HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-15, Page 1TWENTY-EOIIRTE1 1240 22 the Whole NumberVOL- S. CLINTON, ONT., NOVEMBER 15, 1889. r) ROBERT BOLAZEB.Publta 81,50 a year in advan Wingham. POOR HEALTH. -Your scribe was unable to write last week; he is feel- ing somewhat better now, however, Although not yet so very bold, iu fact, something like a door too heavy for Its hinges. FUN FRO3t THE PLAINS. -A herd of broncho ponies, which have been •t the C. P. R. depot for a few days past, have caused quite an excite- ment in town. Mr Clarke purchased one of the said "bloods," and when lassoed it was so wicked that getting entangled in the tope, it threw itself s owe,. and before released was choked to death. Two VACANT SEATs.-Winghanl Methodist church choir has still some excellent talent, and in no way would we reflect upon their merit, neverthe- less we sadly missed two genial faces, and two excellent musicians on Sun- day last, in the persons of Mr and Mrs Smith. We wish them well, but et the same time would like them to Saturn thitherward again. A QUIOK DEATH. -The chair fac- tory is still shut down, and the em • ployees minus their dues. ''It seems that a chattel mortgage held 'by a prominent citizen of our town stands even before wages, keeping the said :employees from getting what might be over the mortgage. Seven months is pretty quick living and dying, for anew business, is it not ? SlozNESs Mr A. Nichols has had a good deal of sickness to contend with during the past few months. In the first place, he was unable to at- tend to business for u few weeks dur- ing the summer, then Mrs Nichols had a severe spell of sickness; after- wards the baby laid in a very critical state for quite a time, and now Mrs Nichols is prostrated again vith an- other seyere attack. FALLING ASLEEP -Mrs Mary Mad- dox, the beloved wife of Mr John Martin, who has recently resided in Wingham, but formerly hardware merchant of Lucknow, died Saturday last, at the age of 43 years. The de- ceased lady had been a great sufferer sometimerevious to her death,and P although the bereaved ones feel her loss keenly, we can but think that she is a gainer thereby, for death- had lost its sting,and the grave its victory. • FOR THE EDITOR. -We wonder if the NEW ERA editor got his thanks- giving turkey; if he did we think him a pretty mean man not to remember some of his friends ; but it may be he alias even yet saved a few of the bones Ir some of the lucky ones, and, by the way, Mr•Editor, we would just 'remind you that, supposing the tur `key was not forthcoming, Thursday last, why then we will all call around on Chrietmas day. AN APOLOM-We would offer Mr Bremen and his employeesevery apol- ogy, for the way an item read in the Wingham happenings of the NEW ERA. It certainly read as though the fight took place in the tannery, and amongst the tannery boys,' when the said fight took place just at the tan- nery, but outside the building, and amongst strangers. We have far too much respect for both employer and employees to allow us to scandalize them in any way whatever. A NAmli THAT FLOURISHES -A horse owned by Mr James Slemmin died on Tuesday, .of inflammation. Mr McDonald, flour and .feed mer- chant, also has a horse pretty sick. Talking of the name McDonald, did you ever, sir, know a town where that name had not a representative? Our worthy M.P. and doctor is known by that good old Scotch name, one of our flour and feed merchants glo- ries in it also, as does our new barber, who, by the way, has been very sick with by of the bowels, but we are glad to state is again conva- lescent. Then comes McDonald, the fiddler. We believe there are several more, but of these four we are sure. Whether any one can trace back their ancestry to those MMDonalds of bonny Scotland, wha fought sa mony ' famous denials -.betties, we cannot tell, anyway rye think those of Wing - ham are by no means a fighting class, unless, with one exception, political- ly, and he fights well. • Carmen NOTES. - Last Sunday morning Rev Mr Morehouse preached his annual sermon to the young, and -delivered a. very interesting discourse .from the words, "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth." • We think if all sermons were direet- •ed to the young, the older members •of the congregation would duly ap- preciate the same. In order to make it still more attractive to his young i}earers, Mr Morehouse gives prizes tt��I those who in writing can give the 1%et points of the sermon, during the following week. The pulpit of the Methodist church was very ably filled on Sunday morning by the Methodist minister from Bluevale, a young man under whom none feels inclined to sleep, as, his exhortations are both earnest and eloquent ; the subject was "Hope." After the service he con- ducted the love feast and sacrament ` of the Lord's Supper. In the evening the pastor, Rev J. Scott, delivered another real practical sermon on pro- fane swearing. The Rev Mr Cuth- bertson preached missionary sermons at the Congregational church, last Sunday; although the reverend gen- tleman is getting pretty well advanced in life, his discourses are full of force, eloquence and conviction ; on Mon- day he delivered a lecture on "The English House of Commons," McKillop. NOTES. -Mr Will McLeod has engaged in a school in Goderich township for the coming year. •The Literary Society of S. S. No. 4 is again fairly under way. On Tuesday evening of last week the members dis- t the most profitable method of dairying and on Tuesday evening of this week they had a discussion on dairying versus stock -farming. Hullett. Mr Gerrat Noble, of the 2nd coo, of Hullett, sold a horse last week for $175. S. S. No. 8, FOR OCTOBER -SENIOR DE- PART1ENT-Fifth Class. -Henry Lennox 717, Dan McConnell 606, J. McConnell 584. Fourth Class. -Jennie Woodman 906, Ephraim Gray 795, Orpha Whit- ley 773, Nelson Bell 715, Addie Crisp 708, J. R. Bell 699, Annie Wood 640, Bertie Gray 624, Fred Johnson 611, Frani McConnell 425, Thomas Adams 879, Raymond McConnell 375, Lavinia Brigham 861, Sarah Maine 269, Hate Roberton 186. Senior Third Class.- Lenord Whitley 874, Nellie Austin 732, Mable Bell 717, Ida Bulger 715, Ida Shobbrook 697, Lorenzo Brigham 682, Vincent McConnell 521, Elva Adaine 482, Annie Brigham 392, W. Wallace 814, Ida Riley 172. Junior Third Class. -Eva Cole 916, A Brodgen 805, Lawdy Young 800, R. N. Cole 765, Thomas Wallace 745, John Moore 685, Cora Newton 490, Bella Cunningham 452, Alice Brigham 432, Annie Nelson 407. D. McFAnyEN, Principal. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT.- Senior • Second. -Bernice Moore.590, Lyda Shobbrook 564,"Wilfred Criap 542,Winnie Nelson 446, Harold Erwin 222. Junior Sec- ond. -Alice Mountain 793, Louie Oui- mette 789, Ada Brigham 642, Willie Townsend 569, John Crawford 416, Rose Cole 302, Charlie Watson, 289. Senior Second Part. -Ethel Barr 691, Alice Oliver 514, Robert Townsend 444, Carrie Crawford 403, Lizzie Messmore 349. Junior Second Part. - Russel Meyers 636, Amelia Brown 617, Willie Meyers 613, Dille Oliver -447,- Tommy Lee 415, Elva Wallace 409, Wesley Lee 381. JESSIE H. DEWAR, Teacher. Stanley. NOTES. -Mrs -Eaton, who was for some time the guest of Mr Wm. Moffat, returned to her horse in Sel- kirk, Manitoba. Mr. Thompson, of London, and his bride paid a'viei•. to their friends in Stanley, Messrs Val ter and Wm. Moffat, Rev. Mr. Carriere;of Grand Bend, while re- turning from the Presbytery meeting in Clinton, called on friends in Stan- ley. Iiippen. RESIGNED, -Miss Mary Mellordie, daughter of R. DlcMordie, Esq., of Kippen, has resigned her position as teacher in S. S. No, 5, Hay, with a view to attending the Clinton Col- legiate. Institute next year. She has proved herself a most efficient and painstaking teacher, and we wish her every success with her studies. - Londesboro. NOTES. -The friends of Mrs Wm Hiles, sr., will be glad to know that she has so far recovered her health as to enable her to sit up sometimes. Mr Jas. Young, of Clinton, •preached last Sunday evening to a large and appreciative audience at the Metho- dist church in this village. Miss Nellie Ainslie, of Comber, who has been the guest of her friend Susie Hiles, fur the past two weeks,' leaves this week for Stratford, St Mary's and other places before she returns to Comber. Tuckersm,fth NOTES •-Mr James Tomlinson, of London, is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. Whey and bride, of Parkhill, are spending their honey- moon with friends in this vicinity The Rev Mr Cosens, of Seaforth, very acceptably occupied the pulpit in connection with Turner's church last Sunday evening. Mrs John Jackson, of Clinton, spent a few days this week with ner friends in this vicinity. The farm stock and implements of Mr Geo. Turnbull were sold by auction last Monday afternoon; taking all round things went cheap. We believe Mr Turn- bull has secured a situation in a store in Listowel, to which place he intends to remove as soon as possible. Couecn..-The council met at Bruce - field on Nov. let. After reading and passing the minutee,df last meeting the Local Board of Health with 'that of the Medical Health Officer was present• ed and read. The report states that the sanitarycondition of the people of the township has boon during the year comparatively good. Two cases of typhoid fever occurrodearlys inthe year, one death. Some six or seven cases of diphtheria of a mild form, sometimes called by a milder name than diphthe- ria, and four or five cases of (German weasels. The report as read' was ad- opted, A by-law dividing the township into sections for school purposes was road and passed. Accounts amounting in all toover one thousand dollars were passed mostly payments for jobs and gravel for statute labor. As a detailed statement of those and other payments made during 1889, will be published on December 15th, it is not necessary that they be published now. One claim how. ever of a new character was made, in which the public will take special in- terest. A treshing engine had come to grief by breaking through a bridge and a claim was made for damages sustain- od. Though the council do not admit negligence on the part of its members or officers, it was wisely concluded to settle the matter by paying the party $45, a part of the claim. After voting a share of relief to the indigent poor which the near approach of winter makes doubly needful. - The council ad• journed to meet at Kyle's hotel, Nov: 29th at 10 a. m.-SAML. SMILLIE, cloak. Dungannon, BRIGFs,=Mrs Ephlet and little girl intended leaving for Michigan to -day. Miss Allis. Mclfatlr has again returned to Clinton after spend. 'ng her vacation at home, Mr J. Mallongh has beep laid up with a severe attack of inflammation. We are very sorry to learn of the illness of Miss Annie M. Thompson, we do sincerely hope that under the blessing of God,she may have a speedy re- •overy, Rev D T Cameron occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church Sunday evening last. Re H. Irvine n the morning. Mr Ed. Hamlen spent his vacation at home. Mrs S. Winters is at present vary ill,we hope soon to report her better. Brucefield. Intended for last week RUN AWAY. -On Friday rnornlu the 1Irst, as the Missea Cellar, o Bayfi, Id, were on their way to Sea forth, wbeu nearly oppose a th residence of Mr Sinclair, their hors became frightened at a gate on th side of the road. The ditch bein deep at this place, the buggy wa immediately upset and the occupants thrown out. The harness and bugg were considerably damaged, and on Holmesville: Mr W, Stanley, has been laid up g for several days with f quiosey. Rev. W. F. Campbell preaches e Educational sermons in Duugaunon e next Sabbath. e Rev W. F. Campbell le▪ ctured in g St. Marys, on Thursday evening last, e his subject being "The Wedding Ring," Mrs Rev. J. 5. Fisher, of Arthur, is visiting in and around the village. • Every one appears to appreciate a e visit from the wife of our former pas- • tor• It is with regret that we learn that • ', Mr E. J. Courtice andlamily. leave n on Tuesday next for the Western a States, where they iutend in future ✓ to reside. They will be missed in an attack of y e of the ladies was seriously injured She was taken to Mr Sinclair's,wher she remained until the neat day Boys should be a little more thought ful when playing Hallowe'en tricks Mrs Alex -Forsythe, sr., died o Monday morning. She leaves husband and two children, viz M Alex Forsythe, jr. and Mrs. Jame Chesney, to mourn the loss. He remains were interred in the Bruce field cemetery Thursday, at 2 o'cloc p.m. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev Wm Graham, of Eg mondville.. RoaMid, es wbJessierlt tMo cMTaanitoba vish,•ofon the rMilliday • the- fat. She purposed reinainin there with her two brothers. Mr. Geo. Grant has every thing in connection with the Turner's hotel in good running order, and seems to be a very kind and obliging landlord. Mr McDonald, of this place, i very ill, and fears are entertained fu his. recovery. Goderich Township. CLOPED.-The poet office at Herbi- son's has been discontinued. Mr Herbison having asked the depart- ment to relieve him of th© position, ate he found it more arduous than anticipated. The office has therefore en closed. Council met on the 4th, pursuant to adjournment,members all present, min- utes of last meeting lead and passed. _Inv qd by S. Sturdy,sec.by T.Churchill, that the nomination for township councillors for 1890 be held in Swarts' Hall, Holmesville; on the last Monday in December first, at 12 o'clock, noon. That the following places be the places in the several v rel sub-dfvieione for tho elections, and that the following named parties be Deputy Returning officers. No. 1, S. D.,Orange Hall, 4th con., Samuel Johnston, D. R. O. No. 2 S. D.,house of Nixon Sturdy,7thcon., Nixon Sturdy, D. R. O. No. 3 S. D., house of Henry Hastings, 5th con.; Henry Hastings, D. R. O. No. 4 S. D., house of WM.Herbison, Bay. Ling; Wm Herbison, D. R. O. No. 5 S. D., house of Richard Baker, 15th con., EIerbert Elford, D. R. O. No. 6 S. D., house of Wm. Crooke, llth con., Wm. Crooks, D. R. O. Carried. The fol- lowing accounts were paid viz, Rowsell & IIutchieon, Toronto, Municipal Ele. ction papers, $8.21; Goderich Star, printing, $4.20 ; clerk expenses of judges court of revision on Voters' liets,$27.94; selection of jurors by Reeve; assessor and clerk, $10 ; Mrs Bray, indigent, $6; Robert Emmerson for use of scraper 9 days, $2.25; Mrs Roes, gravel, $18.44, G. A. Cooper tape -line and lawn grass seed,$1 ; Patrick Cronger,'gravel 326.74; W. B. Foster,eawing cedar and for elm plank per order from John McClellan, $47.80 ; James Fitzgerald,indigent $25 ; Thos Tichbourne, gravel $13.50, use of scraper $2 ; Thee Churchill, keg of nails for the Maitland bridge, $3.50 ; T.Tioling,iron worksfor Maitland bridge per order from J. McClellan $26.88 Daniel Glidden ,was refunded 31.88, error in assessment. Council ad- journed to meeting again first Monday in December, all having accounts against the township for gravel or otherwise are requested toprqsent them at that date for paymni t.--JAMEe PATTON, Clerk. • • • East Wawanosh. AN ESTIMABLE YOUNG LADY'S DEATIs.-This week we chronicle the death of one of the noblest, most talented, and esteemed young ladies in this section, namely Miss Christina Robertson, eldest daughter of Mr. Archy Robertson, of con 9, E. Wawa - nosh. While engaged teaching in Fordyce school, early in February last she contracted a heavy cold, turning to inflammation of the lunge, though partly recovering from this, it was too much for her, and the ever ready disease con- sumption completedthework, slowly yet steadily until Sabbath evening last when she quietly .passed away. This is another heavy blow to Mr Robertson, who lost hie wife a few months ago with the same disease, and other members of the family are now struggling against the monster. This young lady was a pride to the family --a pride and a honor to any family or commuuity. A third class certificate wus granted to her three years ago, she being only a little girl, and the following year carried off a second. The public school alone, she attended and though much credit is due the teacher, yet her industry perseverance and ability will remain imperishable. At Clinton Model Sch t she received her professional trai g, and taught successfully at Donnybrooks and Fordyce. For some time it was evident to her that she could not recover., yet she bore it patiently, her bright hopes seemed blasted. The hard struggle for posi- tion and success all in vain. Yet so it was the Master's will, and we know that though cut down in life's fair morn, though her efforts seemed in vain, and all gone, 'tis not so, we can chisel o'er her grave "her life was a success she hath done• what she could." • k our village.. A. lecture course, containing four addressee, has been arranged for iu connection with the Methodist - church of this village. The speakers - will be Revs Messre Sellerv, T. M. Campbell, McDonagh, .,ind W. F. Campbell, and the first of the series will be delivered on the lath• inst. by g Mr Sellery, subject, "Manliness." The Methodist District Sunday SchoolConvention held here last week was largely attended from various parts of the district and was quite a success. In the early part of the ex- ercises Inspector Tom gave a valuable ✓ address on the "Art of Questioning" - which was appreciated. The temper- ance address by Rev. J. Edge was particularly impressive. Most of the topics on the program were discussed and important truths elicited which may be utilized by the various schools of the District, At the close of the Convention, Mr Sallows, of Goderich, entertained the audience by showing a number of his celebrated etereopti- can views, of which he has a large number. A full report appears else- where. III Hayfield. NoTEs.-Thanksgiving Day passed away quietly here. In the evening Union Service was held in the Meth- odist Church. Rev. Mr Ryan of Flor- ance, returned last week to look after the Estate of the late W. W. Connor. It is believed that Mr Beattie will not move now as was expected some time ago. Dr W. T. Stewart, professorlin Trinity Medical: College, Toronto, paid his sister, Mrs Dr. Stanbury, a flying -visit last •Week: Mr Wm. Spreadbury, Goderich Township, has moved into the village. a Turnberry. Nares. -Mr James Comm who has been on the sick list tor several weeks, is now able to be out again. -Misses Jenet and Katie Baxter have returned from Seaforth. Miss A Wier, a student at the Clinton Collegiate Institute, was visiting friends in this vicinity the latter part of last weak, Elliott• • Bros. were running a shingle mill at their brick- yard last week. Rey. Mr. . Moore - house held a prayer meeting at the schoolhouse of S. S. No. 5 last Wed- nesday evening, and one in McPher- son's schoolhouse Thursday of thi week. Sheep killing dogs are agai getting in their work. Several per. sons having had their flocks attacked The boys think quilting bees ough to be held at nights, this fall apple: are so scarce. Mrs William Corny has been very sick, the result of run down state of the system. Belgrave NOTES-CharlesH. Scott,younges• •eon of Walter Scott, left here of Monday - morning for L"alton, wher; he purposes residing in future. Cha= McClelland is in Toronto this wee, on business. Joshua Snell leave this week for Michigan also Jno Ross, who has been working Cha Badour's farm, goes to Alpena t work for Will Badour. Wm Mason jr., gave a party to a select few on Friday evening last. Rev. G. B. How ie, of Brussels, will lecture here in the Foresters' Hall this week, on Palestine, be will appear in oriental costume. Messrs Hamilton & Lovell merchants here, held an auction sale here on Friday and Saturday of last week, good prices were realized in fact rather better than their usual prices. Chas. Hamilton, of Blyth, wielded the hammer and if any body can get bide Charlie can.. Messrs. Hamilton and Lovell leave this week. Mrs Samuel Felle,of East Wawauosh, was visiting at Mr Amos ,Littlefair's the last few days. The Presbyterian Sabbath School closed, last Sunday for the winter months, the congrega- tion being so scattered or the atten- dance so small that it was deemed best to close for the winte. months. John, C. Campbell is busy getting out the timber for his new barn, he always takes time by the forelock and drives the work ahead of him. John Wightman hasgone off to the lumber' woods to work in one of the large shanties, he is a first class cook and cernmands a good salary. Hill's Green. BIUEFS.-On Friday Nov. 81,h, Mr James Logan disposed of his property by public auction. The stock gen- erally went high, forty six dollars being paid for one cow. In the evening the young people of the neighborhood collected at the house where they spent a very pleasant time "tripping the light fantistie,," until the swilchin hours of night, when grave yards •yavine and ghoFts troop forth when we broke up and diapereed. At the open lodge Meeting given by the Orangemen in the hall on Tues- day evening addresses were delivered by Messrs Acheson of Kippen and Hart of Varna. The "Jesuit ques- tion" received special attention. The Varna choir furnished the music. - [A long report of the Orange meeting was received too late to be of service this week] Exeter. JAMES PICKARD'S CREDITORS. -A very largely attended meeting of the creditors of James Pickard, Exeter, was held on Tuesday, in London, at the office of Messrs Gibbons, McNab & Mulkern.Mr Sam well, assignee, in the chair. The unse- cured liabilities are placed at $80,000; and privileged claims at $2,000; wholesale creditors are -iii about $45- 000 ; local creditors about $80,000, and Molsona' Bank about $5,000 unsecured, The assets consist of stocks about $35,000, and accounts and notes, $25,000. The estate will pay about 40 cents on the dollar. 1Ir Samwell was continued as as. signee, and Metier.. Geo. 0. Gibbous, John Marshall ; W. R. Hobbs, Rubs, Greene (Hamilton) an 1 W. J, mc. Master (Toronto) were appointed inspectors. Blyth. Mr McBride has been canvassing the town, to see how many will take season tickets, in case he builds a skating rink. We understand he has secured sufficient to warrant his u dertaking the erection of on ahead, Mac., it will pay 0 K. Mr Davis had a very close call the other day. He dropped his revolver on the floor, when by some means it went off, the bullet passing through the bench on which he was sitting. His escape was almost miraculous, as the bullet passed between his lege as he sat on the bench. On Monday night last a tramp, who represented himself to be a print- er, after annoying a number of our citizens by his unwelcome presence in their places of business, finally called in Mr McBride's restaurant, and demanded a lunch in most impu- dent terms, and on being refused, threatened to "make it hot" for Mr McBride,who thereupon escorted him outside; and some 20 yards or so up the sidewalk, by a liberal application of the ettot. BRIEFS. -The I.O. G.T. meton Fri- day last ; the C. O. F., on Tuesday last; the school board, on Wednesday last: Fred's moustache has departed; most -creatures .have their ups and downs in iife, but In this case it was all down. Mr M. McGregor is again at work on Mr C. Hamilton's books. Mr Habkirk has been at work on Mr Moser's books. Will Davis has re- turned to town, city life is not what it is cracked up to be, it does not pay. Mr John Howard and family left tor England, on the early train, Monday. News 'is scarce this week, as everybody is either talking about -church opening or their fine shooting on Thanksgiving day. the anniversary sermons of the Meth- meat Society, was held t n the base- odiet etuirch some time next month. ment of the Presbyterian church, on Monday evening, Nov. 11th. The attendance was large and bespeaks large interesting meetings. The foI- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year. President,Rev .T S Henderson; Vice President, Miss Jennie Murray ; Secretary, Mr. J. C. Stoneman ; Treasurer, Miss Mary McEwen ; Critic, Rev, O. H. Bridge- man ; Committee of Management, Messrs Herold and Hughes and Miss J. Laramie, together with theoffrcers. The next meeting, will be held on Monday evening next [Our c-rrespondent sends es a report of the Equal Rights meeting, on the 4th, but as a report was given last week, it is not necessary to repeat i t. -En. On Wednesday evening of this weak the Royal Tenplers paid a return fraternal visit to the Good Tempters at their Lodge Room iu the Temper- ance Hall. Mr D. M. French, who has for some time past been employed in Mr Jordon's store, lett on Tuesday, for Uncle Sam's domains to seek his ortune, Rev. Mr Henderson, ot Hensel!, and Rev, A. D. McDonald, of the Presbyterian church here, exchanged pulpits on Sunday last. The congre- gation here was delighted with Mr Henderson's discourses. The Foot Ball match, Galt ve Sea - forth, played on the Recreation grounds here on Thanksgiving day, was woo by the former in two goals to nine, this giving them the cham- pionship for the western district. This is the first match our boys have lost this season. The game was wit- nessed by a large number of spec- tators. Some person or persons about here have evidently taken a dislike to cer- tain of: the canine tribe. Poison has been placed in certain places, and from the taking of which, two doge have died, and another would have died but for the timely aid of a Vet- erinary Surgeon. If the above was done through spite, we think it a mean way of displaying it. Services in keeping with Thanks- giving day were held in the Presby- terian and St. Thomas churches. An effort was made to arrange for a union service in one of the churches, but for some reason could not be effected. We believe a union service would have been appreciated and enjoyed by most of our church going people. PARALYTIC STROKE -On Satur- day evening while Dr. T. T. Coleman, of Seaforth, was returning from To- ronto. and when near Brampton, he was afflicted with paralysis of one side, which rendered him helpless and deprived him of the power ot speech. It so li;ippened that no one on the train kuee, him, and the train employees had not the forethought to look at -his ticket to find out where -he was going, or among hie papers to learn who he was, and he was brought to Stratford before his identity was learned. Here medical aid was secur- ed, and the Doctor afterwards convey- ed to his home, where he has since had the most careful treatment, and his wide circle of friends wilt be glad to know that he is recovering, and expects soon to be his wonted self. NOTES, -Mr R. Scott, wife and child, spent Thanksgiving day with friends in Woodstock. Mr J, A. Duncan, of Toronto, formerly of Sea - forth, spent Thanksgiving day with• friends here. Miss Mary Howell, of Berlin, is visiting fridnds in town. Miss Minnie Mills, of Mitchell, and daughter of Rev. J. Mills, an ex -pas- tor of the Methodist church here, was a guest of Mr D. D. Wilson, last week. Rev. Mr Barr occupied the pulpit of the Egmondville church last Sunday. Rev. J. E. Howell, of Ber- lin, formerly pastor of the Methodist church here, a.d Mrs Howell, spent a day or two in town last week. Mrs J. Goldie, of Guelph, is visiting her sister, Mrs T. W. Duncan. Mr F. S. Beattie, V. S. is carrying a Job's com- forter on his hand. Mrs W. M. Gray spent rest Sunday with friends in Blyth. The Ladies' Aid, of the Methodist church are to be congratulated upon the success of their anifual Thauks- giving dinner, held on .the evenicg,of Thanksgiving day. Dinner was serv- ed in the basement of the church from six to eight o'clock, and all who partook of the good things there sup- plied, pronounced it an excellent re- past. After dinner all repaired to the auditorium, where the pastor, Rey Mr Casson, took the chair Beside him, on the platform, were Revs. P. Mus- grove, of McKillop, Sellery, of Brus- sels, A, D. McDonald and W. Cosens, of this place, and Mitchell, formerlly. pastor.' of the Presbyterian' church, Mitchell, and who had beeu supply- ing at Egmondville for two weeks. After the opening exercises, Rev. P. Musgrove was the first speaker pod gave an address on "Our Country." He portrayed it in an excellent man- ner, tj,ie advantages and privileges we enjoy as a people in a country such as ours. The sultlject of an address by Mr Sellery, was•`Character," Which was interesting, instructive and Lull of good advice, especially to the young people, Mr McDonald and Mr Mitchell both gave pointed and bort addresses in keeping with the day. The choir of the church provid- d music alternately with the speech - s. On the whole it was an evening well and profitably spent. The pro- eeds amounted to over $90. Hensel!. Mr. Wm Robinson, of Lambeth is visiting his sister,Mrs J.C. Stoneman. HOTEL CHANGE. -Mr. Reynolds has sold bis hotel property known as the "Mansion House" to Mr. Alex Murdock, 'of Goderich, Mr Murdock intends refitting and re-modefl this hotel. DM:TH.-This week we have to chronicle the death of Mrs. Duncan McEwen, which sad event took place on Sunday evening. The remains were followed to the Exeter cemetery on Tuesday, by a large concourse of relatives and friends, • A meeting of the Upper Canada act and Book Society, was held in e Methodist church, on Tuesday • NorEs.-Mr James Tourance, of evening last, when an excellent ad- this burg, has gone to Clinton to dress was given by the secretary of learn the blacksmithing business. the society, Rev Dr.:Moffat, showing Mr John Pickard is going to the Hub the work of the society, and urging to try his fortune in the organ fac- young men and women to live noble tory. A few of our boys carried off honorable, godly and useful lives. some turkeys from the shooting A committee representing each de- match at Holmesville, on Thanks - nomination in the village was appoin- giving day. Mr Editor, would it not ted to carry on the work of the be infinitely more convenient for the society in this village. schools of our co tntry to have Thithlfs Tho first meeting for this season of, ggiving day on Friday, instead of the Young Peoples' Mutual Improve- Tburaday, SeAfortii Mr W. • M. Gray and Mrs (Rev.) Casson attended the Sunday School convention on 'Wednesday of last week. The Seaforth Musical circle met for practice last week, and all highly praise Prof. (yallander'A manner and sestem of teaching, I . It is expected that the Rev, Dr. Hannon, of Kincardine, will preach 1 Varna. ENTERTAINMENT. - The Royal Templara of Varna Council held an open lodge, entertainment, in the Temperance Hall, on Friday evening last. The weather was ail that be desired, and every available space in the hall, in which a human being could sit or stand or perch, was occu- pied. The Rev Mr McConnell, who is at present the honored head of the Varna Council, presided with his usual good taste and ability. The program, though quite lengthy, was so varied, that all were interested un- til the ..close .of the. entertainment. Spicy and appropriate addresses were delivered by Revs. Messrs Hart, of Varna; Jamieson and Hill, of Bay- field. Readings were given by Master E. A. Wanless, J, Armstrong, John Morrow, and Misses Anna McAsh and Blair. The temperance choir, under the leadership of Mr Boles, furnished several selections, which were heartily applauded; perhaps tho feature of the evening was the sing- ing of a choir ot some thirty school children, prepared by their teachers, Mr McTavish and Miss Blair. The mouth organ selections, with organ accompaniment, by John and Miss Amy McConnell were much admired. Miss PruI Proudfoot andD Md - Kenzie r Alex. c Kenzie gave a few choice selectione of organ and violin combined, and were heartily applauded. The Varna Council of Royal 'l.'emplars is in a flourishing condition, its weekly meet- ings being largely attended. Porter's Hill. SHOOTING MATCH. -Tho 'Orange shooting match on the 5th Nov. was a big day for the boys, the individua scores were not large but there were good scores made. English: sparrows leading in pointe. W. Cox and C. Johnston were captains, C.Johnston's side winning by a few points. Tho supper got up by Mrs R Elliott' was No 1 and highly praised by all and liberally partaken of by the hungry hunters. After supper, Reeve Cox took the chair, when speeches and singings closed a very pleasant day and evening's enjoyment. BRIEFS. -Robert Elliott, who had his leg amputated, is getting along better than was expected. J. W McDonald has purchased a thorough bred short horn cow from a breeder, near Sarnia, she is a splendid animal,. J. W. has some of the beat thorough- bred cattle, pigs and sheep in the county. Geo. Sturdy, of the 7th, sa-vs it is a boy and don't you forget. it. Mr and Mrs. T. Betties have taken possession of the farm owned by the late Geo. Cantelon, which he purchased some time ago. Thrashing is about done now, and the yield ie,. below what was expected. Fall wheat here is very backward and, stands a poor chance if it is a hard winter. HENT. -Thanksgiving day was carried out, as a general' barley here :il•g0ov btyle. .;r. D :�1or1 Tt dt'bltt and several others of the Goc eric . gun club with their 'fox hounds arrived at Mr. Geo, Cox's early in the morning, where they were joined by a number in this neighborhood. • We noticed our store keeper, constable, doctor and others hurrying to the hunt, which proved a success, after a splendid run succeeded in bagging 2 foxes by noon. After taking dinner with their host and ladies, started out again, and after another splen- did chase, brought -Reynard to the earth again. The bounds started another lox, but it became too dark to bag him, but the party were well satisfied with the sport and 3 foxes in one day. Tem Pf.ARS.-Tl•.e plectr�•n nfnffirers in the Porter's Hill I 0 G T lodge resulted as follows :- Mr S.111cPhail, W C T; Miss N 11IcDonald, W• V; - J$iltn Elliott, W M ; E Jervis, Sec.; P Tilbert F 5 ; T McDonald, Trees ; R Elliott, Chaplain ; J Falconer, Guide ; Miss M. McPhail A, S.; Mies Kate McPhail D. M, On Tuesday last, quite a number of the members of the I. O. 0, T. was to Londes- baro to assist the brethern there in their entertainment. OnsWedruisday, the 6th inat, a very ,pie7 •i,;