HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-08, Page 7.. ftr the small suin of 11'50,cash, we, will oend the 01'n, ton N aw Ercr� tox c 'c, i b el i _11" a '. aited Stateas f b. e., -,- ' �t�6 subsor"'be for thtc) largest paper in the county. Send it to your frie.l. I t. I . I., . 1. . letter, and contains a vast'amount of home news and general infll,�.,ri-nation weekly. .1 ... 1. A Bosbato Triumph. M; Tall was tbo beqrl ol ttkabour. He The Emperor was glad to see Ring 0-itS GIRL IS TOO TALL. . I I i1eq hxla t After Tail, his old hunter, and from him he . I I �r . - lau�h sDoke arned all the facts. No one noticed Witt. an Elongated SWOOMOMrt tho Youn 1"Aar1w, _4 A NO le Wond I , g,e robe came up. A young male person with a torn and i Wanarlinble, Uestoratiou to Health or I I I ,A tug In the am) atf Bang -Tan. He was His Majesty placed his hand on Chou- Uttered heart writes me pathetically as i Well Known cau"diandwhoso cases ! . r WIM they find how rapidly health , I attaacd by a Tt.es nobles fled Tim's hend and spoke: I I . I is restored by taking Ayer's Bar. . . � from hIm and loaced tiger with old tleman's head I have to break . ' . . ..' , aparilla, i , I tj fal "DitAit Sin: -1 am deeply enamored From the few of the hundreds of letters I e year just as be would have crushed the . Who will be a substitute?" I Wation contains only the purest ,E I in Sing Lung looked at Fun -Nee s rags and of it beautifal but tall young lady, who 11�_ ) L I prep ' perar. For that he �g in her turn thinks the coati we have received from those�x� C44: L Z _a ., and most powerful alteratives and red pearl riirig, earn "" hoever pro- answered: "Your Allijesty Should take neut of via. I .. tonics. To thousands yearly it proves a . I I . seats that to me a ly; have any favor the most rugged man to be I ouad. But she is ve I and I am very abort been restored to health and AWagth by . -,_ _... I . - veritable elixir of Wo. I gmuted.­ The tramps are. a disgrace to this town." of stature. 'Ve'n' I am walking In the the use of that wonderful ,discovery 'IM, in . 1. Mrs. Jos. Lake Brockway Centre, Then the mob shouted; "Where is tho Some one asked: "Where is Sing street with her the dispropristeness of Paine's Celery Compound, we make ..-I �,,X� I . . Mich., writes: "Liver complaint and - ring?" Lung?" 'rho owner of the name turned height is tho most apparent. It make3 lew extracts. We hope that the thou- ' , L indigestion made my life a burden ,,', A . Thou Fun -Nee . �� I , 1- I . . I . "My friends, I lost it In the lake and pale, but said nothin5. saads jof Camadian men and women who ?W.;;" , and came near ending my existence. I � a 111sh swallowed iL" was pointed out, aridit was5askod: "Why - " . P0�19 1 � For more than four years I suffered un � are suffering from nervous and wasting , � told agony. I was reduced almost to S- All ran on hes,Aag this and b-onglit not this one? He looks like Sing Lung'q - p. ,01 L6.- I..,: . '� .9Z% , A . Ashing tackle, and the road leading to twin brother." . I 4 diseases, will pplit by these true and Ii,,,,ii I : , drag myself,about. 111 kinds ofgtfhootd ftree maZons esit an a rock-ribbeil a thetakewasbImA with people. Somil' The Mandarin spoke and bowed. . I . " I distressed Me. and only the moss deli- Of A fe6shionable watering place; had poles, some oaly lines and some "Your Majesty,' be said, "I fear you " E - I . cate d be digested at all. Within 9te fluMeat of #owns these maidens 0 1 . I D. S. Davidson, of Montreal, suffered : �- I ;,! . c I Of oasurnere, ana muslin, and lace. I bout plus " Paxit'a 0. N. T spool will have to cut my head oR and cut me . �--o-'oo �F' - I," I the t9e mentioned several J)hysicians thread. They &4*4 all day and ell in halves to get this wooden collar off." 1, :, I for years with nervous dyspepsia, pain in '4 _� 1. '�` treated me without giving relief. Noth- e- 'his back, and sleeplessness. Ile tried doc- .. I'', And one of them came from Chicago lowri j night and th" Askad it dry, bat the The Etupqror vialled and answered: 0-.. I . - ..i . jug that I toolt seemed to do any per- (Ob. weep for her pitiful lot]) found no ring. So ca y ..No, my friend, we cannot spare youl 6 1 .4 tors without relief, wds- lusing &bh rapidly, . S -1 I 11 k , I manent ood until I began s 2 a her brow coiled up In a frown: I ob one took ,some . . I - . 1 .1 0 - �='_=Q . . . L - Ayer's larsaparills, which has pro. , :E,0G1RM1mt1.avens I it's frightfully hot I" fish, and left this lake deserted, -1 ; I . and had about given up heart when he -4 ., .4f I commencing to take the ilarsaparilla I SaX the'maid who hailed from Now. York cried'when ell* saw the solemn ftshers. . ... - - & I Compound. "Now," he says, "lam anew �* could see an 0 on high her stately form), She would Iry Ilmaelf to catch the fish. T [ I : in my condition, my appetite began,to , stead of CAJUS for bw grandfatherN ji .. . . "? I - - Mr. Jas. Johnson, 302 St. Charles Bor- i , , - , ; � . return and with it came'the ability to TIM Bwtrm gtrl looked up from her boalt � ' life, fell askop to 4mm beautifully. I .. � " N I �­ PT.Z.- ,40_,� 1 1 ( digest all the food taken, my strength And §aV, as she darted a scornful look: ' , ! "The fat Xpad&rla caught itt the win. ,. -,-;;, I me, at times, feel that I am 000ctlY nervous, had no appetite, and could not ' - I t. improved each daf, and after a few I "Xbe sun's rays are o'erp*wL0r,i;%,,`o, post. ' 1 dowalso "stayed oaf' untill morning. , � "'_6 1 ridiculous in the eyes of my fellow -man. dizk I I I *Amouths of faithfa attention to your i, To got out h* W to 11dek the frame loose. -;__ � f rest at night. His nerves were soothed i r � - 21 14 1 1, directions I found myself a well I I -b--- - - - She doe4a't seem tu mind it a bit, What - . W � . ; He Jell down, but .bsim a distaltoa be . strengthened by Paine's Celery Com ! woman, able to attend to all household ' too ver, slad ke �_ - - . am I to do? What do you recommend? arid I �.,� I duties. The medicine has given me a 1SAVED BY THE CLOCK had caseks the avulng te --- .. - Distractedly yours, I pound, and he soon became well and I .9 __q, � -1 We. the undersigned, citizens oi I - ­ _. . - � . DjUtNEE BEIA1118 SING LUNG. This is a hard one. Some people setem Annie Gourley, of River Beaudette, .. -!PT - ­ : Brockway Centre, Mich., hereby certify A FAIRY TALE OF LOVE AND LAW I him he llamiid�naly offered his daughter Pat Chinamen are scarce. But who are W be brorkgbt into this world for the e2i- 11. Q., found the Compound a certain cure i k- :di . . .1. that -the above statement, made by Oil?" "I am, Your Majesty, Pluck- press purpose of wkin -ness, and now feels as well as i wMail ,� . - 114 QUEER OLD CMINA. asapriactotboone who would save g me difficult for *weak . she � : , , . Mrs. Lake, is true In every particular Chou -Tim's hood. Being rich it was a im, a man of law and a Ma-ridarIn of questions. But for My sympathy for ever did. I � �_a o, _.. ", I 1. . and entitled to full credence." -O. P. ip,­- . 01 11q, I . I Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, C. X- biginducerneialkwthe young. men to CiXl9t0u-" Mr. Saudorf? I should attorly ignore him A custimier of Harrison Bros., drug. I ,_ 1. . ., , Wells, Druggist. ... * ­ . atrIvis go& "How inatit,do you know?" inquired . L". Bow the Wise DIM the Bad pearl Sind and h1q poser. I %,?ffif � I n England, was, for a, . , 29mod that a inobleraWs tW EMPOML gist, Hamilton, Ont., told them that he . , _h , * . "y +� .4+_1 . The lat Mandartri loolted pa2zled and As it is, the best thing I can Ilecom- entirely cured .of nervous weakness by ; . I � �aej'oh, by reason . I 11111116. 4y caught the . . tl�e -use of iwo botilles of the Coinp6und , � sent Ulm Ayer's Almanac and the tea- � Tbnebeerinsft Lift. Ma Mo *6 ,,V -.T- IV ,had given X INA orP, 4No xUas KUan be VlRod' �0' I . tunue Young. man . . I I . ;,-,.I J timonials it oontained induced him to I . dk. Now, Your Majewo, Bug - after everything else has failed. , , way off . (?a the ,y who had a vary ragged em new- 'ad at 8 o'clocL gest to his beloved The little child of Mrs. G. E. Meredith, I I , 0"9 I .. , I a little while, he was cured, and is now allber skw of. the ed ON Lung. w -ho had found the ring Th&f s &Rablist. Me low, Is it not r, � 1 76 D'Arcy St., T6rQnto, was cured of St . I �,.r,­ ". I a well man, working in a sugar mill . =. ,so* jef"W t4j% " " one that she uad,er- � �� " " ,. ! I at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia." - f , 0 P*mc ovessi, in . . I , V* � - 11 -1 # . o amputation, If Vitus' Dance by Paine's Celery Compound: � i � W� 4 - A. Attewell, Sbarbot Lake, Ontario. ne, % W14i'Kan �Nad WL po �,.!�, 1 . 1P lv� . titu% U 7j 'act- I ". . 11I' . I Ayef's Sersa'padfia, I town called Cing- . I � Barnee, the noble the groon robs, . I I ref nee the loss pbys- W A N T 1E 0 . . Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. dwaft a Who Its, I lef Is �roguq behind. Ile can .4", , i Price $1, aLx bottl", $5. Worth $5 a bottle. 0 - Lo , , r o blackguard, how come ye try the seem frkvolons, but . - 11 � , dru are w -n of ffacto yb" albilrid-ftc6d Owes Wq Ivertle measures they say, ­ - . ra itop of AW head, JUS$ Uko gpown peo- 9 A L El. !',if' M A N .".., "' I The Clinton Now E � ! , I coona:" and this certainly, In a case where the . , . I . published every Friday Morning by battemor Pin. f3he worn t]bs prettiest I 4 . 11 I all hugging at once and they went to the seem$ necessaz7b s ,,ii, t',ons. WHI lurfdi,ii h.1T111­1' I 00: I -_ I y I printing establishment, Isaac St., Clin- Be 1pown, that was tju tylalk blue Emp-aror and told him what Pan Nee There are toW alternatNes t' ,at appear ( N " 1'%' '. - . ) , , '. , ,0.-,.,- . . f, r on, Ont wd =Lbrcdderod w,M lovely dowwa, A"%- ­ 11 I had done, tomyrallidtitpr"ent. It might seem I m�S1''..A N.q1%11:1.11 T'l I, t 4'. ( .:, I . TERM& -61.50 per anuum, paid in ad' end vrbich covered even %he toes of her "You are a brave lad." be tiald, "to feasi-blei too, fol the yetrag man to be I I , I 7,'.. - flave a Wrl and (4or to dle for her grand-_ stretched a few 1,aches. I have heard of ; I I . I vance . r day feet. Tatha., . . such cases, b . act formula is not ' I " "' . Loo -La was sweet-toottmig enough to . I I "I only dTd mW duty, Your Maj,usty," at hand, and V L1611AIPC for the novice . I '. ,� I I eat -with rosy ftce jusi like a piece of . ­- ered Pun. ee. to monkey with simb treatment. i I _. � . In every style md of every description .:- 'twf I ­ ... allaw . I . .1 ; I a . executed with nestinaw and diapatch, valwA or a peatA wA mch brewn eyes PIIM33XG MM VITV JIV4.). , . Just at this affactIng point Burukie, the Have you tAW very high heeled boots, ; - I . ... and st rmsonable f&titsi, . M opuld alMcpt yeA by them every w,blbe St,a 1�,,S ,at . noble in green rushod'forwPn*d and howV Mr. Saudorf? The,y may give somij .. - i , ; I I � Ile. musk oil we eara; show me Me spealter." rag westing $Whi t I �,,-, . . C. paper regularly front a post office, Straup as Ok IW was gm 00 I CA , * I L, "" alresAy Qkty V" old. Ft4 forty _C1 q7 I County Claire, and the dsyl drav X10; arottad wha . = I _V � . I. �. ' or not, is responsible few payment. years of tbA Cine bill, W d1w,harged his - bloaft sod Mpg Lantf s ragil In. - oy . I I ­. . until payment is made, and then col. .1 1er t I qb L M - laka - , ' A" � 11 , '. L� f _ , 11 . leaving them.anotilled f4ri prim* No6e CPO livix ;W, . W=4 hnr. , . , onj , frishiourid, Immediately presented it to lj;tle Loo -&La Saudorff ? on do - I �f . & I ; . , .7". 1 - r, evidencia of intan4doned frmd �. Vi " ', , ton and Pik . I a LL fbe.r,s P w a lover's gift, for it was even then not speoify them. j I I - I . � . ., 1DV1=U"Q 12#a=. ' ogs, his Ill _q R idtl h�ft to , , settled that fie ww going W marry her Do you have great JUVE AS BAD, I I . . � 1. I 2. 3bt me WZ6 nfmtunately, the � LocAL Nw,E=*>-AA boad cif loorA VaAta* socIle (W 4pwn on Watt knees � customs of CU" dId pot allow him to difficulty in .holding your dear. one's . T13o Most Succeomful not dy ever ds,�- I . . .. , IV' . ran to Ilib wsi*q A and I . - umbrella on a rainy day? and do3s your i overed,us t Is certain In Its ffevtA anki , f a,r:�. 4�� coin " , 10 emits p= lino or portion make Imb ' the I And vo an were happy, but noub hap 0 ot, , 37f I , , on. M -Nee aud Loo -La. And keen geape does busier. Itead pivot below. . F bn 11 had' I pler than Fun I . I others b4ld fiubg"Ift meetings to dis I bj there was a grin on the face of the bown I of le4ting her t* hold it for you, thus STREH-13VILLE. P. Q., May 8, 1860. , . � .. &0 ttwy r -w Bing Lung load. "look t)Ac little ra;n drops to perco- D11- B. J. XmDALL Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. .."11. became I they . i -Fitz R,indolph, ia Xe?,m 1'07"t I pormItUng I ... each i6cwtoo. , Five Itncp% 60 coutz for. grandfafter. I lr,gdWhA:LZyW1n anght-er before ! "a -_ .- 1 late down via your b,%ck collar I ;�;L, ,'I I . one imartion, aiA 25 somits for wrills 01116` ,___, the , Thei riDg wm found, ! ! That's proby.bly what you would have , audalsoinacaseotiamenessand . I . 1. Housis tolater for sals�lfarirss to - - .. t away, and * *Lob 9Z0. Further .1 ­ -.,:q.iwI% 141 recommend It to aU iinroarrien. V I ,Oo.- '' ­ or for iche, ic!im-y om*l-- oDd %11 . , the aswal)oftjr, To lean nwr4kriu M - % M!, ,GAP , . : ,,,, , u, I!, " , . �... eight lines $1 for ons rwa* end, roo ,, i' took a dukt *pft hlMaolf md c(Im6elt- _ Tim uaw pDoifflo Orem boxiss the4 I to Et effect from . I �' . r..,. ) .. - cents for oath aulaseqnstAt mon6b. I I " , I TOG, than you ex- , KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE", , ''I". �� struotiona, inserted till forlsid. I . 0 .. cd an fa NdA", He, ght soul, "k ass. suffiefint laumber can be manufac- 04, 11 ental ang pbysl� � i uall's sl)AVIn cupo ('n My ")It, . i. ­ . I Speoisi contract arrmg6mosts with - , the r1ag sad 4*to to go ainoty allies tared, The patent was obtalued by Mr. j .. I I cal pain whenever svilica Iva's surrerin � frojil, , . . 1v fled advertionanm0a and'lognA'adver- I b c was too 4M4V apd The j u v t t a In ing I for cis the testalt orf a alreign,ir sent oirt by : � --T,lr elongated an- I . are" I ; , 1,unend it a.4 itifs - , , . adquent ina&-zisu '. It : liad for.ptAft that the clook would ,,Ul4cd Wl�h flia prmnt box, says the ,; . I ( 11 ,��" are Very , tl,,c 1. - 10. W16imso-;. I � Changes for contra,oted advertise. 13U law must be enforced. Ijow, , drow Ills swar4a, wiped it on bIA sleeve I New York fferaid, nort oTdy` bocauso it i .. . . I S, ' scribed for its KENDALL;$ S Nii " . I . the week as possible to insure a change conun. and onillad fur tbo prisoner Tlra lam , lo. 1?�a I , . I that week.. I I�V Okodk walfing to be : KandarItLeAk6d if he,couldn't poitpone weather, btitbecauge newspapers cartnot "000D.NIGUT, swnjDT" fat as well as tall, I G.'ralvillf-El'- I Alwaya keep your lie"dall a i . ments must be kand" in'as early in " give, lint little pi . , . Spa, in ('um fmc, P119ter on h.., . . t - W044'a 100%sw puseled am the rest. . It six weeks. be placed in ft. Fvery'on� Rnown the and if you aye not vary thitt as well as I ! I TvAIOSIAN' HAIM. fte Aer KaWar", very dear ! 'Xo," r#VDW M, "but I will,' take a r.nstom of pil*ng Imper-9 on top of the short,, car ' 14 voursulf on that I �n`1111at N'.0 btate they will (I - - t letter boje� sad I 110 od(I h,_)1)objy t1lat happy 00mbl,"10), Of facts. 11tiio de 1 ba�v r'yio 4 bad case Or spo " I . . tied Ilandii, coicketl L;1)4 An't lzolighl.,v­)l 0,0 P'lail, I%oy looked wise. scratched their I "Who sb&U ft be?" do.manded. the lean prntocats them, In anewei to tbo pa.qt- ri w W ;,bt, , " 4,fa"l Z a negat I v e w ay, i f ,'01Whr,qstjiqdl!1g,on maresy-hi � . I " ii 1.61 t tr it abb.t, rubbed thek noses and studled ' Mandarin. I 61111pil dowrlrunnt's circulow several htjv' Pt 1% ,c not very thin as 11, �t 3, ell any -igns of (11se,14n In � I I . . . - - - -=.- , - .. :. ...... the l4w bookig so hard they wore the ' The executioner looke(I iriterested. ctredde.4!gas*e,reoenti.nto the patent well" tftl� atid their Wrapring. Yours trill , . . . I I RAILROAD TIME. TABLE' . lipicka off. 1 "Suppose you try ft, sir. YOU are tall office, out (if wb!'.11 the Pommaster Goa, that you are laot '. ell__ ! .Prlof% 1.41 n( -r bottle, o .4. 01anspy1c. ,. .. .. - TM Fat blavAarin with the little pose 1 and wouldn't miss your head, I'm sure," CrEL) hAA selected that of Mr. Dominus. absolutely fat us" , - , 11 . drupho have it or (-an rgi�sti)cctlf'(o)trtyltlo'%utoorr l5t 3w'tll1)1a1 ' . . , - I I Issued May ht. spitDAW Mkin&Choll-Tim from prison ! But be refused the bonor, I AA moy lie se�n from the cut, The box well as ehiDrt. f ­ , I , son't to ftny !Wdreos on receipt of price k)y tho ­'. stations named, is according to the Th 0 Leo Noiadarin with his big nose ' . . I I I 11 , I.. . . ll atone Alle near tile might, If you I I I 1. I - ,, ,. 1,11, % � : . . . . . - last official time card: I . advised turning the clock back. They I 1 -.,. ' I P ��, I '. 4 I viaj.TON frotivaed at hf= They had to, have � n. � -I 14 a_ t , ( . (I) 'con I ry 1, . ,.: I - time� slid CAon-TIM waig, the ouly one , . - ,,M�� , - � V , down the pLate (c) tion, seek co - . . Ill . 11, Grand TrUj4k-DivWorj 'ti., �1 . I W A. N T F � .: -Going East Going Wesi, (kbk(1 to Produce It, So tbey took him o I , �,, .,.,- " - M., I . I le swlagsup Sw,( tbo toutment Ivold ..' I r1olt"d .V1N1,­F-(1l,,,%S1,1 :, I, w" W. 1� I .1 4.55 0.55 P.M. the poople felt that it was tile last op- I - . , I to . I .out, maidag an open- Disaged With tto T11TINO TO KEEP TN ions 4.'worwth. 11''.11.11ir. 0;11:1! I .. .ce Division thel 1*lt so joyous and hope was so i and the roof of the foot or so tW)Ar t I TIA� %,';ursvryi11An Rot-l".."i r, N. V 4;q1=__1 r., . � London, Huron and Bru South revived that they promisod him as ho I .. I bOX tbTOrgh V7111chl IbAu, yq�i. lm*4#p yourself sandwich, I I Going North Going -1.01 I � � WPA led to prison he should be saved. . j the mail can be put. ed trenveon them and ambling down I r".;, C\"�) . &.Tn. p.m a.m. p.m. Ilisshookhla$ray heed solemnly and . . ,� I A I But as the plate is State street together. . &bAll I i,mt r)oitH*jrs z)r- then up� the letter I know a young man once who was . . I � . Belgravo .. 10.42 7.27 7.05 4.00 die. Onl.v ))a kind to Idoo-La." � I . ME. or newspaper rests 1p,ilctcd that way, Blyth ...... 10.28 7.12 7.18 4.15 The wise men thought so bard their . - on it until*tbe handle to released, when Vlvarlei Lederer, in Chicapo flerald. �,.. ,.,,��, �,.41 I L6ndenbnro 10.19- 7.03 7.26 4.2X) back hair began to fallout. Theywould I _11�-.-_ _� _ it is dropped into the body of the box. _ . �� Clinton - , . A 0.00 6.45 7.55 4.45 It will be see?] fit once that with such I I A Colt] 311papplication. . . Brucefield.. 9.42 6.11) 8.15 6.04 baldif some one hadn't ; 13PPORE THIC Rxy,rurroxzit, `!!`1 a b , robbery is possible, for the box q ).ad . Henoall.... 9.28 6.09 8.32 6.19 oblefliunterto the Emperor. Atonce and all the details. Oil bearing the sad Call only b Of ed by closing the lower I -j t; .,u t zi they act tip Ft shout and ran to big hot as, story he stopped up and off ered to be the so, , there Is ft door at a I " �_= ., , - I Exeter .,.. 9.16 6.57 8.50 5.33 Part Off- L >= '14 '4UJ.,.j4_t1,-�- ; "N . The erowd of twenty soon lticreasedl to victim. I-10 was poor and ragged and the lower side, forthe postman to unlock. - I P is Ou vv,,'� F. 14'er, . five hundred. Rtng-Tall was Olt the Tbcdlsk(m) is Intended to mark the.' . I rA >. 10" k -,r , �'-. tt;,. - -_ , , VY the mob chwod him for his devotion, I 'A �;.; Necessary information can alw4ys be street, and when he saw the multitude for his noble birth waq not known, *It hour at which the mail will be collect- I . = 00$-�­".Vz 67�'. , y morning train south on the aeop,,I, x1so til The earl sad tile ex -bunter ran i ,,,. Already lie hail fallen on his knees The whole thing -is simple, yet offect- : ph I I-— � ,I ( � emml I I bide bimself f� his attic. Whet, M3 forthe bellesilling, when L.)o.f,a ran ti ive. It Is strong and will not*be a pt. to . M PC -v-;: '�Cyt-z�nn . I I cast on the Grand Trunk,connect at knocked on his door he got braver an � and cried; "He must not die. I f order. As the roof ov(-.-i-laps I I - , 0 0 0 ." -�' 'r: 7. 3 - I � " - iR-i . (,'Ii,nt6n, as do also the morning trahm Pouted Virater on them. . I (lie drat." will tbo top of the plato when file lAft(-,r .., I ; =0 . - wo 0 S_,V'-t11 �,.� )iii.-.,,' n 7=MF_-A - 'Me V at Mandilrin did not mind a Ut. I Then they all ,,,!(,,I: ­p.)olIsIl girl banging.down rain cannot g(t in and th"e' I ,,,, .N . MO I. I r__ CS 4, Ue-water even taken like that, mail Is perfectly p7 - .. I . > :M 6,6" I 0 6_1 " 1. calst and south, and the 6.45 p.m. train and lie 110 will save (Illoo-Tirn. Sic: he i -q rag' otected. I I .- I Six P,�,;. I comilig Out. The Lean Mandarin tool, I She answered: "11.! must not. Ile � i . r = A .I t." - a ladder rind kept hirn from going In; , saved in life, to -day," 1 Old,Xrs. 17ugarty-"It'g a lether Oi! 11 � . ; , .t , .1 Have you Bronchitiq? Ta�o Ilikon'i'WiN wai noticc,j for the, first time. - Wad yez I � 'If' I .t ", , P11111 �11.w.l orfm's bead?" that both were wet. rade it to -me, Tim 13tirris?,1 4 . El; 11 - ... � I 'r I uShW9 OM Big Ntose down Ilia ladder the teara, but soon saw rt miin r!oming i hov from me son in Amerik) , . . . . . ,,, .. . , . � Cold In the Hoad? Take lVil. , . (tnd Ole -d tho, Lilde-Nosad Fitt Man. thht-eaUsed his heart to I)ar(l(,.,, for the - t' th' b"Pt Tiv IT13' i-1,pelliv, Afr�, Vo. I Air. Candw.burns (Incapacititto , . w I,, I x-,-, a darin half ont of the window, so tbnt lie loss 04 his fee. .1 �fll ly thot I ­'q gilln' t fl- , ' ' "i n goul)- Deintuit, you rascal, I told you . monommumommomm � . Pi I T F���"I` 7 I The 01,I) �t ,a or f,,nt in our out, This was The messenger had a rep -levo i rflotil'.'' to ut Wa! ci-riched Ice on mv T.0 M %1P f" "', �'. -- tlioThrost�(:IIC4tf$ll(ll,llllgq, 8,,(lb3(lrn&,,jriq1q. dwinf'k to Pifl (t tIjRt. hi I,R(l a big further newt fbat the Emperor was only I . I N. . foreboad, h0art, Whid'' Ofton fell to his sboon nnd a Mile A a I 0 p0t0atftte cama, and * , Vri:w , , -I y C. 1'11 " .. ,.* 8 rnailln.iry la(ly sending us�upnslofflt � I shrunk his body t3 (he size of a sniall I All his 0 f, VfA on tboir knees, I ;vICter rl;ioti thort-, .rind It',; n"ItAn, but I VU101 h1lernato nurse -As noar &a I cud aldress. Wf.,Ilst I'llchanison & Co , Monfreail C� "P'l �rmd 0 Tbo pC011'e gave no hood to him. Lung 0 -� an ,v- k( q hid t' t4' othorl"-Puoh e ",-Puck. ^ °