haunted bV t1,e tiweet sorrowful face asked Mary. Y . aro Royal Collegeof Dental Surgeons Loan & InVegtlnelit C07 of Sitter du7.,1- in leer sleep she bis altered manner. Vashti, too, Borne business at the, mill is nfOntario. All oporatfonaof modern den- tistrycarefully porformod., Anroathotles ad again felt t.l.e to,.ch of the clinging sf(w the change, and wondered at it. rn in them, probably. It must mnuHWrorl for too paflnlose extraction of This Company is Loaning Money or, I -AND- fingers around her own, the passion- In growing arcnstolned to hits ail- nearly Hoven o'clock, Mary." Bock, Cliinton wtil visit Blyth v d, Costs' Farvri Securi'Inter at wPxl Rates of ,to, lingnling pressor© of the tender moat constant presence, she had r 'It wants abort tau minutes to (ally every blonds , sit Masons Hotel• ._ D $ 'Y KI Y. 111 lips- }leaf'Ii again the low, gentle grown, too, to regard him with a y MORTGAGES - - �URCHASEI certain amount o£ liking, That lie hour," DIrB Somerset said, re- D}i wORTiiINGTON, - PHYSICIAN, ►r11iF. SUBSCRIBER HAVINO JUST COM, voice, au(1 awuh a with a sense of in to her watch, "Mai m surgeon, AOcouther, Licentiate of the f4• pLRrp"D and furnished his new planingg g entertained €tit her a deep absorbing jo g Y, Y College of Phsslalans, and aur ©Ona of SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. w thmnchfnoryof tholateatimproved pratSr great dNappoirltment on finding m r, how unusually strong you are Lower Canada. and Provincial LRioontiato la now prepared to attend to all orders in hi that it fall was but a vision of the passion, and Loped to win ber for (lay ! It is a ver ion time and Coroner for the County of Huron. Of. 3, 4 and 6 per Certl. fntereat AUotmd line in t a.cost prompt and satlyactory m,nner yearning his wife, She had n at the most re. as Y g flee residence -The bnildlnff�� formerly oeita aotordin to and at rocs mablo rates. He would also re" night, awok,, wil.h a gt•eat earnin CIs you gat- U I a0 late." occupied by MrThwafteb, Eluroustreet. g thanks to all who patronized the Md m before dight tllllt 1t might have been mote idea. lith she liked to walk an y p Clintoa,Jan.10,1871. _ .-_—» orad l,inle lrfl, they war* burned out, and now betrigtit a bet. ;Tile evening has been Ho plea- ter portion to oroeute orders : itanu reality• and talk with him, for he was well m t And the momenta have fled so HARLES F. M. MOGREGOR, VUTER- OMCE•-Corner of MarketHqquareandNorth8 tool a confident he can ,,pp C WART Physician enc Surgeon. Honor- HORACE HORTON, glen eatietaftion rA ,Al. And nt (=, a) stone house there informed, and full of drearily, poeti- w idly. Vashti, I am .sorry that dry Member at Ontario Veterinary Medical ' RANSOM FACTORY -Near elle GtratW Tru» was Alen); conversation between cal. ideas. SUe missed. him during to u will have to return alone. If �0{O1- Treats all dineweeof domesticated Goderich,Auicoat 6th 1888 Railsoav, Cliaton. aaim 7 Voterinary dentistry a speofa ty- trf01UAS LhICIiiQ2fE Margaret And Laura Hallen and those 'dveningH in which. ho did not thbert were here he would walk Ch al �I, aIf til>�wi offi e, door cast of Sister Anna •-r+ r!onversation broken come to Cedarbourne. , ' ' gi tlh you. - -- - - by many A sol, and tear on one Hiclo, It had of tato become habitual ge "14iiHs Rainsforth has a very con- • A row �on�aur�tioof tbeonLsrRio BALL �Q!'�Dc ROBERT DOWNS, find loving, tc'ndey, ronlpassionate with her to go over to the Copse in nt and devoted knight in Mr veterinary College. Treats all diseases of GOODS words on till, other. - early in the afternoon, and far either ' So Marston," cried Mrs �S3merset, with sari a aonitso s'nvpiaa0°OtthnccemOxetimmeoai, CLINTON, It wAH late when the trio sepRist- Ler father or Amos to call for her Sister Anna came in, Vashti, what, a little meaning smile. �� stolyrt o- - Ithe B07 , n,M�ady - Just Arrived ed, each to aaw r.c,k her roo'n. Every when business bound were ended. as,% boy, Cuthbert's favorite poem „ 116 is ver kind Vashti re- Man,.faDog and ProprietorAgent or the bmi and y , tottdedtoprompily. Mill tion (in tied, Agent for the solo and trace cif the st.orin had diHappeared; It was later than usual thisa£ttr was." g turned all unconscious of the hid- application at thestT FrM F TTIPATNG Aurrilwo U there fns not A cloud in the hoa- noon When she mad©her appoaranoa The likeness is there, the h I ) ISaLeaCtzAxza. HTEAbf trfTf1N08 hrrnlehed ++ den meaning of the lady's words. DR.9 ELLIOT & (�'UNN, WAT(�HF�, '"'� applied ca, ch•>rt rx,tica. vena; myriad stares glittered in the at the Copse. Miriam Rainsforth cannot nay in what it consistsMrs Mary Someraot looked quickly in clondle+s, unbroken blue; a fair, pale had been unusually eters+ and upon Somerset persisted. "I know, it is nwtltprR, FnKtnPa. rand nip klndp At the young irl's calm, unconcerned Rtnw,in crescent moon sailed an, queen of one pretext or enotLer bad delayed in the eyes and mouth."„ face, That which alio road there g,iRo.Elliot, inbasfll), .G I', llverwa re. toad to n Bne� r 'titery ,,,,Der, Is the night. The flowers f[l]ed the Ler Kerns. She found Mary muc ,,But Sister Anna's eyes are blue, a t ,Pared fol[ to satiaf Lor. B•C.S.. Ed1nb,Irgh, c. s. ualnbargh I t- I bright and Vashti hazarded.. I t ; Y Y centisto ottbo t4firl• i ocniiato of rho ivfld-' darn implamonW multhowrod end repai air with fragrance; dimly could be Vetter, and looking c,u to g 1 a wltery, EdinbtlrRqq. I wIfno ,of n.Ottlee,o * 1 J BIDDLLCOMBE� swain and Weer plraa fernlchs > ' '1' ��IQiy� � 5 0���i litre at llrucetlald, Nvil irotonterioana J. poelNnn. Dry Egos Ht[I4d up . _ _ _ ---� Witham Ste., Ctiutou CLt 'T8:•v (RtotaTeonlodotuse f1C hUd y'Vn ?�Irarl fol . I Pitcher's ti4ur%s'I:`f1fr;, �a�l�l��y€'6� �o9'V �blt I