HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1889-11-08, Page 3ill HAW INTELLIGENT WOMEN DECIDE. When the. question has to bo met as to what is the best course to adopt to secure a sure, safe and agi eeablo remedy for those organ- ic diseases and weaknesses which afflict thji,. male sex, there is but one wise decision, viz.' a course of self -treatment with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is•an unfailing specific for periodical pains, mtsplaeement, internal in- flammation, and all functional dis- orders that render the lives of so many women miserable and joy- less. They who try it, praise it. Of Druggists. The Genesee. 113y Henry Faulkner Darnell, We sing the wandering Genesee, Through the sinuous valley winding free, Under the genial skies ! As the sunbeams sport with thy ripples bright, Or shed on thy bosom their crimson - light, When -the lingering daylight dies. In all the land no stream more fair— In earth and sky no charms so rare— We claim the palm for thee : Beneath the smiling heavens above, No stream hath won our hearts' true love As the wandering Genesee. O'er thy breast, fair Genesee, Hangeth the verdure lovingly, As seeking a fond embrace; (raying ever froin-iieight above; Lover like, a responsive love In thy changeful smile to trace. Ah ! for the weary, waiting heart, Doomed to the endless sorrow and smart From the fair one's varying moods; Filling the air with plaint and moan, And making its fruitless passion known In these leafy solitudes. -Down by thy banks, fair Genesee, Glide on the waters ceaselessly— Ceaselessly night and day: Now with a volume strong and full— Now with a current too slow and dull For a ripple to sport or play; Now with a sparkle, clear and bright, As if it had .caught the heaven's own light, And given it back again ; E'en as a spirit, brave and true, In the season of sorrow oft will do— Breathing out praise from pain. As I muse on thy banks, fair Genesee, Many a quaint scene comes to me Out of the hazy past ; Fancy pictures that come and go With the rhythm and chime of the wa- ter's flow, And the quivering shadows cast. Painted "brave" and bladed squaw -- Subject only to nature's law— Lurk 'mid the whispering trees ; Whilst now and anon in the silence sweet, The soften'd tread of mocassined feet Is borne on the passing breeze. Forth from the lair, like flash of light, flight, the arrqw its deadly g ht , And speeds to its destined goal; The gory scalp -lock, borne with pride, That hangs, as a prize, by the warrior's side, Tells of a parting soul. Reddens the sky, as the night comes down— Nor moon, nor star her brow to crown— And the ruddy camp -fire gleams. The papoose hangs from a neighboring tree— The pipes are lighted --the young squaws, free, Dance in its dusky beams. Long by thy banks, fair Genesee, May the waters move on tranquilly Through their borders of living green! Rarely may paddle the silence break, Or the beat of the oar the echoes wake,. Or a skiff on thy breast be seen! May commerce find her a coarse more wide To bear her wealth on its ampler tide, And leave us one river free, Where fancy may weave her magical spell Aud the poet may list to her breathing shell By the wandering Genesee ! — -.... CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physican, retired from prac- t_ce, having had placed its his hands by an East India missionary the forumla of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure ofconsump- tion. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of Cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this mot• ive and a desire to relievehuman suf- fering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt, in German, French or English, with fall directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NoYEs, 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. 1J012-y.e.o.w. A'very inadequate idea of the extent of the distress in Dakota prevails, but sufficient is known to warrant the statement that it is simply appalling. Over 20,000 people are reduced to tho last stage of destitution, lacking oven the commonest necessaries of life. Food cannot bo obtained at any, price, and even if it could be pur- ehased, there is no money where- with to buy it. Letters have boon received from boat North and South Dakota more than confirming the reports of distress previously sent in In South Da- kota thorn aro three coturties in which many families are entirely destitute. .s. CATARRH, CATARRHAL- DEAFNESS—HAY FEVER A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they aro due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to bd a feat, and the result of this disoovory is that a simple remody•has been formulated where. by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently eared in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N B.—This treatment la not a snuff or an ointment;. both have boon discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this now treatment is sent on receipt of ten oenta by A. II. D1xfiN & FS'ie'4808 West Eing Street, Toronto, Canada.—Toronto Globe. Sufferers from Catarrhal troub.es should --,:.;era; "ear., tira shwa. FIRE -PROOF HOUSE,. They build fireproof houses in Dienes Ayres and Mcntevideo without thinking of it, and while using f all the wood they can afford to ; and they use neither iron nor the arch. Trees are scarce in the neighborhood and timber nas to be brought down from the upper waters in bard woods. Being dear, a little of it is made to go as far as possible. The floors and the roofs are sup- ported by joists of hard wood, as among us ; and the space between these a:•° bridged over by thin bricks thirteen inches and a half long, with their ends resting on the rails; another layer of bricks is then laid with lime,and generally on this a layer of flat tiles. The doors and windows have no boxes, but simply frames, which are set up when the walls are going up and built in. There is no lathing or wainscot, or skirting on the bottom of the walls. A house thus built cannot be burned.— (Popular Science Monthly. JYfinard'sliniment ieusedbyilhysicians. KISSES BY MAIL. United States Mail: A young postmaster of a village post -office ,was hard at work when a gentle tap was heard upon the 'door, -mid' in stepped a, bashful' maiden of 16 with a money order which she desired cashed. She handed it to the official with a bashful smile who, after examining it, handed her the money it called .for. At the same time he asked her if she had read what was written an the margin- of the or- der. "No, I have not," for I cannot make it ont. Will yes please read it for me ?" The young postmaster read as follows: "I send you $3 and a dozen kisses." tt#lancit,g at the bashful girl,`ho said : "Now I have paid you the money, and 1 suppose you want' the kisses." "Yes," she said, "if he has sent me any kisos I want them, too." It is hardly necessary to say that the balance of the order was promptly, paid, and in sciont ific manner at that, and eminently satisfactory to the country maiden for she went out of the office smacking her lips as if there was a taste upon them she never en• countered before. After she arrived home she ro marked to another : "Eh, mother, but this postoffico system of ours is a great thing, developing more every year, and each new feature added seems'to be the bost.l Jim- mie Bent me a dozen kisses along with the money order, and the postmaster gave .me twenty. .It beats the special delivery system all hollow." • , J(inard'31,6- /tent lumbel-man'sfriea A BISHOP SPEAKS HIS MIND. At a missionary council of the Episcopal Convention in Now York on Monday Biiihoh Johnston, the missionary bishop of Western Texas, gave an address which will stir the dry bones in the Church if anything will. Among other things ho said : "This great Church of ours, with it ford' hundred thousand ,communicants, at the close of the present year, in September, will have given $125,000 to Western mission work, a contribution of less than 30 cents per head. We have to call upon tho dead to make up the $180,000 of our ap— propriation. Our Church needs a John the Baptist. I am not ashamed to say it—I would to God this Church had life enough to produce even another John Wesley. We have something better to do, my brethorn, than tinkering canons and patching the Prayer Book. Dur old mon shouldidream dreams—uot of crr- ners, trusts, villas on the Hudson, calapes, falsely called cottages, by the sea, and steam yachts on the -Sound. They, ._should dream' how the world.may be re- claimed for the Redeemer—of bow it is that after eighteen centuries of the Gospel more than two-thirds Of the human family have not ef- fectively heard of Him. Our young men should bo dreaming not how they should accumulate wealth, but of a world converted to God and made a fit habitation for'lthe Son of God; Our ministers should not be crying for soft places in Eastern communities, but for a chance to go to the frontier in the Masters,, wwork." " Gad bless viii' home" was the motto which Mrs Joyce, of Toren. to, snatched off the wall and threw at her husband, beeauso he called her vile names. By its mild, soothing and heal - properties, Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst cases of nasal catarrh, also "cold in the head," coryza, and catarrhal head- aches. 50 cents, by druggist. Holland being entirely free ffom cattle diseases, the holstein cattle are now being admitted free into England. The order for their admission name into force on Sop• tember 1. Childrep Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. 4 e otton hoot Compound Compamei of Cotton Root, Tammy and ren. nyynypl— reppred bt an old o1Js1e1an. 18 4L'CCSROFtLLY LRRD 1t0NTIILY by thonsAads,.f women, and tine been pm Berthed to o praetiee of ovor 30 years. arieo, $1. Will ho 'lolled to any address 1n Canada nd C.R. Doctor's e.n,nitntton boors, 1 to 11 and 1 to a Lisenees of women treated only. Scaled partlen• vs, tw a otom a. Ladles only, address PON* LILY 1. OMPA NY. No, 3 Risher Dloelr,l31 Woodwnrdnvenva Ftroll.111eb. Avg 30.3 top 1'isfr ui1s for &oes, Useful Information fop Tillers of the Soil. POINTERS ON AGRICUL- TURE WORTH KNOWING. 1)o not let the stock get down in flesh. Begin early this season to work up the Farmers' Institute meet- ings. Onions must be dried well be- fore being stored in bulk for win-. ter keeping. If you have not done so already, select the best ears of corn for next year's seed. Burning patches of' withered and dried weeds is profitable Oc- tober business. It's a pity there ere any to burn. Do you know that the liquid manure from your animate is worth as much in dollars and cents as the solid ? It is. Keep the cows in those cold nights. They will give more milk, better milk, and the manure will he , where it can be better utilized. A board of agriculture has been organized in connection with the British Cabinet, of which the pre- sident of the former will bo a member. Do not believe that freezing purifies water. 1 reezing does'nt kill microbes. If you would bare wholesome ice you must provide pure water. The more cows ere fed on elenli- ly cultivated soiling and siloed crops, the less likely is their but- ter to be affected with disagree- able tastes and odors. While the Breather is cool and labor cheap, it is a good time for, doing odd jobs. Bury.big rocks, clean out fence rows, dig or blast out stumps and drain wot spots. The consciousness of having a remedy at hand for croup, pneu- monia, sore throat, and sudden colds, is very consoling to a par- ent. With a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, one feels, in such oases, a sense of security nothing else can give. Enrich the soil freely around rhubarb with manure from the pig -pen. Do it this fall if you want pies early next spring. Four pr five roots of rhubarb will sup- ply a large family. Fall is a good time to set it. , Celery, as monk growers know, must not be banked when damp from rain or dew. The ground along the rows can bo , loosened With harrow er cultivator early in the morning, and the earthing up done later in the day. It was once supposed that soros fula could not be oradicted froni the system ; but the marvelous results produced by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla disproves$this theory. The reason is,this medi- cine is the most powerful blood - purifier ever discovered. Now that the winter will soon be hero, the price of eggs may be high, because a scarcity will exist. It ie not natural for birds to lay in winter, but our domesticated fowls have boon made, by judi- ei us selection and adaptation to e ndition and circumstances, to la in winter, but domestication will not influenee the fowls except only under certain conditions. The first essential in the winter season is warmth. Warm quar- ters which protect from winds, and nutritious food, will enable our domestic hens to lay in .the winter. but any .departuro from these conditions will- result in failure. , J4inard'a Liniment Cure;Gi.temler: WHY COUGH, WHEN a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will relieve you ? Try it. Keep it in the house. You are liable to have a cough at any time, and no other remedy is ko effective as this world- renowned prepara- tion. No household, with young children, should be without it. Scores of lives aro saved every year by its timely use. Amanda B. Jenner, Northampton, Mass., writes : " Common gratitude im- pels me to acknowledge thereat bene- fits r have derived for my children from the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry Pectoral. I had lost two dear children from croup and consumption, and had the greatest fear of losing my only re- maining daughter and son, as they were delicate. Happily, I end that by giving them Ayer's ,Cherry Pectoral, on the first symptoms of throat or lung trouble, they are relieved from danger and are be- coming robust, healthy children." "In the winter of 1885 I took a bad cold which, in spite of every known remedy, grew worse, so that the family physician considered me incurable, sup- posing me to be in consumption. As a last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral, and, in a short time, the cure was complete, Since then I have never been without this medicine. I am fifty years of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and at- tribute my good health to the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral."—G.W.Youker, Salem, N. J. "Last winter I contracted a severe cold, which by repeated exposure, be- came quite obstinate. I was much troubled with hoarseness and bronchial irritation. After trying various medi1 cines, without relief, I at last purchased a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On taking this medicine, my cough ceased almost immediately, and I have been well ever since."—Rev. Thos. B. Russell, Secretary Holston Conference and P. E. of the Greenville District, M. E. 0., Jonesboro, Tenn, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, raise/mtb nv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dnrggiato. Frloe $11 e11 bottlea,$5. ,J The four greatest medical centres of the world are tendon, Paris. Berlin and Vienna. These cities have Immense hospitals teeming with suffering humanity. Crowds of students throng the wards studying under the R,.rofesaora fn charge. The moat renowned physicians of the world teach and practice here, and the institutions are storehouses of medical knowledge and experience. With a view of making this experience available to the public the Hospital Remedy Co. at great expenae aecured the prescriptions of these hospitals, prepared the specifics, and although it would coat from $26 ty to.enure the attantion of their distinguished originators, yet In this way their pre- pared Bpecrfica are offered at the price of the quack patent medicines thatood the market and abaurdlyclaim to cure every ill from a single bottle. The want a/waye felt fora reliable clam of domestfo remedies is now led with per- fect eatrafaction. The Haapited Remedies make no unreasonable claims. The specific for CATARRH cures that and nothing else; so with the apecldio for BRONCHttTIS, CONSUMPTION and LUNO TROUBLES; RHEUMATISM is cured by No. 8, while troubles of DIGESTION, STOMACH, LiVER and KIDNEYS have their own cure. To these is added at specific for FEVER and AGUE, one for FEMALE WEAKNESS—a GENERAL TONIC and BLOOD -MAKER that makes blood and GIVES FORM AND FULNEBSj and an incomparable remedy for NERVQU$ DEBILITY. 4,41.41k . ` NO.I—CURER CATARRH NAY FEVER,/?08E GOLD CATARRHAL DEAFNESS—The Only authentic Dura emanating from Went* sources now before the public. "- This is nota ante or ointment --both are die- , carded ae iyur/nus , 1.Oa 1 \ ATO. R-00UGH8, 00LD8, BRONCH?1S, ASTHMA, 001V- GUMPTION—An Incomparable remedy ; does not merely stop a Dough, but eradicates the d/cease and etreeigthens the lunge and restor,s wasted tiseuas $1.00 NO.3--BHEUMATi8M AND 60UT—A distinguished and welt - known specialist In this disease In Parte, who treats nothing else, built Ala reputation on this remedy. 11.00. 1.0:4 -=LIVER AND KI DNEYB;-DYSPEP8/A • AND INDIGESTION, CONSTiPATION and BRIGHT'8 DISEASE—A faoorlte'8laughterfield for the quack who baa ruined more etomaohe than alcohol. l se a remedg sanoiiared in high places 11.00. - . e NO. S—FEVER AND ABUEI DUMB A0UF, MALARIA, NEURALGIA • —Few know what gran damage thls deee the system; it is treat- ed to break k for time Use a remedy that eradicates it. 11. N0. G-F'MALii WEAKNESS, IRREGULARITIES, WHITES—Many ,omen are broken down because they neglect these diseases �engtl 11.0. seated. Use N0. 0 and regain health and lots i• weak Need 18 poor, N, FORM AND Ifsor wny, usdepend on e this perfect tonic. cit N0.8—NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF POWER—A quack oure- ridden public will hail a genuine remedy for an unfortunate con- dition, No. 81e golden, which one trial will prove. Beware of Ignorant quacks who charge high prices for cheap and worthless drugs and pills, the properties of which they are utterly Ignor- ant, and who expose you by ael(Ing your confidential letters to others In the same nefarious business. Use No. 8 and the again. 81.00. TO 9E HAD OF ALL DRUGGISTS. Ir yirur Druggist does not keep these remedies remit price to us and ive will ship to you direct. Now listen : l ako no other remedy, dtsi.uucum ell quack cuall medicines and use iotead liven high -cam++ nospltal Ren,ealas wlucit emanate Isom scientific sources. anal thus i,rutuug yuna lite. Send Stamp for Descriptive Circular to 16C]I I hilly . A it{telin nnunhlit@ f Res Y ital Remedy Co.T°;,,°7° Y 0. A. HUTTON DIXON, Prop. Canada and United States. Yti y!_• •,��•..:�- tgkJVAP17'F:E hoc '1743AtlilFACTi1WCI3\ Sy MONTREAL. CANADA. This Paint. is a rich brawn colw,rt, it is the BEST PAINT in the world, covers double the surface,looks bet- ter and lasts longer than the best lead and oil paint nianufact'd In thanking you for past custom and soliciting a eolitiuu:uiee of the same, I bog to intimate to the public that I linvo a tull stock of D.M. FERRY'S and STEELE BROS i. ARD)EN, FLOWER, i'1ELI) and GRASS SEEDS. Also a Iarge',iwin tity of 1'O'1'.#'!'Ola. FULL STOCK OF FARM AND GliARV.nliq TOOLS A full case of BIRD CAGES, cheap. My stock of GROCERIES, GLASS; GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, HARNESS, tvc., is full and complete. large stock of CROCKERY just arrived direct from the old country. .'i. good Tea Set for $1.75, Mull a better for .$9,54) LARD, fIAMS and BACON in stock. kinds of Produce taken for goods GEO. NEWTON, t LONDESBORO E.W. PUMP FACTORY iowell's old Blacksmith shop, Huron Street., Clinton The undersigned has his new factory thoroughly equipped and fitted up for. the manufacture of First Class Well aied Cistern Pumps. There being nothing doing in the building -moving business in the winier time, I have improved the opportunity by getting out pumps, and am, ,therefore, pre- pared to supply them at the lowest possible rata... Those wanting anything in this line will find it to their advantage to see me. This will be carried, on inde- pendent of the moving of buildings, which business is still:attortded to as hereto- fore, bithe undersigned. Cistern Ta i";.'iii.ips supplied at Low'estR tes ;J,C)i1 `; CLINTON. .NO•szer..—Intomo m alunAesmrmm.N.Pf2n+. Fon.. .. A!wrn fro bff AT COST Thej undersigned will sell off his well assorted stock of Wall Paper and Decorations at cost for cash on delivery. This salo will probably coutinue without change, until the whole stock is sold. .A.WORTHING-TON,Olinton Groceries, Crockery, Teas, &c, 15 TO 25 PER CENTlregu- lar prices Subecriber having purchased tho entire stack of Palliser & Co. at a greet bargain, and added it to his own largo and magnificent stock, also bought on favorable terms, offers the entire lot for the next CO days, at 15 to 25 per cont less than the regular prices. Call and in— spect and thus prove that this statement is correct. 0—Terms cash. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. J. W. IRWIN, The: Times Tea Warehouse Cooper's Old Stand, Cor. Sean 's 131ock, \CLiNTON B toc�� �1y, , �� ® / .1 af(aHadware. o• o Special Prices - for One Mont" On the Hardware Stock of R. M. Race3 In Cutlery, Spoons, Spades and Shovels, Rakes and hoes, Harvest Nails and Hinges, Paints, Oils and Glass.. - We have also REDUCED OUR ,PRICES ON STOVES, and our prices on Tinware are now about 25 per cent less than ordinary prices. PURE MANILLA and FLAX BINDING TWINE, ordeif early so as to se 're it. Full stock OILED an ANNEALED WIRE, RIBBON WIRE, BARBED WiItE, &c. Call earl; - • inure a bargain before all is cleared out. reign and Hardware Merchants, -Stoves and Tinwa;' i, prelitho ID'Avignom's Cream of Witch-Hazl)a THE NEW TOILET LOTION. • - Sufttus the skin, removes roughness, eruptions and irritation fromthe face an hands, and gives freshness and tone to the complexion. It Ls an invaluable application after shaving. Don't mistake thissnperior pre paration for any paints, enamels or injprious cosmetics or inferior complexio lotions, It prevents ernptions, abrasions, roughness, redness, chapping, col sores, and pain resulting to sensitive skin from exposure to wind and cold. I short D'AvreaoN's Cxa,tu or Wrrcrr-HAZELiO at once a remedy and a,preventatin for every form of surface inflammation or irritation. Price 25 cents per botch • • Manufactured by t�t1 i1�.ti� 11. C.)M13]E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. CA.Ra\THISF • FIR,] Johnson &Armou . PRACTICAL ' HARNESS and COLLAR MAKERS :x. Having bought the business and stock of GEO. A. SHARMAN, we are prepared to fill all orders in our lino at the lowest living prices. We are both practioa workmen, well known tc the people of Clinton and vicinity, and van guarantee superior class of work at moderate rates. The material will always be found Qt the best, and by strict attention to business and honest dealing, we hope to be favored with as liberal patronage as oar predecessor. We have a splendid line of SINGLE HARNESS, which, for material, workmanship and price, cannot be :surpassed. Full stock in. airlines. REPAIRING promptly attended to. JOHNSON & ARMOUR; OPPOSITE MARKET, CLINTOh MINERMINPAMIIMINIew OAR HATS You'I Liko. We are showing the finest line of Fall &Winter Goods Ever brought to this town. all New Styles, Best Quality, and Prices Low, TRY US ONCE. WE CAIQ PLEASE YOU. We have everything theta gentleman requires, at prices to snit all pockets. Our extensive line of HOSIERY corrlprises goods of all weights, in a variety of colors and qualities, from an expensive Sock to the cheapest grades, SUSPENDERS will also be found in great variety, at all kinds of prices. Stock of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Neckwear is larger than ever before, and the finest in tho place (4E0. S( OW, CLINTON