HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-08, Page 5aua 2.6 ger oc Discount Sale FROM NOW TILL DEC. ist .clot buy (Gods to put on our shelves or in show oases, but we buy to sell, and here is what we will do for the next 80 days. er cent discount on all CLOCKS and WATCHES, (the Waterbury etch exoepted) or centdiscount on JE WEI0LERI and SILVERWARE er cent discount on FANCY GOODS. See how it works. our Celebrated $5.50 Watch, with 15 per Dent off, comes at $4.68 our New American $6.00 Watch, with 15 per cent off, comes at $5.10 our Sorew-bezzle Amerioan $9.75 Watch, with 15 per ct off, comes at $8.30 e onr Gold -Filled 20 year guarantee $25 Watch, with 15 per cent off, at821.25 ie are prices that are sure to sell the goods. Our Motto, "A nimble shilling is better than a slow shilling." ROB. W. COATS, WELLER and ENGRAVER, CLINTON. T. JACKSON, Sr. The Finest Clothing Cutter in the Dominion has returned to the ranks of the Profession, And begs to announce to the people of Clinton'and Pro- vince of Ontario, that he has Bought C. C. Rance's Stock Wonderfully cheap, and will conduct the FINE aAI.LO1.ING• TRADE AT THE OLD STAND, HURON Sheet Immense bargains "s Pi be given in Fine Ordered Cloth- ing, and prices quoted for the next thirty clays that will astonish the'elosest buyers. OLIVTQI`T 1l A$Ii TS 0QRraotad 'very Thursday afternoon. Thursday, IZay. 7, 1889.. Wheat, full old and pew. , 0 80 a 0 9.0 Oats 23 0 2.6 Barley Q 85 0 45 Peas 050 0 50 Flour per bal 4 60 a 5 00 13nttor 0 16 a 0 16 Eggs • 018a018 Pork 5 75 a 6 00 Hay • • 6 00 a 7 00 NEWS NOTE+'S'. Mr James Bunter, for 34 years a resident of Luther township, died on Friday, aged 61. Rev Canon Dumolin on Sunday at St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, pleaded for more religious instruc- tion in the public schools, spoke hopefully of the attempt being made in Manitoba to obliterate the dual language system, and advised the Methodists to retain an independent university. Notice is given by Mr N. C. Wallace, M.P. for `Pest York, and grand master of tho Orange order, that application will be made at the coming session of the Domin- ion parliament. for an act incor- porating the Grand Orange Lodge of British America. On the last occasion that such a measure was before parliament, in 1884, the motion for its sezond reading was rejected by a vote of 105 to 68. There was a decided sensation at St. Andrew's PPesbyterian Chu»ch,'Peterboro, at the morn- ing- service—Bandar, the- paster, Rev. Alex Boll, refusing to read from the pulpit a notice of the Board of Managers calling a ccn- gregational meeting to consider temporal affairs. ' There appears to .be considerable dissatisfaction with the pastor, who, as a bosom , friend and supporter Of Mr. John Carnegie, has been credited, justly. or unjustly, with having devoted no little attention to p.rlitical pro- pagandism, in both pulpit and pastoral capaciths. A month .or two ago a congregational meeting was held, at which the pastor's resignation was suggested by a resolution reducing his salary 20 per cent. The Presbytery did not dual wit i the resolution on ac- count of the Session not 'having sent it u.p. Tho Board of Mana- gers decided to call another con- gregational meeting, and the notice was handed the minister to Tad Sunday morning. He re- fused to react it, and! a member of he Board, rising from his seat to xplain, was told by the pastor o sit down, with the hint that he lad made himself liable to prose- ution for.disturbsing public wor- hip. A crisis in the matter can- ot bele'. off. Rev Mr Bell is an ible minister, Lilt many of his ock, it. is said, fool .that they hould be safe at least on the Sab- ath day, and in church, from craving their political sensibilities •uf fled.. t 0 c s n a fl T. Jackson,Sr, G li Wilton t TIES CO1LAR: GLOVES We are offering in the Tailoring and Gent's Furnishing Departments some de ',ided bargains, such as a pair of heavy A11 -Wool Tweed Pants, made to order for $2.25, and a line at $3, with a variety of patterns to choose from Also a big assortment of Over - Coatings and Suitings• ESTATE JOHN HODGENS Under Wear r ig JMscouut dale For Bargains. for _ Cash in PARLOR SETS, BEDROOM SUITES, CHAIRS, SIDEBOARDS &c., for the next 30 Days, Come to Furnitur e Emporium, J. C, STEVENSON, Opposite Town Hall, Clinton. What's the Matter -itii you feet? • ° WHY YOU WANT A PAIR OF Taylor& Sons iillidShoes Eggs taken in exchange. 5 per cent oft for cash. Tr&YLOR & Sona cA,..mrroil AND BLV"T FALL ANNOUNCE1IENT —•---Doo • To onr customers and the public generally we wish to make it known that we are now ready fo; the Fall Trade with Tho Largi:t .sad cost virieg :Z1ood of . That has ever been kept in Clinton. Our two stores are both filled with. -ggo.ods • that are required for a general trade. Full lines in all kinds of • DRY GOODS, bought on the best terms possible. Some special bargains from the stock of goods bonglit from Mr. Thomas Jackson, at 64 Dents on the $. FULL LINES IN ReadyMade CLOTHING CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER cheaper than any house in Clinton; come and try us and see for yourselves. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes. FELT BOOTS of all kinds, coarse and fine, in all the different makes, at from• 10 to 20 per cent cheaper than other houses sell them. We mean business. Full Lines in HATS, CATs, FURS, ROBES, To be sold at a small advance on cost. All we ask is a small commission on these goods. GROCERIES PRS VISIONS We are getting ready as fast as possible to supply our customers with all kinds of Groceries and Provisions. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. DRESS &MANTLE Making We will open out in this department •next week, and will give you city.work and city styles. Work • guaranteed to be second to none in, the trade, and prices as. low as the lowest. Come and see us. We are bound to do business. We do not advertise anything but what we intend to carry out. Come and see our stock and get; prices. 2 stores in Searle's Block, PLUMSTEE.L : GIB.EIl GS • IteNT1111111101,61.10 WILL HOLD DURING THIS MONTH, ill i:e-o S'EE THE UST Aenweasmonwaliemesi H' GOODS advertised ;dor each respective Friday On Friday Nov. 8th. DRESS Goods, Plushes, Mantle Cloths, Tweeds, Jerseys,Flannels,Gloves, Hosiery, Shirts,Drawers and Millinery. Frid - y Nov.l5th. •BLANKETS, • Shirti'r s; Shirts;Drawers, Ribbons and Laces,Mantle Cloths Cretonnes, Furs, Hats & Caps. MILLINERY TE ,M C &S.II OP. IDROT.� TCGE We have inaugurated this new system so as togive the public a chance to buy goods on those special days at prices that will be iii the range of all Remember, it �t will be only on the Fridays advertised that these bargains will be given. Further notice will be given for Nov. 22 and 29. Sale to commence at 8 o'clock, a•m- J. C. DETLOR & CO., CLINTON